Don't Stop Scattering Seeds | Nick Vujicic | LifeChurch Central | January 24, 2021

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nick it's so good to have you with us we love you man love you and your family and you've been a blessing to our church for those of you who haven't had the privilege yet of hearing nick's share he shared on a couple of occasions here in the last couple years at our church it's been a while and it's so good to have you back with us we love you and appreciate everything that you're doing and praying for you and your family and i know god's going to use you in a mighty way today so thank you for being used of him church one more time can we give nick a welcome applause love you love you tim and i can hug because i use hand sanitizer uh it is wonderful to be back uh pastor tim and abigail your family the leadership here at life church and mundo the fair it is an honor a privilege um to be back here at this church i don't know if anyone was here back in the day when we did i think it was six multiple nights in a row one thousand four hundred people gave their life to jesus christ in this building a number of years ago and um uh am i loud enough or is it just me and am i cool everyone can hear me good all right good good um it is a privilege as well an honor to have in the house my wife kane here and my mother-in-law esmeralda and we are so privileged to announce that we are now residents of texas the great united states of texas uh we are so so blessed to have been in california for many many years i moved from australia 23 years old lived in california for all these years and we are now in the metroplex of dallas fort worth can someone point to me which camera do i look into to really greet the online people make it really obvious for me beautiful hi everyone watching online god bless you um we're going to be reading if you want to get your bibles out if you do turn to scripture as well uh in a couple minutes where you're going to be reading from psalm 1 real quick though may you please put your hand up if you have never heard me speak face to face real quick never heard okay put your hand up if you have okay so it's about 50 50. awesome so um real quick if you're a teenager if you are in middle school or high school i encourage you to go to life without or go to our youtube channel lwlhope lwlhope because i just spoke to about 130 middle school and high schoolers a very very very special message for teenagers if you know any teenagers who are depressed if you know any teenagers who loved the lord but feel a little lost right now middle school and high school there was a message that i did on the 9th of december just previously it was in dallas gateway church and we're praying that god opens up a southern um texan tour for us to preach so pray for that with you with us please um because we just because of covert i mean doesn't mean we're not you know we ain't gonna stop preaching the gospel amen um and we'll be respectful you know uh any rules that we need to abide by respectfully in the counties but we we really are bullish i mean this is the time to really see that that the harvest is ready and um i'm going to title this message i think i'm going to don't stop scattering seeds don't stop scattering seeds we're going to read in a moment psalm 1 but not yet i want to tell you about somebody his name's joseph bondarenko and for those of you who do not know anything about the ministry life without limbs since age 19 god has ordained and called me to the nations to preach the gospel and in 3 500 stages i've been able to preach the gospel to about 9.5 million people face to face of which 1.1 million gave their life to jesus christ and what i love about life church and mundo de fe it's not just coming forward here of the 1414 uh 25 of those people who came forward here on this stage 25 became members of this church and were still members of the church four years later what i want you to understand is that we have gone around the world not just to see people come forward and raise their hand and says yes i want to know jesus christ we work with people all around the world who understand the filtering system that it's not just about a commitment and and then a prayer it's a true long life planting commitment to be planted in the local church to be planted by the rivers of the living water as oak trees and if you know anything about oak trees some of these roots i forget now because you know i was ex aussie i'm still aussie i'm not but i'm i'd do citizenship right um and and you know australia's meters and and feet right here out here i don't remember now i haven't researched it for quite a while but it was just phenomenal to know that who cares about the difference between 400 foot long roots and 400 meter i would say that feet sound a little bit more like it but but god doesn't want us to have just roots of 400 foot but 400 meters long which is multiply that by 3 1200 foot of a root system that when we are planted as oaks of righteousness that no storm no weapon no drought no nothing right that's the beautiful thing about oak trees they are most green throughout the year if if i'm correct because of all the root system canals that actually just keep on digging ding ding ding ding it's these trees that god has designed that you go dig dig dig dig so deep that nothing could ever sway them this or that way and i want you to know that there are so many of us that have been immature trees that we didn't cause ourselves to dig deeper roots ourselves because we were satisfied with the weekly service of fertilizer called church we were satisfied and we didn't feel the need to dig deeper because we were not really tested until recently we didn't feel the need at times and i'm not talking about this church i'm talking about the church i'm talking about if anybody ever thought that the person that is the source of your spiritual strength is your pastor your pastor here today will say he is not he is your spiritual if you will covering to teach you to to help you understand that he's not the source he's not the giver he's the one who points to the source is the one who points you to an everlasting personal relationship with the lord jesus christ and the way that you walk in that is in prayer and the way that you walk in that is reading the bible every day and part of this is not just to get saved but to go and save the lost and when you go out there and you scatter seeds it depends if the the soil is hard or not i'm not going to talk about the parable of the seeds and some fell on the path and some were on shallow soil and some with the weeds that choked it up and then some took root when you take root in your ground walk in faith with jesus christ oak trees are one of the most gorgeous amazing trees that i've ever come across we used to live in a county called thousand oaks we had oak trees in our backyard and when we are grounded in him nothing can stop us now does that mean that we don't fall no we do fall does that mean we don't cry no we do cry does that mean we never feel depressed no i was depressed for a little bit of 2020. does that mean that we never need counseling no i'm going through counseling right now even the strongest of us but even though he falls he shall not be cast down for the lord upholdeth him with his hand and we as a body of christ no matter what enemy attacks we have as a corporate body as an individual as a family in whatever quadrant or pillar in life we know that he is the lifter of our head we've been like this and what are we thinking man i just can't wait till clover disappears well what's the difference when the limbless kid said i wish i had arms and legs what's the difference if i can just get through cancer if i can just get through this if i can just get that job if we can just get through covert is this the only first crisis that the world has ever gone through no is this the last one not the bible i'm reading this is just a warm up baby and the person i want to talk about is the ministry of i want you to write that down the because when we were preaching in 2017 on the 17th of september i don't know if you knew what happened in 2017 all across europe and the devil wasn't happy because of the 500th reformation the 500 year anniversary of the reformation where actually citizens of europe could actually hold the bible legally they had to talk in their government about the bible they had to talk about the bible on tv they had to talk about the bible and the importance of the bible and its biblical values in the school system mandatory 2017. they had budgets for it i was the privilege to talk about the bible to the ukrainian national government the congress and the house of representatives and i talked for 20 minutes then they talked about my talk for 40 minutes while this is on national tv the most viewed uh segment on television in ukraine for the last five years up until then about a limbless evangelist who came to remind the government the importance that we need to forgive our first will ask god to forgive us of our sins that we god would heal our land and i said would you pray with me have you ever seen a government on their knees we saw it it was incredible then we saw 800 000 people face to face hearing the gospel of jesus christ streamlined broadcasted secular television without any ad interruption 53 million people heard the gospel of jesus christ on the 17th of september 2017. it was absolutely marvelous but we asked the organizers just of one thing by the way four hundred thousand gave their life to jesus i asked one thing of the organizers i said i would like my friend my brother in christ who i recently met joseph bonduranco speak before i spoke joseph bondarenko was kidnapped by the kgb back in the day he was known as the billy graham of as we now call it russia soviet union whatever you want to say and i'll tell you right now they wanted to use him as a guinea pig to show people what's going to happen when if joseph ponderenko does not denounce his faith in jesus christ now that's a whole new level of persecution that i have been grown up with knowing you see my mom uh was was born in in former yugoslavia okay 1956. my dad was born in form yugoslavia 1954. the government came to take over my mother's family's property killed all the animals took up their vegetation said this is not your house anymore we're going to supply you another house down there and if you want to have your own farm you can do it's like that i can't farm there that's when he knew he is going to take his family out of form yugoslavia then they were ordered to go to war now my grandfathers were both preachers okay vlada vuitton vladimir vuich and dragomir radoyevich that's my my grandfather's name strong names like i'm gonna kill you names okay and i'll tell you that was the last thing on their mind they would never they're actually pacifists so when the turkish came in for the 400-year regime against former yugoslavia and the armenian people suppression okay when you look at the history of the past it's terrible what humans have done to it to one another it's terrible is what serbians have done it's terrible but there's also people on the other side saying well they did this to us too and you're just like we're all human it's terrible anyway humans are just terrible in case you didn't know and so my grandfathers they didn't believe in shooting anybody and they were like seriously bullied first of all by the people around them and then they refused to pick up arms that was their doctrine and during the 400 year regime of turkish rule the nazarene apostolic christian church was the only from what i understand protestant evangelical church apart from the orthodox church we were the underground church since 1670s my grandfathers were preachers they refused to pick up arms my grandfathers went to jail they got beaten they got tortured and they said how dare you not pick up arms and fight for your country and then they said is it against your religion to go pick up wounded soldiers and they said no so they went on the battlefield they both got shot they both survived they escaped the country that's my grandfathers they were not asked to denounce their faith in jesus christ joseph bonzarenko was asked to denounce his faith in jesus christ and because he did not he was absolutely tortured for nine months he was an assault for weeks on end freezing cold water up to his waist for many many many months and he was very well known he sought asylum in america he now lives in santa barbara area and man it's an incredible story it's called the most wanted by kgb or kgb's most wanted man and i want you to know that we can't avoid circumstances we can't avoid persecution we can't avoid revelations in fact i'm kind of looking forward to it not the bad part but the good part what part we're going home and when you actually fix your eyes on jesus christ the author and perfecter of your faith no weapon formed against you shall prosper does that mean that america won't go through a depression in economics that doesn't mean that don't you dare pray like that you're you're wasting your breath when you're praying for a world economy because we don't know what god has we pray that our family has what we need we pray that we fix our eyes on him that we're planted on him and in him that we read our bible that we have that covering of that grace and that mercy and his peace and his wisdom and his discernment but i want you to know that you can't be just somebody on the defense waiting to see what's going to happen next this is the time to go and scatter seeds gen z arguably is one of the most i'm gonna say unique generations for the last hundred years let's say that suicide is double depression is double in homes all around the world i'm getting calls i'm not going to say which government i get a call from a south east asian education department saying nick they're jumping off buildings not just the young but the old and the middle age there's there's there's um rampant abuse at home there's addictions there's violence there's everyone's isolated they didn't call it they didn't call it um social distancing they called it safe distancing but when we look at the world i want you to know that when you're grounded don't just be on the defense be on the offense you're a farmer you're a warrior you got your sword you got your shield who are we fighting politics no rules no we're fighting principalities and powers of darkness for what for what for god's kingdom to be brought here on earth for what for lust souls knowing jesus how did you come to know jesus that's my question how did you know is it not because a faithful farmer scattering seeds happened to be used by god in your life where a seed fell on your heart and faith grew or did you happen to see an angel or did you happen to see a dream of jesus and then give your life to him because of that dream maybe that wasn't you but that was a million people in 2009 in the middle east where no one could physically come and plant the seed when you understand this ain't social distancing this ain't a ban on farming and scattering seeds of the hope and love of jesus christ and the best seed you could ever give is your testimony it is not nick voyach it is not tim holland it is not and was not and he admitted he knew it's not billy graham he said you all are billy graham me and my wife had the privilege of being with reverend billy graham in his last days you ought to go to war no one's putting us in jail yet it's time baby it is go time i want you as believers to take me seriously when i say these two things before we read psalm one number one remember what god has done for you remember the last time you were shaking of fear remember the last time that you had a devastation in your life yet god was the lifter of your head yet god gave you the strength to keep on going yet god was faithful and we're here now with what you know you know how we always have those regrets well if i just knew what i now know well what do you do now do you know that your neighbor that your school friend that your aunt at your uncle they're absolutely terrified right now and the the the soil of their heart it's full of crap ready for a good seed crap is in circumstances in fertilization which actually gives the nutrients to plants yes there's a lot of crap going on perfect give me the seeds does a farmer grab a bucket full of seeds grab a little bit of seed and puts it in the dirt and sits there and waits i did that at six we planted tomato seeds i sat there and i'll never forget i remember like yesterday i'm like digga dig up and add some water cool my dad walks in i'm like where is he going i'm going to wait 15 minutes later my dad like said oh no no no it takes two weeks i'm like two weeks to a six-year-old's like 200 years but then do we wait for something to grow do you wait to actually share your testimony to see if anybody gives their life to jesus christ before you then share your testimony again why have we not written our story down why have we not written our history down why have we not even recorded understanding the word history is his story you're not the author of your faith journey god is the author of your faith journey what is your story because you are holding and withholding some treasures in heaven that god has for you because you have not yet tell me the story of jesus and who you were before you met him and who you are when you met him period it's not that hard remember and write it down and number two share it you know new year's resolutions have you ever had a new year's resolution of writing out 10 people that you want to preach the gospel to oh one day i want to write a book forget about book pick up the phone amen come on is he real then tell someone did he change your life then tell someone oh but i need to fix myself up before i really tell people i'm a christian garbage that's that's not the truth it's that's a lie from the devil amen it is time remember write it down in a bang go share if i'm an evangelist you're an evangelist who am i were you not included in the great commission hallelujah can you say that word those words great commission say it again say it again i'd rather have a great commission purpose than a great life i'd rather have a life without limbs and a life without god i'd rather have cancer i'd rather die of covert i'd rather die of anything and just die of some kind or whatever who cares than me seeing god face to face and he said so how many people did you introduce me to or the other way around thank you jesus for getting me through depression thank you jesus for getting me through that rough patch thank you jesus for you know but it's not about me myself and i it's about going to serve yes feed the homeless yes orphans yes widows who are the orphans in america foster kids how many of them there today 425 000 adopted how many kids in america pre-covered waiting to be adopted anybody know hundred eleven thousand people from two years ago you watch what happens to human trafficking in america when one day they actually legalize prostitution they've already legalized pedophilia in australia you watch what's coming and if we don't take spiritual grounding now you may fall and if you don't go on the office and actually go in to the offense and scatter seeds you may be actually robbing yourself of the greatest result that god actually wants for you which is this ready god wants you to meet someone in heaven that didn't know jesus and then you told them your story which was his story your history and because they saw you go through depression because they saw you go through anxiety because they saw you go through say abuse emotional sexual physical abuse and you got through by the grace of god and now you were able to share that story with them to let them know that god has a plan for them too it's understanding once again i always say this when you don't get a miracle you can still be one and i will never ever forget the day that i met the little boy with no arms no legs daniel martinez in california with no arms no legs just like me and i saw my parents hug his parents crying praying sharing stories and now daniel knows that if god has a plan for uncle nick then god's going to plan for little daniel and we're both going to have arms and legs in heaven i don't know if god's going to give me arms and legs here on earth i'm not waiting for them to stand in front of the gates of hell and redirect traffic but when we're in heaven i'm going to have my arms and legs he's going to have his arms he's going to hug me he's going to say thank you so much i thank god for you for your testimony for your love for your call for your friendship for your mentorship to help me to know that this place called heaven was real is there anything else that you would want than that can they hear an amen church it's waiting for you get those seeds and start scattering amen can we have some keys up here i play keys but i'm not warmed up yet psalm 1 i get up on stage not knowing exactly what i'm going to preach on and babe i think i got one of your long hairs on my shirt um i'm going to get up on my phone new king james psalm 1. it's going to be up on the screen soon sorry i'm i'm not going to say sorry but i am going to say sorry if i get loud i i get excited i'm passionate my hands fly everywhere here we go psalm one psalm was written through the holy spirit of the holy spirit through david we good blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but he is the light is in the law of the lord and in his law he meditates day and night he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in season that's what i wanted to say i'll come back to that whose leaf also shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper the ungodly are not so but i like the chaff which the wind drives away therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous for the lord knows the way of the righteous but the way of the ungodly shall perish that's the good news the devil himself is going to be done mean like in the 1990s we heard from so many people jesus is coming back soon we're going to have a one world government in the 1990s there wasn't even internet now can we imagine how could 7.5 billion people get an order or two and we're like we're gonna have to do this it's really interesting am i saying that any of it's false am i going to politics i'm not but from an evangelist point of view it kind of gets exciting when the world is watching the same thing feeling the same thing being told the same thing it's kind of like order so i told my wife we are not going to depend on grocery stores i'm building a farm call me crazy i'm not what i love is when you research seeds don't know what season it's in they actually don't it's the climate lobsters when they when they breed it's not about oh it's june 1 or it's whatever it is august 1 or it's march 1. you know you get the little seedlings from like lowe's or whatever i got them here don't plant until may those seeds are growing today why because i didn't put him outside that wasn't in the fine print oh and if you bring your garden inside you will get seeds wasn't on the fine print they're sprouting they're like bigger than my foot right now cucumbers and tomatoes i'm gonna go check out a local vertical farm where they don't even use soil they use aquaponics and in my garage i'm pulling water out of the air call me crazy i don't care what you call me man i'm getting ready baby and how cool is it that you and your sandwiches are going to get the voice it's garden lettuces in the homeless sandwiches that you give let's think outside the box let's understand that there are no seasons to the scattering of the seeds that it will take root and it's not the waiting for results if you go and sin no more and you find the freedom of christ and you go and scatter the seeds it is only only only up to god to bring the results but scatter plant and use the softness of everyone's heart to say hey do you know jesus no well how can god be god when there's so much pain in the world you have the answer you have the answer no well i've been hurt by christians and the church well that's no excuse to really believe that the cure of death is resurrection yet there was only one who resurrected and his name is well i just can't imagine my friends who don't believe in jesus going to hell that hurts doesn't it it does hurt that was one of my problems too but i'll tell you why i'm not muslim i'll tell you why i'm not shinto and i'll tell you why i'm not buddhist and i'll tell you why because i've actually researched and compared and even put me as a guy without arms and legs into each of those religions and actually it made the most sense if you just believed and what's really interesting is the biggest accusation is the church all the christians all the followers of christ but never christ himself and christ himself said he was god and christ himself says i am the way the truth and the life not that i know the way the best way and blah blah blah and i'm going to empower you and i'm going to help you no i am the way the truth and the lie you have sinned i died for those sins i had no sin give me your life and you will be saved are you saved tonight if it's your last night will i see you in heaven i'll be there will you are you quite done yet waiting for circumstances to change are you quite done yet trying to figure out your own shame and guilt and addictions on your own are you quite done yet waiting what are you waiting for aren't you tired aren't you exhausted trying to figure it out it's time it's called the rebirth where everything is new so right now from the front to the back i want to give you an opportunity the lord wants you to meet him today and it starts with a prayer why do i call you forward because yeah sure you can say this prayer in your chair you can but if you can't stand up for your faith in here how do you expect to stand up for your faith out there that's why i call you forward and forget about who else is coming forget about who the first person is who the second person is will you come and meet your savior nick i need to fix up myself before that happens no when you're broken and you know you're broken the best carpenter can't fix you until you let him in can i hear an amen so right now from the front to the back if you know that god is talking to you from the youngest of the oldest and you don't know jesus christ as your lord and savior and you don't know if you're going to be saved if you died tonight but you want that assurance you're looking at that peace that strength that joy that knowledge that understanding that wisdom and that joy that you see in me or tim or anybody else it's not just a better way to live it's living living i'm not afraid of death i'm not trust me i'm not because it's it's the knowledge that the one who conquered the grave lives in me and it's his power that raises me up from the dead gone five minutes over but here we go ready i'm waiting for the first person to get up off your seat stand and put one foot in front of the other in the name of jesus you don't have to stop an addiction or stop saying the f word before you come to christ it's letting him in and saying god i don't want my plan i want your plan i don't want my strength i want your strength i don't want to wait for something to change me to change someone else to change before i actually feel alive he is ready to meet you where you are at take all your sins and transgressions and all the burdens and cares and begin a daily walk with him does that mean you're not gonna cry does that mean you're not gonna still go through ups and downs does that mean you're still not gonna sin no but you get up and you walk and talk and fall and he pick you up shrug he lifts your head i'm waiting for the first person don't wait for the first person right now be the first person and if you see someone stand and come to the front then clap them on down i'm waiting for at least one right now if you know you need to make your life right with jesus he is here right now it starts with saying a prayer forgive me come into my life right now if that's you stand and come on down there's one there's two come on church this is it there's three come on down there's four there's going to be a lot of people five six seven and just face me that's fine that's six i'm waiting for another six if there's six right now there's at least another six i'm waiting i'm a very patient man when it comes to this don't try me on that but we won't have lunch no anybody else i'm waiting maybe you don't want to come alone that's cool i want you to if you don't want to come alone that's cool come up with someone else yep i see them coming if you see someone come and clap them on down in the name of jesus i pray for that ankle i've never seen anyone roll their ankle while they're coming forward to receive jesus christ we pray for that in jesus name one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven awesome let's close our eyes and bow our hearts before the lord and if you're watching online repeat after me and everyone here up the front please repeat after me say dear god i come to you today and i thank you for loving me thank you god that you have a plan for me i ask for faith i ask for your help i give you my brokenness my shame my guilt and my past and my future days until my last breath i ask you to be my savior i believe jesus that you are the son of god you died for me and you rose again come into my life forgive me of my sin fill me with your holy spirit and teach me how to pray show me how to live and to be planted in your righteousness in your plan when i fall pick me up when i fail carry me i want to know you each and every day in jesus name i pray amen let's give god a shout of praise i would like you at the front to get your phone out real quick we would love to let you know look at me right now that this is just the beginning of your journey and we'd love to help you with the next steps and connect with you and the way that we do that is through tech especially because a lot of people are watching online so right now go ahead um tech people if you want to put up that slide for the information but right now get your phones out maybe pastor tim will actually do that himself but can i just say i love you god bless you and really nice to meet you from here i'll give you an error hug i love you and this is just the beginning this church believes that this is the beginning that you don't walk this walk alone we're a family do you understand me family a family that don't judge you for whoever you voted for i won't judge you i'll pray for you a little bit more if you didn't vote for the guy i wanted but i'm still going to love you yes i'm still going to be here with you yes i am your half brother yes even if i didn't vote for the people you wanted yes it's not about government it's about our soul it's about god's plan you think god is like oh i didn't know kidding me it's like as soon as my servants angels as soon as my servants call you to their assistance you go that's what happens when you pray angels are commanded by your prayers so you pray for those addictions you pray for your breakthroughs you pray and we'll stand with you in prayer get counseling if you need counseling we want you to know nothing you'll ever tell us will ever change what we think about you because we are ordered by god and we love because who are we that he loves us i'm not any better than you guys pastor tim please come up let's give god a shout of praise one more time thank you nick bless you love you
Channel: LifeChurch Central
Views: 9,990
Rating: 4.8996415 out of 5
Keywords: lifechurch, covid, pandemic, depression, anxiety, hope, Covid-19, Tim holland, lessons from the pandemic, influence, isolation, dallas church, coppell tx, quarantine, 2020, churches in dallas, churches in coppell, church online, church service, global pandemic, relationships, relationship advice, series, life church, lifechurch central, lifechurch coppell, church lewisville tx, church plano tx, nondenominational church, nondenominational church dallas, worship service, praise and worship
Id: jc0y7hetnlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 57sec (2877 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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