Rock Church - Nick Vujicic (2019)

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[Music] know that we are not alone and we need each other we need to uplift this message of hope around the wall to know that we are one the body of Christ is one and together we can hold each other we can uplift each other we can support each other we can encourage each other [Music] [Applause] love you god bless you I'm gonna be screwed minutes with him first I wanted to tell you Nick and I go back about ten years this guy is unbelievably incredible God is using him all around the world places I'd never even heard of we just want to thank you for coming and thank you for being a man of God and I just want to say to all the campuses we want to welcome all the campuses and welcome all the people watching online God is gonna rock your world and if you've ever felt like you had a problem just look at that you don't have a problem I asked Nick I asked Nick I said Nick how do you want I didn't want me to introduce you he says tell him your half brother that's what he said that's what he said I did miles give a hand come on come on man you may be seated it is a privilege and an honor to be back in the house at the Rock man it has been a while and many things that happened photo number one family of the voyage clan me and my wife we just celebrated our seventh year of marriage we have that up on screen there's a screen there we go her name is yeah her name is Connie she's half Japanese half Mexican we call that second Kyoshi on the left is now six day on on the right he's now three and these twin girls Olivia and Ali there's a closer shot of them there we go Olivia Nellie identical twin girls our hands are full and our Ministry of life that limbs loves to hear more and more over the years about what the Rock Church is doing in the community of San Diego and I just want to say the Rock Church in San Diego you are rocking it for Jesus and I love you I love you put your hand up if you've never heard me speak face-to-face awesome put your hand now put your hand up if this is your first time to this church welcome awesome real quick here's a photo the ministry of life that limps has gone to 70 countries approximately preaching to eight and a half million people face to face this is eight hundred thousand people with 53 million people watching in 26 countries translated on mainstream TV without commercial interruption by the grace of God for free and fifty three million people heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and that was 2017 in 2017 there's this photo of the national government of Ukraine if you remember in 2017 it was the five hundredth year Reformation year of celebrating the ability for the average civilian or citizen in Europe to hold a Bible without getting killed for it so the government's had to have people to speak to them about the Bible by the grace of God I was the one chosen by the Ukrainian government and the chaplain there and as you can notice on that photo they're not sitting in their seats this is our national live TV they're asking God for forgiveness of sins of Ukraine to heal their land yep arrows a Jesus man I love how you still do that is awesome next photo real quick everyone say Rancho Santa Fe do you see that trailer people still meet God in tents this is a life without limbs tent that trailer is 53 foot long and that ain't in then ain't even the whole tent 5,000 seats I want to thank pastor miles for allowing me to come to even share about this because this Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday on the grounds of horizon Christian in Rancho Santa they think your horizon for allowing us to pitch this tent to fill up the tent 20,000 people over four nights watching online many more people where we will see many come to Jesus Christ amen and then we don't ever do anything without the local church and so what's gonna happen is if you invite people to that tent and they give their life to Jesus Christ and they're closer to this church and that church guess what's gonna happen you can bring them to the rock and get plugged into the family of God this is an incredible opportunity this Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday the big Jesus sent real quick there's a video of 14 seconds as to how it looks inside awesome oh that's the slide there's a 14 second beat don't worry about the 14 second oh there it is there's 5,000 or 4,000 seats right there and that's what its gonna look like and slide real quick big Jesus chant there you go get involved big Jesus tent oh oh can we thank pastor miles for letting me share all that I I sometimes really fly through a lot of verses and some people think that they remember everything and then they go home and people ask them well how was and they said it was awesome they said well what did he saying you say I don't know I love love love I've actually been to hundreds of churches in many countries I've never heard the church happening to memorize verses together and I want to share with you the prominent verses that have helped me through the ups and downs of life and so if you need a couple other pick-me-up verses that has helped this limbless man to stand in front of the gates of hell and redirect traffic these are the verses that have helped me along the way to understand that God can use any broken pieces to make something beautiful can I hear an amen to that since many of you have never heard my story or see me face to face if you will I was born in Australia and my wife and I we live in Southern California a love-in here and we've just been blessed to go and share our history as his story and when we understand that we never with a pen write our own story like if I had a pen to write my own story I would have been given arms and legs at age six seven or eight years old because I believed at that time that God did love me he did have a plane for me but I just wanted to know what it was and I don't know about you have you ever wonder what God really does have a mind and you kind of text him and whatsapp in and Facebook him and tweet him and put him on you know anything nothing comes back and you're like what like it says in Jeremiah 29 verse 11 that this is a good plan this is good it is not God it sucks to have no arms and legs okay it does there is nothing good about having no arms legs except for pulling off pranks here and there like get my friends to put me in the overhead compartment dress me up as a pilot and greet the passengers as they get on the plane a they'd make lots of trouble and know that no one can handcuff me whatsoever and kids come up and they say what happened I just say cigarettes and no one knows where I was born this way doctors don't know I was born this way lady gaga don't know why I was born this way and my parents always said Nick don't worry God loves you he's got a plan I'm like yeah I understand but now can God do all things can God heal cancer can God give me arms and legs do I have a pair of shoes in my closet yes I do wait cuz I've already had a miracle in my home back when I was in Africa South Africa there was a man of God who's a very famous preacher over there Angus Buchan is his name and he didn't know that I had this problem with my back let me tell you the problem in 2002 I went to the doctor the orthopedic surgeon because I kind of had like pinching of the nerves down my spine couldn't feel my left arm and I did the MRI and he came out and he said I have some bad news I said okay what is it he said you were born with a very rare disease I said yeah I know he said no you were born with a syrinx which is a deterioration of your spinal cord where your vertebra turns into fluid you will have no back by the age of 35 to 45 we're going to have to screw into your ribcage rods that will probably restrict you and you will probably be in bed for the rest of your life well that sucks too and he said do you want to check up I said no I don't want to check up Angus Buchan didn't know anything about this and he put his hand on my back and his hand got hot and in 2012 the year I got married I got another MRI and in 2002 I had three holes now you can traverse a syrinx you can't slow down of syrinx you can't cure a syrinx medically speaking and when they did the MRI in 2012 I didn't have three holes I had two and the doctor scratching his head he says this is impossible I said cool two years after that we did another MRI and there were not two holes there was one hole so his MRI with three MRI with two mr with one and they're like this we've never seen this in my lab are you what's his dad thanks fabric winds November 2015 no holes me now I want you to know that God doesn't always answer our prayers my 27 year old first cousin was dying of cancer coughing up blood and I begged God at six years old please don't let my cousin Roy die he died my dad died twenty seventeen 62 years old doctors gave him eight weeks to live he lived for 21 months we died if you haven't figured that out yet Christians die Christians yes why because we're citizens of heaven passing through this ain't my home I'll fly away Oh glory I'll fly away in the morning where I will see my savior face to face why because when I die I have a cure I have a cure one cure only resurrection for the disability of death do you know of any other cure of death do you know any people who have no sin no so then do you know anyone who lives forever here on earth no because the way that the creator made it made everything that we see and that we don't see Adam and Eve had no sin at one stage and at that stage they had arms and legs and they did not have cancer and they did probably not even have humidity in the Garden of Eden yes it was comfortable and then the snake came in and then told them something they believed what he said and because of it they went against what God said thus sin against God the creator of the heavens and earth and us then cannot be around sinful men or women in the presence of he was with them talking with them he was rustling the trees you could hear God coming through the God he did that for fun you have to do that and one day we're going home why did all that happen Nick why why why did Jesus die for my sins you know I'm a person that really I I don't like that because III didn't ask someone to die for me that that's not that doesn't feel good it doesn't feel good that the people that I know who doesn't believe in Jesus doesn't go to heaven how can a loving God allow good people not to go to heaven good questions well where is this pain that's coming from you know is is coming from all the pain in the destruction and where is God this ain't the Dominion of God Satan goes around like a roaring lion just like he came into the garden of eden' as a snake well if God's a good God then why do you let the snake happen in the first place if all this pain happened ready here we go good question here's the point God made us with free choice free will yes if Adam and Eve only heard the voice of God I could intelligently argue God never gave Adam any free choice whatsoever are you with me he allowed Adam and Eve to have free choice because he's not someone who wants robots me let me allow me not me love me love me and always have you lot know he wants children who will love him and choose to love him and to prove that he gave us free choice and to show that he gave Adam and Eve a choice meaning that Satan came in the Garden of Eden like a serpent saying something different than what God said thus giving them a choice are you with me then all sickness and doctors and disease came into the world and death itself and I don't know about my life expectancy compared to yours medically speaking I have the same lifespan as you medically speaking and such the chance of dying in a car crash tonight yes so what we gotta understand is why do we feel like God is so important as Christians why is Jesus Jesus and why does a man without arms and legs decide to believe with all his heart that God loves him because of this when I was a kid I went to school and I learned about the love of God from my mom and dad my minute we love you God loves you God bless you don't worry about what anyone else says you put it for just the way that you are you're special I don't want to be hard the truth sets you and if you don't know the truth you're gonna then be chained and disabled with a lie you see this table this is where God has me towards his plan and purpose for my life now when I was eight years old I had no idea that I'd be able to type 53 words a minute on a normal computer after two cups of coffee and going to the stock market at 17 real estate at 19 graduated a double degree in accounting and financial planning by 21 giving my first $28,000 to the poor and needy in South Africa by age 19 now by the grace of God a nonprofit organization life without limbs has given over to 1.3 million people of dollars to the poor and needy and-and-and-and preaching the gospel to many many many many many many many people writing books being in short films bla bla bla bla bla it's incredible and ridiculous to actually believe that God can use the man without arms and legs to be his hands and feet and we can't compare each other sufferings I can't tell you that I suffered more than you yes I attempted suicide at age ten and that was my reality and that was my pain and I tried to drown myself in the bathtub but that doesn't mean that I actually suffered more than you I believe it's worse being in a broken home and having no arms and legs I a hundred percent believe it's worse being sexually abused verbally abused emotionally abused and having no arms and legs you would give up your limb to never have had verbal emotional sexual abuse in your life I'm so thrilled and thankful to be alive to let you know that I'm not here to tell you that I'm suffering more than you now I've done 290 school surveys when Pence was governor of Indiana I was able to speak to 260 schools at once via livestream I we've done 990 schools all across America in 260 290 of them I got them to do a survey I got them to actually bow their heads put the hand in the air and so no one's looking anywhere and I say open your hand and then I say I'm gonna ask you four questions and if your answer to this question is yes before then simply put your hands in a fist that way no one sees anyone's answer except for me are you with me the first question that I had to give them was have you ever thought of committing suicide six to twelve percent of all teenagers in America have put your hand in a fist very attempted suicide three to six percent of American teenagers have already tried forty percent I said put your hand in a fist if you tried to commit suicide because of a broken home forty percent put your hand in a fist you've actually tried to commit suicide because of bullying at school forty percent I was bullied teenager young people sex ain't love you can sleep with anyone you want as many times you want sex ain't love I'm looking for a girlfriend I'm looking for my wife is gonna be the mother of my children sex out of marriage is never better than in marriage delay your sexual experience the way that God has asked you to do well I love Him where Christian amino maybe you know I can't keep my if your boyfriend can't put God first while you'll go from boyfriend how do you expect him to put God first after you get married and when we're single we worship this Idol of this ideology of getting married oh when I finally find the one then everything's gonna be okay no go talk to the married people they'll tell you honey if you ain't happy single you're ain't gonna be happy married can hear an amen those are the married people shouting and clapping oh I'm 55 years old and you know I'm just gonna pay up my house and get a couple rental properties on Coronado Island does that sound familiar to anybody money drugs sex alcohol pornography fame and fortune if you put your happiness in temporary things your happiness will be temporary deep deep deep down if you have any insecurities because you don't know the truth of who you are some of you guys say the F word and you think you soaked I woke up my muscles I just need bigger gun are you kidding me my biceps are so big they fell off you understand me [Applause] the coolest thing was watching the hearing-impaired sign language when I said arms fell off watch this so good I do sign language [Music] peace peace love you I tell you there are people that are deaf physically that hear things that will never hear there are blind people that see things that we don't see it's amazing it's really amazing sometimes we look at ourselves we judge I'll Salvio I have no arms and bla bla bla bla bla what's your biggest disability fear purposelessness depression anxiety D is a be led disabled when you look at your future and you know you don't have the strength and you know you don't see any good and God says Jeremiah 29 verse 11 and 12 13 and the beginning of 14 I know the plans that I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you not to harm you plans to give you hope in the future then you will call upon me come and pray to me and I will listen to you you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart I will be found by you declares the Lord Isaiah 40 verse 31 you're right in that town those who wait upon the Lord not those who wait to get married not those who wait for a higher raise not those who wait for something to change not those for God waiting on God to do something those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength they shall mount up on wings like eagles they shall run and not grow weary they shall walk and not faint my joy is not in my circumstances my joy man I couldn't care less if I have no the legs but I want to know am I happy do I have peace do I have strength yes because I know that I'm not just a kid with no arms and legs I'm an ambassador of the king of kings and Lord of lords and when you know the truth the truth will set you but then when you don't know the truth you start hearing these lines oh you're ugly just give up you're all alone God's not there where are your arms and legs there is no purpose or hope for your life you'll never get married even if you got married you can't even hold your wife's hand I thought to myself I'll never be able to get married was I wrong thank you Jesus I'm wrong so I hold their hand no I don't hold their hand but I'll hold her hot [Music] when my kids cried the way hold them I can't really hold them but they hold me I wanted a miracle but instead God made me to be a miracle for somebody else and you hear these lies just give up just give up just give up just give up you isn't they just lies you'll always be disabled by what your father told you when you were nine years old now just get some counseling Christian counseling you don't have to remain in that chain you speak to the devil and you don't hate your dad you don't hate flesh the people who falsely accused yourself you never hate them back what you're going to understand is there's a significantly very difficult understood in human ways the spiritual realm but yet we know witchcraft and voodoo and black magic and widgey boards and all that stuff and we think it's okay to watch horror movies and all that kind of thing then open up our spirits or all that stuff and it's okay to come to church and then you know raise your hands on Sunday and then go to school on Monday and tease somebody really that's okay disabled the is a be led when you walk the path that God has for you it doesn't mean that everything's gonna be beautiful but he promises as pastor Myles has said a couple of times up here that he is a God of faithfulness what he says in the Bible is his word and when you realize it's just the lies and you complain if you can't even pray for yourself you get someone else to pray and you realize these are just lies [Music] lyza can talk to the foot cuz the ears ain't listening and you turn your bag amen psalm 139 I am fearfully and wonderfully mean he knew me before the earth began he formed me in my mother's womb no not with arms and legs was his perfect plan for me but my soul my spirit my mind in His image amen and we can pray for things yeah III I've seen six or seven demons in my life man you see a demon you ain't a theist after that baby and I've seen thirteen blind people seeing deaf people hearing lame people walking crooked backs come straight that's why I have a pair of shoes in my closet as well you know I begged God for arms and legs at age eight I didn't get them Joshua can I have you play some keys up here I play keys but I'm not warmed up yet I wanted arms and legs can you imagine if God gave me arms and legs when I wanted arms and legs in Australia just imagine okay like wiglesworth if you've heard of wiglesworth he put shoes on the end of his knees and then in the morning he had legs cool so imagine it aged eight okay no joke God would give me arms and legs in Australia okay I'd may have been able to get on the news because I was already on the news in 1989 National Australia for being the first disabled student to go to school in a mainstream school I was already meeting politicians at age six I could have maybe gone on TV then after that but would you see that on like your merit imagine if it went to American television a guy with our arms relation Down Under he was born that way and now he believes and the doctors believe and the parents believe and the churches believe and the neighbors believe and the friends believe and then the dog sees that he has now arms and legs does it change your life no I just told you I saw blind people seeing deaf people hearing lame people walking crew backs come straight and it is true and it is true that you will not go to bed tonight and say wow I can't believe he saw a blind person see you won't even go tonight to say well I can't believe that God actually healed his back you already forgotten that yes and then I came out to California at age 24 23 and around that time I was speaking in Southern California can we turn him up because I can't hear him please thanks Cheers you good beethoven's movement number 5 slight no I'm joking and not too low let's do something in the middle thank you so much so what we're gonna understand is this thank you I didn't know what life God had for me without arms and legs and when I looked into the crowd I saw a man hold up his little child no arms and no legs just like me have you heard this story put your hand up if you heard this story cool any of you know I'm sound like just like me little foot now I looked at him and I'm like man I want to wrestling him later on and I brought him up on stage he's looking up at me I'm looking down to him and I can't give him a high-five so I put my little foot in his foot and he smiled and when he smiled everyone cried his mom came up and he hugged me and said now I know God's got a plan for my boy I said when he goes to school and if he ever gets bullied at school you call me cuz I'll come in my wheelchair I'll run them all over no that's not what you shouldn't be coughing and it did go to school and he did get teased and I went to his school and then teasing stop do you know that there are a couple schools in this country that has a nick voyage holiday the day that nick voyage went into the school and they never teased each other again after four years do you know that I'm a youth advisor now for the Ukrainian national government and after April they actually had added a law to allow special-needs children to go to school for the very first time and do you know that this this world that we live in there's a lot of change that can be done amen what I love about The Rock Church is that you don't just pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pay pay pay pay you doo doo doo doo doo and then pray pray pray pray pray and then you doo doo doo doo doing then you pray pray pray pray pray and my friend if you think that you're a Christian and you're okay with sex before marriage and not putting God first in that category oh you actually entertain the idea of spreading the gossip that you hear your school you don't know my Jesus whatsoever you say the f-word his his one sentence that'll change your mind about saying the f-word the next time ready very simple the third time Peter denied Jesus he said the f-word to make sure that everyone who heard the f-word come out of his mouth were absolutely convinced that yeah he's not a follower of Jesus Christ check it out it's real and the plan that he has for you is real and he can take your broken piece and do something beautiful Oh Nick you have no idea what I've done I don't care what you've done because Jesus died in the cross you see the wages of sin when Adam and Eve had sinned was then death and if someone who did not have sin paid the price for sin which was death and it was done on the cross and it was dead for three days and he rose again and if I believe that with all of my heart I'm living forever and arms and legs are not rich or poor sick or healthy I don't care I don't need a single as a blessing from the Lord what blessing are you waiting for when he's given you the son his only son to die on the cross for you may we come back to our first love come back to our first love where we came back to Jesus he's my friend he's my friend talk to him oh man you don't understand I've done so many things now man trust me when I went to 2008 India and I went to the brothels and I spoke in front of 650 slaves who were sold into slavery by their own mothers some of them for $650 you can't tell him to be actually if you research put a disabled or prostitute or a forced prostitute slave in the category of other religions and see if there is hope what are you gonna tell him just be positive feel like head-butting them in the face just be positive just be good do good and then you'll be remembered for good wrong just be good do good and Goods gonna happen wrong and you think that until your brother has leukemia and then we think about it and then we bury our friend who is part of the gang and then we think about it where do you stand you go to sleep tonight you close your eyes you don't open your eyes here where are you opening up your eyes well Nick you're a perfect perfect example of reincarnation because you were born with on arms and legs because in your previous life you were a very bad boy and now that you're a good boy you'll come back in your next life like a butterfly I'm like I ain't gonna tell this woman how many butterflies I've killed in my wheelchair then I think that sucks I don't want to be about a flawed when a carpenter comes into your your doorstep any knocks knocks knocks and you know that you got a problem with your house and he says let me help you and you've been living in that home for 25 years you can't do a thing and then you cross your arms like this you say well who are you what do you want how much do I have to give up to that problem being fixed and what's the plan it's like my house is on fire and my fire truck people are outside waiting to come in to douse the fire and I come out with a cup of water and say hey everyone thank you so much for coming can you tell me your plan before you put out the fire in my house oh no and he goes back in idiot fool I love it John chapter 9 the man was born blind no one knew why he was born that way jesus said why was he born that way was it because of his parents that he got punished or they got punished with the disabled son no was it because of his sin what does that mean what before this life you're a reincarnation no he said it was done so that the works of God would be revealed through him and his spits and dirt puts mud on this blind man's face and he sees he didn't sit the blind man down and say I'm gonna tell you your plan my name is JC I'm the healer I'm gonna spit in the dirt get that mud and give you a facial and then you're gonna say no no plan because the pinnacle of this is this you don't walk by sight you walk by faith you don't know what's coming how God can use you because you had an alcoholic father and you felt like giving up and now you can help someone else who feels like giving up because of their alcoholic father but you can let them know that actually God still has a plan for them and we all have choices in life we have free choice we either reap the blessing or suffer the consequence and you have the right to not believe that Jesus is Lord you have that right and how is that going for you no disrespect how are you no joke what are you waiting for you still waiting on something are you one that merry-go-around waiting for you to be better waiting for your spouse to be better and then you're gonna divorce hurts and then hopefully find another person the problem is that every person that you marry is married to you and you might be the very problem as well he's above mine he's Jesus Lord of your life or are you trusting in your plan your intellect your 401k your feelings today make a choice in a moment I'm gonna ask you to make a decision I I want to give you an opportunity to come forward up the front to actually say a prayer with me to say yes God come into my life this is not a rededication if you already know the Lord then this is not for you but if you know that you do not have an active relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and you want him to come into your life to say yes God I am a sinner forgive me on my sin I will never be able to go to heaven because heaven is perfect and I am NOT and Jesus you were perfect you did die for my sins you did die you did resurrect and so when I ask you into my life you live in me and when I die I know I'm gonna come out of that grave as well do you know how well I sleep at night really well I've gone to countries 60,000 people give their life to Jesus Christ in a week we get an email if you come back we're gonna kill you we go back three years later they come to kill me they give us an email after another 60,000 people gave their life to Jesus Christ and the email said we came there to kill you but we gave our life to Jesus Christ instead no weapon formed against me shall prosper the gates of hell shall not prevail are you quite done doing it your way do you know I prayed for a woman who was paralyzed couldn't walk for four and a half years I didn't know who she was we prayed she walked at night guess what she started human trafficking in the 1960s in the city of Mumbai 250 houses six girls in each I didn't know who she was two weeks later she gave her life to Jesus Christ after she walked for the first time after four and a half years so if God can actually love someone enough to actually heal her legs to show him his love and power what you think your pornographic addiction stops the love of God for you know right now from the front to the back to the top and everyone in the past in in the in the campuses right now I've only got three and a half minutes we're gonna do this I'm gonna take two minutes overtime you can hang tough me later but this is so important you know that you need to give your life to Jesus Christ and you're thinking of thinking about it I'm a teenager I'm standing on the fence no listen to me if you decide not to make a decision tonight that is your decision indecision is decision well I don't want to you know no not tonight no no yes tonight yes tonight it's it's time today right now and all across this room right now from the front to the back end to the top you know where the stairs are the ushers will show you where the stairs are you got up the stairs so you can also go down the stairs and we will wait for as long as it takes here in this room and we might cut in three minutes to other other campuses but in this room there's a lot of you and I just want to give you this opportunity right now to say you know what I'm tired I'm gonna trust God because when you go Gio in front of the word disabled it spells God is able to do what exceedingly abundantly more than you can ever ask imagine or even handle or attain why do I call you forward because if you can't sign up for your faith in a moment like this in a setting like this if you can't stand up for your faith in here then how are you gonna stand up for your faith out there it is time do not come forward unless you need to make your life right with Jesus and actually ask him into your life and start an active relationship with Jesus Christ but if you're now thinking of thinking of coming stop thinking about it grab your thing stand to your feet and when you see someone come forward up the front on the floor and standing as you see people get out of their seats I want you to clap them on down Church now is the time if you need to make your life right with Jesus stand to your feet and come forward at the other campuses right now stand right now and come to the screen
Channel: Rock Church
Views: 102,966
Rating: 4.8521008 out of 5
Keywords: rock church, miles McPherson, San Diego, message, sermon, volunteer, volunteerism, leader, leadership, pastor, Christian, Jesus, Bible, God non-denominational, mega-church, southern California, preacher, worship, Sunday, point loma, ministry, outreach, news, stories, transformation, heroes, inspiration, devotional, small group, testimony, disciple, mentor, parable, satellite church
Id: _9El0bm7oUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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