Nick Vujicic at The Bridge

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so who's never heard me speak face-to-face raise your hand you've never heard me speak face-to-face awesome nice to see you I'm originally from Australia and it is my privilege to have traveled around the world and now we really want to focus in on the United States of America like never before and do more local things being a new father of two and a husband you know I've done three million miles at 33 37 thousand feet in the air I don't know if you know how many miles it is from the planet earth to the moon but if you google it it's 422 thousand miles one way to the moon so we've gone to the moon and back six times and they say that I run so fast I leave my legs behind and it's been fun where normally where you cannot preach the gospel in the Arab world in China and other places in Southeast Asia you know the door only has to open up a little bit for this little foot to get in and bust it open so welcome to our ministry but I just want you to know that that that there is a greater purpose in your life and and our prayer and the reason why we're all here is for you to understand that there is brokenness in this world and we understand this brokenness in each and every one of us but there is hope you know there are times in life where fear disables you more than having no limbs and you look at the word disabled and it spells out D is a be led disabled when you go by faith in the hope of God when you put a G oh and you walk by faith and not by what you see you put a Gio in front of the word disabled it spells God is able and I want you to know tonight that that you know this is we're gonna have a lot of fun tonight but but to me the bottom line is when you know the truth the truth will set you free you know when I was a kid I you know saw my brother and my sister being bombed with arms and legs and you know many kids would come up to me and say what and I go up to him and I say cigarettes and the truth is no one really knows why I was born this way my parents don't know why I was born this way my my doctors don't know why I was born this way Lady gaga don't know why I was born this way and and you know there are just times in life where things happen that don't make sense and and you have a choice you have a choice with either just continuing on as best as you can and just believing what you see or actually starting to believe in the things you cannot see you know it's interesting everyone's theory of hope everyone say hope you see if there is a real hope out there it has to work for you and me and your family and every single person around the world in any given circumstance there are some people who believe that there is hope if you're just a positive person if you just have positivity then everything's gonna be okay and it's interesting how we as human beings when we feel like we're going through a valley we just can't wait to get to the next Valley and sometimes you go into valleys that you just can't be positive in how can you be positive when your 13 year old boy has leukemia and you don't know where he's going when he takes his last breath how can you go to someone in a developing country who's been sold into slavery by their own parents tell them to be positive you know I want you to know that there has to be a hope and I have seen a real hope and it's alive in me and you know when when you don't see the big picture and you don't see the full picture it doesn't make sense and it doesn't make sense to believe in something you do not see let me tell you a funny story about believing or or you know truth or trickery or or even if you will really having a lot of faith we actually did some very funny pranks and one of them we actually dressed me up as a pilot and greeted the passengers as they got on the plane seriously it's on YouTube if you don't believe me we actually got me a hat in a jacket and it was the 6 o'clock in the morning flight from DFW to LAX and everyone's half asleep no one's talking to anyone and they're drinking their coffees and they're walking down to the front of the plane and then they see me good morning welcome aboard my name is captain igloo itch thank you so much for flying with us we're trying some new technology and they didn't know what to do talk about faith or what this is this is ridiculous I you serious they said I used for real I said yes they said you're gonna fly the plane I said yes they said how do you do that is that like with some brain wave technology and I didn't know what to say so I said yes and then these people walked on the plane and the kids are ecstatic they're like this is so cool I can't wait to tell my friends and then the Mamas and the dads are like sitting down they're like did you know about this no I didn't what did we do I don't know maybe we should wait for the next flight so everyone was on the plane and I walked simply like this on the floor of the plane and you look down the aisle and all their heads are piled on top of each other looking at me like this and so I got the microphone and I said good morning ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for boarding so fast and they're like oh my gosh when I told him I was joking the parents were relieved than the children were disappointed one more funny story about not seeing the full picture I was in a car one day I'm in the front seat of the vehicle and wrote the traffic lights and his car comes up next to us and this girls looking at me so I'm looking at her she's looking at me I'm looking at her she's looking at me I'm looking at her and all she sees is my head so I'm thinking I'm gonna freak you out so I grabbed the seatbelt in my mouth and I loosen it like this and then I can freely move now she's not now she was looking at me a hundred percent undivided attention she looks at me all she sees is my head I just did this [Applause] and she thought my head did a 360 degree spin and her face was like so good who's gonna handcuff me right I mean serious [Music] anyway so let me tell you about my childhood I I was raised in a beautiful beautiful loving home and no matter what war I felt going on at school because of the bullying I knew I could always come home to parents who loved me and accepted me and who encouraged me just the way that I was and every morning they would you know brush my teeth and get me ready and I couldn't do many things on my own I couldn't do a lot at all and you know in the morning my mom and dad they wanna you know preparing me for another day at school and they're like okay Nick you're ready for school yes mommy now you you you're you're a good boy so don't worry about what anyone else says you're beautiful and you're special yes mommy and then I go to school and I feel pretty happy because I'm so happy right and I get to this school and you know I'm feeling pretty good and then all of a sudden one child looks at me and points their finger at me and laughs and it just takes away every ounce of joy that I ever had and then in that sadness you start asking questions and in the lack of answers you start concluding fearful conclusions and in our life when you look at fear f.e.a.r false evidence appearing real you start concluding false conclusions that are actually extremely dangerous you see this Bible up here this book is on the table correct now there are some people who believe that your perception changes your reality and I totally disagree because if you tell me Nick there's a book on the table and I say no there's not no there's not no there's not no matter how long I wait that Bible ain't moving I can walk away from it but it doesn't change its existence and what it says in the book just like we can say well I don't believe that God is real that's just like saying that Nick has one foot ready how many feet do I have one put your hand up if you think I have one for go for it okay put your hand down put your hand up if you think I have two feet go put your hand down put your hand up if you think I have three anyone four four now how many truths are there one it's absolutely incredible that if you actually believe that your perception changes your reality now we have eight hundred people's perception out of four choices and your choices actually don't change a thing on my body which means that that principle is not absolutely true now here's the truth if I don't show you my second foot I know exactly what's gonna happen after tonight you're gonna drive home like this you know I just wish I saw his second foot you curiosity is killing you right but it's not gonna change your life I know he's not gonna change my life but I wanna see the foot now here is the truth okay I do have one foot but I actually have another one it's on the right side here it's a little shy but can you see it here can you see my little foot there it's just a little cutiepie okay so so the truth is the toe was there whether you believed it was there or not same with God sometimes you don't see God in fact most of the time yeah I've never seen God but sometimes you don't see the fingerprints of his planes on your life and because you don't see that you start concluding that is not there and that's exactly what I did as a kid and every lie of my value and my destiny took me closer and closer to this edge of wanting to give up because I felt like there was no hope God if you love me and you can do all things how many things then please give me arms and legs if you love me then please set me free from this pain and I kept on waking up the same and I thought well maybe I need to pray better or longer no maybe I need to be a better boy before God hears my prayer no faith of a mustard seed can move it's not about how good you are for God to hear your prayer but in your life when you pray a prayer and it doesn't happen God is still God and he actually does have a plan we just don't understand it sometimes like when I was six years old and my 27 year old first first cousin died of bowel cancer and I cried with real tears at 6 years old lord please keep him alive and he died why well we're not made to live here forever I don't know about you great Newberry parks okay but paid to heaven it's nothing what's comin like it's nothing compared to what is coming I want to live forever and ever and ever where there is no evil where there is no sickness no disease no death no fear no sadness no sorrow no depression no addictions no afflictions no oppression of slavery no worries at all living forevermore without the devil himself the same devil who is a serpent in the Garden of Eden the same devil that's going around the world like a roaring lion seeking who to destroy kill and devour that guy that devil ain't gonna be in heaven so I want you to know that when you fix your eyes on Jesus you now start to believe in heaven and when you now start to believe in heaven you can have a faith that goes even beyond death that goes even beyond your physical circumstance and I want you to know that that might sound offensive to you but here's the story I prayed for arms and legs and God didn't give me arms and legs and more than arms and legs I needed peace more than arms and legs I needed my soul to be restored more than arms and legs I needed a purpose and I don't know where you are and I don't know what lies and truths you're finding right now in your heart but when I was eight years old I came to fearful conclusions of saying there is no God I'm forgotten I'm alone God's caused my pain I'll never be loved I'll never get married even if I got married I can't even hold my wife's hand even if I had kids I can't even hold my kids when they're crying at age 10 because of the bullying at school I actually tried to commit suicide I tried to drown myself in my bathtub and the only reason why I decided to stay was because I didn't want to leave that pain with my parents who did nothing but love me and when you know the truth the truth will set you free I decided to stay and I thank God for that grace and now I know the truth and I am free indeed I don't need arms and leg arms and legs are probably just gonna give me a fright it's later on anyway okay and when you know the truth oh you're ugly know the Bible says I'm fearfully and wonderfully made oh look at the pain that God's given you no he hasn't given me the pain the pain came from the devil himself and what the enemy tried to use for bad God can turn it into good he can do miracles with your broken pieces oh this is too hard for you know for I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me oh you're just got a lot of bad luck and there's nothing good that's gonna happen from here no Romans 8:28 says all things come together for the good for those who love Him who have been called according to his purpose well Nick you need arms legs so you need this so you need that nah man Isaiah 40 verse 31 those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength and they shall mount up on wings like eagles and I'll never figure out when I was 24 years old speaking in Southern California and I saw a man hold up a little child and I saw the child his name is Daniel Martinez 19 month old kid born with no arms and no legs and a little foot just like me and I'm like wow that's my mini-me I'm gonna wrestle with you later on and so I got the father to bring up the child up here and he's looking up at me and I'm looking down at him and I know he can't give me a high five and so I gave him a low two all right and when I did that he smiled and when he smiled everyone cried why because it was a miracle and in front of my eyes I saw my mom hug his mum and cry and I saw my dad hug his dad and cry and four years ago I heard that little Daniel was being teased at school so I went to that school no I didn't run to anyone over in my wheelchair okay I didn't do that but I went there and I shared a simple message of love and acceptance and now he's like the coolest kid in the school and now I have to sit him down and talk about humility okay but I don't know about what you want I don't know what you want you want to know what I want I want to be in heaven one day with my arms and legs and I hear my name being called out hey net and I'll look and it'll be Daniel Martinez running to me with his new legs hugging me with his new arms and crying and saying thank you for helping me believe that this place called heaven was real I don't know about you but that's what I want what do you want are there any eight-year-olds up the front give me a week oh you're eight years old awesome okay eight you eight year old people ready look at me okay I want to ask you really serious question okay are you ready okay have you ever been stressed yes or no yes so they can see okay and is it like because of your I don't know is it your homework sometimes I get stressful is it your sibling sometimes that annoy you like crazy your siblings yes okay I get you okay any thirteen year olds in the house give me a week all right now you guys know what stress is all about right let me tell ya I mean I hear it a little time oh my goodness my friends are changing they invite me and then uninvite me to the group and then they backstab me and then my parents aren't understand me and I put a Do Not Disturb sign on my door and they still come into my room and I need my space and I didn't know who I am anymore I am so stressed right now any seventeen year olds in the house give me away 17:17 ready now you guys know what you guys know what stress is oh my goodness I'm in my last grade at school and I just gonna give it to the college and if I could just get into that College and everything's gonna be okay so guess what you go to the college and nothing's okay you're like high school was a breeze I actually have to do something now I gotta get it cha oh my gosh oMG I eat a gob and you finally get your job and you think everything's gonna be okay you get your job and two days later you say a prayer you say dear Lord seriously you let me work for this guy he's freaking me out he's the devil son himself and then all the single people if I can just get married then everything's gonna be okay uh-uh if you ain't happy single you ain't gonna be happy can I hear an amen those are the married people [Applause] so what do you want what are you waiting for are you waiting for a promotion you just get more work what are you waiting for I wanted arms and legs that's what I wanted I prayed for arms and legs so much but I realize that God has a better plan than me do you know how much God wants to bless your life now I'm not talking about money I'm not talking about how many zeros are gonna be in your bank account if you have a couple more zeros than me in your bank account great god bless you that's fantastic but coming to God is not going from a valley to a mountain it's transformational wherein you go to the valleys and mountains of being rich or poor sick or healthy and going through those ups and downs now not alone but with Jesus and when you cannot walk he carries you and I want you to know that the way that you could ever show people that you actually believe in a God who's real and a hope that is real is that when you do have cancer and you present your requests to God and he does say no that his piece still God's your heart and your minds in Christ Jesus we can pray for every single physical miracle right here and we will do that tonight I'll tell you miracles are real I've seen 13 of them I've seen blind people seeing deaf people hearing lame people walk a crooked backs come straight Skin Diseases falling off buddies and seventeen year old boy who's on a death bed we prayed over him the next morning is doing cartwheels out of the hallways of the of the hospital with the doctors jaws on the floor I've seen miracles and I have a pair of shoes in my closet just in case God says yes to me okay you can't tell me that there are no angels or demons I've seen ten-foot demons five foot wide coming through my hotel room in Sacramento just because you don't believe in I want you that's the between the truth and the lie is the same battle with Adam and Eve you heard of Adam and Eve they had no bellybutton have you ever figured that one out and what did they have that had a battle of truth and lies same thing today truth and lies and in my life I've realized that I can pray for arms and legs I don't know how I'm gonna die I didn't care I'm gonna die I don't care when I'm gonna die because my hope surpasses death my hope surpasses sin itself my own weakness is overcome by Jesus's victory and blood and joy and power and when you hold on to something you hold it with the closed hand and when your hand is closed you can't receive any more infusions 3:20 describes God as the God who can do and will do exceedingly abundantly more then you could ever ask imagine or attain I never imagined that God could use me to be his hands and feet without arms and legs and seeing Souls come to Jesus meeting 13 presidents speaking in front of eight national governments and 1.4 billion people in the world know something about this limbless man who's smiling and 600 million souls no exaggeration 10% of the world has heard the gospel of Jesus Christ in the last three years through our one ministry I tell you right now when I'm in heaven I'm gonna see a long line of people who are gonna say Nick thank you for coming thank you for telling us about Jesus and you you are gonna be there and I want to see you in heaven and the reason why I'm so passionate about sharing about the hope of Jesus is because there's no one like him because no one rose himself from the dead like he did because no one actually claimed that they will holy look up any religion you want look up any prophet you want they all actually admitted in their own book that they wrote they are a sinner that they're not holy that they're not God that they can't conquer death themselves but Jesus did so whatever plans we have Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 God has a plan hope and a future so I can live in joy and say God in my bad days when I don't feel even joyful lord help me today lord teach me to pray Lord give me a strength for today Lord please give me arms and legs but if you don't give me arms and legs use me today and that's what happened at age 15 when I saw what Jesus did to the blind man he didn't give the blind man a blueprint of his plan the blind man stood still and just trusted him and that 15 I realized I don't need to know the plan I just need to believe that he has one do you believe tonight that God has a plan for you and do you believe that his plan could be much better than your plan because his peace and his wisdom and his strength and his plan is what I want it sounds absolutely logical to believe in Jesus for the next life because he rose himself from the dead I was 12 years old at an airport and a woman came up to me she said have you ever wondered why you were born this way and I said uh-huh she said well it's really easy I said well what she said well in your previous life you actually were a very very very bad boy and I said thanks she says no but it's okay don't worry because you now being a good boy in your next life you probably come back as a butterfly and I'm thinking woman you don't know how many butterflies I've killed in my wheelchair I don't want to be a butterfly and I want you to know that God is with you and He loves you and you can't do anything with your broken pieces you can't even sometimes forgive yourself but when you give God your broken pieces he does amazing things siren if I can have you play guitar up here while I'm closing off I play guitar but I'm not warmed up yet you know I was in India in 2008 and you'd be amazed that the things we witnessed especially in developing countries not even just India many many places I've been in 57 countries and when you look at everyone's theory of hope and pain and their way of life it's quite educational and it confirms this we were in India and in 2008 it was still legal to run brothel houses with minors who were kidnapped legal my friend Devraj has a ministry who goes and goes into these houses with these girls who have been rejected by their own family and he tells them about the father's love the Heavenly Father's love the unconditional love of Jesus that God is a father to the fatherless that he can heal anything he took me there and we spoke to 650 slaves it was incredible then after that we went to the red light district where you have houses that pretty much are the size of this stage and they're stacked upon each other made of wood metal like 10 and cardboard and divided into sections with curtains we went into the fourth house and on the back of all these houses are all the Indian gods that they worship if you research that religion you'll see they have more than 300 gods sorry 300 million gods that they worship I'm not a Christian you see just because my parents were Christian I'm not a Christian just because of Christians no don't be a Christian because the Christians trust me be a Christian because of Jesus okay but I'll tell you this I've done my research with these religions and it confirms again and again my faith we went in there and from top to bottom left to right of this woman's house was a wall of the gods she's alone in the house she is extremely old and frail arguably the most old looking woman I've ever met in my life she had a tremor like this she did not have the strength to even close her mouth so when she looks at you she looks at you like this okay like this I got my friends who put me next to her and start to talk to her about Jesus through an interpreter and she's politely nodding and all of a sudden this other woman walks in the door and she is angry that I'm there with my six members of my team without cameras as well and we're getting there she's like who are you what are you doing here what are you talking about I said my name is Nick Wojcik's and I'm here to talk about Jesus she says I don't want to hear about Jesus I've heard about this Jesus I don't want to hear about your God anymore show me that your God is real make my sister walk that's pretty confrontational isn't it but I'll tell you why that in more developed sorry in less developed countries in the world where people don't have a GP a doctor to go to they go to the witch doctor and I kid you not the spiritual realm Israel that they use the blood of a chicken that's being cursed to put on the doorpost of their home and the cancer of the home leaves the cancer of the husband leaves witch doctor okay real so when a Christian from the West comes in and says Jesus loves you they say that's nice because I've seen the power of the courses of the witch doctors and then when a Christian comes in and says you shouldn't go to the witch doctor well well show me at least the power of your God you understand so that's why she was so confrontational the shoes for like real she was really angry and so you know my pant my palms were a little sweaty [Music] and now turn to the person next to you and tell him Nick had a little little little amount of faith go turn to the person next to you and say Nick had a little little little amount of faith okay here we go ready the faith of a mustard seed can move okay so we already said that so watch this so I quickly said a prayer to God in my heart and I said God just in case you're not aware of this they're really putting you on the spot here and you know that I have faith and I've seen miracles and we're gonna pray so we started praying in the name of Jesus be healed in the name of Jesus be healed in the name of Jesus be healed and I say get up and walk in Jesus name she needed help she had my friend right my friend on the left lifting her up and if you look at her legs they are skin and bone the sister told me that she had not walked for four and a half years she said you see that door if she's outside the door it's only because someone carried her out there she needs 24-hour care look at her as she's getting up and trying to stay her face expresses the most excruciating pain and half my brains like Nick you're an idiot you don't know if this is gonna happen and look at the poor old woman and the pain you're putting her through and my other half my brain is like well I don't know if this is gonna happen but I had to so she tries to sort of do this on her left leg and she can't walk she tried to put her right foot down and like this we sat her down to chair and it wasn't a miracle and a sister was still angry and I said no God we're gonna pray a little bit more so we stopped massaging her legs we pray a little bit more in 20 seconds later her face goes from this to this oh I like what she said I'm ready I said no you're not I said let's pray a little bit more how silly is that the Evangelist prays for the paralyzed woman and the paralyzed woman says okay let's do it and the Evangelist says no Nick had a little little little little amount of faith so after a little bit more we prayed and I said so do you need help she said no she grabs herself out of that chair she starts walking with no pain at all and we're looking at her will I see she can't believe it she's looking down she's something and feet like this she starts clapping and shouting she sucks jumping up and down and I'm like honey don't break the legs that God just healed it was incredible her sister went to the wall of gods and said think you think you think Yuna said no no no no I said haven't you been praying to your gods for four and a half years that she could walk she said yes I said that was not your God with all due respect your gods died and they're dead Jesus died on the cross for your sins and rose himself from the grave and he is waiting for you to accept him as your Lord and Savior he is the healer he loves you he has a plan for you and he can heal your heart in your mind she didn't accept Jesus into her ha and that night neither did the paralyzed woman who walked but she did two weeks later the person who took me there yeah that's awesome [Music] Devraj the guy who took me there he's an Indian man and we went back to the hotel and he looked pale and it's hard for an Indian man to look pale but he looks pale and he sent me down the table and he's looking at me right in my eye and he said this is unbelievable I said I know how cool was that he said no you don't understand I said what do you mean he said you don't know who that woman was I said who was that woman he said the woman who got healed tonight she wasn't just a woman she was the woman who 45 years ago started that red-light district in Mumbai began human trafficking she began the human trafficking in Mumbai India 45 years ago she recruited all the pimps and Madam's and all the kidnappings she was the madam of the madam of the madam of the Madam's she was the tall and three years after she gave her life to Jesus it became illegal to have a brothel house in India she was the one who destroyed thousands and thousands and thousands of children's lives she ran a million miles an hour in the wrong direction of God's plan for her and God still healed and saved her and for gave her and remembered her sin no more nothing can separate you from the love of God [Applause] [Music] so what do you want I want Jesus I want to know him more and more every day when I hear the lies oh don't become a Christian yet you know go and experience this and that God is better than any drug God is better than any intimacy or physical intimacy you can ever have sex out of marriage is never better than in marriage God designed it for in marriage you can be looking for happiness you can look for it under the table you can look for a right you can look for it left you can run but just look up he will satisfy you more than you can ever imagine make a choice to live for him today we all have sin that's why we all need to die here because sin brought death Adam and Eve did not have to die until they had sinned you bring up to any two three-year-olds up here and give them one toy you'll see sin we all have sin in our life you lie once you're a liar you still once you're a thief you sin once you're a sinner and if I believe that God actually punishes me for my sin it sounds like a mean God doesn't it but John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only Son Jesus Christ who had no sin who died for your sin if you believe he died for your sin you're not gonna die for yours Jesus died for all and if you call upon him you will be saved and whosoever believes in Him shall not die but have everlasting life do you have Jesus in your heart today if not I want to give you an opportunity to respond in a moment if you know that you need to start an active relationship with Jesus in a moment I'm gonna get you to staying where you're right and you're gonna come up the front and don't worry I'm not gonna lay hands on you or anything but I want you to know that God loves you so much and he's waiting for you to respond now what we're gonna do the people up here at the front can you see me from here yeah so from you and you this way you I would say 22 of you if you guys could stand now just help us clear this way I want you to go and stand up against that wall over there and you from this way I want you to come up on the stairs and I want you to sit up here on the stage please go all the way back against the stage and just just sit down wherever you find Hey [Music] hope that's okay that's just my microphone stuff that's easy great thank you guys can we thank the youth for moving [Applause] [Music] now you guys are included in this okay so look at me you guys are all included on this okay but we just needed this area to have some space to respond and so right now wherever you're at you're watching this I know you're watching online you just do exactly what we're doing here at the church but in that room in this room and here if you know that you do not have an active relationship with Jesus Christ I want to lead you into a prayer that begins your active relationship with him I didn't care how old you are and I don't care how young you are young you feel if you know you're a sinner and you want to believe that Jesus loves you and has a plan for you he'll transform your life he is here to redeem you and restore your soul he's here to bring you back to joy to peace and rest will you tonigh make your life right with him if you're thinking of staying in your seat and just saying this prayer in your seat will God hear you at your seat yeah he will but I'll tell you right now the reason why I'm asking you to make a stand for your faith in this moment is because if you cannot stand up for your faith in this moment in this setting in this room here you're not gonna be able to stand up for your faith out there so that's why we do the stand so right now from the front to the back to the very very back in the side if you know you need to make your life right with him I want you to grab your things so you're not thinking of your things later I want you to grab your things and I want you to stand to your feet right now and come on down to the front and kneel at the front right now if you know you need to make your life right with Jesus come down if you already have a relationship with Jesus this is not for you but if you know that you need to make your life right with Jesus stand and come down the front now there's one this you guys are included in my Jase come on down come on um I've eaten every bad lay them down lay them down if we fear every fear every testing 11 Oh in town just say to come right now [Music] sir keep coming you see someone coming applaud you see someone Oh [Music] Oh Oh teenagers there is no offense you had the living for God or you're not living for him this is a second call if you know you need to make your life right with Jesus and you've never done that that's you if that's you come on down single mothers single fathers I'm believing for entire families to say you know what we need to make our life right with Jesus if that's you this is second call stand and come and make your life right with him right now hallelujah my story
Channel: The Bridge Church of Newbury Park CA
Views: 44,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9rFrVKRXsjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2016
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