Nick Vujicic Fully Living for Jesus Christ

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you see it it thank you very much thank you guys have a seat good evening can you hear me you sure it's fantastic to be here tonight guys it's always an unimproved leisure to share a bit about what God has done for me I don't know how many of you have heard me speak before can I ask though for a show of hands who has not heard me speak before very cool hi nice to meet you guys I love Oxford Falls CCC now c3 yeah very excited good friends with massa Muslim I go way back shook his hand fell in love with him as soon as I met him and it's fantastic to be back in Australia still keeping my accent as much as I can excuse me I've been in LA for two and a half years now so do I still sound Australian to you yes I still do the piece on the piece how're you doing I've stand before you without arms and legs and I don't know what you're expecting to hear from me I'm certainly not going to get you to compare your suffering to my suffering and then for you to walk away and think I'll you know what am i complaining about that's not the message the message tonight is fully living a fully sick life in Jesus Christ or fully sick for our New Zealanders I love that but you know I want to expand on what Josh can I call you pass Josh about not really no just Josh you guys like relaxed here man about you know wanting and needing and if you're a type of person who sometimes takes notes during a sermon tonight's the night because I really want to share with you the scriptures that have changed my life how I've realized that no matter what pit of depression no matter what pit of addiction no matter what pit of loneliness you're in no matter how deep of sin you're in that the foot of the cross even reaches you today I want to give you some redefining moments in your life I want to redefine some words such as victory and happiness in your mind tonight because you see a man without arms and legs but I have a smile that's real I have a joy that's real I have a Jesus who's alive and I realized my true needs and my true wants and when you find out who Jesus Christ is and the life you live in and through him and for him there is nothing else to live for but that and I want to be real tonight I'm gonna be in your face and I always open up with a couple funny stories though I was born for no medical reason why without limbs my brother and sister have no disabilities both younger than me my whole family up the chain no disabilities it's just one of those things and my doctor told my parents he will not walk he will be a burden to you for the rest of your life they had no idea that I was going to be able to walk and swim and fish and golf and go to university and type 43 words a minute on a normal computer become an evangelist and do what I'm doing today and without my team I wouldn't be here today thank God for that but but it's just amazing that if God can use a man without arms and legs to be his hands and feet can you hear an amen you know we make so many excuses everybody say excuse you know that I want to redefine that word for you excuse is a skin of reason stuffed with lies that's what an excuse is you know if you think I've got a disability the biggest disability is fear f.e.a.r you probably heard it false evidence appearing real but faith fai th full assurance in the heart and I said again full assurance in the heart of knowing three things who you are why are you here and where you're going when you're not here if you don't know 100% how many percent if you don't know a hundred percent the answers of those three questions you are more paralyzed than me you are more disabled than me you see the word disabled means unable to do something but with God all things are possible and what the enemy tried to use for bad God use for good and that's verse in the Bible you read it black and white you know but I love it when people see me for the first time you know they have these stereotypical moments and you know oh my gosh I feel sorry for you and you know you guys are gonna leave here jealous of my life I just want you to know that oh my gosh I'm jealous of a guy without arms or legs you know um it's because it's real you know I know who my Jesus is in me and it's really funny that I have a lot of fun in my life I really do I travel around the world by the grace of God preached to millions of people so far across TV and 24 countries and so forth it's been amazing but it's really funny like when I'm driving my my wheelchair it's down over there it's my BMW 7-series I'm gonna send it to pimp my ride get a big subwoofer in it you know I'm saying I want to get the whole wheelchair bouncing your arm saying you're so cool but you know there was this in a little kid who and I have to share these funny stories because they're just so funny um you know there was just one little boy he comes up and you know so cute he goes what happened and I went up to him to go cigarettes you know cuz I love freakin adults out as well you know I travel a lot we caught about maybe 80 flights last year 300 engagements last year 80 flights 14 countries in 2008 and every time I get on a plane I always hope for a space seat next to me for the extra legroom you know I'm saying and my friends I put me in the overhead compartment one day I wanted to freak somebody out so we did it once for the cameras and then we did it once for real and it was hilarious man they put me up there and one of you here tonight did you make it here tonight my friends meet me here no he's not here anyway he was with me in Indonesia and it was so much fun man he put me up there close the door and we waited for someone to come so this guy came along you know just comes up to my door he opens up without knocking and I stick my head out and I go and he's like oh you know someone said Nicky gonna scare somebody half to death one day I'm like so what are you gonna do handcuff me yeah I had one more funny story real quick I was in a car one day and when you see me from the outside of the car you have no idea that I have no arms no legs so with the traffic lights one day and this car comes up next to us and this girls looking at me and I'm like cool let's have some fun here so I look at her looks at me I grabbed the seat belt in my mouth and loosen it so then I can freely move now all she sees is my head so all I did was this was brilliant her face was like the best the best I want to quote Jeremiah 29 verse 11 since most of you have not heard me speak it's one of my favorite verses I'm going to go from verse 11 to 13 it says for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord Jeremiah 29:11 for you for another plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future then it says then you'll call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart I will be found by you declares a law what a promise what a promise God never makes a mistake and you know every time in our life I don't care how old you are I don't care how young you are I don't care what you're good at I don't care what you're not good at I don't care how close you believe you are in your relationship with God today we are fighting a war between truth and lies and you see my Bible up there Lea this is the bibl we all know that song jesus loves me this I know for that tells me so we know that Jesus loves us because the Bible says so you know we know that we are all sinners because the Bible says so you don't really need to have much convincing to see evil in human race I mean you just put two three-year-olds in a room and give them one toy and you see evil okay we are all born with sin in our life we're all born in in things that make us I don't know one certain things come and disable us in fear you know God doesn't give us a spirit of fear but a power and of love and of a sound mind that's what God gives without God I don't have power I don't have a sound mind and I don't have that love that my heart is seeking you know when we think that we need something what I need arms or leg would I be too far out of the realm of unreason ability to say I don't even know the word but you know I'm saying to say I need arms and legs it's within reason it's a legitimate quote-unquote need lord I need Lord I need you know we start off by saying what I want but I want guys I'm 26 I'm single and sometimes you wake up I'm not advertising but sometimes you wake up and you sing a lot you're like I don't want the wife and then you feel like you feel a little guilty for saying the w would want so you say lord I need a wife now like yesterday you know and and you realize in life what you think you need I want to challenge your prayer life tonight because I'll tell you God never makes a mistake he has a perfection when even when he says no or not yet and I meet these people who've been praying for a physical miracle or something to happen in their life and it hasn't happened that's that's not related to salvation let me clarify that some prayer some desire some quote-unquote need that they've been waiting for God to fulfill in their life for 15 years and as I'm been praying about it be praying about and God has an answer him like maybe he has what if he said no what if God said no would he be enough how many times we have to come to church and thank God for what we hope he's going to do how many times we come to church in hope that a new season a new breakthrough a new when what is waiting for is obedience with what he's given you is for praise for what he's done for you is to honor him with what you have and when you honor God with what you have then he will honor you with what he has don't seek what he has in his hand see his face and you will find him on your knees on your knees not someone else's knees you know how many times you have a problem you go hey I'm going through his phone please pray for me what are you pray fast don't pick up the phone go to the throne hello when you seek his face and your obedient obedience commands blessing blessing the richest blessing of all is not arms and legs my greatest need of all is not arms and legs my greatest need of all is forgiveness of my sin I've lied once taller once cheetah once less and once hated somebody once I've done sin I'm a sinner at least once I can't stop lusting after a woman or women in my own strength I can't change the way I think I can't change the way I see things at times without the Holy Spirit I am nothing I can't even stop my temper I can't be more patient on my own strength I can't do it I can't be a better husband I can't be a better father when I am those things I can't be without him anything but me which is sinful that's my greatest need guys I need to know who I am I need to know why I'm here and I need to know where I'm going when I'm not here and anybody tonight who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ you tell me a hope apart from Jesus Christ right now tonight and if it's an absolute truth it better work for me it better work for the dying pay the patient in in a local hospital of terminal cancer it better work that absolute truth for the orphans that I met dying of starvation any better work for the 20 year old in Mumbai India who came up to me and said Nico's getting up to tennis is sex slave I had to have sex 350 times before I was free my parents found out they were told by my pimps that I chose to be a sex slave a prostitute which is lower than a beggar so I lost my family and then I became pregnant and I took my kid outside of the prostitute ring and I went on the streets of Mumbai got raped and beaten up then I came back because we needed food in the only way that I know how to make money to have sex with strangers and then I got pregnant a second time and that second time he died my son died and now I'm 20 Nick and I have a child and I just got infected by hiv/aids and the pimps just found out and I'm fired of being a prostitute give me something real Absolut after she heard the gospel that night she came up to me crying she said God chose not to heal me she said but I know I can still bring one other soul to heaven tell me why God doesn't heal all the time tell me why we got on camera Brian was there seven people come up to the front they pray for a hearing miracle partially deaf fully death and only three of the seven get healed and God uses a man without arms and legs and we see miracles we see blind people seeing deaf people hearing lame people walking we've seen it but why doesn't God always choose because there's no point in being complete on the outside when you're broken on the inside I don't care what you have on the outside you cannot get rid of guilt you cannot get it rid of regret you can have all the alcohol all the drugs and all the sex in the world you can have all the friends and still be alone you can have all the money and still have a broken heart alcohol doesn't drown out ever those haunting memories that paralyze you you are still chained arms and legs or not talk about disabled yeah that will hold you back but in Jesus Christ we are free of guilt of sin of shame of depression of addiction whatever you go to apart from Christ for pleasure or a coping mechanism that's your God I am a new creation I think differently I don't go to church on Sunday and then teas and gossip on Monday I don't judge others because that's not the way that Jesus would be I am a work in progress I am under construction I am not perfect far from it but Philippians 1:6 says being confident of this he who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ I know that I am free and when that truth is there the truth remains when God doesn't give you a miracle what he does not change he will use god never wastes a word he will never waste your time because if you waste your time is wasting his if you're waiting for a missionary opportunity why should God give you more when you're not faithful with what he's given you now when you have the fight of lies and truth there's the truth the relationship in Jesus Christ is Josh was saying number one write down one pray everybody say pray do you know the power of prayer I'll tell you right now on the National Day of Prayer in America I was preaching there and I said if the United States of America only knew the power of prayer you never have a National Day of Prayer it's true it's amazing three years ago ten thousand couples everybody say ten thousand couples wanted a divorce they're done they through it's finished we did everything we could one pastor said just give me 40 days what do you want us to do in 40 days he said just give me 40 days five minutes a day and if you still want to divorce then go what do you want us to do for five minutes a day husband and wife on their knees in prayer out loud together five minutes of prayer for 40 days 9999 families and marriages were saved there's a book coming out in it my literary agent is releasing it next year you're fine I don't know what the title is I never checked it out I just love I love the story you'll find it next year it's huge cute power pray pray brain for today you can't take back yesterday you can't really do much about tomorrow tomorrow's not promised just care about one step at a time one pray to thank God thank him no matter what is taken away from you shoot my family go shoot my family take my houses take my whatever take my car to have a car take my wheelchair take out my eyes take out my tongue take off my nerves take out my ears you'll never take away my Jesus Christ you'll never take away my identity you'll never take away my inheritance of the kingdom of God God is preparing my father in heaven man he is preparing a mansion Jesus a carpenter all right thank God for what you have well God you didn't give me outside well thank God that I've got a foot thank God that you're breathing God why did you take my father away first of all thank him that you had one second of all thank him that he's your father in heaven father to the fatherless let's take it a one step forward it's not about just me having salvation it's not about me just hearing Lord and he sees me and I want to hear those words well done in my well done my good and faithful servant I can't wait to you those words but I tell you man in my opinion and don't handcuff me if you don't agree but I'll tell you right now I believe when I see God face to face in heaven he's going to ask me two questions number one do you know me and number two who'd you bring would you brain would you pray how many times you went to church who'd you bring where are they oh I I I told you to go and knock on your neighbor's door I put you there you were there for ten years never had time to go and say hello never made a young on a Koi yeah sure be you as why being under Satan's yoke when you're too busy for God's work you can also be too busy doing God's work and forgetting that he loves you for who you are not what you do because not about what you do God doesn't love me for the ministry you kidding me he loves me because I'm his son I failed him every day but I'm covered by the blood of Jesus Christ because I know the truth and the truth has set me free and who the Sun sets free is free indeed because Jesus is the man the only one who pointed to himself and said I am the way the truth and life I am holy no one else said that well Nick that's just in a book what big deal so is everything else in a book but look at this the peace the love the joy to be able to forgive somebody everybody forgive and forget to be able to forgive yourself and leave what's behind and press all onward and upward it's an uphill climb I got some bad news guys if you don't know this yet I'm gonna tell you it's always gonna be an uphill climb but the higher you climb the more you see and when you feel like falling guess who's standing right by me Jesus Christ he was the only one who claimed to be the Son of God he was the only one who could raise himself from the dead and now Grady is He that is in me than even in the world he lives in me and his radiation of his light and his love comes through my eyes and people forget that I have no arms no legs there's the truth he's the lives Nick you're not good enough h8 Nick just give up God's not real where's your arms and legs so you asked for arm's length says asking shall receive where's God now where's God now where's God now right now where is it show me your God God's made a mistake you're not gonna have an education you're not gonna have a job you're not gonna get married and even if you got married you can't even hold your wife's hand and even if you had children with your wife you can't even hold your kids when they're crying just give up there is no God have you ever been here I have I'm going to take one more step at age 8 I tried three times turn myself over two or three times in a family bathtub or four inches of water 10 centimeters of water I couldn't go through with it because I couldn't get out of my head the picture of my mom and dad wishing they could have done something more I didn't go through with it thank God if you're breathing you're still here for a reason there are two sides of this side number one the enemy is gonna be here with you like it or not and is gonna say you're not good enough and when Satan comes and says Nick you're not good enough you look at him and you just go Satan you can talk to the foot right now and I don't even give you liberty to leave a message after the stomp can you hear an amen Nick you're not good enough know Psalm 139 read the whole freaking Psalm if I can say freaking in Australian Church I don't know but Nick you're not good enough no I'm fearfully and wonderfully made Nick God's forgotten you know he has more pressure sort to me than all the grains of sand in the world Nick seriously God's been a mistake with you know he knew me before the earth began Jeremiah 1 Nick you know what this is too hard for you know for I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Philippians 4:13 okay second Corinthians chapter 12 verse 9 to 13 he talks about in context how God's grace is sufficient Apostle Paul out of all the people that I've ever known in my life with a face to face all through the Bible I love Apostle Paul and out of everybody he should have deserved for God to let that thorn out of his flesh from what God say my grace is a fish I'm gonna leave it there Lord give me arms and legs will you still trust me number three trust number one pray number two thank God number three trust what if Nick you don't get arms and legs John 9 I gave my life to Jesus Christ at 15 when I read John 9 a man with a disability of no sight he was born with no sight he did no parents didn't know why the villagers in Norway and Jesus said it was done so that the works of God may be revealed through him if you are a Christian and your greatest desire is not to display the the splendor and the works of God you are not a Christian I'll say it again if you are a Christian or you believe you're a Christian and your greatest desire is not his desire and your greatest desire is not that he would display his strength in you well how greater can God display his strength in a man than showing his weakness and then his strength oil and water don't mix you have a cup full of water you pour all the oil you want you're still gonna have a full cup of water until you have less of me you won't have more of him and I'm not talking about sin I'm not talking about compromising I'm talking about trusting him it's not about money come I can't guarantee you're gonna get healed I'm sorry I can't guarantee you you're gonna get healed I can't guarantee your business is not gonna fail I can't guarantee you're gonna pass an exam I can't do that but I'll guarantee you that what he guarantees it is with you and all things come together for the good for those who love him and Romans 8:18 from its 8:18 says for I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory revealed in it this is the number two side so number one is to trust him about circumstances leaning upon him showing his strength in your weakness when I am weak then I am strong that's what he's talking about the moment I think I'm somebody I'm nothing I'm always nothing pride for the boys three g's the greed the girls and the glory will you you and I'm talking about not girls themselves I'm talking about lust I'm talking about greed and I'm talking about pride those are the things that are gonna kill you and you gotta guide yourself to that you can't do it on your own that's why you pray that's why you thank God that's why you put the breastplate of righteousness on in the how man of salvation and the sword of the Spirit the Word of God if you don't have the Word of God you don't have the truth and if you don't have the truth you're gonna die with the lies turn your back on Satan himself and every day take one step at a time one step at a time once at a time I am NOT just a man without arms and legs I'm an ambassador of the king of kings and Lord of lords and I boldly stand in front of the gates of hell and redirect traffic I boldly stand in front of the gates of how and redirect traffic what a sad day would have been man if God said okay Nick have arms and legs why would have been the happiest day of my life no because when I'm in heaven if we had enough time for me and God to talk about my life here on earth and I can say father out of the wrong decisions I've made what was the one that really stuck out to you and he might have said he might have said this but you asked him for arms and legs so I said yes Nick if you only asked what I wants it because if you didn't really want that if you wanted my will above your will if you wanted my plan above your plan two hundred thousand more Souls would have been here in eternity what a sad in heaven it would have been so far at 26 we've seen two hundred thousand souls come to the Lord Jesus place and if it's only for one and it's done can I have Julian thanks man I play kids but you know I'm sorry I went over time a little bit I get excited when I preach I don't have a wristwatch last year I met a boy sorry my voice really my body's telling me it's 2:00 a.m. I just flew in from America today can you hear me okay can you turn me up just a little bit I feel whenever you're ready man yeah thanks two years ago actually in 2007 in California I met a little boy no arms no legs I'm fine cat is cool that is so cool someone I can finally wrestle with I've got the father to bring him up on stage you could hear a pin drop in the audience of 3,000 changed my life it really did I know that Daniel is gonna get teased at school he was 19 months old he's now 3 years old he saw my DVD he said swim like Nick swim like Nicky watch my DVD four times a day now he swims like Nick when he feels alone when he feels like God's made a mistake when he feels that he is over here not if when he can look at me and say you know what if God's gonna plan for neck then God's got a plan for me I saw a 14 year old girl in hospital in critical condition her stomach shut down because she stopped eating cuz her friends called her fat I want you to hear this can you guys stop talking or else I'm going to send you out listen fourteen your girl dying in a hospital bed she said I'm anorexic why should I keep on going I said what if in three years time you get back up on your feet you come back to this hospital and you see another 14 year old girl wanting to give up and you save her life you tell her that there is more to life than this I said what if God use your circumstance to save one soul the fourteen-year-old girl said Nick it's infinitely valuable it's worth living for and it's worth dying for 14 what is your faith costing you don't enjoy earth it's good but it's not to be enjoyed what is your faith costing you is it even costing you five minutes of prayer a day tonight if you know you know within your heart of hearts then you are tired of trying to do it your way you think that you're gonna be more happier when you get married no you're not there's one thing worse than being single and alone it's being married and alone you need God you need forgiveness you need the Shepherd so you don't want anything more tonight if you know you need to make your life right with him don't tell me you're a Christian you're sexually active sorry you are not a repent full Christian you are putting your desires in front of God's eyes how do I know that he said so deep secrets will kill you faster than you think come clean be washed be cleansed being you receive all that he has
Channel: flyingalbert
Views: 477,632
Rating: 4.8818264 out of 5
Keywords: Nick, Vujicic, Jesus, Christ
Id: qJ91fYMqR10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 22sec (2182 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2011
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