"Unstoppable Faith" - Nick Vujicic

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[Applause] [Music] there is no greater gift to give someone than the truth of how much Jesus loves them I love these times that I get to reflect on where life without limbs as a ministry has been and by the grace of God all the opportunities to go around the world into these nations and present the gospel of Jesus Christ the gospel the truth and the power of the resurrection of Jesus it is the most precious gift that we could ever communicate to anyone traveling sixty countries three million miles which is from earth to moon and back six times it's been nothing but an amazing humbling experience to be the vases and hearts change as they fear that God loves them and has a plan for them too we've had the joy and privilege of sharing his love with often with people who are poor and need and increase the even presidents face-to-face one-on-one behind closed doors and after speaking at congressman's and governmental meetings they asked me to share the gospel on their mainstream TV and then seeing these stadiums filled and people crowds of people coming forward every single time to respond to the power of the gospel it's been awesome as the 10% of any audience by the grace of God responds repent of their sins and give their life to Jesus tell you there's nothing more fulfilling than that words cannot express what joy it gives life without limbs to see people with special needs and their families find liberty and opportunity as they have a new level of integration in society after our ministry's presence in their country we are praying for the next generation of the United States of America these teenagers who have never seen the Jesus Movement to experience the transformation and move of Jesus within their heart and souls we want them to find the purpose that God has for them and the joy that God has ordained from the beginning of time for them I see these people find hope because of God it has been nothing but an amazing and humbling experience see where we've been but we know that we haven't even scratched the surface of where God wants us to go these exciting last 10 years has been awesome but we know that there are seven billion people in the world and by the grace of God with your support and your love we've been able to reach one tenth of the entire population of the world and I'm asking you to partner with us and have another six point four billion souls reached with the truth of how much Jesus loves them - good morning thank you Pastor John and greetings pasta Wayne if you're watching and everyone else watching online can we welcome everyone watching online as well I want to thank you for having me back here at the church really really excited to announce that this November and next November God willing I'll be coming back and ministering on the islands here and I wanted to wanted to share with you some exciting news about travels I just saw you put up the family photo I can do that yeah we can do that first first of all the greatest news like to share with you is this family photo if for those of you haven't seen my family my wife Connie is she's half Japanese half Mexican we call that JEP second and we have two boys Kyoshi and Dejan four and two years old and my wife's now expecting identical twins which is so cool so Drive surprises us with way more blessings and we feel we can handle them sighs well we are so so blessed to be now a family of six and I'm just so thankful to be back here and I don't know how many of you have heard me speak face to face can you raise your hand if you've never heard me speak face to face before okay cool put your hand down all right that's about 60 70 percent of you did you like that video we moved from Australia when I was 23 years old in 2005 we established life without limbs and been on two and a half thousand airplanes over ten years I was just with two presidents last week in the Balkan region Europe is on a beautiful beautiful year of of opportunity right now West and East where 2017 they're celebrating five hundred years of Reformation where they allowed Protestant churches to practice so government TV time and education systems have to talk about faith in God out of respect to the Christians so we're really excited I was able to speak in front of the Ukrainian government last year and they invited me back this year to actually be on the steps of the city of Kiev in front of a million people face to face with eight neighboring countries watching in 15 different languages so in one day coming up in six weeks time 100 million estimated 80 percent of all the countries we estimate will actually be watching so a hundred million people will hear the gospel of Jesus Christ we're really really excited and real quick a seven-year prayer cane came to pass I'm going to show you a photo of a truck there's a 53-foot trailer that life without limbs now has in stewardship of a tent inside it's an eight thousand person tent sixty-four thousand square feet under one roof a third of that tent right now is currently up in Ventura County not for teaching not for evangelizing not not talking just prayer and worship for a month all the month of August starting Tuesday we're trying to bring unity of churches there like never before to mobilize evangelize in the fall so that tent will be up in October for two weeks straight God willing a hundred thousand people coming through the tent in 14 days and ten thousand souls for Jesus so we're so excited and so far in fall services we've had roughly 300 people come forward here in this building in last 24 hours who gave their life to Jesus Christ so let's give God a shout of praise and I'll be bold in my faith to announce I really believe in in several years to come not too far that I really believe God wants to fill up Aloha Stadium for many many days straight for the glory of God and I I love Hawaii I love to vacation here but I also know the heaviness and burden of carrying the the prayers for the islands we know I've been to 19 schools here in Hawaii in two weeks I've spoken at your state legislature about teen suicide and bullying and so I know the next generations burdens that you're praying for and so I stand with you in prayer as I ask you to stand with us in prayer as we move forward on both fronts but may God bless you new hope for what you're doing in Hawaii and I don't know if you're sometimes a person who takes notes I'm going to probably mention around seven or eight different verses that if you at least write the references down because you could go home and people can say well was it good and you're like yeah awesome what do you say I don't know but these verses are the verses that you can always go back to because we all go through ups and downs right you see my foot ups and downs ups and downs ups down and these are the verses that some of the verses that are written on the tablet of my heart the verses that I always go back to to to bring my faith back up sometimes we we struggle with with a lack of courage sometimes we get discouraged with the broken pieces that we see of our life or maybe other people around us and if I can just kindly ask you to just up my volume just a tiny bit it's a fifth service so my voice isn't as strong that's perfect thank you so much but I first of all want to tell you all that I love you so 70% of you haven't heard me speak face-to-face I'm sure you may be seen a little bit of YouTube stuff but I was born in Australia no one knows what I was born this way Lady Gaga don't know what I was born this way and I I don't know what you're going through I always tell teenagers I always believe it's worse being in a broken home than having no arms and legs and what I want to tell you is I'm a preacher with with what you see is what you get with me I hold no punches back and I just want to be real with you I want to talk about real hope I don't know what you're carrying I don't know you're praying for I don't know your struggles but I hope that you're encouraged with knowing that a man without arms and legs if God can use a man without arms and legs not just to be complete but really use him to be his hands and feet then God can use any willing heart and I want to be real role with you a little bit and start off we're telling you that I want to tell you that that it's so difficult to be able to prove that God exists in some aspects but what I want to do is maybe break down some thoughts of some of you who make some good questions posed as to the goodness of God if God is a loving God then really why is there pain it's a great question if God is a fair God then why did he let the serpent in the Garden of Eden if God is a good God then what happens to the people who never hear about him if God is a good God and He loves us then why does he let us remain in pain sometimes now you're looking at a limbless guy who has a pair of shoes in his closet just in case God says yes and we know that God can hear our prayers and we know he's real but sometimes we don't see the full picture I love to play tricks on people and freak people out sometimes I don't know if you've seen the YouTube video of me actually dressed up as the pilot and greeting the passengers as they get on the plane it is on YouTube it was so cool some people gave their life to Jesus right there in there and we have our fun and definitely an unforgettable moment I was in a car one day and where the traffic lights of his car comes up next to us and this girls looking at me and all she sees is my head from the side so she doesn't see the rest of my body so just imagine or my head ready I just did this and she filled my head in a 360 degree spin and her face was like she was so good but I just want you to know that that in your life you know we really need to make some decisions sometimes difficult decisions and some of us feel like sometimes there were no decisions to make like I did not decide to be born my dad unfortunately he passed away to cancer about ten weeks ago we buried him but he knew the Lord and when you go through different struggles you you question the bigger questions like Who am I why am I here is this it do we just live to die is there something more to my life and that was basically the realm of questioning that I had as a kid when I looked at all the kids at school and they had arms and legs I wondered why not me and I prayed for arms and legs and I had a big big you know avocados seed of faith not a little mustard seed of eight avocado seed of faith and I knew that you know God was real and I understood that you know I felt he was real I felt you know that that heaven would be amazing and and I would love to believe in eternal life I knew that I was a sinner I mean I knew that you don't have to look real deep in anyone's life to figure out well if you lied once you're a liar if you still once you're a thief if you're jealous well that's a sin really yeah that's what the Bible says and so I'm thinking okay well I know I'm a sinner and I know the gospel message I understand for God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life I understood why I understood the death because I know that if I get a speeding ticket and pastor John is so loving and kind that he pays for my speeding ticket thank you Pastor John then I know I don't have to pay my speeding fine because someone else paid for it likewise if I'm going to a cinema and he pays for my ticket and I have to go to the box office but if I've done something wrong and someone who hasn't done that thing wrong actually paid the price for it then I know I don't have to pay the price right because someone else paid for it so for my sin which is death on the cross now because jesus paid the price for my sin I don't die for my sin I understood all that in theory and theology but what I didn't get was why me and why not arms and legs and I want to ask you a question in fact two questions today who are you and what do you want Isaiah chapter 40 in verse 31 I'm going to put that up on the screen first and it reads this will just wait for it sorry yeah but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint let's go to the first part of that verse it says those who wait upon the Lord who likes waiting does anyone like waiting I don't like waiting I hate waiting who would like more patience I would like more patience right what does that mean don't you actually have to practice patience before you actually get more patience and you can't really practice patience unless you're in a position of waiting so it's kind of a catch-22 but when you understand the goodness of God and you wait upon the Lord and not just for a circumstantial change now let's take it to the extreme for my dad example 62 years old pancreatic cancer he was given eight weeks to live God gave him 15 or 16 months we were so thankful for that extra time did we pray for my dad's healing yes did we have faith yes is God basically all-knowing and can do all things and God is God yeah did he heal my dad no you see a citizen of heaven passes through earth and we don't remain here this is not our home you know you know that in your life life I can just get this then everything's going to be ok but then you get what you want sometimes when you figure out it's not what you need or if I can just get a little bit more money and you get a little bit more money and then what do you say if I could just get a little bit more money right and you realize really quickly that these temporary things on this earth do not satisfy your soul but if I know that I'm going to heaven and I know my dad's in heaven that's why we can bury him in peace and for me I look at life going around the world 65 countries 3,000 stages 16 presidents 9 governments billionaires and the orphans and the sex slaves and I realized in my life not only in my own faith journey but even talking to people in the most extreme cases of hopelessness that Jesus brings hope to any person who has broken pieces who say God I can't do this in my life I want to believe in heaven and I don't want to be afraid of death and I want your peace God take my broken pieces because I can't do anything with my regrets my shame my guilt my past my failures I can't even forgive myself take over and for me that day was age 15 but I want to ask you what are you waiting for are you waiting for stress to kind of be taken away or something that should be given to you or an achievement or a whole different season of life because I tell you man I talk to eight-year-olds and I ask them sometimes a really cool question are there any eight-year-olds here put your hand up if you're eight years old any a nine year olds in the eight nine year olds couple of year I see you you know what I ask these nine year olds and eight year olds all the time I say hey guys have you as a beam stress and they're like oh and I'm like what's stressing you out and there's all homework is so hot and my parents they don't give me everything I want and my brother and they insisted they annoy me every single day right they're so stressed out then you talk to 13 year olds and they're totally stressed out they're like oh everything's changing around me I don't even know who I am anymore my parents they don't understand me I put a Do Not Disturb sign on my door and this will come into my room and they freak me out I need my privacy I need to figure this out I'm so stressed out right now my friends they think they invite me to the party then then they uninvite me to the party like what's with that and you know what I'm just so stressed out right now I think I just need a boyfriend that's a 13 year old live right there and just a snippet of it 17 year olds they can't wait to get out of high school if I can just get out of high school and get into college then everything's gonna be okay they get into collagen is everything okay no now they need money oh if I can just find a job then everything's gonna be okay they finally get their job and is everything okay up to two days they look at their boss in the base and then look at God and they say really you gave me hell I hate him and then all the single people they're like I can't wait to get married that's when I'm going to be complete if I can just find the one then everything's gonna be okay no go talk to some married people if you're not happy single you're not going to be happy married can you hear an amen those are the married people clapping right and so often we look for things horizontally that will complete us and restore really what's missing in our soul for me it was arms and legs if I just had arms and legs and everything's gonna be okay but you know my disability really was I didn't know the truth the truth sets me free the truth changes everything because when you don't know the truth you believe in the lies the lies of what people think of you the lies of what you even think of you based on what you think others the others think of you which may actually not be true anyway I wish I was more beautiful I wish I was taller I wish I was this I wish I was more popular I wish I had a boyfriend couple of girls for as long as you're looking for a boyfriend you're gonna find a boyfriend but you don't need a boyfriend you need a man of God who's going to be your husband to stand by you no matter what who's going to love and raise your kids up in the ways of the Lord he's going to be the spiritual leader of the home if he can't put God first in his life now before you married how do you expect that he is going to put God first after you get married in his life it's the first experience for anyone to put someone else in front of them it's putting God in front of their life because if they don't know how to put God in front of their life and how they're going to put your needs above their needs when you understand guys that you don't need to say the F word to be cool you don't need to be a bully to be popular you don't need to get drunk like everyone else you go from temporary high and temporary high but you still feel empty and sad and lonely you think then you figure out well if I can just get big biceps and you know everything's nah man my biceps was so big that fell off alright and God has a plan for us a future and a hope in Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 12 13 and 14 a so Jeremiah 29:11 - 14 a we're only going to read the eleventh verse it says this for I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope God's got a good plan for you and that's what my parents always said Nick don't worry we love you God loves you you're special and I'm like I don't want to be such ha right but you don't know what beautiful things can come from your broken pieces until you give your broken pieces a chance I had no idea at age 34 that God would send me around the world and preach the gospel to millions of people hundreds of millions of people that's insane I had no idea that I would ever meet a limbless little boy at age 24 in Southern California who was 19 months old I was 24 years old and I got him up here I'm like man you were so cool I want to wrestle you man and I got him up in front of everyone and he looked up at me and I looked at him and I couldn't give him a high-five so I put my little foot in his foot and he smiled when he smiled everyone cry then I saw my parents hug and cry with his parents and I told his mom when he goes to school and he gets bullied I'm coming to his school in my wheelchair I'm going to run them all over no that's not the Christian thing to do I guess but I went they he was getting teased and after a 15-minute speech she was the most admired and respected student and I thought to myself wow when God doesn't give me a miracle he can still use me to be a miracle why am I here what do I want I want Daniel to know Jesus why because Jesus is the way the truth and the life and God gives us the truth of our value then I'm not just a man without arms and legs I'm a child of God some 139 says I am fearfully and wonderfully made he has more precious thoughts of me than all the grains of sand in the world Romans 8:28 all things come together for the good for those who love Him who have been called according to his purpose I can call you but you may not pick up the phone I can leave you a voicemail but you may not return my call I can Instagram you Facebook you I can do whatever I want but it's up to you to respond before we connect does that make sense he reaches out his hand to you and you're gonna answer the call you got to pick up the phone you were called according to his purpose he's not going to force you to believe in him he gave you free choice but what you must believe is that there is a spiritual realm there is someone who loves you so much and his name is God whose son is Jesus Christ and there is someone who hates me and his name is the devil Lucifer and he doesn't want me to know God and every day you wake up there is a spiritual realm I love talking with atheist man I really do because you know they say science explains everything but I know it does not man when you see a 10 foot tall four foot wide demon walking through a wall of a San Francisco hotel room and you feel him before he even comes through the wall you know there's a God because you know there's a devil and I tell you when you don't believe in something more than science can explain stuff kind of paradigm just go to any rural village where there is no medicine no hospital I've been there and as what's the word as popular as ABC stores are in Hawaii so our witch doctor offices hoodoo curses and voodoo and black magic and witchcraft to do whatever you want to do good or bad and that's the demonic powers so I can't show you an angel of a man I can show you a demon if you really want to see it you will find the truth and when you realize that this is the path that God has you on this is true but then there relies though you're ugly there is no God you'll never get married there is no hope there is no purpose you know what no one's going to miss you if you're not even here just give up these were the lies that I was believing and at age 10 I tried to end my life in a bathtub can you imagine if I went through with that look how much it would have missed out look at what beautiful blessings came out of my broken pieces I was wrong every time I concluded I would never get married I got married I can't hold my wife's hand yeah you know what that's true I don't need to hold her hand I just need to hold her ha how are you going to hold your kids when they're crying what kind of a father are you going to be well I'm going to be the father as best as I can be that when my kids cry but maybe I can't put my arms around them but they want to come and put their arms around me it's a paradigm shift of thinking when you find the truth you girls you're royalty you guys you're generals in the army of God I'm an ambassador of the king of kings and Lord of lords I'm a child of God and then when those lives come my way and you know where the lies come from from the pit of hell you say you know what I ain't listening you can talk to the foot because the ears ain't listening and you turn around and shake it up shake it up and you just take one step at a time god help me to love you and serve you and know you teach me to pray show me how to live because there's nothing here on earth that satisfies my soul I'm on my way to heaven and I want to bring as many people with me as we can no amount of drugs or alcohol or any Hyogo pleasure can ever take away our shame or our guilt that's more disabling than this do you see this smile because I know I'm not dying do you see this smile cuz I know my dad's not dead I'm gonna see him again you see this smile I'm alive man I'm alive you're alive God's not done with you yet and sometimes we put faith in our intellect sometimes planes of what we have for the future if I can just get this if I can just get that just pay off my house and get a couple investment properties no tomorrow is not promised for anyone who are you and what do you want you'll know what I want at one day I see God face to face and he says well done my good and faithful servant if you look at it in an illustrative way like a courtroom God is the judge my accuser the devil is over there and he points it Nick God because the devil believes in God God this is Nicolas voyage and I have a record of all of his sins he's on this is this is this is this is this is this is the 60s later 12 years later this is this is he is guilty when Jesus stands next to me he says father at 15 years old Nick read in John chapter 9 in the Bible about how I healed the blind man and it touched Nick's life to believe that if I had a plan for the blind man you had a plan for the blind man that you had a plan for him and the age 15 he asked for the forgiveness of all his sins and he asked me into his life and he believed that I died for all of his sins just like it happened his sins father are forgiven because you sent me to die for them and he believed in it and then he says well done my good and faithful servant then when I'm in heaven was one thing I wonder if this will actually happen this would be so cool if it does but this is what I want that one day I'm in heaven raising my hands worshiping God right and then he my name hey Nick and I'll look it'll be Daniel the little boy with no arms and legs now a grown man running to me with his new legs hugging me with his new arms crying I'm sure we're going to cry and joy and say he's going to say thank you brother for help me believe that this place called heaven was real to me that moment where Daniel spends eternity now or arms and legs for 90 years I mean on arms and legs gonna give me a fright us later on anyway I was sorry I had to say that but truly what do we want some of us believe is need to just get a recalibration of our mind to remember what our true north is that our satisfaction ain't horizontal it's when we look up amen can I have Leilani play some piano here please they'll be great I'd play piano but I'm not warmed up yet because I want to share with you just a couple stories real quick I want to ask you first though is your hope real do you have hope if you go to sleep tonight and you don't wake up where do you wake up are you okay with not knowing you can't just say well no one really knows I want you to know that you can either believe someone what they say or not and you yourself can go search out for the truth seek it out or not that's your choice but if you really believe that you have hope a great way to know if you have hope is if you put it to the test how would you ever put your hope to the test well let's try doing it this way what would you do and what would you say in front of 650 teenagers who were kidnapped at 10 years old or sold by their mother for $700 at 10 years old forced into prostitution [Music] some people say we'll just be positive you can't down that some people believe in reincarnation what what are you going to tell them better luck next time that hope really I can't even tell them to be that become part of the national religion there in India as as Hindi because as human traffic girls you are already an outcast you aren't on the lowest lowest lowest lowest lowest rank of society I can't sound to be actually any other religion do your research don't ever be a Christian just because of a Christian don't ever be a Christian just because of a church because if you're Christian because of a Christian or a church and I can be a Christian for long a Christian by definition is a follower of Jesus Christ because of who he wasn't what he said and what he did and when he did what he said and what he said what he did I am a Christian follower of Jesus but do your research and find that there is no other assurance of hope or salvation Redemption forgiveness breaking the shackles of shame condemnation guilt except for Jesus and I told him about Jesus and I told him about heaven I told about the power of the Holy Spirit that when he enters in you he transforms you and some of these girls got rescued they went to a Jesus camp got totally transformed found a job saved up money 700 bucks went back to the brothel houses where they were once a slave it's a 10 acre red-light city district in Mumbai 250 houses with six girls in each at any given time plus the Underground they went back then with a bucket of water and a white towel and they knocked on the door where they used to be asleep and their former master opens up the door and they say who are you they say I used to be your slave but I've come here today to tell you I love you that I know you're broken and you're not happy and you don't know what to do to find happiness and I've come here today to tell you that Jesus is the answer and I'm praying for your soul and I love you and I forgive you I forgive you because he forgave me and he took my shame and he took my guilt and he took my sin and he took my past and he gave me a brand new life and I want you to live a brand new life and not live this life anymore I'm praying for you and I've come here with a bucket of water and a towel to wash your feet to show you that I love you and I forgive you and these guys are and women are just weeping weeping weeping when they're done they say here's 700 bucks give me a slave they take that slave as their own adopted sister taken to the Jesus camp help them find a job save up money both of them together twice as fast to go back and rescue another one and another one and another one ladies and gentlemen if that's not Redemption I don't know what is we dem should [Applause] [Music] in one of those houses my last story I want to share there was an old woman she was like 90 95 years old skin and bones on the floor couldn't walk for four and a half years I didn't know who she was but the friend who brought me there did he didn't want to tell me who she was so I started talking to her about Jesus and her sister comes in and says I don't want to hear about your wife and God anymore I'm heard enough about this Jesus man show me his power if he is real make her walk sit excuse me she said show me that you God is real she hasn't walked for four and a half years so I said a quick prayer in my heart I said God just in case you don't know where what's going on I'm about to pray for a woman who apparently haven't hasn't walked for four and a half years please do your will whatever it is but I have faith and we're going to pray so we prayed and it was incredible the first time she tried to get up it was very heart-wrenching for me because you could see the excruciating pain on her face is this old woman try to get vertical up up right she couldn't be any weight-bearing ounce of pressure at all on her feet and she wasn't paralyzed but men she may as well have been she couldn't stand up at all we set her back down on a chin and I said no God we're going to promote we massage her knees in her calves and we prayed a little bit more all of a sudden she used to have a tremor like this and hunched over like this all of a sudden in her own words she's like electricity just went through me and her tremor stopped and she went upright like this in the change she says I want to walk and I'm like what she said I want to walk I said no no we need to pray a lot longer honey all right you don't understand like it tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny little bit of faith in no one and true Living God you can put oceans of faith in stuff they don't work but when you put your faith in God all you need is a tiny tiny tiny little bit of face you said I want to walk she got up like she never stopped walking she's not jumping up and down on those skinny skinny legs I was afraid she was going to break the leg that God is healed she's shouting for joy punch in the roof her sister who challenged the faith went to the wall of gods that they worship and said to them thank you thank you thank you no no no that was not your God that was Jesus haven't you been praying for four and a half years he said yes that was not your God Jesus resurrected he's alive they are not real or they never resurrected you have a God for every little thing I think they have either 33 million gods or 300 million gods in that religion and I said that was Jesus and He loves you very very much two weeks later the lady who walked gave her life to Jesus but that night we went back to the hotel and the friend who took me there he was an Indian guy and it's hard for an Indian guide to look pale but he look pale and he said that was crazy I said that was awesome he said no Nick you don't understand who she was he said the woman who walked tonight we've got the miracle wasn't any old woman she was the woman who in the 1960s started that red-light district 10 acres 250 houses plus the underground world she started human trafficking in our city she is the top of the chain talk about doing something wrong talk about forty thousand slaves later fifty years in the making talk about writing a million miles an hour in the wrong direction yet God's love pursued her God's love pursues you and he runs faster than you and his love conquers all sin and no sin separates you from his love so even with the pornographic addiction he loves you because he doesn't see your addiction he sees your heart as his lost child saying come home stop trying to figure it out stop trying to do on your own surrender God will never show change we can't bring back the past but from this day on he can heal you from the past one day at a time change your addictions your thinking patterns renew your mind give you joy and peace what you're really looking for and it's real my brother and it's real my sister I'm not disabled I'm flying on the wings of the holy spirit and it doesn't mean that I don't cry and it doesn't mean that I'm perfect far from perfect just ask my wife but when you turn away from the lives and the life of sin now I want to live for God doesn't mean I'm perfect but I start that journey with that first step of faith and I want to help you to make that first step it starts with a prayer and I'm going to call you forward why do I call you forward because if you can't set up your faith in here how can you expect to stand up for your faith out there pretty simple when you come forward you don't have to be worried I'm not going to lay hands on you or anything but there's been at least 250 to 300 people come forward in the last four services so I'm expecting at least 10 right now if you know that you need to make your life right with Jesus grab your things grab your posts grab your belongings grab your wallet grab your phone grab whatever you brought with you right now put it in your lap and make that decision right now they say you know what I'm going to start my faith journey with Jesus I'm gonna ask him to be my Savior because I'm done doing things my way I'm done playing games some of you teenagers think that you're actually Christian because you come to church doesn't make you a Christian some of you worship God on Sundays and tease people at school on Monday I don't know if you really know the love of God then I think it's time to get real some of your older men think that you're just fine to do your status quo no daily live for him God's not done with you yet he wants to use you in different ways are you actively saved with Jesus in your relationship if you want to begin that relationship with Jesus is not a rededication but starting a real relationship with him I want you right now stand up on your feet and come forward right now if you see someone standing and coming forward come forward right now if you know you need to give your life to Jesus come right in the front you don't have to stand at your seat come right at the front [Music] [Applause] [Music] today's the day of salvation tomorrow goes tomorrow come right here in the middle [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on don't think about it for too long stop thinking about thinking about it just stand up and come it's already done he wants to take away your depression he wants to take away your loneliness your fliction the impression he has a brand new life waiting for you [Applause] [Music] they're coming from the top another one two three four five six seven people coming from this up another one here another one there also so far we got 45 people up the front I'm going to wait for at least out of 30 if you know that you need to make your life probably Jesus stand right now and come forward right now if you don't want to come along turn to the person next to you and say hey I really want to come up there I really want to say that prayer I really want to say this prayer to God I really want to go up the front I just don't want to go alone will you please come up with me and they'll say yes trust me right now this is the last and final call if you know you need to make your life right with Jesus thank you being come on down [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 that's 23 more people come on let's give God a shout of praise come on went undone yet when he pulled 25 26 27 28 29 30 [Music] 31 32 33 [Applause] [Music] 34 35 36 is still coming down look there's 10 people on the stairs coming down right now two people there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can we do a quick shuffle if everyone can move that way about 10 feet [Music] that's great and then get out of the aisles guys push forward let the guys come out of the house you guys move across across double up double up triple up we're going to try and move all those people this way a little bit just shuffle shuffle shuffle shuffle awesome there's about 180 people up the front this give God a shout of praise amen [Applause] [Music] let's bow our heads in prayer I'm going to pray them first Lord Jesus thank you so much for your love thank you God for your plans you have for us the good plans none of evil thank you for your thoughts that are not evil but good towards us father we thank you that you are God indeed although we pray for anyone who's going through a physical situation where they need a physical miracle in the name of Jesus we pray for every sickness and disease to be healed in the name of Jesus a father above a physical miracle is the miracle of knowing you thank you God for these people up the front who have taken their first step of faith to know you as their Lord and Savior God we thank you we love you we thank you for heaven change us renew us and help us to know you more every single day if you're up the front please repeat this repeat this prayer after me dear God I thank you for your love and for the plans for my life I want to know you come into my life forgive me of my sins I'm so sorry of everything I've done wrong from this day on I confess that you are my Lord my king my everything I want to know you change me I do not want to sit I want to live for you to serve you to know you Holy Spirit fill me right now with your peace with your comfort and your strength teach me to pray and help me to know you more and more each and every day thank you Jesus for the cross and thank you God for heaven in Jesus name I pray amen let's give God a shout of praise [Applause] [Music] you know when one person comes to Jesus all of heaven stops to rejoice and we rejoice with you and I want you to know that we're a family of God what you see is what you get by with with us we're authentic this church is authentic we love you there is nothing that you will ever tell us that will change our love for you you don't have to tell us what you don't want to tell us but we're here to listen in whatever you want to say we're here to encourage you in every single way if you need groceries we'll get your groceries if you have a hundred prayer requests we'll pray for each and every prayer request we stand by you as a family member in prayer for your breakthrough and your family's breakthrough do you see my body I am your half brother all right and there's nothing that can change that it's because the blood of Jesus amen I love you guys so much and we want you to know that this is the beginning tomorrow morning you might wake up and wonder well what do I do now we want to help you with the what now and if you don't have a home church please know that this is your home church you're welcome back every single Sunday here and if you're a young person they also have youth weekly meetings it's good to gather around with people who are like-minded who do like the celebration of God and the celebration of life and and being a family encouraging each other praying for one another we also lastly I know we've taken 90 minutes of your life but I'm asking you right now you can give us three more minutes of your morning right now because in a moment we're going to take you through some doors that way and we have they call it decision cards or information cards you're one of these people that said yes to Jesus for the first time and we want to just get your details down we'll never ask you to do something you don't want to do we just want to follow up with you give you a phone call in email and say hey what can we pray for how can we help you how can we pray for your family help us to help you with the next steps because you've now are starting a brand new life and babies only drink milk they don't eat a filet mignon for a couple years right at least or four years old anyway but I just want you to know that like a spiritual newborn baby we can help you with the first steps and it's wonderful together weekly so pasta Johns you want to say anything before we head them out that way welcome home can we let them know welcome home you guys each and every one of you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the courageous step that you've just taken in front of everybody God is going to reward you in this because now you've got a front row seat to the biggest miracle of your life because now fear is not in the driver's seat faith is Jesus is going to take you farther than you've ever gone before and the people that are looking at your back they have your back that's the thing we want you to know and the reason why we want you to join us right outside for a couple minutes is because when you fill this out you're going to get this this is your Aloha past experience because we figure like Nick said if Heaven is throwing a party right now then you know what can we throw a party too and so we're so glad you guys came here this week we're hoping you'll join us next week because right outside we're going to have a place reserved just for you with a special gift with coffee with donuts and the pastor's are going to be out there because we want to be able to meet you but most of all we want you to know that you are not alone in this journey of faith I've never seen anything like this in the history of New Hope outside of Easter weekends we're over the course of five services we've seen over 500 people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ can we give glory to God for that each and every one of you we want to join you in this journey of faith now I know you brought your belongings because I told you to bring your belongings and so there was a reason to that and so it's just going to be a couple minutes out that way if I see you go back to your seats don't tempt me to come up there and drag you back down so right now everyone turn your buddies this way and start walking out that door let's give God a shout of praise amen [Applause] yes [Music] I know it's tempting don't go back to be patient be patient they're moving thank you so much for your patience don't go back to use EADS if you're watching online and you made that life-changing conscious decision to ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior please click on that button should be on your screen it should say something like I said yes to Jesus click on that then we can register your email and that we can follow up with you as well may god bless you from wherever you're watching and I just feel may God bless the continuing influence that New Hope has not just here in Hawaii but also in Japan I feel just such a burden for for the islands but know that we're not on the defense we're on not the offense I'm going to say but we really are on the front line of God's army taking over territory because of his unconditional love for the Lost amen so keep on pressing forward one step at a time please pray for life without limbs I encourage you to go to our website we have no resources here we're always praying for monthly supporters as well we're so excited to be coming back in November Lord willing and we just want to say to New Hope thank you for your love may God continue to shine in and through all of you and god bless you John and thanks for having us here may God be praised great things that yet to come but how awesome 500 souls over five services thank you Jesus amen so we give Nick a hand you guys [Music] [Applause] let's scan and welcome them into the kingdom of God you guys this is so beautiful you guys thank you for making this courageous stand for Jesus Christ you are not ashamed of him on earth and he will not be ashamed of you in heaven you will look back on this day as the days of your step from death and the live from darkness into light and we stand with you in this journey of faith with each one up here has chosen over all the last services they have said I'm putting my hope and my trust for my future in Christ alone not in a program not in a person but Jesus Christ the person of Jesus Christ in fact as they're walking out let's sing that over them right now Christ alone our cornerstone [Music] [Music] Oh Oh
Channel: NewHopeOahu
Views: 171,720
Rating: 4.853416 out of 5
Keywords: new hope, new hope oahu, new hope christian fellowship, christian, hawaii, honolulu, wayne cordeiro, pastor wayne, church, sermon, life journal, life resources, nick vujicic
Id: -iN1saXMSI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 19sec (3619 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2017
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