Nick vujicic NAC Amsterdam rai 2015

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hi how you doing good everyone say I'm feeling [Applause] good take a seat take a seat take a seat can you turn me down it's quite a Lou a little bit loud I uh I'm a speaker that likes to talk a little louder and uh you'll see my hands fly everywhere I'm quite expressive um it's wonderful to be here in Amsterdam Netherlands it's the first time here speaking and definitely not the last my goodness Amsterdam is so beautiful uh it is so so pretty if you could sit down because you're going to be blocking people behind you I don't mind if you video this but just make sure there's no flash I don't like flashes like that flash right there and man that flash right there um I uh I just want you to know that in my travels in 57 countries um in California USA uh married to my half Japanese half Mexican wife japic and um we have uh two children one is uh 2 years and two months and the second one uh he's on his way August 9th he'll be born and so we're very very excited for that um standing their pain but when you look at a man without arms and legs smiling I just hope that it inspires you to not just be more thankful and not complain again that's not about that if that was the only goal to stop you complaining everyone will complain and you'll never stop complaining if you don't complain you're not human correct right cuz we always have ups and downs you see my foot ups and downs ups and downs ups and downs but amongst the UPS and downs and the good things and the bad things I want to help you make sure that your North on your compass is a true north of knowing that your priorities that you have are good priorities and that the way that you live from day to day actually show that these priorities are important to you before I get into it I always open up with a couple funny stories uh many people they look at me you know they ask me what happened what happened what happened well the truth is my parents don't know why I was born this way uh doctors don't know why Was Born This Way Lady Gaga doesn't know why I was born this way and my brother and my sister and my two sons have arms and legs um and it was just one of those things where uh no one knew why Nicholas James vur was born this way and as I came into the world and my mom and dad had no warning during the pregnancy either I came into the world saying surprise and the doctors told my parents that I would never walk the doctors told my parents that I would never go to school not only have I learned how to do so many things and and Achieve things as a 32y old but I've discovered so many truths about this life that I don't know who you think is stopping you from your full potential I don't know what circumstances you believe you have that are stopping you from your full potential but the saddest thing about this Earth is that I find many many people who are their worst enemy they are the ones stopping their full potential they are the ones who are the biggest discouragers of their lives you see when people look at you and say something or don't say something look at you or don't look at you you react to how they act and in that little interaction with every single human being whether it's your boss your work colleague or your spouse planting seeds of bitterness or love fear or faith belief or tearing down every time I look at you if I look at you and say Hi how are you and you say oh I'm fine but I know you're not fine and I look you in the eye again and say no really how are you do you know what that does right there and then it's planting a seed of affirmation in you in your soul in your spirit that someone actually cares about how you are and not just saying that love is incredible Seeds of Love then grows what hello hello love grows what love f seeds of fear then grows what fear fear okay seeds of Faith then breeds what faith bitterness then breeds what gossip breeds what gossip okay so everything you do everything you say has a cause and effect in not just your life but people's lives around you and every day my mom and my dad they get me ready in the morning and uh you know they're brushing my teeth and saying okay Nick you're gonna have a good day at school yeah and I'm like uhuh now don't worry about what anyone else says you're beautiful just the way that you are okay you're just special okay and so then I go to school and I feel pretty good and then when I go to the school it only takes one person to make you feel alone one person who will look at you and laugh at you and judge you and point their finger at you and I come home and I'm saying mom and dad mom and dad I don't want to go to school anymore why not because they're bullying and teasing me oh don't worry it's okay just do your best you're beautiful you're special and I'm thinking I don't want to be special I don't want to be special I want to run like everyone I want to throw a ball I want to ride a bike like everyone and my mom and my dad they're my heroes man every time I started complaining about what I didn't have they said stop complaining and do your best they didn't spoil me they didn't treat me better than they treated my siblings no man I had my chores if I didn't clean my bed I'd get punished for it I mean make up making up my bed next time your teenagers complain about making their beds tell them to then shut up and do with their teeth okay okay I made my bed with my teeth I vacuumed our house on my shoulder I held the vacuum clean up and with my chin I vacuum the house for $2 a week and with my money I would save money and if I wanted something from the store like candy or a toy guess who paid for it me and if I wanted to help some orphans guess who's money we used mine those are the work e ethics and values that my mom and dad taught me stop complaining and make sure that you do your part do your best and give back that child bought his first house at age 19 investment property that made 50% gain in 12 months flipped it I now have done a double degree in accounting and financial planning I'm an entrepreneur I'm a founder and nonprofit organization founder and president and we've given nearly a million dollars away to the poor and needy across the two organizations that we have I have 14 employees at 32 years old I've traveled now 57 countries and I want you to know that I'm not here to boast of My Success I'm here for you to understand that if a man without arms and legs can dream big and Achieve his goals then so can you sure was it easier that I was born in Australia yeah compared to many developing countries even if you didn't only change uh where I would uh be born but even if I was only born in Australia 10 years prior things would be different what to say it was easy no what about my parents my parents were in former Yugoslavia in the communism regime in 1962 my mom was 6 years old her and her eight siblings her father and mother escaped the border of Yugoslavia and went with nothing over the Austrian Alps became immigrants into Australia with nothing my dad at 15 years old in 1969 escaped the borders of Yugoslavia with his family and went to Australia with nothing some of his meals was hot water with some sugar that was a treat so don't tell me that our family had it better off than others my wife my wife's story is incredible we all have a story everyone has a story you have a story and no matter what ups and downs we have as long as we have those principles and values and faith I believe we can overcome all things you know when you don't see the full picture it's a little bit difficult to believe to believe in anything really and especially believe in yourself let me tell you a funny story about not seeing the full picture one day I was in a front seat of a car and we at the traffic lights and this car comes up next to us and this girles looking at me so I'm looking at her she's looking at me I'm looking at her she's looking at me I'm looking at her now all she sees is my head she doesn't see the rest of my body so so I think to myself I want to freak her out so I get the seat belt in my mouth and I loosen it like this so then I can freely move now she's looking at me with the seat belt in my mouth and she's like what now imagine all you see is my head I just did this and she thought she thought that my head did a 360° Spin and her face was like it was really really funny you know kids will come up to me and say what happened I go up to him and I say cigarettes we uh we took it too far one day we had to dress me up as a pilot and on a commercial airline on a commercial airline no lie it's on YouTube um we actually put hidden cameras everywhere and wanted to freak everyone out and so I had my hat on and my jacket and my badges it was at 6:00 in the morning flight and people were half asleep so they're slowly coming to the door of the plane and they're drinking their coffees some people are talking most people are not and then they come up to the door of the plane and then they see me good morning welcome aboard my name is Captain Nick vuic thank you so much for flying with us are you good can you just get your shots and are you happy thank you so much thank you so I said good morning my name is Captain Nick vo I'm going to be flying the plane today and they're like no way I said uhhuh they're like how do you do that is that like with your brain or something and I said uh uhhuh so everyone walks on the plane and the children they just think this is the coolest thing I mean they're so excited they're like this is awesome and then their parents they're freaking out they're like did you know about this no but what did we do I don't know maybe we wait for the next flight and uh I I was like man how do we do this like how long do we keep on going with the joke right so everyone's on the plane and so I start walking on the plane like this and I look down the aisle and I see all the heads are like I got the microphone good morning ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for boarding so fast and they're like oh my gosh when I told him that I was joking uh the parents were relieved and the children were disappointed sometimes in life when you want something to change you got to sometimes do something different does that make sense okay sometimes in life you can do everything you can to achieve something but if it's not meant to be then it's what not meant to be okay so get your piece of paper in your pen make sure you got a new piece of paper on the left page so if you make that word me on the top left of your page then make the word go g a l on the top right of your page and then draw a line in between the two words then simply put a question mark in the middle of it okay who are you it's so important to know who you are sounds ridiculous doesn't it I'm not talking about your name or your nationality or your culture I'm not talking about the good things and the bad things you've done I'm talking about about who you are at a funeral nothing's really said about their achievements but it is talked about who the person was were they a giver or a taker were they selfish or generous were they kind were they self-control did they look out for the interest of others who are you I don't care how much money you have in the bank I really don't I don't care what business you have I don't care about all that stuff I don't care how you look I don't care what I don't care about any physical tangible things but I care about what kind of leader you are you know the greatest leaders in this world are the greatest servants you can't be a great leader until you're a great servant and you can't be a great servant till you have a zero ego because when you're a servant you got to understand that there is no one that is less valuable or less important than you which will then reflect how you talk to the employees up the chain and down the chain I don't care how much money you have in your bank but I'll care about how you love your wife I didn't care about what title you have but do you love your children what kind of conversations do you have with your teenagers Hi how are you fine how was school boring what did you learn nothing did you do your homework no go clean your room later my my dad had three jobs my mom was a full-time nurse and they planted a church voluntarily doing all these things my mom and dad always made time for us playing marbles playing chess playing soccer going fishing going camping playing board games playing music together if this was the last 30 seconds for you to breathe 25 who have you not hugged in a while who did you not thank who did you not say sorry to who did you not forgive it's hard these these are the things that matter I don't care about your goal and your success right now who are you are you happy with you no one's perfect you see that book over there we take one step at a time one step at a time one step at a time one step at a time this life is a journey I'm still learning you're still learning we'll never stop learning until we stop breathing and every day you got to make your they count every time I leave my family behind in Los Angeles to go travel around the world and do eight countries in 2 weeks I realize that I may not be able to come back home can anyone guarantee that my plane's not crashing tomorrow no can anyone guarantee I'm going to be able to get back to my hotel room no can anyone guarantee that I'm not going to have a heart attack while I'm here on stage no it's not guaranteed it's why you make Every Day Count I love my boy he's 2 years old he sometimes gives me a high five on my shoulder sometimes on my face he's going to start to learn how to swim in a couple months sum is around the corner I never thought as a child that I would ever be able to get married I was my worst enemy when I was a kid because I let all the fear and all the anguish and all the distractions get to me man I'm never going to get a job everyone say the word men go say it again men have a subconscious difficulty of not directly correl ating between their value as a man attached to how much money they can bring home they feel more of a man if they can bring more money home it's wrong you're no less valuable of a man I'm no less valuable of a man if I didn't have a job if I was not a speaker if I was not an author I'm still Nick voic there's not another Nick vich there's not another you there'll never be another you you don't have to be me you don't have to be anyone else you just got to be you be the best you you can be and until you accept you how do you expect the world to accept you if you don't accept you if you keep on changing and running after dreams then you find that you actually lose your own value and even own focus of Happiness what's happiness money drugs sex alcohol pornography Fame and fure no if you put your happiness in temporary things your happiness will be temporary I'll tell you right now many single people I meet they're like well I I know that things are going to get better when I get married uh-uh if you ain't happy single you ain't going to be happy married if you don't believe me go talk to some married people can you hear an amen amen it's true I wanted arms and legs if I could just have arms and legs then everything's going to be okay no I don't need arms and legs arms and legs may give me arthritis later on anyway I need peace I need purpose I need strength I need wisdom more than arms and legs can you T me down just a little bit please cuz I is it too am I too loud right now okay fine then I'm fine I feel like I'm loud up here so maybe just turn my monitors down up here please thanks so watch this you see that book if I start walking this way encouragement brings me closer to my full potential okay discouragement Takes Me Away at age eight I let fear me Nick you're not good enough Nick just give up Nick you're alone and you're always going to be alone you're not going to get married even if you got married you can't even hold your wife's hand even if you had kids you can't even hold them when they're crying you're not going to get a job you're going to be a burden to your parents for the rest of your life forget it no one understands you no one ever will understand you you may as well just commit suicide and I tried and the only reason why I did not successfully drown my myself in my bathtub was because of one thought that came through my mind and it was the visual in my mind of seeing my mom and my dad and my brother crying at my grave I didn't want to leave them with that pain so I decided to stay man am I glad I stayed or what and I'm sorry if you've been abused that's not the best that this life has for you you don't have to fight your fears and pain alone find a counselor find a coach find someone you can trust to coach you through every single situation I'm sorry if you have lost in your life my friend just died 2 days ago of cancer she was 35 years old I'm going to go be with her husband when I get back I can't imagine Burying my wife my wife buried her father to cancer can't imagine that life is life and pain is pain and Brokenness is Brokenness but hope is Hope and and I believe there's a hope a real hope everyone say a real hope real hope do you know what a real hope means to me your heart a real hope that basically is hope for any single person anywhere at any given time in any single situation for the rich for the poor for the healthy for the sick for the orphan for the sex slave I was in front of 650 sex slaves 16 years old I was 26 these 650 girls were sold by their parents for $700 as a sex slave when they were 10 years old do you have hope could you communicate the hope that you have to them would it apply just have a positive attitude just believe in reincarnation really better luck next time that's what a woman told me when I was 12 years old she said have you ever wondered why you have no arms and legs and I said yes she said well I know why I said why she said you were a very bad person last last life and I said thanks she said but don't worry next life you'll probably come back as a butterfly and I'm like woman you don't understand how many butterflies I've killed in my wheelchair I don't want to be a butterfly some people say to people well just change the story you know whatever happened to you just change what happened in your mind you can't but there is hope and these girls found it and these girls find it and I saw one of these girls go through Rehabilitation find herself a job be set free in her faith in God in that money that she saved she didn't save up for a car didn't save up for a house she saved up $700 to go back to the BRS and set another girl free take her through school get her a job and then they together save up I need to keep on setting sex slaves free to me you don't know what beautiful things can come from your broken pieces until you give your broken pieces a chance and I don't know what you would have to live through or experience in your life for you to look back before you die and say it was worth it and it Mak sense life is confusing but I'll tell you some story when I was 24 years old I was in front of a crowd of about 3 or 400 people and I saw a little boy being held up above the crowd 19-month old little Daniel Martinez no arms no legs and a little foot like me and I'm like w dude we're going to wrestle later on I got the father to bring him up on stage and we set him up here and he's looking up at me and I'm looking down at him and I can't give him a high five so I gave him a low two and he smiled and everyone cried why cuz it was a miracle I saw my mom hug his mom and they cry I saw my dad H his dad and they CED I remember when I was in school that I wish that I wish that I wish that I wish I could meet someone like me it'd be incredible if a liess man could come to my school and tell all my bullies to shut their mouth I didn't get that Miracle but now I'm that little miracle for this boy he was being teased at school so I went to his school about 2 or 3 years ago and I went there in my wheelchair and I ran all the kids over no I did and I went there and I shared a a story of love and a message of acceptance now he's the coest kid in the school now we're going to go swimming me him and my son now Daniel knows at age n that if Uncle Nick's okay then Daniel's going to be okay and for me that's what make makes my life worthwhile that one day when I'm in in heaven with my arms and legs he's going to run to me on his new legs and hug me with his new arms and tell me thank you for helping me believe that this place called heaven was real that's why I don't care for anything else cuz nothing else matters you'll have ups and downs but that's okay it's not about going from a valley to a mountain it's going through valleys and mountains so when you have the courage to realize the truth the truth will set you free and when you see this these all these lies are just voices I like to call the voices the devil okay who's bringing me closer and closer to the edge you know what I just do to that devil you can talk to the foot cuz the ears ain't listening and I turn around and I take one step at a time one step at a time one step at a time does Nick vuic fail yes is Nick vuic perfect no does he fall down sometimes yeah so turn me up just a little bit please what do you do when you fall down try to get up get back up okay how turn back you don't know what you can achieve until you TR ladies and gentlemen if I try 100 times to get up and I fail 100 times am I a failure no then why do you sometimes think that you are Thomas Edison he tried 10,000 times to make a light bulb someone came up to Thomas and said Hey Thomas how does it feel failing 99,999 times you know what he said I didn't fail that many times now I know 9,999 ways in how not to make a light bulb don't give up everyone say courage courage let me show you what courage is I'm going to jump up the table do a back flip and land on the stage okay yes okay here we go ready girls are you ready yes boys are you ready yes ready one two three I'm joking man are you serious if I do that I'll break my arm or something all right but let's change one thing let's say that I'm here on stage and no one else is here and so I can't get down and a fire is coming through the room am I going to jump off the table yes why Sur five write this line down ready when you know why you do what you do when you know why you do what you do come that purpose brings courage and strength to draw drive through fear when you know why you do what you do that purpose brings strength and courage to drive through fear you see fear doesn't disappear it's like this storm that we are in on a plane one day have you ever had a rough ride on an airplane I have you know when it's like shaking like this and then you hold you hold on with both hands we in a big storm for 25 minutes I mean the wind was atrocious there was lightning lightning struck the left wing of our plane I saw it it was a flight during the day but it was pitch dark outside that flight made not only national news in America but worldwide news and it's amazing when you're on the plane like that everyone's reactions some people are holding strangers hands some people are praying some people are screaming some people are vomiting and here I am and you know on a plane when you're going down and you know on a plane when you're going up it's not so safe to fly under the storm or in the storm as beautiful is as it is to Fly Above the storm you know what Eagles do when a storm comes they're like oh yeah bring it home I'm ready for this I Was Born to Fly Above This they enjoy it they enjoy and circle within the warm currents of the air and before the storm even approaches they already feeling the warmth in the air and they ride those currents above the storm you see when you're in a plane and you're on an incline no matter what you see no matter what shaking is going on you know for as long as you keep on climbing you're going to get eventually above the storm it was incredible we finally got above the storm and it went peace and the Sun was shining you see it's always a sunny day above the clouds how do you rise above the storm courage is not when you're not afraid courage is when you do something even while you're afraid would you like to hear how I transform my life from depression to who I am today I'm going to give you a list of keys okay so write down a list of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 the first one is attitude of gratitude being thankful I love my little foot this foot of mine I've got two toes I can even do the peace sign peace I can type 43 words a minute on on a normal computer and after two cups of coffee 53 words a minute I've learned how to walk to jump to swim to golf to fish scuba dive surfing snowboarding skydiving my knees were shaking I've done all these things and when I was 13 years old I was playing my sport soccer I was on the field and when you put a full-size soccer ball next to me I'm only 94 cm tall you guys working inches or centimet CM yeah and so I'm on the field and my friend is about to kick it to me and I'm a little nervous right he says are you ready and I'm like uhhuh and he gets ready like this and he goes like this and the ball's coming right for me you know when something's coming right for you like a homing missile and it doesn't matter what you do you're dead that's the feeling I had so I thought I'm going to hit the ball before the ball hits me now have you seen the film The Matrix yes it's real everything went into slow motion and this ball is coming right for me and I'm thinking man I'm going to hit the ball before the ball hits me I can't headb it cuz it's coming a little bit too low I can't kick it cuz it's a bit too high so everything went into slow motion and I decided to jump up in the air and while I'm in the air to do a karate kick kick so I went like this and I went like this and the ball came hit my foot bent my foot backwards on itself and I heard a and I'm like and my foot went I need this thing I was 13 years old and I was in my bed for 3 weeks I'm staring at the ceiling man I feel dis abled I got to stop complaining man I got to take some action I got to stop wishing and grumbling and do something Point number two you don't know what you can achieve until you what try very easy I never teach anything complicated but these simple things will change your life number three when I fail I will try again number four obstacles equals opportunity the next one what number are we on five five good failure equals education number six dream big or bigger dream bigger a dream bigger and number seven never give up let me tell you about how I became a speaker my mom and dad they encouraged me a lot my dad was a very wise man he knew that I couldn't compete in a lot of things at school so he pushed me in mathematics and I got a year ahead of everyone else and I actually became number one mathematician in my class that was a confidence that I really needed at that time of my life my dad gave me the advice that Nick you have a brain use your brain and start an accounting business and have employees so they can be your hands and feet good advice yeah I got that at age six my dad drill that into me I'm going to start a business I'm going to start a business I'm going to start a business it's a great great goal when I was 17 years old at high school I would have to wait 1 hour after each day for my tax to pick me up and then take me home and I would stand there alone in my wheelchair and one day the cleaner of the high school who cleaned the toilets of the entire grounds he looked at me and I looked at him and he came a little closer to me and I came a little closer to him and we started talking he was about 60 years old an Indian man called Arnold and we talked about life we became friends very quickly and about two or 3 weeks after our friendship he looked at me and he said Nick you're going to be a speaker and I said excuse me he said you're going to be a speaker I said really and what am I going to speak about he said you're going to share your story I said I don't have a story he said yes you do I said no I don't I said you're a crazy old man he said Nick don't you know of the student support group that meets at the school every Friday lunch I said yeah I know about them he said well why don't you go there and share your story and said leave me alone man you N I have nothing leave me alone I thought he would never bring it up again but he brought it up the next day and the next day and the next day and the next day and he started started getting annoying I started to hide away from him and he comes and finds me and after 3 months he twisted my arm and I said yes and I finally got there and I didn't know what to say after I was done and I just rambled on and just Shed from my heart I looked at a girl who was crying I said are you okay she said ah I said what's wrong nothing I said why are you crying I was just touched I said who touched you I didn't understand that her heart could be so moved and I'm like okay she came and she gave me a hug and then I hugged some other people I didn't shake hands I hug everyone the husbands let me hug their wives cuz they know I'm not going to lay a hand on them but the scary thing about hugging everyone is that anyone can just pick me up and take me home so I hugged them and they said can we have your phone number I said for what says so we can call you I said for what or we want you to come back and speak I said for what I gave them my them my number and some people started to call me and I started speaking at this group and this group and this church and this youth group and all these things I spoke 12 times between ages 17 and 19 and I came home one day and my mother was very angry with me when my mother is angry with me she calls me Nicholas I come home and she says Nicholas said yes ma we need to talk what said okay so I went to the kitchen which is my mom's office she always has The Wooden Spoon ready we walk into her office and she can't even sit down she's so angry I said so what do you want to talk about she says nichas I just I I just need to know the truth I said what she says I don't know I I just need to know what's going on I said what she said I don't know these strangers they come and pick you up and put you in the car you go for a couple of hours and you come back and you're happy and they're crying she said what's going on I said I'm just speaking she says you're speaking I said uhhuh she says what are you speaking about I said I'm sharing my story she says you have a story is it yes she says what's your story I said I don't know she said but I need to know why are they crying I said I don't know she said are you making them feel sorry for you I said no she says what is this anyway is this like a hobby I said yes I think so she said okay and that was the end of the conversation then at 19 I found myself in front of 300 teenagers and man was I nervous my Palms were sweaty I couldn't feel my legs and within 3 minutes half the girls were crying and then there was one girl who just sadly uncontrollably wept and I stopped and we all looked at her and she couldn't stop crying and she put up her hand and she said I'm so sorry to interrupt but can I come up there and give you a hug and in front of everyone she came and she hugged me and she cried on my shoulder she said thank you thank you thank you no one's ever told me that they love me no one's ever told me that I'm beautiful The Way I Am My Heart sank because if my parents never told me that I was beautiful or that they loved me I would not be here I thought to myself how many people just need to hear a simple message of love so I looked at this Go's eyes later and you can tell when someone gets hope you can't get a vaccination for hope you can't buy hope at a store I can't get hope out of my pocket and put it in yours but she got hope is priceless so exciting I said momy Dad momy Dad I know what I want to be for the rest of my life my dad said good finish school first and I'm there at the house and my mom she's you know washing the dishes and she's looking down at me and I'm looking up she says so you know what you want to be huh say uh-huh she says what I said I want to be a speaker she stops she crosses her arms like this and leans over and says what you want to be a a speaker uhhuh she says uh like a like a hobby or a job job are they going to pay for you I don't know doesn't sound like a good job to me she said do you have any invitations no how you going to get them I don't know even if you got an invitation and they paid you how you going to get there I don't know I had no idea a secret of life is focusing on what you need to focus on don't focus on just the things you don't know that traps you from never trying try you don't know what you can achieve unto you try if you fail you try again failure equals education obstacles equals opportunity opportunity if I don't know anything about marketing then it's an opportunity to learn you and I know that I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't go through what I went through before I wouldn't have this maturity at age 8 at age 10 at age 12 at age 15 start my own career and investment property portfolio at age 19 makes you stronger makes you wiser makes you think so my mom had a lot of good questions didn't she a lot of unknowns don't just focus Fus on the negative unknowns look at the positive unknowns when you know why you do what you do that brings what purpose you know what purpose I was focusing on the girl hugging me and telling me that no one's ever told her that she is loved or that she is beautiful that gave me courage that drives through fear you don't need courage to win you need courage to lose because anything you do in life that's actually meaningful you may have to fail first ain't that's okay everyone say it's okay it's okay good tell your name it's okay it is okay so what did I do I hated reading books I've only read maybe four 14 books in my whole life four of them were mine they were pretty good I didn't get a book about speaking I didn't know a speaker I didn't know a coach I had nowhere to begin and I wasn't going to now just try find another speaker to copy what they do so I got a list of these schools and their phone numbers and I started calling them hello um hi um my name is Nick and I am a speaker and I was wondering if I could come to your school and speak uh no baby thank you and hung up the phone was that a failure or success success I'm going to give you 3 seconds to think about it ladies and gentlemen was that a failure or a success would you make up your mind success put your hand up if you said failure you're correct if it was a success she would have said yes correct but you need to fail before you succeed yes so ladies and gentlemen was that a failure or success failure good am I a failure no am I going to give up or get up get up good so I didn't call the same school back I just called another school hello um hi my name is Nick and I have no arms and legs she said what I said my name is Nick and I have no arms and legs she said how are you holding the phone I thought why is that so important I don't understand she didn't believe me she hung up the phone failure or success fail am I a failure no am I going to give up or get up get up good hello hi my name is Nick voic and I have no arms and legs and I'm a speaker and I was wondering if I can come to your school uh let me check with the principal okay sounds good she got my number she said I'll call you back I said okay no problem I hung up the phone and I'm like ooh someone's going to call [Music] me my phone rings hello this is ni for speaking hi uh this is the school that you just called I said okay yes yes well the principal and I talked and we agreed that we don't want a freak Show at our school true story I I said thanks and I hung up the phone failure or success failure was that a expensive yes oh yeah but it only stopped me for 5 seconds why because I couldn't get the picture of that girl out of my head and thinking I don't care how many times I need to fail if I can just make a difference in another person's life I don't care how many times I'll get a no I'm going to finally one day get a yes so was that her problem or my problem that's her problem is it my job to fix her problem no so get over next everyone say next next I called another school and another school and another school and another school I called 12 schools 18 schools 23 schools 29 schools 32 schools 36 schools 43 schools 48 schools 52 schools said no and every time I got a no I got better and better and better and better and better this is my 53 53rd call hello hello my name is Nick F I'm a professional motivational speaker and I was wondering if I come and speak at your school about bullying self-esteem fre again she said okay and I'm like crap what do I do now I wasn't ready for this so I got nervous and I asked the most ridiculous question it's the worst question I could ever asked I said um can you pay she said what it's not for free said sorry no I have some costs she said what's your cost I said uh 50 bucks she said okay and I'm like yeah she said can you come next Tuesday I said yes I can come next Tuesday so I got my pen and I'm writing down the address she said okay we'll see you next week I said okay bye-bye thanks she have the phone and I'm like yes success baby I was so excited I'm going to be a speaker a counting is so so a boring subject I don't want to do accounting I don't want to do financial planning I want to be a speaker I was so excited couldn't wait to tell my parents I got an invitation and guess what happened you see in 2002 in Australia there was no GPS you had like this book it's the map and so I get this book the map and I open it and I'm trying to find this place and I said oh no you see when you call Schools 53 School schools you start calling schools that are not in your city this school was a 2 and 1/2 hour drive I don't drive it's a Thursday the gig next Tuesday I'm thinking to myself what am I going to do like maybe if I stop working now I'll get the wrong time maybe I should mail myself there I didn't know what to do so I didn't ask my parents for help and I had a 16-year-old brother and he's watching TV and I come walking in the room I said Aaron he says hey uh Aaron I I got some good good news oh yeah what's that oh a school wants me to speak oh that's nice he said wait a second you want me to take you huh I said please you don't understand I call 53 schools and 52 said no and I need to get there and I I'm I'm going to be a speaker and I can't cancel my first key he said okay calm down calm down calm down calm down he said where is it I said ah I have the address in my room he said okay he said when is it and I said uh next Tuesday he said oh no no no I can't do next Tuesday I said you can't he said no I said why not he said I'm busy I said you're busy he said yes I said what are you doing he says nothing so I walked away and I'm thinking to myself I will do whatever I have to do cuz I need to get there so I came back to my brother and I said hey I'll pay you 50 bucks he said okay now he's driving the car on the Tuesday and he's looking and the houses sto disappearing he says where are we going and I said just keep driving he said it looks like we're going into some Farms I said yeah he said how many people live out here he says do you even know how big the school is I look out the window and I try not to do anything as I'm trying to calm myself down I say no I don't know how many people are going to be at the school he said don't you think you should have asked that I said I don't know what I'm doing man okay he said Nick do you even know how long you're speaking for at this time my blood pressure goes to the lowest it's ever been I can't feel my face and I said no I do not know he's driving and he starts smiling because he doesn't care he's getting paid anyway we get to the school and I say hello to the principal and the principal says thank you for coming I said no problem thank you for having me I said I just have some two questions she said okay yeah what is it I said I'm I'm just wondering um how many minutes would you like me to speak now guys a lot is on the line okay after all the failure to get to this success it took a lot it's a 2 and 1/2 hour drive there 2 and 1/2 hour drive back 5 hours of travel and the 50 bucks that I'm getting is paid for my brother and I also have to pay for the fuel naturally so a lot is on the line so I said um how many minutes would you like me to speak for and she said oh how does five minutes sound my brother laughed out loud I mean he laughed so loud he couldn't help himself he turned around and started walking away I could hear him for he kept on going I'm trying to calm myself down I'm thinking it's okay Nick it's okay Nick maybe it's a big crowd maybe it's a big crowd 5 minutes with a big crowd that's okay it's okay just calm down keep calm it's go okay so I said uh and how many people are you expecting me to speak in front of oh we're so excited we have all of our leaders 10 I said excuse me she said 10 people I said for 5 minutes she said yes she said is that okay yes man I beat myself up those voices of Lies those voices of negativity you're an idiot you'll never be a speaker you should have just asked those questions you're crazy you you can't achieve anything you're a nobody you don't even know your story you don't even know what you're going to say you did all that to speak for 5 minutes in front of 10 people this is not a good business plan Nick so I got up on stage and I spoke and I got down I got my 50 bucks I gave my 50 bucks to my brother we get in the car we stop at the fuel station we get some fuel we're on our way home he's driving and he's smiling I said don't tell Mom and Dad he said okay we get home guess who sees me mom sees me as soon as I get in she says Hey n how was the speech oh it was good mom went into my room shut the door did not come out for dinner my parents said what's wrong with Nick my brother told them and I'm thankful he did I think I cried that night I was depressed I was angry I was beating myself up I felt like a failure I hate that feeling I went to sleep and at 8:30 in the morning my phone stopped ringing 8:30 in the morning is pretty early for a 19-year-old it woke me up I didn't pick it up I'm like who is calling me so early in the morning then I remember what happened the day before and I started getting depressed and angry beat myself up again 10 minutes later I didn't pick it up third time all right all right all right so I'm half asleep hello hi is this like Po motivational speaker yes yes hi and I said um let me check my schedule so I get my diary out and I open it and it's all blank so I turned a page and I turned another page I turned one more page and I said uh how about next Friday she says oh that's great I said okay great so we made the arrangements and everything's done and she hangs up and I'm like man that's one of the best days of my life I spoke at that school then another couple schools heard about me I spoke with those schools and more schools heard about me do you know how many marketing dollars I've spent for our brand zero do you know how many invitations I have now 35,000 35,000 invitations on fire you work in kilometers if you work in centimeters correct I've traveled 5 million kilomet around the world 5 million kilm around the world which is equivalent to about 110 times around the world speaking spoken 3,000 times in crowds as large as a 110 10,000 people face to face and the largest live audience on TV and actual 270 million people in 2013 I traveled 26 countries and 12 governments allowed me to go on national TV for an hour to talk about my faith journey and God in heaven in front of 400 million people I reach 6% of the world in 17 weeks that is nothing short of a miracal dreams can come true if it's meant to be then it's meant to be if it all closes there's another one coming and is probably better than the last one My Success ain't money My Success is purpose and joy and Truth purpose joy and truth that to me is my goal that to me is my success and I could be easily the man who takes every sing single invitation and never spend time with his son and then at my funeral someone can come up to my son and say your dad was a good man and he can say yeah my dad was a good man I just wish I knew him Faith Family Mission To Me Faith Family Mission I am a family man I am a man of God I am a man of faith and prayer and I'm a man that wants to change the world it's not okay everyone say it's not okay it's not okay it's not okay to know that there are a billion people going hungry everyone say it's not okay okay that there are 10 million slaves in the world is that okay or not not should everyone get education yes and water and food and love yes and safety yes I am not accepting the world status so I ain't just going to complain about it and I'm not waiting for billionaires to fix it or governments fix it cuz we'll be waiting a long time I am 32 and I the people are the change if you want to see change in the world you got to be the change why can't we find 400 million people to give a dollar a day to feed every single hungry mouth why can't we get 400 million people to give $1 a day to build hospitals and schools and orphanages and do what Sir Richard Branson does he goes to Africa and he built a Runway an airline Runway that's he his Runway he gets a 747 fills it up with 600 motorcycles with 600 doctors with 600 mini medical clinics on the back of each motorbike and these 600 doctors go to 600 Villages for the week ministers to everyone goes back on the plane then goes back home there is creativity that is unlimited you got to be creative but you just want to need it you're going to need to want it that bad I want this world a much better place than it's in and I want it so bad and I'm friends with influential people and I'm 3 years away from starting a platform I don't like Facebook I'm on Facebook sorry Facebook but I don't like you I tell you why we got six million fans 6 million fans we reached through Facebook 38 million people last week 38 million people saw my posts through the reach through the shares through the comments through the interactivity okay we have one of the most leading organic growth Pages Facebook's everever seen okay but out of the 6 million people I can only be assured that around 600,000 people actually see my post if I want all my 6 million followers to see my post guess what I got to do I got to pay so I said forget that I'm going to start my own platform so we're doing that now and we are going to and we're going to report that 100% truly goes to the needy the people who need it and Report with cameras and documentation what happens where the money goes blah blah blah and I really believe it's going to happen is that a crazy dream or what is it a big dream yes we'd be crazy not to dream it right yeah you see how all that changes I am crazy but I love it I love it that's crazy we and an egal H together sometimes you got to be crazy just a little bit right to believe things that not even half of you believes right you can do it for me there are many things that I have to still achieve but if I died today I'd Die very happy I want to do something very practical for you something very very empowering okay I want you to pick up your pen make a list 1 2 3 the heading for the list is obstacles there are reasons why I'm about to say what I'm about to say but can the camera people not cut away back to the audience for the rest of the speech can you do that for me please just keep the camera on me thank you very much there are reasons you'll know why later I want you to write down the three biggest obstacles that are stopping you from achieving your goals when you're done please look at me so I know who is done good most of you great I want you to stand to your feet if you can with the list in your hand nothing else but your list I want you to look at your list hold the list with both hands I think what's important some of you were still recording I I need you to stop recording now I what this is for you this is not to remember I've only got 6 minutes left so now you're going to have to remember the rest okay just put the cameras down potential does that make sense when one door closes another door opens when you don't know what's around the corner till you what go around the corut does that make sense so every single one of you just told me that actually it is possible that you could do better in time management educate yourself do different things things to learn and grow and develop you might run into your investor you may have different variables that could actually get these obstacles out of your way now how would you feel if you never had a list of those top three it would feel pretty good right well guess what it could somehow possibly one day change so then you got to keep at it take one day at a time for as long as your heart desires that goal dream keep going for it does that make sense yes make sure that you don't put your marriage as the sacrifice on an altar for your dream Faith Family Mission was that a cool exercise good lastly if you have anything in your hands put it down do you trust me yes okay everyone say love love turn to the person and say turn the person next to you and say I love you I love you smil always keep smiling keep smiling I love okay ready I love feel the love you will be surprised as I've done many speeches around the world you don't know what anyone's going through make sure that one thing remains about memories of you You by other people it's love you don't know how many people in this room who have already tried to commit suicide on your street at your workplace they feel like all hope is gone if you ain't generous with your time and you ain't generous with your kind words then you're not going to be generous with your wallet so forget about the world's needs for a second and think about your neighbor's needs and see how you can be a light in their life sometimes all you need is one true friend and sometimes you have to be a true friend to get one when you [Applause] realize when you realize this it begins with love it is love and it ends with love and I love you and I thank you for loving me thank you thank you oh put it up Mr the Nick meres
Channel: John Lo
Views: 131,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor, succes resourcess, Nick Vujicic (Author), nick vujicic nac 2015 netherland, Netherlands (Country), Amsterdam (City/Town/Village), Amsterdam RAI Exhibition And Convention Centre (Locati
Id: 6A9q4kYcYb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 34sec (5254 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2015
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