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[Music] joe i have one question for you what's that question do you think that this is the smash killer oh this has to be the smash killer it can be or it's really bad today is february 13th 2020 yeah we got this game a little early and we are queuing this up for whenever the game comes out so see you whenever that is yeah we you know we just got fresh off of our mystery dungeon playthrough yeah and you won't believe the next video we have prepared for alpha red plus wait until part seven y'all just that part's gonna be crazy oh my god all right so uh we're just gonna hop straight into this game uh just now just me um who do we wanna see i think my big picks oh we got three avatar reps which is awesome uh i hope spongebob becomes like the fire emblem of this game and no one likes it yeah i think that's an avatar right they're like the japanese cartoon yeah i know spongebob the characters the mario of course but i think he really is going to be the fire alum like series wise yeah too many spongebob reps i need another dan phantom fan that's a guy that's that this guy who's a toast guy from you know is it is this new agent is this the one that the executive said all right the 12 year olds really love mr toby i think that's these the louds lincoln and lucy loud i have no idea who they are are they do they their character designer wreaks of like 2014 cartoon network yeah this is like so tumblr error to me yeah uh april you know what we're just we're just looking at the character screen i'm gonna i'm gonna play uh cat dog and uh do you get the place no it won't let me play all right whenever you said uh it's only you earlier i thought you used to i i assumed you meant it was only you no oh okay there there i am cat dog who do you want to be um i'll i'll try this bastard right here um i think today is probably not gonna be a lot of like uh us playing against each other mainly just learning the game figuring out first impressions really yeah yeah i saw one video of cat dog and the dude was schmovin all right so oh we we've all watched that video okay snap jump on no boo oh yeah and i know they have the the air dude bro cat dog wave dashing oh yeah i haven't even waved yet wait we have to use is it uh l no uh r wit which which one's the trigger is is that a trigger is it a trigger for me i i changed my controls before the thing just whatever it looked right i don't know what default is oh that's wave dashing but that was weird so i know like this game is kind of like a mix between platform fighters and a traditional fighter because there's like lights like here's light down tilt here strong down tilt i guess that's that would be down smash but the same applies in the air see there's straw there's weak down air then strong down air oh there we go first left wing oh yo you missed a white ledge i want to try sick it's so weird using l can i swap out lsr yeah you can yo okay i won my first nick all-star bro one thing that i am kind of upset about no alternate skin no no costumes no other colors you know yeah that'd be nice it's just weird to me uh what stages we can do ghost zone yeah i feel like no skins this is very it's not even just casually upsetting like competitively i'd like to have multiple skins like i'm learning my attacks little ghost guy dude retry dash is uh not that great i don't think any of the wave dash have been like great that i've seen so far spongebob went further and further but this one's just like it's like a peach wave dash so tiny wait bro but that's gonna be so weird do we learn wait wait hold up hold up wait look at danny payne real quick okay so come look at me what so you see that logo that the danny fan moved back a little bit that danny phantom logo on my chest yeah it gets flipped oh that's um we learned the vocab word for this last night i i know they're just symmetrical fighters yeah but like no no it's just it it's kind of like a they cheated on it because like his hair is facing that way now it faces this way but they just flipped his character model around i think i think just it's an oops it's an oops i'll get fixed eventually wait which one's jab abc no there's no jab there's side tilts that's so weird all right also this like little walk backwards i think that might be better within wave dashing in most situations yeah moonwalk i mean it's just it's so much smaller a lot quicker look at him look at him go yeah let's try and play let's play his danny danny reptar all right i think i know what this character is up till it does yep that's the one that's the one huh what about specials i don't know how to do the specials i think you have an x oh my god there's an x button on this controller so you have fire breath can you charge it uh yes it's kind of it's not terrible oh that might be then okay so that's what's your downbee my zombie is this oh this looks like donkey kong guppy i'm just gonna oh wait so is this my jumpman then i have a little projectile i think that like i know it's weird like learning new control schemes i agree like it's gonna take a while yeah i'm used to smash where there's two buttons and it's just always special attack that i feel like that's kind of powerful but i can't really tell there's not really any basis for what's good and what's not yet i'm just pressing buttons and it might work i'm just gonna stand here and do this i see through your plan [Music] uh come up here come up here yes it's very active i need it i keep trying to jump after it's over oh and where did i win oh dude give me that one back i'm undefeated in this game you got three kills though look huh uh ggs i got him all right uh yeah the uh b button and a button being the same button essentially but not and then yes button being the b button because as of now gamecube controllers don't work on this i'm sure they will eventually because they kind of have to i don't replace that piece of [ __ ] actually oh i'll please toast man play zim battlefield powder toastman he looks like he's a spongebob character he does i thought he was at first yeah i mean like okay so is this shine oh wait is this is that shine oh shine oh no are you a powdered toastman mane uh let me see did i kill you no uh oh never mind that's sick uh what oh yeah oh press down and yeah down and jump that's bad and you can you can't go through platforms you have to press down and jump so in slap city if you held shield and press v you would auto shield drop and i like having the option of both like i wish i could drop through shields or like press y during my shield you know yeah i don't know i mean i think being able to run through like platforms is a lot of fun that's one of my favorite things in melee's like wave landing and also look at this look at this mix-up like you know you can't just upbeat and land you can't go high and then is he gonna go through the platform is he not yeah yeah you lose that which is weird oh wait do i have any other specials that aren't shine of course ganondorf good she needs it i i just want to see if i have any moves that aren't shine please oh sorry that was ganondorf brain off oh i'll save you the but he has a shine though yeah but he didn't feel fun outside of that i was kind of getting stuck on the fact that you can't go through platforms wait does it take us back to the main menu after every game i think i keep pressing the main menu button so i really hope you're pressing the main q button yeah i'm pretty sure i am wait who else i want to try i try quora yeah mentally remapping to where the a button the b button because i'm using an xbox one controller yeah like just mentally remapping that button weird reptile didn't look fun um april o'neil looked promising she kind of looked like the falcon of this game to me can we please remove them then like there are certain archetypes that we can just not have in platform fighters yeah i think this game it's it's fast this game is fast well this is new i'm playing neutral i can can i can can i use the knight please no i'm playing neutral wait so this is a raw cheek needles do you charge them i i guess it's like does it change in the air nope it's six that's not bad it was yeah one of them doesn't say that kind of annoying but like that's not really much oh that resets i guess that's not all you can cancel into smash attacks remember like that oh my so there are only three v moves then yeah okay that's weird you're you don't have neutrals anything pretty much you have side it's like imagine the opposite of smash 64. you have up special side special down special gotcha yeah like i i knew they would give somebody a shine did not expect it to be the toast yeah this move looks good and then strong version yeah that looks like it's a good oh ah strong is really weird to like adjust to you uh i it's it's okay for me i think this is my neutral by the way yeah that sounds about right everything's just so [ __ ] quick everything's quite like i feel like the animations start and end way too fast that's gross [Music] yeah i found my one move [Music] oh you pointed this out once when we were watching footage uh this is a small thing very small thing uh so you see that number down there yeah of my percent if you die the number doesn't go down until you spawn yeah that's just something that i don't know why they have that like a little little thing i haven't grabbed yet how do i do that how do you grab actually wait how do you grab just one of the triggers or bumpers oh there you go good job oh you can grab the air right yeah you can everyone having cargo show is kind of weird it's not bad it is this weird oh that shine doesn't hit oh that's that didn't hit it's fun why'd they give him falco shine oh you press x to go to brawler select i see i kept pressing b to go to main menu okay so the shine character has a shine gimmick and that's it for like i like cat dog i'll play april o'neil uh oh i saw patrick has the funny move of down b oh yeah he does have that i just wanna i want to like look around with the other characters yeah some of these i'm like what did they give the hell okay so i was talking to someone else who's playing this early yeah and uh they described helga having like a slingshot move that functions like silly melee fox laser like it sucks you in yeah is it your i think it's your neutral special or side special i guess yeah oh that's weird oh wait i forgot projectile i was working this here do it again oh yeah wait try it again oh that's sick though [Music] yeah i i see her game plan is just yeah stand here i thought i could grab projectiles oh that doesn't think you meant so for that that's weird oh that's oh my gosh oh that's gonna combo two whatever that kill me at 38. are you still trying to reflect this or not really oh okay i've been just trying to throw that out oh i just thought that was your neutral no i i yeah if both are true [Music] all right nice book i don't like that that's the guard animation yeah there's no shields there's no nothing it's just do not touch me do not even perceive me love these work please wait is it what's triggered okay that one uh i mean i changed mine so mine's left it's whatever you say wave dash i have snake recovery good and this is falcon stomp awesome that wasn't a lot of watch ninja turtles growing up so i never knew this neither was i i've never been brave enough to admit it i've never cared uh yeah let me see my moves real quick uh unless i short bro let me go through the last one see going not being able to go through the platform just like i think in the game where cargo throwing yeah is just the standard i don't know i i don't know if i like that decision spongebob has funny kick yeah it's imagination you just want to wing it you just want to go for it yeah whoa whoa what's the what did your pizza come back as a slice okay wait what what were you saying woe to you oh that was throw your pizza at me again it comes back as one slice oh hey could you eat it oh true i have a tether that's like the most different recovery yeah that is different because like we're only going off like the footage we've seen pre-release you know it's like i actually don't know what all these characters look like what the [ __ ] was that animation oh that was the thing uh if i told you of like how some smash attacks beat others oh okay oh my god from the depths of hell i i don't know what moves kill man it just feels random like the moves i expect to be like beekeepers um are pretty pretty pathetic and then oh my god i know like you can cancel moves out of dash attack but that still combos at like 160. has to be like the best move in the game right [Music] because yeah you just do dash attack and then whatever you want it's an imagination combo [Music] oh i'm gonna oh i i just wanna dashback i'm kidding like dude i can't poke you dude yeah no i'm just pressing buttons yeah i know the uh i just don't like the uh i i don't like how like visually unclear it is like whenever you shield you know yeah like i i'd like to be able to tell but yo my spongebob's nasty bro crazy wow okay it's not that's nasty jesus okay i don't know who's letting it what is not uh like that dude yeah the grab your i'm smashing spike down smash i guess oh what is i'm at 80. uh which ones dashback is are both you have to back okay so here's the thing here let me lift uh you can't just like start dashing and press a you have to like run for a little bit and then press a or whatever what i was asking was it is it a heavy dash attacking light dash okay both of them cancel wait what can you cancel it into you just whatever attacks anything okay yeah so oops like that um you're at like 120 yeah wait dude i keep hitting that on accident yeah i keep pressing x for us i'll try well what's this one like [Music] what else uh we can try one of the less competitive stages i think why does she look like that look at her stance yeah her eyes i mean i get that she's blind oh no that's it that's it she's blind uh uh whoa i would like to i feel like my strategy is the same with everyone i feel like i just i mean it's day one it's hour one bro oh my god oh you're more oh you're oh wait i like that move hey a funny question why where are where did our hug go i don't know i i was wondering about that myself you know what we don't need to know i i thought you did something and i just kind of accepted it oh that was sick please kill oh my god duke i like that move oh does that steve block um please go away okay now i can ask myself a very important question of is there does it not go away i don't think i see okay eventually that is it was way too long that was way too long that was like a full like look at this i'm timing out your invincibility every time you know yeah that's that's good game design i think sakurai would have loved that one wearing which one's light and which ones have i mean that's just something i'll change with time that's just weird [Music] okay i'm so scared you're gonna do another rock i tried was that last stock yeah you win awesome i'm gonna go to a competitive stage because i want to implore the strategy yeah interesting interesting yeah i think it's interesting oh that's awesome wait hold up [Music] [Applause] i'm not letting you get down there okay all right whenever you whenever you're ready i have not even oh my what that's my down smash oh it comes out even if i hit you it's too big of a deal we'll play hopefully i'll just double jumping turns you around that's interesting i like that or it's more of wait not being able to cross up is just that's still weird to me yeah i'm using an ultimate i'm just like not used to in this game [Music] all right let me know whenever you want to play the game no that was incredible yo wait that's an awesome dash attack wait hold up here look at this and him that's so sick that is a dash attack guys ready all right i'm gonna play i don't expect to be like the the agile one you know i think it kind of makes sense i guess she's light on her feet she's blind goodbye what are my other specials well you can move the d-pad oh [ __ ] oh [Music] that's not defend dude that's so weird i'll be only being able to defend with one button so odd awesome all right [Music] oh my god that spikes actually i have a toad tonemate holy [ __ ] this is so awesome what the top top uh i just want to remember which one's which which one's stimpy wait is this my up tilt yes i know what to do about this one yo i've been practicing on my parries [Music] why can't you choose which way did rox go to i'm like a [ __ ] earthbender what do you mean what i i get that but like why ah [Music] okay this one's defend earth in that ah you can't angle that hey what about that [Music] all right let me down [Applause] [Music] dude i i'm baiting off i i think she's awesome why do you have a dlc character day one i would okay so blasto command grab cool oh oh my god i don't need to figure it out i think i get this character that's a lot does it go through my shield does not so it's like an isabelle fishing rod type of thing so you can just shield forever yes so here watch this is how it works i also realize you can't roll or spot dodge or anything oh yeah you're committed um so here hit me while i'm right here now you can hit me gotcha so you have to shield pressure someone onto a ledge all right oh all right oh high ceiling gotcha oh we can did you run through it maybe okay it's probably like uh yeah like isaac's from fifa tope just looks like like i feel like typically characters who are like zoners you know yeah they don't have good buttons but she seems to and i like that wait uh please die question okay if you say so uh okay i i thought that was the other way but that worked oh does she do that she does the john cena holy [ __ ] oh my god you can't see me oh my god that's funny honestly one of the top tier taunts i've seen so far see can you do uh dead di doesn't really matter nevermind uh ow there's like for some reason that wasn't working earlier but now it's working so i i don't know if i'm doing something different or you are but yeah it could be either i i sandy has other moves i'm sure but rope's good enough wait does this work nope okay that's a spike huh yeah that's where you use that move i've learned are you serious i'm innovating what can i say bro oh my god all right lincoln loud where are you from i i hate to say it but he looks he gives me mad joan energy i know exactly what you mean okay so i have a water gun uh no thank you wait he has ha get it no this is patrick get it it's a reference goodbye nope goodbye that's half the stage [Music] like gain inside is like pretty tame compared to that you know yeah don't guess wrong don't get off the lights wrong oh ooh i i just want to recover if you jump from ledge you were dead i would never judge this is a scary place to be a stalk behind patrick you know i i'm technically not a stock behind but but like what if you were what i'm saying oh yeah yeah because i got nothing to lose i got trades all day what it's too nasty yeah that's what i was thinking too uh who do you like so far uh not tough i like your sandy yeah sandy was fun i'm just trying to like play around with the characters get a feel for the game still yeah me too right don't really know what most these characters do uh we'll try the western air temple the one where everyone died at and then they died both of them yeah i guess everyone's dead actually i like whoa okay so this is like a trap room room what do you mean what the i i don't quite understand what i'm doing whoa whoa that's a big hitbox i think what the oh is that my obvious teleport yeah ghost whale ghost phantom cry cry more does that do anything yes okay not phenomenal movie i was at zero bro yeah but it didn't kill you so it's not that good you know what you're right it's like a miniature pk flash i feel like my strategy is just the same with every character because it's day one well we'll see if this needs to change but as of right now i'm just kind of like spamming down here into up here into down here and up there in the downer and up there yeah yeah it works hey it's hard to tell whose downer's coming out because i feel like they're all pretty quick they come out before a basic human reaction time yeah like by the time the move is done um please live okay that works that's fine i deserve to die there what oh i i think the the thing i dislike the most about this game is that you can't uh you have to press down y to drop through platforms yeah that's kind of i don't know it's it's weird yeah it's like different so you gotta like respect uh changing trying new things because like i'm sure it was meant to be like a this helps to get through platforms now you can only go through platforms when you mean to yeah it's weird yeah yep okay goodbye yeah goodbye wave dashing is a about as useful as i expected it to be with the game whereas like yeah it's here yeah you can wave dash um getting off the ledge is a little weird uh that's a recovery not to not that time though it's a weird recovery i will say top is not a character i expected to like because i definitely like aang and korra more as like characters oh look she has this taunt okay hear me out imagine how tilting that is can you imagine how tilting that i don't have to imagine how tilting that is it okay okay i started it before i followed so just so you guys know the tv went off right before that and then jacob unpaused and down smashed no i down smashed and then paused [Music] oh god that goes far i i love the counter play there [Music] like what what am i supposed to do this game is incredible that's i should have probably does that cancel the other one yeah probably yeah that would have been my play [Music] i yeah bro oh all right let me charge my rock move please any any move wanna hit any uh huh what the [Music] i i hate talk why this character is awesome i bro mad because bad oh you know what's gonna be awesome later today dash gets to come over and then we both get to be better than him yeah true i think the game's gonna be more fun then there's really not much you can do about this rock thing huh [Music] that's just something spongebob can do i make top sd [Music] all right good job spongebob i i guess that is the one tag if top kills themselves on the rock then yeah you do you have character okay so i press arial downbeat to put the rock there and then grounded down b does that all right double fare oh you can let's see you win awesome what an insane comeback yeah i think i did a whole 40 damage that game spongebob's trick um ah i'm so sorry i like this character no you're not ah scott i'm uh i'm not falcon you're going foul is this what it's turned into i like cat dog too i like april cat dog top those are my three characters right now i'm holding out for ginny xj9 i'm surprised it wasn't based honestly yeah they did announce that they have two characters coming out soon hopefully it's her see right oh wait son kind of bops so i i i really wonder what they were thinking with this i wonder what they wanted you to do i i i think we have solved the game in a very unfortunate way it was it would have taken other creators years to figure this one out i just want to go to the platform man [Music] no i can't even walk through it dude not being able to drop through platforms it's so weird yeah it is weird all right i'm really glad we got the game really uh-huh i'm glad we have figured the game out early i [Music] no no no i i moved forward oh my god that deal so much damage [Music] wicked damage [Music] i just wanna tap jump okay that makes sense yeah wait what what is there like a gas system i have no clue good job yeah did you down near me yeah okay does this one roll everything is again oh god no i did it again i i'm not homie stalking you there because you were going off stage to do that it's one thing to not homie stock i don't think anyone expects it but it's like another thing to declare that you aren't [Music] oh good wake up whatever you did there what the hell i was at 90. yeah that was early how long can you do that for her you know what i'm gonna say it i think they need to nerf that move for like integrity sake yeah as i think putting steve block down is fine i think that's funny i'm out there for a while yeah you've been out there for at least like five seconds at a time which is a really long time here hold up hold up go pick a character we'll go back to jellyfish field to smashville of this game uh huh okay also with like steve rock or steve block it's a resource it's an obvious timer okay hold up hold up i'm gonna i'm gonna put a timer up we have a timer in the game but i'm just doing it on my phone just so i can know exactly how long i'm up there all right [Music] you're still up there would you believe that's a 10 second yep 10 seconds bro and you can just use infinite smash tax while on it also they fall off haha oh but the character's hard dude all right a great power comes great responsibility uh that's a headbox oh that's sick oh and earned good match oh i see you've learned your move yeah but my move will let me let you both play the game i i just went off the ledge my leg trapping is insane oh my god i keep hitting left bumper to get off the ledge and that is straight or whatever the [ __ ] that yeah taunt why is it why is luck bumper taunt this isn't what all right and you can do use the second one right uh dude do you want to like say top is probably one of the best characters in this game yeah i i think just early opinions i think the fact that you can just camp like that it's yeah so i really don't know what people are supposed to do about that yeah i'm sure they'll figure out one day but like that's just a lot i feel like uh charge my projectile come down and you die oh you have a projectile you get the charge while down there too yep oh that's cool you need that [Music] all right so we gotta wait for the seven oh okay came up really oh and there goes our hud and i now am nerfed because i don't know how long your [ __ ] thing is going to be out for i'm now hiding the timer all according to plan okay so you can get battlefield that's cool i'm glad i know that it's good information to have i don't get it back yeah ow that's a good move yeah [Music] see it's fair game because you can use it against me bro [Laughter] that destroys that makes sense makes sense [Music] ow [Music] [Laughter] [Music] has the vintage sex yet god did you win i i i don't know that's how it goes hotel is toxic yeah and i'm glad we figured that one i'm ready all right we have solved the game this is their true smash killer actually yeah this is the smash killer i agree oh i can't do it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this is this is just plain inside me oh so i can do this through it oh i i just want a shield man okay [ __ ] yeah no no dude you're being so lame yeah bro i had the percent leave why would you approach all right there we go [Music] i explain it is a good time for me to figure out the controls honestly yeah all right i'm glad we're learning today dude that moves broken i keep trying to shield with left trigger which [Music] bad [Music] bro [Music] in smash 4 you were dead i got two frames there [Music] oh are you just press like you charge them oh no you can't [Music] it's just a ton of little falco lasers which gives me a great idea all right i have an idea i have an idea [ __ ] what are you doing i i don't know for some reason i was thinking get shielding good here and i tried to shield drop and then i'm just standing there like an [ __ ] that's such a creative counter play oh my god how does he do it i mean honestly how does he do it i think i'm kind of kind of goated at this game i'll be honest i was about to ask if i can grab legendary then i remember there's no invisibility perfect oh perfect stock they say all right is it have we already devolved to this gameplay this fast you did this to me earlier what do you mean the ball i know it's awesome [Music] ah damn it's like i'm scared to approach you because you have marth s smash in the form of the giant rock i should have stomped again why did i try to be creative we're already sweating in nick brawler it's not even about trying to sweat it it's just like surviving yeah i feel like most other things just don't work like the way i expect them to uh um wake up laser oh they did nothing that's not that's not straight there we go [Music] [Laughter] i was hoping that maybe that you know that would break your rock but do something i tried i tried to do counter play i tried to play the video game bro you're 212 with my upper didn't kill [Music] wait i have a new idea i i i see the idea and i'm just i have counter played the idea already there we go that hits you right i actually i want to see i i i want to see let me if i can get down from the platform here my platform's going to run out i think he still has like six seconds left on it yep yep okay cool what do you do about this huh don't know i genuinely don't think there's counterplay to that one i don't think there's counterplay to that one nice stomp oh that's sick actually i don't get invincibility never grabbing the ledge that's uh how slap city works you only get uh no but i i get that's how slap city works but what i mean is if i land on your rock oh yeah i don't get invincibility so even if you're the one that hit me off stage yeah if you land on the rock that's good game design that bro what a fair and balanced character i surprised like the micro or the tv doesn't like do anything [Music] wait what was the timer on 30 seconds uh because i'm winning what hey man i can still sd this is anyone's game oh i almost did i did you say that because you went off stage and used your camping move [Laughter] how do you do this i'm [Music] why am i being ocarina of time to rage quit from a video game no [Laughter] select i can't wait to go online day one oh my god that's gonna be awesome to watch exactly yeah yeah playing against it i'm pissed as hell okay okay well no you can keep doing it no no no no i've learned i've learned no no no i'm doing it i want to see my cat go it's a new game we're loving nicktoons all-star brawl i love it i love playing the game whenever my opponent's underneath smashville [Music] yep all right all right what's he gonna do oh man [Music] like this is the only counter play i can really think of him going down came out on top yes that is the first time though i didn't get invincibility the fact that i don't get invincibility that's gonna throw so many people that is this what okay i went through the platform that time question mark that's that's weird yeah i think like my biggest complaint is just like the moves go by too fast that is no longer my biggest complaint i i have the exact opposite complaint right now actually you don't think that moves too fast the the the move where the rock comes out and stays there for 10 full seconds you don't think that's too fast no i i i think it's a little a little too slow if anything i try to hit the b button on the smash ultra controller like i don't know what the counter play is i i get that i'm supposed to adapt but like so what did you just have to bank on both messing up yes that's my favorite gameplay banking of my opponent [ __ ] up i love ice climbers man [Music] like yeah i just want to get off the ledge also i don't i hate that it's hitting like i don't know i i i just i i need to change my top button if that's because i don't give a [ __ ] about taunting and it keeps getting me stuck on ledge yeah same thing's happened to me too uh i got a text i don't think it's from dash though that okay i looked away and i died which means good job that no why not almost did it again i essentially did it again is that your dash attack that's just throwing you off is this no it's so the the same button down b that you used to make the rock down be in the air does that or down be grounded does this kit that one i think thank you for showing me it oh wall jumps i forgot about those it didn't click those were in the game [Music] oh cool okay yeah you use their center stage there too i i was just thinking about that your camera's fighting i don't know why that spiked i think the bottom hit spikes [Music] i think people come for us come to us for like hype aggressive gameplay and i i think they're gonna be shocked by this episode i you know i i i agree actually i think people think of us as hype and aggressiveness players [Music] okay so sorry i can't make that oh this is a good taunt too look at this like oh wait i i need to get a three million views oh you need to do air dash first [Music] thank [Music] i'm you trying to see this man do it again [Music] two fights so remember you're complaining about the move killing you at 30 are you there what i i i just i just want you to remember it wait i'll play oh i can switch off bro stay tough no i don't know i want to play cat dog is awesome goddawg's awesome oh come back and talk no i want to play cat dog cat dog's cool [Music] well can they grab both ledges at the same time [Music] [Laughter] so what are your first impressions of toph i really think that uh first impressions is all they've had with the characters so far yeah i don't think that they've uh looked into the the designs or repercussions but you know can't talk kind of moving i guess we have the same game plan here wait can you jump out of the shield yeah oh all right say combo can i do that again that's such a weird i i don't know yeah it is i i don't like rps in fighting games just like in that in that sense big move all right that big yeah my cat talks nasty that did you had zero i and you went like flying all right please just make it back does that just like have gas on it i don't know i i'm doing something wrong with the move but i'm literally just holding the upbeat so i i i don't know what it could be yo banger tea bag on cat dog can we talk about this is a good tea bag that is a good tea bag i don't know why i thought i could turn that around [Music] oh you can hold ledge cool all right i like butch hogging i feel like it's not as bad in this game because most people's upbeats go super high oh this is a master character for sure yeah yeah tech chase covered the entire platform bro that moves uh pretty good that's such a yeah that comes it's something it's like it's like kind of like i iknare you know which except a little bit faster i think which like that i i think that was the weakness of likener hmm so that's a cool character i really liked whenever you hit me at 50 and i died for it uh i think i'm the best nick all-star brawl player in the world right now it's february 2020. that is true god i'm so glad i can go outside [Music] i i would never [Music] should we still go yeah yeah yeah we can go outside right now the global pandemic hasn't started yet that doesn't drop till next month i remember like there was like people getting worried about it in february yeah i remember because adrian and jules are visiting right now in oklahoma where we both live we visited i thought that was march i don't remember i remember being frostbite i forgot i'm this character oh sorry i was approaching so do i have any options with patrick no not there not that one bro turn it around patrick [Music] oh i took eighty percent for trying to hit somebody that was uh on the top platform that they made up the top platform that they made uh-huh i i i don't know what i'm supposed to do about this i i really don't i i i just want to talk to the developers what what do you have to say about this character i want to ask them some questions yeah they're getting design and philosophy you know how how much they thought about oh thank god they thought about it i went up thank you developers i gotta stop hitting bumper there that's such a bad habit perfect awesome awesome oh there we go because it's a shame that i wasn't able to uh continue the convo because i had a burden oh jumping it up there cool okay i i deserve that wait can you smash back in the air you can't right bro i just want to that's so [ __ ] i couldn't grab ledge i literally could not no i couldn't do do i have like a downer that kills do do do i have a move that gimps i i just i just want to know because uh if not this is kind of a bad matchup as they say this is awesome i have never felt so much power in a game before what move was that wait that says force matches no it's not bad oh that's upbeat awesome awesome and it's a functions as a command grab too that's kind of sick but oh cool i'm died at 20. [Music] see it happens the hard character i die at zero sometimes what are we trying to do down there by the way what what what move are you trying to use down there what creative gamepl i i do not understand the question what uh okay i beat up my puppy oh god that's generous die yeah i feel like there's a lot of generous gameplay decisions in this game see you're better than me why are you complaining you're winning i i i wasn't complaining i'm just saying why were you down there uh because that's i talk to special power is down there i gotta stop it [Music] it's still okay i'm just trying to like based off the characters i know uh-huh i don't know what he's supposed to do about that don't know what i i guess pope i i think try your leonardo is that leonardo i don't know the the blue sword guy yeah i love how quick i can find the character yeah that's my special talent in video games leonardo yeah because i promise you i never would have like thought to play top but this is the funniest character ever see you thought i was going off stage i mixed you up and where are you at now well you threw me off stage don't hurt me off stage then all right wait can i double down there [Music] oh wait there's two i wonder if down a spikes more i don't think it does oh bro uh-huh i that's sick i was trying to run through that platform the entire time nice i i can't do anything about that you can think about it i i am i i do a lot of thinking about it mainly feeling emotions from it what emotions i love i love feeling emotions oh i'll play the game in 10 seconds maybe i'll make sure to watch you carefully though in case you decide to mix it up i can't wait for everyone else to finally play this game and then i'm just gonna do this to them uh the day one tournament is gonna be a lot of fun oh absolutely so i think like in those situations whenever you hit me off my uppie's just not very good you know i think i just need to do this every time yeah no do that and just start spamming down smash so that way if i come off stage with you i die i think that makes sense oh i didn't think i'd make that back [Music] i i i felt like i had it for a second but then what i then you you got one hit and what the [ __ ] that's really like watch this watch this watch this wait you just make another rock no but it's it's that i can do this you see i touch the ground there wait i uh how'd you do two rocks i i don't get it oh here are are you actually asking yeah yeah no like i actually don't get that i put down b here uh as long as i touch the stage it refreshes it oh i think you did it earlier without going back to stage no i just did it subtly so now i just like walk off on it and make another one but if i were to do this i can't do it again wait wait no okay now i'm just confused as long as i touch the stage down i can put another rock down so you can place a rock down there go back to stage go back to the rock that's awesome that that makes me happy to know um can i do it no i have to actually touch the stage like maybe you could grab legend do it yeah worth checking oh uh that one want to kill no i i really feel like if you don't have a smash deck that kills like over a hundred or like what are you doing you're just kind of use this character i feel like cat dog was killing at like 90. yeah cat dog felt really good yeah i think these are my two characters and i switch between approaching and not okay oh i'll beat that's why let's get next up okay oh i hit a that's not x one what what is this move it's it's evasive maneuver oh it's what the [ __ ] is that then i i don't get i don't get that move is i was trying to do something cool and now the top is down there spamming rock um so oh now you get another rock too because you touched yep i uh i'm really glad i'm understanding the i i found the wow this is you know what i think people are going to watch this video and think like so this is what we're doing with the game today let's play some fun characters i you just go to top [Music] i'll play cat dog i like cat dog oh no there's yeah you get shine that's awesome yeah shine's awesome if there's a way to kill out of shine at like there has to be something yeah i i sure hope so from mashu the earth kingdom that makes sense honestly i will say that i'm surprised the top guy in the game and not zuko don't you wish juco got in the game instead yeah i wish tom got removed from avatar just entirely okay this stage is um lagging or being slow yeah it's a slow motion effect yeah that is a actually looks fine for me it looks fine for you okay like it is rough for me [Music] wait can you oh i wonder can i wait can i can i do something can i do something what do you want to do just watch out i don't wanna hitch so okay so you can't jump cancel shine oh my wait wait yeah you did you just you're holding down no that's how it does oh that's not us how the [ __ ] did i i dropped through the platform without i think you do shine down jump yeah no that i didn't like while in the shiny animation so just oh no clue then oh yeah it's weird whatever nice combo thank you oh that's this is a bit big i like the cam i know we're avoiding the carts yeah but the camera yo cabbage man look right here ah his cabbage is it interactable no i hope it gets destroyed okay this shine is [ __ ] horrendous dude it's what it's horrendous like the head box on it yeah okay i don't know it's also not frame one which sucks at least it doesn't feel like it's frame one but that could just be tv not being on gamer mode huh yeah wait can can i just can i can can i just do something yeah i just want to see okay so that it hits there well let's see like it looks pretty literal yeah okay dad dad did not feel like that was literal all right whatever that's my spike is it fair goodbye [Music] uh yeah i'm gonna stand under platforms you spam this move yeah that seems like a good strategy um i feel like anything that just can go over a platform is pretty good because how the [ __ ] hit anyone under a platform in this game whoa okay i don't worry i gotta turn around on my uh b oh so you know how like side specials beat up specials i think i did up special or stand up here stand up here and will you do a side special as i like yeah look i spin out and i lose control of my up because you beat it so that's a weird tech i didn't think about if you hit my upbeat with one of those as i'm like flying up oh wait yeah as i'm flying up look at that i just i can't act that's weird not here dude by a ledge awesome yeah so like oh god that goes let me nowhere all right here i'll do it if you're sweet spotting it's not ow yeah that was good okay i'll do it this time bro [Music] gets you like asmr yeah so you have to time it to where it hits them in their ascent yes well i landed yeah but on other stages i think i'm dead there interesting that's a weird counter play that i wouldn't have thought of yeah whoa get outplayed yeah yeah that's that's what that was i agree ah wake up shine and wish yeah like i don't know this is an edge cancel yeah yeah that was like one of the first things i tested within gotcha is that you're near that's down air gotcha okay yeah nair is the stretchy one [Music] yeah i think i i think i'm a co-main [Music] i got cat dog i got talk i don't even know if i'm going to main top i just think it's funny for now let's see i'll play danny though because a big danny phantom fan i think i'm going to do danny phantom for my halloween costume because like here's all white and stuff oh true i think it's based i don't know what i want to do i've never done halloween um yeah it just sounds fun yeah there's one here uh i went to like a church event and i threw on like a cape and a headband but it wasn't like a costume or anything it was just it was just i had to do something for [ __ ] church i never felt too social i never really did a lot of social things but now after like a year and a half of isolation i'm like doing everything i can i feel wait i yeah i like the idea of halloween i just you know christian it's true you know god doesn't really like that so can i show you one move that i don't quite understand its purpose yeah this one oh my god so look at this down air strong down air he moves like a chest knight watch this that's really cool can't cancel it oh okay so wait this just clicked yeah so strongs are just smash stacks yeah but imagine you get smash stack aerials now oh [ __ ] okay that makes so much more sense yeah here watch you can do your stomp to aerial smash forward wait do forward forward yeah that one the boom stick okay that's what i kept doing that's so weird yeah no i did it again okay that's not a very good tea bag actually the mic i guess oh god i eat we can restart this game no no it's okay i'll i'll make the comeback and you'll all see [Music] i just tried to crouch again so i don't know if that does anything in this game i'm just going to assume that it doesn't though i ain't crashing like kind of in smash ultimate yeah it's it's there you want to try real quick here sit right here just sit here and uh uh yeah a heavy base okay it's right there i went that high oh it does work it's kind of cool thank god you know what you're right it does work uh can you stay on the ledge real quick yeah i just want to see does this move spike like sit on the left i think yeah danny like looks bad like character wise or like his model looks bad because both you just know like his model yeah okay so i'm still assuming that high there okay yeah no if i i was crouching there so it won enough okay so you can grab the ledge but like that's so risky and for why whoa new danny tech bound if you do that oh you see you can edge cancel that yeah wait okay sorry i can't i can't tell if you're playing the game no i'm trying to get the edge cancel saying oh yeah c and then you get that looks neat thanks it's just oh i did rematch i think i pressed yeah i think i hit y i don't know believe it or not i'm not trying to grind this matchup that's fair why would i play danny when i already have a mane so true dad i'll see why are the rest of the characters here bro i just wanted to pay button that one was me okay i just assumed that was me i i thought i was like i was pretty sure that i hit it but it was as soon as i hit mine yeah is this fd or is this have walk-offs i can't tell i i think this is ft all right it have walk offs or is it one [Music] okay yeah awesome i really wish the station walk-offs right now okay wait [Music] oh [ __ ] oh am i getting zoned now i i didn't realize that smash tax would like stop whenever you know yeah [Music] i'm i think the people at home might realize i've not grabbed like a single time yeah it's just i don't know grabbing weird in this game it doesn't feel good it doesn't feel good it doesn't wow now i should have downbeat there and then i would have been fine is that you standing on rock yes the awesome move okay so is that your projectile the like the one that you charge up yeah that's the b button neutral or side i guess i think okay the fact that i can down there and to grab is pretty [ __ ] powerful yeah because if down there is just like are you gonna grab people that are on the ground yeah you can grab people in the air dude that's a weird attack oh i'm gonna do scrap double jumps until i learn to get out of the ledge of course i'm not gonna do those personally because i'm just better at the game you know [Music] i thought i could turn that around damn [Music] all right i i i don't know why that's to me up so far oh oops that's such a terrible tea bag dude she just has a lunch i like mine like this this look at this taunt because the stance is so weird oops i didn't mean to send the rock out [Music] also i feel like there's like a lot more like grabbing ledge lag yeah do i feel like uh maybe i'm just use ultimate buffer actually maybe i'm just gonna give it to that ah classic hit the wrong button mmm classic he hit the wrong button now it's last stocks are tossed down there [Music] those two two [Laughter] you did it how did you find the counter play i waited for you to [ __ ] up again that stands just so weird it really looks like mom said it's my turn to play the xbox yeah [Music] the game starts and it's a thrilling race i'm surprised we've done this many interactions already [Music] well played yeah i i really don't know if i uh these ones that i have to make let me just see yeah yeah of course i think you have a limited gas okay can you close it and then open it again because i know you can do aerials out of it oh my that's sick yeah that's kind of sick that's really cool for extending it would be sick but like hard yeah all right okay back to neutral yeah oh back to neutral okay yeah oh sorry yeah you can get you could you said that bro i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm supposed to do there because i just wait but it's like if you had to wait like two three seconds that's like understandable you know yeah and like i was like okay i'll wait for you to start charging your rock and then i'm like okay i'm underneath this rock now but by the time i get there i'm like no hey i don't really know [Music] oh god that was scary [Music] [Music] i just want to turn that around bro i'm trying to choose you what the [ __ ] happened to you it happens i got distracted by like where the [ __ ] going on the background and i just see you die it's season two of korra oh god i i i understand what happened then whenever i wash that i'll be real i like how that's the season they decide to make a stage out of they they have a lot of creative liberties they can do from that season absolutely [Music] yeah what are my other moves i'll be honest i haven't really looked at them i think you got all the ones you need like this little only move that could think that's like yeah this matters oh i i've not seen that move at all what i i don't know what move it was and i'll be honest was it your neutral b oh that's a strong kill move by the way this move yeah ah that's fine i don't know what move that is you can charge it oh oh wait i have dash check that's right [Music] i have the classic mix up of am i going to run in dash attack or dashback stomp microphone [Music] thank god they didn't kill um this move [Music] did i win i feel like you've gotten the most mad at my character more than i've gotten mad at yours but you're somehow winning more i you're just winning through seething rage i mean you're winning okay no you're just doing the thing that pisses me off what that that's that's how i play the game yeah i know it makes sense oh i'm dead actually well you know what i did bro i don't have enough invincibility to go challenge that that's [ __ ] [Music] that he's right though he that did gotta hurt [Music] [ __ ] you dude [Music] like i don't really feel like there's much like reason for tomahawk in this game yeah especially if you can grab like in the air yeah that just like i don't know i feel like there's just not much ending like on most moves anyways yeah that's the crazy thing it's it goes back down to like every move being too fast every move you know i accidentally wave landed a sick rock though so that's the projectile rock i think dash is here are you can't wait to show my new favorite game
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 384,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y5Clk5_Jv88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 37sec (4777 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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