I 100%'d Splatoon 3, Here's What Happened

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I'm going to 100 Splatoon 3. this includes completing every level with all the weapon options and collecting everything hi I'm Andrew and I still have covid which is why I'm wearing the mask this here is Greg given his hair choice you can tell he idolizes Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta first up is the tutorial and what's tilt controls uh Mr video game developer I don't associate with that Mario Kart group that uses tilt controls in fact this is my first Splatoon game so you can tell I'm a little nervous on our way to splatsville when we get there a broadcast starts up featuring shiver fry and a manta ray why didn't they name the trio shiver me timbers big man's a cool name though they share the breaking news that the great zap fish is missing without it the city will soon run out of electricity afterwards I notice a secret admirer spying on me from the sewers with a beard like mine how could I resist he takes me out to Paris France and we're just both too nervous to speak when he looks at me [Music] he introduces himself as cuttlefish senior advisor to the new squid breaks platoon oh I just realized that Splatoon is a playoff of the word platoon he recruits me as their newest operative agent 003 I put on my new gear then begin my adventure uh what was that this crap won't go away and what is the Chica symbol from Zelda doing in a Splatoon game whatever on to the first level I turned off motion controls started blasting some balloons and make this fish go boom looks like we have an octo Trooper here and cuttlefish notes that they're fuzzier than they usually are what's important is that I found a zap fish it's not the great zap fish but we'll get there beating that level give us some power eggs which I use to power up Greg into a Spirit Bomb then Chuck it at a fuzzball Greg isn't the only one with the Dragon Ball aesthetic when my meter fills up to the max I become a Super Saiyan anyways the second level goes over the basics of squid swimming the third stage reminds me of the spark capture from Mario Odyssey and soon after that cuttlefish attempts to radio in some backup agents one and two convey a few words but that's all we've received due to the staticky signal the fourth course is the first to focus on combat and it's where I used my Splashdown special for the first time with those levels finished I had gathered enough power eggs to clean up the rest of the fuzz mess all of a sudden music begins booming a robot flies in from the skies but it's no robot it's DJ Octavio he claims his troops are missing however I just fought some of them myself so it's into our first boss battle we go he launches his fist right at me so I return it with some ink he tries to drill punch as well which I send right back to him a couple more of these ejects the DJ from his bot leaving him vulnerable to attacks his next phase whips out a vacuum which sucks in all of my shots I'm sorry Greg but I'm not going to die today I Chuck my little buddy at the vacuum disabling its sucky abilities the DJ is once again defenseless as I blast his hand back at him then tar him with ink what's DJ Octavio gonna do this time ink waves you're gonna need more than that man his neck blows up confirming our victory that boss battle was actually really fun if the rest of them are like this with a proper difficulty curve then I'm looking forward to the rest after some questioning we learned that the DJ didn't steal the great zap fish before we know it more fuzziness breaks the floor beneath us dropping us into some pit where we are separated from not only cuttlefish but also our gear thankfully this is a video game so I survived the fall where I wake into a snowy world just a few steps away are the other agents of cuttlefish agent one on the left agent two on the right and their captain in the middle who looks like a protagonist of a previous game hours okay okay I'll try to stop it with the Dragon Ball references but they just don't stop giving me opportunities agent 2 then explains to me that this place is called Alterna and that there are six different Islands which are also called sites the mission find cuttlefish since I lost all of my equipment I have to rebuild the hero Gear with sardines and upgrade points I'm also gonna need some power eggs to clean up this mess so let's hop into the first kettle [Music] so yeah they give you a bazooka in this kids game it's no wonder I beat this course so easily with more space opened up now I can find these somewhat hidden containers that store sunken Scrolls one of the four different types of Collectibles to find from each island I dive into the second Kettle where I'm presented with three different weapons to choose from I'm gonna try to mix up my firearm usage throughout the main story but don't worry I'll be back to complete the kettles with every option given for now though I blocked these rocket thingies with my umbrella and ran away with the bigger ones with my parasol was it enough the next keto I enter gives me the choice between e-leader 4K and e-leader for scope corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture they're the same picture all you gotta do here is no scope snipe the balloon fish and that's it you're done did it again with the scope and yeah they're the same picture I dig up another type of collectible that being decorations learn how to use splatoon's version of a bow and arrow both horizontally and vertically grab a sardine that was in some fuzz and are then confronted by the new Trio we saw at the beginning of the game fry explains that they work as Bandits on the side no no no no no no no big man don't be a bad guy please I didn't expect the rad manta ray to be a villain I guess I have no choice but to chase them to the second site the first Kettle there welcomes Us in with a mini gun level those actor snipers had The High Ground you underestimate my power okay new plan sneak on a different platform swim up the tower now who's got The High Ground suckers finishing that kettle alone gave me enough eggs to make it to the highest point of the island inside the kettle fry was waiting for me she challenges me to dance bow to the death dance battle I got this in the bag trust me peace [Music] that's what it's all about right there that doesn't look like a dance what are those eels enough with your trickery I'll send them right back at you now this boss battle seemed relatively simple at first especially when the eels are above ground because you just want to hit the ones with masks that actually go back to damage fry however she started to swirl her eels around creeping to the outer rims of the terrain I couldn't keep up and failed apparently that wasn't hard enough so fry also sent them at me like a school of fish looking for their next meal agent 2 mentions that this fight is too hard for me I should upgrade my hero gear I enhanced what I could in that menu but I don't think giving small fry in my special buff will do anything for this boss battle it took a few more deaths but eventually I was able to withstand her eels fire back the last one swim up her Cube whenever she was down for a moment and flooded her with ink pushed in the corner frying her EOS Retreat before leaving I grab whatever this is afterwards cuttlefish is able to radio in just for a moment that he's locked in a dark room this situation just got more urgent I could beat more levels but my buddy Greg comes in clutch sniffing out some more hidden power eggs together we disintegrate more fuzz then make our way to sight three there's only one Kettle there we have access to so down we go I got to try out the Hydra splatting and the range is fantastic so of course I made it to the end no problem as Greg and I break through more fuzz I discovered the last kind of collectible we need to obtain golden CDs although we're just barely blocked off from advancing to the further Islands in order to progress let's check out some more of Island three here we have the try slosher wow a bucket how fun you just dump crap on the enemy I don't know what else to say about it this one doesn't even feature a gun all you do is simply glide through the rails whatever gets me into the connecting pipes I'll take it I made a slight blunder though I'm at site 5 when I actually wanted to check out site 4 first so back to site 3 it was to get more eggs from kettles and I gotta say the carbon roller is the most brain dead weapon out there and what's with these wannabe bullet bills at least they were kind enough to give me a ride to the end the next stage I try is interesting because you have no primary weapon only a curling bomb it's pretty much a bowling level alright the way to cite 4 is cleared and when you look at that we're already very close to the peak kennel where another boss awaits still need to gather a few more eggs so let's give the octobush a try stay in your lane and reach the goal I will not keep out of politics Nintendo pineapple does belong on pizza show your support in the comments instead here's some attention to another Kettle featuring The Nautilus 47 actually I can't really notice the difference with these miniguns who cares let's get to what everyone wants to see the next boss shiver and a shark wait that's no ordinary shark it's a freaking Megalodon it's even got rocket Jets what is this the sequel to Sharknado 5. luckily for me this Megalodon is Mega easy all you have to do is not have a heart throw your buddy Greg in the shark's mouth Dodge its tornado blasts rinse and repeat then you win I go grab the oversized pair of scissors then we will receive another transmission from cuttlefish which gets interrupted by someone named Mr Grizz quick crack we need to upgrade our gear and fly ourselves back to site five I was just barely sure of the needed amount of eggs to skip over to the sixth Island Dynamo roller let's do this apparently this roller can fling ink farther than the rest other than that the paint roller runs through octo snipers like usual and that's all that was needed to move on the final island is also the most unique since the areas are separated with their own sunken building you need to grind across ink rails to Traverse the site I'm able to tiptoe my way around the fuzz only to have one kettle on my way from the next boss this level has a very annoying octo enemy that floats Jukes from side to side and hurls grenades at you the worst part is this gun the Luna Blaster it sucks it has a wide range but the blast distance is pathetic I have no choice but to get up close and personal then shoot them point blank in the face as for the rest of the octos I just hurl a grenade then fire when they're distracted with that frustration gone from My Life The Gap to the end was closing in but no not big man how can I hurt a vulnerable species with a great design my brother this will do more harm to me than it will to you try to sneak up on me all you want but I will not hold back or give a weight that was extremely easy is it just me or did the boss battles go from difficult to a piece of cake no time to dwell on that though since another message came in from cuttlefish but once again he was cut off by Mr Grizz the transmission came from near the rocket ship so the captain along with agents one and two worked to assemble the pieces I gathered from the three boss fights the captain Powers himself up going Super Saiyan I know I know I said no more Dragon Ball references but like what else am I supposed to say here while smoothing out the Middle Island from the fuzz the captain sprained their tentacle in the process so we'll press on without him the Bandit Trio barges into the scene demanding we give up the tool we just used and we're all like yeah we're done with it take it shiver frying big men are shocked they accept which puts us on good terms with each other with that dispute resolved I'm coming to save you cuttlefish as I enter the Space Center the computer strips away my Weaponry they never said anything about pets though Greg proceeds to beat up each of the Octo Troopers individually uh I guess I could have just thrown him at the balloon fish after that were a few puzzle-like areas then I got my gear back yet I still had a ways to go I dubbed this next part as special Mania here's me using your trizooka riding on my own shark that explodes and I'll be honest some of these specials I have no idea how to use here's a crab tank I like crabs I like tanks therefore this crab tank is cool now even though we just climbed up to the space space we're now going down an elevator sequence with enemies I've never seen before it looks like I'm playing against opponents that are Bots once the descent is over the climb begins once again but how am I supposed to make it across this Gap that's all it is Miles a leap of faith hey what's up Danger [Music] I didn't know what to change but you know how people say just try harder well sometimes it actually works behold I have found the great zap fish okay now I'm a monkey with yellow hair I know this joke is getting old but I just had to mention who we look like I'm yellow Spider-Man I mean come on look at me web shooting and spandex six suit yellow finally we're at the peak where cuttlefish is being held captive but Mr Grizz is threatening to extract his brain I'm coming cuttlefish oh no he's been dehydrated the villain reveals himself an actual grizzly bear I mean I knew his name was Mr Grizz but I didn't think they'd make an actual grizzly bear be the big bad anywho Mr grits flies away on his rocket declaring he will be coating the planet in fuzzy ooze also known as hairmageddon as the captain Mourns the loss of their friend a teardrop revives cuttlefish just enough for him to regain Consciousness in the form of squid jerky what did Mr Grizz need to suck his brain for anyways more importantly how are we going to catch up with that rocket that's where our new friends come in Fry's eel stir up a cyclone shiver summons her Megalodon and big man gives me headphones how do these help with all three combined I blast off to space whoa look at the Earth behind us this game just got as ridiculous as fast and furious 9. what better setting for a final boss though looks like the power x got upgraded to golden eggs once you scoop them all up within the vicinity you throw him at the fuzzball you even do this with Mr Grizz like pus coming out of a wound he tries to take things up a notch spinning the rocket forcing you to run in the direction counter to it once he's done swirling you swim up to that bear and let him have it a second time the third phase UPS the difficulty with a dangerous jump Mr Grizz throwing stuff stronger enemies and sometimes he just goes all in with his own beam cannon that even extinguishes his own allies I waited it out and kept on itching closer and closer until I was in range of his last open wound he pounds down his paws to defend himself if I come right back at him with Greg and golden eggs the grizzly bear expresses his annoyance with our persistence and states that in a few moments Earth will be ruled by mammals once again he sets off the rocket to self-destruct launching us out into space DJ Octavio zooms to our rescue and exclaims his brief alliance with us to save marine life our friends back on Earth hype us up with the power of music Greg being overflowed with an abundance of marine energy creates a light then gradually transforms into a barracuda with only three minutes and 33 seconds left on the clock I take control of Octavio's spaceship and set straight towards the grizzly octo Troopers distract us along the way but I do get close enough to start vacuuming up the fuzzy weak spots humongous Greg headbutts Mr Grizz for the second fuzzball I thought I was sucking it up but turns out I wasn't close enough I ran out of time which led to the downfall of splatoon's marine population thus a massive fuzzball was born it's rewind time all right I'ma do things right this time you see you need to vacuum close enough to show those slasher lines a couple more decent suctions like that and we move on to the next part a fuzzy asteroid collides with us furry stamps from the post office Stampede the ship and the next fuzzball is placed on Mr grizz's Right butt cheek really Nintendo Mr Grizz and Greg are still going at it however he still needs my help one last fuzzball remains an asteroid knocks me back if I get right back to the front lines dispose of the Bear's pus wound and with Mr Grizz finally exposed I rip him a new one blazing him with DJ Octavio's firearm thank you the war's over Greg returns back to his normal form and we fly back down to earth [Music] screen talk about anti-climactic ending oh a broadcast perhaps I spoke too soon our new friends covered the return of the great zap fish and then the credits roll now I do have a problem with these credits how you may ask the ink I'm firing at the words don't change the color of the names Smash Bros does this for every game and Splatoon can't do it for one really I don't care because I have a ton to clean up and collectibles to find and just look at all the levels I have not even touched I won't bore you with every detail rather I'll show you my highlights of each site and expel more on the interesting stuff like how I could have been yellow Spider-Man a lot sooner and this explosure which is quite the impressive range what do I do with this great power I paint a tiki then hang it on my fridge site one didn't take long to complete but wow I only beat one course from site two ready well this should be a fun Side Event and you break the targets while grinding on Rails how sick is that however they give you a paint bucket to do it how am I supposed to do this with a janitor's bucket it took me about seven to eight minutes of attempts to finish this level with the bucket which probably included the most deaths of any standard Kettle yet I'm hoping the targets are just a one-off theme this one had an interesting challenge where you are only given a limited amount of ink and it disables you from refilling up your ink gauge it is the first level of its kind though so it wasn't too difficult that wraps things up here so on to site three unlike the previous Islands only two stages remained untouched and Mamma Mia the targets are back do they give me a gun no I get What's called the flings a roller this took me even longer than the previous break the targets and I'm getting the feeling there are more to come and that feeling was correct like literally the next level correct now with regular guns popping balloons ain't a challenge but the final weapon you need to beat it with is a sniper rifle the range on this thing sucks if you don't charge it up and if you do charge it up you lose time the accuracy with this gun was mind-bogglingly bad I just don't understand how this piece of junk is supposed to be used I'm getting so up close to these balloons that I'm gonna be arrested for violating their personal space failure after failure I just could not do it I needed a break from it and this was going to be my true final boss for this playthrough in the meantime let's move on to site 4 clearing the fuzz there leaves me with just one upgrade left to complete my hero gear what I'm also left with is 10 unbeaten levels some are just mundane to go through for example you have to destroy certain boxes to craft a certain shape but you have to do with three different kinds of weapons and don't forget each Island's signature break the target stage as usual it's not too bad with the first guns it's that stupid sniper rifle that they make you use the third time luckily this only took me about 27 minutes but it was still a pain in the neck some kettles do teach valuable lessons like the YouTuber charged storing a shot while in Squid mode then bam enemy depleted oh yeah more targets jeez I'm getting sick of these thankfully they actually provided decent weapons this time so it took a total of 20 minutes to beat it with all three of them rather than just one this level is cool because it features the nzap 85 which is an Easter egg of the NES zapper what's not cool is yet another break the top targets as long as it's not timed I'm okay with it no no actually compared to the previous ones it was easy peasy that's enough of Sight Four how sight five looking oh my 13 total levels why doesn't anyone love me Kettle number one standard level Kettle number two standard level with stamps Kettle number three standard level with snipers everywhere they're everywhere Kettle number six standard level I'm a monkey I'm loving Island number five and these standard level never mind I take it all freaking back I hate this island I'm not even gonna put up with this target level I'm skipping I'm out man I feel a weird obligation to talk in detail about every single one of these levels because of my intense hatred for them this one is technically labeled as precision shooting but come on it's a Target level however this one is nowhere near stressful because if you miss a shot you just loop back around now that is nice and before you know it we're at site six how many kettles are waiting for me oh my gosh I can't believe it who could have seen this coming how could I have left so many incomplete this Island's theme seems to be about floors like for this one the enemy ink is lava interesting course design and a good time overall here you paint the floor simple right sure there are bad guys but you can just swim around them then things kick up a notch when the floor is literally falling apart in this stage just keep shooting the upcoming walls when you can and swim for your life then there's this one where the floor or should I say platforms move apart just gotta wait it out and kill octarians during the downtime squid swimming trials was an unexpected but welcome surprise fun course along with being speedy and learning that holding the B button will ignite a squid surge which will come in handy later we go from being in the ground to never wanting to touch it again while jet packing with an inkjet then there's octo skaters yeah let's not talk about those guys and that's all for site six not a single break the target's level I declare it the best island number one I love it I've beaten every Kettle now with at least one weapon with only two left to complete when all of a sudden you've got to be kidding me is this gonna be one of those ridiculously hard post game levels only time will tell what I noticed right away is that there's a lot of squid form platforming you have to do not only are there quite a few jumps but it's also the first time I've seen the squid search technique being mandatory it's the only way to make it past these gaps on the walls for me the most difficult part of this beginning segment was when I had to jump from Ink rail to Ink rail it seemed so simple but for whatever reason I kept messing up why could I not comprehend this very straightforward jump turning the camera to the side would help but honestly it came down to just how lucky my nerves were the end of the first chapter can easily be cheesed if you're patient enough I'm proud to say I only failed this portion once and that was just because I YOLO did the first time all you gotta do is ink as much of the blocks as you can then start hopping from brick to Brick until you're close enough to the wall to also ink it climb up it and that's it first checkpoint is reached Nintendo are you joshing me right now I am literally in disgust that they inserted a Target segment in the final level you could not live with your own failure where did that bring you to me my failures but as I'm writing the script I really don't want to talk about popping any more balloons the misery oh the pain I'm not even kidding I've been marathoning this game for two days straight and now my trigger finger is starting to feel sore so please give me a pass on this one why not like And subscribe in return for me enduring through this I wanted to express how long this took in the form of how many eggs I started with compared to how many I needed to spend in order to beat it it costs 333x for every three attempts but the problem with that math is you also earn eggs with every balloon you pop a more accurate metric is that it took me an hour and 24 minutes to finally beat it take that as you will and I don't know who decided the difficulty curve of this last Kettle because this segment was like taking a break seriously what a nice breather this was you had plenty of time to think of strategies for the upcoming obstacles it really wasn't final level material I honestly think I died at the max four times if even when trying to beat this you know what though after that previous nightmare I'll take it and I'm really pleased to say that the final segment was my favorite part of the entire campaign I mentioned a lot earlier how I felt the boss battles or the highlight of this experience here it's not only a boss battle it's like I'm playing against very difficult Bots aside from the demos I've never played an online match of Splatoon and this felt like the closest thing to it when it came to the offline world I made it to the second wave on my first try but I was nowhere near ready to beat these octarians just yet every defeat would give me opportunities to better myself like how I would Camp next to this spawn point right here when the second wave comes in that way both of the octos were dead meat upon their arrivals believe it or not the special weapons seem to be more of a hindrance to me rather than a blessing aside from the hammer which actually got kills and covered the turf with my ink I straight up stopped using the inkjet because all it did was put a fat Target on me for multiple enemies to gun me down the crab was okay but I felt like I was missing out on Mobility I couldn't even tell if the rain cloud was making a difference sometimes I would be so consumed with making sure I'd use the specials right when really my top priority should have been survival I do gotta admit the shark bomb always got me a sick kill the monkey suit was also a godsend since it would spawn armor at the top of the towers and slinging to get that extra Health really made the difference this third wave was just wild there's no slowing down at all every NPC has some special up their sleeve and if they get up close to you you better kill them because they'll gladly wipe you out quick if you give them the chance it took about an hour and 25 minutes to reach the end but I had a blast the whole time during this final boss fight I would gladly do it again but I will never put myself through that Target level ever again speaking of targets remember how I skipped this one saying it was going to be my true final boss well here I am back at it I think I really just needed a break from it because about 20 minutes later I bested the course the only reason it's not my least favorite Kettle is because it's only a minute long otherwise it would be my most hated then there's the one I quit at site 5-2 I actually meant to beat this one with all three weapons earlier but was interrupted by the reveal the secret kennel anyways this one's not nearly as bad as the two levels I despise the most sure the bow and arrow style weapon makes you focus more on attaching explosives right next to the boxes rather than shooting right at them but once you figure it out I don't think it's too bad no checkpoint is also annoying but in the end I made it and with that I have 100 in my first Splatoon game I liked more parts than others but overall was glad I experienced it give the video a like to support the video and subscribe to the channel if you want to see more content like this you all have a good one thanks
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 1,295,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: splatoon, splatoon 3, splatoon 3 all bosses, splatoon 3 ost, splatoon 3 story mode, splatoon 3 review, splatoon 3 final boss, splatoon 3 secret kettle, splatoon 3 music, splatoon 3 gameplay, splatoon 3 100%, 100%, can i beat splatoon 3, can i 100% splatoon 3, andrew collette, the andrew colletteshow, andrew colletteshow, splatoon 2
Id: D6oljIsEE08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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