Newsroom Clip - Yay Trump!

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joining me now by satellite are three strong supporters of the new law dr. Dwayne Sotter an academic who's written extensively about immigration policy Rathbun home a former Arizona state patrolman who now runs the all-volunteer independence border guards in Yuma and Gwen Lally a junior the University of New Mexico and the second runner up in last night's Miss USA pageant who was asked about this very issue on stage and who believes her answer was what kept her from winning thank you all for being here thank you well I want to be very clear my answer didn't keep me from winning it kept me from being first runner-up we're off okay dr. solder this is your field of expertise so let's kick it off with you what do you say to those who argue that SB 1070 is just targeting Americans on the basis of skin color and Nationality alone absolutely well what would you say to them I'd say absolutely the bill does not target religion or Muslims or homosexuality just illegal Mexicans well yes but you would also say it right that the state legislatures taking great pains to ensure that it isn't a racial profiling law even going so far as to amend it to include the following language with 24 prosecutors would not investigate complaints based on race color or national origin that's right just Mexicans dr. sonner forgive me well Latinos and latinas and the and the argument that we don't want to be a country that pulls people over and asks for their papers based on how they look yeah I don't like it any more than you do but that wouldn't be the case if it weren't for the Latinos and latinas a to criminal ellos los gatos that's not Spanish when let's go to you you were asked last night about the immigration law and you said it was an issue of states rights and for that I paid a price that notwithstanding you raised an interesting issue this law will surely be challenged in the courts on constitutional grounds after all states are allowed to create their own foreign policy but it sounds like you've got the right answer to that which is I'm a survivor and I don't know the word quit probably other words to shut it states aren't allowed to create their own foreign policy but but this isn't about foreign policy it's about law enforcement decades a federal inaction have led to a dangerous and unstable situation on Arizona's border and if the federal government can't or won't act to uphold the law then it's up to the states to exercise their power and fill that void I'm an American well I'm not an American let's dump out of it Ross okay I'm gonna go ahead and assume that you're a supporter of Second Amendment rights judging by the rifle you placed in your live shot yes sir a frequent argument you hear from gun rights advocates is that we don't need anymore new laws what we need is the government to enforce the laws we already have couldn't the same be said about immigration policy yes sir I'm saying your supporter of the new law right yes I can't take my eyes off of it because because laws that are unwieldy and unenforceable aren't laws at all that'll follow I'm out today McAdoo McAvoy I beg your pardon doesn't matter why don't we just build a damn wall Chinese built one and you can see it from space but the Chinese better than us no although there's an old saying show me a 15-foot wall and I'll show you a 16-foot ladder let's just build a 17-foot wall he'll build at 18 feet yes yep you see their point right whose point the people who build ladders how about we get them sorry jump on in Gwen I think we're creating an environment pageant contestants are afraid to speak their minds when it comes to important questions and whatnot and that's not the America I grew up in you're 20 years old it is the America you grew up in not Oklahoma especially in Oklahoma but we're gonna have to leave it there when we come back Deepwater Horizon sinks to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico
Channel: Sorry Not Really
Views: 404,699
Rating: 4.7250471 out of 5
Id: WQxBV8fkTco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 48sec (228 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2017
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