HBO's The Newsroom Sloan Sabbith and Don Keefer (Best Show on Television)

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I don't know who told you you're a bad guy but somebody did somebody along the way somebody or something convinced you of it because you think you're a bad guy and you're just not like I'm socially enough but even I know that so because you're a bad guy you try to do things you think a good guy would do like committing to someone you like but maybe don't love sweet smart wholesome Midwestern girl I could be wrong I almost always am why are you single a lot of men are intimidated by my intelligence no seriously because you never asked me out Koch off-guard didn't I yeah you really that you told Nina's book agent I didn't know he was her agent at the time I knew he was an agent but it wasn't until I googled you googling you know after drinks yeah drinks this part doesn't matter matters to me a little why I'm not sure thanks pal hey no no you know when I look at you I going out with a footballer yeah who I don't remember his name you know position you play their offense or defense don't know why don't you just those director she's gone out with a professional athlete who's 10 years younger than I am with 3% body fat and ripped muscles they've been conditioned or you know a lifetime of two-a-days sweating in the pond thinking about this guy how am I supposed to follow that baby that most men think this is how every single man things except for the guy out of Salone right now have a good show tonight you too this is gonna be the night when social media takes a Manson of democracy from hey did he know your books all for $1000 how do you mean at the auction my book it got bid up to $1,000 and you were afraid no one's gonna buy it go back for a second on Sunday the ocean Reese had for Sandy relief I was assigned a book he did sign of it Reese all the telling to contribute something will donate around the Gulf with will Elliot's letting someone read the news and Reese wanted you to donate dinner in a movie but you said you'd sign the book because I thought nobody bidding on a bow could be less embarrassing than nobody bidding on a date do you honestly can I ask you seriously think I'm not suggesting you should have donated a date but do you really think that if you had no one would have bid on it I'm just saying what I'm saying is that would have been embarrassing so why not just donate the money directly to Sandy which is what I did well your book went for $1,000 someone spent $1,000 in hyperinflation that Vimal republic the economics of post-world war in germany hey I'm as surprised as anyone but I think what they were buying was your old sarong I didn't sign it you did I didn't I sold the inscription it caught Aziz or ice and Isis bug I hope you shred this book except without beads yes I mean I think yes then it says thank you for your generosity Sloan sabbith are you sure that was an ambition I didn't fly in the book I supposed to leave it on my desk before I left for the weekend and I didn't somebody signed a copy for you and sent it to the or somebody paid $1,000 for it I feel terrible I feel really bad about this please don't enlist me go find the person who bought it 435 House races tonight 33 Senate races 538 electoral votes but this is important got it five spricht yame and he annoyed look Doon are up notice what does he think now remember come with me can I see you another sure Gary sign your book here's the thing yeah you forgot to do it and I was put in charge of something for the benefit and I speak a little German so I thought I'll inscribe it I hope you enjoyed this book and I signed your name just like you do I didn't put a heart over the eye or anything wait is there an eye on your name yes yes there is and you inscribed it I hope you shred this book Neal has explained that what are the chances that whoever bought the book speaks German what are the chances that you do guys can we move to someplace else I don't care about the German I care about the fraud I need the name and contact information of the person who bought the book tonight you need to hurry before the trail gets cold you think the book may have been bought by a bank robber look at my face I know does it seem it doesn't sassed enjoy is your ice I still shred when I'm fine everybody's in fine except Sloan who's flipping out because somebody bought her book Atlas and the auction on Sunday and it wasn't raised on my head it's funny the things people try to control when they feel like they're not in control yeah tell us how much time do I have me thirty back there that I have someone tracking down the event coordinator at Continental benefit auctions to get the name in contact I'm gonna feel bad until this is fixed it's gonna be fixed what if it never is what if I go on and on like this what if we keep talking rhetorical questions until you just can't take it anymore can I go okay any chance this can wait no James on his way I'd like to announce something in the meantime I was supposed to donate a signed copy of my book for the sandy auction and I went to see my parents last weekend and forgot to leave the book Gary meaning well signed a copy of the book forging my signature and writing the inscription in German almost in German the words for enjoy and shred are a lot alike they're nothing alike but that's not the point take your time getting to the point because as you can see nothing else is happening right now we've got five minutes we do not have five minutes the paquius doesn't have five minutes my point is that someone bought the book for a lot of money and Neal's dropping everything to help me find out who it was so that I can give him or her a real signed copy of the book so if there's anyone who was at the fundraiser or maybe knows the person excuse me you're dropping everything no I'm still very much doing my job did you find out anything yes a woman had the auction management company was moved by your story and a little concern about going to jail for fraud so she was happy to fax over the name and contact information of the person who bought the forged boat but you're not gonna be happy was about by an inmate I've a small slightly disturbed following among white-collar criminals the book was bought by Sidney Falco I don't know who that is it's Tony Carter Sidney Falco is a character from sweets one of success the highest bid live in Arnhem all the bids are enormous Joe Gillis is Sunset Boulevard Walter Neff from Double Indemnity Archibald Craven from The Secret Garden I'd understand this at all someone wanted to create the impression of a bidding war so total of nobody bid on the book except Sidney Falco from sweet smell of success who for some reason put himself up with other fictional characters who cares someone gave $1,000 to Sandy relief and they think they have your signature how many a to the bottom of this at the bottom there are clues here I don't think so there could be clues thereon and you don't want to start looking for anagrams are looking for anagrams of Sidney Falco and sweet smell of success okay well the gender income gap starts at 50k men if he Caine above are breaking for Romney women 50 to 200 K we're more likely to vote for the President and is the top 1% of female earners that went red now here's where I'd like us to focus cuz this is crucial I'm sorry but they need you Wow they're calling Ohio we're on our way you're back in 90 seconds I will pick this up after ok if as predictors he soon is that so nothing will go with her throw in the bottom we're calling it get in the studio and that takes the president to 206 on so long at that point he has a lot of different roads Colorado Florida Ohio and Virginia in that scenario any one of those states would throw the president over the top getting McRoberts to 70 at this point James very very difficult so the president's getting closer and closer to that magic number you
Channel: undefined
Views: 699,723
Rating: 4.7808728 out of 5
Keywords: HBO, The Newsroom (Film), Sloan, Television (Invention), Sabbith, Don, Keefer, Kiss, Book, Signing, Autograph, Signs, Signature, German
Id: 41-MdkKThfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2013
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