Newsroom Clip about GOP Debate with Stephen Snyder-Hill (Captain Stephen Hill)

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coming back in five four copy zero zero 36 to 41 presidential candidate Michele Bachmann thinks our troops are the best they are the best this is the easiest thing to get behind it doesn't get any better to help our troops when they are literally on the lines fighting for our freedom presidential candidate Herman Cain will not apologize for having the biggest baddest greatest military on the planet presidential candidate Mitt Romney would like the rest of us to support the troops even more than we already do support and for us to reach out to our neighbors military and the presidential candidate Rick Santorum marvels as we all do at the selfless act of volunteering to serve in a time of war so we have a culture right now that doesn't say serve it doesn't say don't think about yourself it says me me me it's a very self-absorbed me-centered excessive popular culture and yet we have brave men and women who willing to step forward because they know what's at stake they're willing to sacrifice their lives for this great country Steven hill is a decorated captain in the US Army where he's been a reservist for twenty years he is this very night serving in combat in Iraq as it was last night when he asked this question via YouTube at the GOP debate in Orlando Florida because I'm a soldier my question is under one of your presidencies do you intend to circumvent the progress that's been made for gay and lesbian soldiers in the military that was a big room full of Republican primary voters booing an American combat soldier who as he was speaking was in combat the audience members who were booing were in Orlando soon they'll surely be in hell though not soon enough not everyone was booing there were people in the audience who heard captain Hill say that when he was deployed to Iraq he was worried that if his sexuality was discovered they might not let him go as opposed to most of us who if told we were being deployed to Iraq would go corporal Klinger faster you pull on a yellow taffeta picnic dress I'm sure there were even some people in the building who stood up for Captain Hill people who had the simple strength of character to turn to the fraction of a human in the seat next to them and say how many different kinds of disgusting do you have to be to blue man who volunteered to fight and die for you I'm sure those people were there I'm sure there were many of them but unfortunately none of them were on the stage not one of these would-be commanders in chief took a moment to stand with a line officer they let him stand alone soldiers never do that leaders never do that witless bullies and hapless Punk's do it all the time the only President on the stage last night was Stephen Hill Godspeed captain Hill and come home soon a grateful nation is waiting to say thank you that's news night for September 23rd Terry Smith is up next with the Capitol report I'm will McAvoy good night God didn't give her humanity that's where she's a gossip columnist God gave us all humanity let's look at the tape of the people booing a guy while he was in the middle of saving their lives I have no explanation for that but the bitchiness has to stop charlie we're inhaling it like it's a carbon emission blowing out the exhaust pipe of the crosstown bus we're stuck behind Taylor oh we have a new student back Jim Harper ACN Jim Harper ACN can I ask you a question sure when the gay soldier asked his question did will McAvoy expect the candidates to waterboard each member of the audience until they admitted to exercising their First Amendment rights I doubt it what did he expect I guess for at least one of them perhaps the front-runner to tell the audience that he wasn't interested in the votes of anyone who was booing not for nothing but he'd have won the election that night how
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Views: 435,203
Rating: 4.8873496 out of 5
Keywords: GOP Debate, Gay Soldier, Booed Soldier, Steve Hill, Stephen Hill, Captain Hill, Captain Stephen Hill, Stephen Snyder-Hill, DADT, DOMA, Joshua Snyder-Hill
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2013
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