Olivia Munn is 'Newsroom' Season 1, Episode 5 'Amen'

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so anyone with producer in their title conference room so I'm not a producer I need you can you wait a minute ah this close you know I'd have had security still be downstairs I know I'll be just a couple minutes okay but sometimes you ask me to wait and then you forget that you did and you call me from home at eleven o'clock and say sorry how many times does that happen twice well nobody was sorry I'll set much TV does anyone know where there's a TV honey I'm sorry I need 20 minutes hey hey what are you still doing here right yes come with me I just heard about Elliot he'll be okay you're short no internal injuries thank God a few months ago I agreed to appear on a panel at the Paley Center called is TV news equipped to cover the economy excellent subject I think so but here's the thing yeah I'm not equipped to cover the economy I don't know anything about economics I'm sure that I expect you to be an economist you're a producer yeah but what I'm saying is I don't know anything about the economy nothing I never studied it in school I never at the business section I never reported economic news you've been producing economic news we've been doing five minutes a night for money yeah I just set aside a five-minute broken let you and we'll go with it you've been approving the subjects I trust you what does that mean I pretend to read what you give me and then I know it okay have you been listening to I have been listening very close yeah I do not understand a word you're saying Kenzie we saved the scolding Thomas Friedman do you mean Paul Krugman which was the Economist I'll crew then that's who I meant I just need you to teach me a couple of things to save they'll make it look like I know something how long did it take you to know what you know college grad school doctorate post-doctorate practical experience 15 years when's the panel Tuesday okay morning how about I give you three things you can write on your hand no I want to know this I think that a lot of what's going on in the world has to do with the economy you may be honest it's not like I need to know everything will be a no danger of that to well-crafted thank you go yep you understand the difference between a commercial bank a native Essen bank of course Kenzi no investment banks are gamblers commercial banks are where you have a savings account and a checking account can you bounce her checkbook yes Kenzi no all right so after the Great Depression Congress wanted to put a firewall between the investment banks and the commercial banks they wanted to make sure that Wall Street could melt to the ground and the commercial banks wouldn't be touched they passed a law the glass-steagall Act now you could be Gordon Gekko or George Bailey but you couldn't be both you with me I can't seem to stop hurting will this morning was just fucked up day said at this place just resents prime time and that's all that was is well mad at you know that probably makes you feel worse am I saying that just then probably makes you feel a lot worse than you did a couple seconds ago do you have any human knowledge I've been told I do not let's keep good I can't help but think this is all partially my fault I'm the one who didn't believe you when you told me that well didn't cheat on you and that's why you said it's animo right don't be ridiculous it's completely your fault it's so unbelievably you're look I'm the closest thing to a female friend that you have right wait are you saying that I don't have female friends or that you're not entirely female which do you think the first yes so what happened and why can't it be fixed what happened was I was with a guy for a long time it wasn't half the man that will is and he dumped me later I started seeing anyway on the rest Orie why can't it be fixed listen do you mind if we just talk yeah glas.t the firewall it worked it helped me to the largest sustained period of economic growth in US history a 60-year expansion in the middle class the largest increase in productivity and the largest increase in median income we also won World War two put a man on the moon and a computer in everyone's lap and you know what happened next he cheated on the perfect guy with a guy nope this yes we repeal glass-steagall why can't it be fixed 1980 Ronald Reagan's elected president and the culture of deregulation begins what happened to will I haven't seen him around he changed and ran out right after the show what the culture of deregulation culminates in 1999 glass-steagall gets 4pn immediately bang start merging now Gordon Gekko can use George Bailey's bank balance to make the bet where's James Harper it's one big Jenga tower you pull a piece out put it on top and the tower definitely gets higher but also gets less stable Will's back
Channel: pesman5
Views: 407,787
Rating: 4.7806582 out of 5
Keywords: newsroom, newsroom hbo, olivia munn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 42sec (282 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2012
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