New Zealand Today - Flat Earth "The truth is more important than my life."

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5:57 "Do you not think the reason you can't debunk it is because you're a fuckwit?"

Got em

👍︎︎ 334 👤︎︎ u/snoop_doggy_doge 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

I held on up to "we photosynthesize through our eyes"... I had to bailout after that one.

👍︎︎ 190 👤︎︎ u/r1ckd33zy 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

It would be funny if these people weren't seriously this stupid. How anyone can believe the earth is flat is beyond me.

👍︎︎ 80 👤︎︎ u/LinFTW 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

is ... is ... is this a parody? this is a parody, right?

edit: apparently these people are actually crazier than inbred shithouse rats.

👍︎︎ 202 👤︎︎ u/evilsir 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Sums it up right there "stop over thinking it"/ stop using your brain for valid questions that squash my bullshit.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/Britavit 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

You could fly a flat earther into space and do a couple of orbits of the globe and they'd still blame it on the spherical helmet. You can't prove someone wrong when they don't want to be.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

ONLY part you need to see before realizing shes a nutter..

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/lol_treez 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

So that experiment can work if you start off on your back and then just stand up, you dont really have to go very far up to see 2 sunsets.

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/Lord_Draxis 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

@2:05 "They're challenging you to find the flat." omg

This woman is insane. Most flatearthers are just dillusional or brainwashed... but she's something else.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/Chafram 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
outer space the final frontier and the ultimate conspiracy theory flat earth don't groan I can hear this online community claims that 2000 years of scientific consensus that we live on a globe is a lie and that the earth is flat why do they think this and how can they prove it I wanted answers so I spoke to one of the leaders of the New Zealand Flat Earth movement Adrian and Morrison so what is the Flat Earth 3d that means that you do not believe that we'd love on a spelling giant ball of water that it's actually physically impossible do you believe 100% that flavour is true absolutely a hundred percent what you're sitting on here if true is one of the greatest breakthroughs in scientific history it's not a breakthrough it's it's what is because most people just realizing that because you're brainwashed people are losing the whole lives over this for speaking out are you in danger for doing speaking on the show I could possibly be do you have a gun no crossbow is the Beast why's crossbow the best silent it's almost terrifying Chevy where's my car be terrified you know being to God as part of your human nature but that doesn't bother me because the truth is more important than my life it's just such a big conspiracy that I can't a conspiracy theory at all it's fair okay you saying it's fact and you say you've got proof where's the proof if you could see the whole earth which you can't because of atmospheric got nothing else but Photoshop CGI and paintings but do you have Photoshop and cgo and paintings I feel like you guys don't even have that am i doing a bad job the interview oh I'm saying anything you don't want to hear no okay okay I was thinking it I'm sorry okay just let me be me okay okay I'll let you be you where'd you get this confidence wrong as you because we've got the evidence and the proof and everything but the other side says they've got the evidence and the proof as well well we're challenging them to find the curve they're challenging you to find the flat no it's our question they're the ones that says they're going into space why don't I makes sense and it's not right that people are being lied to and deceived just because they're evil and rich but who is deceiving us who is lying to us follow the money right back fifty two million dollars a day is given to these lawyers the Photoshop paintings and CGI well no starving in Africa there's no criminal trial that's what we're saying it's being tested that's being done and when it is no I'm living in an idiot instead of rebooting on how about I take you outside right now and absolutely prove to you that the moon is not a spherical solid ball if I'm excited this do it okay do the Sun damn what do you mean damn it's behind the clouds ah sometimes you see the whole moon you're saying that no one can answer this question cuz I'm sure a scientist could quickly answer their question I'm still questioning the moon we've got it are you a scientist yes I have a four year degree in Freddie's education from where from myself you gave it yourself look up every day in the sky there's certain days with the Sun and the moon will be very close together just don't look at the Sun because that will hurt your eyes will look at the moon well that's another thing they tell us that's correct we photosynthesize through our eyes nothing we're all looking at the Sun I dare you to look at the Sun right now I'm looking at the side I just don't know if I can trust you how do I trust you and not the people who are telling indoctrinating me well why don't you believe in me as a human being I want to be believed in I wanted to believe in Adrian but Judy clouds I wasn't convinced so I agreed to come to fix Bo a flat earth conference she was organizing featuring the star of the recent Netflix play earth documentary mark Sargent this was the biggest Flat Earth Expo in New Zealand history Flair's conviction hello yeah no no no no field hockey mate that's where it's at oh is the flat earthers I've gone to the wrong room I'd ended up at the flat turf Expo but two doors down I was opened up to a world of flat earth I don't know what's crazier your flat earth t-shirt or your Warriors shorts probably honest it's a wild ride supporting the worries so what are we on right now first yeah now I get it and what is it what shape is that flat with a dome over top with the cellular stars at the top yep see my cup of tea tells me it's flat because when I drink my cup of tea water goes back to where it should and the cup of tea it's round like this right it's it's sort of like a it's like a pizza and so when you sell around the world you get into the salami then you take a little turn to the chicken and you carry on around a bit further two different you know what I mean and the Scriptures say the scriptures you've got to go back to the book and the book I'm talking that's the Bible Jesus Christ all right we can't be going back to the Bible can we for like a scientific reasoning I'm not saying the Bible scientific concur I'm saying I take the Bible as little truth that sounds bad what sort of religion are you well I kind of got asked to leave yeah so I bet I'm on my own I'm forming my own sick now let you take my hand out okay can we get one now or afterwards well as I said they're in my bag and that in effect well I can but obviously there's more than one thing in there the more people I spoke to the more skeptical and frustrated I became it was unprofessional but when the time came from my big interview with Mark sergeant I just didn't give a anymore you're one of the biggest dick swingers in the flat earth game so no offense and when I said no offense it means you can't get offended by what I say I want this is the dumbest I've ever heard in my life yeah and your whole life is a lie I've heard that before I became a flat earther because I tried to disprove it or do you bunk it but do you not think the reason you can't debunk it is because you're a what yeah no I'm pretty clever problem-solver how do you prove the earth is flat by not finding the curve so Flat Earth is not something you can prove it's just something it's just you can disprove the realm go exactly it's bad these rules its lawyers rules the stars and the planets are just pretty pretty little lights Sun in the moon or just bigger lights like what is it an LED display uh probably little better than that okay this is ridiculous okay sorry sorry I don't mean to be it's okay you of you this can't even exist on its own it needs a solar system the Sun and galaxy around that and universe around the no one needs a LED screen don't take my word for it do your own research ask some questions so you and a Netflix documentary yeah and how'd that go it went pretty well we shot bad bad okay I'm trying to put a positive spin on this turned out our biggest recruiting tool to date in fact a third of the 18 or 24 s we're on board with this and they also [ __ ] Paul which one people who died no the well Athena girl Mark had one good point it didn't matter what I said the more negative publicity they got the more the flat earth movement was growing I had to stop them I had to prove them wrong but first I had to thank Adrian for her lovely hospitality I don't know if I agree with everything you've said Adrian you're enough but I'm surprised that you put on such a good festival so well done thank you guy we're having a dinner tonight we're gonna celebrate I'm doing a few songs we could collaborate on something we could do like a debate rappy thing do it now I do a now I've been told since I was a child that the earth is round I agree with the science and I'd love all the rules and if you don't know that you don't deserve to be in school whoa but the earth is flat you see the horizon line 360 degrees just fine and you can see that you can't the moon I'll head up there her on see um so the int no I have something wrong with it finish it bring her home sorry ah well you do something an Ultron okay not too loud I'm coming at you with a round globe and if you do not love that then you are a snob to believe in science is a load of bull to believe in that you're just a lying fool learning filling my mind with knowledge yeah I love guns guns do this anymore did I win him he probably did I've spent the data Flair ethics bow and I was losing my mind there was only one way to prove that the earth was a globe I had to do an experiment but when I couldn't organize an actual scientist at short notice I went on the background telling website and hired an actor to play a scientist now what is your knowledge of science just general knowledge I guess give me an example of a piece of information that you have frogs can leap up to 2.5 meters I think it's so good to know I was kind of hoping for more like science-based knowledge hmm so it's ears on your profile or that you can go Canadian accent as well yeah so come on guys we're gonna go down to the rink to play some pond hockey come on guys let's go to the pond to play some ping pong he's so cheap Canadian accent yeah and soos here you can do a British accent as well yeah give me some of your British accent in place Oh Porter that's really good stuff better this really good stuff sunset pea heart Beach with the help of Adrian we formed one of the least qualified research groups that the world had ever seen I've been studying the flat earth now for about two months and I'm not convinced but everyone told me to do my own research and today I'm doing my own research you're proud of me yes I think so and I'm happy that you've invited me out Roman would you like to elaborate what we're doing yes so basically what are we doing is we're watching the Sun as it goes down and then before I goes down we go and go it is going and in the country room and you can see it Firmin shut the up shut the up okay sorry about this the basic idea of the experiment is that when the Sun goes below the horizon we're going to move to a higher vantage point and when we're out there we should be able to see the Sun again which would - the curvature of the earth or the flatness of the earth well we'll just have to see what happens all we had to do was wait we standing on the precipice of the biggest breakthrough in scientific history Flat Earth expert Adrienne scientific impersonated Roman and year 11 physics not achieved Guy Williams this was the moment the world had been waiting for but moments before sunset everything changed the sun has disappeared behind the clouds that ruins our experiment ever no we would devastate it there was nothing left to say a place we can be sure that the Frog can jump 2.5 meters high if I learned anything about science of my time with Adrian it was that sometimes clouds get in the way were they seeded by NASA to stop us discovering the truth I guess we'll never know Guy Williams New Zealand today
Channel: New Zealand Today
Views: 526,143
Rating: 4.6785789 out of 5
Keywords: Guy Williams, New Zealand Today, Jono and Ben, Mark Sargent, Flat Earth, Comedy, FENZ, conspiracy, moon landing, truth, nasa
Id: 1nZZtKuWY5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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