New Zealand Today - Auckland's 'Top 14 Attractions'

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The most depressing attraction I’ve ever heard of was the time my friend told me to see the size of the interstates where he lives in Texas.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

One of the best videos of its type.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Syllogism19 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] today on New Zealand today a legendary New Zealand unsolved mystery for over 30 years the Auckland explorer bus has controversially claimed to visit orphans quote 14 big attractions visiting Portland's big 14 attraction what are the 14 big attractions does Auckland even have 14 attractions I hit the streets to find out how many attractions do you think there are maybe three four three maybe not even that oh yeah I didn't want to get me started on hopeful and honestly why did you come if you hide it so bad my mom brought me along I think every person here is a tourist attraction the way they treatin me what have I told you this will blow your mind there's a bus and all poem that claims to go to fourteen attractions what do you think the top 14 attractions are it's quite tell ya there's no way not rainbows in that's a New Zealand institution get out the girls we can't drive a bus to the girls which is the bus that goes around the street so just stop it off with some girls the girl they catch bus how do I find out what 14 tractors are possibly could get on the bus that's actually quite a good idea I had quite a good idea I needed to get on the bus who knows I might even meet some girls the girl they catch bus taught to get into my disguise let's go time how's it going how much for tickets $45 just bought the car reckon we were in hot pursuit I'll do my own siren effects that was a joke I regret at MDA it wasn't long before we discovered the first attraction Oh we're turning off the buses turning off Bastion point slash the Michael Joseph savage memorial that's taken the purse no just to speak Michael Joseph seven just by saying no disrespect there was actually incredibly disrespectful the next stop was Kelly Tarleton's and things were actually going well until disaster struck it kind of bleak garden the third stop of a promise 14 big attraction tour was a rose garden and Parnell what do you think I think things are so beautiful as always is that yeah it's winter what do you expect well some flowers that's when things went from bad to worse all comes fourth big attraction was a kind of decent church now this is pretty good though what for what compared to one I think the tourist attraction is over there at the Museum and I hate that tourist attraction like we've already got one well heaven is there another one luckily the next stop was the Auckland tourist attraction the museum my faith in Auckland was restored until disaster struck again we're stopping again at the Auckland winter gardens but if you look at a map the autumn/winter goings are exactly next to the museum the bus stop two weeks two times over a span of five hundred meters to surreptitiously add two separate stops to the museum winter gardens and the museum domain I was furious they was taking the piss all right if that's an attraction I'm gonna eat my own dick off turns out the next attraction Mount Eden also somehow counted as two stops and self inflicted oral castration was back on the cards because there's a gate you walk through it and if you want you can just go back through this is free you don't have to pay for this counting the zoo and the Sky Tower the bar was raised assuming you ignore the viaduct stop you can come to the okay gift shop at the gifts okay or is the shop okay neither I didn't know what to expect next Wow just imagining what what you're going sport and there would be like now we will one stop away from doing the impossible for 30 years Auckland's 14 big attractions have remained a mystery until now I don't believe it they said it couldn't be done unbelievable ladies you know we have made it to the 14th stop we have seen all of orphans attractions unbelievable the 14th and final stop on our journey st. looks more [Applause] [Music] lady said that st. looks movie on the list I apologize tickets and ceilings I I mock you there's no way st. looks the law you have proven me wrong what a beautiful war those are the top 14 attractions in Auckland's I've been guy Williams and that was New Zealand today
Channel: undefined
Views: 252,782
Rating: 4.930934 out of 5
Keywords: comedy, parody, jono and ben, Guy Williams, Guy Williams Today
Id: JYXJ4mB6izA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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