New Zealand Today - The Mystery of the Mt Albert BBQ Noodle House/Houses

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Holy shit this had so many twists and turns.

👍︎︎ 278 👤︎︎ u/sparty_89 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

What kind of bullshit award show is Guy running here? I can't believe the kebab place wasn't at least nominated for the Best Mt Albert BBQ Noodle House 2019 award. Absolutely robbed.

👍︎︎ 185 👤︎︎ u/The_All_Farter 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Fuck this makes me homesick

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/whodoyoucall 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

We call the left one fake Momo Tea since it used to be a Momo Tea lmao. Amazing portions and extremely cheap.

Though they got like an E rating fairly recently haha.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/redmandolin 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

This bloke does the best interviews

👍︎︎ 84 👤︎︎ u/EtuMeke 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Where is the rest of the headline?

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/sethasaurus666 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Ayy the place is on the same street as my cousin's bakery. Actually a few stores near it lol. Do go past it when i go to uni. Not too far from our own either.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Leema1 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Next season I hope we find out the truth behind their family ties and we know someone had to of had an affair

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/RumoredReality 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is legit the most hilarious thing I've seen all year.

There is something quite similar going on in Taipei between two beef noodle places as well, I wish he would come and cover that :)

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/XiTro 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
mount Albus one of New Zealand's crappiest mountains I don't know who Albert was but he must have stuffed up pretty bad to get this shitty mountain named after him mount Albert is also an Auckland suburb with two iconic landmarks the Mount Albert barbecue noodle house and the Mount Albert barbecue noodle house two completely separate businesses with the exact same name right next to each other WTF their branding was similar their menus almost identical there was only one way to find out what was going on walk inside i sat down with the owner of the one on the left while a - so what's the secret to being a great barbecue noodle house sonic made a sumo what you really see small English okay all right oh yeah we're gonna need a translator for the story it was a bit confusing coming here today because I didn't know which mount Albert barbecue noodle house to come to this is the copy main name I think you see there they go actually so you started a restaurant and then they copied you yeah me listen all written online you said that they stole your business idea don't do hot Walia I thought you were ten you know gold it'll fire and this restaurant here is true gold yeah so I can survive a fire but it's also a restaurant made of wood which will burn down in the fire listening oh come on it was kind of funny that was funny [Music] you're not laughing well yes that's y'all hey sloppy yeah that's all new kind of Academy Olivia oh that should have our shopkins honest sincere sweet so I'm chillin yeah alright yeah thank you very much you guys I don't wanna see Lanois while a true passionately believed that his restaurant was the number one he accused his next-door neighbors of illegally stealing his name and customers so I went to confront his bitter rival next door hi towel song let me ask this question what is the best Mount Albert barbecue noodle house at all you don't know look you run the business mate have you eaten at this restaurant before yeah did you like mr. song was relaxed too relaxed I couldn't find the drama but then the drama found me nice to me so nice to visit my manager this mysterious blurryface man interrupted our interview to dramatically claim that this was the original restaurant and had run it for 20 years he claimed that while a Chiu had illegally opened up a restaurant with the exact same name Nick store and then he revealed his name quant one chu want I'll bet you brother want one chew and while they chew were brothers and they were having an affair no sorry wrong scripts but they were brothers and everyone was shocked except for mr. song he honestly didn't seem to give a are you annoyed that your brother started one next door we haven't talked after the the restaurants are irani competition since they opened the restaurant I couldn't believe while I had done this so I went back to confront him I just went next door yeah no mobile number in the house while I chew denied any family tires took one Wan Chu which meant one of them want one claim they were brothers wale claimed they weren't and he had a point they didn't look at all alike want one's face was much more blurry I didn't know who to believe so I had the streets to start sniffing for clues from now now where were you from potiki well listen to me a small town country I will blow your mind right now right there what's that restaurant there horse mount elbert barbeque noodle house yeah and see that restaurant right next to it now now but barbecue noodle house that's crazy right yeah well which one's the best I'm bored equally good Oh out sit on the fence mate I haven't really been to the second one so the first one's probably better for me why'd you choose that one coz it was closer [Music] yeah they are exactly the same yeah so who is the best rugby team in the world on flex hose the best cricket team in the world South Africa and who is the best noodle house in Mount Albert both are equally but it can't be the same yeah I can't be there's got to be a difference good interview and a good story I am getting a vote story mat if they are good they are good that's my tease button take it on even the map Albert locals were it much help until I met the owner of the kebab shop next door to the feuding noodle houses David Cook so who claims to know the truth which one is the original mount Albert barbecue noodle house or did it one this one about original owner the other one they're cousins Wow darvid claimed they were cousins and they were having an affair sorry I got the wrong script here again done a hell excuse on yet knee but they were cousins so they not like each other no why not because though other ones say you copy my license so it's like a tin spewed but Wendy's foot table offside he put table outside they racing each other here by car by car - I speak both of them but they don't speak each other a sadist no this is a capitalism man this how he's okay well thank you so this way when you look at Tim for your customers more option right I thank you for the interview so I understand over the next three hours David explained that the choose worked together for years building up one of the best Chinese barbecue restaurants in the country that was until a few broke out between them leading cuale to move next door and open up his own restaurant while a has the original license kwan/wong has the original premises they were both the original mount albert barbecue noodle house but i wasn't satisfied so I organized the blind tastiest of both chefs signature dish the barbecue pork to definitively decide which restaurant was true gold but they were both delicious I couldn't decide then without warning the competition took a corrupt twist there's a bribe Wylie bribed me with roast dark not to be outdone want one quickly responded with spiced squid Oh a new entrant has into the right cinder bird cries it was the kebab kebab we're not getting kebab into the mix I don't know why it wasn't even part of the competition it was all unbelievably good I couldn't separate the two so I enlisted some local ham you want to come to help me so what is your favorite restaurant here in Mount Elbert both are you just saying that because they were watching us right now I'm not really digging but I try the more barbecue the squid very nice roast pork very nice you seem very nice aful you even tried that one already knew it skipper very nice very much and now you've tried all of the meals I like all the food here from Meno bird barbecue noodle helps well which one [Music] both of them so both of them are very nice very nice I couldn't believe it proficiently they were inseparable but personally they were incompatible and that's when I realized that this wasn't about competition it was about friendship I needed to bring the choose back together again and I had the perfect plan the 2019 Mount Albert barbecue noodle house of the Year awards 2019 a real competition not a trek that night I sit an award show trap at the bar across the roads win the Mount Albert barbecue noodle house wins Tuan Tuan and Wylie will share a handshake that will reunite them for the first time in four years this was the moment everyone was waiting for in the winner of the 2019 mount Albert barbecue noodle house of the Year awards 2019 is the matter with barbecue Newhouse I had done the impossible and brought the twos back together for the first time in years this was the handshake that would unite them can we shake hands shake hands shake hands shake hands no okay sweetie no sweetie oh thank you but want one refused and returned to his store thank you while I claim the trophy he was the winner by default and the loser was me Tuan Tuan and Wale have found a happy equilibrium existing forever an awkward harmony side-by-side but sadly apart guy Williams New Zealand today
Channel: undefined
Views: 352,104
Rating: 4.9506946 out of 5
Keywords: comedy, jono and ben, guy williams, New Zealand, New Zealand Today, NZT, Chinese food, bbq noodle, Mt Albert, Mount Albert, Mt Albert BBQ Noodle House
Id: 6t6rJFC53a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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