New Zealand Today - Guy Williams talks to the Greymouth boat crash bloke from Greymouth
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Views: 422,419
Rating: 4.9492941 out of 5
Keywords: comedy, parody, jono and ben, guy williams, greymouth, greymouth boat crash
Id: 9W7l6nwvN-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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Ye no ye
His privacy is safe. Nothing is worth going to Greymouth
People take the piss out of people living in the regions but tbh that dude looks like he's living the life. Jim Beam cans + having enough disposable to have a boat and then crash it = doing alright.
Nice teapot stance for the thumbnail
I cracked up at the "Well, I can think of one" edit. (I'm pretty simple.)
The bleep got me.
That DUPT TABE guy is greymouth in human form.
"I'm just embracing for the pole"
Iβm curious on this Jim Beam can, is this beer or the bloke just casually sipping a can of whisky?
Either way heβs the man.