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one bag for five see what we got here we just left the Emporium of five-dollar bags and we scored big basically in my head I was thinking could we flip these one five dollar bag for fifty and that's what we're planning on doing so I think the answer is pretty easily yes so I still get that way but it gets better it gets better good morning again we went here for the first so now today to fill a bag for five dollars so we're gonna see what kind of deals we can get pretty much the plan is to see if we can buy a five dollar bag turned into at least $50 of course yes thank you $5 to back you got a bag no there it is $5 fell back so there's a lot of good label brand names in here we got what we wanted yesterday but we're gonna see if we can just fill two bags and for the flea market or whatever maybe sat online so here we go one bag for five see what we got here thank you yeah we're back again you're back again all right good enjoy thank you I could just look at them now so you're saying cuz you're about to start packing them out yeah okay how you feeling a bag in here yeah one item only so far that's nice yeah it's cool happy she told me to come over here just look at this thing wow this is fresh bigger this jury mark killer barbary yeah now yeah but that that plus they're not do not perfect that's Burberry yeah that's mine that's the burbs right there boys see how the back kind of has some poles and stuff and I never even heard him at the brand before and you know you're right about that I might get two bags this right all of these shirts like fishing shirts oh yeah I saw those there's a shitload up yesterday so I thought that would be a look at it had spots all over it and I'm not gonna pay to get a dry cleaner plus the value of them has come down they're you know they're not mere as you know good to pick up as they were there like that for twenty bucks or even less so not gonna miss Dallas are you living the dream that today absolutely yes and look what he found for us for me for us the bar did the herbs for the graduation claim in it let's make you smell it where's smells weird these little dreamers we've got some cowboy boots are you leaving your up inaudible second mark the big for you we're gonna leave you thank you that yeah enjoy yeah we just left the Emporium of five-dollar bags and we scored big I got thanks to the help of Jerry a Burberry blazer along with about but some bonfire snow pants I threw in at the last second Sam you got some gold this little but I was thinking about buying this little fanny pack yesterday it's a nice you wanted that right so basically we were what's up basically in my head I was thinking could we flip these one $5.00 bag for 50 and that's what we're planning on doing so I think the answer is pretty easily yes the potential of one item being worth almost fifty and some accounts the brand quality at this sales is really high so hopefully spend 10 to make 100 it's the plan is that fine all right closed case these guys get in their free soil if it's free its me they did that's what he was thinking silence eros yeah what are you saying for today you know I'm saying I can't say what I'm saying on the video I just scored a Burberry blazer and a $5 bag how do you feel about that it's probably worth a couple hundred bucks it was when they bought it and now what no it's just it's the dream it's in here a bunch of recycling this is called the grommet do you want to get this popping dog big dog you know I'm right all right here yeah ghosts ride it yo ghost ride the whip just let it go like enter and walk next to it you can't do it all right we're at the family diner that we always get to with my dad the Sasquatch let's see how I get he's gone to the counter oh you want to go to the counter yes Big Dawg where are you going so he dropped a huge like six inches by 18 inches by 4 feet on his foot it hurt the other day all right it's a little rundown of what we scored earlier for 10 bucks fur pieces you're really nice mink this one does miss Berger Buffalo got this leather fanny pack real leather it's nice I don't know what it says I try to read it yesterday tandem woods I think yeah boots their size six Stuart Weitzman thought they're in good condition so these are a good sell this Turner picked this up I just throw it on Sammy's bag because it's it's cool looking but it's handmade in Belgium so I figured I can't really go wrong as a change purse 15:20 blouse made in the USA imported fabric size medium just nice that thin shirt this I thought was a really cool best it's a petite small Liz wear petite I saw that yesterday that might just be from being outside that has to be washed but very cool material in the front that assures sure okay the battery might die but sorry so Jerry put me on to this one it's a Canali he said this would be good to resell for like 15 bucks because it has a little imperfections he said it wasn't really worth posting on ebay just cuz it's a lot of work measuring that arms and everything but flea market or maybe if someone from YouTube wants to buy it it's worth buying and this is a Burberry blazer I do think I'm gonna use it at least once putting this on right now is how hot it is I would say it's worth 25 all day not 50 it does have pools in the back mm-hmm but I mean come on it's Burberry and it fits it's kind of unreal actually looks really good on you like it's a tiny tiny bit short like if I get crazy but almost as perfect of a size that you could get from a thrift sale for someone I got this leaf G jacketed vintage I would say it's worth 15 super super cool jacket 10 at the flea market really good condition when you're in the bag so you got to just you know go for the items that you know are gonna pay for the bag so like this is paid for both bags this paid for both bags like each item some of the I like these jeans I just threw in because I could sell them for my regular fit all day you can sell these for five at the Flay they just have to be the right size for that person 38:29 mm-hmm these are 40 by 30 ones you're bleeding right relaxed-fit those ones look comfy if anyone's that size and then champion shirt extra large I might just use them brand new Tommy Hilfiger shorts with them still on it team all right mm-hmm sure khaki and then last minute score I threw in these bonfire snowboard pants tags Donna these are like 180 pride new obviously they're not new but they might be women's though which isn't bad but at first their men's actually I thought their men's and then I thought their women's because it's pink on the inside but net it meant small medium medium and Japan small medium I don't know why they put small medium but I guess that's I mean they must it would probably fit me realistically though can't get snowboard pants of a good quality brand name like this worth even $10 so just pay for both the bags to scored all along all day and then this jacket right here that jacket which is an all-weather jacket I said kind of before I don't know if I'll ever wear it more than like once but super cool crown where I don't really know - 40 40 regular it says what it fits me and it has like multiple layers on the inside it's probably really long it's basically a frame jacket I grabbed these I would say this might pay for you like 25 yeah for sure I grabbed this because this is just what's this material thanks Susan lure the lure there you go all right so sweet I'm so tired this heat agreeable oh yeah this is real this needs to be washed yeah and then I grabbed this shirt because I thought somebody would like this let me see this is bent it's from like it's a Trump 2009 so it's ten years old so not vintage technically but it's cool are these shirts always discussed Josie yes it's Yoshi but it's like neo and I think that's what the court act like it would and honestly like you just cut it out and stick it on the back of a sweatshirt or something like so it 1974 what's that I will say though medium that all the people at the thrift sale that worked there were really cool well mostly all of them and they were like stoked that we were buying stuff and they didn't care what it was they were just they were trying to load us up but you can't go wrong and I sell like that and they were donating leftover stuff so they really wanted it gone but if you fill a bag of five items for five dollars you could still always resell those five items for fun for five dollars you'd never lose money but you can put way more than five items in a bag and you can find stuff like a Burberry blazer and mink so like win win win win all day there now we have to go get this title for our car because we never got it yet but we are picking it up today sketchy thing about Craigslist it's been a month and we still don't have the title for the car our baby back right there the green car you guys saw that we owned we've been driving for the last month no title we just had a temporary plate but we are going now to pick it up so just that's the risk you take and we're finally getting it so it all worked out okay so yesterday's video ended a little bit abruptly we didn't really end it so today we are just adding today's video in with it so we finally got our title for our car it took a month but that's Craigslist for you so here we go we're gonna go get it inspected and permanently registered for at least a year nice Mingo pen and when you saw in your titles you always got to use the Mingo cuz that's how you did in New Jersey another vehicles Commission this is my first experience getting a car inspected from the state because in Pennsylvania Street in Pennsylvania you just go to a mechanic and they run it through the system there and then they're like yeah pissed here it's really strict new jersey tied in here yeah I've been here before in my car and loved it no I didn't like it I was honestly scared just like I had like I'm a little bit about Gigi right now why I was on like if they like that crazy and I'm like we have to fix something on it before we can get it inspect the destination is on your right all right just the same please you take your driver's test super so driver testing right lean the vehicle inspection the left lane show you have to go through here do you have to have a what it is no I was just I haven't been here in like ten years if you need an appointment we don't got one brother longer alright there's not that many people there all these kids taking the driving test this is what I'm gonna have to do over again welcome please wait please take ticket open gate inspection it's kind of cool I think it's a little wild but it's cool how each state has sovereignty state sovereignty to an extent and they can run mostly all the laws within the state how they see fit so stuff like driving and gun laws and how people vote and all that stuff is run a little slightly differently in every state so everyone has like their unique little New Jersey inspection thing is kind of like a unique fear for anyone like this guy in front of us who works for Verizon so he's probably gonna be too worried about it but some people just coming in here like that can't afford really nice cars I know they might not pass 98 Ford Taurus so that car is even newer than this one whoo but this is like 2,000 a pair 2006 2006 that long freakin time ago I'm I feel like I went everything looks different now oh my god I'm so old you have registration yet no okay so you have your permanent registration it cannot be inspected now that's a I heard I had to get it expected to get the registration osis just so I should just get out of here and go to the DMV now yeah we can't do it hug right now fortunately alright alright come on back we'll take care all right I'll be back today alright thanks Paul you needed to get it inspected first or did he not tell us that either way we came here thinking we needed to get it inspected before we could get the permanent registration not true so now we have to go to the DMV first so if anyone lives in New Jersey and is in a similar situation you're probably smart enough to call first but I didn't and now we have to go get it registered with the plates and all that first you men come back so this is an all-day thing and I definitely didn't remember that so I should have called but that's just a little bit strange like why does it really matter it just matters because that's how they love it doesn't matter for any other reason about the fact that that's how it is it's what it is maybe if they're like this guy's just gonna get it inspect but why would you even care about having it inspected please like you will know whatever waste their time doing that cuz those specs it's the least important that's what I'm saying like anybody can get I'm sticker let's go what's the claim alright so we got the tags for GG and [Music] I'm on lay out a toolkit that we got from our friends at the Vineland flea market he gave it to us the vendor that was next to us so we're gonna use it this car so vintage that it doesn't need inspection she said so we don't even have to deal with that vintage life all right putting it on now we're legal on the road full-blown legal now all right so here's what the point is for the rest of the day had to take care of some business with the car and my phone all the sudden stopped working and I might need to send it back to the company because it's like a $500 phone and I use it for eBay Instagram and YouTube well everything that we do for work ad C is on there it's all on there Sammy has the same apps on her phone but actually mine was a little bit better and easier to use and less and it was faster but I do want to say that when I was explaining that the flea market the other day that it has to be every day I didn't mean it has to be every day at the flea market I didn't mean it has to be every day out at the yard sale sourcing I didn't mean it has to be every day posting on eBay I didn't mean it has to be every day making a video I meant well every day we do make a video I meant every part all the different parts of what we do for a living add up to create a very rigorous schedule so I would consider just picking up the plates for our car part of our business because we need the car to continue making money I would consider the phone and dealing with sending it back we just went to the phone store they couldn't help us part of our business because the phone is a tool that we use to make money the camera if say we needed to get a new camera or we needed to charge a battery or offload footage it's all part of the job because it's all weighs everything we do almost every single thing that we do other than like leisurely time of like eating dinner and watching a movie at night at the end of the day is part of our job so yeah I do enjoy hanging it out at my house I love it I enjoy I'm gonna you know Sammy's about to get in a bathing suit and like probably lay out in the yard or help me in the yard and maybe sunbathe for like a couple minutes that's enjoyable and it's awesome but at the same time we're working towards cleaning the shed and getting it ready to be more productive to make more money so it does it is everyday it has to be everyday we film I film and edit and and that every single day and that's all part of the job so when I say it has to be every day I mean it has to be every day or it's not gonna work you got to push it every day but this is what I'm planning the small shelf that's actually the one closest to the front of the garage this month I'm planning on putting in the shed today so let's see how this works so I want to try and get the hoard on the side of this house under control and I want to get the shed on your control this thing's trash had a couple offers on that but see my offer up on my phone is now not accessible so I have to use Sammy's button to answer people on offer up well she does too but just gets a little overwhelming it's better to have two phones but look at this shed right now so I'm going to take everything you know almost and then reorganize so this should be fun the joys of doing what we do though a little lunch date out in our own backyard off of the picnic table that we found that we got from Leland and my beautiful wife looking cute as always this month you know that's my Carly spiked this little princess I just brought out she wanted to join the picnic girl you got something on your face spiderwebs you want some Funyuns she's a good girl okay have to see what was going on I'm Jay you have to stay on the table do not jump off of this table pop up sit your ass down God is so good he was less than tears mama oh no oh he's getting down MJ he's getting now Bucky is on this he just stays on the table and that's it and that's the whole plan says he's here he's seventh row doubt that just don't put in a yard put the leash on snazzy snazzy my son MJ he's a good boy he likes out here cuz he's got that nice black fur and it gets all the heat attracted to got that nice good good nice fair he's like weird with the collar the leash though because he like thinks that it's he's a creep and low to the ground yeah cuz he's he looks at us for permission like if he can like do things he's like Daddy know knowing it yeah he like really thinks he's sneaking off cuz like he's not baby is that Alright we unloaded like half the shed I'm actually gonna sweep it up first we are about to put this is almost Ranchers on the shatter like this hi so this shelf is perfect actually if I had like four of these and just took the table that's in there out of there that would be the best-case scenario but putting this in there and then putting all the flea market and stuff boxes on top of it and organizing them it's just gonna be so much easier to start picking off of there for each different event that we do so I'm about to sweep it out but uh yes just a another push in the right direction what happened to that here all right so carried away again we were gonna furthest out but instead of doing that I painted it pink one because I do like that color of paint but to also because it's the only paint that I had like a substantial amount of left because the that teal color color or a sea glass blue whatever it's called I didn't really have that much left so I did this one this color and then also we had this like creepy dirty leg mannequin leg it had like really creepy like grimy stuff on it but I painted this pink also and I think I'm gonna do this chanel stencil on here so bringing a couple pieces back to life with my stencil on my pink paint so the story goes about 12 years ago maybe 10 maybe not I don't know how long ago 10 years ago around my mom bought a wood shop whole room in an elementary school and all the contents in it and she got a lot of killer pieces like an industrial metal stuff that she still has at her house but there was like 20 of these stools in there and this one's leftover kind of just like over the years my dad probably has like ten of these had his shop that still but it got new life today so that's kind of cool did it say something on it it said something I love Aaron yeah like some kid rode on it you covered it that right it was on the top it was like carved in there but I but these things are available too I mean we could ship this potentially but like if people are local and they're interested in this or if they want like I mean I'm basically being the spokesperson for salmon right now but if anyone wants like a little piece from Sammy painted we can easily ship that like on a boat canvas or a piece of wood because I think these are really cool and it's just something unique and different so if anyone's interested let us know got the roll out of here because that smells yeah but uh so I just took my baby for a ride didn't film it but this thing was sitting alright get this this is a 1981 this Honda we used it for the show and did a pretty gnarly stunt on it a really crazy stunt actually where I drove through a massive wall of fire and we threw gas on it at the last minute so I pretty much went through like a 30-foot explosion but the fact that I put a little gas in this today and got it started within about five minutes or less it's kind of crazy because this is such an old bike my friend Zach tweaked it for me a little he does fixes this stuff for a living but uh yeah this bronze vintage a dream I just drove it around the neighborhood a little kind of stoked about it honestly it drives really nice and it's actually easier to handle now because of whatever he did to it but slowly we were cleaning out this garage we took the shelf out of here and I'm going to show you guys where we put it but this is all part of the dream everything like that you do to organize the hoard sell off the hoard I'm gonna put this back in the garage shed but uh yes so I took out like mostly everything in the shed almost everything and I put it in out here on the yard and we organized it and we threw out some stuff but the shed you guys saw it earlier this is now what it looks like this got made it up on the wall he's pretty cool also I got flagged for posting this as a prohibited item on Facebook marketplace so I guess you can't sell that kind of stuff on there which kind of makes sense but here we go put this shelf here and that's perfect behind the door it fit perfectly it was a little hard to get in here because when we were tilting it through it kept hitting the ceiling and then basically I tell it this way and put the tilt into the separation and then it slid in but it fits perfectly it's like 2 inches 2 to 3 inches in between we can stack stuff on top and along the whole thing and then I'm putting all the racks here we have button we know we have at least like four full racks and then pieces that we might screw up to the other one but uh we're gonna try and sell that stuff first before we do that but the organization went down today fully and this is a lot of work Sam you got heavy on this too gotta show it off yes this is a mirror it has those little hooks go on it but Turner took them off for me so I could paint it and then that box was an army box and somebody had already painted it white but it was like all creepy so I kind of put what I had left of that that blue the sea blue and then I did a sense on it so just little tiny things help to bring things back to life and then just resell she made this painted boy if he has concealed [Music] should we screw the thing back on yeah Atlantis is down right now I leave this where I got that we found trash to air out it smells like dog and look he's sitting on it yes hello hello buck stir I wasn't invited to this party I feel so left out I thought we were homies throws your momma what's going on here got my bathing suit on you guys are out here sunbathing without me yeah like this rug huh stinking of your luck sir got this I got to sell this filing cabinet to this lady from off her out this is it right yeah stoked about to make some money off something we got for free all right 28 [ __ ] she was trying to get it for 22 but I posted it for 28 and we said no can't have it for 22 it says firm on there so I don't want to play with these people anymore it was a nice nice filing cabinet all wood would have been 150 easily to buy so 28 bucks you can handle it I've been putting everything firm firm firm I mean if I put it up for like 50 and it's something we really want to move someone offers us 40 yeah we'll take it but can't be taking like $10 things once we put it up for like 40 that's just getting crazy so just not even answering people when they lowball anymore it's terrible scooped up some money we drive we drive like three miles I don't even so it was a successful sale the dream the dream no way look at the crew crew right here the cat whisperer nowadays MJ stay over here MJ MJ I'm not playing with you you come over here you're not that bit you're not that big boy making claims but like when we were outside maybe that's what I'm saying like I'm sneezy Stas he's getting too big boy for you yeah well can't be going over here so you had to go on this side he's mad because cuz he sees lucky got over and you ain't ya oh did you see and you're at y'all net lucky alright here we are another perfect end to another beautiful day I truly couldn't be more grateful couldn't be more blessed I did want to show you guys one thing put them back it's being bad alright so I wanted to show you guys this squirting 101 tip hoarding 101 more tips coming in the future so we got a broken-down truck here in the backyard and we use it for our packing station to horde all of our boxes that we need for shipping we just started doing this a few days ago but it's been working great keeping all this stressful clutter out of the house and you just today okay this sold we need to ship it come out here see what we got and looks like we got it so according one I want one fleet yes guy sneaking across the yard if you Hernandez he's gonna see what I'm days crying about look at the baby [Music] what did we do have it taste the good life he's crying literally like a baby we let you out like four or five times today it wasn't enough let him try to sway me Landis what do you think alright so here's something cool that we did today see this piece it goes to the middle console of our car and see how it's all taped and it's just sticky and nasty we decided to get rid of it and instead of just leaving it empty and open we had I had an idea to make a wood one for the time being until we get another one and here it is BAM so I cut a piece of wood Sammy painted it and stenciled it and got a little made it a little too long here but it's easy to pick up and put down so I'm really really really really stoked about this little dream it's actually really much cooler than the original and I can put my arm on it and it's it's perfect almost in every way just screwed it in Sammy did a great job on the painting so now we got the Chanel II interior as well as the Mercedes on the front as you guys saw before [Music] it's nice right hello maybe journey we're on the paint ice cream paint job ice cream paint job and you did that I didn't cut that part but whatever it's gonna get dirty I ready now ever time yeah a little pause you're in pop pop all right you want to make the end of this video so I can share what we sold and it will end it yep you want to film it for me sure let's do this oh yeah oh yeah we said it before but no inspection need it it's too old they said we feel bad enough for you that you have to drive a 96 yeah we'll just waive the inspection yeah all right so this is the pile of stuff that we ended up selling in the last couple days this we sold off of youtube on Instagram message so that's just going to be direct PayPal the swagger belt we sold this painting from the Salvation Army so two items we got the same day at the Salvation Army so the thrift store claims are fine we sold this DVD cool copy DVD burner to a school this was an eBay sale it sold for $55 plus shipping I should have just I had it up for like 75 I want to say originally and then drop the price twice because it's been up for two or three months and I do think that they would have bought it at the full value anyway because it was at school and they're probably not too worried over 20 dollars I wouldn't think all the trolls in here so from the video to one person collects them so they made an offer I took it and then we sold this vegan bag the bulk shipment for 17 dollars on eBay the brand news so I want to just keep it in there keep it fresh but all this stuff will ship tomorrow so thank you guys for watching I just wanted to say keep pushing and it truly is a gift every day so be grateful for what you have please because could always be worse and if you're online viewing this video just please try it just you know try if you've watched from start to finish you know how I feel about life but I really do think that a lot of your reality and the way that your life goes has a lot to do with your mental state and your mind controls a lot of your reality so if you always think positively which is almost impossible to always be positive but if you think positive most of the time if you wake up with a positive attitude and go to sleep with a positive attitude and always try and be happy and just think of the things that make your life good instead of the things that make it bad you can have a whole different life and a whole different outlook on everything so stay positive keep pushing everyone see you tomorrow for some more claims you [Music] alright what's up everyone heavy climbers here we are another beautiful day in paradise good afternoon not morning but we just got our new delivery of snapback hats the gray one so sorry for the people who ordered them they are a little bit late or than they would have been I would have sent them the next day cry but it's been like four days but I told you alright but we're gonna go in and clean up a couple of these and show you guys how we do it so this is how we want our brand to be I know I've gotten a lot of suggestions about putting them up on like teespring I think is the company a company that prints the shirts for you and the hats and everything and then people order from them and they send it out and they give you a percentage but we've from the beginning always wanted to do it grassroots home from get the materials put them together if we can I'm working on getting a screen credit printing operation going and then send them out from here so that's just how we want to roll and the best way if anyone would like to support our channel or support us and our dream is to order our merchandise we don't have really a donations page or any of that stuff set up we don't have a patreon or any of that so the best way for anyone to support us is to order something from us our brand name merchandise and also you get something that you can enjoy and it's not like just giving money it's more like you get something out of it [Music] so here they are these are fresh this is the third time I ordered from this exact company the company is called jiffy shirts calm and they have I got two different snapchats snapbacks the first time I ordered and the one brand turned out to be terrible but this is the brand that is really good and these are Heather slash black with a green gram underneath but this is heather gray that's what that's called I'm gonna pop on these on here all right so I ordered the patches separately and the hat separately and this is my own design that I made on my computer which is a very intricate but it seems to be the most loved design that we made so far which I'm gonna put this on shirts too and we have these hats still available - this one's a little worn because I wear it everyday but the coffee before it claims was one of my favorites which also is a very very good hat like well made gonna have to go from this weight over I think we I have everything set already so it should just pop down on there and then just it goes the I don't really like squeezing it all the way down because it's too much pressure I like to just hold it on there and the timer is at 2025 seconds I think so when it beeps it's pretty much ready to go off sometimes I have to do them twice but really it's the best way to do it it's cheaper by a few dollars which allowed us to offer them to you guys for a few dollars cheaper - that's pretty much it and how it turned out so small for small flaws flaws here and there and this small flaw just same minor flaws minor flaw basically they're not perfect but they're not perfect anyway because when I ordered them from a company that was in China some of them had imperfections - and they were a little bit off-centered and some of them had poles in the fabric but the embroidery is really nice on this specific hat this is a patch but they still stay on well I've had one of these hats for months and it's fine well that's it so if you want to you know support us like I said please order a hat and we're gonna be coming out with much different and other merchandise in the future so if there's nothing you like on our site just wait and maybe eventually there will be maybe some cat shirts coming up with sissy's face on short just kidding how hard do you press down keep god yeah just like that yeah yeah looks fine perfect look at that whoo fresh off the press yeah ah she's next all right so here they are after that first one Sammy just popped out like seven more so we got him on lock ready to ready to [ __ ] ready to [ __ ] basically so I was gonna say a little good news for the claims we figured out that this thing works pretty well sleep apnea machine it's a CPAP or C PAP is the actual name for these machines and this company second wind buys them back someone from some one of the viewers told us about this site so thank you we appreciate it actually two different people told me about it but the other site was different I think but this one looks pretty legit they buy them back they refurbish them and then they sell them again and I guess they have and they send you a check for what it's worth to them so I think that this is the route I'm gonna go and a lot of people said you can just post them on eBay and eventually it'll get taken down but if it sells quick it doesn't matter so I think I'm just gonna send it to that company and just you know they test it see how old it is this was from a non-smoking house I believe it doesn't smell like smoke so hopefully that works out I'm definitely gonna make try at least five times what I paid for even doing it that route on eBay I heard they sell for a ton but hopefully that company's legit and sends me a good amount for it and then I can keep using them if I ever find more that's the plan all right so if you're not riding it for [Applause] three months almost two to two to three months she starts up pretty much perfectly it takes a little work just like it always did but I thought for some reason that the baby wouldn't work that easily after sitting for so long but I saw her yesterday took her first spin this is truly my baby I know a lot of people were concerned that maybe wasting money on it or that I'm gonna get hurt on it but I just keep it really cool and I use this for a stunt I said that a couple times and the stunt was perfect turned out so it was worth buying just for that and now I'm just reaping the benefits of having this beauty what were you running about MJ and says nah it's just like he was trying to get away it's a lake or something like get out of here boy krazee-eyez to find that a piece of wood or something that's the same hold this for a sec thanks me see if I can start this thing up quick figure this baby anyhow your rides little rusty [Music] I think this bike sounds weird but I know nothing about them so I don't know like it sounds like it's gonna just like [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] all right so I put the GoPro on here use the GoPro from the bulk container box the bulk liquidation box works 100% fun that was the first time ever using it and it's just so much fun riding this thing I know I'm not really experienced in it and I don't go that fast on it but just cruising this around got to be happy about the little things sometimes because you know in the end that's all you have so I'm really stoked to have this bike and to be able to have fun riding on it you know you can say what you want about it but that really makes me feel good and life is about little accomplishments and everyone's individual accomplishments are so much different so can't hate unless you've been there before [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 26,670
Rating: 4.8512259 out of 5
Keywords: can, we, turn, $10, into, $100, at, this, church, thrift, sale, thrifting, bag sale, thrift sale, thrifting sale, church sale, synagogue sale, tuck and sammie, sammie j., flea market, making claims, coffee before claims, yard sale, honda, enduro, dirt bike, honda xl500, vintage motorcycle, vintage honda
Id: N4oz_e6tJYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 34sec (3754 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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