NEW Yoast SEO Tutorial 2020 (BEST SETTINGS) How to Setup Yoast Wordpress

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what does that party people my name is Darrell and today I'll be helping you all set up and configure the Yoast SEO plugin for your WordPress websites now I'll say this tutorial I'm gonna be covering a lot of topics to help you fully understand how you can optimize your website with this plugin so first I'll be talking about what exactly is the Yoast plugin so what does this do for my website after that I'll be showing you how you can get your website verified by Google and also being as well after that I'll be showing you how you can submit your sitemap to Google so Google can properly index it correctly to help it rank better after that let me show you how you can set the optimal settings for your website and lastly I'll be showing you how you can create optimal posts to make sure that your site ranks the best against your competitors now I talked about what exactly is the Yoast plug-in so why do you need this plug-in what does it do for me there oh well let's go ahead and jump into that right now so here you can see that we have this little title right here so I have I typed in the best workouts for men and you see this title right here so what this does right here is that the Yoast plugin actually tells Google how you want your site displayed on the search engine and this is very important because Google will now rank your site according to how it looks and how easy it is for the users to read and to navigate so with this plug-in you can have your site ranking a little bit better so here you can see that we have the title we have a separator and then we have the name of the websites here we have some extra content so we have the test the ten best exercises for men and then here you can kind of see that there's a lot of content right here so you can actually have your site just like this on the search engine as well so that sounds pretty simple right well let's go ahead and set it up on your website okay so this is my website right here and you know it's not optimized it's been neglected in society it needs a lot of help so today we're gonna make this site fully optimized and ready to go for all major search engines so right here I'm gonna go to dashboard now right here under plugins you'll click on add new so plugins add new and right over here under search plugins you will simply type in Yoast yoa ST and voila so you will install this plug-in right here has around five million active installs 26,000 positive reviews pretty powerful plugin so here click on install and then activate it alright and once you've done that up here you will see this right here this little Y symbol and right here click on configuration wizard now we're going to configure the Yoast SEO plug-in for our website so it's gonna ask you a bunch of questions and just be as honest as possible this isn't an interrogation but they were just want information to make your site better right so are you still working on the website if you are click on be if your site is ready to go you click on a now we right here we click on next now what is your website is it a blog is it a news channel so right here just go ahead and put in what you think I'll just put in mind is a minor corporation and over here I'll click on next so what is the name of the organization I'm gonna put Darrell Wilson right here provide an image of the organization logo so do you have a logo for your websites if you do you click on your upload files select files and then simply upload that file now over here I'm just gonna select this is my logo right here and just choose an image now do you have a Facebook page if you do you're gonna type in you know your URL so mine's Derral - Darrell Wilson o3 you guys can go ahead and join my facebook group in the description below as well if you want to it's it's a friendly group you know we have fun in there if free beer so over here I'll click on next so these are gonna ask you some questions right here so search engine should show post in the results yes so basically it's saying do you want your posts to be displayed in a search engines yes duh ok like what do you do booties do it so right here you're gonna put yes do you want your pages indexed yes now there are some questions here so do you want my templates in the search results so you will have plugins that are going to either have templates or they're going to have a certain menu like jet elements or something like that so for example I don't really want my templates just in the search engine I don't need them displayed do you want your products shown yes of course absolutely right here it's saying do you want to show your headers and put their templates in the search results as well sure I will go and say yes to that as well this is for another plug-in that I have so depending on the plugins that you have on your website it's going to ask if you want those index it or not but generally you want to make sure that your posts your pages your products and also projects project as well if projects is on if you don't see projects it's because you haven't created any but projects yes so right here I'll click on next so do you have multiple people writing stuff on your website if you do put yes if you don't press no but no is better because it will actually prevent duplicate contents here I'll click on next so how do you want website to look right here so right here I'll put in website name so my website name is Daryl Wilson and what title separator do I want remember earlier how we talked about the title separators you can have certain tile separators if you choose to do so so I like this one right here and a here I'll click on next and again you can type in see what was the best workouts best workouts for men and this again was the separator so you can see here this was a separator some sites choose different styles this one you can see has a little dash right there and this has this so that's exactly what we're talking about do you want to sign up for their newsletter damn right I do I want I want spam I want the spam send it to me so right here they're just basically giving you you know they're trying to upsell you saying you want training etc you can choose to do that or not so I'm gonna click on next right here and it says we're all done but not really we're not all done they just like to say that to make ourselves feel better that's not the truth the truth is we're far from finished you know how it is it's this stuff takes hours but no but we'll get it done in 10 minutes 15 minutes so right here we have features now these right here are basically leave all of these on right here so this basically is just saying do you want to give SEO analysis yes do you want to have Cornerstone content which is basically the core of your article we'll talk more about that a little bit later XML sitemaps yes you need that of course right integration that's a really cool new thing they had make sure to check that on yes so these are all standard don't mess with these unless you are an SEO master like myself all right webmaster tools so right here we have being in google verification now I want to verify my website with Google right now so right here I'll click on Google search console now again you will need a google a gmail account as well so you can see right here that's I already have a gmail account so you will need to make a gmail account now right here it's going to say different things like how do you want to verify this now if you don't have a gmail account you won't be prompt to this page so make sure you got a gmail account and then once you do go ahead and click on this link again right here alright so right here I'm going to go ahead and say you know what I'm gonna do the HTML tag so here I'll go ahead and copy this and I'll go ahead and paste this right there I will save the changes and then right here I will click on verify now sometimes guys it might take a few minutes you might say not verified other times it'll go right away so you can see there that my site is fully verified ok cool so now my site is fully verified and to see your website right here just click on your list of verified properties and you're going to see your website right there and you can click on it and you can see that it is fully verified and it works correctly no need to do anything further going back here we will do being a little bit later once we actually do some other things so we'll come back to being don't worry we'll come back and remember bean still has 15% of all traffic and that is a lot of people so you really want to make sure you're verified by being searched appearance so the next one right here so what are these right here well these are basically how you want your site to look so here again the tile set writer the title separator I'm losing my English so I'm traveling so much here we have like the organization we already did all this information content types so I'm gonna give you my personal opinion about what you should put right here for optimal settings so right here is the post so how do you want your posts displayed so right here we have the title you have the page the separator and then the site title personally I think that you only need you only need the title the separator and a site title I don't really think that you need the page right there so I'm gonna go ahead and get rid of that now also right here for the Meta Description you see this little excerpt insert snippet variable you go to click on this right here and it's basically prompt you to do one of these four but the optimal setting there is to put excerpt that is the optimal setting so over here you can actually click on need help snippet variables and now they have these commands so right here we have excerpts and I'm gonna go ahead and copy this and paste it over there now what is excerpt so what does that mean so in short excerpt is basically when you have nothing there at all so if you forgot to basically if you forgot to put in and put in content on one of your pages or you forgot to do something excerpt will automatically take some of that content from that page and apply it on the page and that will display on the search engine hey guys a quick tip I want to talk about with the date in the snippet preview now this right here is a debatable option depending on how much you blog or what you're writing about so for just right here the date and snippet preview so if you are blogging do you want the date to show so for example right here you can see that this article was written on August 31st of 2018 this one was written on August 23rd of 2019 so users might be more inclined to click on articles with a newer date so you can see how this might work for or against you now there are plugins out there that can update it so it'll say update it on and there are a lot of plugins for that but I'm not going to go into that but that's basically explaining what this is so this could work for or against you so if you are constantly blogging you might want to actually check yes and have it constantly updated if you're a semi blogger you know update too much yeah I wouldn't even put it there because then it won't display when it was written so that's just a quick tip on the date and snippet preview it's up to you so next right here we have pages now for pages you're gonna put yes here you're gonna put hide because people don't really need to know when your pages were published unlike posts you understand right here you would want to show the Yoast meta box now right here again for optimal settings are gonna have the title the separator the site title and again you're going to put excerpt here so you're going to go ahead and put excerpts and just put in place there and there you go so now the meta description shows excerpt now there are some categories where you don't eat index it at all such as my template so this is for an elementary library so there would be no reason why this would even you know be a would even matter to the search engines it depends on the plugins that you have so if you have certain plugins like the jet elements menu this will show up so these will basically show up depending on what plugins you have installed on your website you will not have all these options so the ones that you don't need you would just go ahead and put no so right here headers and footers templates I'm gonna put no because these again these are elements or templates there's no need for this to be indexed by Google products right here I'm going to head go ahead and put products so yes and I'm going to hide it and here I will put yes title separator site title and excerpt again excerpt is the description of whatever is being talked about on that page alright so going back over here I will click on Save Changes alright so media so what is media attachment and URL so by default when you upload an image to WordPress it will basically create a page for that image unfortunately with this right here you can actually redirect them to whatever article or whatever page that image is being talked about so you want to click on yes right here you don't want people to go to a page with nothing on it basically so next we have taxa moniz and categories so here you're going to go ahead and just put the term title the separator the site title again the term title is just the the title so it's like the category name and then right here again you're going to put excerpt so go ahead and put excerpt excerpt and then go ahead and there you go going back over here with tags we don't need tags to show up in the results and the result engine because we just don't need it and again changing this to no will prevent duplicate contents so that's very important so whenever there's a risk for duplicate content you never want to take that risk because it's not worth it it's just not worth it here again we have the format the post formats I'm just going to put no so show format in search results no because again it's just not relevant product categories I'll go ahead and put yes and here I will go ahead and just put the term title a separator site title etc product tags I don't think this is necessary to show up in the search engine but you know if you're an e-commerce you know why not you know it's just another chance for someone to click on want your products right so I'll just go ahead and leave that there as yes again this is the optimal settings but for shipping classes I'm gonna put no the shipping classes has nothing to do with our site and again it just doesn't really it's not relevant to our sites or anything like that so there I'll just go ahead and put no you're more than welcome to put the the term title and the separator as well like that's and then again you can always put an ex rip there if you choose to - that's right here for category URLs so for category URLs this will basically take out the category section so for example right here I'll go ahead and go to the best best body building our best best workout routine now you're gonna see a link right here you see where it says content or you see where it says workouts these are categories so if you don't want that if you want the the category prefix to be deleted you would click on remove however this is a one-time thing be very careful here if you change it to remove you can never go back never alright so just keep that in mind so I would just leave it as keep just for your sake later on once you become a pro blogger then maybe you'd want to go to remove but until then I would just leave its trust me you don't want 404 errors I don't people to give me a thumbs down of my videos they're like what the hell Derral you screwed my site up you know for the archive settings I'm going to click on disabled disabled right there just because I don't really want to take the a lot of this prevents or causes duplicate content so you really don't want to go ahead and have any of this check right here also right here if we go ahead and scroll down to the date archives I'm gonna go ahead and disable the date archives as well they're just not needed and again it can prevent they can cause duplicate contents for special pages right here this right here is optimal actually so I would leave all of this checked the way it is and click on Save Changes alright and breadcrumbs now breadcrumbs are basically navigations on the search engine right here but then again you know I'm not really going to to cover this because breadcrumbs can unfortunately break your theme so depending on the theme you're using I wouldn't recommend it however if you want to install breadcrumbs Yoast actually has third parties that will install breadcrumbs on your website where it just has those little arrows to kind of help navigate your website a little easier on your site alright so that is breadcrumbs in a nutshell and right here RSS now for the RSS feed we do need to actually add something and the reason why this is so important is because people will steal your content and then they will rank for them trust me I've seen other youtubers where they have said this happens to them because other people have BOTS that will scrape your content so over here you want to go and highlight this and you want to go ahead and copy this paste that there the blog link and also you want to go ahead and take this and put posts link as well just like that's and then over here again you probably have some stuff over here you know I'll probably already be filled out for you post link and also author link so what this is doing basically it's telling Google that this was your content from the starts and this will actually prevent people from stealing it because Google doesn't know who create the content first but by doing this you're basically telling them that this content was created by and for me so if they steal your content you will rank for it and they won't so that is a quick optimal setting rundown of the search appearance of the Yoast plugin and next we have the search console alright so next we need to do is we need to submit our site to the Google search console now instead of clicking on this link right here I want you to click on this right here and go to this website instead so this right here is the Google search console so I'll just go ahead and put this link also in the description below if they change it in the future so here you can see that we have this page right here so this right here doesn't really work too well because it doesn't really fetch well in fact they haven't notice right here saying they just can you just crawl errors so again that would be your better option is to just go directly to the google search console and right here you click on search property so right here out of property now I know we already added a property earlier but unfortunately sometimes Google is a little slow so I want to go ahead and put it in right here so go ahead and put in your websites and click on continue HTTP HTTPS there we go okay now it works and click on continue now Google already knows my site was verified because remember we verified it earlier so now click on go to property and voila so now it is all done so now that we've done this right here we can go back over here and then we can go ahead and get the authorization code again and then we will go ahead and see if our property displays so right here click on allow I'll go ahead and copy this and I'll go ahead and paste this right there and authenticate it right there and find your websites and there is my website I will save profile and it is all done so you can see here how it's kind of hard for me to keep my status updated when Google changes stuff so I've got a lot of complaints about that saying that it wasn't adding their property correctly and that's because Google recently had this whole new interface so that's basically how you add it to the Google search console now there are other features right here but this is pretty self-explanatory just put in your social media profiles your Facebook your Twitter your Pinterest so this stuff right here pretty easy to understand not too hard this is basically saying if you want to share your website which image do you want it to display so you can have a default image so this actually here's pretty important so anytime someone shares your website to Facebook it's going to display this as the image URL default settings over here under tools so now we have our import and export we have our file editor and our bulk editor now the most important one right here is the file editor and what this will actually do is create a robots.txt file and this basically tells Google how to properly navigate your website so right here create robot doc text file that I've been some times just click on back if it happens there you go that happens to me all the time so it's just how it goes you know WordPress where things happen I'll save the changes over here in our tools now right here under import exports if you click on export settings you can actually click on export your settings and this will actually be all the settings that you have for your websites so if you want to go ahead and take this stuff and put it on another website you would simply go ahead and copy this go to import settings and then go ahead and just paste it right there and click on import settings however it be very careful when you do this because remember if someone checked the category to take off categories in one of those settings and you paste it on to another websites that will that can potentially give another website a bunch of four or four airs so just be mindful of what you do before you do it so I'm just basically telling you that's how you take this and put it on another websites all right and going back to tools we have a book editor as well but you probably won't need to mess with this I'm not really going to cover the bulk editor because it's really not that essential and then also we have premium here where you can learn more about Yoast and there are premium features they have for their plugin awesome now one thing I want to do before we talk about posts is I want to actually connect your website with being as well so going over to search appearance or right general we will go ahead and go to webmaster tools and we will get verified with being as well so right here you click on get being webmaster tools now you will need accounts for being if you don't want to verify with being that's fine I'll just show you how to do this really quickly so here I'll click on sign in i will use facebook so once you make an account you'll be brought to this page right here and also make sure that you have your google search console opened up as well because we're going to add our sitemap as well to our website on google so first well go ahead and go over here and we'll go ahead and put in the site name right here and click on add now if this changes in the future guys I'm really sorry it's just these websites they they keep changing all their around it's it's hard to really keep my tutorials updated as much as possible so here they want some information about you if you want to go head and put that in et cetera you can go ahead and put all this in now I hear you all you need to add the sitemap so over here you'll go under the general settings features and right here click on the XML sitemap question mark and right here click on see the XML sitemap you'll go ahead and copy all this go back to being and you'll paste that in there right there scroll down and then you can go ahead and opt-in to their stuff etc and click on safe all right now sometimes being is very strange and it doesn't work properly which is right now you can see it's I have to find for some reason now if that's the case there's a second option where you can import it from the Google search console so right here I'll click on import and right here it's saying continue to search console you'll go ahead and use the email that you signed up with so I use this one right here allow and you know one thing I wanna note about being guys is that a lot of the older people use being and a lot of those older people have a lot of money so you want to make sure that your stuffs really optimized for being just I know it sucks just just go through the process so this is the website right here UW hosting 3 I'll select it and click on imports and now it is fully optimized and it is submitted to being so now that we've submitted it with Bing let's go on and submit it to Google so right here I have the new sitemap now all right here we just click on paste but we need just need this right here we just need this right here the sitemap index XML and click on submits I've already done this earlier you can see and there you go so it was successfully submitted and there you go now in short what a sitemap does is that it kind of navigates the robots and where to go so it's saying hey go crawl this go crawl this go crawl this so it navigates them easier so it's easier for Google to index your site and then give it a score so we are fully done with all of the on-page settings now let's go ahead and go to the next section we're gonna talk all about the the posts and the page optimization so not that bad right now you're probably about 50 percent done with all of the yo settings so now that we've done all of the on-page settings we need to do a lot of the off page settings such as submitting our sites to Google and being and also submitting our sitemap and then we'll go ahead and talk about post optimization as well as page optimization as well so let's go back to the tutorial now really quickly if you're looking for something like best web hosting I do have a video on this because this is a really highly debated topic it's actually a really good video I made I'll put that in the description as well also if you want to know how to make a website with Brizzy which is one of the newest page builders out there I will put that also in the description below a lot of people ask me that's in the comments of my videos so first we'll go to two pages right here so let's just talk about the pages now right here I'll just go ahead and click on the sample page and click on edit and on every page that you create or see you're going to see that you have this little section right here which is the Yoast SEO box so you have the SEO the readability and then you have the social and the social is basically what image you want to to put when you share it here you can put the title and you can put the description so if you want to share this page the title of description will display along with the image and you can do the same thing for Twitter and this is going to go for all of your posts and all of your pages as well and if you don't fill this out by default it would actually show number earlier with into the settings it'll use the default ones that we have in the settings so readability here we have some some tips I guess you can say which is basically saying that we're using a passive voice we're using consecutive sentences we have some good content the paragraphs are not or no the paragraphs are too long and the sentence structure is great now again this is just a basic page right here but I'll go to all pages and let's just say we will click on the the about us now guys I'll be very honest with the pages the Yoast settings are not really accurate that much because let's be honest on your car page right here doesn't really matter if you have a bunch of content I mean do you really need to put all this stuff like you know we're a painting company we're a t-shirt company and put a bunch of content know so don't get your panties in a bunch if it's not if you get this little symbol all the time sometimes it doesn't really matter because the pages don't really need to be optimized that much so let's go over here to all pages and again we'll just go ahead and go to well go to the home page now the most important part of your pages is the headlines so right here you can see that we have the home and we have all this contents now the reason why this looks really crazy right here is because this is actually the name of my websites so I might want to get rid of this right so what is what is this page all about so we'll go ahead and say you know what's weird when put you know Darrell Wilson dot-com best wordpress tutorials and then right here we have some excerpt now you are more than welcome to actually take all this out and put whatever you want so Darrell Wilson teaches some of the best WordPress tutorials on the Internet's Internet's now another thing guys is don't keyword stuff so don't put best wordpress best wordpress best wordpress this is a very easy way for google to push you down in the ring so make sure you don't get found on the search engines so just keep that in mind usually they want you in the green the more content the better you know see then we here put easy for beginners something like that and over here we'll put something like one of the best refers to all the teachers I teach WooCommerce and a lot of other plug-ins for WordPress you notice here how I only have WordPress twice in this sentence you don't want to put the keyword too much and also you want to put related topics like plug-in WooCommerce you want to put related topics and we're going to talk more about this in post because Google will pick this up and understand that you're about something you don't need to put WordPress WordPress WordPress they will understand when you talk about tutorials and move Commerce and plugins etc so this is how to properly optimize your page and you want to do this to every single page okay make sure you do it to every single page because it'll look beautiful in the search engine and once you're finished just click on update all right and then also we have SEO analysis now again this is more for blogging so I would not pay attention to this over here related key phrase cornerstone contents this doesn't really apply to pages that much so we're gonna go ahead and skip all this and we'll go to readability social okay so we did all that updated okay so pages are done so that's basically a nutshell of how you can optimize all of your pages to make sure that the content is relevant to what you're talking about now over here we'll go to posts and over here I'll just click on edits and we'll just take a look at this article right here so right here I have a sub useful a snail BG started I just have some information right here some stuff that I grabbed from another websites but right here you can see that it doesn't really look well now right here some useful links for you to get started and then the separator my website now that would look good right but unfortunately my site is this really ugly domain right here so I need to probably change that later right so ready to change it you know looks like crab let's just be honest so over here under the SEO announcer just click on a snippet preview and then for site title if your site well this will never change for you but if you ever want to change this you would just backspace it and then go ahead and put what you want so maybe something special that you have going on like a sale or something like that you might not want to have the default settings that you always have maybe you have a quick sale so here I puts through September see now in this case it's actually better to actually get rid of the title but in that but by default you want to keep those options you want to keep those options the way they are here is the slug so you have welcome to cloud ways and then right here you have excerpt so you can see that that's grabbing some stuff from the content and again if you ever want to change this up or add to it just put like easy there you go and you usually want this in the green and again you want the key word to display at least three top two to three times maybe two times and you want content that is relevant to this topic so I'm not specifically stuffing but you want to make sure that this is relevance to your topic all right so that's basically a quick rundown of the SEO and the slug and everything and again readability they will give you some tips right here and then also the social again so if someone shares this what you what do you want it to show and again by default it will show the other one that we set earlier so now that we've done that let's talk about the actual content right here so over here in all posts I'll just um I'll just go to add new and we'll just do this right here we'll just we'll just we'll just click on something like this right here now we'll talk about some of this content or some of this stuff right here so SEO analysis right here so you can see right here it's telling us we need outbound links and internal links so what that means is that when we write our content we want to make sure that this stuff is actually linking to other parts of our website so DW hosting 3 comm - about and to be honest google loves interlinking they love it so the more you have it the better also right here outbound links are you talking about other web sites you know are you contributing to the Internet if you're not Google just thinks that you're just some little hole in the wall and they're like you know what this guy is not really participating with everybody so we're not going to give him a better score so in that case you want to make sure that you have outbound links so for example right here I'll put an outbound link something like this right here to another web site you know not not mine so this would be something like dr. Wilson comm something like that and don't worry I'll give you an example of a fully optimized post and just a bits but I want to show you the definitions of what we're talking about so what's going on right here image alt attributions so that is actually an important one so let's say for instance right here I add an image right here and here are the media library and Google doesn't know what this is they have no idea what this images so how do we tell Google what this is well we can put a picture of girl with shirt and that's it all the Google wants to know is what is this picture about how can we represent it on the internet because remember they have a in an image search so you want to make sure that you're telling them what this is about and when you see alt text that's exactly what this is talking about it's just the title of what this is so that's pretty much it and again you can link to somewhere like a custom URL etc and then here they're just basically saying you need to put more contents so at least 300 words something like that all right but looking at this right here they're just basically saying your stuff isn't that bad but you need to add more content and right I mean we don't have any content at all so that's something that we'd want to now let me show you a fully optimized post and show you what your post should be looking like so here I'll just go ahead and leave this and it goes to what is WordPress now this is an article that I took from Kinston it's not my article all right I'm not taking credits but it was just a beautifully written article so I want to kind of share it so here we have this picture and they have links you notice these links right here a link see how it's linking to their website this is all linking within their websites so they're interlinking is incredible it's very very good and then they also they link to WordPress as well so they're also linking to other sites saying these other sites are credible right here they're linking to the Whitehouse gov saying that is powered by WordPress so they're not just linking to themselves or looking into other websites and they're and they're participating on the Internet's here again it's it's linking to Microsoft so they're giving everybody juice they're giving everybody credits and this is a great way on how to you know make your site look organic as possible here you can see that the images are they're nice they're clean they're all they're all they're all looking good etc and remember you want to stay above below 3% keyword density so let's take a look at this article one more time now remember your keyword density you want to stay below 3% so what that means is that your keyword what is WordPress should not be shown more than 3% of all of your content if it's above that Google believes your keyword stuffing and they will push you down in ranks so be very very careful so right here I'm gonna click on copy and go to find and will type in what is WordPress and you notice right there it only shows up on this entire page four times very very good so it was a very well where an article they have what is WordPress only around three times on their websites and if you look at other things like WordPress or even plugin you're gonna see that the content is related so they have WordPress they have plug-in they have commerce so it is Auto commerce but we'll do what's another website so you can see how their content looks organic so you want to do the same exact thing for your website you want to make it look Organic you want it to have a keyword density of lower than 3% of whatever you're writing about here let's go to edit post now let's check the back end of this article to make sure that they correctly optimize everything so the only thing that I think they're missing right here is the alt text for their head right header right here which they could have just put in the WordPress logo they could have just typed that in looking at this right here you can see all their stuff is interlinking it looks great the structure of it's beautiful clicking on this you can see that they have added the alt text right here to basically let Google know what this page is about or that picture is about going on right here the white gov you can see why Cove is powered by WordPress is white powered by WordPress now if I go to images right here there's gonna be some good chances that this site is actually going to show up in fact it does show up right here Ken said calm I click on this it'll take me to that article so this is why you really want to put the correct alt text so that Google can actually reward you when someone types that in right so let's go back over here again this goes to Microsoft right here you can see they've added alt text beautiful right here again very good alt text and against going down a bunch of links right here for and you know for their website and also going to other websites now let's go look at readability right here so readability they have some very small improvements but ultimately this is a great article let's go to the SEO so here I'd probably want to put in something like what is WordPress a step-by-step guide or a step-by-step guide and then here I'll I'll put in my website name and then right here we have excerpt so you can see it's taking some of the contents and maybe right here I just want to just kind of kind of just take away just a little bit here so I'll put in something like most best source most best source it's going down here SEO analysis you can see that the internal internal linking sometimes this makes mistakes it says there's no internal links on this page obviously there is just ignore that again you can't hold this to like the Holy Bible you can't take it to step by step because sometimes this doesn't really make sense but again it has a general good conciseness of what your page is talking about cornerstone content so basically a course on content should be the most important and extensive article of your website I'm gonna say yes because what I'm trying to do here is I'm trying to get an audience for WordPress and having the title what is WordPress is probably one of the best articles I could possibly have about my website right so I want to make this a cornerstone or your cornerstone content which is the core of my websites here we go add related key phrase this is just some other stuff they might want to help you with etc and also the Advanced section which is just asking you know do you want the you want search engines following links on this post yes you'll never mess with this canonical canonical URLs you'll never really have to deal with that so again this is again just a a general rundown of how you want to optimize your website and the rules of its so I think this is a great article in fact you could read more about it in the description below I will go ahead and link to this article because I just think it's a very well-written a well-written article everything is fully optimized and kids actually did pretty well on my web hosting competition so I'll put that also in the description of this video as well for you so again everyone thanks for watching I hope this video really helped you out remember keyword density keep it below 3% make sure that you've submitted all your site maps make sure that your site looks good make sure it looks organic don't keyword stuff and I promise you you'll rank higher up in the search engines my name is Daryl Wilson and I will see you all in the next tutorial
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 113,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yoast, yoast seo, wordpress seo by yoast, seo by yoast, wordpress seo plugin, seo, darrel wilson, yoast seo plugin, wordpress seo yoast plugin, seo plugin wordpress, wordpress seo, seo yoast, yoast seo tutorial 2016, how to setup yoast seo, seo wordpress, wordpress plugin, yoast wordpress seo plugin, yoast seo guide, yoast seo tutorial, how to use yoast seo plugin, yoast setting, yoast wordpress seo tutorial, yoast seo tutorial 2019
Id: ihymaUI1ErY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 23sec (2363 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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