[Course] Facebook Ads For Dropshipping 2021 - Full Strategy Walkthrough

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hey guys today I'll be sharing my updated Facebook ad strategy for twenty twenty dollar work for any budget this is a full Facebook Ads course for dropshipping that will take you from setting up your first advertisement to setting up an effective retargeting campaign all the way to scaling your product to five figures a day even though we're going to start with the basics I highly recommend that you don't skip ahead because I'll be showing you my full ad strategy for scaling stores like this quickly to seven figures and you won't be able to adapt my strategy for your own situation if you skip the basics let's get started first off just to prove to you guys that I know what I'm talking about let me just say that I've personally spent over five million dollars in Facebook ads and I hope to share that with you today in this video so how much do you need to get started if you're trying to dropship a single product like we recommend the size of your ad budget depends entirely on the pricing of your product the general rule of thumb for properly testing a product is to start with an ad budget that's at least twenty times the price of your product the price that I'm referring to here is the price that you're listing the product for on your store for our example today we'll start with an advertising budget of $500 and using the ad budget rule this will allow us to properly test a product that is $25 or less and that product will be this led closet light that I found on ECAM hunt if you're having trouble finding a product for yourself check out our video on how to make your first successful Shopify store now before we set up our first advertisement I'll explain how Facebook Ads actually work behind the scenes so that you can adapt our strategy to your own unique situation this is what you absolutely need to know people are running your first ads the first thing to understand is that Facebook ads are organized in a pyramid structure at the top level or campaigns in the middle or ad sets and at the bottom or ads basically this means that in each campaign you can have multiple ad sets and in each ad set you can have multiple ads this will make more sense as we go through an example later but now you should know that together these three levels give you access to Facebook's most powerful tools which is user data and their algorithm Facebook gathers thousands if not millions of data points on their users like age gender and habits then sorts all this information to group users into thousands if not millions of unique categories by categorizing their users facebook gives advertisers a huge advantage by allowing them to target very precise purpose of people the great part is that you as the advertiser don't have to know exactly who to target because Facebook has a very smart prediction algorithm they can find the customers for you they're powerful prediction algorithm will let you find tons of potential customers with high accuracy and minimal audience research through a feature called the pixel the pixel is essentially a bridge between your customers data and Facebook's prediction algorithm by installing the pixel on your store Facebook gets to track user behavior as a watcher ad and visit your store as more data is fed through the pixel their algorithms predictions become more accurate and Facebook optimizes your advertisements towards the right groups of users now let's see how all of this information applies to our actual ad strategy in total the Stremme involves five different phases for testing and scaling in products but first you must have a few different creatives to test the creative is a term that refers to the photo or video that you will use as an advertisement if you don't know how to make an effective creative check out both of our free courses on our YouTube channel for examples from our previous stores to save some time we'll be using two basic photos as our creatives for today's example but you should feel free to use videos instead just make sure to make more than one since the creative will have a major influence on the performance of your advertisements and you'll want to test more than just one now let's briefly go over when our extra ado looks like we'll start with phase one where we will test our two creatives across multiple audiences once you find a working creative an audience will move on to Phase two where we will scale the working creative and audience from the first phase once we collect enough data we'll move on to Phase three where we will test different look like audiences when we find it working with like audience we will then move on to phase four where we will scale the winning look-alike audience until we have enough data to move on to Phase five in Phase five we will test our creative with the biggest audience possible by giving no restrictions to Facebook on who to target this is what we like to call the endgame and it's basically when you can let your ads run on complete auto-pilot at max scale and just watch the money flow in before you get confused this is just a general overview and I'll show you how to adapt this strategy to your own unique situation as we go through the phases in detail now let's jump into ads manager to set up our first campaign let's get started with how you should set up your ads for phase one in this first testing phase I'll do a full walkthrough explaining why to certain settings and what each setting does so that you can modify things for your own unique situation it might be a little slow but you'll need to know these details because I'll be moving faster to the next four phases let's start by clicking on the green create button to make a new campaign if your screen looks like this make sure to hit the switch to quick creation button in the top right you're going to want to make all of your campaigns in the future using quick creation so you might as well learn how to use it now once you're in quick creation you'll get the option to make a campaign ad set an ad start by naming your campaign interest test-1 then name your ad set interest one and finally name your creative creative one will make changes to the ad set and add later but for now let's focus on the campaign at the campaign level your main goal is to set an objective for your advertisement in other words this is where you get to decide what you want to get out of grads as far as objectives go there are tons of options and each option will give you wildly different results this goes back to our Facebook organizes its users into different groups and here at the campaign level users are organized into groups based on which actions they are most likely to perform so you can just think of these objectives as different groups of users the two most popular objectives among dropshippers are post engagement and conversions let's talk about how they're different and which one you should choose first the post engagement objective will give you a group of users who are likely to engage with advertisements they will like comment and share advertisements but unfortunately they almost never make you purchase advertising competition is low for this objective because there is no real value outside of just building social proof the conversion objective gives you a group of users who are likely to perform an action on a store website for example people who like to add to cart' or May purchase competition from advertisers is the highest for this objective because this group is most likely to make a purchase this makes the price you pay per view on your advertisement much higher than the engagement objective now a lot of dropshippers like to start with the engagement objective to cheaply test creatives and build cheap social proof but we recommend that you start with the conversion objective for a few different reasons most importantly performance on an engagement campaign does not translate into performance on a conversion campaign for example if you tested 10 different audiences in an engagement campaign and notice that one of those audiences got super cheap engagements that doesn't necessarily mean the same audience will perform well in a conversion campaign engagement campaigns also don't really give any valuable data to use later on almost all the users interacting with your advertisements in an engagement campaign are low-quality and not likely to make a purchase since your pixel can only make predictions based on the data you feed it low-poly data will result in very little optimization lastly with engagement campaigns the chances of making a sale are much lower whereas with a conversion campaign you could very likely make sales on the first day because your ad is being shown to a high quality group of users for those reasons I recommend that you always use the conversion objective when testing and scaling products the only time that you might use a different objective is when you're setting up your retargeting campaign in which case you could use the catalog sales objective but we'll talk about retargeting later on for now set up your campaign using the conversion objective and then leave everything else as is except campaign budget optimization or CBO for short you might want to leave this on or off depending on the pricing of your product turning on the CBO feature will let Facebook decide how much of your daily budget to allocate towards each ad set for the best results turning off the CBO feature will let you control the daily budget for each ad set yourself rather than letting Facebook aside the advantage of the CBO feature is that Facebook's algorithm can make decisions based on the data from all of that such as a whole whereas with the ad set level budgets face we can only make decisions for ad sets individually that might be a little complicated to understand but the only thing you really have to know is that CBO's are better for more expensive products when more data is needed to optimize and add to level budgets are better for cheaper products where less data is needed to optimize I'd say you should start with a CBO campaign if your products price is anything about $15 since our products price is $25 we'll go ahead and leave campaign budget optimization turned on if your products price is greater than $15 like us and you have campaign budget optimization turned on you will now have to decide your campaigns daily budget unless your total budget is greater than $1000 we recommend a daily budget equal to a total advertising budget divided by 10 in our case we have a total budget of $500 so we'll start with a daily budget of $50 this will give you at least 10 days to test your product and you will most likely make enough sales to continue testing further than 10 days if your total budget is greater than $1,000 however then you can set a daily budget of $100 for this phase if your products price is less than $15 and you have campaign budget optimization turned off you should also divide your budget for 10 days of testing but we'll talk more about ad set budgets in a bit for now just click on save to draft and a panel should pop up on the right side of your screen this panel will have one extra option for your campaign called bid strategy we've played around with all the different options but I've found lowest cost to be the most stable and we'll use it for more than 90% of our campaigns you could try manual bidding with some of the other options but it's definitely not a requirement and we won't explain it in today's video at this point confirm you have a campaign with buying typeset to oxigen objective set to conversions and campaign budget optimization turned on at your products price is greater than $15 if CBO is turned on make sure that the daily budget is 1/10 of your total budget and campaign bid strategy is set to lowest cost if everything looks correct let's move on to editing our first ad set by clicking on one ad set at the top of the editing panel the main goal here is to choose an audience to target let's start by looking at the first section of options called conversions even though you're ahead with campaigns objectives setups conversions you must now define exactly what kind of conversion you're looking for in our case we were looking for purchases on our Shopify store so we will leave the destination as website and then select our conversion event to be purchased some dropshippers might recommend you to start with the conversion event like Add to Cart but we recommend against it setting your conversion event to Add to Cart not only reduces your chances of making a sale but it also feeds lower quality data to your Facebook pixel since facebook will give you an audience that likes to window-shop making a purchase to go ahead and set your conversion event to purchase right off the bat next you'll find two sections for dynamic creative and offer while these are interesting features we personally don't use them too much and we recommend you not to mess around with them until you have more experience the next section of options lets you schedule your ads for certain times of the day and it also gives you some different budgeting options depending on if you have CBO turned on or off now regardless of whether or not you have CBO turned on when you're making new ad sets you should always schedule them to start at midnight the next day it doesn't matter what time zone you're in because Facebook will optimally spread your budget throughout the day based on the location you're targeting now if you have CBO turned off this is also where you will have to decide the budget of your ad set if you're going to be testing two creatives in each ad set likely recommend then start with a daily budget of $5 for each of your ad sets if you're testing more than two creatives and set your ad sets daily budget to $2 and 50 multiplied by the number of creatives you will be testing for example you should set a daily budget of $10 if you want to test for creatives if you have CBO turned on you'll get an option to add span limits to the ad set this is where you can set a minimum or maximum daily spend for your ad set instead of giving Facebook full control over how much each ad set spends in the past we used to set a minimum spend rule but we have since stopped setting any spend rules even during the testing phase we have found that campaign budget optimization has gotten a lot better at allocating budgets across ad sets so we recommend not setting any spend rules on your ad sets now let's talk about the most important part of creating an ad set selecting your audience in this section you will define exactly who you want to target within your advertisement your first option is to enter a custom audience these are audiences that are only available to you and you'll need data before creating one so leave a blank for now we'll use this section once we get to scaling next you get to choose the location of your target audience it's important that you choose the right countries for your product because results will be very different between locations luckily you can let Facebook do the thinking for you by targeting multiple countries at once we recommend you to test products using our special a packet list which includes all the countries that qualify for a package shipping from China - a few countries that we've found to be a waste of money you can find a special a packet list in our Facebook group at the top of the page you'll also find a very engaged strap shipping community which includes us that would love to help you out it's completely free and a link to the group will be in the description next you get the options to select age range and gender we highly recommend that you leave both of these as is and give Facebook the chance to test a whole range of Ages and genders unless your product is absolutely designed for other males or females you should give Facebook a chance to find the perfect audience for you for languages you should set it to English all unless your advertisement and website are in another language next you get the option for detailed targeting where you can narrow down audiences based on interest behavior and others this is also referred to as just interest targeting which is why we named our campaign interest test since this campaign will be full of ad sets using interest testing you'll have to get a bit creative here but I wouldn't think about it too much either way just search for things using your common sense for example if you're selling dog toys just search for dog and look at what comes up as you can see an interest called dog lovers is an option that would be a great choice you can also target people based on things like relationship status income level education level etc my best advice is to just pick audiences that make the most sense with your product in our case we're selling the led closet light so I'll search for home improvement since I know these types of people like home appliance products now besides using common sense the only thing you should look out for when searching for an audience is the audience size ideally you will have some ad sets with smaller more targeted audiences and a few ad sets with big broad audiences for now though just pick one audience that you think makes sense then click the exclude people button and remove drive should being an Aliexpress as interest this will prevent other dropshippers from seeing your ad and copying you now check the potential reach on the right to see your total audience size if your remaining audience is less than 1 million people you should turn on this option that lets Facebook expand your audience eyes we found that it helps when the audience size is small and highly targeted since our audience size is greater than 1 million I'll leave it unchecked next up is an option to down your target audience by connection type this is a feature that we don't use I recommend that you skip it as well next you can choose the placements for your ads this lets you decide where your ads are shown so just on Facebook newsfeed or on Instagram stories if you want to see the full list of placement options click Edit placements to open the full list of potential placements as you can see you can choose to place your ads based on device platform and individual spaces within each platform we recommend however to go with automatic placements and let Facebook decide where to show your ads giving Facebook the most options possible will let you leverage Facebook's algorithm to give you the cheapest results on your advertisement in the last section of options called optimization and delivery you can leave it as is we've heard from other big facebook ad buyers that one day click or view works well for them but we've personally found that not to be the case feel free to test this one out for yourself but I don't think either option will be to make it or break it for your ads performance now the last thing to do for your ad set is to scroll back to the top of this panel and name your ad set based on your target audience in our case we'll name this ad set home improvement since that's an interest were targeting before you move on to the ad level make sure you have an ad set with conversions set to purchase schedule to start the next day location set to e packet language set to English all and interest selected and drop shipping an Aliexpress removed if everything looks correct let's move on to editing our first ad by clicking on one ad at the top of the editing panel the main goal here is to upload our first photo creative to make a post that we can use as an advertisement first take a look under the identity section and make sure the correct Facebook page and Instagram page are selected for your business then under create ad leave the format option a single image for video this is the most popular format for advertisements and while carousel ads work as well you should probably learn how to run regular image and video ads first so go ahead and skip to the add media drop-down and upload your photo or video advertisement if you're uploading a video make sure to customize the thumbnail to something I catch it by clicking edit video thumbnail and then upload it's important to note that the thumbnail or video for your advertisement cannot have too many words being shown to see if your thumbnail or photos okay Google Facebook text overlay and upload your thumbnail or photo add to the text overlay tool make sure you get an okay before continuing on to the next step if you don't get an okay redesign the thumbnail or photo so that there's less text being shown you can choose to use less words or just shrink the size of your text once you get an OK for your thumbnail or photo move on to the primary text section this will determine the actual text being shown on top of your video or photo this is where some of the creativity will have to come into play but our basic format goes something like this we start with a simple explanation of what the product can do for a customer for example don't get left in the dark with automatic led motion lights then we follow it up with an offer like 50% off for a limited time this is a typical scarcity angle that we like to use for our ads lastly we finish it off with a strong call-to-action like shop now with two arrow emojis to the product page URL once you have the primary text filled out add a headline the headline will be the bolded text displayed next to the call-to-action button at the bottom of your ad you can also get creative with this but our basic format usually involves just using the name of our product in this case just automatic led motion lights once you have a headline add a description this will be displayed underneath the headline and will only be shown on certain placements like Facebook newsfeed so it's actually not the most important thing but it's still something you should think about a bit our basic format usually tries to reinforce a sense of scarcity in this case we'll go with 50% off limited time only now make sure your destination is set to website and add the URL to your product page we recommend sending people directly to the product page to streamline the process between link click and purchase you can then set the display link to your base domain URL so that it looks a little bit cleaner this will be what's shown at the bottom of but it won't affect the actual URL that you're sending customers to next set the call-to-action to shop now this will be displayed on the button at the bottom of your ad then confirm that your tracking is set to the Facebook pixel that's associated with your Shopify store finally take one last look at the post and make sure that everything is correct if it looks good to you click the duplicate button to make a second copy of your ad for the second creative you'll see this option to keep existing creatives and you can leave it checked on but it won't matter for this specific scenario because we'll be uploading a new creative anyways now click duplicate and you'll see the same ad has been duplicated within the same ad set the second ad will be pretty much exactly the same as the first so you'll only have to change a few things first change the name of a new ad to creative - then scroll down and select edit image or video and change the image to the second creative you have you should leave everything else the same so that you can test your two creatives under the same conditions you can mess around with the other options like primary text and headline once you find out which creative performs the best anyways once you have the second photo / video uploaded and the name of the ad change go back to the ad set level by clicking on the ad set tab here you should duplicate your access so that you can test your two ads across different audiences the number of times you duplicate your ad set will depend entirely on your daily budget if your campaign has a campaign budget optimization turned off then you should do if your ad said enough times so that the total daily spend is equal to 1/10 of your total daily budget if your campaign has campaign budget optimization turned on then take your total daily budget and divide it by 5 this will be the total number of ad sets in your campaign in either situation the idea is to give each individual ad an average spend of 2 dollars and 50 per day for our example we have a CBO with a daily budget of $50 which is 1/10 of our total dividing the daily budget by 5 we will make 10 ad sets for the campaign since each ad set has two ads this leaves us with 20 as total and an average spend of two dollars and fifty per ad if your daily budget is higher than $50 however we recommend against duplicating the head set more than ten times instead you should opt attached more creatives within each ad set while still following the rule for fifteen average spend per ad for example if your daily budget is $100 instead of creating 20 accessed with two ads each you should do 10 ad sets with for ads each notice that in both situations the average spend per ad is two dollars and fifty we recommend testing more creatives rather than more audiences at budgets higher than $50 because 10 ad sets will already give you a large enough audience range to make decisions about your creative and adding extra audiences who won't have a significant impact on your decisions remember the goal here in the first phase is to find a winning creative and audience and while 10 audiences covers a large range 2 creatives won't give you a great idea of what's working that is why you should opt to test more creatives instead of more audiences if your daily budget is greater than $50 anyways let's go ahead and duplicate this ad set 9 times so that we have 10 ad sets in total now use the suggestions feature under detailed targeting to come up with additional interests you can also choose to widen your target audience by coming up with completely unrelated interests from your original remember to click on expand interest when potential reach is under 1 million and also remember to rename your ad sets based on what interest they are targeting in the end these are the time interest that we came up with notice that they cover a wide range of people and have audiences ranging from very specific and small to more general and big now that you have the campaign set up go to the campaign level select your new campaign and click on review and publish confirm that you have the correct number of ad sets and ads before finally publishing your campaign your campaign should start running at midnight the next day as long as your ads follow Facebook's ad policy now let the campaign run for two days without touching it in the meantime we'll customize your columns but we can analyze our ads with the metrics that are most important for dropshipping through Shopify we'll start with the basic performance column and customize it by going to columns and then customize columns first we'll delete a few columns that we don't really need or only need to look at occasionally those are bid strategy last significant edit reach impressions ends and schedule then we'll add a few columns that are most important for analyzing how the audience for a specific ad is performing those are CPM outbound clicks upon CTR cost per outbound click Add our total and cost checkout initiated and cost and video average watch time now you should organize these metrics so that they are easier to analyze the first order of your column should look like this also make sure to uncheck all the boxes under Add to Cart and check-out initiated once your columns are in the correct order hit apply then save the columns as one of your default presets by clicking on columns save and giving it a name now let's talk about why your column should be organized in this order you can think of these columns as being divided into three sections the first section gives you basic information about the ad and how reliable the data is the more than an ad spends the more that you can trust its data the second section lays out the amount you are paying for each step of the sales funnel in order the third section lets you easily see how effective each step of your sales funnel is by showing you the conversion rate between each step if you're confused about the sales funnel check out our video on why you're not making any sales because without understanding the sales funnel you'll be wasting a lot of money on your ads if you already know what the sales funnel is let's talk about how you should analyze your data using these columns after 2 days the first thing you want to do is determine which creative is performing the best on average even though one creative may perform better for one audience while another may perform better for a different audience in general there is such a thing as a superior creative and at this stage you are looking for just one creative to run would the easiest way to see which creative is performing the best is like going to account overview on the left clicking show more tools and then creatives before looking at the data make sure that the date range is set to lifetime this will show you all the data from your ad account now using the custom columns you set up earlier try to figure out which one of your creatives is performing the best the easiest and most reliable metric to make decisions on is cost per results but since your budgets are probably not super high and each of your ads have probably only spent $50 you may not be able to see a clear-cut difference in cost per purchase even if you get one or two sales on a single at low budgets this could be due to pure luck and there's this one you should look at the metrics further up the funnel to start compare the second section of the columns from CPM to cosplay result and compare the metrics for your creatives what you're looking for here are consistencies and these metrics that tell you that any results you have are reliable and not due to luck for example if you have three purchases on creative one but only two purchases on creative - this doesn't necessarily mean that creative one is better than creative - and scenarios like this you want to look at the cost for metrics further up the funnel to see if the results are due to luck or due to a winning creative to compare the cost per click cost per add to cart and cost burnish a check out before making a decision on which creative is better it's very possible that creative 2 outperforms creative one on every metric besides cost per result and that's when you should consider running with creative 2 / creative one even though creative one has a better cost per purchase if you can't make a decision because they're both profitable and both have consistent metrics throughout the funnel then continue running both creatives and move on to Phase two with both of them along with your best audiences if only one creative is profitable and the other one isn't then use the winning creative and audience to move on to phase 2 if one creative clearly has better metrics but both are unprofitable then kill the entire CBO or if you're running ad set budgets kill all the unprofitable ad sets and then kill all the ads with you're losing creative you could also choose to leave on some ad sets that you think might work but haven't spent enough money yet if nothing is profitable and the metrics further up the funnel don't indicate that anything could become profitable dupe your campaign and restart with new creatives in the end before moving on to phase 2 you just have one key creative and at least one good audience to find which audience is the best look at that 2 level and see which ones have the best metrics throughout the funnel now that might be a little hard to follow and I'm sorry that I can't give you more thorough advice about killing ads in a short YouTube video but that's the case-by-case nature of Facebook ads it's essentially gambling with data and statistics a lot of times you have to make guesses based on insufficient data because gathering sufficient data simply costs way too much money if you want more information on the sales funnel and analyzing metrics then I strongly recommend you to watch our YouTube video on why you're not making sales I was so much more in depth about the sales funnel metrics in that video and they should give you a much better understanding of what you're looking for anyways before we move on to base 2 I just want to remind you guys to hit that like button and subscribe if you want to learn more about drop shipping anyways let's get started with these 2 and phase 2 the goal is to scale your winning creative and interest profitably until you have enough data to move into phase 3 also now that we are out of the testing phase 1 I strongly recommend using only CBO's from here on out regardless of your products price here's why now that you have a creative an audience that are proven to work CBO's have a much higher chance of becoming profitable compared to add set level budgets higher budget CBO's also have a greater chance of performing well compared to high budget ad sets because the campaign will have much more data to work with anyways this is how you should structure your campaign for phase 2 sub up the campaign with the CBO optimization turned on exactly the same way you would do it with phase 1 but this time use a daily budget of $100 then duplicate the winning ad sets from phase 1 in to your new campaign so you have 5 to 10 ad sets inside your new campaign if you only had one profitable ad set on phase 1 then duplicated 5 times if you had two winning ad sets then duplicate them four times each if you have three winning ad sets then duplicate them three times each if you have more than three then choose your best 3 ad sets and duplicate them three times I recommend keeping a number of assets to under 10 total because the budget of your CBO will only be $100 and with 2 ads per ad set you want at least five dollars being spent on average per ad so that Facebook can optimize properly once you have your ad sets duped go to the page post and copy the post ID of your winning creative then go back to ads manager select your new campaign and then go to the ads level for that campaign here you should select all of your ads in the new campaign and click Edit then under existing post click enter post ID and paste the post ID of your winning creative if you were testing more than two creatives you should also delete any extra ads for each ad set so that all the ad sets are left with two copies of the same if you have more than one winning creative then you can have two options depending on your budget if you have a low budget then use the same structure I just outlined but instead of to duplicate creatives per ad set from both of you creative under each ad set you should still be left with under 10 minutes s total and 2 ads per ad set if you have a higher budget you could choose to run it using the campaign I originally recommended for this phase and then when I duplicate what the other winning creative this will leave you with two campaigns each one running a different creative in the end you should be left with at least one CBO with a daily budget of $100 running 5 to 10 duplicate ad sets of your best audiences each with two duplicates of the same ad run the CBO for two days and again you want to keep a close eye on your creatives and audience if it's unprofitable and the other metrics don't look good then you should restart with phase one using new creatives if it stays profitable you can try scaling by using your scale rule we'll be using this scale rule for the rest of our faces so keep this in mind if I CBO performs well for two days and the winning audiences will then exceed 20 million people then duplicate the winning audience's along with the creatives into a new CBO with twice the original CBO's budget then if the duplicator CBO does well you can continue scaling by duplicating the second CBO with double the budget again these days we try not to mess with the budget for a good campaign and juice the scale by duplicating instead as you're scaling keep an eye out on all of your campaigns if a campaign spends five times your breakeven cost per purchase and it's still not profitable then kill it now wait until you've spent at least $500 in total for the ad account or if you're running video ads wait until you have at least 2,000 people that I've seen 75% of your video to make look like audiences and move on to Phase three to see how many people have seen 75% of your video you can add a column to your ads manager by going to customize columns like we did in the beginning of the video and adding a column for video place at 75% you could also choose to make a custom audience and keep an eye on it either way once a whole number of 75 percent video viewers for your creative reaches 2,000 people or you've spent $500 in total for your ad account move on to phase 3 and phase 3 what our creative would look like audiences instead of interest groups we'll also set up a retargeting campaign at this point this is a campaign that aims to get people who have already visited your store to finish their purchase and it will probably be your most profitable campaign now to create a look like audience you'll first have to make a custom audience which is a group of people that are somehow connected to your page or store you'll also have to make custom audiences for your retargeting campaign to do that go to the audiences page in the main menu then click create audience and select custom audience here you'll find different groups of people to make custom audiences from first you should make custom audiences for your retargeting campaign since these audiences will consist of people that have already seen your ad or visited your store they are referred to as warm traffic and they will be much more likely to purchase compared to people who have never seen your ad we're retargeting campaign you should make custom audiences from the last seven days for a pageview Add to Cart initiated check out top 25 percent time on site Facebook engagement and 75 percent video view these can all be made in the gray custom audience page on their website video and Facebook page you should make all of these custom audiences only using people from the last seven days because that's what we found to be the most effective for retargeting older audiences might work as well but they may lower the profitability of your retargeting campaign you should also name these audiences with something like 7d in the names that they are easy to find later on when you're making the actual ad sets for the retargeting campaign now once you've made custom audiences for retargeting you should make you a few different custom audiences for making look-alikes the first look-alikes you want to test will be made from page view Facebook engagement and seventy-five percent video viewers because those gathered the most data and will does give the most stable results finding and working look-alike audience will be much easier to scale compared to ad sets using interests so you really want to go to this stage as fast as possible so go ahead and make custom audiences from the past to 180 days for page view Facebook engagement and seventy-five percent video viewers then to create look like audiences from the custom audiences that you just made select the custom audience that you want and click the three dots up top and then select create look-alike now on their audience location select browse and just click the checkbox to select all the countries at once this will let you target specific countries within the ad set themselves so that you don't have to make look-alikes for every location you want to target finally on the audience size you want to make look-alikes for each custom audience from 0 to 1 percent 0 to 2% 0 3 % 0 4 % and 0 to 5 % this means that you will have to make one look-alike at a time 5 times total for each custom audience in the end you should have 15 look-alike audiences 5 each for page view Facebook engagement and 75 % video viewers now that we have all the custom audiences and look-alike audiences we need for retargeting and testing let's go back to ads manager first set up a retargeting campaign by creating a campaign exactly the same as the first face with CBO optimization turned on and a daily budget of $50 then make 7 ad sets just like the first phase except this time talk about one of your custom 7-day retargeting audiences instead of an interest then within each of the 7 handsets you should make a new ad creator that is more geared towards one traffic we like to use photo ads with a strong call to action like sale ends today with a clear picture of the product you can also test multiple creatives within each ad set and kill off the bad ones after 2 days you should also try to find a good ratio between your retargeting budget and the budget for your other campaigns since the size of your retargeting audience will depend on the amount of people that you reach in your other campaigns we've found that 5 to 10 percent of the total daily budget is a sweet spot use that ratio to scale your retargeting campaign as you scale up your other budgets also keep in mind that cheaper products will need less retargeting while more expensive products might benefit from heavier retargeting you should also readjust your retargeting campaign budget as needed if it's really profitable you can try to squeeze more out of it by increasing the budget and if it's not doing so hot you can lower the budget too remember this should be your most profitable campaign so try to find the optimum budget for max profit once you have a retargeting campaign set up time to test your new look like audiences the setup for this is really simple make $100 CBO with 5 ad sets to target one of your look like groups starting with page view then for each ad set make 2 duplicates of your winning creative once your test page view you can test video view or page engagement next if you find something that is profitable for two days then move on to phase four and phase four we'll try to scale our working look like CBO's by using our scale rule and duplicating the working CBO's with higher budgets if the new CBO's work as well then we'll continue scaling by duping the working CBO's assuming this goes well you'll still have enough data to make look like audiences for add to cart' in this change check out and purchase you can test these just like phase 3 and dupe the ones that are working this is when you will start entering the daily 5 figure range consistently but before you can hit max scale and move on to phase 5 you'll have to wait until you have spent at least $5,000 in total for your edit count at that point move on to phase 5 and keep running anything that is profitable as you move into phase 5 now phase 5 is where you can scale sky-high and this is where the bread and butter is made consistently and almost automatically this last phase is what we like to call the endgame and that's when you can just let Facebook decide the best audience for your product with broad targeting broad targeting is where you let Facebook decide basically everything besides the CBO's budget the location of your ad sets and the ads creative as far as other targeting goes everything else is locked on autopilot I don't give Facebook any audiences whatsoever no custom audience no local likes and no interest besides exclude drop shipping the setup for this phase consists of a $500 CBO running completely broad targeting to three different ad sets one ad set targeting the USA one ad set targeting Canada UK Australia New Zealand and one accent targeting worldwide where they fused third world countries removed after running this campaign for two days you should scale using our scale rule if it's profitable or kill if it's doing bad and go back to phase four until you have more data if you're confused about why broad targeting is the best way to scale hi there's a few main reasons one it leverages all the data you've collected by letting Facebook decide your audience to it requires hardly any work to maintain since you don't have to think about finding more working audiences three it lasted very long time since ad fatigue doesn't happen fast with such a big audience for it lets you scale sky-high since you're not limited by audience size five it optimizes much more quickly than other campaigns because the budget is so high and six it gives consistent results because the budget is also very high now if you don't believe me here's the proof these are just three of our stores and as you can see at their peaks they're doing absolutely crazy numbers unfortunately we've had to descale all of these stores due to some logistical issues that came with running operations to this big but rest assured the ng method continues to work to this day a lot of people in our free facebook group have also found tons of success with this method and I've reached the endgame themselves so if you're having trouble getting to the endgame don't forget to join the Facebook group for free help from us and other successful members thanks for watching guys I hope you learn at least if you need things in this video and can apply it successfully for yourselves if you haven't liked and subscribed already we're really much appreciated but even if you don't best a blog I'll catch you in the next one peace
Channel: Verum Ecom
Views: 613,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dropshipping course, shopify course, Hayden Bowles, Tanner Planes, Arie Scherson, Beast of Ecom, Jordan Welch, Braden Wuerch, Juan Valdez, Tristan Broughton, The Realistic Entrepreneur, YOUSE, Trey Cockrum, Sebastian Ghiorghiu, Kevin David, James Beattie, Markus Evers, Franklin Hatchett, shopify dropshipping, dropshipping, shopify, king comm, dropshipping 2019, gabriel st germain, facebook ads, shopify drop shipping, dropshipping shopify, dropshipping for beginners
Id: Pj1HhhNzMJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 57sec (2397 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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