Is RankMath Better Than Yoast? - Rank Math SEO Plugin Setup (Optimal Settings)

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if you're using the Yoast SEO plugin you might want to watch this video because today I'm going to show you how to set up the rank math SEO plugin with the best settings now the question remains is this plug-in better than Yoast I'm sure you've heard that a lot in Facebook groups and on blogs and my personal opinion is I think so now the reason why I think so is because this plugin offers everything of the Yoast Pro plugins plus more all for free that's right there is no pro version for this plug-in ant in this video I'm going to give you a template on how you can have the optimal settings for your WordPress website with the rank math SEO plugin so what's different about this plug-in than yo so you said okay there it's better you know but but how is it better well first off this plugin will do everything that Yoast Pro does yosh will Commerce and Yoast local SEO does all-in-one plug-in and it's 66 percent lighter than those plugins as well which is pretty impressive now there were some key features that stand out from this plugin against Yoast and I think some of those are the Rich Snippets and also this has a 404 monitor so it'll show you if people are hating a 404 page it also tells you about the actual SEO analysis about your website so it'll say this is what's good this is what's bad on your website this is what you need to work on etc so it is a great alternative to yo so if you're using Yoast and you want to kind of switch over I would keep watching because this plugin is pretty promising now they do have some other really cool features like the automated image SEO which I'll show you how to set up so what this does is that lets say for instance you forget to put in the alt tag and the title for an image for google this plugin will automatically set it up for all of your images automatically without you having to do anything at all which is pretty impressive so scrolling down here some things that I really liked about this plug-in was the Google schema markup so it does not just the article it does something like book course job posting music person product etc and that enough right there I think is enough for people to say all right maybe I'll go ahead and take a look at this plug-in you know it also has a as a schema markup as well so there is a lots of things in this plugin that yosh does not offer yet and this plugin does all of that and more so the developers of this plugin are just being incredibly competitive really trying to win people over from Yoast because I think they they know that Yoast is a big plug-in and they're kind of saying look man no way to get in the door is by offering just a huge amount of features all for free and then later on we'll introduce a pro version so again this plug-in does not have a pro version so this is a completely free plug-in that does everything Yoast US and more so taking a quick look here so this is something like the site wide analysis so this will actually go ahead and rank your website accordingly over here this is the general dashboard so this right here is the 404 monitor this has this is fully compatible with ACF as well and BB press but if using VB press what the hell are you doing use peeps oh I know peeps I found z' like a porn plugin but it's it's a really good social networking web plug-in right here we have redirections as well we have a link counter local SEO Rich Snippets roll manager I mean this plug-in just has so many features so this will be a very detailed video and I'm gonna go through all of the options to make sure that you know everything about this plug-in so you can walk away saying all right cool my sites optimized and everything's good to go and etc so for example this right here is some of these settings right here and right here you can see how I have images selected in the SEO settings and right here I'll go ahead and say alright I want to automatically enter in the name of the images if I forget which i think is really cool so here we have the file name right here links this can strip out links and all this stuff so I'll go through all these options and explain to you in depth what all these are to make you fully understand how to use this plug-in and if you're using Yoast again this does have a one button importer so let's say for instance you're using Yoast and you're saying no Darryl I don't want to switch because all my settings are with us and I'm cool this plugin actually has a one-button demo importer that will I'm sorry yeah is that right importer yeah so it'll take all of your settings from Yoast and it apply it to rank so you don't have to do anything whatsoever so if you're ready to get started let's go ahead and start with this video so the first thing is you'll need to do obviously is to install the rank math plugin so this is rank math right here and this is the plugin that you'll need to install now it has a lot of positive reviews people really do love this plug-in so you can see here run a hundred thousand active installs four hundred and seventy positive reviews with around 15 probably people who just hit bugs or something like that and got pissed off you know happens all the time so I'm gonna take myself out of the video now and let's go ahead and start with this tutorial all right so first things first let's go ahead and start with the setup wizard so when you activate this plug-in you'll be prompted to go to a setup wizard so here I'll go to dashboard and I'll just go ahead and guide you to the process so right here we have getting started start the wizard now if you are brand new it's gonna prompt you to import your settings from Yoast now that's your decision so but you can't have both you can't have ranked math and Yoast you need to have only one so it's going to say go ahead and click on import the settings from Yoast and you'll click on import and then you were brought to this screen right here alright so that's if you are using Yoast already it will actually take all the things from Yoast and put it on your new plug in with rank math all right and all this stuff right here is pretty self-explanatory so your website is what so I'm gonna say this is a business sites what kind of business so right now I am doing a this is a clothing tutorial so I'm just saying clothing store your company name your logo for Google and also your default social share image so this is the image that people will see when someone shares your websites to a social network like Facebook here although to continue let's go on to the next page so this right here is the search console so what you want to do is you want to go ahead and click on the get authorization code right here and I'm gonna go to my email and right here you'll click on allow and then you'll just go ahead and copy this right here and you'll just go ahead and paste it right here and click on authorize all right so my accounts already authorized and then right here you'll go head and select your website you will need to get your website verified first so if your website is not verified you'll need to go over here to click here and then setup the verification process with Google I'm not gonna go through that right now because most of you probably already have it set up and it only takes like two minutes so yeah you just go ahead and select the website and then so on and so forth and right here I'll click on save and continue now I have all the setup for the optimal setting so you might actually get options that I don't have and that's because of plugins or templates or something that you have on your website so for example right here if using the elements or page builder Elementor templates might show up now personally the only thing that I would recommend is to do something like your post your pages your products and then maybe your project or portfolios but you which blocks is from flats um so I don't really care if that's index or not that has nothing to do with me right here pub with taxa Moniz I have category selected and then right here I'll click on save and continue' alright SEO tweaks so right here no index empty category and tag archives so right here I have this set to on so remember you can go ahead and understand what these are just by reading this so setting empty archives to no Index is useful for avoiding indication of thin content pages basically duplicate contents that's basically what they're talking about so right here we have nofollow external links now what they're saying right here is do you want to have all of your links put on to automatic nofollow now I do not recommend that because what that does is that it kind of labels your site as an outcast and I would not have that checked so right here I have this off and this is a really cool feature and the Yoast does not have this feature actually so open external links in a new tab or window so let's say you have a link on your post like you put like a small link on your post if someone clicks on that it won't actually change the website it'll open up a new tab and take them to that other referring domain which is really really cool so right here I'll click on save and continue' and they recommend yes' or on for that feature right there and it looks like right here it says your site is already however let's go ahead and click on the set up Advanced Options and let's go and talk about those really quick so this right here is the role manager now this kind of works like page builders so page builders also have role managers so you have administrator editor author contributor subscriber and customer and also shop manager and vice versa depending on what plugins you have installed now let's say for instance you want your editor to have the authority to make these decisions you would say I want the editor to have these decisions I want the administrator to have these decisions etc so if you have some working on your website like an editor or an author you can give them access to these certain features if you don't want them to have access to those features you would just click off and then there you go so this section right here there's no optimal way this is just preference so if you are working by yourself then you just have everything checked except or only on the administrator and then you know if you wanted your author to have access you would have turn that on etc so this right here is a really cool feature so this is the 404 monitor and the redirection so I have both of these set to on now what this does is that this will actually let people know when they bump into any 404 errors so that will actually help improve your website and also right here we have redirection so Yoast does have this feature as well but this will actually redirect people to another URL on your website so I didn't attach a little bit more helpful so I have to set on to on however if you want this off you can set it off but there is no really optimal settings here for this it's just basically preference but I'm leave mine on right there because I just don't want them to go into a 404 page I just I rather them go to a website or a page or something like that so right here we have Rich Snippets I'm gonna turn this to on now Rich Snippets again it helps Google understand your content better and it actually displays it really nicely into search engines so you want to make sure that stead of two on right here now right here for a post I have article now they also have more right here so depending on your website you can go ahead and put whatever niche you're in so let's say for instance that you are doing something of a recipe on your post you can do recipe or you're doing something like a course or a person or service or whatever you're doing you can go ahead and display it right there and some features you'll see on my screen you won't have it on yours and that's okay so this right here is considered a custom post type under u.s. blocks and again that's because I'm using a page blur and that uses UX blocks if using Elementor I believe the elements or library templates might show up and I'll just head it to none right there so right here I have rich snippet set for product as well and then click on save and continue' alright cool so now you're brought to your general dashboard right here so anytime you want to go back to your setup wizard you'll go over here and click on setup wizard but now that we've done that right here let's go ahead and go through each of these settings right here on the left side to make sure that you fully understand how to set this up correctly because there's a lot to set up in this plugin and I've actually prefilled everything for you because I myself was overwhelmed and said look man I can't cover everything like off memory because that's too much you know now right here we have links now the developer recommends this to turn on but I'm gonna say don't do this yet because basically once you do this you can never go back so what this does is let's say for instance you have the category thing so you have your post your category and then your post right or your page your category in your post now if you turn this to on it will actually take out the my category section you see this right here it'll I'm sorry the category section it'll take that out off your permalink now if you want to go back in the future you can't because you'll get 404 errors so it's cleaner to have it on but that's a big liability it's not a big liability it's just a big decision because it's like Shark Tank once you do it you can't go back so it's up to you it does like cleaner when it's on but then again it's up to you so redirect attachments and I'll put this two on and this is great because if you have an image or you have a tag that has its own page or something like that this will redirect them to the original post or product etc so make sure you have this set to on right here put your website right there okay remove stop words from permalinks so this will take out things like and and for yet it's like that all the propositions basically it takes all those off your permalinks only now that's up to you but I personally would just say leave this is off because maybe in the future you need something like and and they'll take it out and you might not want that so I have to set you off so right here I had to set you off as well you don't want to do this because again this will label your website as an outcast to Google and they might think that your website is shady so I would leave this two off basically you want to pass on link juice to other websites and you want to participate with other websites and if you don't want to participate whatsoever then you can set it to on but I don't recommend that but that is up to you I believe this is the optimal settings no I don't believe I know this is the optimal settings so right here we have nofollow of images file links so this will add the nofollow to links pointing to external image files now if you are using other images then yeah you might want to have it on but if you're using your own images on Google search or something like that then you might want to leave it to off so at that point it's up to you but what this is basically saying is that you don't want to go ahead and give link juice to other images that you find on Google that's completely up to you but um I don't know enough to know if that's bad or good because I don't think anyone knows that yet so I'm just not gonna take the risk and I'll just leave it to off right now so I don't know if that's bad or good to stand out link juices to Google images just yet so leave it to off right here is a really cool feature and I want you to turn this on right here so this right here is the external links and a new tab so for example if you're reading a blog post let me just go ahead and just let me just go ahead and go back over here to my about Us page really quick just make you understand why I like this so much let me go over here now this website is actually an e-commerce tutorial so if you want to learn how to make an e-commerce websites you can do it with this tutorial so let's say for instance there's a link right here in the text you ever been reading a blog where you click on it and it redirects you or it takes you to the other the other page this right here this option will open it up in a new tab so you don't have to leave the page reading so I think that's really really cool so make sure you how to set to on and then click on Save Changes alright and then right here we have images now this is a debate but I'm gonna go ahead and say if you want to try it try its so right here this will automatically go ahead and put in the alt attributes and the title attribute for your images on Google or on your images for Google I should say so for example I want to put the file name of the file and then the file name and then the title for the actual title now there are some opinions saying that for people using screen readers so people who can't see that maybe sometimes the alt attribute isn't filed correctly or isn't being displayed correctly so that could cause some sort of I guess you can say discrepancy but some I don't think so but if you want to go ahead and say you know what I'll go ahead and put out all my things myself you can go ahead and put off and off if you want the plug-in to do it you can turn them both to on and this right here is your optimal setting and remember make sure to go to Save Changes but I'm not going to so I'm gonna keep going breadcrumbs I'm not gonna go through breadcrumbs because you'll need a developer for this so right here if you want breadcrumbs you can go and turn them on and it's pretty cool it has this little thing in the search engine so it does add like a little character separator and stuff like that but this right here would be more for someone who is a developer or knows how to mess with your style sheet so if you're brand new to WordPress leave this off and don't mess with it alright just don't do it webmaster tools so this right here is where you're going to enter in your Google search console so right here you click on search Google verification page etc and then they'll go ahead and copy this right here and then you'll paste it right there and then voila and then same thing for being same thing for the hell's Baidu I don't know alexxa Yandex Pinterest Norton Norton I thought they're out of business I don't know I just I haven't seen I remember I remember that annoying like Norton antivirus crap I hated it it was so annoying but anyways you'll go to this process and then once you're done you'll click on Save Changes and also remember that you can go ahead and copy this entire theme and this plug-in luckily recognize it and it'll actually paste only it'll only it'll only display this part right here so don't worry about it right next edit robots don't touch this all right make sure you do not touch this just leave it blank if you don't know what you're doing don't touch it it's just a robot text file basically tells Google where to search everything etc it's it's like the robot so just it does let it do its work all right leave it alone this right here never touch this all right next luke armors so right here we have some options and again this is just like the links before so this will actually go ahead and remove the prefix from your product URL so right here you can see an example we have products accessories action figures and it's changed to accessories action figures and then Acme now remember if you turn this on you can never go back so just keep that in mind I do like that feature because it's cleaner but then again you can never go back so I'm just pulling it out there so I can't really say these are optimal so you can put it on off or on right here remove generator tag I'm gonna put it on on and what that's gonna do is remove the tag the remove that will converse generator tag from the source code which actually can actually add a layer of security because sometimes people actually go through your website through these vulnerabilities and by removing the tag that can actually prevent vulnerabilities now that's an opinion so I know that developers watching this right now saying oh I disagree man I disagree well that's my opinion okay so anyways remove snippet data right here remove state data from the WooCommerce shop page I want to put that as on right there because we don't really know where it's actually pulling that information it could be pulling it from your long or your short tail I'll talk more about where you can actually fully optimize your ecommerce products for brand right here so select your product brand tax I wanted to use in the schema markup and Open Graph markup so you would either select tag or probably product categories one of the two I don't know which brand or which would be the best for you but for right now I'll just leave it as product tags and then I'll just click on Save Changes alright so going back here I don't know why I clicked on Save Changes so annoying alright anyways I had a lot of coffee today guys you know I actually know I've been cutting back I've really been I've really been cutting back usage tracking that's up to you you can leave this as on or off auto updates never never have this song I don't care what the developer says never have it on show SEO score you can have it sure or you can have it as no right here RSS before content so what this means is this will protect your site against scrapers so there is a plug-in on Envato that will actually steal all of your blog posts automatically and they'll actually rank for the blog post and you will not so that can really suck so what this does is that this does its best to in order to protect your work so right here RSS before content I put blog link and post link and you don't have to put anything here because this right here is already displayed for after the content but if you want just an extra layer of security you can do blog link post link and even set the featured image I actually like that feature because yoson have that so you can actually put a featured image in here as well if you if you want you know it doesn't hurt it's just a way of protecting yourself 404 monitor I have it set here too simple right here log limits so how many do you want to display etc and then just gonna leave that on you'll we'll talk about this later search console so right here we already set all this up so yeah we did that already so we're done redirections so right here I'm leave this to off now fall back behavior so we have ad for for for redirect a home page or a custom redirect so what this means is saying okay so if someone hits a 404 what do you want to do so do you want to give them the default 404 which makes sense or you can do a redirect a home page or you can do a custom redirection to a specific URL like haha you're stuck here you're a loser and then that's it or whatever you want to do I don't know it's your website all right so I'm leaving on the default 404 an auto post redirection I'm gonna have this set to OFF all right and then right you're done you'll click on Save Changes so we're done with the redirections you know we've basically gone through all of this right here we've gone through all the basic settings let's move on to the titles and meta which is probably one of the more important parts of this video now again this is also debatable but I've actually talked you probably I talked to two or three SEO guys and I've been doing SEO for a while and we all agree that these settings are correct so right here we have global meta just make sure none of this is checked right here because this is basically saying that if there is something that we missed you will set it as default to no index etc but I don't want to do that so make sure all this is unchecked this right here is your separator character so you can see here the separator right here capitalized titles pretty cool feature so this will automatically capitalize the first character of all title tags I like that feature I'm gonna have it on right there so again you know in web design how it's really weird how we always capitalize the first letter so that's basically what that's referring to so it'll do that automatically so you'll have to do it so you can just be lazy and just type it in like this with no capitalized and it'll capitalize it for you pretty cool and then right here you'll go ahead and upload a file for your opera and graph thumbnail if you want to go ahead and add that in alright local SEO now let's go ahead and scroll down right here so are you a person or an organization I'm gonna put a person organization you put your logo right here your your URL your email and then put in your address right here make sure that this is correct right here you have your address format leave this stock what kind of business are you we put that in earlier right here put your opening hours now if you are in I don't know if you're in Europe or Asia you'll have it set to this if you are in America you'll have it set to this you depending on what you want to do so this is like you know one o'clock two o'clock three o'clock four o'clock a.m this is like 1700 1800 1900 etc so that's what that means here putting your phone number your price range so for example are you expensive so if you're expensive you put in three if you're not you'll put in one and it'll display it'll try to influence Google and put this on the search engine do you have an about Us page well put it right here do you have a contact page put it right here this right here is we're gonna get your Google Maps API key and then you'll just play right there and this right here is your geo coordinates so this will actually tell Google where your website is now I'm gonna do a big favor and I'm just gonna go ahead and show you how to do this because you're probably gonna ask me how to do that so alright Google Maps alright so right now I'm vacationing in Thailand so I got a lot of weird stuff going on I know I'm from America but yeah that happens so what I want to do here is I want to go ahead and put in the Hollywood alright Hollywood so you're gonna go ahead and find your location so there's a go see of Hollywood it's gonna have a long it's close the Avalon it's Club like to go to in Hollywood alright and then right here we have Avalon so what I'll do here is I'll right-click on the address and click on what's here now this right here is what you want to grab so you can actually just click it and then it'll actually give it to you actually know what's I think that's good like that or yeah yeah we'll go and grab that we'll just copy that server click on it and then what's here it'll give you the actual code right there you see that so go ahead and put in your address or your business and once you do that you'll go ahead and go back over to the geo coordinates and you'll go ahead and paste it in there like that now I don't know if the end is good or bad but that's what Google is telling me to do so I'm gonna go ahead and just give them that and then I'm all done all right and make sure you put that in because I think that'll influence Google more to actually show them the location of your business on the search results alright so right here we have a social meta so go ahead and put in all of your Facebook your Twitter your girl use the Instagram stuff and take selfies and all that good stuff alright anyways homepage we'll talk more about this a little bit later well show you how to set up your homepage and the description with also your pages and your posts post formats so right here you're gonna have title separator and the site name now these are optimal so for example if you go to Google right now and you say you know I want to go ahead and look for something usually they're gonna have the title the separator and then the site name you will come across websites that just have the title you know for example you might see webhead look like that in the search engine alright and then right here you're gonna put an excerpt excerpt sorry here we'll do excerpts or you can actually find it right here so right here will type in excerpt so we'll do post excerpt or post that's kind of weird right there right here this is post excerpt that if it is not generated and then this is with Auto generation so go ahead and put in the post excerpt like this right here like that alright scrolling down you have this on to custom we have the sets to the note index and the reason why we have no index set on this is because this will prevent duplicate content issues to make sure that your site is not penalized by Google all right so right here we have the post formats archive that is how you set it all up the author's so right here we have enabled and disabled now if you haven't set to enabled this will actually say that you have multiple authors if you have assets to disabled that usually means you only have one author and the reason why this matters is because if you have only one writer for your websites you might want to have this on to disabled because then you're basically telling Google to keep indexing one author but if you have several then it's more fair and Google will understand that you have bunch of authors and they won't penalize you because you're gonna say well you know you have a bunch of authors on your website so for example my website I'd have it set to disabled but elegant themes calm when Pete put it on enabled because they have multiple authors and they will not get penalized for having duplicate content authors in their websites and then right here I have author author at quote site name and then right here I have this checked to on all right now this right here I believe is optimal but then again you'll come across websites I might say well you should put the site name or the page it's like no this is just clean author at there you go just simple just keeping it very simple miscellaneous pages right here I have title separator site name I left this blank because I don't really want my miss pages to be indexed or I don't really care about them too much and I don't think it's a really big deal search results so right here you search for search phrase page separator and site name 404 page not found separator site name looks clean and simple right going back here on off off on now this right here is debatable but your your passwords or your login pages can be indexed by Google as well so I would have that set to on you know it'll help Google understand your website more there's nothing wrong with that but for your archive sub pages leave this two off because again this can cause duplicate content issues and I think the developer knows that so they haven't sets you off right there so make sure you have this set to OFF or you could eventually face a penalty from Google for having duplicate content issues now I'll talk about posts which is very important so right here title separator and the site name so right here you can give a you see an example so the best things in life are free separator your site name and then right here is excerpt now personally if you're writing a blog post you should always set up the post name and the post description every single time and not rely on the plug-in for this but if you're an amateur and you're lazy then this setting will be your fallback okay so going back here we have the rich snippet type so again just like we talked about earlier we article book course events etc a headline so right here I have title and then excerpt and then that's it so for example this is my title and then this right here is the excerpt of the content alright so that's just an example of what two puts right here default links suggestions we have this set to on now right here we have a link suggestion title so this is actually kind of debatable as well so if you ever set the titles right here this will actually recommend titles for your post and your links etc if you have this set to focus keywords it'll recommend searching keywords for your posts etc so use the focus keywords as a default text for the links instead of the post titles do you understand how that works we'll talk more about that will make our post primary tax emoni I have a set two categories on and then bulk editing sure why not Save Changes all right and let's keep going pages again title separator site name excerpt article title excerpt article default and then again same exact features just go ahead and make the shirt it's the same thing and then turn it on on now again remember for pages as well you really should be putting in your your own information on here and I'll show you how to do that at the end of the video but if you don't do it properly this plug-in is like a fallback it'll just go ahead and grab whatever data that you have on the post or page and display in the search engine right here under media so right here title separator site name and then excerpt as well so this is actually for media images so Rich Snippets I have this set to none and then right here we have a set to no index so make sure you go ahead and select no index for this section and then enabled and then save etc so that's basically a quick rundown of media November this is for media attachments alright so attachments so when you have certain attachments on your website so we're not referring to the actual image on a blog post I just want to make that clear you will not have this on your settings I'll skip that products title separator site name now this is where I can kind of get a debate and I'm not really sure so for a single product description do you want to display your your WooCommerce short description for the product and the price in the search engine or do you want to only display the excerpt now many blogs and articles might recommend excerpt here but personally I'd rather tell the Google I want the short description and the price specifically to be displayed in the search engine because for excerpt I don't know if they're going to take my long description or my short description so my personal opinion if you want to do a Blee split testing I recommend doing the short description and then also the price as well or you can just do extra as well and see what happens alright and then right here product archive so product archive separator site name etc rich snippet type products product robots meta we got a set to custom and then just leave it off just leave everything default just don't don't mess any of this right here you do want your products to be indexes by Google and then again right here same thing titles focused keywords etc so go ahead click on Save Changes and then go on to the next section so right here we have portfolio and this is the same thing as like projects so again the same settings I set before I would recommend setting it for projects and personally if you're using a projects I would have that index it and if you're using a portfolio I would have that index it so if you want to index it leave all this to off and again I recommend to actually have that on so let's talk about categories so going over here to categories we have the term the separator the site name and then right here we have set to no index for categories because we don't really care about categories and also tags I mean you good but then again you're risking duplicate content so I would just have this - no index for your categories and your tags and this goes again for all of your tags and your categories as well so that is titles and metas I hope you guys understood all that I hope I was pretty clear I hope I didn't really you know I hope I didn't go too fast but that is just a complete rundown of the titles and metas and this is a cool feature images in sitemap now I don't really know if that's a bonus but I just think that's cool so include images in sitemap and also include image or featured images in your sitemap as well so I have it set to on you can go ahead and exclude post and I flew terms right here ping the search engines so automatically notify Google and being when a sitemap is updated pretty cool have that on Save Changes going back over here we have the role manager alright same thing we talked about all the role manager so that we already talked about all this so yeah role manager etc 404 monitor let's go ahead and go through this section right here so this right here is just 404 errors now a lot of these can be done or be hit with actually BOTS so I'm not really too sure on the 404 monitor because again this could be done with BOTS like you know a ref BOTS or Google BOTS etc but that right there is just an example of people or BOTS who are hitting the 404 pages all right here click on redirections so this right here would be redirection so you want to go head and set up a redirect you click on add new and then you would select a redirect like we set up earlier however I'm not going to do that because I don't know what you're trying to do on your website and any everybody could have a different goal and opinion so I'm not going to set up redirects because I don't think I just don't think you need it unless you're trying to achieve something specific so right here we have search console now right here I'll have to go ahead and wait because I just entered it in however this is a really cool feature you can add keyword tracker sitemaps search analytics etc now one really cool feature is the keyword tracker so this right now is not out yet and I'm really really really excited for this feature and this is basically going to tell you how your keywords are ranking in Google which is amazing and you can check it all from your back end which is a really cool feature now right here we have SEO analysis so you can click on start a site-wide analysis and it'll go ahead and take a look at your website and it'll give it a score and talk about it saying well you need to work on this and you need to work on that etc so right here you can see all of the past the past tests and then also the tests that need work and shows you how it looks like on the search engine etc so that's a really cool feature you can see how it looks like on mobile as well so you'll go through all this fun stuff and then yeah voila alright and then let's go ahead and go to status and tools you know my videos I like to just go through all the features guys I'm sorry if that's boring but I don't want people to leave me comments saying well Daryl you skip that and that I'm gonna give you a thumbs down it's like I get that all the time you know I write here there's just different tools you can use like delete redirection tools clear the for for log etc and then right here we have import and exports which you can actually go is go ahead and import your settings from Yoast from another website so if you're building a website for multiple people you can kind of create a template of settings and then you can go ahead and import them as well so not have shown you all how to actually use all this now there is one more thing you'll need to do after all this you'll need to submit your sitemap so you don't know how to submit your sitemap you'll go on over to Google right here there are just do submit submit sitemap to Google and then you'll go on over to the first one right here which is Webmaster Tools which they still call it's even though they're not supposed to and then you'll go ahead and make an account to set up your domain and then you'll go ahead and paste your sitemap I'll go ahead and show you how to do that go over to here on our sign up in settings and then you'll take this right here copy and then you'll go ahead and paste it right there and then you'll submit it like that all right so that would be for the domain so you'd have to first add the property you'd have to authorize with Google then you would submit the sitemap in that order all right so I hope that helps all right so now that we've done all of that your site is basically fully optimized and ready to go now let's talk about if we decide to make posts how does this all work what can we expect etc so okay so now let's talk about post optimization now I'm gonna give you essential things to know about post optimization so first let's go ahead and just make a title so what is WordPress now right here I'm actually go ahead and copy a paste from an article from Kin stuff now Akins does actually a very good hosting company in fact if you guys actually want to check them out right now I'm testing them I'll give you guys a sneak peek I'm testing out basically 20 web hosting companies over two months and Kinston sigh crown named hero WP engine and flywheel performing among the best so I will leave links to kinsa name Hero site ground MVP engine and also flywheel below if you want to check them out right now they are among the fastest web hosting companies available so anyways so let's go back over here so I have what is WordPress explained for beginners so some key things to know here when you are making posts here's some rules you want to have around 500 keywords make sure to write this down at least 500 keywords I'm sorry 500 words minimum you want to enter link to other parts of your website and others Google loves interlinking because they believe that you are contributing to the Internet so they really like interlinking also linking to other web sites another thing to note about this is you want to have images and when you have images you want to make sure that when you actually edit these images here I'll actually I'll click on hold on let me go back here I'll click on another image it was being weird alright I'll click on this you see here how the alt text is put in right there so what the alt text is it's just describing what the image is for Google so they know how to properly put it into google image section so right here we have some alt text and you can also link this to somewhere else now you don't have to do that but that is just an option if you want to do that so that's being weird huh I'll just go ahead and let's go ahead and delete it then yeah remove all right anyways so right here I have what is WordPress so we have the title the separator and the site name now you can change this at any time that you want and I recommend that you do so what is WordPress and then maybe something like you can actually manually type this in right here so I'll just do what is WordPress the best CMS online something like this right here is ideal so just something that very I guess you can say something that you'd want to click so the best CMS online here's proof and now let's go ahead and say all right so here you have a permalink now if you actually preview this and save this this will actually just preview it'll actually just automatically create a permalink so something like that right there now for best SEO practices you probably want to go to your settings and go to I'm sorry settings and go to permalinks and change this to post name so these numbers don't show up right here this is your meta description now by default we have it set to excerpt which will basically go ahead and just take some contents like this right here and it'll display it in the search box however I think you should probably put this in manually so you know top ten reasons why WordPress is the best CMS online you know and then put some put some information about why your you know what point you're trying to prove now whatever keyword you're trying to go for and when I say keyword let's say right here I'm trying to rank for WordPress so I want to rank higher for WordPress in the search engine so right here WordPress now you want to have WordPress probably in your title and you also want to have WordPress and also related WordPress related issues like WordPress themes plugins cetera in the actual meta box right here because when people search WordPress plugins WordPress themes you are bound to show up more likely than just having a wordpress best CMS you know so something in that manner now right here we have the keyword and this is really cool so what this plugin does that it'll actually go ahead and search Google and find out people are searching for to help you focus your keywords so it's like okay I want to focus more on WordPress themes and WordPress plugins something like this right here so you can see here how we have WordPress plugins WordPress themes and if I click on it it'll actually go ahead and say my results so right here's go a to WordPress now some things don't to know about keyword density the keyword density should be around 3% usually for good SEO practices you don't want to go over 3% and what I mean by that is saying the term WordPress should not show up more than 3% of your article now that's just a theory and that's an opinion but if this is ranking number one for WordPress and it's ranking six percents you know maybe it's working out for them but for general SEO practices you don't want to spam your keyword because this can penalize you and you hope you throw it on page 5,000 so please make sure you put your keyword density around 3% you also want to have inter linking to other articles and also you want to interlink to other websites so just go ahead and read through some of these basic SEO practices now what is pillar content so this post would actually be considered pillar content now what a pillar content is is basically saying it's a directory or it's a thorough explanation of something that you're writing about so how to make a website you're gonna have a lot of content on how to make a website right but if it's something like top 10 things girls like that's not really pillar content you know so if you're doing something of like top 5 WordPress themes or top 6 the Nintendo games to buy that's not Paylor contents but how to assemble a Nintendo that would be peeler content how to build a desk step-by-step that would be something up they're content so you can also go here and just kind of read through everything and just make sure that you know everything's everything looks good now if everything isn't a hundred percent guys that does not matter so as long as you're kind of aiming the right way and you're kind of being practical and you're making sense that's really all that matters so now that I've shown you guys how to do this and talked about the actual content let's go to the Advanced section so this right here is just saying I want Google to index this now I can also say I want this to be no indexed but why the hell would I do that I'll leave it as no indexed right here we can actually set redirects as well on this page Rich Snippets so what are we writing about so right here I'll just say an article or you can write about the job posting using etc now this is great because actually you know I'll probably do software application I think that might make more sense right now the thing is that when you do this you want to make sure that you are being as honest as possible to help Google properly put your content in the right position because if you don't you might end up I mean WordPress might end up in some weird area if you talk about restaurants because it might be a worse try a restaurant called WordPress you know so I don't know but I'm just giving you an example so right here we have the headline and the description and it's a blog post and then right here for social you just want to make sure that all this is cool so right here image so this is saying what image do you want to display when someone shares this post right here the title what is WordPress and then right here this is basically what people are going to see when someone shares this to either Facebook or Twitter alright so some key things to note guys is make sure your articles around 500 keywords do not spam your keyword or else you can get penalized make sure you interlink to your website and others and you'll have a great day so that is about it for this tutorial now if you're gonna ask me you know is this better is this better than Yoast personally I do like this plugin a lot but I can't say it's better than Yoast because I don't know the ethics of the company now personally I'm not that big of a fan of Yoast either because when Yoast had that really big glitch and it caused many sites to and have a lot of problems Yoos kind of hid it from everybody they didn't want to talk about it and they never even apologized for it until probably a month later and I think that's really effed up I think the company should have just came out and said hey guys we messed up so the ethics behind Yoast are questionable but I don't know for a fact if this company is a hundred percent amazing legit we'll have to wait and see but from what I can see here they look very professional it looks like they're trying to win over customers and we can just wait to see what they roll out so I hope you enjoyed this tutorial make sure to give it a thumbs up let me know if I miss anything and again my name is Darryl Wilson and I will see you all in the next video take care guys
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 68,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rank math, rank math seo, rank math seo plugin setup, rank math vs yoast seo, rank math seo plugin, wordpress seo plugin, rank math wordpress, rank math plugin, seo plugin wordpress, darrel wilson, wordpress seo, wordpress seo plugins, rank math vs yoast, seo, wordpress plugins, rank math review, rank math vs yoast 2019, rank math seo tutorial, rank math seo plugin tutorial, rankmath, yoast seo guide, wordpress seo optimization, seo plugin for wordpress, seo wordpress
Id: 8UEGcVAZ6ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 36sec (2976 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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