New Version: Intimate Conversations with the Divine with Caroline Myss & Sister Jenna

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[Music] [Music] i breathe in [Music] i breathe out i take in i give out i love [Music] i let go i release and i know i forgive [Music] i am healed i am whole i release i know [Music] breathe [Music] breathe need to push no need to try no need to worry your question [Music] and [Music] [Music] breathe [Music] breathe breathe [Music] thousands of years ago the buddha taught you are what you think i'm loved i am peace i am joy i am silly i am powerful so a modern philosopher coined the phrase that you are what you eat i am organic vanilla ice cream i'm chia seeds i'm a good strong cup of coffee in the morning i am mac and cheese today like millions of my human sisters and brothers on planet earth i'm becoming mindful about what i eat what i think but lately i've been thinking about this i watch what i eat but do i watch when i watch what about what i feed my mind my heart and my soul at conscious good we believe you are what you watch you are what you watch anytime you watch something that causes your soul to hurt there's an impact so what's the answer at conscious good we think it's about feeding our minds the same way that we feed our bodies with nourishing choices after all if media can have a negative influence on behavior it can also have a positive one it's been proven that if we watch tv shows and videos about people helping others cooperating and being generous it can actually influence us to be more altruistic and kind to one another talk about paying it forward so next time you sit down to watch your comfort movie consider how you will feel afterwards will you be happy and energized that's because maybe just maybe what you watch read and listen to matters i am what i watch so i watch what i watch i am nourished i am inspired i am enlightened i am a celebration i am conscious i am conscious i am conscious i'm good i am good i am good we we we we are we are we are conscious good [Music] welcome to the brahmakumaris where a new world is opened up for you from humble beginnings in india in 1936 to a global organization with over 8 000 centers in 110 countries and 1 million students worldwide through their tireless commitment passionate heart and determined spirit the brahma kumars arrived in america in 1974 and have since grown to 35 main centers throughout america there are also two residential retreat centers peace village located in upstate new york and anabooti located in navato california i want to just share a little bit about how the centers of raja yoga meditation began in united states actually i was in caribbean islands and i got invitation from new york that we want to start something about meditation and it was in 1978 i came here and we rented a very small apartment in astoria and from there i found that a lot of people have interest i realize that there is so much need and from there onwards then centers started in many other states our centers are safe spaces where you can explore the power of your inner world the classes are conducted in many many homes many cities all over across united states a lot of people they learn meditation they use it that meditation at their workplace and their family and also i find the children young adults because they are so much into like what really is the life about the brahman khmers are dedicated to personal and global transformation through the study and spiritual practice of raj yoga meditation and at the heart of our teaching is the belief that the pathway to peace and happiness is to remember our original nature as spiritual beings connected to the one source in 1981 the organization received recognition as an international non-governmental organization affiliated with the united nations and accredited with general consultative stages with the economic and social council from organizing large-scale global initiatives to local community programs the brahma-kumar's has a tradition of service in every field that fosters spiritual growth among individuals from all backgrounds cultures and walks of life [Music] i hold on to this vision the world of love world of peace and harmony world which is free from conflict and sorrow where we can live as brothers one family children of common parents one supreme divine power this is your invitation to awaken and join us in creating a world of love peace and kindness om shanti [Music] hi everyone welcome to the next normal i'm your host sister jenna and please accept a very very warm omshanti i'm really thrilled about today's conversation it's with one of my all-time favorite teachers carolyn mace who has just released a new book called in intimate conversations with the divine caroline came to me in a time of need this year during my health opportunity and when i asked her to do her medical little gift which she doesn't do anymore for folks she just told me what it was and i didn't like her answer but i had to accept it because i know that she comes from a place of love and deep truths anyway i had sent out some information about our conversation and my beautiful young inspiring youth leader and powerful young woman of today kristen hoffman responded and just said she's one of her all-time favorite teachers so i ended up asking kristen hoffman if she would be happy or opened enough to grace us with a song as a gift to caroline knowing all that she's done over the years and without hesitation kristen said yes so let me tell you a little bit about kristen she's a julia trained singer-songwriter musician with extraordinary artistic range her music has been heard on major record labels film and television and she has performed throughout the world collaborating with musical luminaries and projects ranging from individual albums to groundbreaking symphonic productions it's with great great love that i welcome our beautiful kristen hoffman to the next normal hi kristen i'm so glad that you could join us hello sister jenna hello caroline it's such an honor to be here today and wow my heart is just so full because i get a chance to give back to an amazing woman who really changed my life i think it was back in about 2007 when i was navigating i would say out of the main major label music industry which really wasn't resonating fully with my soul and i got this message just go out find your courage and listen to to your heart's guidance and i knew that what my true mission in this life was was is to use music as a vehicle for healing and awareness and right around that time i discovered anatomy of the spirit i think somebody gave it to me as a gift and wow did this book change my perspective my sense of healing within my being my understanding of being in discussion with my higher self and how that could be encoded on a cellular level and this book just helped me to really step into my mission fully and i would say if i went to an island for the rest of my life and i could take 10 books anatomy of the spirit would definitely be one of them so caroline thank you for being a transformational guide and mentor in my world and i think it's very rare in this life that someone who has served as such a mentor kind of from afar for a while that we have the chance to give back with our own gifts to that person so it is a true honor today to share this piece that poured through last night i was reading the description of your newest book and i went to get ready for bed and i started hearing this melody and i started hearing these words and i said okay let's not miss this moment and i went and sat down at the piano and this whole piece poured through between 11 and 12 p.m on 11 22 no less it started at about 11 o'clock on 11 22 so total master numbers in the works and it is called sweet divine so i i offer this piece to you with my deepest gratitude here we go [Music] um sweet divine you know my soul in intimate light you guide me with a map of sight let me know that it's all right it's all right sweet divine when we speak in deepest prayer in the silence feel you there like you're always so aware of me and in these conversations you helped me see the way these conversations my unique offering these conversations the healing that is mine to claim a sweet divine [Music] sweet divine in your gaze i'm never alone you lead me back to heart and home help me heal the truest tone of who i am sweet divine even when i'm living asleep forgotten how to listen deep you find a way to sing to me through the night in these conversations you help me see the way these conversations my unique offering these conversations the healing that is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] in these conversations you help me see the way these conversations my unique offering these conversations the healing that is mind acclaim oh sweet divine sweet divine [Music] sweet divine [Music] my infinite gratitude caroline for you our special gift for all the work and all the service you've offered our humanity kristin hoffman thanks for setting the tone for our evening's conversation as usual you've touched our hearts caroline did you have anything to say do you need to take out any i tissues really want to say how blessedly gifted you are and honestly when someone gives their talent their genius in response you have done more for me than you'll ever know then you'll ever know i can't even thank you enough for whatever you think i've done in your life you've replayed it 100 fold i will always remember this i'm the one who needs the tissues now thank you what a special moment i can't wait to read your newest book caroline thank you love and life thank you all the best love you sister john thank you me too darling thanks a lot um so i think i think all of you now are pretty much ready for an intimate deeper conversation tonight to service at a level of real transformation i know i don't really need to offer the you know introduction to caroline because our conversation would be more than enough but for those of you who might be just learning about her she's a five-time new york times best-selling author and internationally renowned speaker in the field of human consciousness spirituality and mysticism but also health energy she's also started the educational institute in 2003 called the carolyn mace education which offers a diverse array of programs devoted to personal development and it draws students from all around the world caroline maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule and she's produced more than 80. eighty eight zero audio visual products on subjects that include healing spirituality personal development and much more of course you can see caroline online super soul sunday with oprah winfrey but what has brought us here together is her new book intimate conversations with the divine prayer guidance and grace which i had the fortune of assisting in a little endorsement so with my heart filled with grace and love caroline welcome to the next normal glad that you could join us from your busy schedule thank you sister jenna it's good to be with you we have been going through quite a lot of changes in the last i would say maybe 10 years especially but i'd say the last four years have been quite intense what have you learned at a personal level about what these four years actually meant to you that's a big question sister jenna um we're walking into deep waters here um what i will say is that i i we have been in the flow of transformation since we entered the nuclear age that was crossing a power rubicon when we when we stole the fire again from zeus so to speak when we when we accessed the capacity to destroy ourselves thinking that it was somehow or other an accomplishment i think that the level of light and dark uh catapulted to a new a new playground a new all right and that from that time on we knew somehow inside of ourselves we could feel a archetypal cosmic momentum building that from that time life looks from the buddha's point of view as it i mean let me say it differently it looks externally like we're making progress look at this there's you know more of this and more of that and things are faster bigger faster bigger faster bigger but in fact more species are dying the the environment's becoming more more toxic the the actual organic system is becoming more toxic constantly and the actual psychic living system the energetic system is becoming more contaminated and all we ever do is measure by can does my phone worked is this faster faster faster comfortable we we look at everything from whether it's comfortable and fast and that's our measure of whether or not we're making progress when in fact at the energetic level we're a catastrophe so what i think is happening is we have been building to a crescendo of awakening is how i would put it that we've been awakening as a hobby jenna we've been awakening as a hobby oh i think i'll take yoga and i think i'll do this and we did it for our health not to actually awaken not to actually awaken we did it to get our blood pressure down and we did it to to stay in in shape it was like the cool thing to do and then we'll go get a smoothie and all this other stuff you do it so that you can get in touch with what is evil and good in you how is it you navigate the choices you make what side of this issue is is in you and so in these last four years we've been building with all this fake news fake news to me is like like buddha said it's all fake news out there it's all fake news the whole world's illusion now you've got a puppeteer out there screaming that you've got one in russia you've got one here all the we are in the age of the unimaginable so what do i think is happening i think that we are on the brink of losing the world we know i think that the pandemic is this incredibly i think it's a matter of evolution and it's a matter of cause and effect and choice and consequence and i think that when it comes to the choices we have to make human beings cannot seem to get that a rising tide lifts all ships and that um the the the journey is that what is in one is in the whole that all life breathes together they that that in fact um we have to start making decisions that empower the whole but the distribution of power the love of power dominates over the power of love and that's just the way it is can i jump in here jump as much as you want because it connects to what you're saying um and it's something i've been asking myself a lot and i can't say i've found the answers yet but why is it caroline that we tend to learn faster through tragedy than through love for example we've had love and we kind of take it for granted at times but then it has to get to this particular point of such darkness that people start to somehow then decide i need to wake up it's no longer about yoga and my health like what is it in the human psyche or in the soul that triggers people to do something at a deeper level when it's tragic it has to be tragic first i don't want to be wired like that by the way i don't wait for tragedy to grow or to learn yes when i do encounter a real tough karmic period my growing curve is exponentially really faster but i do look for moments of growth in moments of love like what we had at the opening i can't begin to tell you how that made me feel and i knew that was my growth but i've been noticing people are wired to decide or choose to grow when situations get tragic why i think that's always been i mean i think it's very rare that someone recognizes i need to empower this person and that would make this whole thing better i i need to recognize how racist the united states is and so we need to to recognize we have always been an unbelievably racist country and we just don't want to share power with them and that's what's going on in the in the government and etc etc there's a lot of though that in the legislation and and that's what mitch mcconnell is now up to with his federal judges and um the sharing of power power is the fundamental ingredient in the human experience sister jenna power everything is a negotiation of power everything everything we say everything we do everything we don't we're not born loving we have to be taught how to love we and and we and it starts out as a physical substance this is love let me show you i love you i will get up and make you dinner i will physicalness so we see love as power the most terrifying thing for people to do jenna is to empower somebody is to give power is to is to give a compliment is to say you know what you're really good at this kristen is a genius at her music and for her i bet you she she has not encountered the number of people she should have in her life who said my god you are a star because people who are really really talented intimidate others they shouldn't but they do we have this fear that there's never going to be enough and we live from that illusion we live from that illusion they'll never be enough and so we've chosen the route to destroy things as opposed to instead of sharing we will destroy so you don't get more think about that that's how we do our calculations rather than help people in this country that country this we will bomb them and destroy them so that we don't have to share what we have so uh the the way we think is so primitive it it is at times so primitive it takes my breath away it takes my breath away the idea that empowering somebody who doesn't look like me oh my god could you do that so we're primates when it come i mean the the journey ahead of us how am i from these last four years i think our our primitiveness has been exposed i agree that that somebody as cress as crude a liar a person who just drips in all the seven sins is emulated it's emulated that that half the voting public said no this is the person we want to lead this nation absolutely tells you how much trouble we're in yeah okay so on one level i know that what oh i just wanted to say by the way i am not making a republican or democratic statement though it sounds it i would be as aggressive if this were a democrat libertarian or druid i just find i know you would we know you we know you know where your heart is contaminating i don't care about i have no allegiance to a political party whatsoever my allegiance is to the constitution to my country i don't care about these idiot politicians none of them yes yes i get you i get you i get you and i think that as we navigate during this particular time i guess you are right it's really about power because i've even seen in my own life sometimes you just keep going you know you're not pausing you're not getting caught up in all the games that people play and all the hearsay the gossiping the criticism the competition you're like straight up you know i focus on my love for god i do what i get inspired to do and just wait to see if it's ever going to just pour down on me as a blessing and again i'm not even doing it for that i know that as we navigate through these times my desire and my wish was for us to really feel that we're getting turned to god caroline like that we would talk more about the divine and i was curious to find out where were you when you started to put together intimate conversations with the divine book you know when we spoke and i was going through my health opportunity you immediately sent me the manuscript to read every morning i would wake up and i would read those prayers especially the one on humility and it just would heal me it would touch me it became like almost a second gita for me and there was just something about it the the authenticity the feeling the the purity of it you tapped into who i call god baba it's just because i'm more of a baby with my relationship but you tapped into baba god the divine allah jehovah in such a way that it just it gives you that space to let that energy in more where were you when you were putting this book together where were you inside and when you reached the final page and you put the pen down do you remember where you were inside um well i you know the story i tell in the book where i was in my kitchen and i heard that voice that said you don't pray i didn't have a prayer life honestly sister jenna that was like a boat of lightning and you talk about humble right because i thought because i teach and i teach spirituality and i do all these medical intuitive readings i thought it that message was so clear because it went all through my body like an electrical charge and in typical of a mystical message it it has a timeless quality in that your you know a thousand things simultaneously it's what teresa havel would call direct knowing you know your life has changed you know that you did not engage that thought yourself you know that you now have to do something about that you know something profound has happened you know you know you know you know you know that everything up to that time in your life is over you know that a new path is going to open has just opened and it will require prayer all of that all of that sunk into me in a micro second all of that all of that as i stood in my kitchen on that friday afternoon in october and as i stood there and i and on a day when to top it off i was feeling so good about my life i was thinking i love this life i have and right and and and and then i thought why why do you get how how is it that you know the intimacy the tininess of my tiny little prayers and that they're not enough and that i'm not and all of a sudden the intimacy of heaven became real i mean it became full-on total oh my god you're everywhere but it wasn't just a thought like children god are everywhere this was like bloody hell you are everywhere i the holiness of that jenna it almost brought me to my knees right there in my kitchen i mean i i it's so hard to truly truly share the content of a mystical experience because you can't because it's given to to it's like saying to someone share your baby i don't think so right um i think not get your own you know but i the intimacy that you would come here and tell me that my prayer life is insufficient and you need me to pray and that that's gonna matter to i the whole thing was just and then i thought oh christ what are you gonna do to me now and then you know and then the whole thing nothing was the same from that point on but the intimacy i was like boy oh boy you are everywhere wow oh and then i thought this is so you got deeply hooked didn't you it was like um a mirror a mirror that you were accustomed to looking through shattered and a whole new you emerged i'll tell you why i'm smiling when i was about 24 25 for the first time i had trekked to india at my parents's you know group and one that i eventually joined the brahma kumai's and i was so young and you know my background you know pretty young i was originally born in kingston jamaica but i left when i was four and i've been in the states ever since and now i'm only seven so what happened was when i actually went to india at the brahma kumai's i sat there in the group of about it's gonna you're gonna understand what i'm trying to say here it was about two thousand of us in a room and i remember interpreting this was going to be my moment to welcome god into my life fully and as i sat there with that knowingness there was a one of the yogi sisters daddy gulzah amazing energy i remember she came on the stage sat there and everybody is in meditation and my heart is pumping out of my chest and everything that i did against my peace or against my purity was coming like fast forward like the end of a tape and i felt like inside i wasn't going to have my experience with god and as i was getting up from where i was sitting the energy there was like an energy that just entered into the space and it just it just kind of this wind flew over me and it sat me down gently and guess what i learned from that experience god cared nothing about if i was good naughty or nice he was just this energy of love there is that intimacy that happens with your awakening and i sat there caroline for another five hours i never moved my eyes off of that moment and just allowed that oh and you just allow that love to pour over you and when you had told me about the intimacy part of the book i went i get it i know what she means this is the intimacy the world is looking for yeah i felt that how how have you been able to sustain it i i don't know but i do i what can i say to you i live in it i live i dwell in it i live in it i don't have to do anything but i have to i pray i i i i truly live jenna i live in this truth that this all is god and i'm simply walking around in god all day this is where they're all of creation is god i it's like i got it it's like i got it like if god could hand out perceptions truth truth jewels that activate in a person as a gift as a blessing to use your word as a blessing one of the greatest blessings that could download and activate like an alka-seltzer just go is like that all of this is breathing conscious holy god and you're floating around in it and we're just walking and everything is just a different vibration of god at all times and so i really really live in that and when and i and i have to sustain it i have to i have to pray i so i i i you know i said a prayer before our interview i i i i just will slip into dialogue i will slip into dialogue as if you were here as if god is here at all times because god is here at all times so i slip into dialogue because god is here at all times and so i just slip into an intimate conversation like you know what i was thinking and like and like i'll go on my porch and i'll say i gotta tell you this is getting screwed up down here so you obviously this you know what's going on here but it's hard and and kids are in cages and so what am i supposed to do talk to me talk to me talk to me this is this is and if the only thing i can do is generate grace then so i shall do it i don't know anything else to do but that's a lot so that's race in a time generating grace and a time where people seem to have moved grace aside from their narrative is vital i'm curious to ask you especially the listeners and the viewers that are tuning in how can we open our own intimate channel of communication with the divine which can help us to navigate the challenges that life throws us any suggestions um yeah well you know to that i'm going to say um uh oh he would sneeze um now you're bringing up the subject of faith really of faith and of trust um i i tell everybody you know start out with holy listening and and prayer and don't pray as if you expect a reward for prayer don't pray with entitlement don't don't don't pull off any of those attitudes with heaven that you have with human beings because it's not going to get you anywhere the celestial world and the holy world is not organized like the physical world it doesn't care about your temper tantrums and it doesn't cave into spoiled breaths and it doesn't do any of that heaven is all about the journey of getting you to become more comfortable with the quality of choices you make that are based and rooted in sacred truth that's that's the role of heaven that's the rule of heaven and so um when you asked why do we always end up getting to the place where we're in pain before we cave because we've chosen pain as our teacher haven't we how many times have we been warned ahead of time don't do that it'll do this or that and we don't care because it doesn't suit us because we really don't take that seriously oh that won't happen to me because i'm entitled to things working easier for me because i'm entitled to certain blessings because i'm so special and so this won't happen to me because i'm just so special and so the first stage is getting over the i'm so special thing isn't it and that getting it getting over your contempt for being ordinary and so how do we pray we take our shoes off on sacred ground and we start saying you know what i'm just like everybody else and i am subject to the laws of nature and this is an organic universe and god is law god is law and what what i what actions i set into motion i am responsible for the reaction what choices i make have consequences so how shall i pray guide me so that i do no harm and if i am doing harm show me why i'm doing harm beautiful powerful there are certain things that we innately might be asking ourselves in our quiet moments could be when you're cooking it could be when you're walking from one room to another could be when you're picking up the phone you know those quiet thoughts that emerge to signal something to you we hear a lot um the current leadership had talked about the soul of america healing the soul of america and this is not a political question but i'd love if you could share with us what is your interpretation or understanding of soul i think i think i'll think of toilet water cologne perfume all the same fragrance but different and you know all the same fragrance but different intensity right so i think of odi toilets right toilet water very cheap so you have to put a lot of it and it doesn't go very long and that's physical life that's our toilet water it has our fragrance but it won't last very long cologne is our energy field energy there's nothing sacred about that it's just mechanical just energy which is why working with energy won't heal you it just maneuvers but it's tech it's the wiring it's what people don't get it's just wiring then you get to perfume so the energy field is where the spirit is spirit manages the wiring then you get to the perfume that's your eternal cosmic holy self that's your soul i get you i get that i look at it that um there are original recordings in the soul there's a sanskrit word called sanskaras and you've got the energy in the soul when you're so aware there is love and peace and purity and truth in you and when you're not and you're in the uh the toilet water it's an um i use quite frequently it's called algae you're in the anger the lust the greed the attachment and the ego and what we're trying to move from is from algae to the original cell from the toilet water to the perfume i get it oh i know why i love perfume i don't know i get that um oh i love it um god who who's god are you asking are you just musing i'm looking at that look on your face i'm asking who's god to you what's your interpretation i don't know i mean i'm not quote i can only only only tell you how i have experienced i can't answer that for any other person and i wouldn't even interpret i wouldn't even attempt that but my my personal spiritual journey has given me reason to conclude that so far to believe so it's a work in progress but so far all i'm capable of understanding about the nature of god is that it is two things profoundly intimate and totally impersonal both are true both are true that the manifestation of god the divine all that is is in the structure of life the nature of life and the nature of life is law and order and we're creatures of law and order we can't stand it when laws are broken it it drives us crazy we will pursue someone to the ends of the earth if they break a law because we are structured our bodies work on law and order our heartbeat is law eye blinks blood pressure mathematical law so the nature of god the the planetary rhythms the tides nature summer autumn winter spring food returns we this is god and if you understand that that is the nature of god then you understand that after a winter in your life i will send you a spring i will even if i don't like you god says i'll send you a spring i'm under contract i'll send you a spring i will no matter who you are no matter how many no matter how much it doesn't matter but i will tell you not everybody has the same kind of fields to plant in that's going to vary but you'll get a field you'll get a field yeah and how well you use your skill you know everything is choice because it's law and order you make stupid choices i am not going to clean up your mess because that's law and order is that is that where karma plays a role where um it's not the karma that we talk about where that's your karma but it's more the law of cause and effect where if i've given you so much suffering at some point when i'm suffering then why am i begging and saying this is not fair you know when i look at what's happening in the usa i wonder is that the karma of usa to be going through what it's going through or is it creating karma to go through some stuff later on it's been a huge shift in this country i have to tell you especially you and i have felt a lot of emotions with the kids being locked up in cages that was a really hard one to receive and then you reach a point that you say to yourself at what point do i step in and and step up and go no we can't have this and everyone's voice should have shifted that and yet we're still struggling and there's still kids in those cages and they will be all through the democratic you watch because there's no leaders and there's no backbone and they're all afraid of being out of their power seats which is why they have to absolutely get term limits and they should be paid forty thousand a year and you'll see them scamper mm-hmm you have to get rid of that give them term limit and you have to make their power lives their little aristocracies their little kingdoms you have to disempower these people they they've just become too entrenched in their own power systems they don't run to represent people they run personal power gains right yeah i remember i did a television series i did a television series entitled soul talk on the hill and i had the privilege of really being the only yogi walking in the halls of congress and having these intimate conversations and you know what i took away from our talks and our recordings if they had an influence that could invite them to feel safe to be opened and to be themselves they would but sometimes the environment is so toxic they're not even able to find themselves this is just something that i'd observed in some not all but in some i want to get to the book because i was curious and i know this is going to be a hard question because i know we're coming to the the end of our conversation um i felt for me there were like all the prayers were like my favorite um but there were a few that i would turn back again and again which one is your favorite so far which one do you find yourself turning back to again and again by chance is the book there or by chance do you i know you have the prayers memorized i would love if you could share one of your favorite prayers with us um one of my favorite ones huh let me see look at this book it's so marked up i mean um i i think after this one you know i i i really do i've been asked so many many times in interviews to share a prayer from my book and i honestly i i just i let it open i find it now very curious that when i open it up i think should i just share this particular prayer and it's turning out to be an oddly appropriate prayers so may i share this one please do please do okay this one is called soul choices nowadays i think about my life lord as an endless excursion into the power i have to set choices in motion how i dance with creation by deciding what to do with this life of mine and little by little i'm realizing that every thought i have every breath i take releases sparks of creative energy my energy my grace into this universe every flash of love or fear or anger or joy curiosity or gratitude ignites a consequence every burst of energy starts the fires of creation which blend into the forces of energy already in motion that is what this journey of my life everyone's life is really about what then am i creating with this soul of mine i will have to account for my acts of creation when i leave this earth we do not get the gift of all this power and not have to account for it this is far too orderly a universe for our lives to be disorderly and unaccounted for i suspect that when i leave this earth everything that seems so important to me here everything i worry about will crumble away i will realize how utterly insignificant it was to not have enough of this or that or how much pain i caused by holding on to anger or stressing out over whatever i don't want to wait that long lord to come to my spiritual senses i want some wild and powerful grace to sweep through me and flush out my inner reptiles and fears i cannot afford to be afraid of small choices anymore i cannot afford to imagine fears that are nonsense or concern myself for even a second about what others think my only concern now is whether i'm hearing you clearly i have less time ahead of me now lord than behind me and i do not want to be someone who is frightened of other people or carries darkness in my heart if i am such a person i need to see that and heal it my choices are far too powerful and i cannot afford a negative choice i kind of feel like how you felt when kristen was finished with her song to you there's just something about these prayers they're just so pure and authentic i don't have to tell you thanks for joining us today because i know whatever you offer from your heart and it's genuine you don't show up if it's not real to you and i've appreciated that any final thoughts you see how much we know each other any final thoughts we'd like to offer really do you want to share any final thoughts with everyone because you know we're trying to get folks out of their personal issues you know like personal little petty issues is really distracting people from the real deal but that's another conversation you know what i'm going to say jenna it's going to be a challenging winter for people it's going to be because we're going to be under lockdown or we're going to be isolated and life is changing and what people need to really get is we're not going back to any kind of normal we can only go forward now and so people have got to stop saying i want to get back to normal we're going to get forward to a new normal and they have to stop looking back and that and they have to not allow that sort of nostalgia to take hold of them it won't serve them instead they have to look at what needs to be generated in each day to we have to look at small ways to improve the lives we're living we have to be we have to become much bigger within our small space and much smaller within this big space we have to be much more gracious to every person we meet because our we were screaming for decades i want my own space well look how many people have it and it's killing them so what we need to do now is realize i don't want my own space i so want to squeeze the hell out of everybody i love but i can't get my hands on them and i will never again not be grateful for the people in my life i will never again not be grateful for everybody and in fact my job when i go down the street my practice is i my heart is so full of love for everybody i see because now i know that everybody i see is missing everybody they don't see as much as i'm missing everybody i look at all the people in my town who are losing their businesses and i stop by their window and think is there anything i can do or anything i can get anything this is my living practice we're trying to save this village and save everything else what else can it you tell people you start living the power of your spirit you stand when you see someone out there who's homeless you better believe they are homeless and you give them a dollar you don't walk by them and in your heart you say except for the grace of god go i am because you know what that could be an angel in disguise looking at you and saying i'm going to remember this because we are all one it is such a it's a time for grace it's a time for all of us to really begin to go deeper into our intimate conversations with god everyone i it doesn't matter if you've been on your awakened journey your religious journey your agnostic journey as living souls there's got to be something in your spirit that's calling you to be definitely the best you can be which is of love and to be more soul aware so that you can walk with god wherever you go we always believe you know that it's not as if god we know god is everywhere wherever there's beauty there's god when there's ugly god is not there but imagine that the more we can keep remembering the divine the more we remember the divine keep this intimate dialogue with with the divine we make the energy of god present because one of the things that i've been looking at is why are people so mean to each other it's as if they've stopped having this intimate dialogue with the divine um i carolyn thank you lots of love holding you tight om shanti none of those words really carry the weight of how we feel about each other but i think the both of us can share that we deeply deeply wish for humanity to heal and to awaken and to get out of this particular place that it is globally and so you know i just hope that i don't hope i just know a day will come whether it's through love or tragedy we will turn to the divine and we will get into the intimacy of these relationships or conversations and i think the world will change it'll become that golden age we've been envisioning for a long time any final words my sweet sister and if not thank you so much big hugs take care lots of love all right everyone i hope that took you to another place in time and you were able to really feel the strength and the depth of our narrative with the wonderful carolyn mace again her book intimate conversations with the divine has been one of my bedtime books that i turn to at night and again you know we need to really become so conscious and raise our love and our empathy our kindness our graciousness one thing i recognize that definitely is a big need of our time humility and honesty these two particular virtues to be humble and to be honest again nothing that was said in today's conversation is really anything about political each person was sharing their own idea this was really about how can we get to our conscious place of divinity and become our best version so to all of our friends out there on facebook youtube all of your comments let us know what you felt about today's conversation put them in give me your thumbs up anything that you'd like to share and i want to take this time to thank each and every one of you for tuning in again and making the next normal your go to evening chit chat bad nights all right lots of love take care everyone om shanti thank you for your inspiration for your life and love thank you for your recognition of the ones thank you for your sweet compassion for your life thank you for walking on this earth thank you for being the river flows back to the ocean the trees the sun must the gift of silence is returned to each one's soul by soul [Music] so good ocean fly like a bird to his arms take all the of all who will miss you but know we are never [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for your inspiration [Music] for your life and love thank you [Music] thank you for your sweet compassion for your life of truth [Music] thank you for walking on this earth thank you for being you oh thank you for walking on thank you [Music] you
Channel: meditationmuseum
Views: 3,868
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Meditation Museum, Sister Jenna, meditation music, mindfulness, Personal Development, Self, Help, Self improvement, Spiritual, Spirituality, mind, Workshops, Inner, peace, Learn to meditate, Empowerment, health, wellness, happiness, Tysons Virginia, online, dc metro, meditation, free, anger, frustration, peace of mind, silver spring, Maryland, McLean, Virginia, Raja Yoga, how to, meditate, tips, guided, techniques, COVID-19, Brahma Kumaris, DC, DC Metro, fear, Zoom, Stay at home, lockdown, Vaccine, depression
Id: bblKHs8uJyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 53sec (4433 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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