NEW Tug of War Battle Simulator! Warpips Gameplay! (Favorite New Game)

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welcome to war pips early access now they're saying this is an unfinished game and development is pretty far along but there's gonna be some bugs missing features it's in early access but the game is phenomenal it plays great this is one of the best lane strategy slash tug of war style games that i've played in a very very long time i've had my eye on this game for a while and i want to say a big shout out and thank you to war pips for sponsoring this video the game comes out april 29th and there's a 20 launch discount window between april 29th and may 3rd now for the good part we're just going to jump into a skirmish real quick because i want to show you some of the underlying mechanics of it now there's skirmish mode in campaign mode there might be some new modes throughout the course of development here's my base which is a mobile base this is the enemy base looks like a bit of an ammo dump here on the islands now check this out right so i'm doing skirmish so everything's a little bit random oh i got lucky because i got the war pips which i don't know why but visually they remind me of like colonial marines but here we can see some enemy militia you're gonna notice that the terrain is sort of 3d voxel and our units are this 2d pixel art style what is this an oil barrel sell the oil barrel for instant cash yes i'd like to sell that now as the battle is playing you're gonna notice that we're gaining xp as again xp i get these little xb points and i can use them in three major ways one is to upgrade my soldiers the other is to get instant cash and the third is to increase my supply right now i can only put three guys out there right now but these war pips these guys are bosses and they're pretty dang good and they can get better check this out if i level them up to the next rank using four of my xb points let's go ahead and sell that barrel they're gonna basically drop in price right so boom boom so i've got four of these guys now because i used one of my xb points to increase the size of my squad so for these guys going out now one of the things that makes them so good as you can see is their grenade launcher but this is just like it's such a mechanically sound lane strategy game i'm absolutely hooked on this now this is kind of cool there's also the timeline feature going on hey would be a shame if you were to step on that land mine idiot but i basically right now it looks like oh if i spend a combat point which i'm gonna i'm midway through level six i'm gonna be able to unlock this guy he looks like he might be a sniper or a heavy gunner something like that all right let's do it let's see who this is and it is oh it's a sniper we'll pull one of these guys out now he's got a nice little red dot sight or rather a laser sight so when he gets in this battle he's just gonna be knocking these guys out left right and center so we're actually making a pretty good push we're doing well against these militia units and there's the sight it sounds great it feels great the ai is pretty solid look at that sniper behind enemy lines right now man he's out there alone and he's dead so without the proper supporting infantry units he's gonna get kind of taken out kind of easily right all right now we're gonna send out three units and a sniper look at that he's already lining up his target so between a sniper rifle and grenade launchers we've just got better weaponry than the enemy who's bringing out it looks like a mix of machine guns and shotguns i haven't seen too many other units out there yet so the sniper is definitely doing well and you'll notice that the i will like hide behind cover i can also kind of tell them hey boys bunker down a little bit oh there we go we ranked up so now these guys are fully ranked up in a war pip when he's fully ranked up he goes from his original price to 25 to 15 and the snipers greatly increases the sniper shooting range so this guy's gonna be able to shoot from across the map you'll also notice that the terrain has physics to it this car was not turned over at the beginning of the map if they get hit with certain grenade launchers things go flying do you see those barrels in boxes it's awesome all right sniper the ai is like you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna move back behind me because i lost all of my support here and you may be thinking hey baron these levels these battles can last in eternity well look at the timeline right here we're about to when this arrow hits this little yellow box a big attack is going to happen so there's gonna have to be an all-out push that we're gonna need to be ready for you know what so i guess let's put down some sandbags here and call in some reinforcements because we know we're about to get hit with an enemy attack this is one of those games where it's very very easy to learn oh look they got vehicles but there's like a lot of nuance and things that you're gonna pick up on through experience the more battles you play better right let's go ahead and put a landmine there just in case this guy pushes and we took him out okay so we got this landmine here chilling out so you're gonna have a mix of units and special abilities and defenses static defenses primarily all right we're doing good i'm gonna bring out another sniper just because we've already got well two of these guys and i'm gonna increase my squad size so we start out with the default of three and now we're at seven so we have fully upgraded infantry and a pretty decent sized army the snipers reaching out and touching somebody and if you're on the militia squad i'm gonna call them militia because they just kind of remind me of that but the music kind of reminds me of command and conquer in a way so there's a little bit of nostalgia for me but like this is the kind of game that i have been waiting for for a long time and i'm just so happy it's freaking here so there we go our first skirmish has been completed we defeated the enemy base we have an operational success now that is not the only mode that is available in the game right now we also have campaign so let's go ahead and start a campaign because there are a lot of various features that you're only gonna get from playing that so let's see you know what baron's brigade we're gonna change our signal our insignia here from oh a lion i like it we're gonna make ourselves the red lion if we can find red there's no red don't worry we'll be blue so check this out oh wow an oil derek provides a small amount of cash over time stim pack and we're starting out with mercenaries oh wait the enemy lineup is a pistol pip war fighters and then shotgunners okay so if i were to go there but what if i were to go here oh a vaz with shotgunners and pistol pips and then oh i really want the war pip guy he's one of the best units in the game i feel like so we're going to start out we're going to deploy here what is my loadout so right now it looks like i've got the tactician and mercenaries wait do i i've got two of these so i think oh my i've got the cannon we'll take some barbed wire too and we'll deploy now mercenaries are very cool in how they level up when i first played them i was like these guys kind of suck and they're supposed to they're cheap fodder units look at that big auto cannon in the background guess who daddy is that's my auto cannon baby and the best part about it is i gotta control it now we've got a new map style here so check this out basic gun for higher spawns two mercenaries when you level up to the next one so what we're going to want to do is do that we're going to want to spend all of our xp as fast as possible upgrading our mercenaries and each unit kind of has their own feel look at this i gotta command this auto cannon now it's not very accurate at great distance but luckily these dudes are bringing pistols and all of my militia are alive actually so let's go ahead and upgrade that now there is it can overheat oh here we go beautiful an enemy wave is approaching it looks like they're bringing out some vehicles lots of dudes and pistols it's like the beginning level of campaign so it's gonna be a little bit easier oh now i get the tactician and he can call in artillery strikes and he's gonna buff my infantry units he's gonna make them a little bit more accurate and what else do you do slightly reduces the delay between artillery strikes and buffs the accuracy of the pips around you so that's pretty cool all right let's let's get back on this auto cannon cause they've got a lot of vehicles here a lot of infantry look at this all right we're getting closer all of my guys are still alive i'm waiting for an artillery strike to drop okay we've overheated our gun officer call in an artillery strike now i can also play some static defenses in case they're pushing a lot i can call in barbar but i'm going to save that 20 cash we're one point away from boom getting fully upgraded infantry so now when i spawn these guys instead of one it's three oh my gosh so our infantry just went great and look at that now you see the exploding terrain we're gonna actually increase the squad size here and i'm thinking we've got a pretty big size infantry group we got our officer here if he excuse me yeah our tactic our tactician tactical officer whatever you want to call him the gang calls him tactician so we're gonna use that he should buff all of these guys and we got tons of uzi boys all right now let's just get even more uzi boys reinforcements have arrived commander and it looks like we're doing a pretty good job but yeah so the campaign's just not this like flat out linear experience you're going to be able to put it be put it on map and then you kind of get to decide where you go and then it's going to have various rewards for competing in it and you know beating it and it looks like we've got the final push here oh there's a little shotgun boy shoot that guy there we go he's down he's dead jim and enemy base is destroyed we have won our first battle here in the campaign if you guys are liking this game and you want to see more let me know pull the trigger and like button and definitely check the game out for yourself using the link in the video description all right so now it's time for the rewards what do we get the war pip essential rifle pip the backbone of your army an oil derrick providing a small amount of cash over time and tear gas excellent so it looks like actually there's sort of a bit of a roguelite uh situation to this where like i'm gonna be able to go out there and buy new units right okay war fighters gas trucks we get snipers and more mercenaries but like my loadout i only have so many right so i've got a war pip and mercenaries and a tactician i've got all of these as well this is interesting so where do we want to go next so we want to get to the end island here oh tanya oh i knew it there's a little bit of cnc inspiration going on here as there should be what a classic game right what do i want to unlock next two more malicious squads would be pretty good because i'm going to spend one here all right so let's go to the loadout and what do we want you know what what if i just did this like what if what if i what if i conserved it in just when militia could we do it it's kind of a risk but i wanna you know what we'll also bring barbwire but see this is one of the things you can do because i'm realizing now from playing the campaign that we have a set limit of campaign resources not only resources within the battlefield but the overall campaign as well enemy base you look like a chump son all right so generally speaking what i would do is my first two upgrades go into increasing squad and then i'll spawn in three of these dudes and hope that they just mop up on some pistol boys because yeah guys with oozies aren't good against like front line soldiers but oh they got a machine gun okay if we can take the machine gun out but i love the reload animations you see their little like bullet casings popping out it's really awesome like mechanically sound artistically beautiful the sound design is also great i i just love it this is the game i've been waiting for all right boys take cover i need you guys preferably behind those giant big concrete bears there we go we leveled up so now we'll get two mercenaries every time we buy them once so basically we are going to try to overpower these guys with numbers now they're gonna get close to our base we're gonna wait for this guy to fall we're gonna wait for them to move in uh you know what actually i can't spend on the barbed wire i need this money now there's this emergency button i can lose one pip to take 50 cash i don't need it you know what we will put in some barbed wire so when guys run over it they will slow down and take some damage that guy being supported by two pistol-y boys is pretty good but yeah this is gonna be a war of attrition but when you look on the timeline this yellow caution tape area and the timeline if you're missing it right here that's when they're going to make a big push so preferably we want to destroy them before it or we want to get ready to bunker down for a while now there's all kinds of other stuff we're going to be able to unlock there's vehicles there's air strikes armor like tanks and stuff like that where you can get like poison gas grenades all kinds of crazy stuff there we go so we ranked up and now whenever we buy one mercenary we spend the twenty dollars instead of getting one guy we get three we are replicating boys all right so this push should get pretty far other than the dudes with the ars the pistoly boys aren't the strongest but there is a decent amount of them you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna kind of i think i want to endure this enemy strike we'll increase the squad size here actually if i were to send reinforcements we may have pushed past who knows there's one dude just holding down the line little shotgun boy look at him boss i need reinforcement sorry bud all right get ready for it i wanted to show i mean i feel like we would have wiped out the enemy base and i want to show you enemy wave approaching so i've got like a huge war chest built up and now i can put in five pips which is the name of the little infantry units everybody's a pip so they're running through my barbed wire all right boys counter attack look at that if i had a tactician with these guys we would just like overwhelm them but we don't we've got to unlock them through the course of this campaign and i didn't want to waste them i felt like given the opposition i knew that these guys were gonna do a good job look at that more reinforcements yes so these guys are just a marching line of cheap militia although they're mercenaries i guess i'm not paying them a lot because they're like yeah i'll charge the enemy front lines with nothing but an uzi and a a really cool looking backpacking headband thanks guys thanks for being there for me when i needed you the most and the enemy base is gonna fall to our gunfire boom victory so the enemy army strength i think goes up each time and we're getting these war warbucks now how to spend warbucks so what do we unlock some more mercenaries another oil derrick and a stim pack which heals our soldiers it's a cool little ability and the only limitation there is the amount of time you get so let's go to the arms dealer oh my okay so for five more bucks i can get another militia unit or mercenaries rather or there's this a drone swarm launches a kamikaze swarm of explosives laden attack drones this thing is dope yeah see look at that that's an alien style battle rifle that is awesome i love that and now there's upgrades so if i upgrade the barracks engineering core academy arms dealer vehicle bay and then there's this one random one over here oh and there's more the recruitment center vehicle bay and weapons depot that's cool okay so let's take a look at the map and choose our next sector these guys have like this strong a war mule drops off a large platoon of war fighters to the front line of the battlefield you know what i bet you we could take them out now this one unlocks a war pip a sniper and a small turret and these guys are just shotgunners and a vaz you know what we're gonna go against them now to prepare our loadout here i'm bringing in i think to fight these guys shotgunners the best counter wouldn't be uzi's but would instead be my war pips and we'll bring in an oil derrick because that's new to me and i want to see how it plays so once again i think we're ready and we'll get another war pip soldier so we will deploy and then right after this we're going to go into another skirmish battle to show you the great variety of kind of later game abilities lonely table i love the little mobile command base here all right so we'll put those both in there we'll wait to save up see what they're doing we know they're getting shotgunny boys but i want to have 75 dollars to send out a full squad of three guys at the same time so basically they can support each other because they laid down pretty good fire and i'm sure they're gonna outrange him and they fire grenade launchers so let's see grenade launcher immediately takes them out these guys are gonna do some work we should be able to level up and even upgrade them and as these guys get leveled up remember that their cost goes down from 25 to 20 and then to 15. we're able to out shoot these guys oh when they find cover that's what the grenade launchers are for all right in this case i wonder if it wouldn't have been better to increase my squad size but i'm gonna wait till they get a little bit cheaper come on boys and i like to send them all out at once let's actually get can i get this let's get it all right oil derrick i can put it there that's nice and now it's pumping we should get more money right look at these guys holding the line soldier oh he's dead he's dead all right we're almost to the three guys boom set them out we've got four of these guys incoming take defensive positions look at that okay so it's passive money here now i think in this case we want to have a larger squad size now i'm going to go back to spending all of our xp points here on upgrading the squad so they get even cheaper now we may want to put barbed wire down uh-oh they got that vehicle all right we lost one we need immediate reinforcements do i you know what i'm gonna do this and as we get further up the field i'm gonna be able to put the barbed wire in even better places so let's wait for that opportunity get our reinforcements since we're pretty close oh the enemy wave i didn't look at the timeline and that is definitely a key mechanic we gotta be aware of all right i wanna put in these barbed wires here and we'll put in there that way we cover the entire map so if they push us back here it's fine they're going to slow down take some damage now warpip guys sure seem like they would be well served to also be boosted by a tactician but the tactician seemed to be a little bit rare oh he had an explosive barrel that was wild i didn't know you could do that i mean big red barrel with some caution tape on it you hit it it's gonna go boom right all right boys they got their little reinforcing squad now does this drop off more shotgun guys oh and they actually destroyed that bar bar all right he's about to drop him off i think all right we're one xp point away from being able to get cheap and better soldiers the backbone of your army what's he doing is he repairing boom cheap guys now we can put all of our xp points into increasing the squad you know what let's go ahead and get another oil derrick i mean we got him right wow i can actually get a third one too yeah i blew all my money on getting more money it's an investment i mean my guys are cheaper now all right we oh they're near the end of this wave now you see on the timeline there's these bombs those are gonna be enemy air strikes all right we got three gushing oil geysers here we are getting that black gold put down some barbaria because what else am i supposed to do with my money all right so right now in the tug of war style like i'm saying kind of sending my men out piecemeal so they're not going to be as good as if they're grouped up but i feel like since we're kind of fighting still in the middle of the field and i just got that little xp point there into greater squad size i don't really need to spend on cash and i can't upgrade my soldiers anymore so what's a guy to do and i got way too much money we have more money than we have xp oh my gosh that artillery barrage this is incredible but we need to beat them before they get these air strikes because by the time the third air strike gets there it'll destroy our base and we will lose all right so let's do a little speed up boys get to the front lines quick i have 335 dollars the the oil derrick seems like it would pair very well with like a higher tier unit or a more expensive one like probably what i would imagine a main battle tank would cost and there we go we're starting to lay down the pain train on their base here oh yeah that's that looks like gg to me boys excellent so now let's go back into skirmish mode you've seen a little bit of campaign i want to show you some of the other special abilities that they have because there are some awesome ones all right skirmish mode look at that artillery rocket artillery right there we're going to be able to use that the enemy base looks kind of cooler wait a minute is that not the radar dish from like goldeneye 007 man you are hitting me right in the feels oh you are gonna like this okay so first things first we're gonna put a machine gun up at our point it's an auto turret it's gonna be shooting at the enemies and it's gonna kind of help and i'm gonna put it behind these little static defenses here and i'm gonna call in a few uzi boys now the other thing i can do is artillery barrage now you only get four of them and then it needs to kind of go down this cool down reload period so that's exactly what we're gonna do and you can see how the cooldown is kind of far we fully leveled up our guys so now look at that we also get a shield soldier which basically absorbs a lot of small arms fire i'm gonna put in another turret just to kind of buy us a little bit of time we're gonna have two big waves attacking so that's one of the considerations i have and then we'll call in our little militia now that they are level two we get two of them all right machine gun turrets are doing well uh i've also got in 16 seconds i get an amazing ability so i've got the artillery barrage which reaches out and touches somebody right but it's random see it's a dumb fire rocket which shoots at a random target let's actually get a shield boy to kind of push up a little bit since we're getting beyond and perfect timing on that because the enemy's launching a giant wave and they've got a vehicle don't worry i've got commie drones hey guys now i have a set limit of them that i have to use throughout the battle oh we're at them oh they cost ten dollars to drone okay i was getting a little trigger happy there oh we lost one of our sentry turrets as well all right we've survived that barrage let's give them a rocket so you definitely want to be accurate and boom oh we got one of them i thought we were gonna get two okay let's use our artillery here i'm gonna try to make a big push oh hit the twofer yes okay let's get some militia to go with these guys shield boys just holding down the fort and we'll support them with the drones drone strikes indeed all right shield boy fell unfortunately and these guys will there we go they're taking cover there is no cover not from me all right we're gonna take that cash it's the first time we've done that where we've used nexby point to get an immediate boost of cash now one of the other things you can do is you can also upgrade it which costs an xp point so then the next time you take it you'll get more money all right whoops there's nobody there all right let's cover these guys with the drones a little bit of a miss there almost all right so the shield's approaching now i'm going to try to take this base out before we get to this moment so let's see if it works the shield should be able to hold them down and we've got artillery here as well and that won't cost any money we're laying waste to the radar dish and it's down so you've got a pretty good glimpse now the only thing we haven't really shown is i've not been able to use any of the tanks and heavy armor that there is in the game there's also an a-10 warthog flying around which you can call in i've seen it a few times in skirmishes but if you guys do want to see more pull the trigger on a like button let me know and more importantly check out the game for yourself because it is going to be available on steam and there's a 20 discount for a little bit of time so find out more in the video link in the description thanks for watching and thank you war pips for sponsoring this video i'll see you guys in the next one because we're definitely going to be playing more of this you
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 105,102
Rating: 4.9744306 out of 5
Keywords: war pips, warpips, war pip, tug of war, tug of war games, strategy war games, war games, rogue like, rogue lite, tower defense, td games, tower defense games, rts, rts games, funny moments, funny game moments, baron, baronvongames, battle simulator, command and conquer, lane strategy, new games, new indie games, new games 2021, battle simulator baron, battle sim, siege, strategy, warpips gameplay, warpips new, warpips download
Id: 8ojsh1easPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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