I Built a Rocket and a Nuke...and This Happened - Pix Phys Funny Gameplay

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so you know the game people playground well now there's pixviz which seems to be pixel physics let's try out a game i've uh let's go to the ocean garbage container very interesting what am i supposed to do with a a garbage container we've got test dummies what happens if i put a fire right there whoa we're really zoomed in can i ignite that activate okay we just went to the bottom of the ocean we're gonna look for cthulhu or jaws okay what if i do this and it's activated let's drop some depth charged dynamite now we got props various props what if i what if i put up garbage container does this float i have a basket of basketball better float something's gotta float yeah and i can pick it up and what oh i wanted to launch it and i did you know what i bet you we get enough of these all right there appears to be something wrong with this basketball don't worry i'm gonna put some bricks on it so we're gonna build our own boat we just i i think we're gonna need a lot more basketballs or maybe we just need proper balance ah we're getting there all right how about a concrete slab how big is it oh we have created a boat no no no no i need you to go right here and keep it afloat no no no no no no no no no guys guys get no no no all right goodbye concrete boat i mean who makes concrete boats i do oh god a mattress oh okay it's like a floppy worm there it is now obviously we gotta put a it's called a glow but it almost looks like a little satellite dish oh we'll hit the basketball causes it to sing that'd be a little bit ironic but this is all about physics apparently a pontoon there we go oh my god it's large here get get the old boat out of here we don't want it we don't want any of that stuff we just wanna we want a nice pontoon technology skis okay you have my curiosity what is a technology ski oh i can build ropes and electrical cables so what if i put a bowling pin i have not a clue what i'm doing all right very heavy weights got it but what if i did a balloon oh god does that work oh it does so i think then what we need to try to do here you murder that movie up we're gonna do that here with balloons so with enough balloons i feel like now we need to tie them all together like so all right yes and we got all almost all the balloons it doesn't seem to really be floating that much tennis balls we got weights wooden beams and wooden crates wait that kind of rhyme didn't it entities test dummy hey buddy okay you just stay there what about an angle meter we've got fuses removes itself after a signal oh a rocket engine all right so you know how elon musk like uh he he makes cool stuff i mean i think that's clear right now how do i activate it we have a nuclear charge and math blocks parachute deployers physical button after pressing it it gives a signal okay we're going to try this we'll move the button over here see this is how elon musk would do it and we need to test this out we need a fuse all right now if i connect that to that does it work what if i tried this all right i've activated the engine build whatever you want all right got it see i'm going to the instruction manual right now wow you guys really making me look bad here aren't you that's like a battleship looking thing oh man now they got rocket ships i feel like this might be a video game for smart people you system of logical connections okay wait wait wait wait why why would you clear props so this is what we want to do we want to build a rocket ship there's a lot of like logic computers this is a multi-stage rocket this is some kerbal space program 2 stuff um we'll do a new game on flat but in the future we want to do connection system input output all right building a rocket ship a rod oh okay set angle 90 180 there it is okay now if i wanted to how whoa that's big oh my god i didn't know it was that big this little thing is super small now will that stay or will i have to do this a warp drive okay i oh here we go here's a metal beam all right i think we locked it in place i think we're learning and that gray stuff is just like it seals it into place right now how to activate the engine is really the issue here i think what we need is sends the signal when activated we've tried that if i put that oh whoa i don't want it under the engine i want it over the engine a gyro stabilizer used to keep the corner of a building in a certain corner like do i need fuel for this engine there's just so many questions here we go let's try this oh okay guys i think i got it we go to that a key trigger i'm i'm pulling out all these things to try to figure out how this works what what about a parachute deployer oh we have we can activate the engine but it's not firing that doesn't seem to make sense at all okay so then if i i could get another button here and link this to this ion engine okay uh i can make music a very primitive form of music here now what happens now let's trigger the nuclear charge right oh okay we create a nuclear bomb got it well at least i can do that right okay i really look forward to being able to build spaceships it ain't happening now what would be really cool is in the menu like they have things right i i would love to reverse engineer something and one of the things that would be cool and i don't think i can wasd or even arrow keys so this is an alpha build but you'd want things hey huh they don't like to stay in the fireworks launcher but this is supposedly a fireworks launcher launches fireworks does that mean i just need a button well let's test it out activate it okay it just fires a single okay well we can do that yay we got fireworks but there's no way to connect it to the logic system unless mr alpha build we need education activate oh shoots a big old flare of course now if we can't build a rocket what i would like to do now i want you to stay right here not not not fall over is there a way to hmm toggle gravity okay now that that's no gravity toggle gravity back on do i need i need to put a chair don't i please sit down in the chair okay we've got this now what i do want to do is copy things but you can't copy them freeze all right now let's test a thermonuclear device nuclear charge all right now we can activate that if we get a button so if i press the button it should blow up it blew up the dude it didn't blow up interesting the button is still there too so what if i anti-freeze let's get a little dynamite stick here all right activate the dynamite blow up the dude yes okay that was pretty cool look at that there's his chair he's gone search how to do this good like elon musk there's nothing there's nothing i mean i'm kind of surprised all right now how strong is nuclear blast if i build a brick wall we also have a concrete slab let's set the angle to good old nah 92 now we can lean this okay i want to see how strong dynamite is we'll get dynamite we'll put it here now we need mr test dummy to be chilling out in his house obviously he's going to be wanting to sit on a chair whoa but now when you fall over you'll be sitting in a chair a chair okay now will this protect him oh brick walls not too strong okay we need a super reinforced wall i feel like dynamite shouldn't be able to get through three of these now we need our entities and we'll activate it we got three test dummies oh my god the test dummies really really go far what does a parachute deployer do i wish to activate what there's no parachute at all welcome to pix physics we we just got an achievement somehow oh we built a rocket ship we built one it's working oh my god this this is major this has been a breakthrough all right so what do we need to do we need to create the world's best rocket ship and or the worst what if we built a wooden rocket ship okay bear with me for a second so this is gonna not be terrible all right we need to change the angle to 45 degrees this is like red neck i think yeah okay we're almost there i don't think i can shrink things so we're gonna have to use a metal pointed tip there we go we'll flip this guy this is working okay we need this a little higher too and now i think i need to link these together so i all right so this is mark one is this doing what i actually think it's doing okay oh god it it doesn't look like it worked up here okay all right how about that yeah okay it worked all right now we obviously need a mattress whoa you broke my wooden beams wow this does not bode well for my scientific experiments all right now we drag you right here right we're gonna do this i mean part one is always about learning things right okay now we can do technology skis or you know what we're gonna deliver soccer balls to the moon now if i do these and then i activate them and then i activate them okay we need a button we need to link it to all three thrusters and then what we're gonna do is use oh that's great okay but we did achieve liftoff okay that's good that's good news now we know how to build rockets delete delete all those things okay let's build us a double thrusted rocket now just for science what does that do we just need the button again we need a logic all right so basically maybe these rockets just need a little bit of time huh and i can't get rid of these little beams here so we're gonna have to clear it and then change the time of day like a deity all right building kerbal style elon musk space rockets well that's thruster that looks different than this rocket engine in a thruster a propulsive device look at how different they are how strong is that oh it's kind of strong hmm very weird at how bad i am at this game we need to start smaller i feel like we were going much larger than we really needed to we'll flip that okay this is the baron mark one i think this links things oh guys i can't get a rocket fire but i can get wooden beams to spin around with dark magic so i don't know how i'm doing that bernd mark 1 attempt 78 or it sure feels like that fine i'll use metal beams although no it'll be too expensive and heavy namely heavy because money's not really in this game but i guess as part of me is like if we build the rocket out of wood it will definitely survive all of the fire and heat that will be put on it wooden rockets are just smart you know the russians they sent a dog to space using a regular rocket we're not going to do that good luck small metal balls hmm can i put fins on this all right we're going to put a little finney fins junior on here all right now you right over here see guys this is working out very terribly now let's set this at a 15 degree angle [Music] why do i think this is a good idea set angle 15 because i don't want to do the quick math we'll flip it oh god okay i have to do the math because otherwise we have a crooked rocket 345 there it is there's the inverse oh gosh you know what it is it's just gonna be this way now we link it all right yes now we need the button to fire it in the logic device right and then what we need to do is drop the weight i saw a weight in here it's probably under props there it is go go little wooden rocket [Music] but now i can't follow it i i i i want to see us and that's pretty good i'd say that's pretty good okay deleted lebanon props now the question is we we put a wooden rocket ship into space right and i know what you're thinking and i'm glad you're thinking because i am thinking it as well we're gonna get a rocket ship then we're gonna go back to props and we're gonna get a wooden table we're gonna launch the first space desk in history but this space desk is no ordinary space desk i need you mr crash test dummy i need you inside of the rocket [Laughter] that worked actually a lot better than i thought okay but we need this thing to stop so we'll use a garbage container okay so it'll eventually get there right and then what we do is we get our button where's our little button oh my god it's literally moving it we've created some crazy physics here guys we should oh okay well you know what if you don't want to go that way we'll go this way activate activate the rocket ship and we'll weigh it down with a nuclear device yeah it's not very aerodynamic is it oh but it oh now we just need explosion physics that's pretty impressive oh oh it's coming back it's gonna hit the nuclear device oh it burned it too this is a very very strong device now you guys are probably thinking baron you you probably want to get rid of the evidence here and you know what i do so let's get our button it's going to take a little bit of time we'll trigger this while the rocket's going and we will drop a weight from here does it hit it it should goodbye so if you guys want to see more pixface or even people playground well let me know because this is a very special game it's very alpha but i i see the potential of it and i think it could be a lot of fun so if you guys do want to see more we'll put the trigger like button and let me know and i'll see you in the next one but yeah pixfizz on the steam store okay
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 59,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pix phys, pixphys, physics sandbox, physics game, funny ragdoll games, ragdoll games, funny ragdoll videos, people playground, whack your boss, interactive buddy, funny, funniest game, hilarious, funny games, mods, slow motion, slow mo, sandbox cryptorocket, sandbox nuke, physics game funny, funny physics games, funny ragdoll moments, funny ragdoll physics, ragdoll physics, ragdoll phyics games, baron, baronvongames
Id: YhXimTaegJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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