*NEW* Talladega COLOSSAL Carnage! | Wreckfest

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what's going on everybody it he sound head back once again hear what sound head entertainment and we are back in rec fest once again here today after a couple weeks off to check out the new nascar heat five and diamond to that we are back in rec fest and what better way to get back into rec fest then with a return trip to Talladega but not just any Talladega this is a brand-new updated Talladega that's right the track that we know and love has received a facelift in the very track pack and it is beautiful of course it's got the 90s NASCAR mod back here again with the deuce that day guy got no excuse to lose so let's go ahead and dive ourselves into the brand new Talladega we are offen underway here at the brand-new Talladega will have the turn one me live on of course it does is the rec fest we're talking about we got somebody up all of those safer barrier and I've been already and I've been jumped all in the big one opens up right in front of me and there's just nowhere to go I mean there kind of was but did I find the hole in time certainly not and this one seems to be pretty much wrapped up right from the get-go Oh Brandon Brown getting turned right in front of me and we're all going to the fence it's a big one I'm catching her right on top of click I mean although when the pileup is piling up even more this is a massive one DiBenedetto flip it up with the top Parsons flip it down here off my roof what in the world is turn one third time's the charm for us to survive it but it's kicking off already keep it low oh there's one up on the safer barrier again bouncing around everybody to Benedetto and I bounce it off of each other and up to the wall we're gonna go and that's just not gonna go well at all just absolutely getting tossed around like garbage back here I'm gonna get spat back out in the right direction how about that for luck I'll take it I'm gonna lose as much spots though always that up there going to the wall I'm going to the wall try not to emulate it it's Briscoe it looked like you might have packed somebody pretty good there to the corner and look at that run we're getting all the spots we're making up oh I don't like that little bobble they do I just do not like it it makes me uncomfortable leave me a Lane Jimmy all there was no Lane there was only quarter panels and he's gonna squeeze me out to the finish you're all unless he gets wrecked himself junior Johnson coming in oh look at the front look at him up there for the win and they're all gonna record the line it looks like John and Ernie Boch a gets the win what in the world happened up there we have no choice but to watch the replay this one I got to figure out what the heck happened up there John I don't even check p2 off the corner there you see us wrecking with Jimmy Spencer but coming to the line here he's gonna come to the tri-oval and p2 in a slow car of Chase Briscoe is gonna take out the leader Harry Gant and allow John I don't even check to sneak through to the checkers gotta watch out for those guys hitting the brakes on the bottom just like that huh Briscoe gonna dump Johnny Sauter and take myself with him and I'm doing somersaults on the fence like a bum and I'm lining myself up for a bad time and it was bad indeed what a staving ass back into a barrel check and look at that guy having a tumble of a lifetime down there oh we've caused pain all around here at least he's gonna land it the wall MattyB just gonna Park it in the back of Brennan Brown again we got one riding the safer barrier again man it's good to know the turn one meme hasn't gone anywhere oh excuse me pardon me down on the bottom a Newman up to the top side of lebay you love to see you that was a nice little move we got a run on the high side if we just get stuffed by Dale Jarrett instead and we stuff it in the wall oh and then he gets plowed into what the hell was that man can't have anything out here here they go again getting kind of ridiculous we can't even make it to the first corner you maniacs look at this mess around me all this is a real mess like I could've dumped Jarrett right there and I'm gonna get dumped myself the terminators just don't care they've thrown a whole regard cooing out the window if give up push Dale hey go don't turn me you bums what are you doing you're scumbags you actual wastes oh I hate all of you look what they've done to me I'm true exten caned or all of you attribute this to I just got banged in the head there's a lonely tire just bouncing down the road how sad is that almost the saddest me laying you're in a heap on the track oh man he's gonna leave me out to dry and go down low gotta watch out for Bella that Brandon Brown just dumps me turns up like I wasn't even there without a shred of shame that man oh my god dick Brooks just coming to a stop and the racing lane you maniac oh and what's going on up here somebody just got nailed it Ryan buddy just got a mouthful looked like somebody clocked him while he was upside down and that checked a bunch of guys up like Brisco here is gonna get ass packed in the tri-oval then we come screaming by to take 12 got Ryan Newman in the army car that has not worked out well in Talladega before and it's not working out well and turn one here as we just go and pack him right up it is especially fitting that Newman is in that army car considering he went a flying in an army car that one time like ten years ago Oh what did you gain what did you gain Parker absolutely nothing other than giving me a quickie wheel for the last couple seconds of this race you abomination but we got 10th Oh Chris travell slowing up right in the lane gets himself backed Briscoe goes up to the wall and rides it a little bit and he's gonna come back down and kind of cut us off we take it to the apron we got another one riding the wall up here I'm gonna get push from behind and that's gonna be pretty go right into I think it was junior Johnson up there still riding that wall back there I'm boxed in and I'm not a big fan of it and that's why Johnny soldered his stopping in the lane Oh what are you doing didn't mean to pack you but you leave me no choice when you do that and then I just get dumped by good old John Hunter Nemechek anyway so what's that matter what does it matter you know what does matter a little of one of my favorite things that I very rarely do but it may be time it's time for us to hit a backwards run real quick were you at John Hunter can I find him no I can't oh I definitely didn't get Nemechek but I got somebody and I got the fence I got crooked wheels I got missing wheels I got all kinds of problems here well Brandon Browns gonna be the one to hit the brakes in the middle of the corner then DiBenedetto bounces off oval and that's gonna stuff me in the wall once again there in the near miss that's my run pretty much shot right there neat great grand wonderful and spectacular go ahead and run the cycle as you please because that is an T neat and we've got the big one breaking out right here in front of us man do we ever old Matt DiBenedetto across the nose oh my god Oh Briscoe are you gonna be the one holding everybody up I'm gonna have to pack you all I do I didn't know it's gonna end up Worley for me that's not ending well for me at all and the wheels come off no not the wheel oh my god we just launched that guy into the fence and he is riding it around what a legend oh man Edie goes high go low a split Brandon Brown in the middle now can we navigate this pack up here he's just gonna pack the back of them as they all go up to the wall all bunched from look like they just turned over and we are gonna sneak through on the inside by a two wheel and johnny sauter and we get out in front of a bunch of them right there huge spots gained right there oh baby can I sneak it under oh I'm gonna bounce off the wall not really what you want to do not the ideal trajectory but it has got us onto the podium and I can get by Jimmy Spencer here with this massive run please don't wreck me down the straightaway some of you AI have been known to do it thank you very much now will Harry Gant let off and let himself come back to us or will we just get dumped by Jimmy Spencer instead you slimeball I'm gonna get back to you Jimmy I could pay you back but I got bigger fish to fry right now I want that dump come on Harry oh we're gonna go side by side into a corner this is not a comfortable feeling and we bounce love each other Oh another near hit there we're gonna swap lanes and he breaks then he takes me out are you kidding me are you serious really really really [Music] well I've seen it all now at least he didn't win what talk about a terminator from potentially first to 15 oh I'm gonna have to wonder he printed browned again bounced off of MattyB get off of that apron this is Ryan Newman's getting stuff in the wall he's gonna come back down to me what everybody just relax everybody just take a deep breath you're all losing it in the first freaking corner all look at this run i have on Dale Jarrett now Dale don't you Dale how low can you be I knew it he's done it before he'll do it again there it is I knew it how how was a respectful man like Dale Jarrett gonna do this to me and then I just get packed and that's gonna put me in the inside wall that's just a horrific sight Dale I'm about that enough of you Dale come here you bum waste it back here Brisco and bill getting into it over here gotta watch out for Brisco and I'm wearing him as a hat would you get off of me Oh we just get tangled and tossed up in the air and cream can't even flip in peace I gotta get hit in the middle of that two grand well the new Talladega is certainly proving to be quite the foe as we're back in the replay mode to watch what in the hell happened here because I don't think anybody has a clue but we just get launched me and Brisco and then the 82 I believe that's Betty Parsons just cleans me out once and for all I'd really like to clear johnny sauter before this corner please let me get underneath lepay somehow we did it with a slight tap that Johnson and he's gonna turn me junior Johnson also without even a morsel of regret has just caused the huge one and I'm getting lifted up and carried packed and stopped just stick a fork in me well here we are in the replay again and you will see that was not even close to being an accident 110 percent terminators detected on causing this accident it was a big one cars flipping and flying in every direction that 0 9 just getting tossed and Brandon brown up on the safer barrier like a train on the tracks please don't box me in Bell please don't do these things to be can barely handle it when you guys aren't schooling me over at every possible chance looked at this guy by the way jhn oh don't leave that hole open in the middle I thought about it this is not gonna end well though and up in the wall we go I shouldn't have even dreamed of 3 wide because this was obviously going to be the outcome we get packed we got cars going up to the bends that we take a shot right to the mouth and on the lid we land Oh me much I want to block what a block that useless little swerve that you do oh I hate it I hate it then I had to get packed right after when you want more and you want more that was not enough unbelievable I'm being carried down the track and this is this has just become appalling we have had a horrible one here in the trial and it's only getting worse by the second that guy is just God Almighty look at this guy look at this poor sap he finally comes to a rest Oh what did we do what did we do to deserve this why that was such an action-packed crash that lasted like all the way from turn 4 to the end of the trial Bowl we have to look at a replay on we have no choice John or Nemechek just tried as hard as he could to take us out missed the first time and then got us again and he exited turned forward finally did finish the job and then everybody just came through that 64 just launched up in the air tossed around twist around and speaking of getting twisted around here we are 37 comes through and just packs us and launches himself into the unholy a series of flips that I've seen in a long time then Ryan Blaney comes through and gives us one last pack we bounce off the caution lights and ricochet back into the infield will make me time this pass on you Jimmy Oh what did you do Jimmy he did like a Jimmy and Brian Vickers you pulled out at the wrong time on me and look at me now I'm being killed I just got obliterated in the most pure definition I can't think of and the hits are not over yet we just got the sole blast out of us not once but twice Oh Mike Oh God Jesus a third time have mercy on me please and once again we find ourselves here in the replay of you were getting kasey kahne or Truex and then here comes the pack full of vengeance and they just give us liftoff there we get space forced and didn't even really realize it but then we're gonna go ahead and slide it back up into traffic right where that 64 is lined up and then he gets packed himself afterwards we go tumbling down the racetrack once again and where do we lie but in that racing Lane and if we give it long enough I think a kind fellow in the 53 car will come through and deal us that killing blow to our spirits all mine that guy is stopped what is he doing oh my god Parker Kligerman just nuked the leaders he just LePage does worse than actual LePage and here comes an ass back on the safer barrier what did I just see gonna make me go law again Gale Bell's braking hard and Newman we catch on Newman and that's gonna be all she wrote right back up in the fence again and Belle's coming back for a little pakery on the wall again like a daily commute up here you guys make me go high you better stay low that's not staying low that's not staying low at all I just had to drive underneath someone an Alex lebay up on the wall all been brendan gaughan up on the wall but we had to drive underneath the bureau wedding 51 that was sick and Maddie D with the pack well we've got two laps to climb our way up the podium here and it starts with Harry Gant as he lets off big time into turn one we give him a wide berth and put it in the wall even and I'm gonna do the same thing with Ryan Blaney but on the other side here not playing any games or taking any chances and that's why right there I saw that swerve if we had been any closer to Blaney right there he would have took us out 110 percent for sure and now it's just down to me and mr. excitement Jimmy Spencer he lets off big-time into three and that may be all we need and we put it in the wall again oh then we're gonna give ourselves a clicky wheel but we get ourselves to the lead and that is gonna do it through the trial vote for one a final time got some wreck of a tense at the start of this one but then it stayed clean and green to the end and we can collect our dope well there you have it we will let the dust settle on another day here at Talladega as we finally conquered the brand-new update and what an update it is man it gets two thumbs up for me I know we've only run the 90s cars here so far but so far so good and you know we have plenty of things to come back with we've got the legends we got the 70s cars we've got pinball at moon gravity I know a lot of people have been asking for those to come back we've got NASCAR Heat five what just dropped we can have some more fun with that and we've got f1 2020 something we haven't really gotten into that much here on the channel some Formula One got into it the last couple of years maybe it's time to dip our toes into that series of games as well so let me know what you guys think down the comments hit that like and subscribe button if you haven't already it helps me out a ton and with that I will see you all on the next one
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 811,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nascar pinball hellride, wreckfest, wreckfest ps4, wreckfest xbox, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest demolition derby, wreckfest crashes, wreckfest soundtrack, wreckfest ps4 review, nascar heat 4, xbox mod, ps4 mod, wreckfest nascar legends, wreckfest nascar crashes, wreckfest nascar crash compilation, wreckfest nascar mod, wreckfest 90's nascar mod, hot wheels, funny moments, 70s talladega carnage, dega, Talladega COLOSSAL Carnage, new talladega, talladega update, talladega
Id: 7F4RwCiemu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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