*NEW* 90s F1 MOD! FRENCH GP MADNESS | Wreckfest

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what's going on everybody eddie sounded back once again here with sound head entertainment and boy do we have a treat in store for us today we've got a buffet of brand new mods to enjoy from the track a multi-layout circuit paul ricardo the french gp an absolutely fabulous new 90s formula one mod and updated ai driver names from the 2022 f1 roster i've gotten what feels like thousands of requests to do more request f1 stuff but the older mod got koed and dmc8 and taken down so it feels good to finally be back and without any further delay let's let her rip and here we go lights out on the 90s f1 cars here in rec fest for the very first time across the line and i'm getting welcomed in with a break test here from bartes in the entire line and a swipe from lewis said he's going to lead himself right to the wall through a huge when we go everyone coming across the track and i'm gonna miss the corner down here no then there you go now i'm the one coming across the track taking shots i don't know where i'm going and i'm trying to turn around and i'm taking down ferrari as an organization here as a whole we're getting them all out here another tragic day at the races for ferrari nothing new and i've installed like a mid-race indy car upgrade to the wing and straight from marinello and right up the gear box of vettel we go for a drag race through the cones cone check just about launching on the curb show us the way seb oh my god what is this contraption down here what the hell puts a minefield at the end of a straightaway the ferraris are still flying over here joe's doing the midair twist i'm getting packed this is absolutely disgraceful we gotta get rid of these things maybe we gotta outlaw sausage curbs once and for all out here i just outlawed alonso's wing right off the front of his car that is a real sad sight so is gasly getting stuck on the curb get good dude get through it it's not that hard latvia up here getting wide we got him getting wild down here in the last corner mick schumacher getting interested george russell getting his wheel knocked off with absolutely no force at all getting hooked by mick and taking out what do we got f1 damage on that was barely anything well in the replay booth after one race i gotta wipe the sweat from my forehead all right it's some fast paced high action right here man these f1 cars are giving me about all i can handle already this might be a wild one i don't know if my heart can take this you know what else my heart can't take getting removed from existence by mick schumacher off the world's slightest contact come on game this car looks fine come on man i don't know maybe the middle is the best place to be here on the start it sure is an ocon side pod orlando's or the conga line straight to the wall or the wheel i just took to the head no halo no bueno look at the position we're in here we might need a tarp ah we can walk it off but i don't think i can say the same thing about beard gasol he's looking a little rough back there and then another note to sell down here don't go on any more space force training missions if you can help but try to minimize those not everybody else is as you can see and charles leclair is still going to somehow seek me out if i'm not wrecking into ferraris i'm hitting the ferrari drivers well the furiously bad day for ferrari continues early here and it got off to another bad start with the conga line of death leading about three or four of us right here to our almost final resting spot i am lucky i got out of this alive with my head and neck compressed up against the wall like that then follow it in from behind here into what is undoubtedly this tracks danger zone every track has one and this one is undoubtedly the winner so far and that is a lot of wheels going flying off the middle hasn't exactly proved itself yet but i am gonna try it again lando damn you know we're going right back to the same wall again act two same scene pushing alonso through that's an act of a champion figure oh yuki where you coming from where you going dude what did my wheel just disappeared it just vanished well this is fun oh yeah oh yeah i love the turning radius on this bad boy now we're doing just fine thank you lewis just when i was back on track lewis is gonna push me over into the curbs and finish me off looking at the replay of our seemingly scheduled turn one erect does this count as turn one is that a turn one meme you be the judge you let me know down below and by the way i as much as i love this track this is a fantastic track mod you gotta give me some replay cameras built into this thing because i'm doing it all myself and i'm having to capture me ripping wheels off and getting wheels ripped off and unfortunately it's going well and this is no michael schumacher driving with three wheels ferrari this thing fell off a cliff handling wise once that left the wall actually set us just enough straight for lewis hamilton to body me back out of the way and get me killed on the curb can i have the middle please oh oh well lando there's your payback and here's mine there we go right into the wall you know it's a good start when i have to turn into a robot on the mic that's oh they're gonna get me again oh my god got trouble around the corner we got a pack we got problems right here we got ball tests backwards we got everybody getting taken out they just paved the lane for me i think i've got the hang of this corner now oh somebody sure does it up here in front of me oh what did we barely clip here guys he's gonna dump me turns me oh we turned and i'll run this damn thing in reverse if i have to i've done it before i will do it again but not today golly why do we gotta take my wheels the good thing about this one is i can actually turn it it does do a little shifting from side to side so that's gonna count for something see if we can get through the chicane for the first time today no we cannot we missed it the other way this time and i'm getting shots while i'm in the air and i'm dead that's neat so we're just gonna sit right here for a second and observe the natural wildlife of the area like this is national geographic ladies and gentlemen welcome to this documentary on absolute morons behind the wheel of overpowered machines that cost millions of dollars congratulations oh what is that i did it backwards i was actually sick of this wheel fell off right at the end oh man we got a twister going on back there see this is the camera we need i i shouldn't even do races i'll just watch this this part actually annoys me because we barely must have been five pixels overlapped with pierre gasly my wheel just goes flying off this is what i'm talking about when i want the middle here we go that's wholesale gains right there oh my god oh my god i am amazing until i'm not and i'm going to miss the corner i actually technically did miss the corner but i i did some kind of acrobatic feat right there with danny rick that was that was remarkable we're gonna have to see a replay of that at a later date and time but i am in fourth after all of that i did a pirouette through the air to make it through that corner and i am in fourth and i am drafting with latifi if only there was draft please bug bear i'm begging you please please give me the draft i would win so many more races latifi's going for a ride i'm getting packed into one as well thank you whoever that was behind me i greatly appreciate that i stuck the landing charles is trying to kill me because he's impressed he's like how are you alive how is this possible charles you and i are going to find ourselves in a blood feud if we keep this up and me and step back at it again i already lost the drag racing oh that better not make me have to reset back there all right we're good i'm gonna be the next one getting stuck on the curb if we're not careful getting all wheels off the ground there hitting signs 80 feet off the track that's just not a good sign literally i'm feeling it i am feeling i'm not feeling it i'm gonna miss this quarter again what is wrong with me there's literally something oh i'm hang on a minute i might be doing just fine considering what i just saw out of the corner of my eye which is basically that on replay we got mclaren's going through they're not knowing how to handle anything they can't even handle their own lives on corner exit what are we doing not today mr minefield oh sam i'm sorry how do i do that how do i do that every time i i figure out a way to crash then the next time through i figure out a way to avoid the crash and find a new crash while trying to avoid the first crash speaking of crashes i don't know what the hell is going on up here with this pack of three but magnuson he got bodied right out of it i'm gonna body him again he's wearing another little blood feud and he's gonna send it right up you're gonna do it again you're gonna do it i knew you couldn't resist the temptation i'd do it i could see it written all over kmag and i see a hell of a finished foreman up here in front of us danny rick is gonna get the dub after a drag race there we're gonna hold on for the podium what a sequence of events this is we somehow days of thunder ourselves right through the middle of that that missed the corner and do a flip over the eventual race winner danny rick in beautiful fashion stuck the landing down here i had it figured out until some ferrari on ferrari violence developed and i go for a flip and a half and once again we stick to landing in absolutely fantastic fashion sometimes when you're good you're good i'm amazed this didn't end in a dub there was plenty of more fighting to go on here me and k-mag getting into it just bodying him from off the track he tries to get me back once twice no dice and that's gonna take us to the line i don't even need the middle line if this one's good enough for a lot so it's good enough for me and he's bodying me off with the painted crap and that might have actually worked out until it absolutely did not oh this might work out unless it makes me reset which it is that is a real crying shame that's gonna pull me right back here with a lot so and a pack of animals who are indeed running me off the track along so you're supposed to be helping me man here i had you painted as trying to save me and here you are you've done nothing but take me down alonso i swear on the indy 500 if you try to take me out there he goes he did it your engines are cursed forever there you go you fight you did it you go okay man i'm sending him on a ride i'm sending myself on one hold on oh i bounced off kmack to stop the roy the actual kind of somewhat late assist and max verstappen in a ferrari behind me is making my life way more difficult than it needs to be or is he is it actually joe juan you joe actual hero of the people just bodied us both and he's taken off and max is too wait a minute i'm getting left behind here what is this i just got put the absolute shame right there by my ferrari compatriots this is not okay this is not acceptable i gotta get the cone check and i gotta sell out in this corner down here i gotta go for it i went way too far for it one day i'm gonna make this corner one day it will happen not today but we'll probably be back because this track has 8 000 layouts so when we come back we will do it hey look we actually got carlos science jr in a ferrari look at the absolute scenes this game knows too much what do i always tell you leaders look like they're choking it down here on the minefield and boy are they ever everybody's reckon that puts us in second with lando norris oh this is a perfect final lap battle here with just a handful of quarters to go a man that i have actually played wreck fest with before he ran me over with a combine harvester and killed me and now is my chance for revenge and he's not doing very well he just blew a wheel off one of his wheels just disintegrated right here at the end kimmy is that you and now we're in a drag race to the line and we're gonna snatch him from him by half a car give me that dub what a turn if you had me winning that race right there you are a liar because that thing was looking bleak with about half a lap to go i don't know how we came back from the start or anything else but we get it done thanks to a little tomfoolery and the always dependable stupidity from the ai and it all comes down to a horrible bout of luck for lando and that wheel coming off at the end to get us to that line just ahead of him and that is where we're gonna wrap things up here today thank you everybody for watching i hope you enjoyed that if you did you know what to do hit that like button subscribe for more let me know what you want to see in the future down in the comments and with that i will see you all very soon in the next one have a marvelous day
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 212,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wreckfest, formula 1, f1, 90s f1 mod, wreckfest mods, formula 1 game, f1 game, f1 2022, f1 gp, grand prix, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest 2022, dlc, update, xbox, ps5, ps4, pc, steam, workshop, french gp, france, paul ricard, formula 1 madness, f1 crashes, f1 fails, f1 compilation, best moments, highlights, crashes, wrecks, flips, fail, top moments, ferrari, charles leclerc, lewis hamilton, max verstappen, lando norris, beamng, beamng drive, monster trucks, new mod, next gen, tutorial
Id: S8_tB5cEfOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2022
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