F1 BATTLE at ROCK BOTTOM! | Wreckfest

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how we doing everybody Eddie soundhead back in business once again here with soundhead entertainment and boy do I have a tricky treat in store for us today fittingly just before Halloween arrives and of course after a horde of requests for us to return here we are indeed back at one of rackfest's most infamous mods the legendary rock bottom race track where we've had many monstrous episodes here in the past but this will be the first time we test the might of the F1 field while piloting our former Gauntlet Chariot will be looking great so let's get to it we're about to get our asses kicked so let's just get to Atlanta you might want to get to it too my friend or before albon just runs us over I guess that's what we're gonna do here getting this thing started off right and early I knew that was gonna happen but I anticipate it would happen before we even made it to the bottom of the freaking Hill for Christ's sake all right come on early please we literally are just now making it to actual rock bottom buffoons are making attempts all my life every time I breathe come on slam the door on my head like that is not cool oh my shout out to all God he's setting it with three wheels this man does not care at all that might be the way to do it I might be carrying too much okay might have the right idea I gotta learn some lessons from them if I get the chance before I get ejected already and everybody there's no there is no regard for human life out here early on we gotta get out of here we gotta get me away from that pile of cars and all the ones speeding towards it at Mock levels as Paris checking out the Australian experience I don't know what happened to him up here oh how do you get stuck upside down at the top of the ramp to lift or not to lift we're gonna give it a little lift that was not enough lift apparently all right now we know now we know what crofty's gearbox feels like okay and also a sucker punch straight to the mouth from a car covered by everybody look out we got the Indiana Jones Boulders in the form of cars coming back down the hill at us so we're gonna catch a piggyback right all the way up and launch some people oh my oh my God someone help us these guys are launching each other every which way Jesus you gotta get a handle on yourselves you animals oh we got ejected no save me no no no we're dead that's gotta do it that's how do I have all my wheels how in the world do I have all my what is happening all I can say is wow Ricardo please pay him to wait for us here past Leclair oh my God not that hard dude damn he's taking the stairs back down that's gonna be a hell of a trip right there and the Ferrari's flying in the air in front of us and he's leaving me nowhere to go Joe come on dude haven't you flipped enough for one lifetime I'm not letting these little baby bumps stop me you animals look at them all what are you doing it's a melee at the top of the hill you you are buffoons every last one of you needs a skull check see what kind of brain we're working with here we're not working with much Alonso is running me down somebody's running me down from the grave and getting my way I'm just gonna do this damn thing in Reverse it's never stopped me before come on it wants to get hit by an F1 car that's not even looking at you I dare somebody to get in front of me right now or behind me I already want to look at this oh let's hit a sick ass j-turner let's call this a day here I'm sure I've lost this race Martin riddles I've made it in front of me oh my God that's him right there flipping he just flipped for the win what why you kidding me brundle oh and I'm not even gonna make it to the finish here I that is incredible brother's foot before but not for the win that's unprecedented this is about to be the saddest second place finish of our entire life I don't know how brundell even made it to the line everybody else is failing miserably Max holy moly you just dodged a bullet by millimeters hold on maybe I did we're coming back the cruise missile hit it you turn right there everybody stay down meanwhile Martin ruddles somewhere in a well-lit room drinking champagne and this has happened to me I'm just getting pain from Yuki sonoda who literally that was a murder right there that was a full-on crime I honestly don't know if I've ever been targeted quite to that level before and here we go again I don't know who we hired to start putting the wheels on I don't know who's tightening those these days but they did a damn good job sorry Max we got chicken brother on the way back by and here we go where we're gonna put that to the test hold on we're seeing if these wheels will come off or not so far so good if I could get off the banking I got a super speedway wing and I'm gonna utilize the reverse here all the way to the Finish now get me across that thing there It Is Well as we relive the horrors of this initial start we gotta say that shout out to the very Track Pack I don't believe the Rock Bottom replays used to work and now they do shout out to updates then we just come down and Mosey on through the danger zone to limited success uh honestly looking like pinball mode is installed and hey we might see some of that before the video is over we also might not even need it if this keeps up look at this then down on the other end we get some monster air straight onto the nose that would have folded the car up like a banana in real life but now I hear the structural Integrity is fine these things are made of vibranium until they're not the other tough part about this too is you think you see a lane you think you're clear to go and then you just get removed you do a sweet skate grind first though all right lessons were learned on attempt number one that's always good we learned that Martin Rundle is apparently the best driver in the field and I just killed Max was stabbing off the start again here we go with a barrel roll apparently nice really it's gonna turn into whatever land and over in very cool very cool indeed there I even drop neat once again in this video and we're gonna leave that one behind them we did that guy on his head we're gonna have a talk about what's happening over here guys we can't do it I believe what is this though we just kind of centiped it off the track and God only knows what we did to show there we had three cars gearbox thick gearbox and it didn't go well and neither is this signs oh poor science he is not getting saved by the Halo right now don't look at this holy Jesus and are you turning ability is a bit lackluster leaves a little to be designed can we get off the wall please not over it oh my God tears now Off the Wall I threw a little power in it I was like oh you want to go flying huh and then it and then it did and I uh I'm lucky I just didn't get clapped right there with that Camel car going by and someone's flying over me Mr Freeze you hero that was freaking sitting on them come back in front of me and get Timon you door come on I had another one a sponge right to the mouth if I get running from behind again all right that's it that is this is where my Joker Arc begins everybody quit running into me please I am begging you and even the walls trying to take a piece out of me now that was a Mark Martin 2012 Michigan right there all the F1 people watching this not knowing a damn thing about NASCARs what is this guy talking about and don't worry about it we got bigger things to worry about like the freaking Fight Fest taking place up here at the top of the ramp a real Royal Rumble if he was Russell's flipping over the concrete and there he goes Barrel rolling everybody's in shambles here we're just gonna take it nice and easy and Get Out Alive let's look back at all the losers down there who can't figure it out I got no nose cone anymore that's I'm gonna need a new one and I'm gonna need a new wall right there because I just knocked all of it down that's kind of impressive tried to put somebody's Ferrari nose cone back on instead of my own one I am not falling for that wall trick again I am not going flying off the side everybody gave me a lane thankfully I was gonna say give me one but they did I didn't even have to ask for it really that is nice and now we're on the podium and we're gaining crazy amounts of time on latifi go TV excuse me and George Russell we can get around these guys who might be good I'm Coming For You Georgie no lifts here I don't know how you got from Barrel rolling down the track to the lead but I'm taking it from you if I can turn around which I can I'm just gonna missile strike you instead sorry about the pile right there that I just completely assaulted well there you go you'll love to see it a late lead change a late missile strike again I'm really gonna start looking at where I'm going Aaron that's good thing this car is just about indestructible science's car sure is and that thing's about it two elf points he's about to die when someone breathes on him next but that is gonna do it get me across that line give me my first dub of the day and I don't think I'm done unless two races one win that's not a bad start to this deal right here Rock Bottom's return was pretty nice on us not so nice on the AI that took an absolute whooping you got the cam from the birds nest up here looking at all the buffoons trying to get around this concrete barrier can they do it I'm gonna give you a little spoiler alert the answer is no they can do some sick standing wheelies in place even the camera right here is sure to find like an absurd amount of cars we got two cars flipping inside of each other all the way down the hill if someone got hit by another McLaren teammate we got violence over here amongst teammates no team orders in recfest I guarantee that it go about as well as multi-21 did well as if that wasn't enough of a beating we could just take that win as short as it was and run for the hills but that's not what we're gonna do we're turning on pinball and doing it again all right pinball I know we have some history but I ain't afraid of you do your worst oh it's gonna try it's getting involved early and often here all right a little 720 to start things off and we landed it and we're driving through a bit of the crash right here this is a great start until land scroll kicks me that when I'm not looking that it puts a little bit of a damper on the star although still in the top 10 and gaining and then losing so it averages out still and I'm getting packed I think again by Lance troll would you take the Bounty off of me Lance please I'm begging it it doesn't matter I'm gonna get hit by everybody and I'm doing wheelies across the dragon back that was freaking awesome this thing is a wheelie machine more than a bee monster and I just sent gasly on a space force Mission lifting is the key to life up on these parts though this is something that the AI this is knowledge they cannot possess they are incapable and they're more than capable of launching me off the side of this thing apparently though this is I just got sent down with force that time and there goes the wheel finally I was wondering when that was gonna happen it has finally struck well there was a lot going on on the starts beforehand before we put pinball into the mix of things you have to look through the steel beams here to see exactly how we landed that one but we did hopefully this will give us a little bit better view of everybody flying at you coming in your house right through your monitor your phone whatever you're watching on your TV it's like the ring it's coming right through just imagine this in 3D pretend you're getting hit in the brain by a car like I just did by Lance stroll it definitely seems like everybody's out for blood but the Ferraris feel a little extra at this point that's the second one that's taking me off the side of this ramp all right let's try that again and uh okay all right this little backflip to start things off that's cool I'm just running down the ramp on my head just getting across the pavement that's cool I have driven out of this in seconds somehow explain it America explained I am begging for you to explain holy Christ guys take it easy Magnuson and hulkenberg the heroes we didn't know we needed holgenberg actually made the court out they both did I did what kind of autopsy Turvy world are we living in Somebody almost just cleaned them both up to it correcting it at the last second oh this is gonna give me a bad bounce come on lay down there we go all right well hey we're on the podium and I see who we're going for here so this is uh this is a manageable situation something that doesn't come to us at Rec Fest very often but at last we do it there's the Carnage we were waiting for and there is my lead thank you all right now it's just time to try to not get dunked on down in the danger zones which I might be doing just on my own without any help I'm taking the stairs literally driving it back who needs to Reese we have unquestionable unmatched skill and talent like one end soundhead does let's go ahead and crash now so that statement will age like a fine wine oh Valerie bucket he's taking matters into his own hands he just took a wheel off I'm about to do the same probably if I don't do this little two-wheel motion come on oh I about to get smoked there it is see you later whoever that was I'm sorry you deserved better so did I but we're not gonna talk about it why am I over here careful Croft you don't do it God damn it Croft day this is why they put you in the booth crafty this is uh my head is getting a nice massage from this concrete barrier right now if we could go ahead and land on the wheels that'd be tremendous not on the stairs preferably but I guess I don't get a say in the matter there's another wheelie Master taking his rightful spot hopefully he's taking that name from me and I could just leave my wheels on the ground unlike go TV you just got shot to the Moon all right and I I've wait a minute I just looked at the leaderboard for the first time in a couple of minutes I was in first like a couple seconds ago what has changed I did not witness anybody go by me I guess it's not really going to matter I'm just gonna pay a small back all right the reset must have totally thrown them all out of whack somehow I don't that does happen sometimes there we go nice little hand break turn here oh I'm gonna annihilate some people if I'm not careful trying to score style points we're gonna air it over Al Bond there you go that's not that style points right there we didn't even break the car and I'm still in the lead all right I like the way this is looking oh where did you come from science was using the smoke screen I genuinely did not see him through the smoke can't see over this so we're gonna hope for the best holy someone flipping out of the arena and I just gave Charles Leclair the shot of a Lifetime right up the gearbox just gone foreign God only knows where he went this wall is legitimately gone too he might have taken it with him well we'll remember you as you were Charles I'm navigating this Minefield of Motor Vehicles and I'm doing it quite well and then it's gonna do it that's gonna get me to the dub give me that second one of the day you know what we got to do next come on now while we know the rules we gotta look at the replays versus see the backflip that we did that was a winning backflip right off that start and don't you forget it then we hit a spin a Rooney all the way down the hill and we kind of drive out of it too you really do got to give me some style points for this you might even have to put me in the Hall of Fame you got to do something you can't just sit there I'm driving an F1 car down a flight of stairs for Christ's sake where have you seen that before as a wise man once said the only Hall of Fame I'll be inducted is the alcohol and fame On The Wall of Shame and hopefully some of these AI that I had the fine pleasure of racing with make it there too because they belong now here's the thing about this as we continue on some pummeling in the background if you thought these AI were unscrewing their heads and being stupid with just pinball mod on God help us with this next thing well here we go how many of you knew it I'm not throwing any curveballs today we're going for pinball and moon gravity we're about to die well it was nice knowing everybody it's been a solid eight years on YouTube I'm already getting run over we may never land again after this and that is genuine we're gonna be lucky if someone has a land in these seats here before longer hit one of those bars coming across the track somebody is about to get life checked in the worst way and I can only hope and pray that it's not me I know that as we get pointed in the right direction behind Russell here I'm gonna let you guys figure this one out and be the guinea pigs although I may have aimed this one slightly off oh and we we get a beautiful bounce off the bank here that might land me on the wheels after a little twist it does it could be worse could be one of those guys I just gotta push that might help once I finally land and quit doing a wheelie okay everybody just stay over there all you guys doing those slow motion rolls you keep it over there Fernando don't try me right now bro Gastly how many times do I gotta teach you this lesson oh man and make you all right everybody's trying everybody's trying my patience like and go TV again how many times have we launched go TV out of this world not quite like this with moon gravity we may never see some of these guys again I saw someone going for the stands down there oh it's gonna be me in a second oh my God hold on to your butts and everything else you better cross something if I make it out of this alive it'll be a miracle at least let me reset keep my wheels please we might be hitting the ground just soft enough to not have to worry about it unless I fall all the way down the freaking Mountain which definitely seems like what's gonna happen here and I hit the wheels pretty hard too there but we're good hit the button at least I can always fall back on their failures as just AI as a whole because look at him I I went flying down a mountain a minute ago and I'm currently going to be flying up a mountain by the looks of it and I gained a position I passed somebody doing what I just did right there ass in the grass whom I'm on we're prowling for Podium spots now everybody get out of the way land stroll come on dude not again oh this is gonna take us 20 minutes to land everybody get comfortable there we go right down on the Dome that's gotta feel nice and we uh can we find George Russell please well okay sonoda you have fun with that buddy is he gonna hit them only I thought for a minute he was gonna hit one of those signs and that was gonna be amazing I'm bouncing on the nose I got people getting in front of my nose some of you have no will to live and it shows crofty I'm I'm not playing games with you anymore bro we're gonna put you up in the booth whether you like it or not we might be stopping a lifeless body in that Booth by the time this race is over to be totally honest with you and it might be mine I might be dead in the replay Booth I don't know who's gonna commentate it but they're gonna say damn and drove like crap and George Russell's taking advantage while he's being a ballerina George what'd you do Georgie oh is that him oh you blew it you really went and got stuck all you had to do was finish one more corner you want to beat me a stooge George Russell's above phone how do you feel imagine losing a race like that really I'm gonna I'm gonna slow roll him just so he can watch this Alice Dave crop stuck under the mat well we got rid of him one way quality is under the map and I'm gonna throw it if I break a wheel off before I get to this line God help me and everybody watching because there was there's never gonna be another day of Ed's soundhead as you knew him again I'm gonna blow eight gaskets and I'm just gonna become a living demon but thankfully we don't have to worry about that give me my dub get me the absolute hell out of here let's watch some replays here's the only replay anybody ever needs to see ever again there's one way for me to describe breakfast this just might be it right here just soak it in while I suck it up and watch on my own because I took a beating on a lot of those races but didn't have to do too many attempts especially towards the end I thought maybe we'd take a few more tries at pinball move wherever the AI simply could not handle it they took an L we take a dub and we can walk away the Victor once again here hopefully that satisfies all of you but not for long because we'll be back at again soon thank you everybody so much for watching I hope you enjoyed that episode if you did you know what to do hit that like button subscribe comment down below I love you all I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 196,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wreckfest, wreckfest f1, Wreckfest Formula 1, F1, Formula 1, F1 2022, F1 crashes, F1 racing, highlights, best moments, funny moments, mods, wreckfest mods, rock bottom, wreckfest rock bottom, ed soundhead, soundhead entertainment, talladega, gauntlet, beamng, beamng drive, ps5, xbox, beam monster trucks, monster jam, wreckfest custom skins, halfpipe, stadium race, US GP, grand prix, shrimp hours presents, F1 takes on Rock Bottom Wreckfest, F1 takes on, grill the grid, f1 flips, f1
Id: IWyfjDCKvsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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