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hey guys how's it going welcome to another stream where today we have a very special guests welcome welcome welcome are you going to put your brand new streaming skills to the test today aren't you hey how's it going welcome to another video where today we are playing the brand new Super Mario Party it came out today and we're both big fans of Super Mario Party actually just normal Mario Party and apparently this one's really good because the past two haven't been so good but partly this is great we're gonna do our first play right now and it should be us two versus two computer players and the 100% sure but it should be good let's play we haven't played any of it at all so this should be fun let's go the sound should be fine the mic should be fine should go the CIO's properly and we're gonna play this we have no joy coin attachments it's fine so I didn't realize they call this one Super Mario Party and no like numbers on the Yanks I think this is technically number ten I think we were once which system you can play have multiple ones or some story one day trouble was brewing between Mario and his good friends it's going to be the superstar the worthiest hero in with the land Marisa destined having a party to decide a time-honored tradition doesn't excite to dissolve hey everyone agreed a proper party would surely reveal the true superstardom Darcy what do you say to that I say this time we're gonna find out what beta superstar really means you could trust us to be fair and impartial judges give us time to set up and we can get stuff you know this is Bowser yeah there is maybe none of you a superstar maybe it's one of us instead could you praise these guys before I bought an extra judge to hammock oh the wizard dude I will just keep an eye on things too you know it's all fair and impartial but be careful what you wish for this dude he's so shifty well at least camera cool mate sets him up easy this showing you take a minute I ex is a wizard so we set an argument between good and evil and I'm not too sure it's funny how they've added like a story on me to it is everyone else excited as I am I doubt it I like his bowtie wait until you see what my genius has wrought what you got for us buddy show us it's epic I've no idea what it is we're supposed to be a maze yes we are there's a lot of characters in this game the party I'm very confused it was always gonna be super difficult to add a story for Super Mario Party but let's do this we'll put on this tiny remote by the way it's like one joy cotton per person so it feels like I'm a giant no they get a couch papa let's go away oh here we go so it hasn't got all it's got most of the characters but you can unlock some by the silhouettes it looks like it's Donkey Kong Diddy Kong dry bones do you know how that silhouette is it has to be the red one the red one of Bowser anyway I'm going to be oh no they're too many I'm gonna be this monk cut already Monty mall EP let's go well dude you have to move around welcome to potty Plaza who would you like party with we were okay we've is you Rosalina or Wario to nor Mary Yoshi and Goomba which are hard or very hard is I've got an Englishman Daisy and Luigi how brave you feeling normal yeah I think we should otherwise we're gonna get crash let's go normal Rosalina romário worried about one of my favorites anyway you know what's satisfying every now and then give me your buddies a good thumbs like it's hurtful itself you'll see it feels best when everyone gets the timing down together wait what no it's just a we I don't know there don't that feel much don't you feel that was close be hopeful Oh party people it's just so weird well then have a great party see ya we'll have a great time oh if you want to switch off the party nah I'm good come on toad be quiet now we can control and you can show yours no are you gonna follow me [Music] Oh Monty mole he is from he's from like a really old school games he jumps out of the floor he's in Super Mario World definitely that's a really old game but this party has a lot to take in so I fixed up something-something navigate it hmm feast your eyes on this I call it a party pad this is like the will you put the Wii U in it hope it helps the ATIS the party perks you can now use the parts about house all kinds of useful features especially a map for shortcuts you can return to party Plaza by closing the party pad oh goodness my brain aah oh here we go a ball game play with dice the Pope into the most stars a team edition featuring free movement and shared dice rolls oh this is like a few different ones I mean we do online but I don't think you can play the full game let's just go for I think it's making us do this we can't do this what why wouldn't that mean oh because I haven't done that yet we used to go to this one cuz we want to be against each other now mm-hmm red here we go what's good toad of course you'd head straight for Mario Party good luck Oh press plus and minus when you want to back out we don't do that oh here we go this is what we're talking about so there are 1 2 3 3 that we can choose from so far looks like it's a secret one as well yeah there we go so we are once Domino ruins king of bombs powder keg mine on mega fruit paradise the fruit one this one yeah these four little tropical islands feature pipes you can use to walk between them that's kind of cool this one's high-risk high-reward so I'm guessing you can get blown up at any time and this one's just a straight-up maze you want to do the free one let's go let's go fruits okay so we've got different oh geez you can do one that's two hours I think we should just do ten that one it was 60 minutes no that's crazy ten turns ten times four players let's go let's do this and trying to shout outs in between as well you guys everyone who gets everyone but looks like you can do team ones as well just like all there's the fruits we've got melon pineapple and is that it and then the two at their little island welcome to paradise adventures I hope you've got some sunscreen this is your first time right should we say no or yes well it's our first time it's true I just don't want to go on some mad tutorial it's place made up of four tropical islands let's take a look around watermelon Island features two sparklers light them up and see what happens the upper left island features to present boxes and wonder what's inside pineapple iron features a special shop you can buy cool stuff there and check out that huge ice cream cone seems like it should have melted by now there wasn't some pipes you can move to and from island to island there's also a bridge between the islands looks a bit sketchy but it's probably fine that's about it hopping around these little islands sure sounds like paradise huh micro-tyco by the way do you ever do you need to hear the rules to this adventure listen to the rules I guess we should just in case you guys are new to Mario Party as well I might have some new stuff in it so roll the dice move ahead is kind like a board game with minigames in between and the person that gets the most stars wins if we're going to tell you that in a sec a land or special spaces to collect coins watch out for red spaces if you can win the minigames you get lots of coins so yeah it's similar to like the the past Mario Party but there's more having a lot of coins is nice that's not enough to win stars the real measure of victory is stars whoever's the most stars at the end wins even if you have our drew coins you can still be in trouble if you only have one star as I say stars make the world go round [Music] okay let's roll the dice crying out turn order let's go this power first game if we punch it we did terribly first as rosalina Wario then me let's go I'm excited to play this five points the person to code appreciate it buddy okay remember stars and key to victory where's our first one now it's not that far away to have to land on that space to get star by beam and think they cost coins I'm sure they do The Adventure is all let's go so we're gonna have to watch the computer players play first so 10 tons in total whoever has the most stars at the end wins just going for our own dice block saying I think yeah if you go on the blue spaces with no different symbols on it you just get coins which is good and each character has their own dice block in this game as well so I think Rosa Luna used her special dice block come in ergo which are I think they're mostly high-risk high-reward Oh where's gone Oh so sometimes you can't even choose when you go between islands she looks so normal dice block I don't know if you can see that at the bottom but there's a difference between the dice blocks Monte mall replaces one with one coin that's the difference so I'm just gonna go normal six oh I'm going down the tube as well I should be on the same space as Wario there is let's see what your so yours replaces one with a zero but replaces three four and five with fours that's quite good [Music] plus three and then at the end of everyone's turn you get a minigame and it's us three versus one of the computers what a racket I think a lot of these as well done with motion old G's lob bombs hold up a second oh it lets you practice like straight away that's kind of cool oh my goodness so you have to hit the bombs before they touch the floor and not get hit by them did you got it yeah she just has a bigger rocket than us okay this is gonna be hard for you ready you have to press these two ready you do sweet let's go look at the size of the racket yeah this is insane okay no no I'm gonna show you this is harder than it looks can I get out oh my goodness she's wrapping up Wario is terrible yeah I want to get one no yeah she beat us by three points man that was actually hard I think it's easier being the one in that game well we didn't really lose that much we still got two coins we could write who's next I think order stays the same she's using a normal dice but I think you can use the special dice blocks however much how much you like what you got powerup as well roll whatever number you want okay that seems pretty powerful to me [Music] oh you're in trouble bro what I had no idea was a mega blue here be careful crossing the bridge proceed with caution so I'm guessing them exclamation marks aren't good times come on I was looking at the map on this board you tell between four little islands there are a couple of pipes you can use to war browns and there are bridges we're really far away you won't go to cross the sand bridge after it collapses I'll do it this is Oh No okay uh I'm doing on one yeah what was that again the mushroom thing oh yeah plus three you want to go across the sand bridge [Music] the most has added normally and your peach blockers oil even if you get zero you get three all you have to go around ah you're still closest though you close gonna be my way worse controllers are confusing here one versus three again the drop quiz team side answers the solo players question okay the team side wins even oh my goodness so you have to count you have to just count and pay attention I guess and then go on an answer I didn't actually see how many there were one two three let's go and they should drop us Rosalina let the side down okay we're good let's go [Music] right we've got to pay attention to this and see what happens watch carefully [Music] how many toads Oh what how many toads I think it was four I'm pretty sure it's for the fruit come on beef before yes I thought was gonna ask us about fruit we're gonna get out of here come on oh my goodness my brains no no I'm gonna guess okay we split our answers this would be better I'm gonna pineapple if it's lemon we both die yes that was just placing our bets that's all I think about one more question oh my word oh I think it was two but empty handed I was gonna say zero but no no this is hard one two oh definitely wasn't there that was blowhard this dude that reminds me of a Pokemon snap Pokemon snap game no Pokemon Stadium and remember you should play that I'm free now we are not doing well you're pretty close to the star though I feel like she has a really good dog Club oh she's gone get out of here you need to avoid those six boys love power I think he's already got one too nicholae yoshi at school why is that okay um you guys need to do this let's go c'mon Teebs oh I wasn't into your block quits right no I think I have to you know this might be good okay this it's not it's not great you see what we like to start oh yeah it's similarly vessel sir I don't think that's bad though to send me closer to the star you use not yeah there you go because they're using not get too well is it the hammer guy yeah take me with you I'm so cookies he must be like an item you know oh it's me versus free bopping spree I like the sound of this punch the targets as soon as they're like okay that's new about popping people in yeah I go - lets go I like her it doesn't practice before all right it's me versus you three but I'm just with the conclusion when today from one to the previous one [Music] and the concentration come on I think it's close oh yes oh did you win yeah by streams do you guys that dizzy left slow if you bop a wrong one what happened I don't I didn't do that okay got me eight coins just joint important [Music] I think you're closest to the thing you know you're closest to the star and you have friend now oh you need ice what's he gonna get he's using his own block he can't Quinn oh well he's got something yeah his block - is himself here we go back at the start let's go yeah I just wanna do my because the of one replaces one with two coins I don't need coins I do an item low there's still five to ten coins from rivals when you my dad's get star you can use other dice Oh - you could have used the Cooper's dice you come in no I don't know I just happened over okay Lucky's baby five points no bad that could have been your winning step though four players okay even this time I think in this game as well there's 80 there's 80 games in total there's quite a lot you were saying this makes me hungry I'm gonna smash this one let's go anything with pancakes pancakes with a star marker worth three points by the way you could we actually you won that one you end the practice let's get pancakes whirring for the biggest days no the stars gone all that you me and you what does that mean Robin what happens what happens happens oh is split it that's not fair I've also gonna go to hide right there [Music] and promote the second place but already halfway through and no one's got a star yet that's bad ten times really an hour I know she's good zero I were I could steal your star here Oh his dice has four sixes does it yeah welcome another scorcher oh it's a shot he's got two custom dice box now murica in the game what oh I made it he made it yeah you have to buy one for ten coins [Music] Wario did they start going to move yeah it should this is actually gonna be hard in five minute I'm he's dare to point I was so close and then you rolled your oh I think I'm posted this one next is me makes me want to eat food you're that hungry right okay next stars over on the watermelon is pretty far lucky space [Music] okay fine good well I need to get back over there now wait where is it it's uh it's up here so on the watermelon so far I need to get to know I don't wanna I don't want to use it so no I think you have to hit people to use it I didn't mean to use this blog now I need a - yes [Music] I'm on my way I know if you go all the way around and get on the red the red puts you near it Oh your friends here too Thanks oh and out on the lot plus fire what's my coins doing how many cuz you were 21 no I wonder where it puts you on the right this item so you've got you got eleven coins still so you should be able to buy one it's all that so I land on the red one if I go that way yeah I think it's senior gonna land on red either way no but if there's more people going at another shop I don't have spend any more volume what's the pub one sorry oh that's a bad one well now I don't have enough coins so I need to win Oh for the minigame this star I see yeah I think it's easy being the one sometimes though if you can't like talk to this the computers if it was to other people in your client deliver as many packages as you can the team sorry can carry up the two package at a time the solo player can use the drone to steal packages where the package you get what where the packages oh you've got a package so you're the drone here in the middle what do I put it there I've got to rely on these guys so much with we're done we're done these computers are not be able to do this here we go a package new package oh I get in now I was waiting for the package from the conveyor belt this is OB no order to about you can you take them off me I can't get past Wario though I can't jump warriors yeah he's so wide no we're done for Wario just got three no I'm not happy about this my teammates suck wait wait wait no no no no leave me alone Galloway Wario come on what so many where's una come on come on come on no bad so bad let's Congrats I needed to win that as well the drone is so good [Music] you'd have been fine if you'd lost absolutely are two things when you are gonna have a massive turn next time the big place [Music] it depends on if it's you on the actual star spot on lyrics it does say near where she's a really fast six how is he doing this this dude oh I took all his coins so I think now we can only get off that Island if you go in the pipe boys me for I'm gonna get you in by the monster again you can go the other way the presents are closed let's go I don't know what he does it is click babe me welcome to the bad luck space star no all wait a second don't you dare get the top one oh I wanted the second one the second one moves the star this is a good space now plus 20 yeah you need 20 I think you've got 20 planes 31 the game oh he was 16 why do I just have that one it says walk close as well I don't know what it does the thing is Rosalina can actually afford the star [Music] that was a cool space I like that if you're far away from the star it's actually a good thing we need Rosalina's lose coins somehow but I think it's going to happen usual coin a doping I'm not gonna know we're nearer though look sharp ready to go focus on the character oh you move it physically I just wanna say you should be good at this I'm trying I why should I be good at this could you focus cameras that's true the amount of videos I've done that I'll focus though here we go [Music] yes oh it depends on who does it the quickest who is this guy Rosina sucks we need have some news points that was close very same time let's go Monty let's go gem looks good today Anthony says thanks someone just put duck emoji is fantastic we've got the second place guys I need a star now though the only thing I'm gonna get one [Music] Regina's gonna her big she got nothing oh oh you played yourself what'd she do she's one space away and she wrote a zero okay yeah but she wanted the star so you can afford it as well Wario definitely can't and now it's even worse so I'm not quite sure what these presidents do I'm just gonna play into happens great I think I got friends now though I want waluigi i didn't get him kind of look alike [Music] well they all have different um dices as well I'll show you but two two three four five six this is cool I'm gonna use my thing yes you happen see where the golden pipe takes you the same space to let you roll as well you've got this don't use your pee just I spot though how do I change it sideways don't use that one either oh so you can use the other on as well that's kind of cool yeah you are no on its then you're guaranteed the star so I just keep this guy for the whole game I guess so and you can use yeah you can use this dye stuff as well by yourself that's my fault [Music] for you and uh you and waluigi are on one star no points dude still more stars but the cash by um Glenny stars and fast oh come on be near me be near me Oh [Music] I think you found over yes no no I think warriors on the islands it's moved again you've still got movement spots as well Oh No every player wagers coins a new battle in a rumble minigame you get coins pending your ranking this is gonna be spicy face off in a rumble balloon choose how many points you you guys everybody grinds what and whoever wins gets 40 oh my goodness Oh hold it - blow air I don't know have you used to go as big as you can before he explodes oh no it didn't explain now Rosalina's got a little coin in the same this pun she got 35 coins now we're against each other perfect fit Tetris fit the block pieces together rotate what does anyone know what they're doing are we working as a team oh yeah I'm so confused when I am doing this I am so you so the computer is the top one and we're the bottom one you have to press a will press the side button and then you have to tilt your block to match it so it fits together so you're on this side this confusing is showing you the blue one so now you need to rotate it to try and fit as a complete square you can move it all the way around that was close there you go do you get it oh this is hard [Music] yes whoa come on just a pain in my butt this whole time at the high-five yeah Jam is way too good right [Music] it had so many compliments in a Jonathan thing these beacons I'll catch up on all your super chats and stuff after this game guys don't worry heads up just three tons left let's see how things stands Wario is winning you're behind by two coins and guess who's in last May wait what hello everyone lucky to hear Monty mole will come from behind to win I'm reasonably probably certain of it yes I've got a gift a sympathy gift I'll get anything 1 to 6 I see an amazing item that gives you the choice which space to land on ok I can dig that because Gemma got cheats on she's doing so well no cheat codes doesn't it feel weird holding this is a controller all you get 6 coins from blue spaces now and you lose 6 from red ones I think whoever gets the next star if it goes to to go in with 3 turns what's the matter you don't sleep very infused so perhaps you'd let me just spice things up for you [Music] [Music] he so called up the bad luck the extra Bible up space is dangerous I reckon you could still I reckon you could sort stars from people all right on it's gonna happen going here bad luck honest your happens I think she did it she did it oh no extra bad luck space what's it gonna be just me it's the same it's gonna be a ruler isn't it but I think it's gonna be harsh thank you one of them was loser starving I might be oh I didn't think purses it [Music] all weight warriors right next to the thing and now he's gonna choose four three whichever he needs that's bad for you what well you get it anyway you'd have to land on it man [Music] he's got two now he's bankrupt not long ago a certain pp to be self-employed where is in the leads will be nice I can't remember where I am you know it's been so long and I do this start [Music] that's right next to the start oh that's so far [Music] um what okay Susan you chose me I'm so far away when you have an item have a custom dice block I want my friend to roll though just eons yeah I'm gonna one call Monte when your big six big six okay big five is good and a-one okay six we got it what is this pick a present I feel like you do remember in Tomodachi life when you get the three gifts it's like that I'm gonna blue of course oh if you're in the mood for I could steal let's go oh you have to pay thirty I don't have 13 no I was so excited you got baited gee dad don't you dare if you're in the lead I would've done it stop flatlands you're gonna flop much that's many coins and so many Oh could it's stolen it for 30 I still have enough [Music] I wonder why listen getting those once changed to green now I'm out of here I think that might send me to the the right Island yes we've a lot to turns out I don't know you're on the top of right it's me too I don't even know what you to do big three you're safe if you go that way but the red for the red will send you down to the sand but the sand bridge is gone so I think you need to go this way and go in the green pipe see I trusted you on this bridge and you come here and really a one a team is good cheese box [Music] work together two brackets oh this is like candy crush but not wait what are you oh I don't get this did you want more practice so if I do the left one you do the right one well you don't get a choice oh I understand [Laughter] [Music] apples apples buckles there is yes we got this easy mode women on easy mode in Des Moines but I don't think I was able to win so I think you might be able to win if you get another star and then enough coins I forgot about that I wish I could have stolen a star now that's if that's in the game [Music] turn them how that's pretty good I could have stolen one now to dance ago I can see why the game gets longer in the past three turns low five do you see the other thing she had had like a the card with a block on it the gate is safe as well Mario I wish you could play this online games yeah your minus 2 plus 6 on a lucky space it's not even a bad thing really what this dude doesn't need things like this he's got three it's so many [Music] right [Music] stops anyways [Music] when he is there how many do I need just one night for three this is three one to really zoom in one two three like five or six Oh cause you can go past anyway you can't use okay at one it's not that deep down you just gotta go final four but for Gottesman a negative one one two three four five I win six and where six items custom dice blocks gimme six I don't wanna do this wrong easy mode let's go to these not counter spaces over 39 oh you can - to someone that's quite cool hang on by one of these that's really cheap thank you yeah it doesn't count on when the home stretch now thank you Congrats on your first on thank you I can join the club that means we're gonna move now who's gonna be closest to the next one still third though I'm turning it up where's it going man I think I can go back through the green pipe all the way at the top you're making your way that way though and you can use a sabotage think I went way further than I need this you don't get um you've got this [Music] nice wait will you'll be free clothes oh I need their presence I think you might funny you know we're gonna go for when I go for green if you pay me seven coins I carry you to one of your rivals you don't that do you know closest yeah you're the closest you don't want that yeah yes what is this give me a star will you be purse man hopefully I think you will [Music] okay I didn't think people will get this many stars yaeh first good job good job [Music] each takes first out of nowhere nice on breads that's sold far because of sandbridge isn't there I don't think anyone's no no no one's near that we've only got one time still going don't do it there we go foreplay minigame let's get some coins Oh minigames [Music] follow the money gather the most coins if you get if you fall or get hit you lose coins yes crazy you can't jump those as ma'am this is a natural thing so this one you just win the coins that you gather he think I'm Wario Oh washed to a flattened [Music] these coins I can't see I fellow someone pushed me off what I wanted to go back it was better for me that I fell off yes it doesn't even matter if you come first on that one oh you just get close yeah you just got the coins that you got though everyone is so far E's go through the red pipe which is all the way down here no one's gonna get to it wait yeah no one's gonna get there if you're lucky you get a star that's what you just said Smith pays a lot she got no stars though she's 26 spaces away oh it says I just realized she could get a present she could get presents this could be this could be good man green not bad why does she do that one she knows the green is doing that you chose green then it was the red one as well Greg Cooper Wario is oh yeah Abi's how far is your way we dress tonight question one in Devon you could get this no there's no way no way hey what happens remember this it's not like oh I'd even noticed that I hope you were gonna find out hey Wario and Waluigi together to seven people scheme so my speciality one three five five seven and a minus three [Applause] I'm leaving miles away I'm probably the farthest away you can get what's my plan item space I could do the locked space I need six though [Music] you have some items I don't any Queens I need stars will do that on them this is I think I need six though this who happens we just go round in circles get some extra coins see what happens okay that's not it oh my goodness eleven there's nobody buy anything though yeah so you're just going man it's up this way this man it's gonna come down to these prices yes yeah well I'm last huh there's not even any point in using that thing yeah [Music] no bad one I didn't get for president I just want to get that as Commission marking a bridge yeah you imagine losing a star now that would suck I think we're done we got one more minigame do the coins matter you're on the same team anyway no I'm on my team limit you're on the same team as warrior who's you're like rival isn't it toe the line we create the pattern as shown in the example oh dude this could be so hard with computers what is he doing this is gonna be horrible [Music] we've got to rely on the AI right now I get it this is a cool minigame is what I mean [Music] buddy five of these if I stand at the beginning she just kind of does it they're just doing it wrong I was following me if you stand at the beginning oh no she's no she's not giving up Rosalina come on no it's no good well you see I go down but you did it you did it this is hard can you move my tangled what are you doing Rosalina come on it's frustrating right yeah with tangled our two bowls he got moved to time you know not seen the Jets high to not look hideous this one's hard yeah yeah yes we're just gonna say that Oh we drew there's gonna get equal coin you get coins you get coins everyone get coins if you don't see it they can hear you last time is over right this is where you get you usually get like extra stars the Sun is set on your adventure in Paradise you protect which means quitting time for me time to go swimming I can't wait to see who won out to one I think it's me I'll kick things off but here the bonuses so this is where everything can change each bonus comes with a star the first bonus is minigame bonus who won the most who won the most oh we won the same that's well good for you [Applause] second bonus and the unlucky oh and I'm Wario is it I mean I'll take it what's your on for the stars [Applause] no oh what that's it come on I'm it why did I invite you it's me right I'm pretty sure you're the only one with four he's gonna be good I five good job congratulations oh my goodness I can't believe that look you know because I came seconds cobrowse said it's rigged what's the graph on the block look at you at the end I think I did come from behind though the guy the guy did say that I'd do that number of stars number of coins returned with the most you did you know 52 spaces so you must get like bonus stars for this as well all of this stuff that's cool I like that we've got two thousand party points let's go let's go to party Plaza cuz I don't actually know what's on here wow that was amazing you cleared make a fruit paradise Oh [Music] so I'm guessing if you wins three mini games on the three boards even you get the final board so the other stuff you can do you can you reverse a viable partner party a team edition featuring free movement a shared dice rolls what else we got sound stage now every beat so it's like dance dance man dance dance revolution and there's also river sand via a salon and this is the normal one last we got are these are mini-games [Music] what are you doing to the planet das is licking my hands this is take on many games directly or as part of a special territory stealing game online marathon so you can't play online but unfortunately you can't play the board game online I don't know why that would be that would be cool and be very cool Toad's rec room shrines try a set of unique games that use the system in a variety of configurations so it's quite a lot to do I know what this is though [Music] I've done up all the minigames that's just like a different mode Yoshi is here as well what's good your shoe I'm excited for my first party in a while I can't wait to play let's play together maybe next time Oh No how'd you feel bad going on if you're ever feeling sad I want to cry feel free to hide behind me just don't do it too loudly Oh capes and everyone will know I'll tell ends consideration thank you buddy so you can unlock some more stuff as well it's Birdo to host the 11th mario party 11 that's a lot of games and sign his shell I do the team one's pretty cool but guys I think we're gonna wrap this up here thank you so much for tuning in I need to do some shout outs real quick before you go leave a like that we greatly appreciate it subscribe if you're brand new to and I think we might at some point do another one of these cuz I want to you've got River survival that's that's gonna be good I've heard it's good we've got the tag team one as well and then minigames online so we'll see what we can do JEP on and you want outside the box hamster brick stop a long evany big one trap sheds Laura oh it's dancer hey dancer Nicolas gaming Mathias and finding my wings trap shut again a chaos thirsty lady Finster since my two who else we have Scala the pius x to a kc drawers nether lori Freddie yusuf cold curse the hooded beaver have you played gang beasts know how we should play that together that'd be good Mathias Katy Nia your son cheeky Charlie says hi hi Charlie Mathias again Jordan the Allosaurus gamer girl Robin and can I get up high five you certainly can thank you guys for your stupid shots all the sponsors thanks for hanging out with us today I hope you enjoyed if you did again thumbs up and subscribe would be absolutely perfect thanks hanging out and we'll see you soon extra Memex on twitch oh yeah so Jenna's gonna be streaming this game tomorrow yeah we streaming this game tomorrow yeah yeah we're streaming this game tomorrow so I think if we come we can be streaming it for longer than this so go and check out the link in description below I'll put it in afterwards go and check that out because tomorrow we'll be streaming this we'll try some new new modes and staff bourbon is gem stream so it's up to her yeah we should be playing this again so if you enjoyed it come and stop by almost forgot to plug that thank you so guys thank you so much I'll see you soon bye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,677,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm super mario party, super mario party, super mario party dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, xjemmamx, dantdm wife
Id: G2DjaokkYlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 24sec (4284 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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