BRAND NEW SPYRO GAME!! (Reignited Trilogy)

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hello yeah I don't know what that was I haven't I haven't streamed in a while okay I haven't streamed for ages but there's a game that really made me want to stream again not this one Spyro I know I've already uploaded today but I thought I would sit down and play some of this because for me this is a this is a nostalgia trip but for a lot of you guys you've probably never even heard of this game if you have and come on the nostalgia trip with me it's gonna be amazing so Spyro is a game that came out a long time ago I'm actually gonna try and find out how long ago it came out as my phone tells me it wants to update spy original series it came out a playstation one that's how old it was and it's been remade into a remake 1998 so I was a mere seven years old when this game first come out which is it's pretty impressive that they've now made its way to I was seven then I'm now twenty twenty years bro really I'm 27 now so twenty years in the making this remake of the game so wow that's a lot of um it's what is going on here but what is this there's so much text so much text are you for real you just want to go to the game it's gonna make me scroll all the way down this is a joke I've never had to agree to a contract before to play a game welcome o2a2 Spyro reignited trilogy this is the first three spyro games remains completely remade and I'm excited how are you guys doing I see a me with a big old eat in the chat how are you guys doing hope you have have a great day so far I'm about to have an even better one Allen Carr things have been a member dragon boy and shark Lord game I think of your super chat stew let's just hop into this so these are the three games spyro the dragon ripped our rules and year of the dragon but everything has been properly remade I was supposed to have a look at I should have showed you guys the old version because it's like really actually it's like it's crazy it's so different this looks from the screenshots I've seen so far absolutely beautiful in the world of dragons am I supposed to press X I'm not supposed to press X let's let's do there's the voice actor the same for a dragon's age we now have 12 thousand he treasure what about this nasty character now I understand he's found a magic spell Oh looks like I've got some things to do [Music] [Laughter] well that's that Wow okay is that loud enough for you guys what is Spyro actually is crazy that you guys even say that Spyro might might my friend it's is this dude this is Spyro welcome this is Spyro the Dragon and the dragon fly on the left is sparks they are a beautiful twosome right let's go to sound is to put the okay music reignited I meant music on I wanted to put subtitles on can you not do that for me Matt let's put the map on okay looks like we've got ourselves no subtitles fantastic but oh my goodness yeah okay the map is like behind my FaceCam but you don't need to see it anyway here it is Spyro brands new this is gonna take me a while to get used to because basically on wait was it ps1 that didn't have any double analog sticks I think it might have been soo got square man this cavity spit are you okay you good buddy there's a way you can okay I can flame there's a way that I can I'm jeez oh jeez I'm stuck in with this fat guy what's going on they gotta burn you get the gems so it's all about gems and stuff as well I can't actually remember about this game because I haven't played it in so long yeah you can run around like this can I speak to you still oh I can I hope there's subtitles either one sweet-looking dragon thank you for releasing me Spyro 3 10 dragons in the artisan world then find the balloonist he'll transport you to the next world what about nasty norc I'm going after him find dragons first that's all I can tell you it's all he can tell us that's it why I've been over subtitles there's the fairy I remember the fairy she's like the autosave lady thank you for saving my game appreciate it hello friends how are you you guys good where are they going they're running into a maze hello Oh dark hollow man this is all flooding back to me right now as a clam gums gonna burn all these guys so I need all their gems let's take this chest as well so I think you couldn't explode a lot of stuff let's go in the move list actually control scheme though on move list I want to know how to do the ground impound you can glide jump charge you can't square I don't think you can that's crazy maybe you unlock it actually that might be my fault come here sir come here gotcha oh he's still here come you punk you kidding me man he's fast I think he's dropping the things that he's stolen hey geo need to take as many gems as possible save the Dragons as well not much story to this first bit but I haven't played the old one in a long long time yeah right I think I've other controls down now it looks so good it looks so good I'm pleased where should we go first to leave these sheep actually that's burn the sheep come on get up there get up there sparks get up there let's go through a portal what is it oh no wait wait BAM dip your horns on Spyro you have much to learn first do you know what the Dragonfly following you is doing ah his name is Sparks and he's helping and protecting you keep an eye on him and see what I mean I know what you mean I played this before buddy I shook my head but really I know what I'm doing so did the big dragon guy mean that we needed to get them from here that door looks pretty open to me don't know about you I don't know if he meant get five from here he might have done some stuff erm through here too oh man even these old sound effects that's crazy why would you come near me just oh this is the balloonist oh I see what's up buddy okay I'm on the same page as you now see you later son why do you get subtitles and the main guy doesn't that seems crazy to me they didn't pay me enough to not have subtitles right let's go through here as well this is a game all of that exploring doing level as saving dragons yes just because we caught an orc ugly I guess don't be afraid of falling from high mountain peaks plummeting into prehistoric glaciers oh no I think I'm good bro I think I'm good there's a tress up there well there's another portal up there as well give me all your things thank you thank you very much appreciate you okay I need to go through a portal by me I keep seeing shiny things I want to collect so it's got their dananana wrong game let's go to town square let's do it fly through the portal I'll try and catch up with as major as possible during loading screens unoriginal ice pancakes PT me on e broken tone Jacobi husky boy am I gonna do it to all my new house absolutely not I'm afraid pizza me Ani Alexei and Evie can you react to miraculous what's that I'm not even sure what that is Lucas have a happy birthday buddy wolf animates thank you so much for watching so long Jaden cool Kiwi Jayden cool again Jordy and a human who shot my bro he's called no siree yes I can let's burn these chickens first oh my goodness they go like charcoal as you feel really bad now you can but the chickens as well all right we need to keep on finding ourselves these dragons as lows giant pool as well and I think these metal ones you can only um you're only able to barge through them you can't flame them unfortunately what's good buddy welcome to Town Square Spyro hello begin exploring by gliding to that area with the Bulls use the right stick to get a good look thank you for your tips and advice I appreciate it give that bull right oh jeez that's all quit are you okay his butt when to square in our face can't say I'm a fan of that whoa okay let's calm down a little bit Spyro the controls are so jerky can I have it thank you yeah the controls are really jerky look at that butt coming up oh my goodness so yeah I just wanted to try and give this game ago because I've heard a lot about it it's definitely something that I really want to play because of the nostalgia of it where can I go next up here no not up there wait wait wait turn around when they come from there's another one over there oh jeez are you kidding me I think the camera is awful right there you go going big the moisture useless enemy you've ever seen exploded oh I got a life sweet let's save this dragon now gotcha Devlin looks good thanks Spyro I have the worst itch on the tip of my wing did you know that you get your longest drives by pressing the jump button at the very top of your jump kappa of course I knew that bozo oh okay the camera makes more sense to me now you can risk L oh that's so much better could that not be on all the time that'd be so much better I need help this dire war have just helped out the enemy I'm not 100% sure okay that wasn't enemy he's out of here I remember this guy he has like a satyr but not only runs away I think you have to chase him chickens when you got in so many balls so I can even but them head-on as far as an absolute savage like yeah I can't even remember the story to this game obviously all of the Dragons have been put into I don't have to do CPR and you sir come please whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa let's quit that man I find the camera on this really awkward I'm not even sure why okay there is a guy up here she can saves at me thank you appreciate it there must be a way to get up there I mean we could climb on this okay we can't climb on this I swear that there's another there's another dragon up there I need to go up there soon we can get around somehow it doesn't even let you go on there oh I'm into this bit yet well maybe I have how do I miss that how do I got to you can i glide from here maybe I can just try it yeah I reckon you can do that well maybe around the other way what do you guys think oh jeez this is difficult I must have missed one of the green things I might have to go home and then come back in well maybe I need a different ability that could be it because she's zapping me and I know you can get different abilities let me just check the oh there's only one more anyway let me show you the controls one more time I want to make sure that I'm not doing anything wrong or miss anything so I can side roll Center the camera a camera look a boat glide glide charge attack flame attack look same facing that's flying though you can cuz there used to be a move that Spyro could do I don't know which game it was in where you could like jump and then fly a little bit and go up even more hmm central awesomeness thank you for your super chat neo Jones think of your super chat as well link plays games can i play call of duty black ops 4 um I've played it I have it actually I played it in the beta and I haven't played it since so maybe I will Lexie TV miraculous is a show on Netflix based on anime oh I have to check it out I do like anime a lot you in a coma third no my bro called nan sorry is that right oh wait I hope it isn't wrong mr. C where's how many Spyro games have you played I have played I played every single one of them the old ones anyway but I haven't played any of this one so only just came out today I don't think I even I even said that but it yeah it came out today I'll meet you I just want to get his son gates gems where do you go there yes gotcha you little punk oh oh that's a cool system that's new so if you get gems that you've already got it just gives you the dots that's kind of core like that all right it's going to another portal shall we in June was good you see what this is called show me show me Stone Hill perfect morally oh can i play more escape 3 I don't even know where my xbox do 60 years if I find it I will Demarest clients why I'm not sure what your message says why not being quieter on YouTube a long time ago I'm not sure what you mean to be honest Dillon Schmidt yeah Oh G PlayStation thank you buddy and Louise will think of you a super chat this looks like a pretty um pretty terrifying sheep actually let's get these treasure chests fair I think this is a game that a lot of people go to 100% on because there's so much to find in do hello I win get out here so there should be some there should be some dragons on this level there we go whoo these chest as well dude that's insane when you free a dragon or step on one of their platforms you're saving your progress that could be useful if you run into trouble not that you ever run into trouble Spyro I mean of course I don't run into trouble I'm good I mean I probably run into trouble at the beginning but now I'm absolutely fine it's really a good thing that I have played this before because I could talk to her what does she say replay the track oh I don't want to do that good to know that you can do that though right I was another sheep guarding this section and he's just gone he's not gonna get paid for that is he oh there he is daddy here come on boys out here as well how many dragon during this level that's door what's the name after you freed all the dragons pass through this fancy vortex thingamajigger it'll take you back to the artisan home but first let me tell you a story no thanks see ya dudes you can't say that's your eldest Spyro you may have saved these guys that doesn't mean they owe you anything come on you could have at least listen to his story I was kind of intrigued how many we got here oh sorry guys I'm a little bit sick still Linda a store there's two more dragons and one more egg I need to find 10 don't I'm ten dragons in tow whoa gotcha right it wants to get served next huh where you guys at where's a wizard is he a nice wizard I'm guessing no what are you doing geez that's not even funny do the worst wizard I've ever met be gone so you gotta fight all these little chests and stuff to make it to 100 where you go coming yeah there's so many of them as well I want I don't want Rams I don't magicians I want a wizard no I don't want to is it I want a dragon come on now get your brain in gear Spyro my friend how about a hint on gliding you bet for the longest glide press the jump button at the top of your jump and try pressing the action button to drop down mid-flight the way you looked after that was hilarious suicide you understand you understand what I'm saying to you yes I understand what I'm saying you're saying to me I got it Wingo over here what we're looking for is a dragon egg now I think oh no one more dragon as well to see how far to the edges you need to go to be able to do this to hard to find everything well that's that guy look though you how fast he is bro Mia well he's so fast like I'm off yeah give me that oh he has the egg that makes sense I wonder what we can do the eggs hatch them into our very own dragon does that be pretty sweet okay I need one more dragon from this world in total we've got six I think there is one more portal I can go through so I'm not too worried yeah I think I'm just gonna go back you know is this the way I can't even remember I've even got the map when I'm still lost I'm good at this or I wish I had to next I feel like I should have gone there was other things I could have explored then I was distracted man this is so much fun it's like proper casual gaming I love it okay return homes down there I want a head just someplace haven't been yet because if I can it'll be good to find that extra dragon well okay I was gonna say that's a big land and it's not gonna let me go over there anyway oh this is the force field that makes sense I get it now okay looks like I'm not gonna find him we don't want to head back here man sparkle and so fast what does he eat and I'm not can't remember what you do with these gems where's my portal home there it is all the thing on the beach I don't know if I want to go down there just yet though let's go home there's one more portal that we can use link plays games teas official minion one I lollie oh my fave clover in brown probably a brand cooled off white sebastian Kathy mr. C Willis well I play smash ultimate probably not to be honest Arturo and Finan actually that might be a lie I might try it at least but I'm not hundred percent sure wait that's had nine oh yeah I got three already I've got nine okay perfect I need to go there was one more that haven't been at over here okay we're gonna get these ten easy let's go I want to see how far we go through this game is this the originals story of Spyro from scratch yes it is yeah a hundred percent this is it how can I have such a short memory I have the worst memory in the world if you ask anyone I have the worst it's terrible I know pokemon master hope you feel better soon but yeah this is as I was saying with Skylanders earlier this is the original game that spawned Skylanders I completely forgot about that oh these guys have shields and stuff what are you eating Rosie and what we kill it's so disgusting I need to keep this that guy looks a bit menacing how many are here three I only technically need one whoa okay don't do that is that all it took one Brett okay I can't use flames on these guys because they've got the Nicholas shields how about give me a story Oh with you I wasn't sure if you'd escape those annoying little creatures yeah of course they wouldn't bother me but here's a hint their metal armor is fireproof but a charge attack will take care of them interesting advice considering I had to kill those to get to you so yeah thanks for the late advice buddy this game does look like really really good though I'm playing on ps4 right now and it does look amazing get out of here it's so satisfying to just shout oh no I did not just happen so oh it's kind of like Crash Bandicoot where oh that's what he's doing okay yeah so it's like the uber booga mask did you remember that one from crash bandicoot where he his companion shows you how much life you've got and when you kill animals his life goes back up that's quite handy secret passage whoa oh no oh no we got this guy he's dropped it what just happened he's so confused laughter oh maybe this yeah I just have to burn his butt we're like a secret library this is sweet there we go that's what we're here for who's this gonzo Spyro wanna know a secret lose the action button when you want to zoom in and look around Oh your secret's safe with me not necessarily a secret when it's on the moves menu really though is it oh that's like here we need it I don't know what it has in because we haven't had one that needs a key yet anything else in here oh this is the action bar nice okay so I should probably get these things while I'm here maybe let's go this actually took a lot of effort to get to I almost completely missed it no don't hit by the wall all right let's head up here see what I've seen a couple people up here bucketheads iron shields good burn ooh squish you oh geez oh I need to go back to that remind me to go back to that chest as well this is the last one big enemies like this nor with the clock cannot be charged but a quick flame that should defeat them I thought this bro I know what I'm doing I'm a professional okay they trap him down here for research or something I think they did hmm what am i doing what am i doing what am i doing ah that's why I needs to do see I told you my memory is terrible I don't know why it's so bad so I could only have like a quarter of my brain capacity of some reason right unlock for me please sir or it just has a load of gems in it okay I can dig with that I think that's all 91% that's pretty good let's get out of here does that mean I'm gonna gather all these just because I can get me out of here [Music] fascinate a crazy bug I thank you so much buddy the new versions do live really cool thank you for your super chat more Leo can I do a house tour one day I don't know maybe one day in the far far future but not anytime soon I'm afraid Conor Thompson Evo Eve from Holly and Eve play sims for I will in the future gems streaming sims for at the moment if you want to go and check that out I'll find my wings oh hey hey how's it going welcome back you're never a bother don't worry oh I appreciate that thank you for your super chats I notice you're in like every stream of mine so and thank you for stopping by appreciate you a lot okay we need to head to the balloonist now I Carmen where he was yeah must be this way see I do have a little bit of a brain I have been locked by donor rescuing dragon Spyro mmm-hmm that's me you may travel to the peacekeepers world if you like are you ready to go I'm just gonna see how much I can complete today so let's get out of here very nice to do that though stamp it on his head what are you doing entering the peacekeepers world I won't play crazy taxi I have a long time ago what do you guys think of the new artwork and the new the alerts and stuff what do you think the new face cam I think it's sick but I am a biased I made it poke a movie out this summer yeah I can't wait pokémon game is out on Friday which is gonna be sweet shimmer kitty thank you feel two pounds to pitch as well appreciate you what's happening here he's loading screens are pretty long I think we're gonna land in the ocean then that even horrible I don't mind taking this free dragon Titan welcome to peacekeepers look how our treasure has been stolen and turned against us please recover our treasure Spyro collect treasure got it collect treasure got it see how simple our games were back then so simple you got two attacks that's it a glide button different worlds that didn't look as good as this no no no no no put that down and now we've got games like fortnight oh please tell me we can put this on fire which require so much time yes and fly this guy get him oh let's go and the cookies thank you I just like it's not necessarily darker themed it's just a little bit less I don't know on cheese that did not mean to head back that rabbit I'm hi by the way welcome back I know I haven't streamed in a while so I'm just gonna see you back here wasn't gonna say oh I just really like the aesthetics of like glitches for some reason so I thought I'd go for a job oh geez you hidin for I'll burn your house down wait wait a second do that again do that again I dare you what is he doing what is he doing turn around you show me your butt crack dude is that a joke well I needs your your food for my guy corneum mm2 boy these guys show their butts to you outrageous all of them do it I guess I did break into their tent so make sense I would like this thank you so this is where the balloonist is for this one take this dragon - hey spiral sparks the dragonfly has been doing a good job protecting you make sure to keeping strong by feeding lots of butterfly the man of his even way too many fireflies 7u I just got a skill point I don't actually know what that means okay I did not mean to do that that was a bad idea good job I got another life rock in ten lives right now I need to find me some more animals there's one come here gotcha [Music] what is this I probably shouldn't touch that right that'll be a bad idea um there's one more dragon here not sure where he is oh I thought I was gonna be able to make it completely misjudged it I feel like the camera needs to be out a bit you know so it's not as zoomed in there must be another dragon around here somewhere oh that one needs that need a key oh wait how do I do the skill points though it definitely said I got a skill point ah there he is over there got to go all the way around what are you trying to do to me Punk definitely not Yanni's going this way to get that dragon I'm gonna do it because as you guys know my memory's terrible I will forget wait a second you figure out how to go over there may be out there and they go that I thought that was like a thing to move maybe I can't go that way there's definitely a way to get there I just need to find it remember this is more of like an exploration 100% kind of game that's what I'm trying to do right now figure out where to go but I need this rabbit he's give my dragonfly as fat as possible I need to figure out how to get over there there must be a way to the portal over there right there's going the dry canyon first let's get out of here big middle button this is the big middle button a skill points perfect oh so not even skill points I thought they'd be like a skill tree you know what I mean but it's not it's like just a checklist okay that makes sense already under 10% of the game that's crazy jazz jr. you're a history test tomorrow I haven't studied one bit pray for you here is one prayer for you there you go jazz good luck hope you do well I know gamer thank you so much dopey guy wolf cuteness py this is a ripoff no it's a remake so it's remade by the people who made the original game so not a ripoff to Minecraft came out and Christopher long also if you're saying it's a ripoff in terms of Skylanders this is the game the boss Skylanders its Spyro Skylanders this is like the original game Oh give me that yellow what's this see I think I can get abilities that looks like it's like a super flame or something I think at some point you can get yourself well suits got a gun not anymore you can get yourself a a fireball attack by Karim every whether that's in this game or the next game these guys can't even see why would you give them a gun no let's not do that so you can't even aim it's like me and for tonight let's go how many we got here we've got four dragons and one egg I don't actually know how many we need or come here come here come here no oh I don't my guy to die that'd be awful oh I just hit the cactus how can I get this guy I'm so close give me the egg give me the anchor yeah give it an egg get out of your boy done well I need that I need this back up to gold let's go help you dragon fly it we found no dragons so far look at this just trying out each my buttons - haven't tried them all out yet then playing the game for an hour and still haven't tried it yet [Music] No ah there's that dodge that's the best move I've done so far but lots of yellows in this as well whoa like a bird keeper the characters oh my goodness she's throwing the bird he's throwing the bird what are you doing it's like animal abuse or something Shirley jeez five tips to be doing that bro they're your pets you definitely can't swing them around by the by the legs because dragon up here guarded by the blind Marauder get outta here gotcha for it dry Canyon rewards good gliders you are a good glider hey spiral I was born to glide haunted light thank you sir this would be a good place to glide somewhere else this looks like a good location we're going here you can get out of here I'll take that blue okay it's kind of coaxing me around this way Oh maybe over there this might be all wait a second I don't know if this is a way to get to that other place there must be something down here yeah there is pleasure and this abuse dudes abuse is not okay oh she's gonna shoot me I can strafe I'm good easy mode and you guys - I'll take all you out let's go 3 & 1 4 & 1 even guys get us dude this guy's name evil where is ugly dude is that you Spyro here the unde ragging I've been hearing so much about ever since you're a wee puff of smoke we've known you've known ah I forget at school he's got like little medals and stuff like he was in the army that the Dragon army can you imagine what's an honour alright oh jeez again all right whatever go ahead and next we need two more we got the egg already we don't actually know what we do with the eggs just yet but I'm sure we'll find out I'm gonna sneak-attack this guy still haven't quite figured out why he's um swinging these guys around whoa this is all from that one the secret passageway wasn't it I'm sure it was there must be a way to get up there as well wait we can't jump on these yeah might be this no I can't get up there right this head back I like this mine this reminds me kind of a crash bandicoot a little bit I think they're made by different people but they have very they're very similar they're kind of the two big games of the generation all right means go back over here now whoops all these enemies are back I've killed you once I'll kill you again actually this is a different place okay we got home I don't quite want to go home just yet how many more do I need - just looking in all the nooks and crannies just in case I'm mr. dragon okay's one up there what is bouncing down there okay how do we get up there I need to know there must be a way well I can hear something bouncing down there ah there's one right those are our last two actually are they sweet well thank you for releasing me spyro is that it no cool story I mean fine that's okay so other guys like round this side a little bit his name I don't think I can get there can I get there how do you go up there that's insane any ideas what's that noise oh they're rabbits I was like what on earth oh I can get on there okay I don't know if I can make that no there must be a higher point Mingo from I'm just gonna grab a rabbit real quick just thing is they died she could definitely happen you've got all the way around against I missed it I think that's the way we need to do it though it's kind of like a unique game compared to games that come out nowadays remember there was no internet I know crazy no internet we had to use discs to download the games such a different time for video games come on how can I not get that oh wait a second there's a way to come out there as well so there is a way to get higher but I don't know if I can get round there that's the problem let me see I'm not gonna try again I'm just gonna go to the next level cuz I if I come back and need it I know where it is but we're good for now he's gonna ask the balloon guy how much I need to get out of here let's go wolf fury thank you so much for the two pounds appreciate it buddy thanks banging out returning to peacekeepers almost a thousand gems as well not too bad tonight dry canyon okay I need to find where's the balloon guys gonna be this way isn't in see use a map use a map actually is he down here no he's not he's the other way using my map for the wrong reasons now where's my man where is he I think he's down here I see you how many do you need sir 1200 stolen treasure I'll show it to you oh we need treasure this time we not just keep on rinsing knees no I don't think we can because if we kill an enemy again it gives us the little dots instead it's on switch it's on ps4 I think it's on ps4 and Xbox one I think that's all it's on though unfortunately it might come out the switch in the future but at the minute it's only out on those two you did I get the yeehaw asking him for I haven't actually played for tonight today or yesterday so I ain't sure to the sky oh we go into the sky hold up forget maybe not hello mysterious man how are you friend you ready for a showdown and the showdown is this three two one hooah I've missed so much yeah I'm not doing 100% in the middle I'm just trying to unlock all the world then I'll go back and do it I just want to see what this games got to offer first so don't get triggered if I don't do 100% right now she just smack him in the butt fry that chicken it's ironic that a chicken is frying chicken soup well I just need treasure right now so I had 800 and I haven't 147 need about 150 no wait I need 1,200 own time that gives to okay sweet well no no I did not mean to do that I was trying to get the cactus it's only our first death though almost an hour in that's not so bad oh my goodness you joking he won this time little punk but everyone respawn and now I'm going to smack - all over the place all right give me sign to eat I need a small animal that's my animals make dinosaurs look like little lizards it's kind of weird haha got you this time okay he got me this time you need a dragon do I get any jewels for a dragon I don't know if I do how does a dragon supposed to flame metal armor anyway remember Spyro flame won't work on metal but charge it with your horns that should do the trick that guy had a pretty cool of stuff and I'm gonna lie I like your style okay I need this egg guy so you needs to learn the root of the egg guys she needs like cut the corners I'm gonna really how am I supposed to get this guy well I almost had in that first time oh it's that corner there yes haha you need to bait those guys or just hit them really really fast 52 only like 100 more then bad going that's more over here what's this oh [Music] that's what they are for okay that's sweet so you can use fireworks to exploit the things that don't have a key and also don't have the ability to be busted open I like that but I need to get as many gems they can where I stood in pretty good with these ten once we're doing really well 106 already we still got another level to go as well there's a lot of chests up here oh look at these yellows gimme I think we made it already to our thousand we need actually yeah we need two hundred more three twelve hundred nine thousand easy-mode I really think the enemy should be as I know they weren't easy and they weren't using in the first game I feel like they should be harder hey what's on the other side of that River why don't you glide there and find out Wow okay I guess I will all this loads there's another well there's only one more than we completed this let's go wanna make it yeah there's a lot of coinage over here as well whoa what is this Oh is that that's the boundaries isn't it get out of here bud I'm gonna kill as many of these buds I can because they give you I think 3 2 or 3 and there's a lot of them I think if we do the level is just in a row even if you don't like hundred-percent them you're probably good or not even close to hundred percent them as long as you visit everywhere you'll find we could bleed this one you find everything you've reached the highest point in cliff town you can get to almost anywhere from here if I were you I'd use that whirlwind over there cool dragon the spawn let's go 20 in total use this whirlwind oh just to get to there really give me this giving them yellows so you need to find a lot of like gliding spots I guess Center some Reds over there so I'm gonna go get those whatever it's all way out of here need to try not to charge around too much oh the Reds are just one I can remember how to get out of here when we're doing and look at the map oh it's at the top I see it there's a way to get up there as well I mean I might need it have you ever got 1095 I want to do the next level so I'm gonna go to the next level and we should really be able to just get there for the other gem amount easy run as fast your little legs can carry you Spyro you've got this buddy don't fall off that'd be embarrassing would I just say yeah let's go ten total perfect look how much we found we always made it I should have gone back for those right that would be way better who else do we have here shiny P thank you so much appreciate your anonymous foul dr. cat boy TDM animator no problem thank you for the three ice Archer thank you as well Jade alw always gaming play oh jeez it's got smash I blame you guys for that what was I gonna say play seven ought to cut Arctic I don't think it's out yet but I will do don't worry for too much time into that game not to write we need to find there's one more portal around here that was cliff town pulls on on the map we've done this one round here maybe there's one round this side whoa there it is wait what dr. Shem this is a boss please be a boss that'd be great see the poker when movie trailer I've watched it already it's it's good I'm excited for it confronting yeah this might be a boss confronting dr. Shump an eclipse as well [Music] is that him I think that's him no the level is too big put that knife down who are you anyway controlling all these people okay sir got cry it's freaking me out we need 34 where do you go did he fall hop I think it ran off the edge idiot stop this yeah they fall off the edge that's so funny you idiots are you gonna send it me next time no one I bunny oh geez okay let's turn around spin around this way gotcha I'll come back for you call these these crazy chicken ladies ah that didn't just happen you didn't see that okay you didn't see it nothing happening I'm pretty upset about that reigniting I like that though still talking again I keep missing my my charges much better whoa I fired instead bikes and there's no animals around that's what's making a different ball come back here this is gonna fall off fine I need some health cool dragon that might be him Rondo gonna give me some info buy this dude I think you are dr. shim place is so cool you don't know what it's been like listening to him over and over but I tell you one thing he should watch his back why is so intimidating huh why you so mad okay this is this might be the guy I think this is the guy hello I'm gonna you've got me crushed me the crushed me instantly why is this bot just hanging out why are your clothes on your front are you good I think I know what to do come here yeah there we go he's out of here he's like nope you guys hurt me too much I need to get some health from somewhere can I get some from over here don't I don't I don't I I need some aminals there's a key over there as well I didn't see any animals I've only got one life left I think I've got the key though you hide around here huh it's going on ah you wide in something no animals could've done with that oh she's gonna zap me anyway I just need to burn this guy in the blood there's so many butts in this were you doing you okay am I supposed to do you just chillin you're doing nothing I'm rolling around in front of you okay that's what you're gonna do huh that's what you're gonna do pop me in the head I've got one more life left in them dead maybe when he spins around yeah I see that booty gimme it I see you I see you what are we doing I don't know how to figure this one out don't you wag your finger at me yes easy Mose give me all of these five apiece that should be done here there's only one uhm there's anyone dragon - thank you very much swing down there I don't know if I want to go down there I don't think I can get back up let's just head straight home I think we've got enough that we need but we're gonna have to pay you to get out of here that's why I'm we could we could we can do without it oh I've been to my channel and banner logo I changed it I'll make a video on it tomorrow this isn't Skylanders guys this isn't Skylanders this is a brand new game it's so crazy to me that you guys think this is Skylanders not know no offense to you guys but um it's because Skylanders is based on a game that I used to play when I was younger so obviously you guys are gonna know you're not gonna know about the original Spyro it's mad but you do know about Skylanders because that's your generation is crazy magic crafters away let's go 13 I do not you have to spend them as well that's kind of good I like that can you ever shout out Jolanda you can even love it thank you so much for the 10 appreciate it thanks for sticking around it's been a while welcome back battle kid welcome back alright these loading screens are too long way too long that's my review of the game okay games good the loading screens too long okay three more here so we've done two worlds already which is crazy let's go and find out what we need to do shall we an egg man Oh what okay I see how it is he's gone fine we'll meet again oh jeez he smacked me so I just died no I completely forgot I thought I would respawn me with more health that's not fair I genuinely thought a word way I completely didn't I wonder what we like to go back and play the og Spyro now oh I almost had you there buddy you punk right you know who is a punk this guy daddy here cosmos welcome to magic crafters I want you to release the Dragons reclaim our treasure and recover the eggs from those pesky blue thieves 20 legs if somebody means I just need eggs I can hit more people yes cut them corners I predicted you bro get outplayed go for eggs they don't actually tell me what I can do these eggs yet lined up perfectly thank you guys I wonder if I'll need to pay this balloon guy of eggs say it's twelve thousand gems in total present forest wizard whoa okay if that's how it's gonna be I'll write you down from there icon no come here don't you dare put that platform up you just need to get there before they do it the game we really want to play is there's one of these that has a skateboarding minigame I really want to play that one a car maybe which one it is I might be three another guy with an eggs she's running in circles ah this probably looks like absolute trash on the stream by the way come here what's this guy's Sonic I'll leave you for now buddy where's the balloon guy he must be around here somewhere whoa okay miss both of those wow the camera is so bad yeah I didn't see how me dragons they were either Zandt or when you see arrows like these you can charge along with them to begin a supercharged supercharged excellent go ahead try it wait what'd you say I can follow the cards but there's no cards here I wasn't really listening to be honest it's bad isn't it I just want to get to the balloon guy real quick gotcha this time Punk okay there's two eggs yes we got the other one the dragon as well where's the balloon hi mister around here oh that's what he did ro I'm gonna play this again so I completely miss what he said what'd you say oh I thought he said cards he means arrows I saw some arrows min ago there they are get rekt haha it's much faster okay I dig that that's cool I like it bold ah we would say to me buddy this portal leads to a special place where you can learn to fly I remember when I was a young dragon earning my wings to fly gotcha all dragons found that was easy nice right we found all our portals as well we just don't know the price that we need to pay to get out of here there's a rain wizard yeah don't do that [Music] take this chest I can't take that one I think that's a firework chest wizard Pierre always had a boss it might be I think I say I to everything I'm like oh is that a boss I don't know right the balloon guys down here I just want to find out the price for a trip out of here you know I didn't realize he changed his prices no no no that's yeah I feel like I've been here but haven't my friends five dragon eggs I have four already I just need one more that's going here there's lots of levels on this world like a lot of them bubble thank you so much Olivia thank you for joining hope you join the game so far have you owned a good day to Jack Bennett thanks for the 10 super meaty super mighty fighters even Thank You Evie lava thank you glad you enjoy the videos so much Minecraft princess thank you I just figure out thank you for your thank of your guidance though an Eevee lava thank you again for the turn appreciate it all right we just need eggs you only need one more to be doing pretty good on those so far is there an egg on this level wait what there's no egg on how I should switch into that there's no egg on this level just one dragon as though it is odds that doesn't normally happen [Music] yeah I got the hang of it now I'm guessing the wizard that there's gonna be like a wizard boss that'll be cool hey what is that oh it's it's a tornado man I was like hello were you a dragon you're definitely not a dragon where did he go okay we can go up there but it doesn't look like we can go around that way maybe I needed him to do something then all right here we go we're good and now we do though can these guys not attack us they just lift up the platforms what happens if I kill him I'm gonna oh it stays up that's gonna cool whoa almost messed that up when you get into a glide you can't get out of it and let's reverse triangle there you go gotcha thank you for the ten this way hey this is it this is the only dragon on this level it's so weird [Music] thanks for releasing me Spyro you have no idea how long I've been trapped in crystal and neither do i who are you again I'm out of here Spyro surgeries all these old guys with I tell you spiral and respect those elders of yours you're gonna need them one day Jesus thank you very much come come back to you I want to say hello I chair what about your toes weirdest noise the thing that's all we can get in terms of dragons on this level that was a lot of coinage smash they're perfect it's tough to burn this guy you know oh he's dead yeah I puttin it on that there's no animals on here again I forgot to stock up I get hit one more time I'm dead and after do the whole thing again I'm watching you yeah it's quite them just in time well happens is that 25 this gave me so much coin so many gems and we got 400 we got every single one on that level every single one I was going to say every single dragon where there was only one so that's pretty cool Fernando hi you thank you for the the 10 and the gaming Dino can you look into Star Wars Battlefront - I've never played Star Wars games to be honest like never alright that's done I need to get some sheep real quick I need another egg that was not helpful as the level was it okay that's gonna happen apparently Spyro cannot swim here's a dragon he's built on flames so he's gonna be put out whoops did not mean to do that that was unfortunate sorry buddy yeah I've already got this guy I sort of need to say hi to you it's gonna go through the first portal that I see in this one round here okay I'll find the ridge I need ones with eggs new spider-man DLC yes that comes out and wants to come out xx seven days seven days one week cuz I don't Tuesday at some random day how's the game boy it's good Phandroid lava it's good I'm enjoying it indie cookies you didn't see nothing okay yeah I thought that was a bomb bit when I saw the well the water I was like we're in trouble here guys so much so that we died oh my goodness didn't realize we were playing ice age the video game we're gonna ha see I mean the enemy seems so easy get out of here you snitch you just do that and that's it I see what you're trying to do here buddy but it's not gonna work okay trying to combo me with that big whatever it's called okay it's getting interesting now my guy trying spells to make it into a into a ramp out I like how it chars the ground that's kind of cool Oh one egg for dragons sweet let's try to get the egg on this one gigantic beasts are you of course not oh good oh you didn't think so no it's all buddy I mean maybe a little bit I wish I had next we can go over there sparks is looking a little bit tired we need some aminals actually are there no animals on these or this one never mind [Music] miss that one which is almost wrapping it I only just realized what happened okay there is a a all there's two dragons and definitely more interested in the egg right now though so if like I needed him no I messed up I messed up I messed up I needed him to make the platform go off so I could go and get the other dragon let's see Eldred though me no problem my dear friend all right where abouts are we I'm ready oh this looks oh geez this looks pretty special okay that's the time home okay I know where all the dragons are I just don't know where that egg is I'm guessing it might be down there just cuz there's nothing else to get it away great work spiral if you keep this up you'll learn all the tricks of the magic crafters world I'm sorry what did she say with the lady dragons is that what you're saying right there's loads or I can get in from here actually can I do that go on buddy go and buddy make it that's it easy mode I don't need to help your friends I do need that though Kelvin what a name for a dragon blue thieves have stolen eggs outside the magic crafters world as well don't worry I'll take care of them I'm a professional I got there wait he teleports you're up there you run away already look for them oh this is gonna be tricky what did he go how do you run away this quickly how'd you do it there is now I'm gonna catch up to him there's not any corners okay jumping is not as fast I need this one egg that's all I need ah almost got ya it's very speeding up yes she stops her a little bit sweet gotcha why do I need to go now backwards oh yeah this is just a title back in see on the bottom left right no we should be safe to just get out of here wait we didn't do this sorry till we awake you sleeping babies give me that light give me back up to ten and that's a lot of where were you Jem's when I needed you before huh let's get out of here note one sec one sec we've been there yet I'm going I'm doing it just in case I might mess this up just now I don't think we've been here yet oh yeah we have why I've just gone all the way back to the beginning which way was this there is a lot more to do but I've got the egg that I need so I'm just gonna get out of here apologies apologies well that was close sieze I was gonna say Sonic he's like Sonic he's almost as fast as Sonic Spyro can get back as quickly as you can Fernando attack what is the LCM marshmallow thank you so much for being a member or super chat appreciate it check out your brand new little if you're a member if you become a member you get a nice little logo next to your name and I can see you more clearly in checks it makes you a bright green color I think alright Alpine Ridge we can actually get out of here already let's go to the next book now let's do it Wow you kidding me [Music] I don't like these guys what are you doing haha you both miss me I always went the other way did not mean to do that either why do I always do that [Music] where's my guy he is he's around this corner you threw the old superboost oh maybe is this how I can catch this guy actually I had him then fry him yeah I thought so okay it was impossible to get him before coming more eggs I need watch out punks let's go jeez oh my goodness that's so far right let's do this I don't miss out too much you broke your hand to our lemma Lenin tweet hope you feel better soon buddy king's gaming thank you for the hundreds greatly appreciate it and girly gamer as well for the one thank you guys thanks for tuning in means luck oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness yep good one good one a press square I didn't mean to okay so I need got our cheese rings chest planes let's go I need to not do that again I pressed the wrong button okay I've become a member it does cost money oh geez nice opposites may get these rings and then I need these as well I wonder if they follow a path or not so this is like a minigame world isn't it there wait wait oh no no no I don't do this to me don't do this to me No do I get more for getting these guys yeah I do okay sweet 20 planes I need these how many more of these do I need okay I messed up I didn't realize you can press so I thought you could press any buttons let's go back in don't judge me we've let's get more so you can breathe fire but you can't you can't like boost or anything so no for this time let's grab these one of that want that man is so many on there this I missed it yes okay it's not gonna be difficult no I missed why I had seven the planes okay yeah I can do this no I've got it I'm good breeze on the gold boxes yeah I know that now it's actually pretty hard Spyro can't do a big old uh what's the coolant not loop like a half movie to go back up from ascending quickly my man can't do that you say no now see why you mean about the gameplay though it seems so simple nowadays they games nowadays are so much different do you know Jesus that one too fantastic the other controls are weird describe this well why is it going so fast [Music] and ask you to do that for me he's got some seconds oh my goodness ready long long long I can't hit nothing I'm dead no yet no why is it so difficult I keep missing those boxes I could do a different route but I kind of feel like I'm learning this one already I don't believe that that's all those done I need to not miss these as well if there's anything bad about the game right the game looks beautiful but the controls are not nice like especially for this bit and I get it all we knew there that should here [Music] that if I miss that out of Illinois it's there we go sweet whoa Spyro where the planes really planes mandis playing a slow slow yes yes see my concentration then when I turned around I did it though perfect what does the tick mean that I did it first so I got 240 perfect we did it guys thank you thank you I would bow bunts in down you know City eight one three two the floss I can't floss I think I might start the floss police actually been thinking about it fan of dantdm didi thank you so much appreciate it glad you like them and thanks becoming a member as well greatly appreciate that so there are minigame levels as well like they were in the old game too they proper stayed true to it I love it let's get out of here so you love in India why they call this magic makers beast makers it's peculiar very very peculiar plus police please do it and the cookies hey you a silver diamond D badge I think they've just changed you whereas members it was you could have your little picture next your name but I couldn't see you guys properly and now I can I think they've changed it to have the green text so I can now see your name if you remember so there is a guarantee to see your message in chat without the super chats members the way to go guys definitely fan of dantdm you're so good thank you I'm getting there I'm doing okay chicken please stop bothering me right new lands new places to be we need to find where our this guy's ugly dude okay these guys are gonna make all of this go metal I mean electric gotcha terrorist village there's two dragons here I think Bruno what's good nasty North is torn and our swamp into an electrified chalky and who used to be so beautiful I'm sure it was I do like all of the dragon is them feel like I'm playing Pokemon kinda collecting with the Dragons well no I didn't know it just happened oh man I probably did that twice I tried to get both in the same time and completely failed all right where's my balloon balloons over there somehow all right I need some more chickens they've got rid of them all minute go where my chickens out huh I need your games there's one with a shot metalhead that sounds like a boss - maybe we should do that their feet are going the water Spyro does not like water need a key for that no mind if I do [Music] what you know is Spyro gotcha [Music] well he had a big pot and that's why he gave us ten there's more chickens up here as well perfect [Music] we eating good some nights okay that's why I feel like that's gonna be a boss I'm gonna do that crystal maybe once you've rescued 50 dragons II feel a little 15 bro I've got 30 I need 20 of them okay that's actually that's quite a task actually I'm gonna go in here hope it's a boss here's to hoping plate beast want me I've seen a lot of people playing they actually can I hope your question was 901 + 901 1802 is that right I think so quick maths queen of shinee thank you Ben - as well appreciate it man are you like my new layout it looks so much better let's do this [Music] whoa I didn't see you coming ups okay the map that's not good okay we can do that though where's the chickens when you need them you know dump Donkey Kong within this game okay Flemish whoa dude I did not realize that's what they were get out of here with those bananas what's up monkey boy get burn I probably come up with better insults than that but that's all I've got for now okay don't judge me perfecto okay I need some help not desperately but ob9 blows up all of them I think you just got some help I just heard the noise I heard you oh no I didn't mean to do that all right so hard to aim them gotcha no I need these chickens he kicked me I've just short my flames any more chickens around yeah there you go spots not quite up to yellow but I'll do dragon so any one dragon in this one this one's definitely a boss God tell me about him Tom how scary he is okay metal head is all charged up to meet you attacking the power pole should disrupt his power supply the power pole sounds terrific somehow whoa okay this one's pretty cool I like this hello friend wait what okay I take it you can only zap those when they're off right oh maybe not oh and they're like green that makes sense it's throwing monkeys - it's gonna grab these while I can just in case any of the other levels need this just get a little bit like crazy so anyone it's green though but yeah one left sweet when do I get to attack him though now oh he's dead he crushed me you fell on top of me was that it we good new friends now hope so I'm gonna go up here first show me the secrets whoa okay I'll take that sparks you need to work hard to please buddy you got here as well so much room for activities around here it's kind of making me a bit dizzy you know Oh miss that right I think we should head back now right out let's go let's get out of here Kate shall in a war mosquito but hum fear XC kind of a high five Shh you got one Trin thanks for coming a member buddy and fun pugs thank you for the to appreciate you guys we're turning to the peacemakers well these flowers let me go up there I guess we can it moves I don't know if you can get in there at some point well it's more around here as well teres village so I guess we go to I kind of want to go over here because it's called misty bog just sounds - sounds interesting you know but like every time every time these guys hit me in the back every time no cowardly is it someone in the back car so long yeah it's it's a long game there's three of them as well three in total we've actually completed a lot of it today already gone Spyro do that nosedive buddy that belly so smooth yeah we're on 33 percent of the game we don't a third of the game in one stream that's pretty uh it's pretty incredible you think this is gonna trick me we think this you're gonna trick me I don't think so get away from me as if you thought I was gonna fall for that haha idiot woah oh my goodness they're freaking me out I don't like it oh no I don't like that at all no stay away stay away from me instantly okay you can't keep on bachelors no I don't like that I don't like that soon that's so freaky although horrible know right what we do next I don't know if that's actually better though these frog things okay they're gonna lick me as well okay you know what I said for the other means to be harder I didn't mean it it's fine go back to being easy please the remind me of that Pokemon how I could be greninja you know yeah how you guys like in this game so far play detective again what does takes of PB - I'm gonna wait for the film I think that foul cheese I know he promised swallowed me up you have to be really quick with us this bar is not from Skylanders I mean it is it's the same Spyro it just looks different I think he sounds different as well man how would you get rid of these guys no he's beneath me as well stop it bro I'm right here yeah this is the same the same spiro this is the original game that started the whole Skylanders thing so when you out of here and you out of here when you out of here as well is that everyone so the freaks out of here goods can we play my dragon please be on the lookout for attack frogs blooded killers attack frogs and this used to be such a nice swamp it used to be such an ass I liked his necklace his necklace the school it's like an eyeball kind of freaky but I dig it I just saved you Brian's be careful only got one health left any aminals around why so many people this 5 6 7 outro down there oh down there ok I thought it was an ax men in the water that would've been bad if I went down that one now we've got three more dragons to find but like I'm in the wrong place well I can get round there somehow cool them up there too I'm gonna go up there no don't take me don't take me then do it who you came for me I'm just come to rush these guys let's go I missed one of them's coming after me I wouldn't leave you over there okay didn't you see that one man he dashes so quickly I almost fell off the edge okay I think we avoided a play with fire avoided getting burned down we go oh that aerial shot ah unable slow mode I don't think I can do it while I'm alive let me see if I can because it's not as many of you in here at the minute well you can create a highlight I didn't know that be two seconds I want to turn slow mode off how many buddies got eaten by that guy dude I can't change it let me try slow oh look that it work I don't know turn it off right now no I'm not sure I'll turn it off right now I'm afraid I can't be that guy just got me like that you guys gonna pay yeah I got you all this time and you you look in huh you think it's funny I don't think so I'll get you again though I'm just spraying I'm out I don't know where they will are yes they could have been horrific but it was fine it was fine in the end I sprayed them all down without knowing yes another dragon give me here we got no problem he was like a mole like a mole dragon what just happened then the guy kind of charged towards me just died oh is this it was the war oh okay what's gonna jump in there that I'm in bad okay yeah this definitely got a lot harder I regret complaining earlier it's my bad my bad okay Spyro I'm sorry got you killed multiple times don't mind if I do turnover how many do I have now at 33 that's two more two finds or there's one yeah it's one more to find I'll tell you what to do with those creatures smash them spiral stamp them out and squish them and squash them how about charge them and playing them who we are dragons after all what a meme what I mean he's also much bigger than me so he's the one that can do that we've got three from here I think I was trying not to charge off the edge it would have been embarrassing okay pay more that's survival game you mean uh don't starve because a good deal awesome evan 45 thank you so much for the - love you - and poppy as well love you too gamer thank you so much appreciate the 20 thank you for the labor update president chase and gaming speedrunner how you guys doing I'm amazed I did not just get hit then I didn't see you over there Cletus best story ever thank you all dragons found perfect that was actually I love all the designs of the the designs of the Dragons are pretty awesome I do like them a lot we go down there we can yes wild flight Heights another flying one let's do that see why you fell it this woman as well let's go can we do it shout out Audrey and you hi how's it going I think I'm gonna change my alerts a little bit to make it so that a member is a lot more like it's a bigger alert for it I just didn't have time to do it before this I think so there we go round two boys and girls he's gonna find whatever I can No I missed it let's grab this thing you have to be really close and also you have to try not to touch anything to have you touch anything you're gonna get yourself stopped right sweet I think there's something is one here what I miss in missing you when there's something else there's something else I'm missing chest I mean as these guys to know keep going keep going don't listen to the ten seconds you'll find your good guy might not be fine now I'm not gonna bout to do this I need loads more of these guys three more where you guys at no wasted it first time that have been sweet Thank You Nicholas appreciate that buddy to make sure I get these guys while I can cuz they kind of moved are there oh I miss it again buts [Music] let's get that I think there's another oh geez oh saved it there's another plane up here there is another chest - oh this one the bus guys well this one's terrible let's retry this how do I retry bugs did I in the drink that one's really bad let's go this way instead I know I have to do this again as well if I miss one I have to just quit because you don't have enough time to redo it which is a pain in the butt the controls are so bad I'm gonna blame it on that okay so I'm doing yeah slumber is on guys I was meant to turn it off before the stream by completely forgot what are you doing Spyro I press X cheese before die yeah I'll play before and I don't worry let's been practicing off-camera I don't suck no I did so well on the first one I'm doing terrible to meet you people like tap in the water that's better okay it's not better we're gonna second ago on terribly alright I got all the or I wanna get these guys these the ones I could do the chess but these guys these are the annoying ones how do I do this no I tried to be fancy and mess it up as far as once go swim in and no absolute Punk this is not the time Spyro geez that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it I thought I miss them yes yes all that's worked out perfectly three more boats to go where's the last one I keeps going up there why does he hate me now just missed that one as well you might be able to do it I don't know if we have enough time though they've got that that's all the chest I think there's another plane I missed a to write one more plane and the last boat is round here but I need to get back there I don't think I'm gonna be able to where is he come on you punk you punk you absolute Punk I'm so mad I can't believe you just did that to me I can't use it again there's one guy there's one boat that keeps on going up the river so it's really difficult to turn around not you oh my goodness I'm gonna eat my microphone the controls are so hard I feel like it's too close to Spyro just zooms out of it that'd be great oh my goodness tragedy tragic absolutely tragic I will do this find out my wings thank you so much I appreciate it I saw you I saw you because of the green text I think as well if you remember you're not affected by slowmode to know I probably there's a bird touch this toy is that time [Music] let's get you which is the guy that runs away it's past this bit isn't it yeah I think I broke this one too he's gonna be way too far down now you little scoundrel oh wait I don't know where he is I'm just going to get him afterwards right Scrabble these Punk's shall we I know you're in here oh this is the boat oh no I went the wrong way sorry Spyro they mean to dunk you yeah I need to get some more emotes and the cookies as well I need some it I need some ideas [Music] whoo put in just that first bit and the second bit and the third bit that you you if you hit get you then get you then I have to get you that's what I need to do and you I don't even see that guy right now we just need to go through here this is better this is it this is the one we just need planes now with 26 seconds I mean should be one more where are you I'm not playing any games buddy where are you there is get him yeah marshmallow I see using the emote we did it all that for 120 gems let's go thank goodness for that we turn into the Beast makers we got three thousand eight hundred and thirty-four gems in total that's pretty pretty good going for a good two hours not bad at all alright let's make sure we can save this man all the the worlds and that look really good and I'm really nice right does that mean thank you very much guys I think I'm going to end this here for today we did pretty good we did one two three four four worlds in total which is pretty insane it's pretty good going let me just get these super tacks real quick before you go though leave a like subscribe all that good stuff that we greatly appreciated I hope you enjoyed hanging out with me today not sure if I'm gonna make this a series but I'll leave a link to the game in the description below so you can go and check it out for yourself it's on ps4 and Xbox one awesome ever and a papi Chitti gamer chase gaming speedrunner vickie india poppy again thank you so much XD gamer again as well spring-trap fun pugs Andrew spring-trap Lex Nick and sping trap again thank you for all your donations and stuff thank you for hanging out with me today I hope you had a good time I'd certainly did it's a fun game I like you I'm gonna have some new emotes some new badges and I think when a readers are in the badges for the members and a new alert as well I'm gonna work on those I hope you enjoyed all of the new stuff they work today and I'll see you guys next time yeah bye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 1,071,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, spyro reignited, spyro reignited trilogy, dantdm spyro, new spyro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 18sec (7098 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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