SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY!!! **i'm so excited!!**

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ah guys I have never been so excited for a game it's here it's in my hands kind of Super Mario Odyssey Oh they announced this game it's so long ago and we had to wait until now until almost November for it to come out and now is officially here and I have my hands on an early copy Nintendo you're the best Mario is looking good on a Nintendo switch so guys this is at least going to be one video from me but I'm saying you a challenge if this video hits 100 a thousand likes in the first hour of it going live then I will live stream this tonight so I'll make progress in this video and then it will stream it's a a good portion of the night so if you want to see more Super Mario Odyssey leave a like I challenge you but for now let's start this game I am so hyped in the skies above Peach's castle so of course we're gonna set up with some story I just got punched Bowser out she looks ridiculous in this outfit I mean look at him his ship is looking amazing though come on Mario you've got this buddy you have got this this war he wants to marry Princess Peach this is the end for you leave my hat out of this oh ok Mario just got owned oh here comes Mario's cap oh is this how he gets Cappy so Cappy Aldo ok maybe it's not time but he would share this Mario oh this guy's an absolute punk it's kind of creepy ass or he's gonna force Princess Peach to marry him I'm not quite sure that's a legal thing oh my goodness it just chopped up Mario's hats that can't happen oh here we go a little ghost he's picked it up ok I want to see how a copy is made and then I just want to hop straight into this oh it's actually gonna make us hop straight into this ok I'm up for this it looks like we're in a graveyard though Mario you dead ahh to look around fantastic look at this I think are at you in a graveyard be to jump nice look at this guy he's kind of cool he's got the blue hair as well I like him a lot here we go we're playing are we playing or this game is already beautiful look at it oh my goodness I to follow this ghost me keeps running away from me look at this oh we can have so much fun with this game guys these frogs we have top hats on I mean look at it see you later gentlemen oh here we go give me my hat back you punk say sorry for running away like that you startled me and I do startle easily I saw what happened earlier leaping through quite the wringer yeah lost my hats you've landed in the cat kingdom we've been under attacked by the same monster that gave you such a trouncing is that Bowser emoji that's pretty cool and to make matters worse the fiend has kidnapped my little sister oh no I thought that was gonna be cat oh geez okay that's so weird Bowser is creeping me out in this game already I'd hoped to give chase to that emoji Bowser monster in a ship of my own unfortunately all of our airships were wrecked in the attack oh okay we're not in a graveyards we're just in a war zone okay although now I think on it I'm fairly certain there's a functioning ship in the next Kingdom over I could get us there if only I could reach the top of top-hat tower which is being guarded by the Bowser emoji monsters henchmen you know it seems we're after the same thing perhaps we should team up perhaps we should let's see if we can't help those two well I can't help I know what he's talking about but there's another two emojis that that's cool oh no he's just realized he hasn't got his hats here we go make me a hat buddy or be my hat that's fine look at this not your style well how about this come on here we go he's gonna fuse with the cat there we go capi is born guys looking good Mario yes that's not talking about so capi is the main weapon in Mario's arsenal he's now our companion beautiful arm I guess so we can throw this guy and we can also possess loads of different creatures objects almost everything which is the main concept of this game you can also shake the pro controller to throw you can that's pretty cool hell I can't the lights on that's cool - oh no I'm all City my break leaves I can okay hold on a second there's definitely something behind here that's not talked about sixteen coins and we can just rip down these posters get out of here look at him he's advertising his wedding that he's forcing peach to take part in that's so weird oh look at this a stack of Queens give me these can I have them please there we go yo this is cool it's like Mario's got some kind of fighting technique finally call these Queens I wonder what you can buy with them I know that Mario can get different outfits and stuff which is cool Wow look at that it pulls out the UM it pulls out the stumps at the root what's this that's cool so I need to get up there try jumping up and tossing me on to that post oh yeah look you could just spin around why though it's so weird ah there we go whoa okay the money is raining down right let's check this out here we go Kaffee let's do this what has he created a bridge okay yeah that's a pretty big bridge Wow let's go Cappy look at that oh he kind of speeds up as he runs down hills that's awesome and look at these what odd little fellows they seem to know you and not like you that's true can I hit them ah I get away from me there we go ha ha ha that's so cool oh jeez almost got me there we go much better right what is this door about can I go through nope ah there we go that's better just force our way in inside top hat tower so why was I so excited about this game because as she gave me a super Mario vibes of Super Mario 64 combined with oddly Sonic Adventure because it's going to be kind of like an open-world kind of game which is pretty cool we just need to get through these Oh I possess the Frog look at this what's going on Mario he's got into the brain of a frog watch out is this what it's like to possess a frog that's so weird he's still going it's ok look at the victors that's almost a meme oh here we go am i a frog now I am this is great look at her he's got a mustache and everything you captured a frog I didn't mean to so L&Y is - bee is jump oh my goodness he jumps so high so that's why you possess things guys you get new abilities that allow you to get the different areas you can - as well apparently he just kind of runs a little bit faster this is awesome check this out I can go soup I bought that's what I'm talking about look how high this guy can jump spying that's amazing and how do i oh geez know how do i how do i beat these guys how do I beat these guys all I could do is - can I jump on them I can okay that's simple they're all like yellow as well yellow goombahs they must have coins in them and the Frog can swim better as well this is so cool the real question is can we make this jump oh oh no we can't I think we just jump that normally there we go okay so much money okay I got here okay you definitely can't just - into them that doesn't quite work it's really hard to aim this frog though I don't think I've ever said that before there we go the hearts back it's good right I think we made it to the top I don't know how to stop being a frog that is the problem okay that that helps and you just leave the Frog there that's so weird I'm sorry a little frog what's also cool is you can hold Cappy out and then do this just run in to have any jumps that's quite cool what's in the chest show me what's in the chest oh my goodness what is this it gives me 6 nice hey wait am i frog go wait in my frog go i wanted to see what's up here cuz it looks like there's something okay i don't think we gonna find out there's pus through this door I think we might be at the top now yes we are here we go we got a checkpoint too which is nice I'm gonna help you little guys don't you worry I'm gonna take you down emoji Bowser and save your land there we go I feel a boss fight coming on yeah this is definitely gonna be a boss fight isn't it who is this guy in the blue are these guys this is a Bugs Bunny listen Looney Tunes the emoji boss wanted to warn there'd be a little fellow with a moustache coming along guess we ought to introduce ourselves weird a wedding planners but a happy emoji couple they call us two emoji brutal z' great we've got two emoji treasure we needed so we ain't got no more business in these parts of course ruffnut goody-two-shoes meddlers was in the contract so I guess we still got a little work to do I'm gonna destroy you punks here he comes this guy thinks he's you know got it oh my goodness okay he's definitely got a scarier hat than me oh geez it's definitely throwing me in at the deep end okay I can just hit him that's fine I'm just gonna hit you over and over again I thought you had the better hat but you don't guys I can't explain to you how beautiful this game is I'm playing on a smaller screen than normal but it looks so so good all right let's get this Punk out of here shall we we can just keep hitting him over and over again it's so easy what get alia buster you are no match for Mario go back to Looney Tunes oh he actually exploded there we go what's this though most impressive now let's use this wire to make our way onwards I could possess electricity did you see Mario's face he's just he just got off into the distance ah this is gonna be so good it's gonna be so good I can tell already and hopefully you guys are hype too because I really want a live stream this almost every day to try and play this from beginning to end but that's up to you guys oh look we made it Cascade Kingdom fossil Falls look at that it was like I've got a merry old Pokemon that's so cool look at it so areas so what's also cool is we end up in a city at some point as well and that's where the open world aspect comes in this is also giving off Super Mario Galaxy vibes as well which is one of the most amazing games ever if you didn't play that right our first power moon oh yeah I forgot about these they look like bananas but they're more important oh yeah what a riot and we can made it to the Cascade Kingdom sorry still a bit amped up from capturing a power line and must collect myself there should be an old airship somewhere around here let's see if we can find it why does he say cons well what he should say can that's so weird Waterfall basin nice Oh guys this is so beautiful face to poetry and press B to grab on look at him shimmy look at him go there's dinosaurs as well are you kidding me just look at this game I mean have you seen a Mario game that's this beautiful and this is only the second world the answer is no what's on is this hello oh it's like a cloud okay that's fine I mean caps the roll after throwing your cap shake the pro controller to pull my homing cap throw your cap will fly towards the nearest targets okay so we can throw it in shape oh that's cool let's try this oh my goodness what are these those are pretty cool so we do this in shape Oh Oh watch out guys I've learned a new move I don't know what's going on why was shaking it and he's going absolutely ballistic oh you shake it the side you want it to go so shake left alright that's pretty cool ah it's a charm can I possess you huh no that was close can i possess you yes look at his face oh this is great pull L to wind up release descend flying oh I see here we go nah he's just don't hit me let's see if we can knock this out here we go can we even reach it I don't think we can uh BAM oh we can I'm coming for that last piece Bob there we go definitely had nothing inside oh there's these two so we can mean homie attack these we can look at this shake it and we'll just home in attack it no no no I've died already oh okay so there's no lives I remember reading about this there's no lives in this game just lose coins which is crazy ah you can home an attack down as well I didn't realize that I think I definitely need to get used to the joy conversion because I think the shape controls if they're gonna be that important I'm gonna have to improve on so I think I might have to grab the joy cons oh there we go oh look there's the moon put on earthing is up and on the moon I'm coming to get you coming up what yes the first one of many I got a moon I think there's like two to three hundred of these guys so this game is massive now what do we do oh okay the mountains just gonna fall over I mean that's what I thought was gonna happen anyway ulti moon atop the falls oh great it's another one of those bunnies with a gold chain chomp oh we found a power moon what a lucky break this will come in handy to power the airship have you ever seen anything like it I haven't actually that's my first one let's be careful on this let's not fall off and die again and what's going on here there it is this is what we were looking for it's looking at is that an airship are you kidding me that's the airship we need I'm certain it can still fly I'm not let's give it a shot shall we just throw me on that globe okay let's see what happens buddy I'm trusting you I'll we used the moon is it gonna work okay we need more moons we need five maybe six yeah we definitely need some more let's go grab some so there are gonna be loads of different things to learn about this game I mean there's loads of different powers the way you shake the remote I did not know that you needed to do that we're gonna be able to spend the coins at some point as well but this game just looks so beautiful there's gonna be loads of things that we can possess as well Oh one two three four yeah we're gonna need five power moons first though I want to see what this gold chain chomp is about is it up here oh my goodness that's a dinosaur are you kidding me that's a real-life dinosaur what you've got to be kidding me can we possess this look at the size of that thing can I do it Mario is a Dino of full-on t-rex you have got to be joking me I can attack I can literally just stomp on all these things I can dash around this is not what I expected to be doing today my playing Mario or Ark I mean goodness I think I've fallen down what these purple like ring things as well we've got three of them oh I'm guessing you can find more of them around the world so I'm not too sure there we go hahaha Mario is bringing the wreckage oh my goodness Oh what's happening my dinosaur is going invisible okay we're done here aren't we it's too big it couldn't hold on any longer okay well he's gonna tell me about the other attack isn't it spin throw when you're surrounded by enemies and just wish you could hit them all at once snap the controller to the side into a spin throw there we go all done so I'm probably missing quite a few bits here because there's obviously so many things that you can go ahead and discover but that's the beauty of this game we can just spend ages exploring it especially if I livestream it you know look at that behind there what is that and stuff down here - I'm going down here what is this oh wait a second did you see that it was like cat peach hey guys how's it going get out of here there we go can I possess another dinosaur I mean that was really cool and I kind of need to get these out the way don't I there's like a big heart up there as well I'm gonna try and smash this wall and see what happens it's like secret coin 'he's everywhere as well it's so cool come here buddy I need to possess you there we go you almost got me right I'm gonna smash this wall and see what happens huh look at this now I've read about these I wanna see if there is awesome as people promise so let's go through this pipe and then we transform into old school Mario we can play our way up to the mountain that's just that's mad get out of here Punk we can - we can jump we can break things amazing it's like old school Mario inside new school Mario phenomenal absolutely phenomenal okay so we can go up here and this is where the heart is there we go shake the pro controller - climb faster it's so much like shape movement is crazy we've got up to six health as well as we can take on this boss the real question is are there any more dinosaurs here we go so you've got the gold chain chomp let's do this guy's that is so cool I love that she's got three moons around her neck what's this you say you need to repair some silly old emojis a ship why I could never part with any of my precious power moons sounds to me like someone wants to be a snack for my adorable Chain Chomp Akins I'll get your face away from the camera please okay this is gonna be this is gonna be interesting let's figure out how on earth we do this we possess him nope we can knock itself though I mean what else could we do oh we can possess it we to knock off the Hat and then BAM haha splendid that was mad she's gonna throw it at me she's gonna throw it at me okay let's knock the hat off first and then we can possess it all because it's wearing a hat I get it quick because that's it no no don't swipe me back I will destroy you huh oh my no ha ha ha how did I avoid that here we go let's grab it again come in there we go right she's got on purple that's right we definitely destroy this woman Oh BAM we are destroying these rabbits now give me your moon's I need him she exploded to die sir that is a triple banana moon right there on my goodness let's grab this these cinematics as well I hope this is enough for our airship so I kind of want to get to the city you got a multi moon oh I see that multi moons are actually a thing you've done it and now we got a multi moon it's as strong as 3 power moons combined it should get the ship moving in no time so maybe we don't need 5 maybe only need 4 let's see if we make this work here we go and this is just gonna like leave us hanging how come the bananas send them to the top come on work for us Oh oh no I told you I think there are still more power moons around let's see if we can have a look alright there's another pipe here what happens if I go through I don't think this was here before right oh there it is there's there's one right here that was easy so this is very similar to Super Mario 64 where you can just find out the random moons and you try and collect as many as possible to try and complete it as much as possible which is cool right let's go back to here and fly away there we go banana moon away the banana is complete let's get this old rust bucket into the sky it's happening it's happening there's gonna be shiny yes it's shiny and brand-new that's much better The Odyssey oh this is called The Odyssey so this is how we fly around that's pretty cool I like it it's got its own emoji as well look at this there's like that's actually the earth what country is that we've gained enough fuel to reach the sand Kingdom let's go and save those emoji too so we're not going to the city yet I mean ok we must have to travel around the world to get there that's cool so cap Kingdom is first bit Cascade kingdoms where we've just been and we can head to San Kingdom let's get outta here this is going to be amazing oh jeez ok here goes it wasn't lying it just needed some power of where goods look at that piece of machinery there's like a Triceratops head as well we possessed a t-rex in this episode that is Mads absolutely Mads and here we go the music is beautiful the game is beautiful the controls I'm gonna have to get used to but I'm sure a very beautiful and here we go there's my captain's hat come on Kathy let's get out of here this game is gonna be phenomenal absolutely phenomenal I can feel it already you can already get a sense of how crazy good this game is gonna be what is this how would you like me as a captain Sam pretty classy wouldn't you say I mean it's kind of nice now then where were we the monster's name is emoji Bowser well we'll chase him down no time in emoji Odyssey seeing as how we've got some time to kill let's review some useful skills ground-pound okay I'm gonna read through this and then sort of tell you about them later he later you told me one thing hahaha what a revision session oh we've got all these - that's cool oh my goodness look we were actually a t-rex that is so mad and all the basic actions as well he actually has a lot of things there's a preview of the city right there guys look and then all the normal controls that's cool okay so there's some ruins at the sand Kingdom and an artifact called the binding band that links people forever like a wedding ring I wonder if Bowser's going there yep exactly he's gonna steal it for a sham wedding so that's how he's gonna force Princess Peach to hit to marry him it's still very creepy Bowser you're sinking to new lows here and there's a sand Kingdom look at that tossed arena it looks like a little Mexican place that's awesome so I think with the game themed around the actual world I think it has themes of different countries as well as places that obviously aren't real which is pretty cool I declare the maiden voyage a complete success but why is it so cold I thought deserts was supposed to be hot huh they took that sour shining but how could that be could it be a power moon why is that one green and here we go the open world experience begins again and we're a captain now before you guys that is where I'm going to have to end this episode so we have a lot of things to discover this game is going to be a phenomena and I think I'm gonna keep it as a live streaming series so as I sent you at the beginning if you get a hundred thousand likes in the first hour then not only will I live stream today I will complete the game because I'm quite known for not actually completing games but this one I want to play with you guys and complete because I think that'll be amazing so if you're up for that please me a big fat thumbs up that'd be greatly appreciated and if you wanna keep up with the adventure or other videos that I make every single day then please do consider subscribing to join team TDM today apart from that guys thank you so much watching every mating day and I'll see you all next time bye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 8,527,123
Rating: 4.9538627 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, super mario odyssey, dantdm super mario odyssey, super mario odyssey dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, nintendo switch, mario
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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