New Play Control! for Wii - Scott The Woz

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"People didn't get stimulus checks."

I think I have a feeling Scott didn't get a particular something and is pretty miffed lol. Yeah, that's right...

...I'm talking about Chibi-Robo with New Play Control.

👍︎︎ 115 👤︎︎ u/OfficialTMWTP 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

"Nintendo loves rereleases, they'd rerelease Jesus Christ if they could."

happy easter

👍︎︎ 105 👤︎︎ u/hyena142 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

"You wouldn't be caught dead fucking a gamecube!"

this is the best youtube channel

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/Dodge_Viper2015 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies


"Hey all, Scott here"

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/a_fucking_umbrella 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

A couple thoughts:

-Scott is right; the GameCube is the best Nintendo console.

-Scott covering a significant portion of a video to Metroid Prime is a dream come true.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/kwickedbonesc 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

I lost the round, this time, u/DaLinkster. But if anything, I’m more upset at the Reddit Mobile changes than anything. I was so close

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/UltraPlushie 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Was not expecting a stimulus check joke

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/mjmannella 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Stone ocean anime announcement AND scott the woz. This day is too good!

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/1upEnthusiast 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

I think Scott just accidentally revealed why Nintendo hasn’t rereleased GameCube games again

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/CosplayNoah 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey all scott here it's 40 odd 90 and kids these days have it so easy they only have to walk 20 miles in the snow to go to school oh yeah well i had to battle leprosy my favorite food is no indoor plumbing it's pretty tough living in this time period so hopefully in the future they'll have bathrooms and flying cars and mario power tennis with motion controls [Music] the nintendo gamecube is my favorite game console of all time no other system in my opinion had the quality and quantity of the types of games i like the games were just different back then so many franchises were being nurtured and supported the games looked and played beautifully even licensed games had a certain level of quality you just don't see in those types of titles these days it was such an exciting era and going back to it most of it holds up tremendously but i can't fit the controller in my mouth thankfully nintendo listened and their next console the wii well now they gotta re-release pikmin listen i'm not one to encourage popularity contest but let's be honest here the wii sold over 100 million units the gamecube you want to be caught dead [ __ ] a gamecube so off to the drawing board nintendo created the wii which went for an entirely new market everybody who didn't own a gamecube motion controls with the wii remote and nunchuck they really did change a man i'm running for senator this system blew up because of the controllers but in reality the wii was more or less a souped-up gamecube power wise i mean nintendo wanted another shot at this hardware if your son only sells 21 million units that's embarrassing using last generation technology kept costs down and gave the wii an affordable price point couple that with the fancy controllers go [ __ ] yourself and working with older hardware makes game development easier nintendo's developers didn't have to re-learn much to continue making games for the wii they struggled with game output on the nintendo 64 because of the transition to fully 3d games the same happened with hd game development on wii u but see with the wii they could just take games that they were making for the gamecube and transition them over to the console no problem they barely even had to upgrade the graphics it was the wii people knew it was basically another gamecube why mask it the legend of zelda twilight princess was initially a gamecube exclusive but they thought these two platforms are basically the same thing and if we put it out on wii it can be a launch title oops super paper mario was originally being developed as a gamecube game but they decided to just make it a wii game that capcom put resident evil 4 on the wii early on if mass hero sakurai didn't return as director for a wii version of super smash brothers they were just going to re-release super smash brothers melee on the wii with online support the fact these two systems were so similar power wise made things efficient for nintendo and other developers it could take gamecube projects that either already released or were in development and put them on wii with no major pressure on upgrading the visuals so the main focus of these re-releases was the controls nintendo loves re-releases they would release jesus christ if they could but see you couldn't just re-release all of your gamecube games on the way because we could already play gamecube discs if you were gonna re-release a game you had to re-release it for a good reason and out of lust doesn't count nintendo's solution the new play control line nintendo that's your solution to everything budget ports of gamecube games with enhancements enabled by the power of wii these weren't like oh mario power tennis definitive edition they were more like here's the original game but on wii including the benefits that come with being unweight these are by and large the exact same games but with some tweaks here and there making most of these the best way to play most in 2008 nintendo announced plans for a new line of wii software under the brand we deya sobu selection that roughly translates to play on wii why didn't everything have that label gamecube games updated for the system even though you could already play them on wait pikmin 1 and donkey kong jungle beat were the first two games announced and most people were [ __ ] befuddled you could already play these games on your wii what's the point of this if backwards compatibility wasn't an option sure i can see why they do this but it was looking back on comments people just didn't get it like stimulus checks however in hindsight this line made a lot more sense than initially thought first off gamecube games on wii still required gamecube accessories like controllers memory cards so acting like all we owners had the right to pikmin wasn't true sure they could play the game on their wii but they started had to go out of their way to do it not only did they have to own all this junk they had to track down a copy of the original game also i think 99 of wii owners didn't know what a gamecube was hey grandma mario power tennis is already on wii you just have to get a gamecube controller and memory card in the original game which isn't in print anymore and you can only find used copies of it in some gamestop stores and on ebay oh [ __ ] she said i'm in i mean not everybody wanted to deal with that so adapting these games to the wii console it makes a lot more sense nowadays soon the games were announced to come to europe with no further details and later on afterwards the games were fully confirmed worldwide to be under the brand new play control you know a name is good when you can swap around the three words in it and it makes just as much sense as the official one so when nintendo introduces a new branding how long are they in for they get bored easily come on seven games and only three of them had the new play control branding in north america nintendo was the best at this hey buy the wii u microphone it's compatible with a statistic well the few new play control titles we did get we got starting on march 9th 2009 over here with europe starting things out in february in japan kicking it all off in december of 2008 and for roughly the next year the rest of the titles were trickled out this line didn't really go anywhere after 2009 which just makes its introduction even stranger either they only had a few games in mind for it which at that point why even create a unifying brand just call new play control pikmin pikmin resurrected or something or they were unhappy with the sales of the existing new play control stuff and cancel future plans for the line maybe sales weren't that great because these boxes look like they were as seen on tv this is how they appeared in stores with so many random text blurbs and generic wii circle designs all over the place even the spine feels the need to say new play control twice i think even nintendo knew this design wasn't ideal it doesn't feel like box art it feels like an advertisement they gave each of these games a reversible cover with the original box art taking up the full space it's still labeled as new play control though but i think i just realized the font they use for this is the same font a lot of nintendo's first party gamecube games used on their spines you win this time nintendo i do kinda like that but by and large these are full-fledged wii releases thick manuals full discard these are just as we as any fling smash on the street they just happen to make the boxes as unappealing as possible i'm sorry for dogging on this but like i said these are full wii games yet the boxes make them feel like so much less than that 100 these did not make sales expectations just looking at this little ad included in mario power tennis it states keep an eye out for these and more titles in the series these were the only new play control titles japan did get all the games that were part of the line and they all look very similar to how they did in other regions so with the reversible covers they do put unique little warts on the spine of each game you know i should talk about the asphalt i drove on to buy these games enough stalling let's see what gamecube games look like on my wii well let's go in north american release order first up new play control pikmin released on march 9th 2009. so pikmin on the nintendo gamecube game that came out so close to the gamecube's launch it didn't it may not have lit the world on fire sales wise but it did decent enough selling over 1 million copies of a new ip on a system that sold only 21 million units i think that's pretty good of course being an early gamecube game comes with the quirks of looking [ __ ] disgusting it looks fine i'll be pretty dated but what does nintendo do to an 8 year old game with dated visuals let me see more of them the first addition to a new play control game widescreen support now pikmin on the gamecube controlled perfectly fine i never really had any complaints with it your pikmin with the analog stick you are restricted to where you're facing though i think an immediate idea people would have would be left stick control's character right stick control's cursor no it's not like that we as humans have to accept this is how to pikmin until now now not only do you point the screen at wherever you want your pikmin to be thrown exactly but you can move independently of this cursor this is a huge deal for pikmin again the gamecube controls work perfectly there's really not much wrong with them sure they could have given you the option to use the c stick to aim but this is 2001 nintendo i don't think they knew this stick existed but for what it is pigment on gamecube controls just fine however you compared to the wii version and it's night and day whenever i go back to this one i just think i just want to lock onto this [ __ ] on the wii it's seamless you don't think about it this works but the wii remote and nunchuck were made for pikmin some sound effects come through the wii remote now which is cute though any sound that comes through this speaker makes me feel like i'm drowning and vice versa holy [ __ ] i thought i was playing mario there are various other small tweaks made to things graphically sound and gameplay wise nothing massive just little improvements like pikmin survive a tad longer if they're drowning you're on fire and that stinks because i [ __ ] love drowning pikmin guess who's pissed other than that the only thing that may be a slight downgrade from the original would potentially be the fact that when you want to throw pikmin onto something you mash the a button across both versions on the gamecube you can stay locked onto one thing by well just not moving the analog stick on the wii if you match the a button to throw your pikmin it's more likely your cursor is going to fidget a lot considering it's kind of hard to keep your hand perfectly still while having an aneurysm but i've never really come across a moment where that's detrimental i just think some people may not like that compared to the original but this is the definitive version of pikmin in my opinion and unlike other re-releases that change quite a bit this is literally the exact same game as the gamecube one any tweaks are pretty minor and they are for the better so we're off to a good start with new play control this was completely warranted so what happened the same day as new play control pikmin it wasn't the best day for multiple reasons new play control mario power tennis released the same day as pikmin on the wii but released on the gamecube in 2004. it was pretty good but i wouldn't say it was my top choice for a game to get a second chance on wii they brought pikmin over because it felt like that game would legitimately benefit from being played with a wii remote they brought mario power tennis over as a replacement for amari tennis made specifically for wii yeah for some reason nintendo skipped out on mario golf and tennis games during this generation the developers of those series camelot seem to at the very least want to do a mario golf game they made their own game with capcom but instead of getting to make a new mario sports game for wii they just supported power attendants from the gamecube well of course we have widescreen now which also applies to the cutscenes too but when it comes to video files it's absolutely terrifying they just zoom into a 4x3 image or stretch it across the screen but no either this cutscene was always made with widescreen in mind or they went in and re-exported it to widescreen this is fantastic you see so much more in the frame than ever before even though it's the exact same video from the gamecube all right we got the wide screen checked up the controls oh it's fine it's okay it's just so much worse than the original on gamecube so it just makes me ask why even do this they oversimplified mario tennis mario tennis the game i already pretty much just hit the a button in when you played tennis and wii sport sure it's basic but it was made for motion control and mario power tennis it's basically them taking button commands from the gamecube and assigning wii remote shakes to it it's patronizing it's not better on wii it's literally just for if you want the illusion that you're swinging a tennis racket and for that illusion to barely work it's just not as well controlled here the motion controls feel half-baked and like it works it's fine but it just isn't as precise as the original i like motion controls but the game has to be properly designed around them this was originally a gamecube game that was ported over to wii that just replaces hitting the a button with shaking the wii remote boo also why is there no online play it feels like this would have been the perfect opportunity to include online multiplayer and mario tennis for the first time but just as i predicted while this is a solid enough port technically it was done just to put a mario tennis on wii and nothing else again it's fine it's not that bad of a version it's just like why well we had to wait a whole two months for another new play control game this one being donkey kong jungle b released on may 4th 2009 jungle beat originally used the dk bongos you know what else use the dk bongos probably not geist such an interesting peripheral bonkos that were themed exclusively to donkey kong that got more than one game not only did it get multiple rhythm games called donkey konga nintendo crafted a full donkey kong platformer based around them you smack clap really do anything to get evicted this is such a wonderfully stupid idea to play a platformer with bongos but it works the problem though for how wild this concept is it definitely turned off some people and makes the game a much harder sell even if you could still play the game with a regular gamecube controller but that's no fun so this wii version is kind of the best of both worlds you get a more traditional control setup with buttons and sticks but you still get to perform actions similar to what you do with the bongos the result is a much more refined and accessible version of jungle beat that does unfortunately lose a hint of magic this control scheme works quite well but dammit the other one used bongos that was what made jungle beat so interesting it's still a good game but it's like playing wii sports with an xbox controller this did make me think how nice it would have been if these versions supported the gamekeeper classic controller it truly would have made all of the new play control titles by default the definitive releases no questions asked you get the best of both worlds you can play the original way with any of the enhancements the wii versions bring with it or you can just not be a [ __ ] and play with a wii remote it would have been nice to have bongo or gamecube controller support but that's just not how new play control rolls jungle bait's also interesting because it's the only new play control title to actually add new content to the game there's a few new levels in this version nothing crazy basically a boss rush and one final celebratory level for collecting everything but just goes to show this is the most changed game of the lineup the bosses of various levels were swapped around from the original version how levels are organized some levels had to be redesigned for the new controls even the story was expanded it's still not massive but in comparison to the gamecube version which had a single sentence explaining things it's definitely slightly different jungle beat on the gamecube's story was i don't know who donkey kong is but he's pissed it's still jungle beat at the end of the day though there were definitely some more changes than other new play control titles i wouldn't not recommend this version but you are missing out on a bit of the fun by playing without the bongos that's it there were more new play control games but only these three titles carry the name in north america like you don't name jaundice if only three people get it metroid prime and metroid prime 2 echoes were two other games a part of the new play control line only in japan though over here they were bundled alongside metroid prime 3 corruption for metroid prime trilogy releasing on august 24th 2009. you know i'll gladly take getting three games for fifty dollars in comparison to buying one of each for 30. i don't know why they felt the need to give us a massive deal like this i mean it's nintendo they charge extra for when they put less effort in but i'll take and i'll actually take the lack of new play control branding no i don't need play classic gamecube games with enhanced sweet controls on my cover it's shocking i know if i had to guess i assume nintendo already figured this brand had somewhat negative effects on sales like i said this doesn't look very appealing and the name doesn't make me go here so packaging the first two games with one already released on weem was a smart move but that doesn't mean the japanese new play control version of metroid prime is the exact same as the metroid prime trilogy version of metroid prime like the channel intro video the title screen in metroid prime trilogy you just select one of the games from the menu and it hops right in the japanese version yeah metroid prime of the gamecube was a revolution for the metroid series bringing it not only into 3d for the first time but in a first person perspective this completely had every opportunity to blow but it didn't this game is remarkable and still holds up to this day control's weird though much like pikmin this works perfectly fine with the analog stick then to aim your arm canon and use the c-stick gotcha you hold down the shoulder button and you stay in place as you aim huh i mean it works a metroid frame is designed around this control scheme it does the job but when we move over to the wii versions oh this is so much better it's similar to how pikmin was upgraded now we can move and aim into penalty one another and at the same time too it makes the game so much more intuitive so much faster pace this is no doubt better than the gamecube original not that this version controlled poorly but this is just so much better but there are some things that are worse on wii though even though the game overall looks better with widescreen support and more advanced textures apparently they took out some small special effects like water rippling can't forget metroid prime to echoes because if i do everybody else will i always found this to be one of the lesser talked about metroid games so i will continue this tradition take all of what i said to metroid prime on wii and applied to the sequel that goes on the gamecube had the same control scheme so it also deserved the wii upgrade it was all included in a metroid prime trilogy except for the channel intro and title screen and that is the new play control series what the [ __ ] is that much like how prime's follow-up got a new play control release pikmin sequel got one as well new play control pikmin 2 released on march 12 2009 in japan april 24 2009 in europe and june 10 2012 in north america what was the diagnosis a new play control pigment 2 just didn't come out here for three years i assume it's because pikmin 1 really didn't sell well on wii i'm telling you they knew this brand wasn't great now why did they finally decide to release pikmin 2 in north america and probably because they were bored 2012 was the year the wii successor was hitting the market and the final year of any nintendo console is generally pathetic it was the year of mario party 9 and very little else because of this nintendo of america's decided to publish some games i hadn't made it over here yet like xenoblade chronicles and of course pikmin 2. they released it as a nintendo select game which not only meant it retailed for 20 at launch but also that we weren't lacking some stupid [ __ ] border they include some text which states this is a gamecube game with weak controls but nowhere does it say new play control not anywhere on the box the disc the other games had it but this one it is a new play control pikmin 2 over here it's just pikmin 2. mario powerton's got a nintendo selected version and they removed the new play control title from that one too see i'm telling you this brand was a nightmare i always find it weird when they release a game for the first time through these budget things like nintendo selection is supposed to mean this game sold over a million copies or it was a smash hit already so they're re-releasing it at a budget price but that's just not true here nintendo just admit you were scared to give ohioans pikmin 2. i'm playing the game is pikmin 2 on wii this is my favorite way to play pikmin 2 retaining most of the same changes and enhancements pikmin 1 saw on the platform i'm happy it finally came over here after so long which is more than i can say about chibi-robo so we finally got pikmin 2. good for us but there was still one more new play control title that never left japan surprised final new play controlled title chibi robo released on june 11 2009 in japan only this was a gamecube game released the year the week came out and had a funny stupid name they were asking for this so it makes sense to give cheap robo a second chance on we you just don't want to give him too much of a second chance the only new play control title to not leave japan in any form definitely a shame as this could have slightly given chibi chibi-robo more of a shot here in the states i mean it wouldn't have done that well considering other new play control titles sort of flopped but the translation work was already done for the gamecube version so it would've been pretty fairly easy to localize this one nintendo already barely advertised new play control in north america so it's not like a ton of marketing but it would be blown on this game and it just straight up would have filled out nintendo's 2009 release schedule a bit more there's a good reason why new play control was a thing that year but no jv rubble for wii u stayed in japan and after playing this version i can kinda see why the motion controls really don't add anything to this game you just shake your remote to clean spots up use the pointer to select yes or no options which is honestly kind of annoying in the original game you would just use the analog stick here you still use the analog stick to move but then they force you to point the wii remote at the screen to say yes or no the controls work fine but i wouldn't call them better it is kind of cool that they incorporate some point-and-click elements in this version as chibi-robo originally was envisioned as a point-and-click adventure game but this is definitely in the lower tier of new play control in my opinion both metroid prime and pikmin games are better on wii donkey kong jungle beat is debatable and mario power tennis and chibi robo they're fine versions with some good enhancements but overall i do think the gamecube originals are the way to go new play control is such an odd subset of the wii library to me what once was something i saw no value in became something i'm surprised i didn't do more of just get rid of the branding new play control and re-release more games like this pikmin and metroid prime showed the potential this line had i think luigi's mansion would have been perfect for new play control even mario sunshine being able to point your flashlight and flood pack with the wii remote would work crazy well mario golf toadstool tour if they thought mario power tennis deserved it just do it throw mario golf on there what about wind waker give it the twilight princess treatment and use the weir mode as a sword it especially would have made sense with the wind waker in the game using the remote as a conductor's baton what about star fox assault f-zero gx kirby air ride they just used the weir mode like a steering wheel this had so much potential but they gave up before new play control really had a chance to make the wii this ultimate nintendo console sure it didn't have a star fox but with new play control it kind of could have these titles retailed for 29.99 and obviously took less time to develop than brand new games so it just kind of puzzles me why nintendo doesn't do more of this on the wii u they put out wind waker hd and twilight princess hd and if they did more re-releases like that it would fill up any software droughts and bring back a classic while enhancing it at the same time and that's what new play control did but they gave up on it after 2009 where was mario golf not every entry here is the definitive version but they're cool versions of gamecube games from another dimension in honor of them i've decided to turn a new leaf and yes i do need this blurb if i need to hide this thing i can i never use a lower 60 of my body anyways [Music] you
Channel: Scott The Woz
Views: 767,923
Rating: 4.9707174 out of 5
Keywords: Wii GameCube, GameCube Games, Wii Games, Nintendo Switch, Wii Port, Wii Remake, Nintendo Remake, Nintendo Rerelease, Nintendo Remaster, New Play Control, Wii Menu, Wii Remote, New Play Control Pikmin, Pikmin Wii, New Play Control Mario Power Tennis, Mario Power Tennis Wii, Mario Tennis Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 64, New Play Control Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Donkey Kong Wii, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Wii, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Chibi Robo Wii, New Play Control Chibi Robo
Id: d92oWdkJsXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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