Mario Party (N64) | Party Hard - Scott The Woz

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👍︎︎ 63 👤︎︎ u/illumatronics 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Why do I fell like Hard DK is going to be the new villain of this series

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

That is somehow exactly how I imagined Scott’s party’s.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/Phantom_Jedi 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

That ending line of the skit was KILLER.

I think I'm an escort

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/your_mind_aches 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

I really enjoyed the bits with Scott and friends playing the game! The Wario guy is hilarious

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Ethlandiaify 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

I thought it was weird that Scott paid his friends to come over and play...

But he did trick them three times in the Dark Age of Nintendo.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/TheePurpleToaster 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

It was a bit weird that he stopped reviewing the game halfway through, but I'm here for the absolutely zany interactions between Scott and his friends.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DoctorTennant 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

It’s here!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

The mesiah of friendship killers is here

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/PapaVitoOfficial 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Hey y'all, Scott here. Some words of advice, things would get better later than sooner, don't you worry. When I was little, I used to think, "When I'm Scott, I wanna be this." And look at me now. What does it take to be this? Skin for one. It takes a lot of work to be me. You have to be tough. You have to have skin. You have to own this. I should hire an assistant. This is Mario Party. I thought it was a bear. Look at all these, it's almost like there's 24 of them. Mario Party series. The constant in society. As the death toll goes up, a new Mario party comes out. It may not be the most prestigious of Nintendo's franchises. You don't see people going, sound the alarms, guess who just turned 18 years old today? Yeah, Mario Party 4. These aren't the most elegant of games but they hold a special place in many (bleep) idiots' hearts. Sometimes you just don't wanna play a game with deep mechanics, fair challenge, a compelling story. Sometimes you just wanna say, "I hate this." That's where party games come into frame. Often looked down upon by critics as lesser gaming experiences. It's because they are. Come on, think of it in the context of a party you're really gonna ask somebody if they want to play Life is Strange. No, damn it. You could play Guilty Party or Quarters. Party games may not be these incredible experiences but they're what video games are supposed to be at the end of the day. Fun as long as you're playing with others. Playing Mario Party single-player is like drinking alone. But it's odd seeing party games critiqued on the same level as any other video game considering what they're trying to accomplish is so much different. See, games with deep and compelling narratives with minimal gameplay get rave reviews for doing exactly what they set out to do. But Nickelodeon Party Blast gets a 19 on Meta Critic. It's like these games get good reviews, because while comparing them to bigger titles they don't hold up as well, they nail what they wanted to be, an interactive story. But then party games get (beep) on because they aren't as good as the Last of Us. Come on. They're not supposed to be that deep. A multiplayer oriented experience focused on fast paced, frenetic fun usually based on playing a collection of bit-sized mini games and seeing which player reigns supreme at the end of it all. These video games work best in the setting of, you guessed it, a here. They're just supposed to be dumb fun. Why do I never see party game score above a seven out of 10 on review websites? It's like critics judged them next to games like Red Dead Redemption 2 when these games aren't trying to be that. They're just simple fun to have during a get-together. But most party games are terrible. That might be why. It is absolutely shocking how poorly some developers understand the party genre. So many have these unbelievably long loading times which at a party, nobody wants to wait and talk to each other. They have little variety. They're unoriginal, unbalanced, unfun. Have you played Pac-Man Fever? Probably not considering you're alive. There is an art to the best party games. There's still depth there. It may seem crazy simple on the surface but there's great design packed behind these guys. But it seems that it would be fairly understandable what's fun in a party setting and what's not considering almost all party games took inspiration from one genre defining title. Really, the party game to set the standard for all party games to follow. Anticipation. (retro game music) This was not a great way to start talking to Mario Party. Mario Party was the party game. Sure there were examples of the genre before it's release in 1998, but there were people before Abe Vigoda. This really kick-started the party genre into what it is today. Is that a good or bad thing? (retro game music) Is a stupid question. Here it is, Mario party on the Nintendo 64. You know, I like this. Good words, fun letters, could really use a number. Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! The Nintendo 64 was a prime suspect to have multiplayer experiences. Just look at all those holes. Four player support, right out of the box. Of course, games like Mario Kart 64 and Super Smash Brothers took advantage of that. But Mario Party was aimed towards a slightly more casual crowd. The people who consider using this psychological warfare. The entire game is designed to run being a virtual board game. And once everybody rolls the dice, it's time to compete in a mini game. Pretty simple. Everybody's played a board game. So Mario Party feeds into our biological urges. So a four player experience anybody can enjoy and understand. Okay, I'll bite. What's the catch? Damnation. Mario Party is infamous for what it does to people, like malaria. Look at these victims. They're being victimized. This commercial showcases how Mario gets arrested for even being associated with this term. Or treason, it's never specified. Mario Party may be easy to understand but it's (beep) to play. Sure you know what's going on but is that really to your benefit? Oh, I know I'm getting (beep) over, even though I can't do anything about it. I'm so happy, I know I'm getting (beep) over. You may be attracted to this game for the simple concept but remember it's not just a board game. It's an adventure. Huh yeah, (beep) you board games. I've always hated this box art seeing Mario punch a dice block with the number three here. What is this? Marty Party 3. This would be a great time to talk about the development background of Mario Party. But it's Mario Party. It's like asking, why did you decide to make this phone book? Nintendo themselves didn't develop the game. No, we get to blame Hudson Soft. They made Bloody Roar on the PlayStation. They were the best men for the job. The game was released in late 1998 in Japan and in early 1999 everywhere else. You ever noticed how ever since late 1998 in Japan, the world's gone to (beep)? Yes, we get it, Mario Party can be cruel. Doesn't mean I don't like it. I don't know, it's my best friend. He's a snitch, he's a killer, but he'll always be my friend. It's just, you're winning, having a great time and then you get the death sentence for winning too much. This guy has more eyelashes so we'll give him the eyelash award. For second place, you get the grand prize. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Well, let's finally take a look at where the Mario Party series took a turn for the worst with Mario Party One. (birds chirping) It's Mario and his good friends. They hang out. Everybody is getting in a heated political debate asking who the superstar of the group is. Mario is like "I'm strong". Donkey Kong's like "I'm also strong". And they start ganging up on Luigi. This is pretty much a high school locker room. Everybody braggin' and duckin' (beep) on Luigi. Mario thinks he's the superstar, no reason is given. Peach thinks she is the superstar, no reason is given. Yoshi thinks he is the superstar because he has energy. Something every being has. I have a neck, you don't see me braggin'. So pretty much everybody is trying to be a superstar. Who better to mediate this debate than a tumor. Toad decides to offer everybody the chance to prove their worth for the low price of jumping down this well. Adventure awaits, I swear. Everybody runs towards adventure. I mean with all that energy, what else are you gonna do? And with that, the game that put us on the journey to Mario Party Eight begins. Mario Party One. (people cheering) (retro game music) Let's all do adventure ourselves. (retro game music) - Ya ho! - This may be a problem. Being a game that's best played with four whole people means this isn't gonna work. I thought telling the IRS I was four people would help, but no, I need bodies. I could play by myself, but Mario Party's like a marriage. It's more fun with up to four people. And at that point I might as well make the most of it. Call up some people, get the place on jazzed up. It's called Mario Party for a reason because the word (beep) was already taken. But I might as well throw a party if I can't think of anything better to do no. No, let's throw a party. A great party needs to have so many things. Mario Party One, so you know people don't have too much fun. Doritos and Mountain Dew to have an outlet to discuss the war against arteries. Alcohol because it's not a good party if you enjoy it sober. So I went to the party store and picked up anything and everything I could find that was party related. Now what's left to do is invite victims. They can bring alcohol, snacks, people. Okay, so who's going to show up no matter what. 9-1-1. Or I did find this flyer for the Mario Party assistance agency. The NPAA. You can call them, pay a small fee and have body show up to play Mario Party with. Which is really something that Nintendo should have specified as required. (doorbell rings) I called? - You called. - According to my receipt I have you for two hours to play Mario Party One. - Oh (beep), you play Mario Party. - Just like any Mario Party player would. - I didn't play Mario party before. What's that, like a bear? - You never played Mario Party? You're wearing a Wario hat. - Oh, I thought the W stood for words. - So you work at a Mario Party agency but you never played it. - I've been doing a lot of work for the agency. Haven't really had time to play. - Okay well, I need you to sit on the couch, hold the controller and have fun. - That'll cost extra. - Holy (beep). You have a sitting feet. - Technically yes, ambiguously maybe. - We'll just have you stand. - Wanna take that for a test drive? - Yeah, and see what I'm in for. I'll take it. - It says on your sales form. You ordered one other person. - It's considered ordering people. - Pretty sure that's illegal. - So you're only pretty sure. - Hey, is this the party? I know you said to bring Mountain Dew and Doritos. All I could find was Mello-Yello and Cheez-Its. - (chuckles) You can't have a party without powdered sugar in a zip lock. - They didn't have beer at the store. So I just got 20 packs of cigarettes. - Most of these are playing cards. - They only have five packs of cigarettes available. - So this is a suitable replacement for alcohol at a party. - Yeah, I can't wait to get blackout cancer. - Well, I for one, I'm (beep) pissed. - Come on, be an anti-narc for once. we have to throw an actual party. - You know what, No, I'm not gonna go against my beliefs. What do, I'm going to take out a pack of cigarettes, pull one out, puff it out, put it out, light another one off to get some cheap thrills while playing as as the (beep) man, Wario. - So, how much as your nicotine fee? - $10 a year. (coughs) - Don't worry. I don't think it's like if your lungs to collapse. - So when we jump into adventure one task, we're deciding the unthinkable. Who's not going to play this Donkey Kong. I can't wait. This is going to be like an actual party. All we have to do is pick our soulmate. - Well, you know what they say? Let's play Mario Party One. - Yeah. I'm taking Wario. Home field advantage. - I'll pick Luigi for the sympathy vote. - I'll pick Pete so I don't have to play as Donkey Kong. - Why don't you wanna find a fourth person to play? - Well, we couldn't just have somebody play as Donkey Kong now, could I? - What consistency do you think Donkey Kong is? - [Together] Hard. - There's a total of eight game boards to choose from here starting with DK's jungle adventure rated one star. Can't say, I'm surprised. Anybody look at this and go, "Oh, I think he'd make great game boards." Now the star stand for the difficulty level which I think is the wrong word to use there. I've never once thought of a game board is just so hard. I consider the stars to represent the complexity of the boards, which means the one stars are nosebleeds. DK's jungle adventure, Mario's Rainbow Castle, these are one star boards and are crazy simple. Like they basically ask you, "Hey, want to play a board game with three spaces on it?" Which map do you guys want to play on? Keep in mind. I am 100% gone after that hit. - Sounds like you need an intervention and Wario's Battle Canyon. - That's not fair, that's home field advantage. - Don't blame me for how I was born. - How many turns should the game last? - Is there an option for two? - How about 54? - Nope, there's only 20, 35 and 50. - You sure there's not a secret menu. - I say we go for 20, don't come on too strong here. - Of course, Mario Party operates on the number of turns you decide to make a game last. So it's not about getting to the end of a board. You just want to keep moving until time is up. So you kind of need more variety in a board layout than just circle, circle, maybe a line. The two star boards are a pint better but still too small and simple for my liking. Yoshi's Tropical Island, Peach's Birthday Cake, there's still just really too tiny. And there aren't enough different pathways to take. Playing on all of these boards just sort of feels like you're always running around in a circle. A fewer times you're able to make a decision on where to go. It's like, thanks. But then we have the three-star board, Luigi's Engine Room and the unlock-able Bowser's Magma Mountain and Eternal Star. These are easily my favorites as they actually have some meat on the bones. Different pathways, larger sizes, Bowser's canonically called the King of Magic and Magma Mountain. These are the best. But the boards overall, they're serviceable, they're fine, they do the job but look how small this is, I could fit this in my mouth. Each of the playable characters have their own board but that's just for theming purposes. You don't gain anything for playing as Donkey Kong on DK's Jungle Adventure, you don't get to have lunch with Wario. I guess it adds to the ambience, like, wow I'm on land owned by a mammal. All the boards have their own special gimmicks like pipes or tolls to pay. So, I can pay some coins to access this path. I (beeps) up, didn't I? But they aren't prevalent enough to hide the fact that many of these boards are just too simple. They're just tiny loops and they get old pretty fast. But there's one with such a thick gimmick that we can't just not play it. (retro game music) - This is what I'm talking about. It's like a Wario taking to remember the Alamo. - You mean the Sabbath, right? Wario's Battle Canyon is a map full of circles for the geometrically challenged. I'm sorry. If you even think about moving past the top portion of each plot of land, you are forced into a cannon where it shoots you to a different plot of land and where you land is completely random in terms of all the Mario Parties I've taken a look up to now, this is number one. This is the whole map. And the cannon gimmick is definitely a cannon gimmick. I'll give them the all right. - All right, we rolled to decide to turn over here. - Home field advantage. - You've got third. - So the goal here is to traverse the game board for all the traps and other obstacles, obtaining coins through landing on certain spaces and winning mini games that are played at the end of each turn to spend those on stars, which is what we want the most of overall. - You've played this before? - No, just look at that. It's pretty obvious. - I thought this game was a bear. - At the end of the day, it's all about rolling dice, collecting coins by landing on blue spaces, losing coins by lending on red spaces, triggering special events, getting all the way to the star space and pray you have enough coins to relish in the lower middle-class. You want to get as many coins as you can, but you then want to trade those in for stars when possible. So you want to get a ton of both. You need coins to pay for stars, toll booth's, the government but stars are the true end goal here. - All right. So if one of us gets 20 coins and passes that star space, we can have a star. - I always wanted a game I can do that in. - Donkey Kong's up first. You rolled a two. - What a (beeps) idiot. - Luigi start. - Luigi's tart, what? - Here comes Luigi with a four. - What a (beeps) idiot! - Wario, you're up. - Okay, I've been working on a speed run in this game. - You just found out it existed. - I work fast. What a (beeps) me. - But, every now and then you'll come across the Bowzer space. A virtual definition of, Oh (beeps)! Bowzer almost always means bad news. Whether he's instilling a Bowzer revolution cutting everybody of their coins and standardizing them across the board or Bowser's Chance Time. And Chance Time is already a societal problem. Anything goes here. If you land on a space that triggers chance time, get ready to clinch. It's completely up in the air, who wins, who fails, who gets what, how much they get. It's just like real life. It's totally random. When somebody dies they just say, "Well, somebody lost a chance time." And then there's all the other things on the board. You can still garbage from others. Activate small changes to the map. This game is all about making everybody miserable in the best way possible. And of course, once everybody's done rolling their dice it's time for a mini game to commence. I'm ready. Into the term, which brings us to our first mini game. - Oh, I think I've heard of this one. - You've never heard of Mario Party One but you've heard of the Hammer Drop mini game in Mario Party One. - Oh, it's a big deal where I'm from. - Where are you from? - Wario's Battle Canyon. - Take of that hat! (shouting) - So Hammer Drop is all about avoiding hammers and collecting coins. - I wish you would have said that sooner. - Donkey Kong wins as is tradition. - This was the first mini game. - And every mini game he's played, he's conquered. - Well, it looks like you're going to be able to break that tradition here, you landed on a one player mini games space. You get to play Memory Match. - Oh (beeps), I picked a bad day to get dementia. - Start. (retro game music) - You gotta be (beeps). - I swear, it's the controller. - Time up. - Okay, I get three up to see everybody's results for that one, play a mini game. - What the hell? I got no coins. - Makes you feel any better, my doctor told me I have nine days to live. - There are a total of 56 mini games in Mario Party One because 57 would have been too much. At first glance, wow, 56 games in one, call up the rest of my life and tell them I'm canceling our plans. These 56 include four player free-for-alls, One versus threes, two versus twos and the elusive single player mini games. The four player games are easily the best. Everybody's out to get each other, it's natural. One versus threes, they're not balanced well at all. Pretty much with everyone, either the one or the three have everything in their favor. Two versus two. What's the point of these? There are only five two versus two games. And all of these could have easily been reworked into free for alls. And the single-player ones, these you play when you land on the event spaces on the board and they are completely worthless. They barely affect anything and feel like a minute long waste of time. And why are there 10 of them? That's nearly 20% of all mini games in the package. They're just boring. Considering you're playing a multiplayer game by yourself and everybody has to stop and watch you flounder. Oh my God. I got to the star space with over 20 coins. You know what that means? - (beeps) you two. I got a (beeps) star. You (beeps). - This may be the nicotine talking, but congratulations. - You really earned this one getting right. - (beeps) I deserve it. (beeps) The four player ones are your best bet here though. Overall with these single-player games being worthless, the one versus threes being unbalanced and the two versus twos just not really understanding the point of that whole existence thing. If we get down to just the free for alls, there are only 24 of these. So less than half of all the mini games and keep in mind not all of those 24 are winners. I still can't play Balloon Bursts for the life of me. I have to alternate between the A and Z buttons, the pump. And I'm just terrible at this. The button mashing ones also not my strongest suit but I swear I have a great personality. - The next one game is Bumper Balls. That's one of my favorites. - Again, still you haven't played Mario Party One before but you know about Bumper Balls. - Word gets around. - Start. - Donkey Kong is the best. - What a waste of an ape. - I have a star. I mean, there are some stellar ones here. Bumper Balls, Face Lift, Mushroom Mix-up, overall there are good mini games and bad mini games but it kind of needs some garbage thrown in there. Mario Party thrives and everybody can collectively go (beeps) this, you need some lame ones in here growing over. I just feel like over all, the selection here is a bit lacking. You'll see repeated mini games, just playing one 20-turn round. And the fact that over half of the mini games are sort of worthless doesn't make things that much better. But what does make things that much better? My Purple Heart. So a couple of mini games here you have to rotate the analog stick rapidly. The easiest way to do that is by using your palm if your palm was made of tar. You know you could check this little problem up to kids just not knowing how to treat their bodies and more importantly, their palms with respect. But looking at this Japanese commercial from Mario party One. Look at them. This is the official way to control these mini games. Many people complained and Nintendo even got threatened with a lawsuit which is why they quickly put out a sequel with little to no hand altercations included and offered gloves to people who complained that makes the hospital stay worth it. - This ghost is saying I can steal coins for me for free. - Well, you're going to do it? - I have a pact to never steal unless stealing is free. - What the hell? I have the least coins. - I don't wanna piss off Donkey Kong. You have seen what he's capable of. - Yeah, winning. - Oh here, I landed next to a fly guy. He looks disgusting. I can't do anything he's offering me. I can't afford it. (whispering and laughing) What? - Oh, sorry. It's is rude to harass the poor in front of their face. - Oh yeah, mini game time, one versus three baby. - Peach, (beeps). - Crane Game, I have to pick something up here. - Miss. - That was a waste of fun energy. - You know, that made me so happy. I might just go pass the star space and not have enough coins to buy one. Oh, that felt good. - And another four player mini game, Box Mountain Mayhem. We just pick up boxes and randomly get going from inside. - Now, this is a mini game. Bite-sized entertainment. Really not that fun. This is what I'm talking about. - You know, it'd be really funny if Donkey Kong won this mini game and land on a star space and got a star. - Less so funny, more so (beeps) hysterical. - Al least the space I landed on, I get a 10 coin bonus. - Because (beeps) you, you deserve it. - Next mini game is Facelift. We have to morph the face to match the picture in the middle. - All right everybody. Hey, Hey guys, guys, guys Hey. Yeah, you right there. Shut the (beeps) up, let me concentrate. - Let me see here. Close enough. - I'm pretty happy with the stock raise. - There, there. Perfect. (retro game music) - How the, how the (beeps)? That's not even so close. How does this ape keep winning? - He's playing against us. - You know what, you know, I have had it. I've had it. I'm buying a one way ticket to Take Me to Bowzer. - No, not from the flying guy. He looks disgusting. - Looks like we've got a new one. Tipsy Tourney, a staple of me playing Mario Party. - You've never played Mario Party. - I played it once and Tipsy Tourney has been a part of the experience ever since now. - And the (beeps) man reigns supreme. - Well, I'm off to meet Bowzer. I paid 10 coins to do it so that means something good must come out of it. (whispering) - Off, Absolutely off. - I would never lose so many coins to Bowzer. (whispering) (beeps) - Tight Rope Treachery. It's all of us against Donkey Kong. - How do you win here? - Piranha's Pursuit, us all against Wario. - I'm sorry, what were the controls? - Oh, oh God. What's the ape doing? - Ape (beeps). The worst kind of (beeps). - Looks like Bowzer's forcing him to do chance time. All he has to do is hit two blocks and set the fate of whoever's on the board. - Huh? So it's like the draft. - Even scarier. - No. I have to give 30 coins to Bowzer but I rather have them. - Now, sometimes life throws are your curve ball and you just gotta learn to live with it. You'll get back on your feet in no time. - Yeah, you know what? Maybe it'll make you feel better, knowing I have half your coins now. - Okay, guys, one versus three mini games. We're up against the ape. He's bowling, we're the pins. You guys stay put in. I draw it as a distraction. - So is that your plan or just one of those (beeps) ideas you always seem to have. - Here's the next one? Crazy Cutter, we're on our own here. We just got to focus. - No, I refuse. Why would I trust you? You lost the bowl-over. - My father died playing bowl-over. - My cousin loves bowl-over. I think I know what I'm talking about. - Oh, big bowl-over guy here. Well, Dr. Bowl-over, what is this? - It's bull over. No, it's Crazy Cutter, you idiot. And we're all losing. - Especially me. - Especially him. - Donkey Kong won. - Oh. Did you hear that? - He is literally right next to me. I wonder how Donkey Kong seems to celebrate his recent wins. - You can steal coins or a star. Uh, you stealing want a star. And my only star. - I'd feel bad if I didn't (beeps) hit all of you. - Ooh Cast Aways. We're got to flick the stick to the cast it out and reel it back in by rotating it. - Oh, I'm great at using my thumbs. In fact, I have been using this my entire time. - We got to keep an eye on him. - Why is this so slow? - I'm barely getting anything. - Reeling back takes forever. - You know, I may have great thumbs, but I was blessed with the best palms. - I won. - I shouldn't do that. - Oh God. What is he doing? - [Together] Chance Time! - I don't want to go to war. I don't even have the full uniform. - Is because God forbid me be happy. Five turns left guys and the game is predicting Donkey Kong will win. - No (beeps) way! - Ah! Looks like I can steal coins. And even though stealing is free, I'm happy with my 23. - I thought you were happy with your 23. Okay. We're up to the Treasure Divers game. - Oh, cool. - Wario (beeps) off. - You know what? We've been pretty hard on Wario lately. - You know what, me and Luigi can just sit back, you can just go in and break in all the goals. - Oh! (beeps) yeah, dude. I'm going for the dub, bitches. - I thought we were going for the dub, bitches. - The dub stands for Wario, bitches. - Oh, look Wario you got a 20 point bonus. He's plotting. - All right, to prove I'm not plotting anything. I'm at the star space. I'm not going to buy. I'm going to save my coins. - What the (beeps) would you save your coins for? - A star. Damn it! - Oh, look at Donkey Kong. Swapping places to Luigi. So Luigi can get a star. Look at Donkey Kong. - Yeah (beeps) Donkey Kong. - Yeah (beeps) Donkey Kong. I have enough coins. I can steal a star right now. Just to scare Donkey Kong. I'm going to take from Luigi to prove he's not a threat to me. - Great Bowzer, he's giving me too many coins out of pity. - I'd love that. That'd be like treating me like it's my birthday. - When is your birthday? - January 26, 1997. - Nine months after Arbor Day. - That's a weird coincidence. - Oh it, it's no coincidence. - All right, last minute game, Bash and Crash (beeps). I just got 20 coins. There's nothing left for me here. - I have nine days left to live. - All right, here we have the final results who gets the bonus stars? Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong, Luigi, and Wario, - And, with nine days remaining. - Now, if you're lonely and love Mario Party, I am so sorry, but there's still stuff to do. You can unlock the mini games to play whenever you'd like. Purchase random char keys, play through mini games in slightly different ways like the mini game stadium, which is basically a standard board game, but without the stars and mostly just revolving around the mini games. And then, mini game island, which is your single player adventure. Please play through all the mini games and then fight off against toad in the slot card Derby game at the end, please. - I think that'll do it for now. Donkey Kong may have one, but so did smallpox. - For a while there. - I should probably check with my contractor agency to make sure to play Mario Party One allowed. - Yeah, this is first time I've ever played Mario Party with the client. Usually they just want to hang out and enjoy life. Well, at least I'm happy that I finally get to throw a party for the first time, getting lung cancer and never used my hand again, all with professional Mario Party players. - I think I'm an escort. And that is Mario Party One. If you couldn't already tell, it's a bit rough. With limited mini games, lackluster boards, only six playable characters, palm eviscerating controls, random event throwing skill completely out of the window. Mario is this just of my favorite party games of all time. See Mario Party One is so cheap, so infuriating, so relentlessly (beeps) that it makes it unbelievably fun. I love how dumb and random the game can be when it just decides to (beeps) over one specific player. I love the fact that there's actual things on the line while playing this game, your palms. It is far from perfect. It's the epitome of the 7 out of 10 party game but it is so ruthless and unfair, but still has enough skill required where it does feel like a true competition. You do earn many of the coins you're given. You do earn many of the stars you collect which makes it that much more brutal when they decide to take them away just because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. And they think that gives its game its own twisted identity. Chance Time occurring instills fear in everybody, it's disturbing. And it wouldn't be that way if the rest of the game wasn't as engaging as it is. Mario Party One deserves more credit not because it's an amazing video game but because it's a fantastic party game, that is total (beeps). Sometimes it's fun to (beeps) your friends over it. Get (beeps) over yourself. You have to laugh at that stuff sometimes. And if you can't do that, you probably need to look for new friends. Also because you really won't have any after playing. (retro game music)
Channel: Scott The Woz
Views: 2,539,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario Party, Mario Party 2, Mario Party 3, Mario Party 4, Mario Party 5, Mario Party 6, Mario Party 7, Mario Party 8, Mario Party 9, Mario Party 10, Super Mario Party, Mario Party DS, Mario Party N64, Mario Party GameCube, Mario Party Wii, Mario Party Wii U, Mario Party 3DS, Nintendo Switch, Mario Kart 64, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros., Super Smash Bros. 64, Nintendo Party, Wii Party, Nintendo Switch Party, Nintendo 64 Multiplayer
Id: 2kVos9KsURc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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