GIANT SHARK EATS HUMANITY - Tasty Planet Forever (Shark Levels)

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I know they're supposed to be the intelligent beings but you really gotta wonder what the hell they're doing what's up guys and welcome back to tasty planet forever so last episode we saw a bee eat the entire planet okay things got out of hand pretty quickly but funny enough bees aren't really known for their appetite and if you think of a bee you think buzzing and getting stung and honey what a shark its entire reputation revolves around eating stuff so I'm really curious to see how far things are gonna go today using the latest in shock kill and tech we virtually eradicated the Basking shock from this region these billings of the sea will torment us no more torment to you have they ever attacked anyone no don't they eat only plankton so why are you killing them well they get stuck in our fishing nets and cost us money you've brought an entire species to the brink of extinction to save on fishing gear of course that just shocks Basking and leering we've destroyed thousands of them already I'd be surprised if there were any left this is gonna be another one of those levels that doesn't really make any sense like sure okay if they brought my species to extinction and I want to get revenge then I can totally get on board with that what maybe I should hop into a tornado or something like that there's no way that a regular shark could just eat all of existence because he was angry like I'm not a roboshark I'm not a mutant shark I kind of look like a shark whose mother was smoking when he was born but that doesn't mean that I'm any kind of special you would think that if I'm angry at the humans I would do something to the humans right I would nibble at their toes or scare them on the beach whatever sharks do I don't really understand why I'm taking it out on the locals like what did this fuzzy puddle of ocean jizz do to me probably nothing worth getting eaten over but I guess that's the way it's gonna be you'd have to eat every local to grow big and strong and get revenge for all of us does that make sense listen you guys aren't important enough to be in a tornado so you know what it doesn't really matter mmm don't mind if I do but will strawberry and enemies and just like that things are already ramping up hello mr. sculpin goodbye mr. sculpin didn't the news reporter lady just say that I only eat plankton because I'm definitely eating quite a bit more than plankton right now I would love to stop and talk to these guys but I probably shouldn't because then I would die I don't know why I stopped earlier come to think of it sharks can't stop moving or else they suffocate I would imagine - everybody knows that by now because everybody's watched Shark Week with the idea being fish usually have the muscles over their gills to pump water across which lets them breathe but sharks don't so if Chuck stopped moving forward and having water rush past their gills then they'd just suffocate like holding your breath it doesn't really work out whoa hold down the spacebar to go faster this will help evade enemies and perform impressive jumps okay but why are you showing me a blurry cat I see they want me to do epic jumps over the otters and the Ducks and whatever kind of disgusting crab you are we get sea urchins we got sea cucumbers ah nothing else of interest okay let's go back over here maybe those jellyfish no no no no no and get to them ah here we go the Green Lanes if the ocean is definitely a favorable place to be doing this you know it's a lot better than just getting birds and drones and people and stuff like that there's a much more distinct food chain down here then again no time like the present to join another food chain maybe a little something like this yeah there we go we could be the master of all domains just a little bit too big we'll get the budget sound king crab man things a real ROI complicated down here and hold on hold on I guess all the kin of the goose we're just gonna have to get the ducks for now I think this is the end of the level man we are gonna get out of hand in this I can already tell because we're at 35 centimeters in the first level I really hope we can eat the planet okay I don't know if that would work first shark but if we can swim around in space and eat the galaxy that will be awesome our next level is called feeling crabby and I really should expect no less from this game of course there are gonna be puns are as the eye can see and we are gonna be in some kind of weird crab cave interesting okay well it was definitely plenty to eat it's all a little crunchy but beggars can't be choosers when you're going for revenge I'm quickly getting a little bit too rotund to be swimming around in these caves oh and I'm almost finished the level weird so it's just a crab buffet nothing says getting revenge for my extinct species like driving another species to extinction next up we have are you jelly I swear to God if you don't stop with the awful puns I'm gonna lose my little Sharky behind so this is gonna be the same thing as the last except ah now I'm driving jellyfish to extinction because that's that's not cool okay okay the bigger ones they kind of sting we're gonna stick to the little ones for now here's a hard-hitting philosophical question for ya if jellyfish stings need to be peed on so that they hurt less and fish pee in the water around them all the time does that mean fish aren't hurt by jellyfish stings these are the things that I need to ask either a fish or a jellyfish ant are you sure and why are they called jellyfish right I get the jelly part but they don't look anything like fish they should be called the jelly brains jelly blogs jelly jellies what do you think happens to a shark's insides after eating like a jellyfish what happens when it comes back out is that we're gummy bears come from I can't even imagine what a processed jellyfish must look like it's already floating clear poop while there I was considering not reading the title of every level when they pitch me gold like seize the day how can I resist because I know these puns pain people just as much as they pain me this is good though we're picking up right where we left off in the first level except with a few more murder convictions why does humanity hate me so much I'm not worth going to jail over I did she come to forget everywhere can i maybe trick them into shooting one another go ahead just shoot your friends and there we go help me see lime I swear I won't eat you much yeah we're gonna say much and make any solid promises oh come on just leave me alone I have been swimming around for like three minutes and I have yet to grow an inch I keep getting pegged in the ass by Spears listen I know you guys are on vacation okay but you gotta have something better to do right I know you guys just pay a lot of money to hop in the sea and murder wildlife people do call it fishing you call it murder whatever you want but can you please just yeah I'm going over here hey you know what I'm leaving the water I am now a bird you wouldn't hunt a bird honest question is it possible to finish one of these levels with negative starts because I feel like they're gonna take stars away from my previous attempts I am just getting rocked by these guys I cannot wait until I can turn on them oh I should just turn on now right I might not be able to eat them I might not even be able to kill them but I can make them learn a thing or two about screwing with nature come on come on please I'm sorry otters I know you're adorable and you smash things on your little bellies but I need your mass because Spirit Bomb please just lend me your energy nature I see how it's gonna be okay suddenly I'm the size of a canoe and you're not all that interested where do you think you're going oh I don't think so my revenge has been complete right I finally got back at the humans for making my species go extinct so now we could just live happily ever after and stop stop eating stop eating birds stop eating everything no no he didn't do anything to you we promised him this is just never gonna stop it's already gotten out of hand it's out of control we got to hold the plug in the shark nothing feels better than watching somebody get murdered by a boat I was gonna say nothing feels better than getting really really big and eating the things that were bullying you earlier but like there really are no rules out here in international waters and they called me the villain of the sea and I'm just running around eating fellow sharks should I be doing this we're not the same species of shark that's right I'm the last of my kind so I don't need to feel pity for them I guess that's how this works I am consuming entire humpback whales that's a lot of mass okay I wonder if I can jump up on land I think I saw some buildings yeah there we go and a plane yep that was a fighter jet was a fighter jet oh we're not even halfway through the campaign I'm already to the point where I'm fighting off the military this is definitely gonna get out of hand I don't understand how it's possible to finish off the entire universe but I really hope I can you may not be able to eat you but I just to screw with you these planes are really annoying I don't get it like are they just trying to go they're shooting each other I'm just hanging out here okay I'm gonna let stuff soar into me I guess haha you didn't expect that did you I'm not just a tail I'm a regular sure okay that took way too long don't be so crude yeah I would imagine that means oil right we're gonna take some more revenge on people eating their boats and their oil oh that's weird so we have a bit of an oil leak and I'm just gonna eat that up that doesn't seem very good for me are we sure we want to be doing this I mean don't get me wrong eating a boat in a fighter jet probably not much better but at the same time it can't be that much appetizing to a ball of oil these ships can clearly see it might be stupid head and my fins sticking up out of the water so I was gonna ask at what point then you just leave right when you see a bus with teeth swimming around in the water just leave our next level is called timber and considering I've never seen a shark be a lumberjack before I want to say that we're probably going to attack land this is a very important first step okay we're gonna be taking over the whole universe at one point or another we're gonna have to leave the ocean and eat cabins and trees and trucks just as planned okay it's nothing personal actually no it is kind of personal right this entire time everything is very personal so if I get a little stuck on land okay hold on we'll just keep keep squirt squirming we're squirming everything is fine there's nobody left to see oh it's a dead end of course it is we're gonna squirm I'll be back oh come on gotta be some big strong lumberjack band around here somewhere there we go that's the stuff you imagine being in your cabin having a cup of tea and then all of a sudden a shark the size of a skyscraper eats you considering we've hit the humans where they hurt you know in the water in their boats their fighter jets their logging cabins I think we're just about done now is the time for the big picture so we're just 5 millimeters long back where it all began a couple of small fries and planing over vanish there may be a whole buffet of these guys but sooner rather than later we need little variety we're gonna change things up and go with something a little bit more colorful a little bit more substantial and you guys are definitely colorful and spiky and ugly so you know what we can find a space for you too I never realized I could interrupt the crab parade I'm sorry guys but it's got to happen now to get a little bit of everything in my diet a good balanced diet helps you take down humanity what's with the giant spiky poop and why do we want to eat it oh it's a sea cucumber and now yes thank you I remember that I can jump don't know why the game keeps reminding me about that okay just because I eat doesn't mean I'm an idiot I'm kind of amazed that I haven't hummed the jaws music even wants this episode because I should I've pulled off the jaws move many a time he's incredibly oh hello how are you doing today hey don't mind me just getting the derpy ducks I can't have enough derpy duck so let me just put you over really quick make sure that both sides are nice and moist for when I come for you oh you're gonna drown I don't think you can breathe underwater right you're a mammal you definitely have lungs and not gills you'll be fine right a very least off a carcass how about you there we go that's the one okay I was wondering when we were gonna get to the right size I definitely moving up though so now we have trouble you know what this this time I have my foot in the door okay so I am not gonna put up with you guys for very long trust me I am going to get my revenge you can't stop me you in the derpy duct so you never be able to stop me the aggravating part is the spears make you lose mass but you get smaller and a lot smaller it's significant like half a dozen fish or more so if you get hit by one and then you only eat like free fish you're drinking I gotta get big enough for them to leave me alone oh that's right right now it's time for me to shine you think this you Lou Just Swim into my mouth okay well I guess that's one of life's questions soft don't ask me why okay that boat is gonna murder like an entire family stupid otters aw come on man I'm supposed to be the murder machine around here oh I don't know how I feel about the fact that one point six meters is half that bar no wait it's not linear right then we learned with the B that's that could only be like a tenth of my size even though I'm halfway through the level I really hope we get to the point we get to eat like at least the plan is okay I don't want to go back I don't want to eat the entire planet with a B and then just eat a couple of islands with a shark that'll be so disappointing I'm hearing a lot of fighter jets up there which is strange because I haven't even proven to be a threat yet maybe they're just practicing running drills I don't know yet they are up there there for sure up there I got a run from them for now just for now just got a guzzle down half a dozen whales and then I'll be in fighting form it's like rocky in the raw eggs except way manlier there we go okay two ships have disappeared now might be a good time for you to get eaten that's what I thought I know they're supposed to be the intelligent beings but you really gotta wonder what the hell they're doing don't mind me just filling up it's gonna lay a trap and let them all screw around and then I'll pop out and eat them all saves a whole lot of time hold on to energy even though like I said I shouldn't stop moving because I am a shark I'm a super shark okay I can do whatever I want like a tackle and there we go a whole family of torpedo is what the hell where did that come from Oh we got a bit of a problem we got shark ramming ships I thought they were fishing vessels who what what is a shark ramming ship that's not a real thing is it think so hold on we're just gonna focus on the civilians for now we'll get to the military just a second just hold on guys wait your turn there we go okay Forrest is gone I should be in shipshape for fighting maybe where are you guys beer and here's to all that's the stuff a destroyer can I eat these nope nope okay missiles hurt missiles hurt did you really paint the side of your sub lane with an anti shark logo what is going on why are they so prepared for shark attack it just doesn't make any sense right oh there we go and you're toast that's it as a B we get to eat the moon in the world and as a shark we got to eat a submarine you know what I think that's gonna be it for this episode of tasty planet forever guys and I stand by the fact that that's a bit of a disappointment honestly I don't know why this game is different than the other tasty planets because he used to be that every time you would finish something new it will get further and further out of hand you would see new bigger things and it would just get completely ridiculous you would eat planets and solar systems and galaxies and all of existence but this was pretty much the exact same thing as the octopus which in itself wasn't nearly as much as the bee so it just doesn't really make any sense but well he have three animals left including the gray goo so if you guys want to see more as always be sure to leave a like in this video let me know and I'll return four more soon I think we're touching his video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 3,176,860
Rating: 4.8552651 out of 5
Keywords: tasty planet, tasty planet shark, tasty planet forever, tasty planet forever shark, tasty planet forever shark levels, tasty planet forever shark gameplay, tasty planet forever gameplay, tasty planet forever walkthrough, tasty planet forever playthrough, tasty planet forever let's play, tasty planet forever funny moments, tasy planet forever playlist, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: hJp8_YCo5l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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