BUZZ SHARK vs GIANT SQUID! - Hungry Shark World - Part 8 | Pungence

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oh dear he is colossal squid no no easy hey what's up guys welcome back donkey shark world guys look at this squid okay apparently we can fight this guy oh I guess this is the cool colossal squid I've never fought this guy before it's a boss battle we're gonna get in here we're gonna fight him who we gonna fight him with this oh not this guy this guy dude look at this guy so we've never played with them before I guess names buzz and gotta make sense when you look at my he's name damn dude look at that lower jaw full of teeth it's like a buzz saw so yeah we're gonna be play with this guy today and we're gonna be going up against this boss now here's the thing like I said we've never fought that boss before and I don't think this is just gonna be like a quick in-and-out thing or if it's gonna be really hard so what we're gonna do we're gonna give ourselves some upgrades so we can equip three upgrades I'm thinking okay well let's take a look let's take a look unstoppable what does this do smash through anything no no no no no we don't want that jelly eater we don't want that giant pets maybe we're really low on gems this is a bit of a problem treasure detector we don't need to have yeah flying pads that's not too big of a deal drill seeker give far more points when your health is low seed points isn't a big thing every time you die your shark explodes destroying everything on the screen guys none of these are very good for lack of a better term they're not very good I think the giant pets will help all your pets are super sized and can eat almost anything wait a minute no make them stronger I don't know and we might have some problems here okay let's equip some upgrades forcefield I think we'll be good we'll get a force field on there we'll get the laser on there you don't think it's too crazy we might have to hightail it out of there I really don't know what that what to expect guys I probably should have maybe like watched a video to see you know how to beat this guy what to expect but there's something fun about seeing this stuff for the first time of you guys in a video so I'll kinda do the giant pets well do the giant peds 20 gems this is almost all of our gems okay we have giant pads well let's get some pets in there okay well pets what pet do we want I want chip he's got a plasma beam I want chip Oh max helps our health we might need more health fill I don't know he does Jo reads minds uh what about what about something that's very good how about Iman yeah we'll get Yvonne in there the crocodile looking guy okay so we got our pets they're giant we got all we could upgradable you know brain let's get those feet up there let's get the fight up with the poo stop wait a little more boots maybe a little more bite what war a bite we're gonna they're definitely gonna need some more I'll bite and we have two giant pets I don't know how long that lasts it might just be one Ron also guys I have this skin but this crazy look at neon skin so here's my plan I'm thinking we beat him with the regular skin first and then once we show him a thing or two we get the neon in there oh um foods cooked okay well I'll get back to that later all right guys I think we're good to go I could put on some ooh Shark Week life buoy okay actually we might want to wear one of these things dude look at this chef's apron breeches belt helps 8% health okay was it good - it just felt on there guys let's dress it up whose dress it up we're gonna need this for we're okay less health drain a club a suitcase dude I'd like a sore but we don't really need gold right I don't even know if we get a gold rush in a boss fight hey I think it was in our Hungry Shark evolution video where we went up against that crab boss that guy was crazy dude by the way guys thank you so so much for all your support on that last Hungry Shark evolution video dude with the abyss shark you to be kidding me guys that video got over a million views so all of you who watched and hit the like button I can't thank you enough you're the reason why we're doing more hungry shark videos so yeah some weights that'll help our health too but yeah guys if you can spare one or two seconds please hit that like button it just helps out a ton and it lets me know you guys want to see more okay aviator scarf guys our health is gonna be insane we do look kind of crazy with all these things oh the bone necklace might be better - with all these like ornaments and stuff we look really insane boy hey we need all the help we can get we're going up against a crazy colossal squid oh man look at these tusks 10% less health drain I think that could be good dude we've looked absolutely crazy okay let's just take a look got the belt thought I got the tusks we got lasers we got a jet pack okay this is definitely the most stuff we've ever worn I don't know and maybe we're going overboard but I just want to win this thing okay let's get in there so dude we can just go straight to the boss battle which is so cool like I said I've never done this before I thought with the boss battles you just have to find them in the maps but this guy's just sitting there waiting so I guess there's a contest going on most colossal squids destroyed during the contest hey I'm happy with just one let's get in there let's take this guy down okay those are pets due to the size of me um oh maybe it's just a mellow Darien do you colossal squid boosted the I who's the item okay um I don't know if there's much more strategy to this or through this crazy look at okay moose in the ice and then pushed away we're gonna stick it move do these name an attack me Oh eat the tentacles dummy okay those are very good no no stop beating me do boost in the eye okay they have really heard oh my goodness he just slapped me okay we got to eat get some this other food um okay my jetpack doesn't seem to be working well I guess it only works in our mouth side of the water oh we got a food in that I know he's taking me to just guys crazy okay I boosted the I keep our distance yes who's the I see I don't know what his health is that I don't know how well we're doing no okay eat the tentacles okay we're gonna eat the tentacles but we're just gonna make sure eaten 6 of 24 we got 8th 2014 we just gotta make sure at all don't do that thing no don't grab me we gotta get out of there guys I think we I think we just avoided him grabbing me and eating me okay eat some of this other food our health is good did he forget about me oh no don't eat that tentacled all week a baby we've eaten eight of 24 Oh No just do the buzzsaw boost in the eye okay do i we gotta do our buzzsaw magic who's the Italian dude that I it kind of reminds me of the I from Lord of the Rings does it remind you guys okay he's doing that tentacle thing okay we're eating other stuff this is good okay who's to the eye again now eat those tentacles we've eaten eight of 24 I think it said no this is not good this is really bad I need my pets to be eating food for me hey I don't know the best way to avoid that thing oh no way I think I was dazed starving no no no no no no no no yes just reading tentacles no okay I don't know what just happened but it boosted our life all the way up okay dude just tentacles hey maybe our pets are helping us oh okay poops in the eye guys were were really hurting here we're really hurting he's certain to know his tentacles are almost done for out she just slapped me that's that's rude slapping us moved left Oh so we're leveling up I think that's what's helping us the leveling up is really helping us that's that gets our health back to normal although we're losing it pretty fast Wow okay we're getting jams no dude dude yes yes eaten 16:24 guys were almost there a killer I was there put his hands right there waiting for me we're three minutes in okay boots to the eye okay who's in the eye yes and our party is doing lasers okay all right we're starving we need food I need to level up okay this is definitely harder than I expected we might need though we might need the skin that might be my secret weapon ooh can I eat these relievers yes dude I think this is okay health is critical okay okay dead shark can we revive ourselves we can but we're low on gems guys let's get the let's get the neon skin in here and maybe we can beat him with that oh okay that was tough um hey guys I'm trying my best to avoid his big tentacles but when we could do a little better like it seems like the long tentacles we're like right there hey this is this is gonna be really challenging okay I actually want to save some that food oh wait there he is series in the background lads get this guy boost in the eye boosting the eye take that take that run away yeah I think our neon skin is really gonna help us don't slap me stay away from that big tentacle just boosted the eye he's scared oh no oh dude I didn't even see a common who's that I and it's time to eat tentacle eat no.1 yes he didn't even eat me that time Oh No now he's slapping more he's slapping more than usual I don't like this laughing this laughing hurt okay yes got him in the eyeball okay what's gonna be its eyeballs dude this guy is a crazy-looking boss yes yes I'm eating tentacles like crazy okay that was good honestly I feel like when I'm eating the tentacles I probably shouldn't be boosting ouch wow he is really good accuracy with that I'm gonna try not boasting Wow okay let's see some food that hurt you tried not boosting while eating the tentacles but I will boost while I'm looking for food where's all the food in this food this is really not helping our life we're starving guys we might need to Oh oh boy go for it it's only one jam right the only one Jam oh I'm nervous guys I'm nervous okay oh you're gonna slap me right off the back like that hey you know I'm a noob and I just revived keep the tentacles I'm eating eating tentacle security that would he dare one oh he's mad oh not surprised about this one dude you've got a big old beak I got a big ol feet right there like that okay Busan to the eye boost in the eye oh I can't move oh that slap did so much damage what we're slap like that could really hurt me okay let's see some flute over here I need food see I'm not sure if these jellyfish hurt me or not but it does seem to be helping okay let's get back in there let's get back in there time to hurt a bro okay we leveled off leveling up is very important for us okay okay we got a stick a move hit him and then dodge hit him in dodge okay I hit him in Dodge we're 13 of 24 there were a way to avoid being eaten to death like that or if there's a way to get out of it I would really enjoy that okay get me out of here I tried boon stink dude maybe we gotta get our speed up or something I feel like I'm just really slow just move the eye so I think we get help by eating the tentacles oh no oh this is not good guys okay we still have 17 gems left I think we could do this I think when you do this we are lacking in the speed department well I still think we'd do it don't slap me don't slap me I think he tried I think he tried and failed yes yes eat the tentacles don't mind if I do don't mind if I eat yes I'm trying to post dude I can't get away boosted the eyes guys I think we're gonna do this oh we're starting again this is that this is really bad we do need to eat more tentacles the tentacles help me fool wise man but every time we revive I think every time we revive our health goes down faster we're in bad shape we're a bad shape we're losing gems fast okay it's only three gems it's only three gentlemen still got 15 left and I wake up when he slaps me there's no way to wake someone up okay I got you I got you oh you gotta be kidding me it does he seemed closer than usual okay eat the tentacles I got a ton of gold you got another tentacle yes oh yes dude we got out of that pretty good really technical work and really zoomed in here the data called poses the I his tentacles there's like nothing left ouch we're boots take no always grabbing me - get him - get him dude he's he's like out-of-control colossal squid defeated Oh we beat him okay that was harder than I thought it was gonna be we went through a lot of gems there okay hey I think it helped have the neon skin Wow oh wait no here's the thing guys we probably could've beaten them a little easier with one of these bigger guys especially our new dark magic shark if you didn't see that dark magic shark definitely see that one he's got like laser eyes and also guys those who watch my totally accurate battle simulator videos we just got a brand new April Fool's update they added like a new black hole we got a bunch of fun new tools like being able to blow people away a vacuum turning balloons into like metal balloons just put your crazy crazy stuff so definitely check that video out if you missed it but guys as always thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Pungence
Views: 1,395,175
Rating: 4.872992 out of 5
Keywords: hungry shark world, hungry shark world gameplay, hungry shark world colossal squid, pungence, hungry shark world boss, hungry shark world buzz, squid, colossal squid, buzz shark, hungry shark world new shark, hungry shark world squid, hungry shark world new skins, neon shark, buzz, hungry shark world update 2019, hungry shark world update, shark week 2019, shark week, sharks, shark, giant shark, fish, shark games, shark king, hungry shark, hsw, hungry, world, fgol, Shark world
Id: x5Ompom9a_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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