New Moon in Leo 8th August 2021

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[Music] hi everyone pam gregory astrologer i'm going to be speaking to you today about the the first half of august and the new moon in leo that we have coming up on the 8th but i'm also going to be talking more broadly about um developments in the coming months because i believe that we're entering a stormy few months at the 3d level and august is very obvious with that because it's very dominated by a lot of aquarian and uranium energy uranus is the planet that rules aquarius modern astrology so that their symbolism is is very very similar many of you will know this but this is a kind of discontinuous eruptive surging energy so either aquarius or uranus are linked to earthquakes volcanoes literal or political or financial they're um linked to protests it's a revolutionary urge for change we've seen massive protests all over the world in particular the last weekend but really ongoing through recent months and they will i believe continue so it is this this push back this resistance it's about disclosure truths coming to light awakenings of people and the awakenings often happen as a result of the truths coming to light it's about freedom very strongly about freedom about human rights about the future about galactics about the internet uh about cyber cutouts power power outages as well because of this this interruptive discontinuous energy and it's very clear how that's happening and i'm gonna go on to talk about that in more detail in just a moment but just to stick to this this aquarius energy for a moment this is wonderful for um building communities building collaboration as i say it's very linked to the science as well give me a lot of talk about the science in august this is going to be a speedy month because we have the sun and mercury in leo whenever they're in farsan's fight is quick and we also have mercury moving quickly itself moving through three signs in the month through leo through virgo and into libra by the 30th so there's a feeling of events unfolding very quickly and that's really from the kind of get go because on the 3rd of august we have mercury squaring uranus by the 6th we have the sun squaring uranus as well so they're highlighting this this this uranian principle and so there could be shocks surprises it could be quite unstable august could be really quite an unstable period at the 3d level then we have our new moon we have this on the 8th of august at 6 49 a.m pacific and 2 49 p.m uk time and this is happening at 16 degrees 14 minutes of leo so see where this falls in your chart if you don't know you can download a free birth chart from my website if you go to the description below you'll then find a link that by which you can buy a two-part video series and that will explain from zero but comprehensively how to find the meaning of any update i ever do and that's really the beginning of your astrological journey now leo energy one of the big themes is creativity and so because this is a new moon this is a perfect time in the month to set a new intention for what you want to manifest in your life so where are you planting this new seed of creativity in your life see which house it falls in your child where is this surge of new creativity going to come from and what is really propitious here is the 8th of august is the lions gate portal so we have a new moon of creativity right on the lines gate portal the portal really is opening us up to higher timelines and that's really exciting because that is where we are headed so at this new moon we have um very strong uranus energy because we have jupiter it's now reversed retrograded into aquarius as well as saturn and we have sun moon mercury in leo we also have uranus in taurus in total we have six planets in fixed signs so this will give great tenacity to anything we're doing it can add to this intractability feeling that we are at odds we're completely at odds with other people in society because it's a square between saturn and uranus here which this new moon is highlighting incidentally so but it does give great determination great stick to your plans stick to your vision that's the kind of feeling now this aquarius energy which is going to be as i say very strong throughout the month we've just had a full moon in aquarius on the 23rd 24th of july we're having another full moon quite unusual in aquarius again on the 22nd of august at 29 degrees of aquarius so that's that's why this this aquarius energy is so strong through the month and uranus being highlighted too now as well as the things i've talked about aquarius energy is also linked to higher mind science higher mind and in its shadow state it can be cold detached can be kind of quite detached technology invisible technology let's say and so to optimize the aquarian energy we need heart we actually need its polarity we need leo energy because as well as creativity one of the other big big themes of leo is the heart so leo energy is about love passion joy for life warmth vibrancy this is about finding your passion and shining your light brightly and when that can happen it brings this kind of very human quality this warmth and passion in combination with the aquarian energy then we can optimize that aquarian energy and then the aquarian energy will start to optimize and produce be linked to kundalini energy and the activation of the third eye because the third eye is really our portal to intergalactic communication that's going to be coming online more and more as people activate this third eye however this can really only happen when our energy is very coherent and how do we get into those um feelings of coherence that energy of coherence will we need to feel love joy peace compassion gratitude and appreciation and when we do that wherever we are for free if we just step into those feelings then heart math in america the heart math institute done a huge amount of research on the heart scientifically physiologically spiritually really energetically say that when our energy is coherent it dramatically strengthens our heart field and the heart field can be up to a hundred times stronger than the field of the brain we know that the heart sends more information to the brain than the brain dust of the heart but what that does that coherent energy when we have a strong heart field is not only boost our immune system it boosts the health of every single cell in our body but it also enables us to broadcast those very loving positive emotions to the world and the way we know that is that heart math has sensors they've had for many many years sensors i think it's called the global um coherence initiative all over the world and this is a quote from heart math which i'm going to read you about what they say about this which is so interesting for us collective human consciousness affects the global information field therefore large numbers of people creating heart-centered states of care love and compassion will generate a more coherent field environment that can benefit others and help offset the current planetary discord and incoherence now isn't that interesting so as i say for free wherever we are we can step into those positive feelings not only benefit ourselves but be benefiting the collective in every moment because this heart energy of leo is so powerful it's vibrant it's creative vitality it's exuberance what it also is linked to is courage courage strength power tenacity because it's fixed it's conviction it's standing tall and beaming out love this is hero energy leo is never victim energy it is hero energy and this is what we need right now so this is incredibly positive now at this new moon the sun and moon also together a new moon are at 16 degrees 14 of leo that means that they are highlighting the saturn uranus square because the sun and moon at 16 of leo are opposing saturn at 9 degrees of aquarius and squaring uranus at almost 15 degrees of taurus so if you personally have anything in your birth chart any planets or angles between 9 and 14 degrees of the fixed signs which are taurus leo scorpio and aquarius you're going to be feeling particularly this saturn uranus square at the moment see where aquarius falls in your chart saturn is moving there that might feel quite controlled or constricted but see where taurus falls in your chart where uranus is moving more slowly but that is you know an urge for freedom that is rebellious that's revolutionary energy that wants to shake things up this whole process that may feel chaotic and destabilized is about breaking down to break through i've talked about the demolition site for well over a year now that we have to break down the old systems because that's what is meant to be happening astrologically and beyond that in other ways i'll come on to talk about in a moment but we have to break down the old to make room to fully birth the new and this will happen to many systems i i personally believe it will happen if we look at the systems that have been there all through our lives permanent apparently and and foundational the education system the financial system the medical system the legal system the political system and more probably but they are all up for a shakeup in in big big big ways and that is going to continue through the months and years and i believe it should be complete really by about 2024 when pluto fully leaves capricorn because capricorn is is those old um established structures as well so this is very interesting but it so it isn't chaos without purpose it is chaos with great purpose and i'm going to come back to that in a moment there's so much to say in this video so the sun and moon are opposing saturn and squaring uranus but they are in much tighter aspect to uranus because it's only kind of virtually one degree apart just over one degree apart from that exact square whereas they're a few degrees off from that opposition to saturn so again this highlights uranus and all that that brings so we could see around the time of this new moon in leo something shocking surprising sudden chaotic um any of the things i was talking about at the beginning could be any of those because uranus is always the planet of surprises so you can never quite predict what the event will be in uranus it's always a bit of a rug pull it will always surprise you so again uranus is highlighted uranus is the planet of the future the planet of the galactic and in this square between saturn and uranus i've mentioned before that ultimately uranus will always win because it's the further out planet saturn really rules the limits of our 3d tangible existence because we can see it with the naked eye so that's one of the reasons saturn rules limits and borders and boundaries and that kind of thing but beyond that which we can't see with the naked eye is uranus it's going beyond linear time and space beyond the 3d and that is where we are headed with all of this aquarium and uranium energy now something else i'd like to talk about here because several people have written and asked me about it and i've mentioned these things before but for clarity i'm going to repeat them because they they feed into all of the themes we're talking about here we know that our solar system is moving through a different area of space and what that means is over our entire lifetime we have had in space this area called the magnetic cloud or the magnetic shield and imagine it like a cotton wool buffer if you like because we are moving into a different area of space that magnetic shield has dropped significantly and what that means is we have much more cosmic and galactic energy coming onto the earth than we've ever had well actually for thousands of years but certainly in our lifetime we are having these surges of photonic energy from our sun pouring onto our earth in big waves big surges we're all probably aware that we have had much more many more solar storms many more coronal mass ejections and these are really the build up of magnetic energy that then boom erupt and if the sun is earth facing at that time it can hurl a coronal mass ejection at earth and that can disrupt um satellite systems power grid systems that kind of thing so and that's very uranium very unexpected uh because we it's very hard to judge when they are coming and uranus is also the planet linked to magnetics so what these surges of photonic energy are doing this is very high frequency crystalline light i mean i can actually see this very white light and many of you many of you can which is so different from the kind of softer golden light we've had in the past now that is upgrading every cell in our body it's bringing our dna back online and the question then comes how much light how much light can we retain can we hold in our body because it's coming in for us how much can we keep and the the amount we can keep depends on your frequency we're always back to frequency so this is why it's so exciting for us but it's a very rapid upgrade it's a very fast-moving ascension and i've mentioned before i'm kind of dowsing and measuring this it's just extraordinary again is it going in discontinuous jumps but the photonic energy doesn't just affect us it is also clearly affecting the earth because of this these changes in in weather patterns in extreme earth events in solar storms and coronal mass ejections but we can see it clearly in the increased strength and amplitude in the human resonance which is the heartbeat of the earth we're getting these surges in strength and amplitude and because we as humanity or sandwich between these surges of photonic energy coming in and the earth itself upgrading we have to upgrade with it you know we have no choice and then the question individually as i say is how much light can you hold in your body but this is why things can become quite chaotic and uranus itself is not only linked to magnetics but linked to link to chaos as well because it's this function of breaking down to break through and i talked about eris a lot in the past two videos so you can go back and check out what i said about her symbolism by the way people often get confused when i say eris e-r-i-s which is a dwarf planet way out in space they think i'm saying ares which is e a-r-i-e-s which is a fire sign a zodiac sign as opposed to a dwarf planet so they sound similar when this when i say them they do have symbolic archetypal similarities but we're talking about different things here so and by the way everybody born now living now has eric in aries because it's so slow-moving 560-year orbit so eris is the goddess of chaos again chaos and discord and yes she's the street fighter yes she kicks off but it is not without purpose because she's the female goddess of awakening she wants every voice to be heard people who are marginalized on the periphery of society she wants them to be heard and she wants justice she wants to bring justice for whatever inequality has taken place that's very interesting but what i didn't know about eris which i discovered just the other day is that she was the patron saint of chaotic creation now isn't that interesting because if we look at chaos theory in physics this is when you see phase transitions changes of state and eris of course is linked to shifts of the ages and paradigm shifts particularly when she's in hard aspect to outer planets like pluto so she is helping us in a very lively way a very chaotic way to shift also to this evolutionary shift eris is part of that too and and so when matter disintegrates or changes state there's a kind of freeing up of the energy before it forms another state if you think almost how water boils and you know there's a there's a freeing up of the energy at that point before it changes state into intersteen and this is what's happening so the energy is being freed up because as i've said many times our future is not set we are creating it in every moment so i love i love this idea of chaotic creation because this is really where we're at of systems breaking down that we've known for a lifetime energy being freed up and then us using that energy that that plasma if you like that pre-mata blueprint to create a much more beautiful future by holding coherence in our energy system through love joy peace compassion gratitude appreciation hug a child hug a dog hug a tree simple stuff nothing complicated so this to me is very exciting now we can't go back we know that that's all and whenever you feel fear and i know there are a million reasons to feel fear right now believe me we are all living in 3d but you know all of us are living in the world and this is a very difficult time at 3d to different degrees depending on where you are in the world in society but the more you can get into this feeling of coherence it acts almost like bubble wrap to some extent it acts to a large extent as a buffer for what's going on out there i mean as i've said many times i haven't listened to mainstream news now for about 18 months i just feel more distant really from mainstream society and i think what's important here is to find an anchor with all of the kind of crazies that are going on find an anchor where you feel absolutely centered is that meditation is it breath work is it for me it's bare feet on the grass or sitting on the earth you know warmth just decompressing my energy and getting out of the head and into the body just loving the earth loving the earth for all she gives us because she's evolving too she's in a state of flux and so every you know the earth what is amazing and i wrote quite a lot about this in my first book is from the far galaxy to every cell in our body we are connected everything and everyone is connected so i know we're going through a time of huge polarity but ultimately this is going to take us to unity consciousness because everyone and everything is connected and you can't you can't get away from that but this is a very exciting new moon as i said it's creative it's about heart energy and the more we can get that coherent the better we'll feel and the people around us will feel it's about courage power strength conviction standing tall and beaming out love it's about light it's about shining your light brightly that's exactly what we need to do right now not only retain all this crystalline energy and light that's coming in but to retain it so we can beam it back out to the world as well but we've already integrated it i hope i'm making sense i'm covering a lot of ground in a short time okay so coming back to this new moon specifically as i said the new moon is highlighting the saturn uranus square we also have a beautiful aspect of mercury 23 of leo opposing uranus at 28 of aquarius this is big thinking blue sky thinking big future horizons it will really help us to think up amazing future possibilities for ourselves and for humanity because we're thinking much more of humanity as a as a collective group now not in any homogeneous way very much that we are a unique spark with something absolutely unique to offer to the collective that kind of way another beautiful aspect here at the new moon is we have venus at 20th virgo opposing neptune at 22 of pisces this is about beauty and aesthetics but very detailed beauty something practical and tangible and detailed like you know embroidery or weaving or that's incredibly little and incredibly beautiful mars is also in virgo that's about getting the practical details right and as we move into the 10th of august we have mars in square t-square to the nodal axis seven of virgo north node seven of gemini this can be that mars assertion will come on to the public stage the collective in a bigger way that day by the 14th mars is in hard aspect to pluto and that same day the moon is highlighting the saturn uranus square yet again so the mars pluto aspect is again about individual assertion individual demand for rights again hitting up against pluto and capricorn top-down rules and regulations and authority so we have an immense amount going on but as i say in the square between saturn uranus although it's messy and chaotic uranus ultimately wins because the the drive of uranus to the future is absolutely irresistible and unstoppable and what i just find exciting and i know it's going to be very very difficult at the 3d level to different degrees depending on who we are and where and how we live and um but to me it's exciting i i got very excited discovering that eris is the goddess of of chaotic creation because it is this surge where feeling of human evolution this massive wave of human evolution which isn't just astrological isn't just supported by the planets that i'm sharing with you every time it's supported by the cosmology and the physics that's what's amazing about this so really do keep your vision step into that leo energy of creativity love passion for life shining heart coherence of your heart field and we will move through this more quickly than you anticipate so i hope that's helped you if you want more information about my books or my videos um teaching videos please just go to my website pam i'm actually changing the way i do the newsletter very very soon i'll be writing to my subscribers about that but there's a lot there on that website pam so i hope all this has been helpful um it is very exciting that the the universe is helping us in this evolutionary leap which is so meant to be at this time and that's why we're all here so god bless have a wonderful creative new moon in leo and keep shining your light bye for now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Pam Gregory
Views: 117,597
Rating: 4.9576011 out of 5
Keywords: #astrology, #newmooninleo, #august2021astrology
Id: VwCGQhdABnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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