Astrology for the Soul July 28, 2021

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[Music] yes aloha everybody it's kaipacho with the weekly paleo report for july 28th wednesday of the year 2021 [Music] and i like to be out in nature but i am out in nature i'm in outer space and outer space is also nature we just want to expand our concept and understanding of nature and see that our little earth our little natural earth is right out there and boom right coming into this alignment that you can see here of the sun conjunct mercury in the sign of leo opposite saturn over there in the sign of aquarius and here if you if you shoot out from the earth which is the charts are all geocentric so they they put the earth in the center okay and you would shoot out over here and you would have the sign of pisces and you would shoot out over here towards pluto and behind that you would have the sign of capricorn so we've got pluto in capricorn saturn in aquarius jupiter in pisces but what since the earth is coming around this way we're passing up jupiter so if you draw a line from earth to jupiter earth to jupiter earth to jupiter right you draw a line here well you draw it tomorrow and you draw it the next day and the earth is going to move along here so it's going to look backdrop of stars as if jupiter is going backwards that is the phenomenon it's only an optical illusion of the retrograde motion what you can also see here which is like super super cool is not only are we stuck between right it's like sun on sun mercury on one side saturn on the other side ooh ah we're caught in the middle stuck in the middle with you we are also stuck in the middle between what jupiter and mars we have a mars jupiter opposition that is also going on now that is exact on what yeah i mean it's really it's happening all week okay so you know it's exact tomorrow thursday whereas the sun mercury conjunction exactly opposite saturn is happening on sunday and then we can see also what this is the the moon square the sun we have to go backwards a little bit because she's already passed but when the moon is back over here 90 degrees to the sun see that's where you get the sun square the moon and then when the moon comes around here of course that's what that's a new moon and that will be happening in another week or so okay now the other thing that i wanted to show before we go on is what's going on all year we have to zoom out a little bit to pick up uranus you see uranus 90 degrees boom up to saturn this is the saturn uranus square that is going on yeah i mean it was exact in february february 18th and then the earth came around and and saturn looked as if it was going backwards even though it wasn't because they never do and june 15th it was exactly 90 degrees again and now when the earth comes around all the way around here to in december it's going to be another exact christmas eve we're going to have the third and final exact saturn uranus square this is the backdrop of all of the tension and the pressure that is going on for all of us right now so let me look at the screen talk to you about these oppositions oppositions oppositions you may be feeling a little opposition in your life so let's talk about what that's all about baby all right everybody what a wild and crazy day the sun conjunct mercury it's like my my mind mercury left brain is you know it they call it combust like when your thinking is just like get all blown up and i've got oh i want to say this i want to say that i want to say this i want to say that i don't want to forget this i don't want to forget that i just got to hit the button and start and just do it this is this is just so amazing you know how the astrology mirrors uh and reflects the the inner reality and the reality of society and planet earth and i you gotta love astrology oh my god so well there's so many things i want to say and talk about that um number one what i just showed you right that you know the astroscope program that it has relative sizes and accurate sizes and and if we did the accurate sizes it wouldn't even fit on the screen just let's understand that the sun you can fit 109 planet earth's across the face of the sun okay that is how big the sun is there's no comparison it's a hundred and nine times what you know than the freaking earth it holds the entire solar system in place with its gravitational pull okay so the sun is the solar source the solar power and you know in your astrological birth chart you know they all look the same size you got this tiny little sun over here and then you've got you know opposite saturn over here and you know uh square uranus over here and then they all look the same size but let's really meditate on and and really you know understand that the sun is in another category completely than the planets and it symbolizes our solar purpose our spiritual centered it's our core our center core that's why sunshine astrology is so popular right because the sun is so powerful and of course sunshine astrology does not do justice to the art science of the stars but there is definitely a truth a strength the sun is the source of life nothing is going to live the plants the animals or us on this planet without the rays the light the heat the warmth of the sun and that sun goes through you know it it there is i don't i don't want to jump into that right yet but you know this whole sense of benevolence the sun gives benevolently endlessly infinitely day after day night after night even when we don't see it it's giving of its rays and its light and its warmth to the other side of the planet right so it has to do with generosity so our you know our our birthing our the life force within us is generous and it is benevolent and it shines its light down on everyone with no discrimination yeah idiots wonderful people nice people bad people wrong people you know dark people light people whatever the sun does not hold judgment the sun just rays its light down on all of creation ah i mean that is just so beautiful babe oh man and so you know at the beginning of the the recording here i'm going to have a sunrise because i was down at the very tip of india a few years ago where you could actually see the sun rise and the sun set over the ocean from this very tip of india and and i sat with at the sunrise there were hundreds of people out there to watch the sunrise you know every m i mean it was it was spectacular and i videoed the whole sunrise it's kind of too long to put the whole thing at the beginning but today's song is heart of the sunrise by yes dream on love comes to you and then after dream on on to the heart of the sunrise the dream happens in the night time in the dark and it reminds me of apophis yes the serpent the egyptian in egyptian mythology ra the sun god would go around each day and every night do battle with apophis the serpent dragon that sought to devour and kill ra the sun so there was this battle going on every night we all battle our shadows and we have to overcome those personal shadows every day every night like every moment in order to rise again and give of ourselves and give of our life energy and create a new day so the rays of the light and dawn at sunrise shine and the darkness dissipates and it's so powerfully cool that this sun mercury conjunction happens right at the 10th degree of leo and of course i gotta go for it right it's the sabian symbol for the tenth degree of leo yeah baby check it out early morning dew sparkles as sunlight floods the field the keynote is the exalted feeling that rises within the soul of the individual who has successfully passed through the long night which has tested his or her strength and faith the cold air of night having precipitated upon the field of our consciousness the moisture of our deepest feelings this widely spread do is blessed with the light of significance by the rising sun of the new day even tears can be transformed into jewels in the light of victory over night and sorrow at this stage of the present sequence we see the potential culmination of the process which began on a note of social and cultural crisis the would-be reformer has to meet many emotional problems as he or she begins their work of creation creation means transformation the reformer is actually a transformer if they are truly a creative and inspired individual open to the spirit that in quotes makes everything new the building of a new society and of one's renewed personality as well is just as much a process of artistic creation as the making of a delicate glass vase or a symphony the key word is transfiguration now we come into so here is the sun here is our vitality and we are each agents of light we are each the sun sign is our core it is our center it is our creative capacity our creative ability our contribution to the world our family our friends others the world at large we are a gift what we and and what we give is our gift what we create is our unique expression in the notes i'm going to put a link down to a fantastic it's it has to do with we have to return yeah to where we were by uh by jesus it's a beautiful dance that these folks do on the beach and it it has to do with like yeah well check it out it's a creative expression that has a meaning and every every creative expression that we have that we do as individuals is helps bring about transformation right that's what the sabian symbol is about but now we have to bring in what it's opposite saturn in aquarius and mars at the very end of leo the critical degree 29 degrees i've got to be leo before i go into virgo right opposite jupiter up there in aquarius jupiter went into pisces for 10 weeks and it's almost like it reached into pisces to spirit to the infinite potential to the dream the heart of the sunrise and now it went retrograde back into aquarius okay and it's it's and it's gonna stay you know right back there in aquarius now for three more months it's going all the way back to uh what 22 degrees 19 minutes of aquarius so jupiter is retrograde and it's like okay i had to i had to grab you know some spiritual inspiration from pisces to bring it back to aquarius the collective consciousness you know ruled by co-ruled by saturn saturn in aquarius this is an oppressive government these are oppressive institutions you know and this even brings us back to the mars jupiter conjunction the mars jupiter conjunction was in march 20th of 2020 right at the beginning of the pandemic we had a mars jupiter saturn pluto conjunction boom and now mars has come around to the opposition with that jupiter and that opposition is like that full moon so this is really a time to take okay you know that powerful energy and give birth mars plus jupiter in cosmobiology equals birth the act of giving birth so mars is this active and jupiter is expansion it's time for each of us to expand out and give of ourselves and give our creations to make a difference within the greater collective society this is the polarity between leo the individual and aquarius society and the sun is in the center right you know the sun is we are you know it's like you know we are always we need to be sovereign and true to ourselves and saturn in aquarius represents that we have a duty and a responsibility to affect transformation and improve and give our light to the collective so this is the pressure and we may all be feeling this pressure and it may feel oppressive like there's too many laws and rules and restrictions and it's you know holding me down and holding me back and blocking me and this is almost the test this is almost the initiation this is the growth right now is for us to deal with limitations boundaries external authorities and still overcome give birth and shine our light out into the world in any which way in the tiniest little in the you know in just saying something nice to the checkout lady at the counter or whatever you know in in creating a little dance actually this sunday i am announcing to the new paradigm uh you know community of uh you know of people that i am giving birth to the new paradigm school of astrology i am going to teach astrology so if you want to get more out of the pele report if you want to get more out of your birth chart if you want to get if you want to understand your unconscious soul evolution even in in even greater way i'm gonna i'm setting it up and i'm putting it out there you can check out my website but not until next week it's it's a it's a big undertaking man i've been working on this forever god it's like you have an idea you know and you think it's gonna oh yeah this is what a great idea and then it's like and this is just saturn you know it's like okay great you had an idea big deal taking that idea and manifesting it into a freaking school or a dance or a family or a child or a reality or you know a business i mean yeah sure we all have ideas that's the sun mercury you can't help it [Laughter] but the mars jupiter says i gotta freaking do this baby i gotta make it happen and especially in virgo venus is in virgo now right and and she's actually in conjunct uh saturn and uh in conjunct chiron i'm not going to go into that it's actually a yad happening but mars is now moving also into virgo and that is roll up your sleeves and work it takes effort to manifest these creative impulses and ideas and dreams into reality and now we are really being tested with so much you know lockdown and rules and regulations and you got to be this and you got to do this and you can't do that and you can't go there yeah i mean it's just like so you know we're really i want to just like you know encourage you to continue to create continue to create and i just think you know i was you know i was right there you know with the with the birth of my three daughters and i i actually caught my first one and and um she was so slippery i dropped her you know and the midwife is like oh yeah i was better with the second and the third no dropping but still you know if you've ever been present at a birth it's such a sacred powerful moment and this is what leo in the fifth house of children and the and the son giving birth and mars this is it's a big birth time and that is what i'm saying you know around our mantra today is is around giving birth and of course the midwife goes okay now just pretend i'm holding a candle way out here and you're blowing that candle out you've got to breathe breathe and then you've got to push you got to push and of course i added on we have to believe we have to believe in ourselves we have to believe in life we have to believe in the future we have to believe that what we are doing is going to you know bring light or have an effect or improve the world ah the pressure so anyway you know the mantra for today is i really need to breathe and push and believe as it's now time to give birth it's up to me not he or she to bring my light to earth we can't wait for permission we can't wait for the red carpet and the trumpets to blow oh they are here with their gift you know everybody listen and pay attention no no no no man if you if if you want to hang out and wait you know till you know people beg you for you know your uh gift or your wisdom or your smile or whatever you know it's like uh you may be waiting a real long time in fact you may never get it you may die not having given your gift oh my god right so it's not up to he or she i even put in we at one point you know it's not it's up to me not we she or he it's like leo is the individual right and the sun is my solar will to express and be an agent of life not hang out not be waiting around gotta freaking do it baby that's the other song for today before i quit you know i gotta bring in you know here comes the sun by the beatles little darling it's been a long cold lonely winter and if we think about the winter and we think about the shadow and we think about night time and we think about our emotional problems and our past and all of our issues and yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know since the jupiter mars conjunction in march of 2020 we've all been dealing with our shadow and the collective shadow but it's time to rise in spite of in order to improve lift and lighten up this freaking planet yeah so one more time i really need to breathe push and believe as it's now time to give birth it's up to me not he or she to bring my light to earth may you bring your light to earth and shine on you crazy diamond it's another song pink floyd i love that one namaste aloha so much love and light [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] you
Channel: New Paradigm Astrology
Views: 30,979
Rating: 4.9429226 out of 5
Keywords: astrology, zodiac, spiritual, medium, forecast, kaypacha, lescher, signs, horoscope, love, psychology, spirituality, yoga, kundalini, joy, life, understanding, tom
Id: hoRJgO-ZK2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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