The New Moon of August 8, 2021 by ABLAS astrology

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[Music] [Music] hello today i'd like to talk to you about the new moon the one that is going to occur on the 8th of august 2021 here is the chart you see all the lines inside indicate that the period is going to be quite rich really intense the intensity is mainly represented by the red lines the blue lines will uh have a positive effect to sort of diminish the intensity of the red ones the red lines are known as discordant configurations i will try to analyze most of them but not as such i will begin with all the aspects that converge on that new moon situation here which is naturally a conjunction between the sun and the moon and then i will progress around the chart i will show you how it's done in a minute before that i would like to present you lucas some of you know him already because you for example have um ordered a reading from lucas lucas is like my son really and the relationship that we have is from master to student but i think that the student that he is has more or less come to level the potential of his master so he now wants to share his knowledge his experience with everyone therefore he wants to teach astrology and he is proposing to conduct a seminar on the 14th and 15th of august from 14 30 which is 2 30 in the afternoon gmt for one and a half hour until 4 p.m gmt time once again which is the universal time so according to your location you need to you know add or deduct some hours in order to meet with that greenwich mean time naturally the seminar is free to everyone who buys this book from today until year 12 of august and to benefit from the free seminar you will only need to email me the proof of purchase which you will receive from amazon so if you're interested in astrology if you want to learn if you're a beginner or if you have you know some knowledge of astrology but want to improve that knowledge to in turn use that knowledge to improve your own readings or to improve your own approach of astrology itself so if you are interested don't hesitate if you don't want to buy this book or if you already have bought this book then you will need to pay 20 euros only in order to be a participant in this seminar so thank you very much in advance and we look forward to to see you then on the 14th and 15th of august so now i'm going to talk about the new moon so once again this is the chart right and as you can see there are numerous aspects that link together uh various elements and planets around it it's quite intense so it is probably quite difficult to read and if i start to read it and you know analyze all the aspects separately and and together you may feel that it is quite difficult to understand and to follow my explanations so i have decided to analyze this chart differently let's see how what i've chosen to do is to converge all the aspects to the new moon because that's that is the main event right and that is the event that we want to analyze now first of all the new moon occurs in leo leo is the sun's sign meaning that leo is represented by the sun in astrology therefore the sun is very strong in this sign therefore it means that it is going to be an important period as far as the energy of the sun is concerned which is normal mainly in the northern hemisphere of the earth because it is summertime naturally and that period from the 23rd of july approximately in the 23rd of august is the hottest in the year so the fact that the moon is also in leo is putting some kind of pressure on the sun and making it perhaps more intense even now the sun represents our ego whereas the moon represents our emotions so naturally we may be more emotional during this period and that's perhaps what we will need to sort of watch out for in order not to make any mistakes on the basis of the fact that we may be too emotional for our own good and for the good of our relationship with other people and for the good of other people at large now let's have a look at the configurations the ones that are drawn like this dotted lines represent aspects that are not extremely strong for various reasons i'm not going to go into too deeply into the reasons why they're not very strong but this one for example is called a trine but it's quite narrow for a try i have drawn it because i think that it's quite an important aspect the reason is that the south lunar node represents that that we should try to more or less abandon let go you know in order to go toward the north lunar node because the north lunar node represents that which we should be tending to go and to reach as well so the south lunar node in accordance with the sun and the moon indicate that perhaps we will have a better picture of what needs to be abandoned what needs to perhaps what we need to detach ourselves from it may be a bit difficult for some of us and more easy for others it all depends on your situation naturally and on your chart as well because that this configuration will of course have an influence in and within your birth chart making the influence more personal than a general but globally it means that some light will be shared on what we need to detach ourselves from that is important now there is here an incungent which is also a dotted line aspect because it is once again a bit wide foreign conjunct but if it does have an influence it reflects more or less the influence of the south lunar node meaning that pluto represents that that we should destroy it represents regeneration transformation profound transformation so we know most of us we know what we need to sort of abandon let go but we don't do it we postpone you know we say or perhaps tomorrow i'll try and have a look at it in a week's time or so on but naturally if we don't do what needs to be done immediately we run the risk of getting the situation worse and if the situation gets worse then it's going to be much more difficult to deal with it when we realize that the situation has really gotten worse we'll talk about that later on and there is an opposition with saturn that you can see here that red line now saturn represents the brakes i've already mentioned that in other videos the brake is put on strong on the energy of the sun and the moon combined together now the new moon represents a moment in time when a new cycle begins it is a lunar cycle it is going to last for 29 and a half days but during that period it is wise to get involved in something new or to get prepared for something that we want to realize concretely during that period now the sun represents our vital energy it represents our ego represents our potential to put ourselves you know under the spotlight and uh naturally it represents our physical self as well and the moon represents our emotions and it represents everything that has to do with family it represents a mother as well whereas the sun represents the father in astrology so there is two rulers here really the rulers of the family that are represented by the sun and the moon and they are together and that means that what we feel inside as our path our masculine part our masculine side and the feminine side are brought together in order to make something out of it but saturn is blocking that it is putting pressure it's like the lid that you put on a on a saucepan for example and on a pressure cooker and if that pressure cooker is put on the fire and the water boils inside if the pressure cooker is locked at one stage it risks to explode and the explosion will be of course because the lid was locked on that pressure cooker without any possibility for the energy inside to get out otherwise you know without having to blow the thing up completely so that energy here represented by the opposition is of course representing what we cannot do what is imposed on us what we have to listen to and what we have to really respect this other thing in order to keep safe and in order to keep or to still be a good student more or less and to be considered as a good student or perhaps a good citizen or perhaps a good worker whatever it is saturn represents a kind of authority that is putting pressure now that authority can be just a situation a situation in which you are involved or maybe it also represents something that's going to happen weather-wise you know and in other sense i mean this configuration is what we call a difficult aspect because saturn represents what we need to do what we have to do what is compulsory to do but the sun and the moon together in leo represent our need for freedom and freedom is represented by aquarius the sign where saturn is meaning that this freedom is under question and under pressure as well but there is another opposition here with jupiter so this is once again a dotted line it is a wide opposition but the sun and the moon the moon especially is going to travel very quickly out of leo it is here at 16 degrees it leaves about 14 degrees to leave the sign and 14 degrees for the moon compares to about 28 hours meaning that 28 hours after the new moon the moon is going to transit through a virgo and then through libra and so on and we'll talk about later on so that means that the sun which is slower naturally the sun moves by about one degree every day so it is here at 16 degrees and jupiter is at 28 degrees but you see jupiter is retrograde and saturn is retrograde as well pluto is retrograde and neptune is retrograde so four planets are rich red it means that they influence is more difficult to understand to control even and we may feel for example if we go back to the energy of saturn that the authority represented by saturn is not really watching us as strongly as intensely that if saturn was in direct motion so that can be a source of errors we think that but it is not the case we need to be more careful and more objective and realistic about what is going on in order to avoid mistakes because when jupiter is in opposition with the sun and the moon you see that mercury is not very far from the sun and the moon and of course that creates an opposition with jupiter as well so jupiter represents a a kind of exaltation a tendency to exaggerate a tendency to either be too optimistic or the contrary so we need also to attend to that tendency that we may have you see jupiter represents what's good in life and the better side of life the better things in life and saturn represents what is gray you know what is not as enjoyable so we want to enjoy ourselves because it is the holidays for example or if for any other reason we want to enjoy ourselves we want to enjoy our life but saturn is there to remind us that it's not so easy do we have to accept the rule that saturn is imposing on us or do we have to rely on the energy of jupiter to enjoy some good times perhaps we need to combine both after that comes this planet neptune which is creating an incumbent here with that conjunction sun moon now the incungent represents a tendency that we all have more or less at times to postpone you know to say we'll we'll do it tomorrow we'll see next week and so that is the same as what i've explained earlier about the in conjunct with pluto so that means that if we rely on what we believe because that is what neptune represents we are bound to make mistake because that is going to influence us to perhaps postpone and say well i feel i believe that it's not so important and that we can have a look at that later on and perhaps we'll you know try to solve the problem if there is a problem but i don't feel that really there will be a problem perhaps everything is going to be under control and come back to normal by itself but it really does and we'll see later on what can happen if we don't do what needs to be done if we don't react as it it is needed on that particular moment when the encounter is going to operate which is on the 8th of uh august but naturally the sun is going to remain in august until the 20 approximately until the 23rd of august so until the 23rd of august the sun and neptune will form that incungent so the energy is going to you know keep on moving forward and and progressing and if we don't attend to what needs to be attended to then we could make a mistake and we could naturally um well realize that we have made a mistake later on in time now there is a trine here that blue line this is a 120 degree angle that separates two elements around the child this is karen and the moon and the sun are here at 16 degrees and current is at 13 degrees current is retrograde as well well current represents health anything to do with health is represented by karen so it is an important element in the chart naturally it also represents the doctor in ourselves so we are all able more or less to cure ourselves for whatever ailments we may have to endure and unless it is very very grave and then we need to go to a hospital to get a doctor's advice but otherwise our body cures itself from many ailments so karen is an important element it is retrograde so it's not as energetic as it would be if it was not with regret if it was in direct motion as we say which is going to occur later on in the year so what is happening here is positive naturally health-wise health is also linked to the sun and the moon because they represent our vital energy so the fact that the sun and the moon are in accordance with karen is indicating that we could benefit from a better state of health and that means that we can then enjoy our life better naturally if you're in good health everything is fine and you can deal with many issues when you are in good health much easier than when you are not that's just logical but karen is retrograde so it means that it may be hiding something it's not as positive as it appears to be meaning that we may still need to be careful to watch out for you know what could become a source of problems eventually so let's take this into consideration and perhaps be more careful during this period until the next new moon uranus is here you see it is forming a square this is a 90 degree angle and it's almost a 90 degree angle because as you can see uranus is at almost 15 degrees here in taurus and the conjunction here is at 16 degrees so it makes a a square aspect that is 91 almost 92 under 92 degrees which is very strong because the the strongest aspect is 90 degrees so uranus represents change but in that situation here it represents unexpected changes one or more but an important change can trigger other changes naturally so what it means is that perhaps around the 8th of august and later on during the time the moon is going to circle around the zodiac and until it forms another conjunction with the sun in 29 and a half days after this new moon some events i would say most probably meteorological events so perhaps it means that the weather is going to be unsettled it is going to be surprising it is going to be electrical storms thunder and so on the electrical side of the weather is represented by uranus and the sun and the moon indicate naturally that because the period is quite hot it means that there will be logically a buildup of electrical energy that may trigger some very strong storms around the planets in places maybe represented by either leo where the sun and the moon are or taurus where the planet uranus is at the moment but uranus represents what is going to perhaps change very unexpectedly in our lives and that will probably take effect on the 8th of august or around the 8th of august because the moon is going to enter in leo about about 32 hours before the time of the new moon here which is 1 50 pm gmt on the 8th of august so that means that this day is going to be very important that is representing the changes that we may fear what can you know happen that is going to force us to change our habits which is not something that we really like you know so we'll have to prepare for that now you see i've got here i've written some dates what are those dates there are relating to the transits of the moon the moon is going to reach the position of mercury on the 9th of august the following day because it's not very far naturally and mercury is in opposition with jupiter so what i've said about this opposition with jupiter and even the one with saturn will probably become quite overwhelming on the 9th of august for many of us because mercury represents our brains you know and what we try to understand what we want to understand what we need to understand and what we share what we you know compare with and so on what we analyze it represents our rational mind and it represents movement as well so we are our need to connect with other people i need to travel i need to meet people i need to share ideas and thoughts and everything with other people and naturally because it is the holiday season in the northern hemisphere a lot of people are going to travel around and they will be most probably very motivated for that but somehow it means also that moving around and going from one point to another maybe going into places driving or walking into some places may become quite difficult because of saturn which is blocking so it's no entry it's no you can go there why because this or that you know the reasons i don't know but you will find out eventually and that means also that there is a kind of frustration that can build up and that frustration may become a source of mistakes as well because what we are going to say what we are going to share with other people maybe a mistake to share not perhaps what we think what we know but the way we share the way we express ourselves may become a source of problems when whoa it's quite simple when saturn and jupiter are met by the transits of the moon around the zodiac and that will be on the 24th of august for saturn and on the 22nd for jupiter so there will be a link between the new moon and the moment when mercury is met by the transit of the moon on the 9th so the 8th and the 9th of august will be connected with those two here meaning that if we are not careful enough we will find out on the 21st or the 22nd of august that we should have been careful but it may be too late naturally so try to remember that and you know be careful on the 9th of august and everything should be fine then on the 10th the moon is going to reach the position of mars and mars is here uh you know the beginning of in in in virgo mars is going to transit six weeks in virgo so for six weeks going to be in quite good relationship with pluto in good relationship with uranus as well so that means that we may be able to act according to what we want to change what we want to transform what we want to regenerate and both planets uranus and pluto are going to help us do that give us the motivation give us also the the the good ideals you know and the inspiration to do what needs to be done in order to change for the better what needs to be changed in our lives and if we do so we will find out when pluto is made by the transit of the moon on the 20th of august and of course when uranus is met by the transit of the moon uh on the 29th of august you see everything is connected so when the energy begins somewhere the links with that energy will probably have repercussions when the other element or planet is met by the transit of the moon or the transit of that same planet mars then mass represents our ability to act and react it is next to venus not far from venus venus is going to be met by the transit of the moon on the 11th of august both mars and venus are in virgo so the both in accordance with uranus here in taurus and with pluto in in capricorn and that means that there will be most probably for a lot of us the potential to really get something extraordinary from life on perhaps because of love love is represented by venus venus represents the good things of life and mass represents actions reactions and so on and if we act on the basis of love you know if we are motivated by love then what we are going to achieve will probably be a source of satisfaction satisfactions that we will consider or that we will realize concretely when of course the moon reaches the position of pluto as i said earlier on the 20th of august and the 29th of august for for uranus but there is an opposition with neptune and neptune represents what we tend to believe which is wrong so it doesn't mean that we are wrong to believe but it means that what we may be tending to believe uh it could be wrong and if we are motivated by love love is blind as you know and the conjunction between venus and mars represents a tendency to love us at first sight for example so if you fall in love very suddenly during the holidays perhaps when the moon reaches the position of neptune which is going to be on the 23rd of august you will understand or you will realize that you've made a mistake and it could be a source of disappointment then vesta is going to be reached on the 12th of august vesta represents harmony and what we need about harmony now vesta is in opposition with current what is destabilizing is the situation health-wise worldwide it makes us worry and it makes us lose our balance at times we don't know what to think we don't know what to say and we are unsure of everything that are said to us so it means that we are searching for our balance then of course the moon is going to reach the position of the south lunar node and what i've told you about that aspect here may become much more relevant to you on the 16th of august the same applies to pluto when pluto is met by the transit of the moon on the 20th of august the incungent is going to reinforce itself and maybe it will come true and if you've waited too long maybe when you when the moon reaches the position of pluto on the 20th of august you will realize that it is too late and that you should have acted before same for saturn you see saturn is in opposition with the new moon but it's also creating what we call a square aspect with uranus this is the old this is the new this is the old this is the young this is the traditional and this is what we want to change so reforms transformation changes the future is represented by uranus is it is not in very good relationship with the past represented by saturn so there is a category of people who are really under the influence of saturn and another that is under the influence of uranus and they're not very friendly with one another and that is creating tension and so if of course the pressure represented by saturn is not considered as such when the new monarchers and that opposition is really strong then we will realize perhaps how strong the pressure is when the moon reaches the position of saturn on the 21st of august and on the 22nd of august as well when the moon reaches the position of jupiter we will realize perhaps that we should have made more effort to blend the optimistic perception of our life with the more pessimistic one and because jupiter and saturn are retrograde once again it means that they don't seem as strong as they really are they are giant planets you know their energy is extremely strong so one represents the lead on the pressure cooker and the other one may represent the pressure in the cooker that is building up so at one stage you know if nothing is down to sort of balance out and make sure that the lid is not too tightly on the pressure cooker the cooker will explode and that may become a worse a worse problem than the problem that we thought it was to begin with so we need to really be careful about that and then the moon is going to reach the position of neptune and that is what i've said about earlier on about disappointment realizing that what we believed and what we were perhaps told what we were led to believe as well was wrong perhaps not under percent but enough to disappoint us now it all depends on how we deal with what we believe and then the moon is going to reach karen on the 25th of august now what we've done then on the 8th of august about you know looking after our health and perhaps doing what needs to be done in order to preserve to restore our health will pay off and we will be satisfied with ourselves and of course if you need an answer to a particular question don't hesitate to visit our website and you will find the information to order such service it's not very expensive and it can really help you get the best out of the influences of the transits around your chart because right now i'm only talking about the transits around the chart itself but not around yours after that the moon is going to reach the position of uranus on the 29th of august you see there is a square here and the square has begun on the 8th of august it represents a change that needs to be attended to it is forced on us by the circumstances force on you in some area of your life forced on me in some other area of your of my life according to my own birth chart and my own situation but there is something that is going to perhaps explode it could be a storm on the 8th of august it could be something that could explode but that does not yet it's on the verge of exploding but it's not yet exploding why because saturn is putting pressure you see it is blocking the energy but after a while it builds up and when the moon reaches the position of uranus then it could explode so the 29th of august is also perhaps a day that we will remember because of what will happen weather-wise or otherwise and then on the 30th and the 31st the moon is going to reach lilith the black moon and the north lunar node the black moon represents what is hidden it is the unknown it is what we don't want to know that what we don't want to see what we hide from other people hiding maybe it is because we don't understand it is perhaps because we are scared or it's simply because we don't know we can't know everything can we and the north linear node represents that to what which we should be tending so the fact that the lily the black moon is nearing the position of the transit of the north lunar node indicates that we should be tending to ward the unknown so trying to shed some light on what is hidden more or less so you're looking for something that you've lost a while ago you don't know what you've done with it you should concentrate on finding that thing that you've lost it could be a thing it could be something else and it could be something that's hidden from you because perhaps around you people are not acting as they really are they may be hiding something from you as well so that means that the energy of lilith and the north lunar note together could help you understand you see these two elements are in gemini which is an air sign and it is mercury's side and mercury is in leo and which is a sign that is in harmony with gemini because it is a fire sign fire and air they cohabit together quite quite well actually they need one another so mercury represents our ability to understand so what you can see perhaps what you can feel what you can understand around the 8th or the 9th of august if you dig into it if you are determined to understand then it will slowly progress toward a result toward the answer that you will receive after you ask the question or perhaps it is something that you're going to do that something that you're going to learn something that you're going to investigate and the investigation is going to give a good result on the 30th or 31st of august and then you should be happy with yourself because both elements here are also in harmony with what's in aquarius because aquarius is an air sign and they're also in harmony with vesta which is in libra another air sign so if all that is taken into consideration probably what you get from this new moon period until well i've done the reading until the 31st of august but of course the new moon the next new moon is going to occur later than that but anyway it's enough a thing for you to prepare yourself and to avoid perhaps some you know mistakes that you could make and that i could make as well so i will be also watching out for any mistakes that i could make and that could become a source of disappointment or worry or anger later on in time thank you very much for your attention and your interest in my work and i repeat if you are interested in a seminar by lucas just buy this book and it is a color version of course that you need to buy not the black and white version to benefit from the free access to the seminar otherwise it is only 20 euros for three hours of astrology with lucas and i'm i can assure you that you will not regret it you will thoroughly enjoy this moment in astrology with lucas thank you very much bye for now take care and have a wonderful new moon you
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Id: fOEjkbTp-Uo
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Length: 45min 21sec (2721 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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