August 2021 Energy Update

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hello i'm lee and this is the august energy update every month i take the pulse on some of the energetic themes that we might be experiencing right now or that are due to show up in the month and months to come a few of the headlines for this month are we are becoming new at an all new speed and we will go through some of what that shows up as planetary sustainability coming into sharper focus now and in the months to come and surprises creation and instant transformations will be the bright spots energetically in the month of august and beyond stay tuned for the full update [Music] hi welcome to the full update for august 2021 and if you are a regular over here on my channel or if you want to know whenever we get more content released we usually release three videos a week you can subscribe on youtube and also i wanted to share with you thank you for all of your beautiful feedback about the transmissions album that we released last month you can now stream it download it get a cd over at so check that out if you haven't had chance and thank you to all of you for sharing your enjoyment of it okay the themes for august so it's interesting or one thing that came to me very strongly when i started work on the themes yesterday is that this is very much a year of two halves and june began the new energy for 2021 and so we're still in it and we're entering into it in a deeper way in august one of the most important things to remember as you go through all of the wobbles and the intensity and perhaps the new birth that you're in and that we're in as a planet right now is to remember that we are becoming new at an all new level of speed so the disorientation the emotional reactivity that can come seemingly from nowhere and the spin that you might feel on certain days as a sensitive person as an intuitive person as a person who is conscious it's part of the tapestry that we're in so provided you're tending to your own ways that you reset yourself whether that's meditation or physical practice or the way you're looking after and nurturing yourself so long as you're tending to that you should be able to hold your core as we go through this time in this phase but that doesn't mean there won't be the wobbly days and that that's just something that we're all experiencing and going through because right now as a human collective it's a little bit like we get shook and then we get put back down and then we get shook and then we get put back down but when you get put back down it's it's not actually just a relief from the shaking times that you will be experiencing it's actually a reset and a beginning of a new you just as we're at the beginning phases of a lot of change on the planet that we're in right now so one of the themes that's going to start to rise more over summer and certainly this month and beyond is planetary sustainability now this has been talked about for many many years but there's going to start to be a rising awareness and focus on this so planetary sustainability in all ways is going to come into sharp focus and just as we have seen in the recent years this sharp focus looks many different ways depending on who you are and depending on what's going on so planetary sustainability as a theme will bring with it a certain level of fight about that a certain level of denial about that and a certain level of breakthrough around that so that's par for the course at the moment a lot of the division energies that are at work and in play on planet earth are very nicely causing a certain level of chaos and if you aren't aware of what's going on and why you're having an emotional reaction you're going to stay in that chaos which to some degree will serve certain agendas and for those of you that are wanting to remain clearer of that and freer of that this is a really good time to pay close attention to the intensity waves that we're going through sure but understanding the ancestral healing that is taking place emotionally people's emotional reactions are not just about what they're seeing in front of their face our emotional reactions usually have history in them so it's not to say that our reaction is incorrect or that we shouldn't do something about the thing we're reacting at but what you're actually seeing right now is a lot of people not listening to each other because they are trapped in their own emotional dissonance our emotional dissonance is what is going to render us less useful less available less present and one of the themes for this month is to remember that fear turns off our ability to use our senses so fear turns off our ability to truly use our senses now something you're sensing may put you into fear but once you're in fear and once you're in that place your ability to use your outer senses starts to diminish and we're seeing a lot of this emotional reactivity is very contagious right now so don't be too surprised if you come away from a conversation with someone or something you see online and you have been infected with that emotional reactivity because we all we're all handing energy and emotions to each other all the time so i'm hearing from a lot of people that you're triggered or you're shocked or you're thrown by some of what's going on out there and i think it's the time for us to no longer be thrown to no longer be shocked to go oh yeah okay this is going on their emotional reaction was contagious for me is there anything i need to learn in this am i letting go of some ancestral history some wounding from a prior relationship or a prior moment in my life can i clear it and move on and perhaps proceed differently with that person that group that topic because it's really important we don't lose our core we can all have moments where we're healing where we're struggling where we're some of you might say in lower vibrations and that's that's part of the human healing journey but if we completely lose our core we become senseless we no longer are feeling and sensing what's actually going on we're trapped in our own emotional reaction and our own story of what's going on so that is definitely playing out more than we've ever seen it before and the message i keep getting from these guys is that's not going to go away that's going to be here for the next two or three years so it doesn't mean there won't be breakthroughs and change through that journey but if you're someone who's getting caught in the emotional reactivity of others this is a really good moment and time to notice that step back and any time we're in a big emotional reaction our bodies kind of making our mind not make quite as much sense or our mind is determined or our mind is black or white or we can feel our heart has shut down they're like oh i'm not very heart open right now because i'm in defense or i'm in upset or i'm just horrified or i'm on the floor it is a contagious energy and that doesn't mean that we don't need to look at our side of the street when we also react but a lot of people are senselessly reacting right now so just know that's the climate look at the part of you that is healing from that and learning through that and then move on because it's going to be around the ancestral healing piece is really important so ancestral healing relates to not only our own genetic line but more importantly in this case collective human history so a lot of the things that we're seeing right now echo things from human history and that can be a great warning as to okay we need to pay attention to this because we don't want to recreate that but it's also a cleansing and a healing which is why it's hard to have much clarity at this time as to where we're going and which way we're going which i think is something that will be top of mind for many of you but this is going to be a slow process of transformation because there's a lot of fight and wrestling that needs to happen for things to unpick detach and there will be spikes there will be revolutionary moments as we go through the next few years so the reason i'm bringing all of this up is because there's a sense i got when i was tuning in this morning that some of you might be a bit lost in it all right now and that's normal it's understandable but as much as you can try and hook out of the outer world triggers if all they're doing is triggering you come back to your core and remember that we're all creating the future every day and if we've lost belief in that possibility then we're too heavily focused on an area a belief or a thought that only wants to tell you that we're doomed and that's as dangerous as us being doomed because if you start focusing your energy there that's all you're going to see and you're going to help create it so if you want a different future think about how you could create that in your personal life for yourself for those around you if that's all you can cope with and then for others among you how are you going to help create that for and in the world and this leads me to an interesting energy strand that's moving through right now it's a good question to ask yourself are your past emotions creating your future or are you because there are a couple of things that happen when we're locked into the ancestral healing side of the outside world we are ricocheting into our inside world sure and having our own reaction to everything that's going on outside us but where does that leave us and are our old emotions coming up and what are we then doing with them because this is a really deep healing time so if you aren't experiencing active healing in your life right now you might be in a situation where there isn't really time for that or you're in an emergency or a shock wave and so the healing can come later or if you haven't got any of those catalystic events going on in your life right now but you just feel stuck or resistant it's going to be really important for you to look at what can i release what can i let go what do i need to release to move into my next future my next phase so if that resonates with you you could use an affirmation along the lines of i allow myself to release all that no longer serves me i allow myself to release all that no longer serves me and you may choose to write down some things that you want to release that you're ready to let go of and sometimes we can get paralyzed by what's going on in the outside world and forget that we're also part of the outside world that's what i mean by the ricochet effect the collective healing that we're in that we might be observing reacting to feeling it leads us back to in here and so we also have to clear so august is going to be a great month for letting go releasing clearing out that which you don't want but do it consciously you know if we don't do that consciously with some level of regularity a purge or a cleanse it will find us and often when we get backed up with situations relationships uh things that we've agreed to that are jarring for us we can have quite a wallop that comes along to wake us up that some of the things in our life we need to let go of its time so august can actually be a really supportive month for conscious release so if this resonates with you i would sit down and write a list of what would i like to let go of in my life and you know don't only focus on things or people there's always an underlying energy in any thing or person that you're wanting to let go of or not be as close to anymore so look underneath what is it about that relationship or that commitment that you have that you're ready to let go of what is the underlying energy and emotion that's holding holding you there because even though things will carry on in the outer world this month as they always do this is actually going to be a very good internal and healing time which is interesting to me because i know many people are getting a bit more active in august than they perhaps have so far but this is going to be a a very good time to be internal and flush and clear and release which is different to the internal that many of us experienced in 2020 so this is a great time to let it go because uh after the healing moments allow the magic to find you and be you is one of the two remaining themes for this month and the kind of gift or the higher notes in the energy so allowing the magic to find you and be you and that relates directly to surprises creation and instant transformations will be the energy bright streaks this month some of you will already in the last few months have had some surprises some creative booms and some instant transformations perhaps things that you thought were going to be much more difficult to change suddenly you realize oh that kind of changed for me or i managed to navigate that better than i've ever navigated before so be mindful of that magical energy of transformation and creation and surprise surprise gifts surprise moments surprise relationships that wants to come in once we've healed and released enough of our emotional energy so it's going to be an interesting remaining five months of the year but i guess the one message that i am learning growing through becoming and called to be a messenger of is we have this incredible power inside us and it's not because we are solely special or unique we are but we're connected to not only everyone and everything here on this planet but we're also being fed right now with a lot of high consciousness energy and sure high consciousness energy will make us take a look at the lower stuff it will make us release but that's why i say don't see healing as something to do on a sunday afternoon right now you know if you if you're even still watching this video at this point that means you're resonant with some of not just the language but the experience i'm bringing in this video so healing now is an underscore of your life but unlike perhaps five ten years ago uh healing doesn't have to be as heavy as intense or as slow it can be very fast very bright it can have a lightness and a brightness to it and what it's doing is it's bringing us to a new place in ourselves so that we can be here to be part of the birthing of a new energy on the planet and a new consciousness and the problem with getting overly distracted or only consumed by what you're seeing outside you that's negative or that's bad is that you're forgetting the power of spirit on this planet and how it is a lot bigger than any control agendas or anything else that might be flying around at this time which i think we're all seeing more clearly and vividly than ever before but a little like a little like a a very narcissistic personality type who wants everyone's attention in the room you don't want to waste your life force giving it all your attention because then you are just playing into the drama and the low energy that that that soul is is is trying to live in and use you to fuel so try and see the shadow and the dark side of the world in that way so that it can be in a rightful perspective for you in your life some of you will be head-on with it and that will be exactly where you need to be and what you need to do but there will be others among you who will maybe keep your eye on it interact with it but come back to what you're creating and who you are here to be right now okay so thank you for tuning in this month we have just released two brand new energy alchemy meditations i'm always guided with my monthly mp3s as to what's the right what's right for right now and this month they're two short meditations around 15 20 minutes each one is called embrace your body one is called embrace your beauty and they're an mp3 set if you are in my monthly members community the portal as ever you get the mp3s as a part of one of the support tools that you get every month from me and members of my team so if you haven't yet tried out the portal we'd love for you to try it out for a month and see if it's for you we offer many different tools and supports in there and i do a deep dive for 90 minutes just focused on my portal community so unlike a video like this which is reaching hundreds of thousands i get to zero in on the thousands the the the small number of thousands that we have inside the portal so if you want to try it we'd love to welcome you and there are many bonus videos and workshops in there as soon as you join that's found at the or if you just like to try the mp3s they're at my website lee we always put links underneath um and lastly we just completed transmissions 2021 which was an incredible experience it is now available as a fully virtual online retreat we went through five different areas magic healing expression freedom and joy and took a good look at those energies how they're available on the planet right now but also how you can access and deepen your relationship to those so some of it's grounded teaching from me there's a lot of channeling in each of the broadcasts and there are loads of support tools audios videos all around it so check out if you wanted to experience that because you can access all the replays transcripts everything right now and you'll have lifetime access to it so thank you for tuning in everyone we will play you out with a short excerpt from the new mp3s embrace your body and embrace your beauty until next month i hope you have a beautiful august you did not come to this planet to assess your own levels of beauty and you certainly did not come to this planet to obsess about your own levels of beauty you will never know how someone else sees you just as many of us humans will be quick to dismiss the compliments we receive from others that is how sure we are that they are wrong we deny their words their compliments we push back on them we deny their celebration and enjoyment of our beauty because we are refusing to allow it in so we refuse ourselves and we refuse them [Laughter] imagine if you let go of refusing the celebration of your beauty [Music] imagine if you understood that your beauty is just one aspect of who you are [Music] but that healing it can be very important to the totality of who you are if you are still struggling with understanding that too many people on this planet you are beautiful in ways you will never understand yes even those of you who have a healthy self-esteem around your own beauty [Music] who perhaps see yourself as physically beautiful or attractive you are still not seeing what others see in you you
Channel: LeeHarrisEnergy
Views: 113,410
Rating: 4.9645791 out of 5
Keywords: energy update, energy forecast, lee harris, august 2021 energy update
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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