New Lightroom Masking Update - New Lightroom Masking Tools - Lightroom Masking Guide

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all right hey everybody welcome to my channel this is your first time joining my name is shane this is my landscape photography channel i've got some fun stuff for you today in today's video we're going to cover the new lightroom masking features let me tell you these are awesome it's almost like they put photoshop inside of lightroom not quite but pretty darn close if you haven't seen these new features man you're going to love them we're going to jump right in [Music] hey all right before we get started i just want to mention we're going to cover multiple subjects about this new masking tool you should see little paragraphs or little sections down at the bottom of the video so if there's one subject you're not interested in and we start talking about that you can just jump from paragraph to paragraph from different pieces of the video to different pieces in a video so it will have different chapters not paragraphs there'll be different different i'm writing a book here there'll be different chapters of the video you can click on each one to jump around so so in lightroom just came out the latest update if you haven't heard about it it changed up the masking system a great deal so we're going to cover those features in this video we're going to cover the artificial intelligence selection of your subject we're going to cover the artificial intelligence selection of the sky we're going to cover the subject of inverting your selections we're going to cover the subject of intersecting your selections and we're going to talk about the new changes to luminance and to color mask so if you haven't heard about any of those we're going to get started go over each one of those we're going to have a chapter for each one of them i also should mention that the way you mask things the way you look at a mask uh overlay inside the masking tool it's changed a little bit too pretty neat so we're gonna show you that also let's go ahead and get started so on my desktop i've got a picture of my daughter here so this is a picture we took in new mexico not too long ago trying to get the fall colors but here's a picture of my daughter first thing i want to show you is i want to show you the artificial selection of a subject and then i want to show you once it selects it how can you change the overlay colors and how the overlay looks how do you know what you've got selected is correct if you look at the right side of lightroom here you'll see there's new icons here at the top it looks a little bit different so we've got the cropping icon we've got the clone our healing icon we've got your red eye correction icon and we have this little circle this is your new mapping tool so i'm going to click on that mapping tool and the art i already had it clicked so now that's clicked you can actually see add new mask now here's your new masking system so you've got select subject select sky you've got your brush your linear gradient your radial gradient and this is new color range and luminance have been moved up to this level we'll talk about that in a few minutes let's go ahead and select the subject see how well that does so i'm going to click on add there's add new mask i'm going to click on select subject when we do this it's going to be thinking it's going to be trying to detect that subject see how well it does and boom i found my daughter did a very good job finding my daughter that that is awesome i really like that so you'll see here on this panel popped up so we have a create new mask panel it shows the mask that it just created right this is the subject selection that artificially the artificial intelligence just made so this is the actual mask now if you look real close you can see i can actually show the overlay or hide the overlay and if i don't like the way this overlay looks if it's hard for me to see i can actually go and change the color of it so you can choose different colors you can actually choose the opacity of the overlay you can change how that looks right i like to have mine kind of way up so i can see it really well and i actually like that color so i'm going to leave it there now there's new pieces here i don't believe were before if i click on these dots right here you'll see that i have color overlay on black and white so basically my item that's selected is got the color and as everything else is in black and white you'll see that there is a image on black and white so now everything that's selected is in the colored part and the image and everything else is black and white there's no color overlay then i have image on black so now everything that's selected is i can see and everything else is just black and next if you go there's an image on white so same thing everything is selected is visible and everything else is white and the next one is white on black now this one is very much very much like the masking system in photoshop so everything that's white is selected everything behind it is is black so pretty pretty neat now this is really cool if you want to like zoom in and see the edges and see what else you got sometimes you can find stuff that you didn't mean to select by looking real closely and all that good stuff right so like this is her hair that's okay right but you can see how well it found her here looks like it did a really good job so a little bit of stuff is selected here that's between our pants legs right so that's not quite that's that kind of messed up a little bit there but we could we can fix that easily by doing subtraction all right let's zoom it back out and i want to change it to back to the color overlay all right so you now have all these different ways of looking at what you've selected pretty neat stuff so again this was the artificial intelligence selection of my subject did a really good job finding it if i had to do that in photoshop man that probably would have taken me forever so very quick very neat let's see so i've got the overlay on right here i can turn it off by clicking on this check box i don't have to do that you can if you want to all you have to do is just start making changes so i'm going to go over and up the shadows so notice my overlay went away a little bit i'm going to up to whites i'm going to go ahead and up the polarity a little bit and let's let's add a little exposure to it there we go right there okay so there we go so you'll notice that if i go over to the mask here you're going to see a little eye icon next to the mask and that's your on off for that given mask i'm going to turn it off so there it is off there it is on off on you'll notice the background is not changing pretty neat now that's pretty awesome so that is pretty cool again just selecting artificially my subject i have a different mask to play with to see what i've selected really neat that in itself is a great improvement let's look at another one i'm going to go back and well since i've already got this open i can just go up to the plus i'm going to click on the plus and i want to i'm going to choose the subject again all right so looking for the subject come on find it again there we go so it found my subject again well why would i want to do that why would i want to find my subject i already had a mask that already had my subject selected why would i want to do that again well let's look at this little feature so i'm going to go down here's my mask tube here's my subject right i'm going to go to this dotted line here and i'm going to choose invert boom now i've selected my background so that's how you use invert so anytime you select something whether it's through auto selection ai with doing your subject or sky if you do invert boom it'll get everything else outside of what you selected so that's pretty neat so now i have a selection of my background i can go over here and start changing it up i'm going to up the shadows a little bit maybe up its exposure a little bit up its clarity a little bit maybe up the whites a little bit contrast a little bit there we go so here's my background off on off on here's my subject off on off on and now here's the finished product so pretty good not bad now you'll notice that i go back [Music] i can turn each one of these on or off right to see the different masks i could also go over here and turn all of them on and off check it out before after before after pretty neat all right so that's how you could change the different mask overlays that's how you can do inverting a particular mask and that's how you can actually select with the artificial intelligence just select your subject let's move on to the next photo now here is a photo i took in white rock new mexico this white rock uh canyon and this i believe is the rio grande river so let's go ahead and try a new artificial select artificial intelligence selection of my sky so again we've got the um go over to get the you know masking icon checked we can go down to select sky there we go it's looking it's thinking and how well does it do boom okay found my sky that looks pretty darn close all right let's start adjusting i'm gonna up the whites i'm gonna down exposure i'm gonna make the clarity way high make it pop a little bit i may downgrade that exposure some more maybe get rid of some of the highlights and not too much i think that's good i may add a little bit change the temperature just add a little bit of color in the whites a little bit of color and the thing is blown out so let's see before after before after so selected my sky really cool that's very cool again that's something that would've taken me a long time to do in photoshop at least at least for me and we did it like three seconds very cool all right let's look at another one so i'm going to go back and choose my i'm going to do plus and i'm going to choose this guy again so again why would i do that i already selected this guy well i get to do invert again so i'm going to choose to invert and now i've got the landscape so that's pretty cool so i selected the sky changed it now i can check the landscape and change it i'm going to up the exposure some not too much getting close to the sky i'm gonna add contrast up the shadow some [Music] put the whites a little bit i don't wanna get this too bright too much brighter than my sky there we go so i've made some changes to that layer if i click the on off off on off on pretty neat so i was able to select the sky i was able to select the sky again and invert it to select everything else pretty cool now i'm going to go to a radio gradient so i'm going to go over here and choose to add another one radial gradient i'm going to put the radial gradient right here [Music] and let's move it around some now the radial gradient you can make it larger like before you can actually control the feathering by using this inner circle so it's feathering more feathering less pretty neat okay put that about right there okay i'm going to um i'm going to make this a little bit dark a little bit darker i want to make this this part of the picture look a little bit darker than back here a little contrast to it i think i'm going to expand this to be a little longer here so a little bit darker than everything else i may up to white some okay now the changes i made here what if i wanted to make them over here exact same changes well we now have this add button so i'm going to go add and we're going to choose how i want to add it i can do it with a brush i can do it with a radial gradient i'm going to do the radial grade so now i can add a new radial gradient and it's going to basically create a new radio right there that radio is going to take on the same properties that i put on the other radio so i have a radio here if i go here there's that radio if i go here here's the other radio you can move between the two right now both these radials are going to take on the same settings so if you change one it's going to change the other like if i piece the whites it's changing both so that's how you add so you can basically start out with a mask and then you can add more into that mask why would you want to do that well you'd want to do that if you want if you have multiple masks you want to have the same settings right you want to use multiple ways of selecting different pieces of your photo and using the same settings that's why you would use add when would you use subtract well in this case i selected the river right i probably could have selected this these sections differently than a radio than a radio but i did use a radio and i'm realizing i don't want the river to be part of that so i can use subtract so i'm going to go here so i'm using this mask the same mask i'm going to choose to subtract and i'm going to use a brush to subtract so i'm going to take this brush and if you look over here we have different sizes we have your feather we have your flow density that's good enough setting i'm going to take it and i'm going to run it through here make it a little bigger and i can remove from that mask right so i've created a mask i added more to that mask and i can even subtract from that mask pretty cool pretty neat all right so let's look at it with the overlay off so here's before after for after small changes so we've learned how to create a radio graded mask we learned how to add multiple masks into the same section and we've learned how to subtract so pretty pretty easy stuff pretty simple stuff next i want to add another radial gradient i want to show you how to do intersect this is pretty cool so i'm going to click on so i'm going to click on create new mask and choose radio grading again and i'm going to select the same section [Music] now i've selected this bottom part here this area right in here and what i want to do is is i want to change some of the whites in this area now if i change it this way it's going to change all the whites i don't really want to change all the whites but i do want to change some of the whites in this radiograde so how would i do that well that's where your intersect comes in so now i can go up to this mask and i can choose to go down here and choose intersect mask with and i can choose how to intersect with different and i can intersect using the different options again i can use brush linear gradient radio gradient i'm going to choose luminance range all right so i chose the luminance range now you'll notice now there is this section over here that shows luminance range i can choose what luminance i want to intersect so i'm going to turn back on the overlay and i'm going to start changing so what it's doing is it's choosing a luminance value only within that radial gradient so basically if you're adding two maps to the same section where those just kind of add upon each other they don't take away from each other with intersect you're basically saying okay here's my first mask i want to cover this area and then intersect i want to cover that area but only certain pieces in that area using this other mask so you're kind of combining the two masks to limit it down to something else instead of adding more and more and more hopefully that makes sense i've got a radial gradient you can see it that entire area and now i'm doing intersect on luminance and i'm trying to narrow it down to certain luminance now you'll notice i can actually move this more and more to the left and right to choose a different luminance and there's also this arrow right here this is kind of like your feathering so you can kind of feather it off make it spread out right it's kind of like feathering so i'm going to put it about right there okay so i've chosen my little area here it's a luminance mask intersecting a gradient radial gradient mask i'm gonna start upping the whites and i want to up the clarity a little bit too all right so let's see how it looks i've got let's turn this mask off all right so i've got before after before and after pretty neat stuff pretty neat very cool stuff now you'll notice i've got these masks one two three four what if i want to come back later and change something right after a while it kind of gets hard to remember what you did where what i should have been doing is using the naming feature so let's go ahead and look at that so my first mask here what was it it was the sky so let's name it i go here choose free name and let's put in sky all right next one was what it was the land right i inverted the sky and we basically got the land so i'm going to call that into land right as you go through here you can name each one of these to something that makes more sense to you right so it'll be easier to find later so you can choose to rename them now if you look at your options here you have rename and we talked about the intersect you can actually duplicate a mask you can hide a mask which i believe is the same as turning it on or off let's see yeah it's basically just turning it off and we turn it back on so we have rename intersect we have duplicate we have invert we have all those options now let's go i can look again and see you know what changed what pretty neat choosing that one off on off you can do that land right do the sky off and then we have the whole thing up here off on off on pretty neat so in this picture we talked about you know having a mask and adding more mass to it we talked about auto selecting your sky and even inverting that to select your land pretty neat stuff we've talked about how you can invert or intersect we talked about how you can intersect two mass together to kind of narrow it down to exactly what you want in a given area the intersect is pretty neat we've talked about how you can subtract like we did with this river like subtract a mask very neat let's move on to my next picture so i'm going to move over to these aspen type trees in new mexico so i wanted to cover real quickly luminance and color so we've gone over pretty much everything else here this luminance and color range now you limit some color probably isn't new to you you've probably heard of that before you probably used it before the difference is now it's a first class citizen so before you had to use a brush or linear or radio gradient and then once you've chosen with something with one of those you kind of have to intersect it you kind of have to use color or luminance in conjunction with that well now you don't have to now you can choose luminance as a full first class feature right i can now choose something based upon luminance right so i'm actually choosing all the highlights in my picture there so i can have a mass that's only about luminance very very cool now you've seen how luminance works i'm going to clear that out so i've added a mask and one thing i haven't showed you is well what if i don't want that masking more there's actually a delete option so i can delete now you've seen the luminance before just want to make sure you understood it's actually a first class citizen now let's look at the color again didn't used to be a first class citizen used to have to use it with conjunction with something else now you can use it by itself so i'm going to go here i've clicked on color mask it's added it up there and now i'm going to choose color in my picture i can do that by using like something like this right or i can just click just click somewhere in the section if i don't think it covered all of my color that i wanted it to i can press shift and click in multiple places combine different colors i can even go back here and choose the background [Music] so i've chosen this color right here now it's kind of hard for me to see exactly what i've selected in this particular picture but just because the way the background looks so i'm going to change it up a little bit i'm going to go over here i just wanted the trees did i just get the trees or not yeah i did just got mainly the trees and the limbs so pretty cool now watch this so we have this color range over here and this is this is showing the color you chose you can invert it and just like we used invert before you can choose everything opposite of what you selected right that's pretty neat that's your invert here also we can also do refine so i can take this down and refine it just to a certain color that's color type instead of being so spread out to that range of that particular type of shade of color i can kind of refine it down right so that's one way to just make it more precise i'm going to leave it about right there i'm going to switch it over to color overlay again and i'm going to start changing it so i kind of want to brighten these trees up so i'm going to brighten them up i'm going to add a bunch of whites in there a lot of shadows in there i may even up the exposure a little bit there we go and let's add i'm gonna add a little bit of blacks in there there we go so let's look at it so i did all that just by color selection color mask so let's do let's do off and on off and on i'm gonna add more contrast there we go off so you notice that the tree limbs are darker here now they're just a little bit brighter let's see how that looks full screen not bad not too bad brightens it up a little bit of course that's that's a personal chip personal taste some people might like them darker but i kind of like it being a little bit brighter off on i'm gonna change the mask a little bit more maybe i'll add some shadows back off on there we go so i was able to change the color of all of these trees and only these trees just by using color masking color masking again what did it change let's see it just changed the items in white very cool let me go ahead and rename this to trees very cool all right so hey you know that's it that's that's the new masking system in lightroom showed you how you can auto select your subject how you can see how you can use artificial intelligence to auto select your subject how you can invert it to select everything but your subject we've showed you how to auto select using artificial intelligence i'll select the sky and we've showed you how to invert it to select everything but the sky sky to select the land those two features in itself is in my mind just awesome really love that we've shown how you can create a mask and then you can add more to the mask using different selections either radial gradient linear gradient any of those selections you can for creating masks you can use we showed you how to subtract from your mask we've showed you how to intersect your mask so you can use a mask to capture part of the screen and then you can use another mask to intersect it and narrow it down to exactly what you need in that part of the screen intersecting and inverting we've showed you how to add mass delete mask we showed you how to rename the mask and we also showed you the new masking overlay system which is pretty neat in itself so these are all the new features of the lightroom masking system tell me what you think what do you think i i love it if you haven't played with it yet hey get off this video and go play with it you will like it i guarantee you if you have any questions that i haven't answered so far in this video hey leave me a message below i will get back to you i'll get back to you as soon as i can i'd love to hear from you i hope this video was helpful to you if it was do me a favor and click that like button and if you have anybody else that might enjoy this video send a link to them so they can watch the video also i really appreciate that if you would like to see more content like this or you'd like to check out our other videos where we do landscape photography click that subscribe button that really helps us get the channel promoted gets the channel out there and i just re i really appreciate that it really does really does help us get the word out and we want to do our best to help others learn as we learn so i really again can't tell you how many times i appreciate that probably about six times now but i do i really appreciate it thank you so much for subscribing for liking if you enjoyed the video i hope to see you again in our new videos we're gonna have a lot more upcoming hope to see you then hope you have a great week bye [Music] you
Channel: The Photo Zoo - A. S. Crouch Photography
Views: 939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lightroom update, adobe lightroom, lightroom masking, lightroom masking guide, lightroom masking tool, lightroom masking tools, lightroom masking update, lightroom masking upgrade, lightroom masks, lightroom range mask tutorial, lightroom update 2021, lightroom update masking, lightroom update masking tool, lightroom upgrade, new lightroom editing, new lightroom masking tools, new lightroom update, new lightroom update 2021, new lightroom update masking
Id: CAXkq-7a4UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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