Lightroom Classic v11 - The New Masking Tools

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hi i'm julianne cost in the next few minutes we're going to get familiar with lightroom classic's new masking features select the masking icon or tap m to access all of the different masking tools there are two new tools select subject and select sky both of which make selections using artificial intelligence and machine learning next we have the local adjustment tools the brush linear gradient and radial gradient and the color luminance and depth range mask controls have been elevated to their own tools to the right of each tool is the keyboard shortcut for selecting that tool in this image i'll start by making some simple adjustments i'll select the brush and we can see the new masks panel we can reposition this anywhere in the preview area and even dock it to the panel track we can use the brush settings to change the size the feather or the hardness of the brush and the flow which controls the rate of application of the adjustment starting at the top of the window divider i'll hold the shift key and paint to constrain the brush to a vertical line by default lightroom displays a red overlay in the image to show the areas that are going to be affected by the adjustment i'll use the right bracket key in order to increase the brush size and then paint over the second divider if you ever need to change the color of the overlay you can click on the red swatch as soon as i make an adjustment lightroom classic automatically hides the red mask overlay to show the mask overlay again we can check show overlay or tap the o key to toggle the overlay off and on we can also position the cursor over the mask thumbnail in the masks panel or hover over the pin in the image area if i've painted in an area where i don't want to see the adjustment i can switch to the eraser tool and then paint in order to remove the mask there are several different overlay options that we can choose from from the masks panel to view the mask similar to a layer mask in photoshop we can choose white on black where the mask is white the adjustment will be fully visible and as the mask transitions from white to black the adjustment becomes less and less visible where the mask is black the adjustment will be completely hidden i'll go ahead and increase the brush size and then paint again to make sure that i've removed the adjustment from this area then let's switch that back to color overlay and i'll tap the o key to hide it we can double click on the name of the mask in order to rename it making it much easier to find if we want to re-edit it later to toggle the visibility of the adjustment i can click on the eye icon to toggle it off click again to toggle it on or click and hold to temporarily disable it release the cursor to enable it to add another mask i'll click the plus icon and then choose linear gradient and drag into the image from the left to right i can use the pin to reposition it drag on either side in order to increase or decrease the length of the gradient and click and drag on the middle line in order to rotate it i'll use command z on mac control z on windows to undo that you'll notice that all of the sliders are set to zero thanks to the new reset sliders automatically option here i'm going to add some clarity as well as some dehaze decrease the color temperature and increase the tint now in order to affect the other side of the image i could add another new linear gradient but instead i'll click the more icon and choose to duplicate the mask then i'll click the mask to expand it so we can see the linear gradient use the more icon and invert it to quickly reset the sliders i'll double click the word effect and then increase the temperature and increase the shadows to toggle all of the adjustments applied to this image i'll use the toggle switch in the upper left of the masks panel there's before and after all right with this next image i'll choose select subject and lightroom classic will use machine learning to select the subject and displays the default red mask overlay here i'll increase the temperature quite a bit as well as the exposure i'll increase the highlights and the shadows and increase the saturation next i'll choose to add the select sky mask again lightroom classic uses machine learning this time selecting the sky and i'll make it a little bit more dramatic by adding some clarity as well as dehaze i'll decrease the saturation and increase the noise reduction to remove any noise from the sky so far all of our masks have been made from a single tool however we can combine as many tools as are needed to create a mask i'll add a radial gradient and as i drag out we can see that the center of the ellipse is what will be affected by the adjustment if i want to affect what's outside of the ellipse i can choose invert and then make my adjustment however i feel that the radial gradient is darkening the bushes a bit too much so next to the radial gradient i'll choose subtract select the brush decrease the flow and then paint to slowly remove the radial gradient adjustment from that area on the masks panel we can see the two components that make up the mask the brush and the radial gradient i can target them by selecting them either in the masks panel or by clicking on their pin in the image area to view all of the mask pins and not just the pins for the targeted mask we can use the more icon and choose to show unselected mask pins each component of the mask can be edited independently for example if i choose the gradient i can reposition it as well as resize it and even rotate it independently of the mask that i created with the brush if i wanted to add to a mask i could click the add button i'll choose brush increase the flow and paint in the road area if i change my mind i can always delete an entire mask by clicking the more icon next to the mask and choosing delete or i can delete a component by using the more icon next to the component and choosing to delete that component next i'll add a color range mask here i can click with the eyedropper in order to select a color i can hold down the shift key in order to add up to five different colors or i can click and drag in order to select a range of colors here i want to decrease the exposure of the road as well as decrease the saturation however i don't want the sky to be affected so i'll choose subtract and then select sky i can target the color range and then use the refine slider to either decrease or increase the range of colors that are affected by the adjustment i'll add another color range mask and this time i'll use the eyedropper to select these yellow orange flowers then i'll decrease my temperature as well as the tint i'll increase the exposure and decrease the saturation and then to add additional colors to the range i'll hold down the shift key click in the yellows as well as these green areas here to affect them all to toggle all of the adjustments applied to this image i'll use the toggle switch at the top of the masks panel so there's before and after excellent that wraps up this quick overview of the essential masking features in lightroom classic additional tips shortcuts and information on luminance and depth range masking and a lot more can be found online at
Channel: Julieanne Kost
Views: 57,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cRGdi85tikU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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