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hi everyone anthony morganti here today we're going to take a deep dive into lightroom's new masking [Music] [Music] a couple days ago i did a video talking about the new features found in lightroom and i touched upon the new masking in that video i mentioned that i was going to do another video where i was going to go into greater depth about the masking that's what we're going to be doing now now if you haven't seen that video or you haven't updated your lightroom yet what you'll find once you do update your lightroom is that the tool panel is slightly different you still have the crop tool spot remover tool red eye reduction tool but instead of the linear gradient radial gradient and brush you now have this button right here called masking when you open that up in there you'll find the brush linear and radial gradients and those work pretty much the same you'll still have the ability to affect color luminance and depth range masks they work slightly different we're going to talk about those here as well but you also have some ai technology now you have the ability to select the subject in an image and or select the sky in the image and when you select a subject it's not just a person you could select you could select a dog a cat an inanimate object like a work of art anything that lightroom thinks is the subject of the image you should be able to select now in this case i have a strong subject it's the woman on the rock rock and let's select her so we'll click select subject see it takes lightroom to a minute to think and you'll see there's a red overlay over what lightroom thinks is the subject the subject is the woman but also included the rocks below her now as far as this overlay is concerned you have a lot of control over this overlay by default as soon as you select the subject or select the sky or you draw you know a gradient or anything like that you're going to get this red overlay appear immediately you don't need to have it red and you could affect the opacity of the overlay if you click this little swatch right here this little square you can see right here i could pick any color i want it comes with a little color picker right so i can make that any color i want if i want to go back to the default red i could just click right there and i have the default red i also could change the opacity so if you have like trouble seeing it you may want to make it more opaque if it's obscuring what you're actually working on and you want it to be less opaque of course you can move it that way as well it also could affect or you could change what areas of the image it affects by default it will be on what is going to be adjusted meaning as soon as i move sliders it's going to adjust the woman in the rock if i want the overlay to show or to be over the parts that won't be adjusted i could click right here and go to unaffected areas so my adjustments will still affect the woman in the rock but it's showing me the overlay on the parts of the image that won't be affected also you don't need to have this type of overlay for example if i go to overlay mode i could still keep that color overlay but everywhere that won't be affected will be black and white below that i could have a color part of the image that's the part that will be affected and everywhere else that isn't in color will be the part that won't be affected below that i could have the image on black so you could see that the black areas won't be affected and you can see this is kind of handy it's showing me that my adjustments are going to affect part of the planet that is off there in the background image on white and white on black this is actually showing them us a mask view so this is good if you really want to see what is being affected i'll state it the default color overlay mode now many of these things i just showed you you could access uh with these three dots so you don't have to click on the color swatch you go to these three dots and you can see you have all these other options here also when i selected subject and automatically put the red overlay on her if you don't want it to automatically do that you could just turn that off right here also you have control over the pins and the tools this is similar to what it was in the other versions of lightroom you just hit the h key to hide any pins that are in your way or you could come to this menu and have them behave the way you want them to behave so you have other options you could just experiment with but i like the default options they seem to work alright for me now as far as these adjustments let's just say i wanted to make her brighter that's the whole reason why i wanted to do it so if i just turn the overlay off for a moment you can see it's she's a little dark right but i don't want to affect the rock that she's standing on i just want to affect her so what i could do i'll have that overlay on i could subtract from the selection so click this button right here and you have a lot of different methods here to use or different tools i'm just going to use a brush i'm going to brush away the rock i don't want my adjustments to affect the rock so i'm going to click brush and then we have brush attributes size of the brush feathering i'll keep it relatively hard the flow and density i'll keep it 100 i could auto mask it i could invert it but i'm just going to come in here and remove the overlay and this in case it also any adjustments i do won't be affecting this area i get a smaller brush by hitting left back key right bracket key makes it larger and let's just say i made a mistake and i went up like that i want to put the mask back here what i could do is hold in the alt or option key alternate pc option on a mac and then i could add this back all right and you'll notice you could also just click on the erase brush as well that's the same thing as soon as i press in the alt or option key you can see it goes to the erase brush so we're not actually erasing we're adding but you get the idea hopefully all right so now we're just be affecting the lady and now as soon as i mentioned earlier you don't have to turn overlay off as soon as i start moving a slider the overlay will go off so i brightened her up there's a little haloing around her hair so i'll get rid of it up there as well but you know simple right let's try something else i want to adjust the sky i could add another mask right on top of this one go up here create new mask select sky takes a second you can see the red overlay is on the sky and maybe i want to make the sky a little brighter so i'll just move this to the right so you can see how very simple to use these basic masks select sky select person can get a little more complicated though but in you really bring out the power of this um for this example let's say that i want to adjust the ground and the man what i could do it like i don't want to adjust the sky everything else is good i just want to brighten up the ground and the man himself so what i could do is i could select this guy let it select the sky now once it does that right here where it says sky one click on those three little dots and invert it so what it will now do is it will select everything but the sky so now i could come in and i could brighten up the man in the ground see it makes it look a little more i guess to me it looks a little more natural or a little matches the image a little more so you could just affect different parts of your image by using the invert button that is found here one thing i should add too you could rename all this if you explore underneath these three dots if you click there you could rename you also could just double click on the word in this case sky1 and you'll be able to rename it same up here for mask one double click and you can rename that also you'll notice there's the three dots there as well and there's things you can do there we're going to talk about all these as well let's delete this mask for now all right let's say um crazy thought i just want to affect his boots i don't want to affect the man the sky or the ground what i could do is i could then let's say select the subject and then if i go up to mask one and i click on these three dots it's also under subject or under both intersect mask with that's interesting right what you could do is you could have two masks on an image and wherever they overlap is what will be adjusted for example i have this simple venn diagram i have two circles between the two circles are two different masks where the masks overlap that part in red that's the only part that will be adjusted when you have these two masks so i just put a mask on the subject the man i want to only affect his boots so what i could do is go to either one it doesn't matter they both do the same thing the three dots there or the three dots there and i want to intersect the mask with it's going to be crazy a linear gradient all right now when i do that i have a gradient tool active i have a little plus sign for the cursor and i'm going to put the gradient tool upside down meaning instead of clicking and dragging down i'm going to click and drag up and what i'll do is i'll click right around where the top of this boot is and click up you can see i'm kind of got to keep it straight i'm just not really making it much of a gradient though so it's going to be kind of scrunched together but you'll see let me try to straighten it i should have held in the shift key if i held in the shift key i would have had it perfectly horizontal all right but you'll see it's affecting just his boots now i'll pull it down a little bit you can see hopefully it removed the mask from him and only has it on its boots so it's like this let's say the one the circle on the left was the subject mask the the circle on the right was the linear gradient where they overlap is the only part that will be affected so i could come in here and i don't know let's say i want to brighten up his boots or something silly like that right so i could do it like that see so that's where that intersect with uh comes from now your best bet is to kind of experiment with the intersect with and sub subtract you know i subtracted the rocks i could add to this as well if i wanted to add as pants to this mask i could click on add and use a brush let's say and then come in and try to brush on his pants but you can see that you know stuff like that so you could get an idea i think of how um you could affect different parts of the image by using subtract add and also using this intersect mask with and things like that so um you know it's it actually makes it very powerful when you use all these different pieces and you kind of jigsaw them together on your image and you'll be able to affect very specific parts of your image now i mentioned that the color masking luminance masking and depth masking is slightly different here let me try to explain why let me go to this image here in the past if i wanted to just affect the skin on her face i would have to put a brush i would have to brush let's say her face then i'd be able to go to color range let's say and apply or get the mask refined to the skin on her face so i'd have to use a brush first or i'd have to use a linear gradient or i'd have to use a radial gradient you don't have to use a brush linear gradient or radial gradient any longer to be able to use a color range luminance range or depth range mask and by the way depth range is grayed out because this photo doesn't have any depth info saved into the metadata most often you'll have depth range with some cell phone images when you take images with cell phones you'll have depth range there so i want to just affect the skin on her face there's no masking done on this yet at all so what i could do is i could jump right down to color range and as soon as i do i'll get an eyedropper and i could click on let's say the skin on her forehead you'll notice that the mask is just on her skin um if i go here and i increase the opacity you'll see it's pretty much on her skin let's just max it out just for fun but it is affecting her eye a little bit here her eye a little bit here oh i could get rid of it i could just click subtract and get a brush and then come in here get a smaller brush left bracket key and then i could subtract it where i don't want it like here it's affecting the middle of her eye a little bit so i come in and just refine it with the brush pretty easy but then let's say you know i'm ready to go i'll turn the overlay off so you could see all right let's say i just wanted to soften her skin so i would go to clarity right turn clarity down i could make it harsh but see you can see it's affecting over here so i could still get this this minus over here and remove it from over there and from up in here and now i think you could better see i'm softening her skin so the key point i want to make is that the color range luminance range and depth range no longer are reliant on you applying a brush linear gradient or radial gradient gradient first you could jump right down to those and apply those as is and then on top of that you have you know select subject select sky i mean i could have theoretically it would have been a waste of time but i could have selected subject so it selects the subject it didn't select part over here but who cares and then i could have done an intersection right i could have clicked here and intersect mask with a color range and clicked on the skin there i could have done that i mean if i wanted to but it was extra steps but i think you'll get the idea the more you use these i think they'll be more natural and you may go about doing something one way whereas another photographer will go about doing it slightly differently but you'll both get the same mask ultimately and be able to adjust that part of the image the way you each want to adjust that part of the image so i think that's pretty much everything you need to know to get started using the masks and um i think you'll find that it's very powerful and a welcome addition to lightroom thank you everyone who watches my videos i really do appreciate it i'll talk to you guys soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Anthony Morganti
Views: 50,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morganti, anthony morganti, How to use lightroom, Adobe Lightroom Tutorial, graduated filter, spot removal tool in lightroom, tone curve lightroom, lightroom, lightroom radial mask, range masks in lightroom, lightroom range mask, Lightroom version 11, lightroom sky mask, lightroom subject mask, new masking in Lightroom, how to use the new masking in Lightroom, lightroom radial filter, inverting masks in lightroom, intersecting masks in lightroom, lightroom masking, how to
Id: 69MMxR3MGW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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