How to use Lightroom 11 Masking... WOW!

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wow okay you know what let's not waste time lightroom and lightroom classic the new versions just dropped and i mean look at the separation of this auto selection yeah now i know that's terrible why would i want to do that to the background why i wouldn't but okay let's stop full stop we'll stop reset the images hey everyone it's gavin sign and the new version of lightroom just dropped and i don't usually get very excited because for honestly years the versions of lightroom have been kind of every time they came out they're just minor improvements now this one the big thing is the way the masks work and finally we have some mask tools that don't suck okay because obviously for certain things nothing beats going into photoshop that's why you still see me doing videos going to photoshop manual edits actions things like that because a raw editor is different but wow what we're seeing today is some is big it it might be better masking control than we see in capture one which traditionally with layers and masking is ahead of lightroom but i'm going to show you we're going to look at this by the way i'm going to be using lightroom classic it's pretty much the same i looked it's pretty much the same in lightroom that is the mobile slash web version this is available in both of them i'm not seeing any distinct differences and by the way check the comments because i'm going to be making a couple presets of today's edits to make this easier for you guys i'm going to throw up some free presets so you can just quickly apply the ai controls that we're going to be looking at in lightroom and of course then tweak them to your heart's content obviously i'll be playing more with these going forward in different of our preset collections and things like that but this is good this is this is progress and i like it let's actually go over to lightroom right now look the new version there's a list of things there's some new presets meh the lightroom built-in presets pretty much are not very good there's some new crop tools there's speed improvements if those are for real then yay but the big feature is this new masking thing i'm strictly going to focus on that because that's what you want to know how to use and that's what's powerful okay let's come in i'm going to take like four or five images and we're going to quickly go through and i'm just going to show you guys how good this is let me get rid of me i'm just going to show the screen for a moment you should be able to hear me just fine without seeing my face because you don't really need to okay so let's go in i'm going to take these images as i would these are all raw images at this point and here's one on the coast i'm gonna go through and edit it like i would so i'm gonna go to natural hdr and i'm gonna say hey let's put contrasted hdr great looks good okay stop full stop that's the edit right now normally i would then come back in if i want to do some things i could do some gradient masking yes there's some luminance masking and tools that we've had for years but i haven't used them much because they're kind of cluj they're slow they're clumsy and all of that has been improved in the new masks panel so what i'm going to do first is i'm going to show you the new masks panel it's right up here and you can see they've updated this so you can do brush gradient all this stuff or you can just click here or press the k key and it's going to open up the masks panel you can see that we have none at this moment let me zoom back out here okay so let's go to these free presets that i made just so i can show you guys how these masks work and i'll start with the triple ai mask here's the beauty of this that it's been a real pain before all of the mass gradients radials all this stuff can be bunched into one group so if i apply this preset right here of course we could apply manually right we could create a mask select subject is the big new one okay let's switch over here select subject and select sky those are the big new ones but i've noticed that everything has been improved so if we go in here now and say select sky and i click this it's going to make a mask and it's going to run ai and you can see it's detecting sky and boom we have a mask of the sky and i'm finding that the text subject in the next sky is really really good guys and that's the big deal let's switch back over the screen so you can see here by default it's showing me this red overlay and i can see show overlay or i can turn that off or what's nice is as soon as i start editing the overlay goes away now look at this look how cleanly we've selected that sky right down to the horizon now you got to be careful with a tool that's powerful because it's easy to overcook an image these selections are pretty tight and i would like to see maybe a little more feather control on these adobe but wow okay so this isn't bad this is taken actually on my x100 and it's got good dynamic range it looks good but let's drop our exposure down just a touch we're gonna bump our clarity down to soften it up a little bit bring up our texture and bring up our saturation drop our highlights and we could even play with adding like a little bit of warmth or coolness to the sky look at what we can do we can do crazy things with this sky because it is completely selected now i'm going to delete this because i want to show you something else and let's go to another image let's take a completely different image now this is of these guys on the street juggling these street performers okay it's a little bit underexposed and so i can play with this to my heart's content now notice this new mask panel here okay let's take the new mask panel and rather than just these pins you still see the pins representing your mask on the screen but you also have a list of all your masks and they're all in one place whether it's a gradient a radial or a brush they all show up here you can select them you can duplicate them you can delete them so i can just clear these out like this and you can see here's my native image now what are we going to do to edit this first of all again i'm going to start with a base edit without a mask so i'm going to go to silver this was kind of a black and white vision on this i'm going to find something like dynamic silver that looks good and i'm going to do that and up my exposure just a little bit okay now watch this what i'm going to do is apply this preset that i made these ai masks and again i'm going to put these in the comments for you guys let's do the aaa eye mask i click it now let's go to the mask panel over here by the way you can right click on here and you can undock the panel or you can right click here again and dock the panel and put it here so whatever you prefer just right under the line there let's undock it for now normally i would leave it docked but since we're featuring it right now i want to make sure it's visible so you see that preset i add it just added a foreground preset look what we can do it shows us a mask that we can then click and we can add to or subtract to it with a brush so we can modify the mask and we can add or subtract a brush a linear gradient so we can basically tell it hey i'm going to apply something else to it add and or subtract we'll come back to that i can turn it on or off so here's a foreground mask that's just kind of darkening my foreground and keeping my intensity strong right and so i can go over here to the settings unfortunately we still don't have all develop settings available in these mask layers and that's a shame because it'll be really cool to see have the ability to use any develop setting in a layer and i've wanted that for years we still just have kind of the minimalized version of develop but we can control all those settings right here we can turn the mask on and off we can delete the mask we can adjust the mask all of that right here's the radial edge fade so this is like a vignette and you can see what i'm doing here now look at this one down here this ai sky and i've marked it update and this is really cool for me as someone who makes presets for you guys because i can save all these in a preset i can name them and it's saving all of it but obviously if i run an ai effect on a person or a sky on my image it needs to be updated for your image and so it's actually telling you that it still applies it but the ai version the ai part of it is not running you see the exclamation mark here and if i click it it shows black and what's it say it says i need to update this mask okay so let me dock this click here and you can see here i like it here because it's all in one place and you can see right here when i click on it if it has an exclamation mark it says sky needs to be recomputed so i'm going to update this and the settings on this mask are then going to pop in and boom right here now this preset applies a little blue to the sky let's go down to this because this is a black and white i don't want blue in the sky i'm going to click down here and take the blue out of the sky and there we go if it was color it just would have made my sky look a little bit bluer and now i'm darkening my sky but there's another magical thing here we have subject selection and sky selection but what about everything else if we're going for more dynamic range this is already a pretty contrasty image but now i've got this deep rich sky what can i do with the rest watch this i'm going to click here on the three dots and say duplicate ai sky all right now i'm going to click on it now i've doubled it and the sky's too dark that's not what we're going we're going to go to the mask inside of it and right click that and say invert so this is an inversion of ai sky and guess what happens now it's affecting everything but this guy so now i'm just going to go the opposite direction instead of darkening i'm just going to lighten a little bit and watch what happens i'm just going to reverse this in the slider and turn it up and i can control highlights i can control shadows and i can say well how much detail do i want how much blacks do i want and now i can bring some detail into the faces i can control the texture the haze everything that i want to to my heart's content in this image i can bring it out and look at the cleanness of these i'm not affecting the sky so now i have a sky mask a background mask ai foreground let's call it which i can update that and i could save this then into its own preset to do all of these and so for today i just made some simple presets and i'm going to show you the other one in a second but wow let's turn it off and turn it on so it wasn't a bad edit before right it was a preset it was a little manual processing looks good but now i have total control let's take my sky and i can just decide what i want to do with it let's make it dark but then up the whites and up the contrast a little bit so i have kind of this almost stormy sky but let's not make it too dark and let's just play with that just a little bit i can up the clarity in this case because it's kind of a black and white but also bring down the highlights a little bit over here on the left i mean look at what we're doing and the precision of these masks now i have a pretty powerful computer but one of the things i'm noticing is this is working much smoother than the mask sword they've definitely redone the masking engine not to mention put all this in here so here's a really cool thing let's go to a portrait image okay so now we're going to use a different image on this glamour portrait here and i'm gonna go and just like the other one i'm gonna do a basic process we're looking at the raw image so i'm gonna go to something like power workflow presets and i'm just gonna use a nice gentle effect like super portrait okay just kind of softens the color and makes it nice okay that's it for the preset except let's go down now to the gradient preset on this one i'm going to use the portrait separation ai and so i've made two presets for you guys to download and of course you can make your own this isn't super complicated i like how intuitive they've made this watch what happens i'm going to open the mask panel and you can see that we don't have anything here i'm going to add the portrait separation ai and it puts two masks but does nothing because both of these ones are ai masks okay so let's click on them update the behind subject which is going to give us control lightness darkness saturation etc and you can see it's doing its ai calculations to make it selection and boom we've applied it's kind of like it just applied a brush setting as soon as i did the effect as soon as it ran the ai because the settings were already there and then as soon as the ai masked it it was like okay boom we're putting it here where they told us to put it and then of course we can go in and we can adjust it maybe i don't want the sky that dark maybe i want it brighter maybe i want to put more saturation and make it more blue but now let's update our subject so again i'm going to click on that you see the exclamation mark clicking update and it's detecting the subject it's going to throw our mask so here's the beauty these are very additive and i can do this and there we go now we have our subject enhancing mask the light's a little harsh on the sunset light so we're smoothing the subject we're enhancing that sunset light and we have complete separate control over each so now without any more masking i can control the individual exposure the black levels the contrast of my subject or i can control everything behind as well and get whatever look i want look at the stuff i can do i mean that's a little crazy but you see what i'm getting at here wow i mean i am pretty excited you can see i'm excited i'm rarely this excited guys about a lightroom update because lightroom has been lightroom for a long time i've been using lightroom since the original beta and i've seen improvements along the way but ever since creative cloud i've not seen a lot of really big improvements and this is pretty exciting so yeah let's just look at here's what we started with right harsh applied a preset applied in the eye mask here's the beauty though and let me just show you now you can overdo it remember you can overdo it but let me switch the screen okay so where did we start we started here ooh pretty harsh here smooth nice total control but the other thing you can do that's really cool here is if i apply say the triple ai mask which is probably going to be too much that's the one that does the vignette the foreground gradient watch what happens unlike other presets it's not overwriting it's adding all these other masks to my list right here so even if i'm saving to a preset if i apply a preset with masks it's adding it to the other mask it's not overwriting the previous ones previously just like a develop preset if i adjust exposure and then i apply a preset that adjusts exposure it doesn't add another layer it just overwrites that's how raw editing works with these masks and it was the same with masks in the past if you had a preset that had a radial mask it would overwrite the previous radial mask that you had with these you can add so we can have a list of our favorite masks ai or non-ai and just be like and i'm going to be playing with that more in the future i can tell you that right now let's go to another image and we'll see the same thing let's use that same portrait separation ai but first let's go to like power workflow and apply something like magic uh i don't know like magic cream portrait and that looks pretty good now let's go here and let's apply portrait separation ai okay again we've got our masks we have to click we just have to update subject and bound and it will apply our look and what a great way to get dynamic range i mean this is what's really exciting so there's our subject and i'm actually going to turn the light down a little bit and the black's down so we can bring a little contrast look at that right there but let's not darken her too much and let's just keep a little contrast in there and maybe put a little more saturation into this okay now let's go to our subject update we're updating that subject mask and now i can put some separation because remember dynamic range and separation is about contrast it's about differences between lights and darks and by being able to quickly select this obviously we can go like this and it looks unnatural but a little bit of separation it's almost equivalent to like burn and dodge we can key for our background we can turn down for example the saturation on the background so there's more emphasis on the subject so here i'm darkening the background a little turning down the saturation and maybe i'll warm it up just a little now i'm going to our subject okay and i'm going to keep the saturation a little higher on the subject now i'm overdoing it i admit i'm overdoing it a little bit on these probably more than i would if i was publishing a portrait just to show you guys these distinct separations but what a great looking image and of course we still have all our global corrections too so we can come down here and still edit everything outside in our normal develop settings just like we were doing with the presets and say well what do we want to do with shadows highlights blacks etc what do we want to do with white balance all that good stuff right so where do we start right here where did we end right here let me show you that again where do we start right here and where did we end this is something i talk about a lot with photoshop editing because as you build up you get uh you get a more dramatic change more and more and more that oftentimes you don't even realize is happening and that's one of the huge deals with being able to build up and do additive edits like this and this is the first time i've seen this level of additive edits now i don't want to be long i'm going to wrap this up but i want to show you guys one more on this portrait i've showed you this portrait before it's really nice but we have some clipping here let's actually go to our masks and look one more time at some of these other ones we still have the brush linear gradient and it makes all these masks in the same place like i've showed you but we can also still do the color range the luminance range and all that but they've improved this so now if i go to the luminance range you see my luminance range setting and i'm going to start selecting it automatically throws in this nice little overlay kind of like we do in loomis right with the loomis map and then if i alt click i can feather it out so i'm going to put it here like 86 then then i'm going to alt should be option on the mac the feather it showed us the feather so i'm going to feather and i'm going to just put this right kind of on feathered out a little bit on these highlight points throughout the image okay now i can go down and do highlight i can do white control and i can try to do some recovery because this up here on the umbrella is truly clipped so i could even put a little bit of a golden overlay for example to do some additive light into it sometimes i find when i when i have something that needs to be recovered enough it's just better to take it into photoshop and brush it over but i have a lot of control here because using things like clarity like dehaze like saturation i can take the highlight areas of all of this and just kind of bring some control to them so that they're not clipping as intensely and i'm going to feather it out just a little bit more by dragging the feather because you notice we're getting some hot kind of some hard spots on her face okay so here we are we put this mask that's darkening down all our highlights including her face because i included that if i only wanted to include the very upper ranges i could drag this and include less in the mask so you see i just have this nice basically 0 to 255 or zone 0 to zone 10 range and i can adjust whatever i want and put my mask in and it really is actually helping a lot with those highlights and i can tinker with white balance and all those kind of things to get the right look that i want for it okay i think that covers it i've kind of rushed through all this stuff but i've kind of showed you sequentially five different images how easily we can edit add these masks build up the masks and obviously i think i showed you this but you can of course right click your mask for your options so you can rename you can intersect the mask you can duplicate hide delete delete all masks all that is right there within the panel so we finally have this mask slash not exactly layers but mask layers and so far just playing with it i'm really impressed this is something i'm actually going to use unlike some of the other tools that we've seen updates in the past years where it's like oh this is kind of nice but in practice it's better just to go into photoshop these are really tools that we're going to be able to use in our everyday editing that is the new masking in lightroom for october 27th so i believe this is lightroom web version 5 and lightroom classic version 11 is the versions if you have creative cloud you're going to see this in there obviously this doesn't work on those of you they're still using legacy old versions and i i do continue to support like lightroom six i know i got a lot of you older lightroom users i make presets still for those when i do preset packs and things like that check all those down in the comments if you want to know more and download the free pack of these vignettes that i put together just to kind of be a great little utility to quickly apply some masks so you can jump right in and be using these all right you guys take care and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Seim
Views: 3,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gavin seim photography tips photographic school zones system, luminosity masking, photo tips, photos hands on, getting it in camera, lightroom, street photography, photoshop actions
Id: teeV1RwhcNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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