How good is the new masking feature in Lightroom really?

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i'm very excited a new version of lightroom came out lightroom 11 and uh if you did not updated it you can do it just go to your creative cloud and make sure you go to apps and you install the latest update you see uh there's a new version of lightroom called lightroom 5 and lightroom classic which is 11. so when you look at your lightroom and you go to clad lightroom and you go to um about lightroom classic you should see 11.0 release camera 14.0 and you will be able to experience what i'm going to show you the main feature is the masking let me show you so this is the photo from miami i want to do a quick retouching first i'm going to make it straight by clicking on auto and then you know i'm going to do my usual workflow where i'm going to open some of the shadows i'm going to bring down some of the highlights i'm going to do my black i'm going to do my white but i'm like okay i want to do something about um you know the sky but usually what you would do and look this is a new interface you got a cropping tool a spot healing brush tool the red eye tool and you got this for masking so you click on this and back in the day we would go to linear gradient and do a gradient for the sky i can take the show overlay here and you know and i would make the sky darker the problem that it would select it would do that on a tree also so you know of course i could go here and um i could go to a luminance mask which we don't have that option here but now check this out you go here you uh you click on this you go select sky that's new select subject and select sky and you can see the show over there it's going to show you what the sky is going to be and in red is what is selected you can see most of the tree is not selected amazing i can rename it sky which it should do by default but anyway sky okay i'm gonna click off show overlay and now if i make my sky darker or brighter you see it only affects the sky i want to add more magenta because i it was very magenta sky a more warm sky like that make it maybe a bit darker and if you want to see the before and after of the sky you can see before after before after pretty pretty cool now uh you can see this maybe something weird here you can see show sky overlay no it's good the red is actually good now it's all good okay next photo i'm going to show you on this one same thing i'm gonna go here and open the shadows bring down the highlights do my black do my white and i want to make maybe add a bit of magenta i want to make the sky much better that was a crazy sky what happened to the sky what i'm going to go here and i i i'm going to go here and say select sky and it's going to select the sky and then i can do whatever i want here i can you know i can make it i'm going to take the show overlay option make it you know more magenta more exposure this is so cool because now you're only talking about the sky which is really really good now let's say i want to do something for the rest of the photos so i could go here create um a new mask so plus i'm gonna create a new sky mask okay but this time i want to i want to work on everything about the sky so i can click here on invert and now i'm gonna i can rename it and not the sky for example and then i get click show overlay and then i can do i can say okay i want to make this brighter or darker actually i can you know maybe uh minus clarity you know add some texture you know lower the exposure or whatever and now i'm only dealing with what's not in the sky so that's really kind of cool let me show you another example that's a little more complex so you can go here and i can go instead of going select sky i can go to select subject and now my only my daughter marines should be selected you can see by default i got the overlay and i can just make it brighter darker in this case i want to make it a little bit brighter a bit less saturated okay and then um and let's see let's see the overlay oh you can see there is some here that was not that was selected for some reason that happens sometimes you can click on a mask and you can say um subtract brush and i'm just gonna erase that from the selection so it only affects her okay and i can again rename this to marine my daughter and then let's create a new mask just for the sky boom so now i've got two masks this one is just the sky let's call it well it says sky actually let's call it sky sky okay perfect and on this one take off the overlay i can lower the exposure i can add some contrast i can add some it was warmer actually originally can add some more magenta make it really darker and check it out you can see before and after the sky and before and after sorry and before and after here on marine on the subject before and after so it's really cool and uh let's do one more so let's say here on this one i want to do something about the whole photo except on on the portrait so i can go here same idea i can select subject i can click on invert invert and boom you see everything is going to be selected but them and now i can say okay i want to make the background much darker i want to add maybe a little bit of tint uh you know make it maybe a little more blue so they really stand out and now it's doing it on everything but that this is such a cool option this is such a cool option and it even works on animals oh by the way guys if you uh want to learn lightroom i got something new that just came out is my free toolbox it's a full training on how to retouch photo really fast with presets i give you the preset i give you the training i give you sky it's basically my entire workflow on how i do my photo to do this kind of photography so i'm going to show you my entire workflow i'm going to give you a lot of preset a lot of sky a lot of photoshop brushing it's all free do the training it's going to change your life it's completely free link under the video all right so back to my video here uh select subject and it even works on cows you can say subject boom it's selected and i can make my cow you know brighter darker you know whatever i want to do so it's really really cool um the other option is still there meaning uh if you go here and you add new masks you can still do like a you know a gradient like we used to do a linear gradient or radial gradient uh you can do color range so i can go in here and says i just want to select her dress for example okay and then i can make her dressed uh i can change the view of her dress and make her dress like green for example and it's only doing another dress for example which is really cool and i can go to subtract brush and make sure that her skin is not selected in any way which doesn't seem to be the case uh which is good actually you can see here uh if you click on show overlay you can make sure it's only the dress that's selected but by the way this also works in lightroom so if you go to lightroom you have the same option here for example i'm going to go here and retouch this top of the rock rockefeller center photo my usual workflow crash of blacks and the whites and i really want to do something about that sky so i can go here and check it out you have the new option instead of the sky and now i can make the sky much yellow much more magenta i can make it darker and i'm only doing it on the sky before after before after so it's also in lightroom so it's lightroom version 5 and lightroom classic version 11. voila really cool update i'm very happy this is something i'm really going to use every day sometimes you have a days that you don't use this one i use it tell me what you think in the comments i like to make two videos per week and of course if you didn't subscribe to my youtube channel please subscribe and if you want to do something for me if you want to make me happy today like this video so that other people can see it i'll see you in another video madame semester au revoir
Channel: Serge Ramelli Photography
Views: 16,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lightroom tutorial, photoshop tutorial, beginner tutorial, photography, cityscape, landscapes, lightroom tutorial 2021, lightroom tutorial for beginner, lightroom tutorial pc, lightroom tutorial basics, adobe lightroom, photo editing, lightroom update, adobe lightroom tutorial, adobe lightroom photo editing, adobe lightroom classic tutorial, adobe lightroom editing, lightroom classic 11, photography tutorials for beginners playlist, lightroom update october 2021, how to
Id: WdZpD1OKmDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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