Bishop Noel Jones Weighs In On The Future Of Mega-Churches - On The 7 With Dr. Sean

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literally change these just a little bit and ask you about the the megachurch because you pastor a megachurch you have choice 17 20,000 members and a lots of been said about the future of the mega church and and do you think that the mega church with millennials where what streaming with online does the mega church have a future 10 20 years from them well the problem with church that and mega church and what's shifting what's shifting one of the things that shifts maintain mega churches is they move from gospel preaching to positive thinking so positive thinking norman vincent peale kind of thing so they just hum you know they murmur long about how your to think and this is going to happen and all that good but the life of the church today it's going to be based on its community activity hear me when I tell you the Millennials have have changed the the playing field simply because they have moved from the ethereal the mystical the ontological and they have moved to what's practical we want to see results we don't just want to come into a worship session and we extol the virtues of God on the other side right right what we want to do is see can his will be done on earth as it is in heaven we want you to employ us to see about the hungry see about the criminal justice system work to see about the human trafficking we want to operate in a world where we can count our victories not just have some prophetic word with some declaration about something that's going to happen that may or may not happen the the the prophet and the healer is in the church right well what is he doing in the church he needs to be in a hospital since he's a healer right right right right and and let's look at the charts after he lays hands now he comes into the church and he calls out a lot of stuff I mean if I go in any church and say oh and you act at the voice for it now the Spirit of the Lord is moving upon the end and I I I see back pain well all of us got back you know to some degree the the mega church is the whole thing is going to shift because now we want to go into the field and we want to operate yes the work we want to come here to be stimulated educated but now we want to go out and do it so we can count to see many times when I'm dealing with faith-based organizations and they're operating and I call them together I say how do you count your results and how significant are your results you've got 80 kids in here and still you're telling me there's 300,000 out there in LA and you only have 80 in here now how successful is that and this is what millennium is looking for and the X that's a whole nother group right because they're scared to death because people are running around shooting in schools and and they're coming up in a in a culture that is just so violent but the whole point is that the mega church is shifting people aren't going to be in there big numbers and it's not simply because of the internet it's also because they want to see results so here's what you and I have to do we have to reconcile that will be done on earth as it is in heaven with my kingdom is not it as well see my kingdom is not of this world happens to be more what black people per project because the dominant culture has always used religion to keep people in line right right hmm right and I said it so the dominant culture keeps real it keeps us in line with religion give me an example give an example the shooting in Charleston if my mama was in prayer meeting and somebody walked in there while she's praying to the God of her salvation totally helpless totally without malice aforethought totally pure and somebody shot him shot her up and while she's on the cooling board I'm gonna have a hard time walking in and crying I forgive now I may forget I may but it's going to take and you know I'm apostolic right clearly it's going to take the Father the Son the Holy Ghost Virginia riding on the donkey and the rope to get you there forget me to a place where I can say I forgive but the dominant culture has us in such a state of being that oh they're so wonderful they look how quickly they forgave in Dallas the the the woman went into the man's place and Bobby shot a man and said she didn't know it wasn't her it was her place who doesn't know it's their place you can close my eyes I can smell my house and shot him and then everybody's hugging there at the end it is it is like well like we have received a presentation of God that eliminates our humanity to the point where we're numb to everything so we end up singing songs like you see the dominant culture they don't worry about what's happening on earth because they control that but for us we ended up singing all God's children got shoes when I get to heaven I'm gonna put on my shoes and walk all go over God's heaven so we have been taught to hereafter because we have been completely cut out of the here now yeah and we got to change that oh we got a I'm gonna change gears one more time before I before I put you to work I'm gonna put you to work all right my shows all about inspiration I'm gonna put her to work there are a lot of pastors who are committing suicide and they're resigning what is going on with faith leaders and mental health well the thing that we don't realize or we don't want to realize and I think in many instances one of the problems with the whole church business today is that church people don't want to show humanity their humanity they believe that they walk into the room and immediately upon being delivered their yield people are delivered from certain things but that doesn't mean they're healed to give an example Israel was delivered from Pharaoh it was a six-day physical journey from Canaan to Egypt why is it taking 40 years it's taking 40 years because people can be delivered but they're not healed and many times the person who is making the presentation is as wounded as the people he's talking to because he is not separate and distinct from the pressures of life and the difficulties that life brings so I have I have known many men and women who have been hurting and yet still projecting truth to others about healing I'll give you another example many preachers and pastors who have these problems they study to preach they don't study to apply it right we study for the presentation which study right present not not to live not to absorb or imbibe I found that in my own life when when when when I had back surgery I had prostate cancer so I had a prostatectomy and then my mother died all in 2017 that hit me all at once the boom now I found myself sitting around with a pity party sitting around solemn sad depressed broken and then a voice spoke to me I don't know whether it was God away with it but it was a voice something spoke to me and said well brother preacher what about all the stuff you told everybody else trust the Lord lean on and God you know you've got a voice you know you just can't you gotta live it up you gotta just believe God it's all in his hands he's all under control and so I had to run an appraisal you know I had to do an analysis of myself to see whether like you've been I'm saying man well you have studied to preach you have not studied to absorb you have not received what you have given you have gone from your intellect from your cranium to their cranium and none of it ever seeped into your own heart okay I'm gonna stop you now because because I got I got about three minutes and I want to three minutes is cooler all right you ready okay so I was watching an interview where Bishop Jake's was talking to someone mm-hmm and they gave him titles from Hamilton musical the songs and they asked him to do a one-minute sermon on the titles of the songs from Hamilton oh goodness and I thought if GD James could do it when all Jules can do he'll give me the song so these are not the titles he did he's a different okay right these are separate so all of these titles come from the musical Hamilton so I'm gonna give you the title you take a quick tag I know you you like a wrong way I need you to helicopter shoot-from-the-hip you ready here's the titles right you'll be back I'll be back no matter how difficult things are in my life no matter how bad things have become I realized that I have an inner power that will always cause me to come back it is not coming from the outside it is a resilience that's on the inside that has been planted in me that has been preparing me for the situation that is in front of me and no matter how difficult it seems and no matter how many people write me off I will be I mean you're all right history has its eyes on you history has its eyes on me simple because there are times when God has selected certain people to operate in certain arenas and certain places for the benefit of others he has never ever been in a situation where he has not prepared somebody to operate in a space that'll bless other people the fact that I am a giver and the fact that givers are always remembered takers are forgotten history has its eyes on me because God has given me something to give and what I give will always be recorded for generations to come all right last one stay alive it is imperative that you stay alive because whenever there is life there is hope and there is an ability for an individual to survive if that individual is a believer believers stay alive because they're not just dealing with the present but they're looking into the future and they're expecting and hoping they believe that God is going to bring them out of the situation stay alive because if you stay alive there is nothing that you cannot conquer ultimately [Applause] [Music]
Channel: FOX Soul
Views: 144,086
Rating: 4.8483806 out of 5
Keywords: Fox Noire, Black Family, Black Excellence, Black Millennials, Black Comedy, Blackpreneur, Black Girl Magic, Black Men, Black Women
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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