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wake up version six of mid Journey just launched it's been 9 months of work but you're going to love how amazing it is and there is a lot to go through first of all this is an alpha version of the model which just means that it's subject to change without notice you can type forward SL settings into the prompt box click this little drop- down menu and you can access version 6 from here or you can just type in-- V6 at the end of your chome and why don't I start with this photo right here take a look at that text and look how easily it was generated an old VHS tape that says future Tech pilot and the trick to generate text is by placing it within quotation marks when you try this yourself if your images aren't working too well it's recommended to try it in style raw and maybe lower the styliz value a little bit I have here style raw S80 and this turned out perfectly but do you want to see the ones that didn't turn out so well I guess I could show you I mean mid journey is still a slot machine but at least now we have a bit more control of our outcome there's a lot of Promise here for sure but like here even at stylize 20 we didn't get what we wanted a lot of cool Concepts a few things came close for sure but none turned out as well as this one right here and if you're new here my name is Nolan I like to make videos teaching people how to use AI especially mid Journey creating art with this bot is like the most fun thing in the world to me so let me show you some of the cool stuff I've made and why don't I start with a direct comparison between version 5.2 and version 6 here's the prompt defeated Batman Kodak feature film Ultra HD chaotic cinematic depression heartbreaking unsplash this is what we get in version 5.2 these are pretty cool I like number two here a lot but what does version six think of that prompt we hit this now look at number two here I mean one of my favorite things off the start is that now it's just basically Robert Patterson as Batman that's what mid Journey understands now and that's just hilarious in its own right one important thing to note is that prompting in version 6 is different than version 5 we are going to need to relearn how to prompt so what you see in this video please understand I am not an expert yet we're going to have to learn this thing together and if you have any tips for me please leave them in the comments below I tried out a lot of my old prompts or at least how I would write them before something super simple like portrait of an Instagram model old Hollywood style like number one is amazing number two is really cool as well and number four like that's beautiful throw in the word unsplash and we get these more colorful photo shoots gorgeous nautical pirate style I like number one a lot the color of her eyes mixed with her hair that's so cool before I get to the really big change in version 6 I wanted to show you this watercolor stained glass image of Pikachu look how good those are that's literally the watercolor aesthetic overstained glass that's that's amazing absolutely incredible there is so much to test with this new model going to take me a long time so if you're interested in seeing what version 6 is capable of make sure you subscribe to the channel so you do not miss out on all the videos I have planned how could I not show you Tom Cruz as a Sith Lord really considering making this the thumbnail I don't know what I'm going to choose as the thumbnail for this video it's going to be pretty difficult to pick an image but I think this is a strong Contender at least version six is not perfect let me just get that out up front you know but again maybe I just don't know the right way to use it in this case I was trying to get the idea of seeing text written in the reflection of someone's eyes and you know maybe I just didn't write the prompt correctly but I couldn't quite get it to work here still a cool idea though and just like look at these look how realistic version 6 is turning out this isn't even in style raw this is just the default model right now number one is amazing I like number four a lot number three really does look like a still from the movie and you didn't even need to include that in the prompt that's probably the craziest part The Prompt is just over the-shoulder view of Superman he stares at a defeated Batman in the distance now it's not exactly what I had in my mind but again maybe I just didn't describe it correctly I ran a little test with the styliz values that I think you might be interested in the prompt was a full body shot of an Instagram model rockabilly style I locked in the seed number and then I tried a bunch of different styliz values to see really what the difference is so here we have at S40 fine these are cool moving up to S80 here's the default then we're at 150 and what I want you to pay attention to moving forward are these three specific characters a up here number one 2 and four now they might switch spots within the grid but those characters are going to keep repeating and I think that might be really useful previously seeds were not that consistent now it seems like we can almost get a simulated photo shoot of these consistent characters like here we are at 200 same girls 250 same characters different angles 300 400 and you know one of the main problems is that their tattoos are different in every photo but still this kind of concept is there and I think that's pretty powerful 450 500 isn't that so cool that we're getting the same characters but different photos of them like is that not impressive to anyone else 600 and maybe this just tells you more about what a styze value does to a prompt in the sense that it doesn't change it as much as it used to 700 really similar to like 350 if we're being honest 800 900 and 1,000 I mean look how gorgeous these are though that's so pretty okay moving on I try to get Pikachu riding a unicycle and it didn't quite get the idea of a unicycle but it did a bicycle pretty well I mean three is a cool picture I like number four now maybe I can show you this it started to do these action scenes a little bit better I mean I think you'll notice in number one and number three here that's the old mid Journey where you input two characters and it sort of just Blends them together like you have Batman wearing super Superman's cape but then in number two and number four that's Batman versus Superman same idea here it did not work in one two or three but number four that's pretty good the slot machine the mid Journey slot machine strikes again okay I have some more cool pictures to show you after but let me show you the most powerful thing I found so far the real true power of version 6 just how many details can we include in one prompt I started off small and then I added details one one at a time first I went with a man with blue glasses and obviously this maybe could have been better the blue sort of came through in the light rather than the glasses itself but just wait till you see what it does next then I went with a man with blue glasses and red earrings sure enough it nailed that in every one of the pictures clear blue glasses and red earrings okay two details that's honestly probably better than version 5 already a man with blue glasses and red earrings comma he is wearing a green sweater yes yes mid Journey he is look how cool that o three details no problem this is where I started to get surprised and in this whole experiment I tried to stick with color as the added detail because that's such a clear thing to notice and it's something that version 5 just could not handle at all a man with blue glasses and red earrings he's wearing a green sweater he is sitting in a yellow sports car and it nailed it like out of the park home run look how good these are good as in coherent as an attention to detail I couldn't really think of any more colors to add so I went with he is smiling and extremely happy yeah no problem adds the facial expression just how you'd expect then I added he is smoking a fat cigar and one of the most interesting things here is that it sort of took the style into this pink L like atmosphere maybe the more details you add the less realistic it gets that was just something I found interesting here but then I took the same prompt and put it in style raw and I get these much more realistic images number one's no good to still kind of parly and maybe he's not exactly sitting in the yellow sports car anymore but it gets most of the details still correct in fact when I include the word unsplash just to emphasize that realistic look I get these like number one number three that's exactly what I wanted and I know I mentioned that maybe the longer your prompt gets the less realistic mid Journey wants to make it I added there is a white Siberian tiger in the back seat of the car like look at these images do I make one of these the thumbnail and point out all of the correct details that I got I'm really not sure I like number four a lot but I kept running with that idea adding in unsplash trying to make it more realistic here some of these images are just so cool uh number four is amazing then maybe this is the limit or at least approaching the limit but I'm not entirely sure again maybe it's just a prompting thing I said the tiger is wearing purple sunglasses now in three of the images it gave the guy purple sunglasses instead of the blue ones but in number four the tiger is sort of wearing some purple thing over his eyes you know maybe we get close to what we wanted just for fun I said he's wearing purple sunglasses and an orange hat like in number two It's Kind he's kind of wearing an orange hat no purple sunglasses though and if you're having fun so far consider leaving a like on this video I'm still battling a very bad illness your support on this video would make me feel a lot better and if you're interested in things like exclusive prompts and first impressions of new AI you can check me out over on patreon there are a few other rewards available every month and your support would mean the world okay wait I threw that whole prompt in a style raw and look at number four blue sunglasses red earrings green sweater yellow sports car fat cigar white Siberian tiger purple sunglasses orange hat like my mind is absolutely blown I cannot wait to see what you all create with this where do you even start where do you even begin I was a fan of the limitations that we used to have at least you could sort of navigate your own creativity now it's just even more Limitless the limit does not exist this is a this is going to be a lot to handle it's honestly overwhelming all right I thought these were pretty cool a Gundam Mecca made of celestial Stardust the armor pulses with the energy of a burning Galaxy trying to get used to this new way of prompting I'm telling you I don't think I'm very good at it yet you don't necessarily have to write with short keywords anymore separated by commas although I think that still does work and you don't need these really long running sentences somewhere in the middle some sort of poetic Middle Ground will'll get you some pretty cool looking images cuz at the same time simple prompts still work really well mid Journey just makes beautiful pictures basically no matter what Chrono Trigger Warrior look how good these are and here I'll take this example right here we're going to upscale it and then I'll show you a couple more new features so here we go here's our image now what you'll see under your upscale are two options upscale subtle and upscale creative upscale subtle will generate at this at a higher resolution and it will basically be the exact same picture however upscale creative is going to take some creative liberties with your image so we go from this to this do you think that's a big difference is that too much of a difference for you I think it's way too early for me to say whether you should be using the creative upscaler or not and in the future I'm sure all of this is subject to change but you should know that it's there please let me know what your experience are with it and then we still have our two variations now take a look at the subtle variations pretty cool changes to the image same same but different and then just look at what strong variations can bring different composition different poses essentially the same color palette and the same idea of this warrior in the foreground with the mountain range in the background I mean you could spend all day just running strong variations like oh mid journey is so much fun and and then I tried turning remix on you can do that by typing in prefer remix into the promp box now when you hit a variation button a new prompt box will appear and you'll have the chance to alter your prompt I wanted to see that image at night I tried this in both subtle variation and strong variation subtle variation was strange it didn't it didn't really work how I thought it would I even tried erasing the entire prompts and while these are extremely beautiful I don't know necessarily recommend it I mean maybe this is its own style of generating that you can try these images are pretty unique they're gorgeous too who am I kidding here's deleting the entire prompt again but with the strong variation like look at number four like oh my God these are gorgeous and here it is just adding to the prompts remixing with strong this is pretty cool you get your warrior in the front and that mount range at night in the background now it's not the exact same Warrior but you get the idea anyways I hope you all have as much fun with version 6 as I'm having there is so much more to cover chaos image prompting the weird parameter so please stay tuned subscribe to the channel if you're interested in more tutorials I hope you're doing well take care and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Future Tech Pilot
Views: 85,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney v6, midjourney update, midjourney news, midjourney changes, midjourney tutorial
Id: bHEkkgEaFog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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