AI Video Motion Goes x5! New Video Generator / AI Sound Effects, & More!

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hey everyone well we've got some really big  news in the world of AI video and film making   namely that our ability to control motion has  like 5x plus I've got a look at a new AI video   generator and restlyzer this is going to be one  that will be particularly interesting to you if   you are looking for an animated look I've got  an absolute GameChanger when it comes to sound   effects and fley whether the video is AI generated  or traditionally filmed plus a really amazing   video de blur tool that pretty much signals  the end of out of focus shots all right L to   cover let's dive in kicking off runway ml have  introduced a update to motion brush allowing   for five separate individual motion brushes to be  applied to any image reference having this level   of motion control does solve a lot of problems  for AI video for example taking this kind of   Shira inspired shot that I generated in pix verse  the other day and look nothing against pix verse   I think it's great it's free and I did do a whole  video on it earlier this week that is linked down   below but we do have that sort of typical image  reference to AI video look uh which is you know   the background is slightly moving parallaxing  she's kind of turning and she's kind of got   that fixed Mona Lisa gaze but running the  same image over to Gen 2 and adding in the   motion brush um you can now see that we have up  to five different brushes that we can apply all   of our directional motion controls onto so giving  this a shot with a brush one here I'm just going   to brush her face we'll give that a very slight  horizontal turn to the right and then move up to   brush two where I'm just going to fill in the  crowd of commoners over here uh and then give   them some Ambience and you do also have access  to all of your camera motion controls as well so   we can add a slight zoom out on this you can pan  you can tilt or do whatever and with that we have   a pretty decent shot definitely much more lively  than that original parallaxing image she kind of   ends up looking like Charlie's Theon doesn't she  well now I want to Shira movie starring furiosa I   mean come on now that's on equal footing with the  Bruce Lee Terminator movie so obviously that is   just with two brushes I haven't gotten a chance  to fully dive into everything because you know   frankly I'm juggling a lot of stuff luckily for  us friend of the channel Jeff synthesized has so   Jeff put together this cool reel showcasing all  five brushes at work uh you can see the eyes here   are one brush um eyebrows another hair another  the lips are another and the body is another and   then when you put all of that into motion you  get a shot like this this in a separate shot   and I'm just going to scrub through this one cuz  the shot goes by very quickly uh Jeff applies two   different brushes to each eye and manages to get  the crosseyed look so yeah there's definitely a   lot of creative possibilities but this is the one  that I really blew me away these City shots are   really nice especially the second one yeah that  looks really really good and once again that was   attained with five separate brushes as a caveat I  do want to point out that it still takes a number   of generations to get to something that you like  uh for example take making this image of Godzilla   which I used for a thumbnail a little while ago  and bringing that into motion brush I ended up   with stuff like this which is good for about the  first second and then gets a little bit weird we   got the return of scandalous Godzilla where he  kind of morphs into somebody doing a deadlift   but kind of shimmying the glutes as well uh yeah I  don't know why Godzilla's so obsessed with like La   face and an Oakland booty but clearly Godzilla  likes him round after about eight Generations   I ended up here which I like um there are some  issues like his hand or is it is it a PA does   Godzilla have a paw or is it his hand I'm going  call it his paw uh his paw kind of turns into   smoke here but I think I could take an earlier  iteration and probably comp them in together and   then mask the better paw in ultimately having  this much control over motion is a really huge   step in the right direction uh the updated motion  brush is available now over at Gen 2 so get moving   moving on brings us to today's sponsor and this  is relevant to your interest and we're going to   have some fun with it so you know don't completely  zone out this is video video maker by Invideo Ai   and you can access this from the chat GPT store  uh this is a tool that will allow you to create   entire videos from a prompt and that includes  the script the narration video b-roll stills and   titles it's a lot of fun to use too since it is  GPT based and it's you know conversational briefly   to access it uh you will obviously need to have  access to the chat GPT store uh but you come up   to this explore gpts here uh and then if you just  search for video maker uh it should be the first   one yeah there's uh apparently I guess 25,000  users using this as well uh double click on that   and that brings us to more or less a standard chat  GPT chat now the obvious use case for video maker   would be for something like video presentations  or explainer videos for YouTube shorts but that   doesn't mean you can't push it into some creative  directions we'll take a look at that in just a   second yeah just because something sponsored does  not mean I'm not going to play around with it a   little bit so let's first try something out on  the kind of typical side it's currently 20° in   snowing where I am so I'm thinking about summer  vacation and somewhere tropical so giving it the   prompt please create a YouTube short video for  the top four Beach vacation locations and then   running that pretty quickly you'll have a custom  link that you can then hit from there you'll end   up on a login page I've actually already logged  in so I'm just going to hit continue and really   does not take a lot of time before you have  a full video Welcome to a whirlwind tour of   four of the world's most stunning Beach vacation  locations first stop the Maldives a paradise of   over a thousand islands so yeah definitely not  bad but here's what's kind of cool is that you   can swap and change things out so let's say  that I don't like that first Beach location   I can just prompt for a different one so asking  it to change the first vacation location to Fiji   and hitting the generate button first stop Fiji a  paradise of both private and public Islands known   for its refline beaches and clear warm Waters  it's an idilic Escape for any Beach lover uh   we can also change our voice to a British accent  welcome to a whirlwind tour of four of the world's   most stunning Beach vacation locations I mean  that does sound pretty British to me admittedly   I am not an expert my you know knowledge  of British accents is pretty much limited   to Doctor Who and like British crime dramas by  the way slow horses on Apple TV pretty good so   moving on to a creativity experiment I wanted to  see if we could get video maker to make a guide   to surviving the zombie apocalypse and indeed it  delivered the first 24 hours are crucial it's no   longer about evading the mindless pursuit of the  undead but about facing the Stark realities of   a world devoid of its modern Comforts now it is  still AI so you're going to end up running into   some weird things here and there such as at some  point in the video it decided to throw this shot   in which uh feels a little tonally off right as  a note you also probably notice the giant water   marks we'll talk about that in one second uh but  to swap this shot out you just simply come down   to this edit button and you'll have not only your  shot but your Associated line that's underneath   that which you can edit as well uh in order to  swap out this shot this is about finding shelter   I can search say something like shelter survival  and uh yeah maybe this guy Building A Fire um hit   the replace button apply change and sure enough  our shot has now been replaced once you're happy   with your video you simply hit the export button  uh and you can then download it without watermarks   if you are part of the plus plan to note you can  still download this for free with watermarks but   obviously if you're looking to you know publish  this you should probably think about the Pro Plan   which actually is fairly affordable at $20 a month  it actually is fairly reasonable considering the   cost of subscribing to a stock video library once  again you can find video maker simply by searching   video maker in the chat GPT store my thanks to  Invideo for sponsoring this video the link is   down below moving on to a new and pretty cool  AI video generator we have Domo AI I know that   there are a lot of AI video generators popping up  but Domo does do something think pretty unique uh   it is Discord based yes I hear you Discord haters  look sometimes things are on Discord to use it you   simply come down to one of the generate video  rooms uh you can then issue a command so using   this kind of Coraline inspired image uh issuing  the command SL animate we will then be presented   with three options or two options I'm sorry namely  we can choose the intensity of the animation at   low medium or high and then the generation times  we get this which looks pretty good now if it were   just this it really wouldn't be noteworthy  but where Domo really flies is when you take   a piece of video like this stock footage which  I I truthfully I do not know what is happening   here it's like the weirdest superhero team up  of all time it is also now my favorite piece of   stock footage ever so issuing the forward slide  command and loading that piece of footage in and   we can change this video now to everything from  anime Styles down to kind of a Grand Theft Auto   sort of look so here it is under the anime preset  which looks pretty good it does struggle a little   bit with the guy's beard um but the thing is that  it does go up to a whopping 10 seconds here's the   thing I think the Illustrated style this looks  really good and not something that I've seen   from any other AI videoo video generator as an FYI  Domo is not free the basic plan runs at $9.99 but   it does offer you 45 free credits to try it out  the linked to Domo is down below let me know if   you would like to see a full Deep dive into it  moving over to sound which is half the picture   uh yeah this one really blew me away this is  called Sonic Vision LM so what this basically   does is via a prompt will create sound effects  by analyzing video so yeah it's basically AI   Foley it's kind of hard to wrap your head around  until you see it or rather hear it in action uh   luckily for us the team actually put together an  example using one of my favorite movies Leon the Professional so I know that was kind of  short but the important thing to take   away from that is those sounds weren't  there but rather generated via a prompt   of door opening squeaky footsteps of  leather shoes Etc that's wild here's   another example of Rose essentially killing  Jack by not letting him on the stupid door booat you can Blow That Whistle all you want Rose  we know what you did so while this may not seem   like the flashiest of AI advancements trust me  there is some assistant editor out there right now   that's going like this is going to save me hours  bit of trivia by the way if you ever hear rain in   a TV show or movie chances are that's not recorded  rain it's actually frying bacon true story   rounding out out of focus shots are now a thing of  the past now granted most cameras these days from   your phone to dslrs have really really Advanced  autofocus features but every once in a while you   leave it on the wrong Focus mode and you end up  with a bunch of out of focus footage well that   time is now over thanks to F net or flow guided  Dynam I'm not reading that whole thing you can   read that whole thing so yeah pretty impressive  this is obviously the original Source footage   and now uh the FMA net results uh yeah yeah it  looks really really good now I'm pretty sure all   of this was shot intentionally out of focus but  yeah it looks really really good so like really   punching in here you can see that it even sort  of tries to pick up details in the license plates   now I should note that this is not an upscaler nor  obviously is it a stabilizer uh both of which are   available we did take a look at a very affordable  video upscaler in the last video that link is down   below but overall very impressive work by the  team the code is available and uh the link to   this paper is down below I guess that's it for me  for today I do thank you for watching my name is Tim
Channel: Theoretically Media
Views: 35,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI VIDEO, Ai Film, Ai Filmmaking, AI Video
Id: jN9M7RLbkAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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