Discover the Power of Visla: The Ultimate AI Video Generator

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on this channel I've Dien deep into many different AI video generators from the good like Pika to the better like kyber into the mindblowing like Sora in today's video I'm going to show you the most versatile and easy to use video generator with an excellent user interface and is super beginner friendly stick around for a special surprise that levels this tool up to the stratosphere welcome to Visa not only can you create a video using visla but you can also modify an existing video as well as screen record something where you can then go in and edit it into an AI Masterpiece let me show you how this works let's jump in to create a video from here this is where it gets interesting as opposed to most other AI tools that just lets you type something in and it'll create a video for you Visa allows you to do that but also use the text document or a script if you were here from my last video on novel AI that was a tool that let you create stories just from AI which means I can take that script from novel Ai and plug it right in here and it can even rewrite it with Visa's own AI tools to make it even better there's also a spot where you can plug in your own blog URL let's say you found an interesting news article and you wanted to put video and images to it you can plug in the news article here and describe what you want it to look like and visl will create a video to accompany the words that go along with the text Visa also has a voice feature so that instead of typing you can speak into the microphone and it will input your words as text and turn your text into video why you'd want to use this is because number one talking is a lot faster than typing but also people have different inflections in their voice and mannerisms that are unique to them we have syntax and grammar and all that that does not get conveyed unless you're actually talking and finally there's image and video so what you can do is you can plug in an image or you can plug in a video so let's say you have a liveaction video that you want to turn into a an animated one you can plug it in here and it'll create a video just based on the live action also if you come over here you can click your own narration so that it'll even input its own AI voice to go along with it so if you're taking let's say b-roll and you wanted to turn that into an animated b-roll or cartoonish you can do that and then have ai voice over if you don't like the sound of your own voice let's dive in and I'll give you a real example of how this works so what visista will do for the idea portion is it tells you without you typing anything what this is designed to do so if you're going to click click on idea you can describe the video you want to create so describe your video's main idea its purpose its audience its length its pace and naration language and down here it says you can do English Italian French and Portuguese I'm going to come in here and give visla an example but of course the more descriptive you are with this and the more purposeful you are with this description the more accurate the videos will be so I just typed in a slow paste wide shot of a border collie frolicing through the field chasing after a ball and I told visa to make this video in English with a cinematic movie lens so let's see what comes up now I'm on the free version of vla however if you wanted to pay for premium stock or even Private Stock you can also do that but for now and for this video's purposes I'm just going to do free stock because I haven't paid for anything on here so let's see what happens before we continue to the first video if you like our my AI content and would like to see more make sure you click subscribe and like the content so it pushes it out to more people I'd greatly appreciate it in a vast field a border collie joyfully chases a ball embodying pure happiness and Freedom the col's graceful movements dance across the meadow a beautiful sight to behold each leap and bound showcases the col's agility and Boundless Energy in full display as the sun sets the collie silhouette against the Horizon paints a Serene picture of Tranquility the collie's unwavering focus on the ball symbolizes determination and unwavering dedication in the golden hour the collie's playful spirit shines brightly a beacon of pure joy with each joyful bark the collie's enthusiasm Echoes through the field a symphony of Happiness the collie's gentle demeanor and loving nature radiate warmth creating a heartwarming scene as the day Fades the col's contentment under the Starlet Sky brings a sense of peace and harmony in this tranquil moment the collie's presence is a reminder of the simple joys in life so that was pretty good without anything modified without anything adjusted without anything added to it but what you can do is you can click on the video itself and come into the editing mode where you can adjust the footage of each individual scene you can record your self or you can record uh or you can upload video and it'll come in and insert it you can add voice over or you can change the voice itself if you wanted to change the AI voice but if you wanted to add your own voice over you could or you can completely remove it you can come over here and adjust the audio so it's louder or quieter you can come over here and add a text box so you can add a header to the top or you can add a body text like over here you can zoom zoom in or zoom out and then you can come over here and animate so you can zoom in you can zoom out you can pan all that good stuff when you're completely done you can come over here and Export and any changes that you made you'll have downloaded for you if you don't like what it comes up with at all you can always come over here and click regenerate and it'll regenerate for you I honestly liked what it came up with so I'm going to keep it and all all of this footage is free so if you wanted to come over here and change this you can come and anything with a gold diamond you can pay for but anything for free you can just add right to it you can trim it you can do you can cut it and splice things together anything you would like over here you can actually upload a video yourself to edit it and when you upload it it'll come up over here and you can edit it from there so let's say I wanted to download my a random video you can actually insert a YouTube link and edit it right in the browser itself you can come over and screen record it yourself and edit from there what you can also do is video record yourself however visla wants you to download the actual app in order to do that so I'm not going to show you how to do that but if you would like to video record yourself you can do that as well on the left hand side you'll see your clips and your project s he down here you can see that your publish time again this is the free account so I only have 50 minutes of published video you can upgrade to unlimited if you would like to now for the coolest part of visa and what visa just added besides the voice and video if you come down here and you can kind of see it this is chat GPT plus users click here so I've had chat GPT plus just for trying out Dolly and all this other stuff but now visla has integrated with chat GPT so that you can create videos right from chat GPT with its machine learning and generative text and predictive and everything else like that I'm going to type in the same prompt that I did with the border collie and let's see what chat GPT integrated with Visa can do and as you can see this describes exactly what it's going to do so can create narrated videos from any inputs which includes ideas texts PDFs images or URLs it can leverage social media trends so if you're trying to upload something using visla it will rank higher with Tik Tok and YouTube shorts and all that it'll integrate with Dolly visuals so what I've been using dolly for just creating pictures Visa can actually do it has full customization so anything that you don't like you can change and it can also boost productivity and Captivate your audience let's input that borderi prompt that I give Visa's actual website and let's see what this comes up with through chat GPT so I typed in the same prompt so let's see what visla can do when it's inside of chat GPT so what this did is it created the cover image and it gave you a script for the video so what you can do is you can copy and paste this into Visa's website so we're going to click create video we'll go through text and click on input your script the script will create metadata which you can copy the description by itself and bring it over to how you want it to be described and now I can get rid of all this and now just by clicking on generate let's see what visa comes up with I'm over here I'm over here where am I going ohop so now that it's downloaded let's click on export just to get a higher quality version of the video that's going to show me in the Embrace of nature where the grass Dances With the Wind and Adventure unfolds meet our joyful Explorer a spirited border colly ready to chase not just a ball but the very essence of Joy with eyes gleaming with excitement our furry friend embarks on a playful Quest chasing a splash of color that promises endless fun every Leap a story of Freedom every run a tale of Happiness watch as our hero bounds across the field its heart as boundless as the Horizon Victory but in this field it's not about the catch but the chase the joy of play Echoes In The Air a melody of pure happiness as the sun dips lower casting golden Hues across the field our joyful Journey comes to a rest but every sunset promises another adventure in this endless playground of joy and [Music] freedom so as you can see that video was pretty good I did like the voice narration and I liked about the first 20 seconds of that video and then it got into a couple of videos that had nothing to do with Border Collies but the emotions were there so when I was talking about Victory you can see this kid playing a video game and winning when I was talking about the sun getting lower it showed a video of a lake at the sunset so what you can do is you can actually come in here and click on media and you'll get all of these pictures I just typed in dog but you'll get all these pictures of dogs that you can insert into your videos these would all be free and there's a whole lot of free ones that you can insert and then you can preview them and replace your image with them or replace your current scene with them what you can also do is go into premium if you have premium and these are going to be more specific videos that you can input into your video as well so if you ever wanted to replace a scene that you really didn't like you can come into the media Tab and do that you can add like I said your own voice over or change the voice over you can also add background music or change the background music to fit whatever theme that you're trying to go for so everything up here you can do over here this is like the the Quick Settings menu it'll also give you a more in-depth look of what the transition will be or what the graphics will be etc etc that's about it for Visa if you want to see more about Visa or if you want me to dive more into editing a video or screen recording let me know in the comments down below otherwise I'll catch you next time
Channel: I AM Lagana
Views: 259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: text to video ai, text to video, ai video generator, AI video generation tools, AI video creation Text to video, AI Video editing AI tools, Artificial intelligence video, AI content creation, Automated video production, AI for YouTubers, Digital content creation AI, AI technology in video making, kaiber, kaiber ai, chatgpt, openai, dalle, dall-e, playground, canva, magic studio, magic write, canva ai, sora, sora ai, open ai, chat gpt, ai, visla, visla ai, border collie, dog, ai dog
Id: mzaLM6TUQms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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