Create Consistent Characters for FREE!!! NO Dalle-3, NO Midjourney AI, NO Leonardo AI,

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so you've probably seen these videos showing you how to create a consistent character but what they probably don't tell you is that you need a paid subscription to use tools such as Del tree and mid Journey AI but today I'm going to show you how you can get similar results for absolutely 100% free now before we get started kindly hit that subscribe button also remember to like and share this video so that more people will be able to see it now let's get started just go to to Google and search tensor art uh it will take you to this uh website so tensor art is basically an app generation AI tool and you can probably you can use it to generate uh realistic models uh 3D models actually anything that you actually want to design sorry so today we're just going to design a 3D uh character we just going to do an example with a 3D character but remember that you can actually use this tool to generate even realistic models so we're just going to search through here and see uh the design that we want to use like this Disney pix style looks good so we're just going to hit run and you just going to have to sign in with either Google or your Discord account so I'll just sign in with my Google account since that's what I had signed in with before and now you can just hit sh and uh as you can see I was generating a few um uh samples for a different project but anyway so we're just going to tweak uh my initial prompt so that we can get a different character and actually the main thing with this tool is that you just have to make sure that your base description Remains the Same like that's it once you g that down then you can pretty much create a consistent character of anything so we just going to TW that to make it's a boy so now we've just gotten our first images uh but as you can see it's all over the place I actually do not like it at all but not to worry uh once you get the prompt downright then you're going to start getting something really good so we're just going to tweak our prompt again we're just going to tweak our description of our character a little bit more uh so actually the more you you do this the better you get at it yeah and remember you you a result is as good as the prompt that you give the AI so you need to look at this one uh see that's a little bit better but I'm really really not liking see this is actually better so the more you play around with this the better the the better the results since I'm not really liking uh the characters so what you're going to do is I'm going to change the base model so this is where you click and just go to 3D again and it will actually take you directly to 3D since that's what you're chosen so we're going to choose this 3D animation so and we're going to hit generate with that same one uh the same prompt with this uh new base model uh now we're going to just look at our character so I feel like this one is a little bit better the style is a bit better so I feel like we can run with this and get something pretty good so let's just keep running with this for a while and see the kind of characters that we keep getting now this one looks pretty good yeah as you can see now the character is beginning to take shape actually looks pretty good this is absolutely usable all so we just going to keep tweaking our prompt until we get something pretty consistent yeah and once we've hun down the consistency the next thing now that you do is start making a character like giving it different facial expressions whether it's sad whether your character is running you just change those prompt like that is the only thing now you mess with you leave the base description alone once you do that I promise you you're going to get a consistent character now I've been doing this for like uh around 20 minutes now and you can see I'm getting something pretty pretty good absolutely usable don't worry about the extra trash that is coming in we can always remove that in the next step like that's not a big deal at all and you can actually remove it for free so don't worry I'll still show you what to do in The Next Step but for now we just need to hold down our character we're just going to put in like different emotions whether it's crying whether it's surprised whether it's jumping whether it's sitting you know EA playing running so those are the things that you need to you know input in your prompt so that you start getting that consistency with the same exact character so we just going to put in here laughing um uh the same thing you can do whether you want your character to be crying whether you want your character to be sitting down to be eating you only get to mess with that part like for the Bas prompt I repeat please leave the base prompt alone like don't mess with it once you start getting a consistent character don't mess with the base prompt the only thing you're allow to mess with now is the description of uh whatever your character is doing or you know whatever they involved in but the best description that should remain absolutely the same I cannot insist this enough so as you can see this this character is pretty much the same character we are we are definitely getting the same character the consistency is actually really good this is literally the same character and you won't believe this is for absolutely 100% free nobody's going to charge you to uh to to you know to get these characters like to to get this amazing results like you don't have to break the bank you know as they say it's all about your resource it's not about your resources so this is actually going to be a lifesaver if you do not have the you know the budget for a paid AI tool I'll not lie those paid AI tools they actually the results are pretty they're actually really stunning and easy to use and then if you do not have uh the budget for that then this is a pretty uh solid way to go as you can see I'm getting the kind of results that I would actually get with some of those paid AI tools so we just going to keep playing with this keep giving it different prompts and keep seeing the kind of characters that you're going to get uh so if you're not pressed for time trust me you keep doing this and you get amazing results so for me all I needed to do was show you actually how to do this and you can see I've done this for a very short time and my results are pretty much amazing so there's no reason we shouldn't get the same results now we are just going to start downloading these characters and once it's downloaded like I like I said some of those characters you get are really nice but it has an extra junk that you do not want so for that all you need to do is go to photo photo is like yeah the free version of Photoshop if I may say uh so you just go to photo upload your character and all you need to go to do is just go to this magic want uh to this magic want select it and just hold on the shift key and select the character uh press uh the areas that you want to cut out so you're just going to do that diligently uh just select it out you select it all well so we also do not want this show around so we just going to cut it out as well so we're just going to hit um press the left button key sorry the right uh button key and you just hit remove background now this is what you get as you can see we have a very clean uh character so now you can just export it to use as you please uh we have actually created a uh transparent background so now you can just go to file and edit export as then you export as PNG now once you've checked and seen that the character is perfect now just hit save and it's going to download to your computer now you can go ahead and upload it to canva or whichever other tool that maybe you want to use whether it's Cana it's C card whether it's inot and we're just going to upload this and just to show you that the character you've got is actually a trans has a transparent background and you can pretty much place this character anywhere you're just going to choose a color we're just going to do a green background uh as you can see our character is pretty much transparent so you can place this anywhere and it's this is actually a lifesaver like you can use this for whatever it is that you want and guess what that was for 100% free for this kind of videos in many more kindly hit that subscribe button and see you in the next one I hope you enjoyed this one I hope you learned something new and I'll see you guys in the next one bye-bye
Channel: AI Tools Unlimited
Views: 120,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai consistent characters, consistent characters, make consistent characters in midjourney, how to make consistent characters with ai, how to create consistent characters in dall e, consistent character midjourney, dalle 3, dalle 3 consistent characters, consistent character, midjourney consistent character, consistent characters in ai, create consistent characters, leonardo ai consistent character, consistent character leonardo ai, stable diffusion consistent character
Id: tRhS7L6tKqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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