Food Challenge! Mystery Unboxing! Abandoned Storage Unit Auction!

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[Music] Yeah right so here's the deal get this team over here come on my nose emotionally my emotionals in the sim are gonna make me emotional I came up with the challenge actually told that good I sent jeans in the store so if y'all really want to find out your guy won't let you do this you're gonna pick a team - who's gonna compete for y'all and you're gonna pick one who's gonna compete for y'all all right here's the challenge you ready to determine who is the best employee [Music] alright guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds boxing on dition of the star wars unit and Arrowhead jr. right so what we're doing here is it is Tuesday morning mm-hmm Tuesday mornings about 9:30 ish I'm guessing so what we did is we've come in here if you'll kind of look down there you see all the what the hell's drunks all right let's just show so part of what I want to do is is one when our channel picks up and I have a little bit more time that I can slow down not have to process so fast I'd like to really do those educational videos if you'd like to start an auction house online auction house we'd like to teach you so anyway you'll see just Monday this stuff was full of other people's stuff right all from either the star wars unit or the Arrowhead unit guys so this is how many Lots we've squeezed out of this thing already we haven't even been through half of the stuff so this dollar grand fine sale is gonna go up immediately after the what the hell sale closes this Thursday starting at 8 p.m. Central Time look there's hoodie hey can I just point something out real quick hold on the phone and in my weird look at my beard is looking super weird this morning I was just telling them I couldn't find a brush but the shampoo was out this morning so I had to grab the hand the hand soap and wash my beard and everything with it and so now it's like Australian like weird and stuff so it's so bad for your hair it is but hey it's better than having a stinky beard right sure hey so anyway here's my old grumpy vines glasses that I signed the lenses of I didn't know if they were gonna get a bit but these babies are at 2750 you know what Jeremy Swisher said what $21 oh god there's one in this joint god I can't believe I am beating the king of storage unit like channels right now right he's killing it that's 140 thousand viewers he'll be at 150 easy mm-hmm but anyway hey if you want to bid on Jeremy and George sign this is Jeremy's actual video this is the one he wearing in the videos after he sold the first one on eBay but this is the second one I literally he took it off and gave it to us more and then they signed it so anyway I'm beating Jeremy so anyway here's what we're doing we've set up a system if you want to learn how we process so fast because a lot of people have been saying man you're a machine and what's taking a lot of years of experience right we've been building our processes mm-hmm so this is the trash cart this is stuff that we have not loaded out yet and so what the team is doing is they're bringing in this stuff right we're gonna fill this table up with boxes me and Katie are gonna put on our gloves all right cuz we've been wearing gloves yeah hey check out my work hey y'all look it has not grown back yet hey guys hey guys good all right hey there's a wart update so what we're gonna do is is me and Katie I'm training her I'm continuing to train her this week on lauding just how we lot our options for the best outcome and so me and Katie are gonna go through the boxes the guys Jake and I almost call them Steve for some reason Steve's one of my business partners and Steve ain't gonna be back there picking up but so what Jake and David are gonna do is they're gonna come here we're gonna put all the trash here that we gave trash and they're gonna go out the front door they're gonna go out here through the gate to a dumpster that's on a 40-yard dumpster that's outside this window and then they're gonna go back they're gonna grab us two more boxes or however many more and bring them in here and we're gonna be circular think that's how we do this so in two hours we're gonna process the rest of this stuff and we can do it with this system so anyways that's the system of how we process and what we do is is so me and KD take the individual items and we go ahead and lot them and then as soon as this room's full we got furniture that will bring in here a lot on this stuff and then all this stuff is what the Hales this is the stuff you can bid on right now what the hell's Halestorm - my phone my cell phone and so all of this stuff will actually be gone Friday because the auction closes Thursday people will come pick up their stuff here or we'll ship it and then we're gonna fill this stuff up again so our plan is always to have a waiting right so last week after the auction close packing Magoo packing Magoo 2 is coming up after this grimes font installer so so what the hell's will in grimes funds will start class fines will stop packing Magoo 2 will start and then we're also putting together a large clothing auction that will be a mix of packing Magoo and storage occupier so anyway let us get these tables filled up real quick with boxes we'll come back and we're gonna do some unboxing with you so we'll be right back all right guys we're back so we're all unboxing right now until we get enough trash to really start so what we're doing is we're giving single more doll furniture right actually Hey so like we would take this piece and part of what you want to do is you want to kind of keep your your catalog like similar throughout and you don't want to run too many of the same items in a row or bitters will lose interest I've found over the years so anyway I try to keep all this stuff here look we got a spot right down there for it but this is all the the doll furniture that we found this so this look this cabinet is lotted out we might put another lot here and maybe a couple smaller things right here but anyway so there's all the doll furniture maybe [Music] and so three of them see what else we got here okay so there's a third one so she comes some more store Oh so we'll probably put let's put these two together we'll keep these loosey-goosey z' here those are newer oh yeah she did find these two and we didn't open it yet so let's just take all those games and make them big lot out of them give them to Tanner he'll go stack all right 1998 the other day Dork okay so yeah this one so look 1998 1984 right kind of look similar but they're different he's got holes in his hands right because these go in his hands oh yeah there you go and so look here's a little little collectible coin that goes with it it's got a stand yeah yeah so let's see who's this for the same guy oh no that's for him so I think so anyway so anyway check that so we'll put these together the way this should be him will hold the side oh look there's a blaster yep and then we got this guy so we'll probably put these loosey-goosey z' together if you will lot out individually these can all go by themselves yeah I think we went through he's got a big ol I don't know that's just the way it was split look it was casted or no it is breaking no that's broke okay these that can go by themselves right here this the two clean ones are one lot these go with the point ones the blaster the pain and then put those and this go together put this as one lot together [Music] yeah looks like we got a new Sears so sealed standard target few boxes going up here yeah new old stock yeah it looks like a drills in there and some drill bits that's SCS process okay so that's two good lot oh man look it's Birds let's give a shout-out to my guess which one of my YouTube friends would I be right now alright thank you oh okay well granted it's a dub or what is that I don't know but I can check these out barbecue sauce hand-painted so we're gonna put all these together for Bubba's big brew will make one big lot out of this stuff right here okay so let's keep boxes flowing all these puzzles can be won lot guys pew-pew that toys-r-us they keep saying somebody's gonna bring Toys R Us back oh yeah look at these either fun oh those are watching oh look we got Jar Jar so we got several watches alright good deal so let us get some more boxes set up here we'll get this stuff out of the way so this is what we call transfer tubs it's just so we can go through stuff [Music] like a sellable snap oh oh wait we fell I remember this box snap on I just couldn't pull this stuff out in the unit look there's that bear parts started with that this is for permit wheeze hey permanent hair remover tweezers that's got to be what that is - yeah that's pretty cool yeah glad you like to put a battery and then put that on your face I wouldn't do it okay alright hey we're gonna lock that let's see here these can go together though these tweezers lady tweezers let's do a double we're gonna give them a double pad you can bid on all this so hey all this stuff starts at a buck yard all starts at a book so we're gonna put these watches we'll go individually we got four watch okay and we still have old Jedi posters posters puzzles which would make great posters of you did them at random right I gotta look up the value on the posters anyway we will let us get some more boxes set up over a bit alright guys we're back we've already been to kind of show them the same boxes already taken we have read through a bunch of boxes so anyway I pulled and then I saw this set all one piece look at number two man we keep finding a bunch of number two's check that out that is beautiful oh look at that you don't want that somewhere cool is there bunch of let's see if they're the same time let's finish what's in here and she went on pulling that box looks like a can light I did not know that's what those football look in line yeah but now it makes sense if that's what's all in there pick out the big pieces this is still like touristy stuff I would bet camera is broken glass I'm just gonna that's kind of cool it's like a little mini Stein see if we got a set looks like we're gonna have oh yeah there's gonna be real careful in here and try not to get cut as much as I used to Tanner you can start taking these bud and find a place to lock these laughs I totally forgot about that man I'm probably gonna get demonetised for that one now so anyway a lot of this stuff is broken we do a Hillsong UNITED I just so let's see what's in here looks like we got more glassware it almost looked like Fostoria for a second that just looks cheap just the big bowl treating it so it's the big bulgy like seams and stuff that's just to me the quality nope Pat O'Brien mm-hmm yeah so all that back in there and we're gonna Chauncy then funds out more than 1982 it says Susan on it let's go it's got like the Budweiser horses on it original read that it's kind of cool it's like a pewter top or something all right so anyway do we have boxes where I don't have to unwrap every let's look in this box was this your box hello we did this box in the unit okay so hey let's do this let me get some of this stuff unwrapped just so you don't have to sit here and watch this unwrapped every piece and let us fly through this and then we'll come back I'll show you everything we found in these boxes right here cool be right back [Applause] alright guys we're back so if you look over there we've gone through two boxes we're cleaning up we did actually I forgot I just started handing them stuff we'll go back over there a second do one more round I mean we've felt like probably at least another loss mm-hmm so check this we found out another old school scale how cool is that okay what else do we find found this it feels like it's in there let's see if it's really in here dr. Spock so anyway that's really cool I love all waffle makers oh wait now that's just like a grid or is it missing the things now this might just be like a thing for like sandwiches yeah we found look we found an old tortilla press and we found some old cast iron we did find this big big what I started making because we're over a hundred videos now I started making a best-of Oh funniest kind of best things we found so we're gonna do an hour-long best uh for the first hundred episodes oh my god anyone let me teach you something real quick this looks it's cast iron right real heavy looks legit right yeah you think it's old or not uh newer are you training you were because I saw that there's a screw in the back okay and it's a Phillips Phillips head but I don't know normally when I see screws I know that it's not I think that's a patent or like the whole thing four screws I think it was like in the 1790s late 1790s but this is a more modern screw and you can just I can tell by just looking at it that's not real there's no aging to it so anyway it's still cool yo this is heavy heavy heavy that's the first cast iron we found anyway I'd like to get excited I'm not even sure they made one this big originally but hey your train is paying off I'm proud of you hmm so anyway there's just little things you look for right that can make something worth like five thousand or like five bucks so anytime you're looking and trying to age stuff always look at the hardware always look at the hardware it's easy to track when that hardware was made and sometimes like the hardware wasn't even invented yet when the originals came out so anyway same thing with furniture dovetail was more of a older antique style of how to make the furniture fit together that's why it's so much better and now it's just cheap screws and stuff like that so anyway hey I don't know if we'll be back for this episode you want to go show them let me show you how many Lots we [Music] our spot right next to the typewriter this whole poker set poker chips like it's not a little lazy susan but anyway so check it out we found these new tools or old stock tools I think y'all saw that but anyway we've got some original Remington signed prints anyway look look at all this we just look how much Tanner's been coming over here and doing a good job look look at this old Corvette jacket we found I came here for Tommo when we down there mm-hmm love that it's like 70's style really cool anyway more toys look more for the Rings fantastic so anyway hey let us get back at it we've got a unit that I bought a while back before we went to California I haven't been through you and I it's the one we started finding all the gold in mm-hmm and so anyway we're gonna do that here in a little bit we're gonna spend two hours after lunch to do that and see if we can find some gold that'd be awesome so they let me do that [Applause] alright guys alright hey everybody what you're doing oh alright so they don't know what I'm doing but I figure we're gonna add a competition into this thing right so look we got this whole room decked out la time was 350 Lots in one little room me and Katie are gonna continue so what they're doing is Jacob and Tanner are going they're starting at the beginning of the auction and they're working forward and these two knuckleheads are working backwards right we're starting at 320 working backwards will I yawn so you got done three great Lots right we they just started oh my gosh they're already double kicking y'all's butt but they started with art and arts a little bit more difficult so we'll give them that right so hey typically the rule of thumb is was we like minimum is a lot per minute all right so we got 320 Lots right divide that into two hundred seventy sixty yeah so here's a deal who's gonna win quality if not then they zip through here and be like uh you know crazy you're gonna do quality and quantity who's gonna win so here's the deal type right now in the comments what's y'all's team's name which team then pick it I got it okay I got it the emotionals the emotionals these two I don't know you're so happy and positive not kind of the emotionals and the semi emotional so hey click this down hashtag emotionals or a hashtag semi emotionals who's gonna win cuz we're gonna pop back in at the end this video and we're gonna show you their spreadsheets and we're gonna see who got quantity and quality but our goal before we leave for the day it's about it's a little after noon it's to get all of these pictures and describe we've got plenty of time to do that so we're teaming up to help each other descriptions and we're gonna team up and do the pictures gonna knock out this room and then tomorrow we're gonna knock out another four to five hundred Lots as we got to give you a thousand on so anyway remember hash tag the emotionals or hash tag the scim-immodule oh yeah happy and sad what movie is it inside out kind of like four years now come on man my kids are past the cartoon stage now yours isn't little baby toe me and Monica aren't all right here - thank deal for real hash tag the emotional or hash tag the semi emotional to see who does it the best job who gets the most done we'll be right back you know me I'm back it's been like two seconds more it was like what are we good no it's like will a paycheck go Friday but I guess I'll throw in something extra right I don't know like that it's millennial right what do I get a paycheck no I'm joking all right here's the deal no whoever wins what team wins I'll pay for your launch tomorrow you have whatever you want tomorrow for lunch if they lose they have to do Jeremy Jeremy oh yeah we like that I like that deal so the winners get lunch on me tomorrow my pointing at y'all I must think you are gonna win I know winners get free lunch the losers of this video have to end it with a Jeremy Jeremy all right are we going yeah I got up to me right now I'm trying to figure it out I am doing soft the cuff so y'all can't cheat all right guys we're back and here's the dang deal I'm pretty sure I know who won but we're gonna go check cuz they're done they're standing here like new polls right and these two are still working so anything alone but but Tanner's noon Monica you you could call her new but she's not new she worked here before any of these three knuckleheads right mm-hmm so technically they had the advantage right I think the emotionals had the advantage and you know descriptions for these are real easy because it's basically copy and paste I'd type deal and you change the Year in the who who it was so what number 1/33 see I've done a hundred and thirty three Lots what number Amy did y'all stop it 141 so y'all did how many lives so they've done 140 Lots y'all did how many well they're still working yeah but we're I'm giving you credit for each for one show so here's the deal that's happen oh I feel like it's pretty close but no it's a 140 140 right yeah so now we need to go off of how their descriptions are rock-paper-scissors no I got a better idea I got a better idea okay y'all notice this Gina Hey all right everybody stop what you're doing is first time and tell you not to work and I cannot tell you how proud I am this you just did you just continued working while we were filming like this maybe that's a step in the right direction I don't know why you're less peaky Magoo did y'all watch last night that was that was Jake oh to start I know oh yeah start recording I was facing this way and I Wis presses or you need these ding-dongs just behind me staring at me she looked over there no and then sure enough watch last night's video take a weird but is back there staring peeking through shelfs at me okay so here's the deal I feel like it was a tie can we call it a tie at the time because he's newer riot would y'all call that fair he's newer so in okay so here's the deal I got it I sent Jeana to the store for a way to determine the winner all four of you Alfred we'll be okay yeah all right so here's the deal get this team over here come on my nose mostly my emotionals and the sim ops I'm gonna make me emotional challenge that good I said jeans in the store so if y'all really want to find out your God won't let you do this you're gonna pick a team - who's gonna compete for y'all and you're gonna pick one who's gonna compete for y'all all right here's the challenge is she ready to determine who is the best employees yeah we're doing the banana and Sprite challenge I just google it I don't know if it works I don't know okay so you get one sprite each for Wayne one team per team is it one or two little later you get two okay oh wait no you got yeah they need to spray it you got it - okay here's the deal we're gonna see who can do this the fastest you got to have one team John one team member who can do this it was a pad don't take credit for things you Monica can't believe that you got to go watch it the veteran would step up the older guy would say hey I got this dream you've never tried it are you going I knew David was gonna stay home Oh Jacob come over here come on babe I for sure thought Jacob was gonna take it I knew he was gonna step up I knew it I could have told you Jacob wasn't gonna do you want to choke it okay okay so here's what we're gonna do you got to take out the bananas and we'll do one sprite so that work once chronic that makes it to you here okay you all ready yeah whoever finishes first hey don't start it ah David on the street down put it down that's cheating all right thing is you can only use your mouth no it's the first one he completed I don't even know if you have you ever seen this I've never seen this out thing you're gonna [Laughter] do come on Dave Oh God come on man if you don't win I'm Titus in here all the glory and for a free lunch tomorrow no you want three whites go come on David come on baby oh yeah you got it come on oh yeah faster faster he's killing it get you some sprite you gotta get the sprite down - yeah bro your dad is kicking your bucket you down the fan you are a poor cheerleader that's my mother yeah that hurt mama I got that on camera you're almost done wash it down wash it down bro yeah that's that's why your shirt up chug chug I've been heat finish bolt I bet he's a man it don't finish both of these yeah come on babe Davis God he's like this is nothing new --gel what this was in the top 17 best food challenge if they forget the sprite swarm hey make it harder going come on I don't know I killed it come on let's go kill it come on babe can't you it's not that bad come on breathe this catch him you can catch him I feel like we need to stay video tag tag tag tag tag tag tag tag toy he's got it he's gonna do it if he doesn't throw up that's awesome and you're - no you got it you got it [Music] [Laughter] I could have told you he's not a food challenge but I feel like we need to stay all right here's the last part I didn't tell y'all bus you're still this is your second chance to win okay now listen no no no anything all you gotta do is run and touch that dumpster and come back whoever gets bad airs wins go go baby right here I'll see that oh yeah we win all right good deal there hey here's the dang deal I'm buying everybody lost we gotta go that was way too long I'm sorry no one puke I'll try to do a better job next week [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 4,971
Rating: 4.9542856 out of 5
Keywords: Facebook, youtube, google, gmail, yahoo, netflix, twitter, storage wars, new tv shows, auction, porn, craigslist, snapchat, news, sex, walmart, clash of clans, fortnite, games, home depot, pokemon, Donald trump, pizza hut, Spotify, sports, cosco, nike, trump, music, nfl, iphone, Itunes, email, star wars, bbc, bidmate, tmz, what the hales, jebus, storage auction pirate, locker nuts, bargain hunters thrift, taco stacks, blue bus dave, vines, live, ASMR, markiplier, jake paul, pewdiepie, jacksepticeye, despacito, dantdm
Id: V7nSrHyrCsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 36sec (2196 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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