Rehoboth 2018 (Day 3) with Apostle Victor James

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we have up 20:18 kings and priests [Music] [Music] it's a privilege and a not for me or the lot to bring me here to come and share in this experience it's been an experience since I got here wonderful experience I mean even if you don't love Jesus when you go through this you love him it's contagious [Applause] please visit Christianity or the beauty of Christianity is the grace of God this started the beauty of Christianity is the grace of God take the grace of God out of Christianity what you have is Islam but grace preached but grace preached outside of the feet go of the person called Jesus will translate into frustration I'm gonna say it again the beauty of Christianity is the grace of God just Oh preach grace just Oh preach grace does not bring southeast I'm not preaching against grace I'm going so much I need to listen carefully the day you got born again it was not grace message you had you had the gospel it was the gospel grace message does not save it is the message of the gospel that saves I don't know what I do what I'm saying and what is the message of the gospel the message of the gospel is a person and his name is called Jesus Paul said in Romans 15 not happiness you see the devil is very subtly once in knows that God has begun to open up himself in a dimension on an area to the body of Christ the tendency for the body of Christ to wrong in the absence of the person is possible mama concerns so any press message preached in the absence of the passing of Jesus is what gives way is what gives way to grace becoming a body that's why the dress of God is not a thing the grace of God is a person in Romans chapter 1 verse 16 the Bible says put it up please Romans 1:16 let's walk it a little bit I'm not preaching again Greece and trying to bring you somewhere for I am not ashamed of what the gospel of Christ the gospel of Christ in Romans 1525 put Romans 1525 romans 1525 sorry 1625 915 1625 Romans 16:25 now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel what is my gospel the preaching of Jesus what is the gospel the gospel is the preaching of who Jesus so until Jesus is preached grace is not available please preaching grace in the absence of the passing create body because noggin is graceful brick through disgraceful success grace to make it rest wake up early in the morning grace message in the absence of the knowledge of Jesus he say with that exercise he services my gospel that God will establish you in that butter what butter after the preaching of the person who in first Peter I'm say cooking it wait what I'm talking about in first Peter chapter 1 verse 13 go punish them see Bible see Bible where it with no work I yet wait watch this first Peter chapter 1 verse 13 we have for gather up the loins of your mind be sober and hope to the end for the grace that shall be brought to you how how will s be brought how will s be brought it is a teaching and preaching of Jesus so don't talk about Jesus you are talking about a mental knowledge without invitation as well do you know when you got born again you did not get born again looking for grace who did you live for and you were saved by grace by grace who I said to faith but it was not the message of grace who had it was the message of the person because he is the dress of God in a bodily form so the Bible said when when the message of Jesus is preached or anywhere Jesus is preached what we are serving you is bliss that's why in the New Testament job we don't preach about Moses he's dead we can't find where they're buried little bit of God am I making sense to somebody here in the New Testament church we do not preach about Elijah wherever he went is the only one that knows where he is in the New Testament church we don't preach about David he said when the Spirit of the Lord moose upon his heart he will jump right there Big John if you talk like that that you will learn like David I'm a concerns but there's one we preached about they said gospel that is the power of God when we talk about Jesus with severe burns we are how are you we are neckties you because Paul said to Timothy is activity remember what punish them is they remember Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead remember whatever your condition remember if Jesus could be raised your condition will die without you die with it I'm sorry you girls see restaurant see restaurant don't let what I'm saying sound like Maria Bhutan you imagine that in Jesus I was talking to everybody only the disciples understood what was saying they kept on me Jesus is why you talking to them a parable is that to you is available know what I'm saying toss the salad bar able to you they said no they say it is given to you to know but to them that is sound like parable well I don't get it them if you are sick and delicious on you you are not here come here about Jesus dessert I'm not talking to somebody here come here come here he won't have that with little eggs on you again you are see know he'd come ah he another one because well here we are serving you something we are building something inside of you I'm not talking to somebody where Jesus is preach Liberty is guaranteed the error of the church is that everybody is flogged in faith if you have faith like a seed of Motor City if you have faith if you have faith if you have faith if you have faith when Jesus came did he ask anybody to have faith as every disciples because they wanted to be justified in the absence of Jesus so they needed to operate on that the functionality of your permanent you see there are two types of faith in the Bible that's why I say listen to me because I'm taking someone there are two types of faith in the Bible the faith of the Old Testament that faith is justified by works it was from the angle of the effect John James spoke because James refused to be liberated in his mind regarding the passing call Jesus Oh shake your head at least let me know we're together so gently with the faith without works is dead hello Jim said they showed me your faith and I show you my works because in the Old Continent faith is justified by what if you want to show that you have faith you would tell your dress pour ashes on yourself or in the money Oh Lord when Jesus showed up it's a genuine now because of me is rest come to me all you that labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you not works so anytime you genuinely meet with Jesus in a particular area it will be reflect that in rest that's why we preach Jesus so when we preach Jesus we are serving you bliss and when it catches up with you in a particular area we will know it rest not works sir do you have a laptop for that yay you find that's that are you still connected look from Sky in Hebrews chapter 4 the Bible said in verse number 3 Hebrews 4 and C walk in it Wow god bless you are like that grace message in the absence of the knowledge of Jesus Christ he say wasted exercise may God bless your father the best policy here we're dumb people give it what I talking about put that but I can see please thank you for we which have what believed what is the sign of our belief we have a bad rest you are not a believer until you have Aunt Agnes in that given situation that's why we need to preach Jesus to you come to me the preaching of Jesus Christ is bringing you to Jesus we preach Jesus we need to bring you to him when we bring you to him this sign you have metal is rest you are not even waking up to a.m. in the morning yes 33 my heart say the dream I had Oh father name of Jesus this dream I can show you I command you to go you need to meet me in that area we know he whom we have believed and we are persuaded that whatever we have committed into his hands disciple oh no I don't know one talking to hear see Bible not a warrant for body when we won't you meet with Jesus this generation is how to meet with Jesus the charge is how to meet with Jesus where you meet with Jesus in the face of the devil you are asking as a newborn baby you have you will have no right to envy anybody thank you alright are you bridges of a hominid on unzippering little any message that does not point the people to Jesus dress is withdrawn from being served that's why it's women's Tata the approaching dress the people are not until it we which I believe put it back please which I've believed we are entered at if you ask me we have any bad and our entrance is a passing in second Corinthians the Bible said in chapter 3 verse 16 but when he shall turn to the Lord from whatever the activity nevertheless when it shall turn who is opposite Anto to the law to Jesus so that person to the person when it's our turn to Jesus when it's after the church needs to turn to Jesus the church needs to turn in their consciousness so what we need to preach to the church is Jesus you know what we don't preach Jesus I know why some people get angry when the computers and all we are hearing is about Jesus you know what I get angry because they feel that Jesus is inferior to God the few Jesus is inferior to God and Jesus well maybe by proxy he seen you know all the people in the Bible so there's a contention between the reality of Jesus in the heart and mind of believers contending with who Moses is the characters of the Bible in Romans chapter 1 the Bible said in verse number 3 concerning Jesus it's not concerning faith it's not concerned in Greece neither is the concerning works concerning his son Jesus our Lord which was made of the seed of whom is not of this is not the seed of David Jesus is not the seed of David he was made for necessity sake of the seed of David so Jesus will never bow to David in southern Greece let's see what someone lost a little what retreated again concerning his son Jesus Christ our Lord which was led he was led of the seed of them he is not the seed of David that's why any time they caught Jesus son of David have lessons he gets angry I know I'm not in cell oh I'm in trim Jesus son of David have mercy on me he replies them out of offense he's he brings offended me so not David you leaves don't see understand what is happening that's was winning that's what every time you look at the Association it deals with that is not out of anger because I supposed to be a savior so I can't be with the people so what's going through your head where did Jesus he is angry body column so no TV as well let me show you let me show you in Matthew 22 polish ignorant you got a clue that is Matthew 22 yeah just see Bible in verse 41 whenever stand-up comedy Bible for me while the Pharisees we are gathered together Jesus explained Jesus at them saying what think he of Christ whose son is he [Laughter] they say unto Him the son of David they said unto them how then doth David in spirits call him Lord same the Lord said unto my lord sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool if they did then call him Lord how if they did then call him Lord how is he his own appluse you Jesus he is not the son of David is the essence of life Jesus is the dress of God a suppressor somebody here anywhere you enter what you need to hear is about Noah you what you need to survive God punished there be deep damage to try it I'm not talking to somebody here debit is gone but jesus is alive 2,000 years ago there buried it he resurrected wait yes my fulfill yourself before we go any further you add water I read it is that what what do you think the crisis I said this on Olivia is it so not TV he said if he is the son of David in the realm of the Spirit when David saw him defeat addressed him as Lord so I am a father call him son Lord is it so high as it is on a baby Jesus is trying to tell them stop calling me the son of David I am NOT more I am much more when you exercise faith in me what you need is what I become Oh am I talking to somebody here you when we were going to get born again we did not exercise faith in being born again we did it as a sighs fate for bimba because we don't know we are being born again is so what did we as I stated to do a successfully in Jesus so Jesus who sees why your faith was exercised in him turned it into being born again split shops are nothing to me where I need you to understand I needed to understand when we were going to get born again as a non-believer I didn't know how to be born again so my faith was not looking for born again what was my faith exercised in Jesus who sees they need and the reason why my faith was exercising him he told the exercise of my faith the result of it was my salvation so the Bible says from now on whatever it is you need whatever it is you want if life is passing you back and forth up and down is there relaxed exercise faith in who not that life you stop tossing me up and down you see the problem is this we don't trust Jesus at all that's why grace message is becoming like a body people are hearing it myself walking for some people know why that is the best message occur here if I want to be married he expects me to have faith in him no but you see something is a prey is not an information father I'm 42 I know you know wicked how long why Oh God Jesus said what you have need of your father knows what you have need before I became a lead to you so he said don't give me information about your need exercise effect in the Redeemer and return me to the answer for your need Jesus exercised faith in Jesus exercise faith in Jesus it will become the answer to your need productive you are looking for ambasa was a are you now saying that I shouldn't go to mountain to one pray for me for what I'm looking for budgeting the fasting and she does believe Jesus I didn't say she don't first marine say so but actually is ignorance that drive people to first never trust or no when I promote -2 in this posture I said look they are bringing me to viu help me look at Hebrews 4 3 again Hebrews 4 3 I'm gonna show you something and everything I'm telling you I'm not telling you from my head it's from the pages of this culture it was for for we which have believed do enter where rest rest not we which are going to believe there are two types of pistons those who are believers and those who are going to believe so those who are going to believe they have not entered yet we are not ones after Pinto I'm talking to those of us who we have we have we have even if you carry Oz and Roboto drawers into the Lions Den that is not where we start prayin faster that we believe already that our Redeemer liveth I don't know if I'm talking to somebody here it is not worried about to throw us into the den of life or inside fire that's not the father ergo this is that they share with tambourine and also some pieces are very interesting see the fullness of fire see crystal this is that church I know that the church must concern me is that we which have believed we are resolved if it was not suppose we die like this is that those of us who wish oh of course we haven't addressed you can't give us more time we know he whom we are believed and we are persuaded I said we are persuaded we know that tomorrow we come with flying colors I don't know one talking to here because if he died in resurrected so far settle Tamati remember remember that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was raised your condition remember whatever your talent remember if Jesus was raised they see we not kill you [Applause] it will give you it will it will give you watch see Bible no please put that blue background I beg you watch this everyone watch as he said I have sworn in my wrath if they shall what Jesus a blessing break up a dagger why should they enter into rest although the works we have finished from when from when from before God said let there be life in knows that you'll be born again so he said to the question I mean you definitely challenge you on October 2018 so before the bath show so that worked out your deliverance they go whatever is born of God overcometh the world he's not very tall he's born of a comma somebody here that's why Jesus is our light is our hope he's our strength Jesus is our God he's away shot pause to the Lord the veil shall be taken away whatever the condition Tong one more time plan Jesus I needed to intervene he said the veil would be removed the challenge will be they don't challenge Jesus anymore because he has conquered everything that needs to be conquered a possible deletion chapter 2 verse 16 now you say what you don't do fasting I didn't say so do you know that it's when we get to the end of hours every member to first know if we have to be honnest not be honest so why should you get to the end of yourself in the first place going what knowing that the man is not justified by the works of the law it is saved by the law he said he walks it is a by the law he said he walks don't join us and he walks I'll of course you understand it works now many stuff not your vanuatu the temple just was a lot you don't need to work right temple after the service you'll be pregnant [Applause] knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Lord the works the works is not by the works look please pollutant but by the faith of Jesus Christ the one off should be in faith by faith in Jesus Christ so when I wake up in the morning I don't do father today's he did not ask me yesterday okay what about tomorrow today what about tomorrow you see the teaching of Jesus it's not just grades we preach Jesus that revelation observed I mean that grace may be served the Bible said at the revelation of Jesus grace shall be sad that's what I'm serving you now are not measuring Greece but I'm serving it to you so grace is the best you'll never happen to anybody knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith in Jesus but by faith in Jesus Christ even we we will we are going to believe in Jesus where you are not unpacked into faith in Jesus you will deploy the works of the law to rescue yourself holy love Jesus three times blood three times and it will fire several times I know your problems are over in Romans chapter five chapter 4 verse 5 Romans 4 verse 5 but to him that worketh not see Bible to him that worketh not but what is perilous do no know what what does it do but believe that on him that justified the ungodly is what what is content his friend God is not counted you are rolling on the floor see very shortly don't get angry you know something when they are reading Bible you be angry why should that won't be there I should what put it there don't like it to him that worketh not what does it do that believeth on him that was a fatty ungodly his faith is what comes up in Newmont i'm not be able to see that or your water I hope you received after hisana happy new month today is that day this year is that year I don't know what happened to last year will you go away post next year if this year is that year and this up Kristen believe us talking is because you have not met with Jesus yet when you meet with Jesus Jesus is our day our days not Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday or Saturday Jesus holiday is that for David said in the subtle flesh under I should have given them rest saying that yet yet I will be fought one more day he said on that day everybody should live bore to elta jesus is that there we don't live by Sunday Monday Tuesday when as it was day Friday Saturday you know some churches so I had some pastors gotta wanta they say Muslims want to stop us from doing service on Sunday we will write out as an arrival tire God does it look who now if they say what you do service on Sunday we'll do it on Monday the South shouldn't do it on Monday we'll do it on Tuesday if the section 271 sa taas day Friday we do it in the night in the cells we'll do it in the night we do it in the afternoon in the service you don't do it that we do it by a pallet somebody here we have let the members walks the realm of loves Jesus is a person as we look to Jesus as we see Jesus by the glory of God we are changed with metaphors we become what the devil cannot stop we become what the powers of darkness cannot stop even against sickness in your body as I talk about Jesus now I command every sickness to get out gasps remember Jesus whatever the devil has gone before Jesus is free tonight I bring a stop to it is that this fight he has gone he will go no further watch let me show you something what I'm talking about we are beginning to become confidence in our edema in chapter 4 verse number 10 I'm cooking this tree Galatians 4 10 delicious water he say you observe days equally so fast oh so you observe days and months and times Minako when we call by CCF in the dew of heaven you also be has a shop shop whoa whoa is this a I've discovered it ah sharing with you say see Muslim do we go by for imma give two religions in the air and we were sleeping very unfortunate see that's how long we wake up you have to get over I said look at the devil lie to your teeth the observing days months times I want you head what Jesus said in John 3 he that is born of the flesh is flesh if he's born of the Spirit is spirit is that no man can predict America you may know where he's coming from you can't tell where he's going so easy that is born of the Spirit whenever said become strong in Jesus Christ we will look at Goliath like this and we dissolve Oh am i talking to somebody here let me show Jesus yeah no policy devil next verse verse 11 look at it another one I said look at it see Bible he said I am afraid of you Paul said I'm of believers it's talking to Kristen yeah and they feel you Fiona just what is darkness self-control time now they are afraid of you let's a beast on the ball you invade can't you see there's another dimension for Jesus Christ Jesus is certainty in the snow that's nice but now no chapter for doctor mature yeah that's nice is about now after that you have known God say sorry now on our slip of tongue rather that you are known of God don't come out with that boom boom allow do that boo boo rebus no good anyway he said those days have passed you got the snoring little unicorn Orion he be left now because he lost you so how do I know that God knows me romantic Perez had the spirit better witness with our spirit it's not by my dress they say witness ble when I woke up in the monastic got on with her we which have believed we have entered I said we have entered we are very tired you know the other day I was in the bathroom the Lord came to me in the bathroom he said my song stop I needed to change it don't say no where perform of pathologies you will prosper he ascended tell me you are saying there are 12 weapons that is designed targeted at you is a war in Christ the devil cannot invent the kind of weapon it has not been imagined yet for the devil to invent the kind of weapon that I taught you as a believer even when you dream see yourselves on us often it's a dream when you wake up we which are believed but now again too weak and beggarly teams beggarly elements whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage past 10 see bondage you are observing times everyone is this my fasten Ambria d.c bondage see bondage I came to tell you about Jesus am i talking to somebody here what is Monday or Tuesday I went as there is a let every man be persuaded in his own mind Jesus is the solution as we look at him solution is in place in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God in the beginning was Jesus Jesus was with God and Jesus was God in the beginning was solution the solution was with God and the solution was God I don't know if I'm talking to somebody here as long as we are looking at Jesus we will walk on top of what you know I was preaching in a jugular two days ago I finished this morning ba-ba-ba-ba him and should that please heavy so when he left I mounted up with with sasebo but I talking about the Lord came to me and suddenly he said when I said when Peter asked lord if it is you beat me to come Jesus did not say Peter what a calm it is say Peter stop walking thank you all he said was come if Peter don't like this he was offline just I don't know if I can see what I'm talking about this thing should not be a parable to you this is reality your faith in Jesus brings you into them of illusion ah is that once God spoke twice the head belongs to him is that we have in the same spirit event leave that matter having the same spirit of faith we believe therefore we speak why you say seta get out and he says I'm not going once you repeat yourself is a sign that you are a doubting Thomas James and let him that doubt not think that he will receive it's not evil that is stopping you is your not knowing how Jesus functions the devil is taking advantage on I wanna preach one church in our CCG freedom combines having so many of their branches as I'm teaching limits of my teaching the power his congregation and the lady fair so I look for the man just like this hands on me for the said look at this lady our Cassady devil combat ChaCha no time no no time so I continue to preach ten minutes into my teaching I was hearing outside that time they are all lose their time and they have removed a jacket so I you from the window a zebra what is happening you come inside visibility camisa it was either you like it or not you must come on is there no I'm not going as I look at you don't you hear what Jesus said the does not know how to say the truth everything you say is a lie when they say it's not coming out is telling you once you are supposed to speak twice what I believe us here I said we are believers here if you love somebody and not educated that somebody parasara apologetic all tears are for your sake or tears are for your sake our tears are for yourself I don't know what all things are for yourself don't let the devil trap you all justify yourself into the parties are for you say if I learns on you or if you are an affiliate is a sign your debt is not spirituality not stress not stressed not worry you I'll give you - Tom oh god poorly shot again I'm not making sense here get out of your area more trying to look at yourself as a failure or a defeat that blessed Jesus is with us onions us [Applause] so I guess I never cheated because the mention of the name of Jesus there as I never saw you in Jesus name Rombauer I will not allow you to use your experience to change my position of my faith never pedasi not until you see bye boo see Baba my body yeah steady stop that matter am I making sense here where the church is working on to reality I went down the sleepers arise from among the dead and Christ I give the light does every we are I'm glad I came to be with you sir every time I sleep now so so food at Achilles a dream job tire is about can't believe in God not to eat it again a song ago kill you to a yourself [Music] father give me money father give me money we don't have food in the house father give me money okay you have asked me for food sheriff what you want you want say yes your food say I'll give you food see God you don't move on believer on believe us you don't move them Sarah yeah do it Sarah you know Sarah okay that is why you see unbeliever just wake up they'll give them job happiness freedom top go on sacrifice this deal to the deity cook food and feed everybody in your area so if you don't basically see God you won't give me a photo so what about a cook they don't bring you see rice vegetable with a broker inside the car lengths to keep on the windy rise itself as a call for Pete are these shopkins like this Jesus we watch you die of hunger he said whatever I said before you because I'm a make them ring up say no sir don't say that they said we are offering it to juju Oh God Olga said to PO he said the act is the Lord where they took the rice from is the Lord so the Lord had to use the wicked to feed the righteous that's why I don't have any missile Oh Junior our bellicose gotta invest a lot of enemies there's nobody I'd do an enemy to it you know why since the day I discovered it is that a lot of your man we walk the will of God well you are angry with me because I want to use you to do something for me we tell you pressure after all it is he that water in you but all we have to do relax my faith in Jesus or Luke is too heavy I'm not - Eric that's why we preach Jesus to get the heart of the believers established something I agree with you on every day that's a good church they say pray you are rememb reality further miss Monti they cannot progress anymore you know what you no more help me please because you yourself you do not understand the workings of Jesus look it was God's plan that Josef should be the Prime Minister in Egypt how we go take him there okay I'm asking a simple question in the next five seconds I want a three people to answer please how did God take Joseph how did he carry him to Egypt no this is no market please just raise your hand please yes slavery yes is that under the brothers MV in a Sofia parts of the Bible said God used the envy of his brother he said they were moved with envy are you arguing uh somebody's envy you that's why nobody's once renew the bubbles that the patriarchs moved with MV God as soon as a helmet just said because that's what I'm looking for we live I tell you now I mean I can't go ichika no agree that is poppin guys happily take him to register no agree as soon as they become channels for elders does in it [Applause] finally let me close don't try to please God don't worry yourself about God Amen don't worry yourself about God don't worry concentrate on Jesus concentrate on who Jesus we will cup at any time Jesus on t by reason of use your faith has come to rest in Jesus don't worry about God oh I don't want to offend God don't worry leave him live God let God manage himself in John chapter 16 verse 27 now when I told you that Jesus came to me it's not narrative is it truth I'm not boasting he came in John 1627 look at it is there what I just told you nice there but put it on that background again please for the fact that himself what does he do why does if I die love what is love you don't talk on your hair is there a Bible and to be alone love you because you love Jesus focus on Jesus before that one like we defend you and because you have believed that he preceded him elected from the Father but Jesus and the father each made he is not the father's boy he became a song by reason of his assignment don't play down Jesus finally I've said that before forgive me finally Paul used to say to several times as I sometimes wonder when will you finish you're finally finally my brethren how many times finally a lot of angry now Bible finally and finally Jesus said is that this is the heart of your father the will of the Father anyone does see it the song no wait and believe that on him on the song that is the day they are preaching Jesus to you and you shift to make Jesus your focus is that I will raise you up on that day you will be my attention he turned to his disciples is if you love me you will rejoice that I say unto you I am going away if truly you love me say you will be glad for me that name I said I'm going away because I've been with you here shop inside one body and because I'm trapped in the body I cannot be in two places at the same time so the father seen you on me in that area is about me and the father we are one but as long as I'm trapped in the body I cannot be in two places at once this is so if you love me you will be glad that I'm going back is that when I go back me and the father will not come back and abide in you I salute Jesus you know what they say there's nothing the fact I can do that I cannot do we are the same so because I'm trapped in the body now the final issue reflects but when I go back we will come under the same function again we can be in everywhere in everybody simultaneously and defend everybody ladies and gentlemen I've come to submit to you when your focus becomes Jesus both the father the Holy Ghost and the devil the devil Lucifer Lucifer they will recognize you as no going soon for if stand to your feet [Applause] I want to say exercise our self in Christ Jesus yeah I want also exercise our said briefly in Christ Jesus please I come with my book Jesus the game-changer somehow the vicar bringing it they said if you could broke down somewhere you know so we just have family here fight we have five years I was in the car I protein so you can't get it it will help you help Jesus the game-changer it really helped my gospel is the gospel of Jesus Christ for the reason of the church being redirected in a pattern that connects tablished our heart and confidence I want also exercise ourselves in Jesus first of all let's give thanks to the Father through him everybody wherever you are different ranks we're done giving thanks give him thanks he's too faithful he is too fretful [Music] [Applause] he's too fat for father we thank you thank you for your son Jesus thank you for what he has done for us the life of God that we have that is in Christ Jesus thank you in Jesus precious name therefore Lord Jesus I have not told this table by myself I've told them about you Father Jesus says you glorify Him with the glory that he has with a hand with you therefore I ask you Father I've told this people about your son Jesus I step aside 'you may kiss with your bride anybody who is fearful sick diseased or under the weight of disappointment and brace that person one more time embrace that person one more take away the bill take away the pain that can repair I speak as an apostle of Christ whatever was causing delay concerning you what it is medical financial motivate is even spiritually I command by the authority of the name of Jesus let that will be reverse in the name of Jesus let him be reverse be reverse be reversed in the name of Jesus a father thank you thank you thank you I poured my heart out to all of you I want everybody when you get home ask the Spirit of God to make Jesus more real to you amen when Jesus become more real to you your heart will find rest let's thank you Thank You Monica for having [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TREM VIC
Views: 12,273
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Keywords: rehoboth, TREM, TREM VIC, Apostle Victor James, Kings and Priests
Id: YpFbe8Rr2fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 9sec (3789 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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