NEW CapCut AI Tools For Creators & Business Owners.

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cap cut video editing is about to change forever with the release of cap cut for business which is designed to help business owners and creators make high quality ads in branded content and in this video I want to share some of the new features that are being added that are utilizing AI to help you make amazing videos so let's go ahead and show you how to use these new features starting with AI characters cap cut now allows you to choose between multiple realistic characters that can speak your script and deliver your ads without you ever needing to get on camera there are two different ways that you can do this the first is going to templates on the bottom and then clicking on business at the top and then in here you can scroll down a bit and find templates with AI characters that you can use the second way you can do this is once you're inside a project just simply click Text add text and then type out what you want the AI character to say once done I like to just slide the text off of screen and then then at the bottom clicking on AI characters in The Selection once inside you'll find a whole bunch of AI characters that you can choose from in different outfits that you can use in your video I'm going to go ahead and choose this guy here in a suit and then I can click the check mark and it's going to generate the speech for this character all right so the text was generated it gave us a voice what I'm actually going to do is click the back button here and then I'm going to click at the top of the screen where it shows a little profile picture of our AI character now I have him selected and I can increase the size I can move him anywhere on screen so since I've got the breaking news I'm going to put him off to the side like he's a like a news reporter here and then I can click play to hear what he says if you want to learn more content creation tips be sure to subscribe to this channel now on the bottom I can change his appearance I can edit the script further you can also change the voice and I like doing this cuz sometimes I like finding different voices that work really well well confident mail is one of my favorite ones I'm just going to click the check mark here give it a second and it's going to generate that voice for this AI character all right there we go and now I'm going to click play let's see how this goes if you want to learn more content creation tips be sure to subscribe to this channel sweet now maybe you want some help generating the script for your AI character or even just for your video in general well this next tip can really help you which is Cap Cut's new ad script writer in case you didn't know scripting out your videos is one of the most important parts of content creation this is because you can make sure that the first words out of your mouth are going to grab a viewers attention and make sure they stay watching your videos and cap Cut's AI script writer can help you do just that inside of cap cut in the top right section you'll want to click the expand arrow down button and then you'll want to click on the add script button right in the middle here in here you want to tell the script writer your product name your brand some of the features and you can even get into things like who the target audience is how long you want the video to be the price and if there's a special promotion going on for this example I'm just using my airpods Max by Apple I mentioned noise cancellation comfortable ear cushions the battery life how it connects to all my Apple devices my target audience is music enthusiast Apple device user Tech Enthusiast and I just have it set for 45 seconds now all I have to do is Click generate and give cap cut some time and now I actually have multiple scripts I can choose from to help me script my videos out so this first one says I'm always on the go and never seem to have time to listen to music but now I've discovered the ultimate solution the airpods max maybe I'm not so fond of that hook I can just scroll over to the right and see another script written out for me now what's also really cool is with each of these scripts you can rate them to let capcut know that yes this was a script that I actually liked this one I didn't like and you can also copy the script so if I want to if I like this one I can click the like button I can click copy and then I can just go over to my notes and then in here I can just paste it and now I have this script saved in my phone and I can edit it more make changes to it and this works great if you actually want to film the video yourself now to be honest I didn't like the first script so I'm going to do a negative react I kind of like this one so I'll say yes I'll say uh yes to this big fan kind of script and the next time I hop into here and submit it's going to give me different scripts based on the rating I give so actually let's do that if I click the back button here and then I click generate again we should get some new set of scripts this one's actually pretty good how many times have you been in a situation where you need to immerse yourself in sound but your headphones just can't deliver Apple airpods Max is here to revolutionize the way you experience sound with Advanced noise cancellation technology and comfortable ear cushions the airpods max let you fully immerse yourself in your favorite music podcast and more look at this this is like an actual legit ad that I would totally use so I can copy this one I can go throw it in the notes down here and you could just keep running it over and over until you get all the scripts that you want all the information and it's just an idea generator sure you may not use it word for word but it's going to get you started in making your video getting ideas on how am I going to write this hook to get people to watch my content how am I going to keep them interested and and it just helps you form out your content if you're really struggling with ideas and what's going to be said in your video now maybe you don't actually want to film content and you want AI just to do everything what you can actually do is Click use script and you can do either smart generation where it'll just come up with photos it thinks applies and music and it'll take care of everything or which I would recommend doing is the custom generation you can add media to match the script yourself so I recommend whatever product you're promoting take a few videos of that product and demonstrate it and then add those clips in and let the AI work with it cuz sometimes you know even though the AI is pretty Advanced it doesn't always know which photo is going to best work but if you give it the clips and it's got the script you want and it'll do the music and everything it can really create something fast for you that you could actually potentially use on YouTube on Tik Tok Etc next let's move on to another interesting feature in the world of AI which is AI product shoot now this one's really interesting because maybe you sell a physical product and what you're trying to do is you're trying to take photos that you can upload on the website you could go get it professionally done and spend hundreds maybe thousands of dollars but cap cut is trying to simplify this process for business owners by adding this tool inside of cap cut and let me just show you how this works so back on the cap cut homepage you're going to click that expand button again in the top right corner and then you're going to click on on the very bottom option here right now it shows product shoot you'll see the little AI logo you can click on that and then you can select a photo now when taking these photos you'll want to make sure that whatever your product is is very separated from the background because again it's going to be software and AI removing that background and trying to figure out where the product is so if you can help simplify it for the software it's going to give you a much better cutout so I've got for example here this Sony camera we're going to be tending we're going to be sell ing this and we're just going to click edit and then in a few seconds cap cut is going to have the background fully removed and I can actually change the size of this I'm going to shrink it down a little bit like that um and then on the bottom I have a whole bunch of different AI backgrounds that I can actually choose from so let's just click this neutral color one here give it a second to load and now we have our product displayed on this nice little circle thing it's been cut out and I could totally utilize this on a website and it looks so good but here's the interesting part these are AI backgrounds that are generated every single time you click on the button so for example also in here one that I really like is Rocky Cliff so let me just click on Rocky cliff and let it generate here for a second here it is on a nice Rocky Cliff that looks good but let me just click the rocky Cliff button again it's going to create a brand new AI background for me so we'll just give it a second here now we got this cool I like this one a whole lot better but maybe we want to change it again just going to click the rocky button again poof we're going to get a brand new background and if I wanted I could save all of these and just keep shuffling through the photos till I find one I like save it and now I've got an awesome photo of my product in a cool environment and there's tons of these in here another cool one is the Snow Mountain I really like how this one usually turns out so let's load that boom my product's in the snow how cool is that uh and so you can save all these photos and be able to utilize them in your business in your your content creation process Etc up next let's talk about smart ads and this one is just insanely fascinating that this stuff exists and that we are just at the start of AI and video editing and it's just going to get even crazier from here on out and what's really cool about this is you can literally paste a link from a product either on your Tik Tok shop and be able to have multiple versions of a video made for you from the photos that you uh have up on that products page so let me show you this so inside cap cut again you're just going to click that expand button and I'm going to click on Smart ads as one of the buttons here and here I have the option to product URL to ads product info to ads which we kind of utilized already and also media to ads if you just want to add some clips give the information do it we're just going to do product URL to ads I'm just going to erase this one and and as you can see enter a product link from your Tik Tok shop going to paste my link in and then click analyze product info is going to click on that link look at the product info and here we go so it realized it's women's shoes what we're actually going to do is switch this to women's slippers cuz that's what they are and we'll just call our brand name cuz there's an actually an official brand name for this we'll just call ourselves uh slipper Queen U maybe that's our brand name so it already got some of the details fur lining soft and comfortable comfortable and fashionable we're going to get rid of this and do nonslip design indoor and outdoor use sweet and then we can scroll down further here and who's our target audience we're going to do stay-at-home moms and we'll also do fashionable women I think those are probably good um we'll do any duration just so we get a few uh differences there and then we're just going to change the the price here for instead of saying USD we're just going to do uh $49 there um sweet love it I think we got everything all the photos came up from the Tik Tock shop area there so we have all those let's click confirm and generate and let's see what we get and in less than 30 seconds we now have 10 video ads generated here and what's even cool is we can click generate more and be able to have more ads a pop up here that we can use so let's click through a few of these and see if there's there's one we like 3 two [Music] one not too bad let's try another one are you tired of slippers that don't provide any warmth or Comfort look no further than slipper Queen's women slippers that one's not too bad that one's okay I'll say that's okay and then down at this one you'll notice we have actually one of our AI characters here uh as one of the templates let's see what he does are you tired of dealing with uncomfortable and slippery slippers introducing slipper Queens women's slippers an ultimate solution for soft and comfortable Footwear our slippers are lined with warm furm providing a cozy and luxurious feel plus the unique non-slip design ensures that you won't have to worry about slipping on wet surfaces whether you're wearing them indoors or Outdoors our slippers are perfect for any occasion upgrade your slipper game today and experience the comfort and luxury of slipper Queens women slippers very cool what's also interesting is I could just export it as is and just start uploading it but I can also click the edit button here and I can actually change the text here of what's being said uh replace the images and stuff like that before actually exporting it out so you do have the option to edit these videos further and if maybe none generate that you like you can actually just click generate more on the bottom and it'll just keep making you videos over and over until you find something you like or maybe it just inspires you uh to make your own type of AD and you see a script in a layout and you're like man I could do that as well so it's both a tool for creating content and a tool for inspiring you on how you should create your own video ad to be able to film it edit it in cap cut Etc now I'm going to have a link to capcut in the description so you can sign up and start using this amazing software and I'm also going to encourage you to click on this video here where you can learn more tips to make better cap cut videos so be sure to check this out as well
Channel: Collin Michael
Views: 100,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d25vZrBTVA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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